Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, March 09, 1882, Image 8

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    flic (Sfnttt Democrat.
Thursday Morning, March 9,1882.
r 1 - 11 " ' -
I CoRABMru.fDKNt'B, ronUlbtllf ImpurUUt li
ed from any part of the county. No contmunicwtk n-
Inaertod uuleM accompanied by th real name of the
Centre County Domocratlo Com
Blltonl,N. W„.W. r K-b-r „Bll.fuut.
- 8. W l'h.rl.'. Smith..... "
" W. W. JaIUM Schufli-ld.-. "
Mlle.biug. C. K toslngton—llllssbara.
Millbeim A Wallers MIIIIIPIIII.
I'hlHpabiirg D. W. Holt l'hlllll>urg.
Untouvtlle J C Smith Sl-min*.
Banner I'riab Storsr Ih.llpf,.iit.
Bogg. C A Mct*ughlln Mllp.titg.
Burnalde WIUIm Hippie —Pine O'.in.
College Prank Tajl.ir Uemont.
Curttn. I'reUk. Hol>b .......Howard.
Ferguson. 0. P-. A. J. Omndort—Plna Oroee Mllli.
" f) p..J. 11. Ilrbprllng- Bock Spring..
Orgg, 8 P M. I. Ki.hpl .Spring Willi
'• N P.........8epJ. IJmbert—... "
lUIn-e tiro. M Kalaler Aaroneluirg.
Halfiuoon A T (imp Half Moon.
Harris Jam re Klmport—Boalabrirg.
Hognt I'i'ia t.ny.r lluwinl.
Huston John U Mile# Julian.
i.iimrtv '• 11. tlnrdnsr—.Blancbard.
MIR"'.:::: J.J U W.IKT
Miles (}..rgp lliioM. —Wolf • Store.
Prnton D. 1,. Meek Buffalo linn
Peon II K. Buck Mlllhelm.
Pott.r, N P U W Simngler ...Tua-ejtille,
. p p J Witmer Wolf—Centre llll.
Runt, William l ullen ..Sandy Rulge.
Snow Shoe William Ilainea—Bnn*r Slum.
Spring T. M. llarnhert- - Itellefunt®.
Tailor Vinton lie. kwith..Fowler.
I'uioo Christian lloo.er .Plemlng
Walker Andrew Kreamer. llubler.lotrg.
Worth W. t Montana— Port Matilda.
It. 11. t'Oltsrt.K. Chairman.
It. A. McK it, Secretary.
Local Department.
—Philipsburg ha* a new laundry.
Did March como in like a lion ?
—Go to S. & A. Locb for bargain* in
—Reynold* A Co. will soon have their
new engine at work.
—Hi* Honor, Judge Orvi*, paid Lock
Haven friend* a flying visit last week.
—The front of Bush'* arcade i* nearly
painted. When done it will look well.
—Tho Presbyterian pulpit at Tyrone
wu tilled by Rev. Crittenden of thi* place,
on Sunday last.
—William* Bros., painter*, are a* bu*y
a* beaver*. They work early and late, and
are reliable busine** men.
—The circulation of tho DEMOCRAT i*
daily on the increase, and i* taken by those
who desire a good local paper.
—Our musical friend, Fred Smith, E*q.,
hied him away to Lock Haven la*t week,
and stayed there three or four day*.
—Some one ha* facetiously dubbed the
Republican member of tho board of audi
tor* —Centre county * Riddleberger.
—Mr. Whitney, whom we mentioned
some time ago a* having attempted to com
mit suicide, at Spring Mills, ha* since died.
—Mr*. Claude Mertr., fell down stair*
la*t Thursday, and narrowly escaped being
killed. The accident occurred at her resi
dence on Logan *trect.
—That Lock Haven i not to have a
own clock is a misfortune. If we were
Lock Haven, we'd hang eur lower lip and
pout awhile.
—The order ha* gone out that the em
ployes of the Adams' Express Company
aro to be uniformed. Our friend Orris
Hoover will look gay in regimentals.
