STATE NEWS. S. A. Phillip*, of Norr'atown, claim* to have struck a good vein of coal on bis property, near Phoenixville. A convention of anthracite coal min ers will be held at Pittslon iti a few • lays to consider the question of wages. Mahanov City is overrun with Hun garians. The Council* there have been asked by tha citizen* to have the nuis ance abated. State Senator W. H. Hoberts, of Titus ville, is a candidate lor the Republican nomination for Congress in the Twenty sixth District. An analysis of the drinking water of Philadelphia for the past month shows an average of twelve grains ol Rolid mat ter to the gallon ol water. The badly-decomposed body of an tin known man was found among a lot of driftwood in the Susquehanna River, near Plymouth, last week. A man, supposed to be the murderer of Mrs. Belle, in Boston, was Brresleilat Catasanqua on Monday but was subse quently discharged for wantofevidence. William Lutz and Henry Ureeiiinger of Denver, Lancaster county, have sign ed articles to fight for a prize of f'JOO. Both men are said to beof great strength and skill. The Comptroller of the Currency has declared a dividend of 10 per cent., to the creditors of the Lock Haven Nation al Bank, of Lock Haven, Pa., making in ail 100 per cent. The Tidewater Pipe Line Company has purchased two farina near Dauphin, Dauphin county, where oil reservoirs will be built. This will also be made a pumping station. Mrs. J tnes Foster, of Thomson, Sus quehanna county, who is f>f> years old, during the past year wove 906 yards of cloth, and took care of the milk and butter produced by ten cows. Miller, the wnvict who escaped from the penitentiary of Allegheny City ar.d fled to Canada, arrived at Pittsburg on Saturday night, having been brought back on extradition papers. The Duncannon Iron Company s Rolling Mill, at Dvncannon, Perry coun ty, was destroyed by fire oti Sunday night. #75,000. Three hundred men are thrown out of employment. John O. Herman, proprietor of Ful ton Hall, Reading, was attacked near midnight of Tuesday, and, he alleges, robbed of a large sum of money. His face is horribly cut and ho is confined to his tied. George McGilpin, of Lancaster, went to Belmont, that county, one night re cently to visit a funily named Mcllvain, for whom he had at one time worked. During the night he attempted to rob the house, but was overpowered and taken to jail. an excitement prevails in grave yard insurance circles in Eastern Penn sylvania owing to the fact that a large number of suitsare to beentered against policy holders in the delunct Mutual Aid Companies that have recently ap pointed receivers. James McDonald, Jr., of Philadelphia, agent of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal*, is coilectiug the names of the one hundred fifty |er sons who attended the cock-fight at Freymour's Hotel, near Reading, about one week ago, and warrants are being issued lor the arrest ol the parties. Five laborer# started to cross the Ohio on Monday evening in a skiff at McKee's Hocks just below Pittsburg. The boat capsized when nearing the Allegheny sfiore and the men were thrown into the water. Two named Shields and Murphy, were drowned- The other three swam ashore, greatly exhausted. The wife of a Pittsburgh physician has eloped with a diunken worthle-* fellow and her twelve year old hoy is sobbing and moaning himself to death, and cannot be soothed or quieted. He will not eat or sleep and keeps saying : "If I can only see mamma once more, I will he satisfied." The stricken father says: "It she wants to see her boy again, she had betier return at once, butst.e must come alone. She will not be harmed or detained. I make the offer that the life of my son be saved." DR. JOSIM PARCOAST. of Philadel phia, died on the 7th in*t. He was eminent in his profession and enjoyed a national reputation. The North Ameri, in closing a notice of his useful life, says : "Personally and in all the private relations of social life Dr. Fancoast was distinguished for a gentleness and cour tesy which made his friendship a boon of value beyond price. The mind which was stored with the most erudite attain ment* of science, was ready also to re ceive the confidence of thofe seeking wise judgment in the ordinary transac tionsof life ; and to those much younger than himself there was a graciouanea# of demeanor which has endeared the man, as it will ever enshrine his memory, in the hearts of many who have known hirn best as friend and counsellor. It Is not fitting to rebel at the death of this great man and most worthy citizen, for the duration of his illness and its charscter ha* taken from death aome thing of its usual horror; but in mak ing comment upon is rarely indeed that the tribute to virtue, to learning and to affection can be given with a sincerity so absoluteand so heart felt." HATESVILLB, ()., Feb.. 22. 18M2. I am very glad to say I have tried Hop Bitter*, and never took anything that did me as much good. 1 only took two bottle* and I would not take SIOO for the good they did me. I recom mend them to my patients, and gel the best results from their us. C. M. MIARXA, M. D. hope, and happiness are re stored by the use of I.ydia K. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. . It is a positive cure for all those diseases from which women suffer so much. Hend to Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkham, 223 Western Ave., I.yno, Mass., for pamphlets. Foa IS years I had Chronic Catarrh. The Catarrh ia well. PBRI'IU. Mas. J. MARKS, Pit.sburg, Pa. Mas. M. WATCIITS, Springdale, Pa. My Chronic Catarrh ia muoh better, ♦ from the use of Pint?!**. VALENTINES

