Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 16, 1882, Image 4

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    Hhe Cento grwotrnt.
Tks Largsit, Cheapest and Best Paper
tishsd svsrjr Thursday mooting, si IMlsfonls, I snlrs
county, P.
TKRM3—Cash In sdvsoc $1 "°
If not (laid lu advance. 8 t)0
A LI VK I'Al'XK—dsrotsdlo the Internets ot lbs
whols people.
I'ejruisnts mads within thrss months will he con
sidered In advance.
No paper will la discontinued unlll arrsaragssars
paid, except at option of publlahera.
Papra going out of the couuty mutt bo paid for In
Any peraon procuring ue tencaah aubacrlbera will
!• ivat t copy free of charge.
Oar#itnilre circulation make# thla paper an un
■ anally reliable aud profitable medium forautrertiaing
Wbvt< the moat ample fact 111 lea fr JOB WOKK
and are prepared to print all klnda of llonka, Trm i
Programme#, Poetera, Commercial printing, Ac., In the
flneat atyle and at the lowest poaaible rate*
All advertiaemetiU for a leee term than three month*
20 centa per line for the Amt three tnaertlona, and 6
centa a line for each additional lueertiou. Bpecb.l
notice* one-half mora.
Editorial notirea 15 centa per line.
L#** \t Motlcta. in oH-aioiumna, 10 centa per line
A liberal diacoiint la made to peraune advertising b>
the quarter, half yenr, or year, aa follow# :
irAci occrrttn.
Ooe inch (or Id line# thia type) f' ,!•
Two inchea. ! " I'M *
Three inchea I" I 1
Ouarler column (or 5 liu hca) % 1- ■**
Half column (or loinrheai .'•** y
Ona column 'or diineliMl W
f irelju *dvertla*mvnt mnt be paid for before h
■ertioa, except on * early contract- when halfyearl
pavme it- in advance wi l e required
Pennsylvania Railroad Report.
The annual report of the Pennsyl
vania railroad company is publishei
in the larger daily pnpers, showing the
wonderful operations of this gigantic
corporation —the vast extent of terri
tory it traverses and accommodates
with the facilities of trade and travel,
and its no less wonderful productive
resources. The following abstract well
exhibits its income and expenses for
the year 1881, which we clip from the
Lancaster Intelligencer :
The Pennsylvania railroad company
report for 1881, prepared and published
in anticipation of the annual meeting ol
the stockholders, on March 14, shows
that the gross earnings of the main line
and branches from Pittsburgh to Phila
delphia were $27,647,009; expenses,
$15,468 469; net earnings from operat
ing. $12,178,540, to which add interest
on investments in cash, $.4,211,466, and
sundry other items, $512,160, aggregat
ing $3,723,626, making the total net
earnings $ 15,902.166 ; Irotn which de
duct rentals paid branch roads, inter
est on bonded debt, interest on car
trusts and state taxes, $5,770 448, and
it leaves the net income of the Penn
sylvania railroad division at $10,131,71 H.
The United New Jersey railroad canal
company shows gross earnings of sl3,
022.865 ; expenses, ss.Bl 1.281 ; net earn
ings from operating. $4,211,584; to which
add interest on investments in cn-h,
$210,836. which makes the total net
earnings $4,422,420, from which deduct
the payments on account of dividends
and interest and the interest on equip
rnents, $4,725,285. showing a net 10-s in
operating ot $302,865, which deducted
from the net income of the lVnnsyl
vania railroad division, leaves a balance
of $9,828,853. The Philadelphia k Krie
railroad shows gross earnings of $3,454,-
309 ; expenses, $2,430,1160 ; net earnings,
$1,024,249, from winch deduct interest
for use of equipments and extraordi
nary expenses, S3OO 624, and it leaves a
balance of $723,625, which was paid over
to that company as rental. Prom the
net income of the Pennsylvania railroad
division $9 828,853 have been deducted
—payments to the trust fund, S6OO 000;
to the consolidated mortgage sinking
tund, $286,480. add sundry other pay
ments on account of the guarantees,
$881,891, aggregating $1.767.871, leaving
balance ot $8,050 982, out of which
were paid dividends aggregating eight
per cent, and leaving a balance of $2,-
199,265. to which add the amount re
alized trom settlements of old accounts,
profits on the sale of securities, Ac.,
$359,686 making $2,550,131, which is the
amount transferred to the credit or pro
fit and loss for the year. This amount
at the beginning of the year was $7,793,-
949, so that the total amount to credit
of profit and loss December 31, 1881, is
$10,344,060. The lines we<t of Pittsburgh
show a profit in excess of all liabilities
of $2,511,927, out of which wsa paid a
dividend ol five per cent, on the capital
atock. SI,OOO 000 (all of which goes to
the Pennsylvania railroad.) and sundry
amounts charged off*. $*07,554, and the
amount carried to credit of profit and
loss for the year was $704 373—the total
amount to the credit of profit and loss
December 31, 1881, being $3,853,747.