—The boys who boro holes into the
maple tree* in front of the Catholic school
building in order to secure the sap, serious
ly injure the trees and should bo punished
as they deserve.
—Mr. William Raymond was kind
enough to call at the DEMOCRAT office on
.Saturday, and compliment the manage
ment. We shall he glad to see you fre
—Mr. Solomon Goldsmith, of tho firm
of Goldsmith Bros., is lying sick at bi ;
home in New York city. He was taken ;
suddenly ill while attending to business
requiring his presence there.
—There no longer e*it* a reasonable j
doubt that the glass works are, before long,
to be put in motion. The work of erecting
the new furnace has commenced, and an
active revival of operations is promised by
April Ist
—Mr. Charles Bmitb ha* severed hi*
connection with the firm—Valentine* A
Co. He now spend* most of his time clip
ping coupons from bonds secured with the
money he ha* saved during some four
years of hard worlc.
—We understand the work of the county
auditors to be nearly finished, and a* their
report must be submitted to the C<>urt of
Quarter Session* for confirmation, the pub
lic will have to wait until neit work for
any intelligence in the matter.
—All those who have any manner of
musical Instruments to dispose of wilt find
it to their advantage to negotiate with
"Danny" of the Bush hou*e pool room.
He is organizing a select band of his own,
and ha* occasion to use one or two more
—Mr. Howard I. Barnes, the celebrated
"cheap John" merchant, is at home. He
•old bis entire stock, in a lump, at Tyrone
not long ago, and is now recuperating to
go in etronger than ever. Mr. Barnes
evidently understands his business and it
witbal a most popular person.
—Rev. G. D. Ponnepacker, of thi* place,
will be one of the guests of Mr. W. H.
Brown, while in attendance upon the an
nual conference of the M. K. church, at
Lock Haven, neit week. Rev. K. W.
Wonoer will be entertained by Mr. Jacob
—The contract for the erection of the
new Mtfttwdist Episcopal church building,
at Hotllvyiburg, ha* been awarded to D.
K. Tate, of this place, for the sum of fll,-
766. Mr. Tate is an experienced contrac
tor and will push the work to es rapid a
completion as possible.
—On Tuesday, Mr. Charles W. Flinn
loft for Snow Shoo, where ho expects to
locate and cngago in business for himself,
lie will make a speciality of watch re
pairing, and that ha will bccotno a useful
moinbor of that busy lilllo tr>wn's com
mercial circle wo do not doubt. Mr.
Flinn will be appreciated, and the spirit
and vim, ho means to throw into hie work,
will securo him an extensive trade. We
hand him over to the tender mercies of
the good pooploof Snow Shoo and vicinity
as ono upon whom they can depend, with
tho request that they use him well.
Thty sity that a largo numlrcr of min
ors and lumbermen, one day last week, be
haved so badly "n the train running from
this placo to Snow Shoe, that the only
lady passenger had to be taken to tho en
gino to save her tho annoyance of being
compelled to listen to their obscene and
ungentlomanly conversation. We suggest
a good sized pieco of ordinance, loaded
with whole pepper and rock sail, bo placed
at ono end of tho car, hereafter, and its
contents |wiured into any crowd that may
beliavo similarly in the future.
—Tho Agricultural Ejiitomi.it, "a semi
monthly journal, devoted to tho interest of
American farmers," is tho title and object
of a new publication, issued at Watson
town, l'enna., by J. A. Kveritt, with John
A. Woodward, of Howard, a editor. The
first number looks well, and if the propria
tors succeed in keeping up the general ex
cellence of their first effort we are confi
dent that tho journal will exert a marked
influence upon tho votaries ol Ceres,
among whom it may circulate.
—Tho number and attractiveness ol
stores in Hellefonte of all kinds is a matter
of pride and congratulation. It is this
and tho cheapness and excellence of the
goods sold that attracts the crowd of cus
tomers. Among these stands pre-eminent
the grocery store of Sochler & Co., in the
Hush House building, as tho favorite place
to obtain pure and wholesome groceries.
People patronize that store because it pays
to do so, "and don't you forget it."