ricots, Peas, ttc. If there is anything finer we don't know it. HAVE YOL T USED ANY OF II( CHIN'S SOUPSf—Make Soup in fifteen minutes, any kind you hare a mind for. THVRBEH'S DEEP SEA MACKEREL, are as delirious and tender as Spring Chicken. BLOATER MACKEREL, there is nothing finer in the market. TRY McCANN'S IRISH OATMEAL and you will not use any other. The nicest way to buy it is in 14 lb. cans, but tee sell it in any quantity. LEG GET'S WHEAT and OCT FLAKES make a palalakle dish in a short time. PICKLES of all kinds—CROSSE ave your orders and a perfect fit guarantee*]. a, 'E. GRAHAM &C SQIST. S. F A. LOEtl, General Merchants, Allcyheny-St,, Rellrfonte, Pa, M O T H E R S, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR BOYS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED, EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COA'P —OF THE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ABLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINK STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sir A T HPB > ALLEGHENY STREET, ■tt A. JLItJJjD, \ BELLEFONTE, FA.. FINE CLOTHIERS — Attn — DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SECJfLEH <( v CO., {Jrocera, Jtunh Hounc Mock 9 Jicflcfontc, Pa, NEW GOODS —F O R TII K Fall & Winter Trade. We have endeavored to the very bent of every tiling in our line, and now have Home really choice gooda. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Primelles, Imperial Fig's, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNLD FRUITS. Preserved PEARS,PEACHES,CITRON,PLUMS,PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. PINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. £2T* We invite the people of Centre County to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. i- Sih ICIBSIX i H Sc CCD. I'h ihttlt Ijih iii /(ranch ('/oth ituj limine, Ilrtlrfontr, I'n. FOR —IK— CLOTHING —ASD— GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CALL AT THV. PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, HELLEFOXTE, PA. Dry (/inula and Ur+errir*. ITARPER BROTHERS, rpmma rtfe*KT. hkllrpovtr, pa, Hav* thpir counter* and ahelve* Allod with NEW GOODS, < BANKRUPT RATES Purchaaed at BANKRUPT RATES ( BANKRUPT RATES wnir ii tiikt orrKR at BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. •W)KBtfTtX evory Club of Ten, New York Herald PCBLISIIED EVKBY HAY IS THE YEAR POSTAGE FREE. H* |r> I t on* jj, dor,dj iroleiSod. }■ )••>> .,i ,• ~r oitboul tamdajm. I !.* tor alt mntba, 8w.d.,. tin iuilnd. H |r l' l tilbatar St,a *). is*d day of Diana*, t! month (intludln, tait.d.,,, mil I- rb.„,| „ autwrrtptioba lor * l*o# thu, tt.raa atutlha. —TO EUROPE- L*cm**o F'*T4IL HUHY ........ ||* FEN ) • ; • . • . W **k J y • Editiot. i ... *""**""****' 09 N KWSDEAI.KKS SUPPLLEI), *mm rut. £ SR: ; *JV V," Tw "■* |r Gkpp tot • h L**)# r CTrV ' ' U u ' '* rZI NEW YORK HERALD, ll' .toIY.R * rM j Ano Npei Trk. THE PATRIOT. A Pennsylvania NEWSPAPER for the General Public. 7 VT PU V"\ ** % *** " TO ** I IMT LUHTOD •< T|,R MUT* F*F Jt*J 1 1 M***'' 'ALRITTT FEIUI TFXCLMLTY c 4 PFTIBSJL 7b' IAIM I'ATRInT fnito t rrthto AMrsri*t#-d Pr*** tr#.t snn )u ff. tti H ' lh ."„d?.JiL. A B 1 "klV"" •*•* • crnin T " T , botattal I and 'mtralimtion olpolifiaoilpn**,. T 7-"iI "Art. ily m adnara.. r I annum it at|<* > I in .<10.n0.. pot .,* T, l ; L k '. .'7 V nl'-rni. 'C *' l'"l"'* rat*. EF.RI.I I ATRIt.iT i* . lara-a. *4oht j . j.... datotad t. lliarolar*. .ct,,,,HUT.. i.t.,a ~,.L|., . lotao. tiaw. tn*f haia. .tr Itnriti, la*;' ,*,t nuatlm willjtaauta .a tlleMrotion •.! to ,(i, Ml |. ~.nd H. 11. WOLF, Jr., £4if rr^powdrfi ts! A9 Mi tm LARGEST CIRCULATION or IN IMOM r* • CBSTKAL PNMTYAKU. DA 11. V ff. (0. WKKh'L V $1 (SO ntR YEAR, IS ADVANCE. Any t—mrn f 'tin. Of . rluh of A* „a aanalj K a. I„t Iha M'tt.n Sp* aril iu*u. mil imln . N.FJ tor mi* jrt rut MILLIIEIM HOTEL, Mll.l.nElM. CENTRE COCNTT. PENN'A W. 8. MRSSKH, Proprieu.r. Tla* town of MUlhaOn t. loo.tod 1. r.n.'a Va'lat, .Hoot two ntllrw ft-o OoHwrn St.ttoo, on Ik* Uata bnf*. Onlrr utf Bpoww Owi RnUnwA, ttn mir roaiMtoga that mat a It . PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. OooA front It.lito, ta tkc ImmaAtat* tkinlls. A