The sum of $4,659,639 was expended for
construction and equipment cai of
Pittsburgh and Frie in 1881. and the
rum of $<499 670 advanced to branch and
auxiliary lines for iinprovementa and
extension*. The amount expended for
4>etterments west of Pittsburgh was s|,
895.168. The gross earnings on all lines
cast and west of Pittsburgh in 1881 were
$75,182,974 ; gross expenses. $46,243 278,
showing net earnings of $28,939,696
The number of tons of freight moved
wss 58.520 616, snd the number of pass
engera carried was 29,686,985. The
Trust Fund created October, 1878, has
had appropriations made to it amount
ing to $1,900,000, with which ami its ac
eretions securities have been purchased
aggregating $2,028,000. The report is a
clear statement of the physical and
financial condition of the company, and
it (till of interesting information.
Folger Calls a Halt.
WASHINGTON, March B —The secre
tary of (he treasury has directed a sus
pension of the collection of taxes,
i.mounting to about $500,000, due on
the Reading railroad "pay certificates,"
Hecretary Folger was induced to take
this step in view of the fact that two
courta have already sustained an injuno
lion to restrain the collection ol lax,
and four cor.-mitteea of congreaa have at
different times reported in favor of
measures to relieve the road from it.
Ms has, therefore, decided that the le
gality of the tx should bo tirinlly and
authoritatively adjudicated belore pro
ceeding to collect.
- ♦
A Coal Mine Caving In.
Wii.kesharkk, Ph., March 10.
One of the most extensive caverns
that ever occurred in this vicinity wits
announced thin afternoon and at present
great excitement, not unmixed with
alarm, prevails in the neighborhood
The scene of the disaster is what is
known as the old Baltimore mine, just
a little beyond the eastern boundaries
of this city. It appears that on Wed
nesday morning a gangway in the col
liery fell and shortly alter the surface
ttecame disturbed. The first accident
happened at a depth ol two hundred
leet below the surface. This nlternoon
about two acres of the latter went down
suddenly, to the consternation ol people
residing in the vicinity. Luckily thele
were no houses oil the land which gave
-vay, although a number stand just on
the southern margin.
The inhabitants of these tenements
tie now busy removing their lu>us<
nold goods, fearing lliul the cave-in ivd)
widen during the night. Thousands ot
people are gathered about the place and
isiigs ot men are at work trying to pro
vide a defense against a further exten
ion ol the cave in. The opening into
lie mines is very large and is widening
ontinually. This afternoon the greater
•orllon ol one man's property had en
irely disappeared. Near the cave hole
s a small stream, which was turned in
• nother direction, but the ground where
t was is very wet and soli, and the
(uicksund, together with the soft mud
Old water, is tailing down the gangw.iv
with a terrific sound. Teams an- busily
I engaged in drawing huge timbers to tin
spot, which are thrown into the hole in
order to block it and thus prevent the
rush of water and sand. Although an
immense deal ol these timbers and old
trees have been used it appears as
though very little had been done.
flits will have a disastrous elfect on
the workings of the mines. It will
throw a large portion of No. 3 Haiti
more idle, and at the present time large
bodies of gas have accumulated lhri<
It also shut oil the air course reaching
to the (.'onyngham shall and that mine
arill he unable to proceed with its ope
rations until the cave cesses working
and the obstructions made by it are re
moved. The gap to night is still wid
ening and there is no telling when u
will cease. The damages are extensive
The mines helong to the Delaware and
Hudson <'anal Company.
Waiting for Death.
I. ITTLI ROCK, Ark., March 9.—M. C
Harris, who was sent down to Desha
county by Governor Churchville to aio
in distributing government supplies to
persons rendered destitute by the over
flow, returned yesterday. In an inter
view with a re|>orter he said that along
the river front to Desha county, 100
miles in length, tlx- destitution is la
yond description. The water has reach
ed an unprecedented height. Scarcely
a farm house or residenceun the Uuton
has escaped the inundation. The peo
p|e have been compelled to build lata,
tlieus in their houses, or to seek safety
on higher lands, where, in rudely con
elruclcd camps of hruab, houghs ami
Cane, they sit and wait for starvation
and death. It is appalling, and without
government aid, liberally and quickly
bestowed, there is no telling wtiere it
will end. Many jwrsons have been feed
ing on the carcasses of drowned cattle
Personal investigation, as well as the as
• urances of respectable gentlemen, con
vinces Mr. Harris that not less than six
hundred families, averaging six persons
to each, in Desha county alone, are de
pendent upon the charity of the gov
erriment. He believed it to be no ex
aggeration to place lfie gross number
old and young, at 3,5000. The indica
tions |>oint to a long continuance ot un
overflow, the most sanguine hardly d*r
ing to hope for its suleudencc before
WASHINGTON, March 9.—The house
committee on appropriations considered
this morning the proposition to von
additional relief to the sufferers by Hie
floods on the Mississippi river. General
Floyd King, of Louisiana, and several
other gentlemen from the flooded dis
tricls, addressed the committee and de
scribed the suffering existing in c.inse
quence of the overflow of the river*.