—Tho Lock Haven Erenuig Er/irrii, the
initial number of which appeared on the
Ist in§'„, has reached us. Kinstoe Broth
ers aro editors, proprietors and publishers,
and the paper reflects much credit upon
them, as well as the citizens of I/ock
Haven. The paper is newsy, brilliant,
and elegantly gotten up, cvidon.' lg artis
tic skill and refined taste. It trains in the
Hepublican ranks.
Miss Laura Keller, elocutionist, and
the Bcllefonte orchestra at Humes' Hall
to-night. The entertainment will be good,
and all should avail themselves of the op
portunity to spend an hour most pleasantly
Admission 2o and 35 cents. Chart of re
served scats at Miller A: Co.'# Book Store.
Mi Keller is accorded much praise where
ever she goesan l we aresalisfled none will
havo any occasion to regret having been
—Rumor is our authority, in making
tho statement, that ono of our most prom
inent young legal gentlemen expects to
aoon tako Paul's advice, and wed one of
Bcllefonte'# fairest ladies. Our idea is to
have bim purchase a neat little bouse in I
some pleasant dale, with its side* covered
with "-/emails, and no doubt the effort will
bo very in securing him much
happiness in the future.
—One of thoao unfortunate blunders, for
which no one seems willing to a*>umff the
responsibility, caused us to omit the name
of A. O Furst, Esq , in speaking last week
of the counsel for the defense in the Pro
ceeding in Equity, of Milliken vs. Milli
ken. This able barrister, took an impor
tant part in the prosecution of his case,
and made the closing appeal onTuesday
—We aro pleased to learn that our
Methodi't friends at Howard are having a
very interesting and successful revival
meeting, undnr the care of their new pas
tor, Rev, John Sunn. On last Monday
evening fourteen candidates were admitted
to membership in the church, and the
meetings are still continued, with nightly
additions to the number of seekers. All
classes are represented among the converts,
among them being one of the proprietors
of a pool table, lately established, who is
saiil to have promptly abandoned his dis
creditable business, and joined the church,
in company w'th several of bis former
—lt is a matter of rare satisfaction to
us t<> note that the trouble between em
ployers and employed at the Mill Hall axe
factory, has been amicably arranged. The
proprietors announce that they mean to
close their store#, and hereafter pay all
employees in cash on Wednesday of each
—Clean up. Remove from your build
ings, yards, gardens and streets all manner
of pestilence breeding material. An hour's
work now may prevent months of sickness
and save hundreds of dollars of doctor
bills after the season has advanced. Ours
is a cleanly town, and the usual vigilance
in this direction cannot be exercised too
—Call and examine the stock of ranges
and cook stoves at Wilson, McFarlane &
Go's ; also their line of (ingle and double
heaters. They have for sale the Welcome
Home double heater, which has been thor
oughly and satisfactorily tested In this
Mr. James Antes, of Howard town
ship, waa called to Bullivan county last
week, to attend the funeral of bit brother,
Rev. William Antee, well known in Cen
tra and Clearfield counties.
—Quito a large number of persons at
tended tho sociable, hold in tlm lecture
room of tho Methodist church, under tho
auspices of tho Ladies' Aid Hociety, con
nected with that church, on Tuesday oven
nlng, which was a truly enjoyable occasion
That tlii'ia gatherings are productive of
much good, all who worn thorn will cheer
fully testify to. A* opening ox rolses tho
program called for tho s.ngingof "Tho r<u k
that is higher than 1," prayer by tho ; tu
tor, ltov. Mr. l'onnepackcr, and then "Wo
shall rest in that lair and happy land"
was sung. Miss Kiln William* recited
"Sending a Valentino," In such away as
to causo more thun one manly bosom to
swell with tender footings, as tho thought
inspired by tho recitation sank deep in
their hearts, recollections of valentines
selected willi care and hastily despatched
to the idols of their dream*. S. I>. Hay,
K-q., reail the contents, entire, of tin-
Mrt/.ixlml Mutilhlv, vol 1, no. 1. Mr.