Mr.xi'itis, March 12. A special from
Helena, Ark., says Hie river has fallen
an inch, hut the overflow in the city has
risen an inch. A rarelul natch is being
kept on the levee, and every effort is
being put forth In make assurance doub
ly sure. The relief committee have
their hands full and are doiug good
work. Ration* for 960 person* were is
sued yesterday. These do not include
the applicant* who are supplied by the
marshal and special commissioner*
Many colored person* are coming in
Iroro the lower district* and from the
outlook now Lior will be scarce on the
plantations when the time for making
crops c>>mc. Intelligence from Claren
don, fifty miles west of here, gives a
gloomy picture of the situation there.
Little or no business is being done there,
and the water in some places ta six feet
deep in the streets. The board of health
announced yesterday that starving cat
tie had been killed and sold in the
market, and passed resolutions calling
on the city authorities to prevent such
$15,000,000 for the Mississippi River.
WASHINGTON, March B.—The hill Intro
duced in the Senate today hy Mr. Gar
land ,'or the construction, completion,
repairing and preservation of levee* on
the Missi-sippi River empower* the
Mississippi River Commission to cause
Ibe construction or repair and to keep
in order such levee* along the hanks of
the river as shall be deemed of the great
est general importance to the ptwserva
lion of the channel of avid river and to
the prevention of devnstalion from
breaks and overflows. The hill appro
privies the sum of $15,000,000 for the
l'n 11 nut n far Tuxes.
PliUatl<!|!iia Timed.
Among tin* cae* on the trial list in
tho D.,uphin County Court anil soon to
l>u tried i* one against tho I'ulluian
I'ltluce Car Company iiy the Common
wealth ol I'cntiHj ivatiia, lor tho recovery
ol $1 l,Bo'J.7fi. In the account stated
against the company the Auditor Gen
era! mid State Treasurer say this com
pany tvas culled upon by th** Auditor
General to report it* capital stock and
dividend* (or the year* included 111 (lie
settlement "1870 to UvSO," and to lur
null other information that would en
able the Accounting Department to
arrive til n just and ,-quit ible settlement
ol tbe tuxes due hum it to the C.nu
tuoiiwealth. The company dni not fur
nish the information requested, and
therefore the Auditor General atid -Slal,
Treasurer estimated „II account ftom
such i easonuhle data and inloi m ilion as
tlu-y have been enabled to obtain. I'ne
estimate (or 1870 is us follows : Kali
mated dividend o| eight per cent, on
capital stock ol $5,H20,2h0; estimated
proportion ol' capital taxable for i'etili
#ylvanin, $557,tt70.70; tux of four mills,
"one-halt mill for each one per cent, ol
dividend," $2.231.'J0; mteiesi from Feb
ruary 15, Ih7l, to February 15, 1878,
sl.s7f7'J; penalty for failure to report,
f223.1'J; total, F4,3211.88. The amount
01 luxe* alleged to be due for the re
•naming years, winch include interest
and penalty (or failure to report, varies
from the amount stated for that year to
F2 U8H.86 lor I**o. Although the *ui
lot* been brought against the I'uiltnali
I'itlace Car (mtnpany by the aame Attor
uey General who instituted proceeding*
igiinst the Standard <hi Company in
recover over S3,(JOO.OUt) on its entire
capital stock, in tlio present case it is
•ought only to tux the capital stock
•opposed to be represented in I'ennsyl
Star Route Indictment*.
WASBIXOTOV. March 10.—Samuel G
Cabell, indicted for conspiracy and per
iury HI connection with the Star Route
fraud*, came into the Criminal C-ourt
■ lii* morning and furnished btil for hi.
appearance lor (rial in the sum of
Mmuel Huron wi* accepted a* surety
for Cabell.
In the case of John K Miner, indicted
'or conspiracy and perjury in the same
connection, the defendant w*. un*bt.
io furnish SSO<KI bail. In explanation
of the laduie to furnish bail jlr. Mine
Miner's counsel) said that their laind*
men had found their propetty to be en
••umbered to such an extent a* would
make them unacceptable as security,
ffr. Mine, with the permission ol the
'ourt, then tiled certified check* for the
imount ot the bail, payaide on rertam
•ondition*. Tothi* the Court assented
Colonel Ingersoll then came into Court
*ith hi*client,ex Senator S. W. Dorsey.
Mr. Hii**. special counsel for the Gov
ernmenl, a*ked that bail for the ap
■earanre of S. W. !>or#ev and John W
t>or*ey to* fixed at $lO 000 in each case.
In the case ot M.C. Rerdell the fiovern
nent would a*k lor surety in the sum
• f S.VX).
K Senator D -rsey then offered I. W.
Humphrey a* hi* bondsman. After an
examination of Mr. Humphrey in regard
to hi* romjK teiicy a* a bondsman be
was accepted.
• *n the name of John W. I)orey being
called, bis counsel (Colonel Ingersoil)
told the Court that Mr. Dorsey was on
IIS way here from New Mexico to fur
uish bail. The Court granted a delay.
Rail 111 the ene of Mr. C. Rerdell wa*
'hen fixed at SSOOO. Mr. Rerdell did
not appear to furnish the bail this morn
F.x A**i*t*nt Postmaster ( ene ra I
Thorns* J. Rrady, accompanied by bis
•oun*el (Mr. Wilson,) then entered the
Court room and offered N. W. Fiitgeralri
i* surety, and Mr. Fit/gerald justified
n the sum of S2O 000 • bondsman for
he appearance of Mr. Rrady.
A Gloomy and Graphic Picture.
LITTIE ROCK, Ark., March 9—The
city I# thronged with refugee* from th*
iverflowed district#. Governor Church
hill said he received thia morning a
nuinbernf letter* from prominent men
<n the overflowed districts who draw s
/loomy nd graphic picture of tbe death
*nd suffering around them. Ashley
•onnty rejiorta one thousand person*
in the verge of starvation, and Chicm
tnd Deshtt counties hive a* many, it
not more. There r thousand# also in
other ormnlie* in destitute rircumstan
ees. Relief IxNird* are busy distnbu
ting rations at nil available points
The work i* going on a* rapidly sa could
ne expected, but the trouble i* that
ihere are so many needy that it will be
almost impossible to supply their want#
in time to prevent sufb-ring, if not ac
• ual starvation.
An Amendment to (he Constitution
WASHINGTON, March B.—A joint reso
lutioh wa* introduced in the Senate to
day by Mr. Saunders, proofing an
amendment to the constitution, which
will enable elections to be made by tho
people of postmasters. United States
marshal*, district attorney* of United
"hale# court*, collector* of internal rev
enue and other officers, whose duties
are to be performed within the limits of
any State, or part of a Slate except
judges of the supreme and inferior
court#, and provide* that all civil officer*
of the United Stales, head* of depart
ment* and officer* whose duties are
temporary in tbeir character, shall hold
office for a term of four year*, unlet* a
longer term ahall lie fixed by law. Tbe
amendment empower* the President to
remove any officer elected for any cause
"gainst the incumbent'* character,
habit* or other qualifications, excepting
political or religiou* opinion*. Article
2 of the prnimoed amendment provide#
that Ibe officer* mentioned shall be
elected in such manner aa tbe Mtate
legislatures 'ball prescribe.
THOSE who pretend to know predict
a good fruit crop naxt summer.
Freed From un Inrulio*.
KACV MM'i Kki.i.er' ITNAI. HAI.K,
NEW YOIIK, March 12.—An apparent
ly well informed ami keen-eyed corref
pondenl of the Sun, write* iroin .S) iu-
CU*F, 111 the renter ot the Hlnle, pivea
lilturea and indicute* popular l<-ndencie
in poll!ice, which nhoo (1 he most en
cour.ii;init to lire regular lAemoctaey and
cannot Iml to carry diuiuy to th" l(<-
publican Tammany coaliiiouiata. Never
liua a political critii" heen more awiflly
and aignally retuked than lot* the bar
gain ot Cornell uud Kelly. The town
meeting* ami charter election* held
aiitco Tammany became an avowed ten
der to the Cornell machine have ahown
how heartily the people ot the interior
condemn that bargain. Front alum-i
<-v*ry county that ha* voted during the
pn*t four week* come* unmistakable
ev deuce that the voter* repudiate the
•! tin* lirt and most ciu*hing token
•if disapproval lurni*hed by the Cllileli*
• d the Kighleenth Senate dlatrict,
enough ha* already heen said, thi a
plattorm specifically denouncing the
Hidden Kelly compact, mid congratulat
ing the regular I'-morrai" upon itieir
po.ilion, an out spoken "TTlden lieino
erat" w.i* t-lccleti Senator by 4% ma
jority, over one of the richest Kepubli
ran* ill the district, and by the voles of
five counties which gave Garlield m-aiiy
5,000 majority in IkSO. These art* elo
quent figure*.
Since ihen liinghnmton, which gave
liaitield .JO) majority, ha* elected a
lleinocratic Mayor by over 500. Syrt
ue, Mr. Helden'a home, ulso lorgot it*
l.lifift iii ijorily for (iaitiehl and elected
a liemorralic Mayor. t>*wego turn* out
a Itepublicali Mayor and Comllion Coull
nil and pula I>emo< rts 111 charge. So
does Newburgli, which not only tinned
uit a Keputiiican M ,yor tn seat Lawyer
Ward, u partner ot Senator Mnckin, but
gave him a majority larger by 500 limn
any Democrat ever belore received in
that city. In ltoclie*ter the Democrat*
cut down Mayor Parsons'# majority
oarer than ever before and secured the
Common Council the really important
i hlug, because of patronage involved
'*y II to 5. In I'tica the Republicans
were so broken up thai they ran no
• irket at all hut divided their votes be
tween two I'envicrstie candidate* for
Mayor. In Koine the Democrat* car
ried the city handsomely, and have
-ight njajoiity in the Council. In Au
nurn the Democrats captured the Com
mon Council for the first time within
any one's recollection.
The result in Kliuira i* especially tig
n;brant. liecause it deals directly wiih
he legislative question. K mira is ihe
lead centre of Tammany sympathy out
•ide of New York. Che Democrats
nominated for Mayor David It. Hill, the
tie luoi-i a tic Suue t 'omnutteenian, w hose
iriendship for Mr. Tilden and hatred
f or Kel|,i-m sre pronounced and well
Known. His Kej iiMican op|tc>i,ent was
Mayor Niven, wtio was elected lssl
.••*r f.y s(is majority. Mr. Hill wa*
elected by 350 over Niven. Hut tbe
iriit toaard Democracy i* not alone
uoticeatde in the cities. The country
lowus show it, too.
What a Newspaper Hoe# for Nothing.
The following article should be read
and pondered well by every man who
takes a newspaper without paying (or it :
The result ol my observation enables
me to stale as a tact that publishers of
newspapers are more poorly rewarded
than any other clas* of men in the Uni
ted States, who invest sn equal amount
■I labor, capital an 4 thought. They ate
elpected to do more service for less pay.
io stand more s|ionging and dead head
ing. to puff and defend more people
without any fee or hope of reward than
any other class.
They credit wider and longer ; get
iftener cheated, suffer more pectiniaiy
uss ; and are oftener the vicltm of mis
placed confidence than any other call
ng in the community. People pay a
printer's bill more reluctantly than any
other. It goes harder with llieui to ex
|>end a dollar on a valuable newspaper
than ten on a needless gew gsw, yet
everybody avail* lumsell ol the editor's
pen and the printer's ink. How many
professional and political reputations
nd fortunes have been made and sus
tained by the friendly, though ur.ro
quited pen of theeditorf How many
embryo towns ami cities hre been
•■rought into notice and puffed into
prosperity by the press f How many rail
roads. now in successful operation, would
have foundered hut (or liio assistance of
'the lever th*t motes the world," in
abort, what branch of American indus
try or activity has not tieen promoted,
stimulated anil defended by the preaa ?
And who has tendered it more than a
miserable pittance for its mighty ser
rices? The lissar* of fashion and the
naunts of sppettie and dissipation are
iti rouged with an eger crowd, bearing
.•old in their plma, and the commodi
ies there rendrd are sold at enormous
profits, though intrinsically worthless,
<nd paid for with scrupulous punctual
ity ; while the count ing room of the
newtpafter is the Jewing, cheapening
trade ol orders and pennies. It is made
a point of honor to liquidate a grog bill,
->ut not of dishonor to repudiate a
printer*' bill.
A* s jggeiliveof ex Senator Conk ling'a
honesty, the St. bnuis I'ft I>i'pn!ch cites
hat "some twenty years ago Conk ling.
Klaine, Sherman. Allison. Windoni and
Wilaon were all Republican member# of
the House together. They were all poor
that time-very poor. They were of at>out
the same age, had about the same start,
and have been in public life conatantly.
Hlaine i* now a millionaire; Allison, of
lowa, in the Senate, i* another million
aire ; Windoni it a millionaire ; Wilson
also got to be very rich. Roscoe Conk
ling, the ablest, greatest, proudest of
them all, i* poor today." It it not
necessary to defend Mr. Conkling'a rep
utatinn for integrity, but there fa much
food for reflection in the fact that these
gentlemen managed to become so
wealthy on the aame salary Mr. Conk
ling drew. £nd thit remind* ua that
Mr. Sherman'* former colleague, ex
Senator Thurman, retired from public
life even poorer than the gentleman
from New York,
Lenox jt'it E in warm water is recom
mended for rbeumaliatn.
S< u< Advertisement*.
X t O. 1. All that rcrtuin tract of
A * lnrt'l situ*!.- l*t T)lur In* ti*fcl|i, Centra fonnty.
. '•••* lH*l *• follies >1 . Hey It, I. in a
at H |*ul I'M Hie Hum Ike rinnl ; llren, e I, |„,,d ~f
l yno. Mint I' A < ■"nib ' ill HI e.-.t mj tercbia
In a rbWIHHt. lln lie,. linrtl. *;| ,|..y,,.e. Ml
I'll.ln- 111 a |ne|; ||,e„ie Dint I, ; , il.yre.e, aaat J,
| "irl.i a laa tilyn, In. Il,r„ e m.llli I{ ileyreea, ea.t
if.! 1-1' In-- I" a fill . Il,e|n a I,"ill, i|eyi. i .
a. .1 iw lu fihea 111 a ln.|ile . n„ ;* ,|,.y f „.)
• ' I" III' • i" • I- ■ I till hie , .„l|, 111
tVnV"" ''' "" • ,Uc * '"lliulli* ".li-
Fifty-Six Acres, more or less.
Tlii -miii ei' tiel alary llill 1.1. ||,,„| MUMe, Bank
I •'k, I'UMI r* mul otlin outDuil<l(,, K * All iij u-rri
tit it t aiti) roiiillilun.
NH. 2. Alan all that certain nit*-
11-li' titi tit At*') !f/ t 111 I at. 4 ajttut+ in anDI
Ij.i.fc' li ar or th ti<
11-imi. II , 1.1, I. "I ||,e lull Kay J* larMct iwtMt,.
nil I olltetn 111 tl/ 111' .|| |it f til i %' with li ThutllM
V. < •<). Illfti ff,.if| oft • Mr* <'Utity a •> t.
.S --inker ;l, I'l,, . ,M,e)Hl to J -ln, (> |-hl.a,,
t *lllllllllll /
147 ACRES, more or less.
Thereon .lit. I I• 11 aWkUI.INIi HOUSES Haiuy
Hl.*' ■ (li*iutl'uHiliti;
No. 3. All that certain tww*ijaj?r t
l*tj. ilit mi<l iimt .1 Uril •iHimt. ii, Taylor <wi,ii.j*
A.I IK I wti) j.lining Uii'la <4 l,ro, Clifirii A<- on
*• •, nil') I.tllff Ulillw til V ,J1 (Horgt I.
'• '4l tl t liottli Mfi'l l ikt -tt'litWil lug
130 ACRES, more or less.
Tll-If-I. are. te l a yenl tiWEI.M.NO HOUSE. Bsru
wilt) ot .rr otJtlfUildlligo
I iii I,trove |,r..|--rtii- were pur h<-d at
•l.eritf erli ae tin I , J-IIJ of John I • ) liliavi r I y
~:e I, lie.-.) ~f ( lealftel.l |a Tl.e earn- a,|| la,
* 'A „• a -I, I- if aifiaralelj to rntl |,tif,haae,,
11, la |-r l—fl, i, tn fool roMilil|.,,i. ami it ,s , e,y ,le
►l'-I.le a.a lltel prn|Mj, or a |l|,lell. rin.
linn, will he ri.a'l- 111 toll | urchaM-r*. jartlj -atti
ami |..nl, "ti tune Itiijiilrs i f
I I KAKIII.I.Ir i ii sat MASK, '"leaifii 14, Ka .
■ r A <1 KLKMT, IMlet kle, l a • a
I'll I 1.1 KSHt'BO, KA.
•tff.ee In All-rl Owrti'a holMlny in tl.e r ..to | rn.t
erly txeujitad by the IT.ilijahuta llahkiny I - uii ari,
A KKK 111 I ilt, at I. h.e ear.!, maile.
lit 1 -stly Outfit free. A-Mlt*. TKI K A ' O
yotta. Maine v ly
i ■ ■ ' \• t iHrarf ftl tn 10 Iwltt r.
no llulilttg, f Uioi.
'"•••• •- c M*"t iJ .. -Ti"V-! V-V.'V- 'F
' '****> '• • 'At
A! TfOX.
. a AJAHaKAJt WOItDKi:' r
t I I I " Vaft. teat,; piat, j,;
r.wi nrurtrn. tii.rTntTnis,
>' ■ ■ . V. : 1, , -.a!/ ■;. :' , c
• " ' : t-1* •
B K. ELI.'S h COTT?. CI Ta-tlaTE' K -.-.Tor^
m ,
f lardln'mdt w J
•Im< || | ... r f It II 1 "1
„ HUMS M. i> ,'.?? | n ..... r I
'* i M
tl' nta. and In • .1 ••< • tn.*.( v-rjii- 1
a '' mummmmmmamamm J
* |!r!|nrtU| .I; ..I i,t ' . .1
'■T ' • T r. i . , |II U.t 1.1 n 1
*II -11. I- - I -r-l ||*l ■! '.i,.. ,< i ! J
(• wblfh i il. b*; t _ hi n,. 1
i .i* • a. .i . i iki .. I
* • >■ 'i 'I- <■•••• I'l '■ ■ 1!... i i | -*
|M >' ■ f|l • I I# I S- - ; | | • ■
M 1.l . .ul 11.., I. , a ,(h It. I'M I•
a l .< I r i) t , •-< ■ ri'- : .un
' I V.
* rr i . .' i
m *< l ■ if > m | i *• *< m- m
V "*♦■ '• * • ■ • IU. !.<• Vli *
*V *V • r ' nr with ft* ■
II *•
* r "i ~i
J f . .If.Bf l\f
Hop*, M*%*~
! L urlficr,
l/ K lul\ >• t*>f ■ * 11 JU
L aMnuniM^.
W ■ iitulr
. * rr#r*Url
g ty *f i.if }* v }*<*% tumor? orrmn*. or ho r
2 |-;iijrrV ■ r *<! MM MJmM*
B H f .itm kr* without intoi*
U N.i
■ m..m Ib# o.- A# , r t n* Hob ft*.
11 t.-*. Iv>nl but >f 7 ii
M Oliy fr<| hnd or In * l-ftrin i or*.
■ il '. rMP'wI.I. Ill,*J'*'H bimlrx*!*.
L Ifcrt rf?|
■ rnoorhrlfk m M r."rl f*' (rwtvji
b #ulrrMnmMd*nm Uin% to * Nop ■
I T.woihrr n p nVr to <r4*r*<!
If • * hMt
H y4k '* r *>r m*>t ib# mini
I M i MM mi Or
. f riiryTHKno- >f <1 inm. r< tiocw
I rufwtlrt / i<< Itr Ir^H
1 r■•.-< ; !M'# y||H
V<< rtitiiiaTW lo rl MJViUrltori fm rwtvCViTft>,
X;irt,. ( vv)nitliu. rtft, f,* (lie I ulm)
' id, rmrion, i.imiattr. r".r. \\t
I. •• 1.4.1 llilrt) -lUc j rr' r (irrlriu o.
rurn(..i.!*iic<l Uirnoirh ra n-UrtM l.i Utr pel
r rtno AUkrica*. Thl Ursc •r.U )>|.-!rf) .| in,:*.
I, <>l *..kl;r |nrr.r 3. aOn w.iw™ i !x> |t.*-> >a
ff : clf-nm, Uw; lnto>Mlnf. ai *| (,* an riyrmowi
•irrulatlnn. UX'KS A t, t (MM
***■!•■#• w.M.winc Am ni. *.a7rw* n.,w,
tirT"r*. OamH>rni*ahit IWiwitnfiwa.
O THL **Al
PwMJinh Dyapcpaia Remedy!
Til* fktf InfmtlrM tiA l.f (Wing ntmral of Ihla
"•' |i an b*H. maiamalir hnoan a* Mtl*r
mtnl alih<*h Hal titf raf*l) r.mnd la IhU matin,
In Iki ritnair Koitliant, Ilia (alli*ml
Ir. |....W almndaM* by lb* U|dar.d*n in lb* M*b
tad an..* dad annaalalna ..f R..ia*y and V*d*n and
Uaa, In raanarllon a lib Mb*r lar*dlama. b**a a**d
*Mn lb*wia*lv*a *a< laali*ly bit ytaia aa na* tf Iba
yraalaai nia*dl*a lot Hyay*|Ma, Kl.ltt*y and Uaa*
t .n.| lalnl tbal baa**** iaaa Annan.
In planing tbla pntanlM Mhia lb* Aanbaa
naWl* a* raadnllt b*ll*n iai a* ban llllad a long
Wl aanl, by gltlng aatadbln* thai a 111 atd milr
l*m(*>raHTi ha I *lll p.aln.ly rat* dtapaynta,
Kldnny and l.la*r (VmpUlnl and all I hair ratt..aa a*
farU. aarb Anar Ih.nat h. Mrk llaadardi. Talaa In
lb* rhW and Ibtli. ralpOalh n i,t Iba llaatt. Cmttr*-
nnaa, ladlgaarton. Talbta Mfn. gwhnaiing of ih*
lltanl, gnltnaaa al I'll of bKaaatb. U.a bplilta, dr.
Tbraa doan *lll raHrrc iba a.m taa*.
dab Mar diaggtat for a bmila and U marlamd.
Prira, T mala. y,
New A d vert I Mem en te,.
BcJlefontc Enterprises.
With Ike .\< ir > rar UelL fonle prom
t*c* to iltvloji in In the mod pre>*perotu
of our in/ami townn—enterprise' after
rnterj/rise In bring started by the capital
of our public epiritcd citizen*. The Car
Work H are running to (heir full capaci
ty, our (Han* Work* on opening with
every t/utw of were**, the She! Work*
will give employment to 100 men, the
Sail II or I:*, for who-' -am** General
l'nan r vouchee, in// chortly offer employ,
merit to hundred* of people —all there
public cnti rpriec* n ilI j,ut llellefoutc in
the. van of prorpcrou* and wide, awake
town*. Urn , then, i* room and place
for lively, rpiritcd and active young
men. Among On bent and mont nueeeat
fu! buiinc ** etdcrjtrint*organized reexnt
ly in the I.AUC,E ASb WELL
ofJOIIS EltOl'bEOGT <t* (J).,op
pout the Jjtiih lionet nothing like it
in the County. If visitors to llellefoutc
will only take the trouble to call at
our Store, they well b< *urprteed at the
quality, ttyle and priceJt of firelcla**
I urn dure. We arc aiming to buy a/l
good* directly from the manufacturer*
without the intervention of agent*, no a*
to offer good* at bottom figure*. ()SE
profit u tvfflcie nt. IIV pro]io*t tee fill
your home* with Ear lor Suit*, lledroom
Suit*, Sfa*, (Jdel ( 'hair*, Tabl'*, any
thing and everything in Eurnitur* at
price* lower than you can get in tbi*
County. We mean ju*t what tee my.
II e a/*o offer the public the terrier*
of Mr. .John I'roudfoot uho ha* a tho
rough knowledge of th I SI)EH TA K
ISG btuiur**, and uho will keep on
together with a fir*t cleit* IIEA USE.
, Eair price* only will be charged. Give
u* a trial.
2 3m.
New Brockerhoff House.
C. U. M< MII.LKN, I'rop'r.
GiKtd Sample RiK/m on }\rsl Floor,
• r . to aw-l fr< m till TnlM. ff** 1 r* \*n
■ U vtittMMM tt<4 )r<n. 4-]
Auditor's Notice.
IN tin- matter of the estate of David
Kftl#. driil t4
The uudemijrned, an auditor, a[>-
pnintl |.y tb# Orjtlilii*' CVmrt < t <itr* count,*, It*
MUlt. ftVirl n k Mfw.fl of Ktranrti t. iir
of Itotid Enl>, dKW'll ml nak dl*tf i Ofiof. of tlif
futoU In b likftd* of Gntnif]). of Mid
4* f* ra*| MUlt, to SMI tlMiaf Irfallt Mi
titlM ibMtn, iU Uip in mt#-rvt i fat*
"fh<*. in IWItHoM# il ]n ■ Mnrth ®h.
I**.'. t ll pvr|NMM of hik nf | intn 11
" ELUf L OftVlt, Auditor.
A i Cur. lor Blind. Blending. Inking and flea
rM Pilaw baa Imaa dia.otat.ai by lit. W illiair. an
Indian tmndi, called In Wllliam . Indian(HnlmaM
A liafla tail baa rand lb. natal rbrowb -aaaa nl ft
tn IFi jiait .landing. Bonn, wad iulh In mihutaa
• fir. at |'l,in( il.i. wcnda.fol ..hing too: n it.,
lotion. inatrnm.ola and rlrctwatte. do mora turn
than good William. Ointment alwofU the I u mora,
allaya lb. i.lnn itching. i |nrttrlany ■■ i.igbl ilw
gelling aaim in Ud, > ana a. ■ pneltn •. ,11.. in.lant
nd palnlawa rrllrl. and I'*<|at(.l ..t it f,.i pi|,,
tubing of ihr fitltat. fan t* and M nothing rha.
Brad bat lb. H.-n J. M OnAnberrj n| i'l.t.land
aaiaabml In W Illiam 'a Indian Pile Ointment I Baa*
need . of pilr Cure. and II afld.la it.. |draa>>
r aaj tbal I bar# arlat found anything which gave
•web immediate and |wnnuirnt rrlirf aa In W ill la ma
Indian Ointment
Pot aala by all drnggteta ot ma I lad a rer-rftd of
price, f 1 on.
HENRY A Co., Pmpt.
Mly ®2 Vff) M.. S+* Tofk.
flat in'a kind Bitfrra ara not a druiabf whiaky
beverage. hoi at. atrirlty leadtrin.l la rrary erne..
Tbay art atmngly ajm iba Mart and khteryn. kny
IB# Imarta open and trula! m.k. lb. .k atretic,
bml the Rang*. build,.. Iba anna and rlnaaar Ibn
blood and eyaiem of .an , impurit i
Pot Ihaainnw. Rn.h nl Blond In iba Hand, landing to
Apofdeiy.liyapefiMa. fata, and agar. Bropey, Ptmntaa
and Binicbra hmdabma lluinnra and hina. Trilrt,
Ring Wt. White Fwrlllng, Rrjelpelea, a.,, Ktaa
and lot young tarn mltering from Waakuem'or
Ih* Willy canard from imprudence. and tr fatnalaa in
del weir baa] Ih. 11 axiaißo*t Bilt.raala a* local It
I'r Praatar I bam nard tare, botilaa id yonr knot
Bltiata fil |lvt|apUa. Do, It,ear, Waabnaaa and Kidnry
Itiaaaaa. and Uiay did ma m-ee good than tba dorian
and all Ika medicine I a rat nerd From iba fcrat doaa I
lagan bi amid, and I am now in perfect health. and
frwl aa wall aa I at at did. I roaahlri y..ar madiatna ana
of ti grwalMil ot Idaawnga.
MM M MABTIB, Clrraland O.
Fold by all dmgglala array • ban at |i m hoftlr
HENRY d(V. S,], f wy
M Vaary R., Raw lor*.
By 18. Pra.ltt' Mair OhHaamL Oaiw. at IT by
magic. Pimf laa, Black llaada o Ornba. Bbatcbn
and Kray.ti.-na .* Ik. hn. laating iba akla rUn,
bamltbr and bawalifal A Moron. Ihb. Farbat a lick.
Ball Kbatrm. Tidiat. Rlngwnm Fold Bnd.Cb rr ad
Hand.. Fen Mppln, at. add. daliM. I lrm
and Form, to
P. Braka, Km), Clarrland. O . .oltarrd bryond all da
acal(iloti fanna a akin dnian wkbb ayfrand on hi.
ban da. krad and fan. and aa-arty dardn.yad bn ayaw.
Tba am twrrfal delating failrd to kalp blm and ab
bad MM ba nard lit .raalar'a Magic <NnUn.nl
and wm rand by a tan ayyUcalt. n.
#-Tba (nd and only prndttta can for akin dlaaaaai
aaar diarotarrd
k T mall aa rarrlad of nrlta, Pim Ckwn.
II KM FY I On, Frda FtwawV
M Panay Ft, Ban Tar*.
To. Mind. Blanding. Itaking or l lcwtwtad PHna Br.
Willlan'a lama* immi & a awn enra Prion
I I 'd, by nail. Pa* lata by Draggta*. n4-l|