Kay as an editor, would bo able, in a short
lltue, to attain both fortune and fame
among those already engaged in tho furth
erance of tho interests of the art preserv*.
tive. Among other good thing*, he edit ri
ally attacked Coi. lngersoll, advising h.in
to endeavor to make an honest living by
practicing law—who ever heard of the like,
this was about tho only bit of sarcasm
indulged in. lie also announced his in
tention to ask to bo retired on half pay,
hut wo cannot supplement his request by
asking tho same. The paper is "high
toned." l'crbaps tho neatest and best re
ceived effort of the evening, was the violin
solo, by sweet little Aurora Moore, daugh
ter of Mr. Moore, tho photographer, she is
hut seven years old. Tho selection was
"Sweet by" and bye,' and tho manner of
its elocution would ho a credit to any jx-r
-foroier on that instrument. Of course a
hearty encore recalled her. We will ex
cuse Mr. Moore should ho feel proud of lot
treasure. Miss Jennie Weaver was kind
enough to favor the audience with an
and touching rendition of "The
raising of Jairus' daughter," and afler
Misses Sallie McGlnley and Mary Lyons,
and Messrs. J. C. Meyer and Lew. Shsf
f-r in sufporb manner sang "When I can
road my title clear," a short intermission
was announced, during which every one
strove to render every one else happy, and
by social con verso endeavored lo entirely
banish care. Upon order again being se
cured four young gentleman—Masters
Morris .Swrart*, Harry Jenkins, Harry ,
Williams and Frank Van firmer, acted
the "Yankee traveller," causing all t<>
laugh heartily. Johnfs. LoveKsq., being '
called upon responded by reading w hat he
railed an old fashioned school cm[>o*ition
upon "Social life in church membership." '
tie did not adhere lo the iron hand and
velvet glove theory, but handled his sub
ject without any attempt to palliate or ex
cuse the almost utter lack of this most im- ;
portant element in church economy. I four
legal friend could be any more of a success,
anywhere, than he is in the practice of law,
we think it would be in preaching the
gospel. The selection "Little Will," was j
next read by Miss Reekie McGinley. The
many eyes moistened with tears shed in
sympathy with the sufferings, and boro- :
ism of the subject, attested the marked in- :
fluence this lady exerted upon Iheandience,
her manner of delivery is peculiairy pa- ,
tbetic, while the clear, distinct tone of
voice she ever was able to command was
highly appreciated by her listeners. With
singing "Let the hills and vale* rejoice,"
the audience was dismissed, to meet again
on tho first Tuesday evening of April. j
Mr*. IVu. P. Wilton left here on
Monday aft' rnoon, with her adopted daugh
ter, for Philadelphia, where *he will be
joined by Mr*. Bright, of PolUville, a
daughter of our friend Judge John Irwin,
of this place, and together will proceed to
Florida for a two month'* residence in
that land of flower* and orange*. We
hope they will have a pleasant journey,
and a joyous return to their numerous
friends and relative* with invigorated
—We learn that there will be a congre
gational meeting of the Presbyterian
church, on Wednesday evening most, to
take into consideration and make arrange,
menu for erecting a session or .Sunday
school building on the vacant lot adjoin
ing the church. This Is a movement In
the right direction. It is much needed
and the congregation I* entirely able to
place along side of their noble church edi
fice, a neat and substantial building.
—Our medical friend, Dr. 11. K. Hoy,
ha* operated, surgically, upon quite a num
ber of complicated case* of late, and met
with marked success in each one of them.
The last operation took place In hi* office,
March 7tb, and he was assisted by Dr. M.
A. Kirk. Considerable skill was required
and the indication* are that a most favora
ble result will follow.
—When you see a man of true worth
imitate him ;* man that fills this bill buy*
his clothing from Lewin, and that is pre
cisely th* part we desire all of our friend*
to imitate. No danger of your getting
any less than the mony you invest, pay*
—Harry Green's cigars have becomo
very popular, and *o they should, for he
sells good one*. When you with to tnoke
call and bo will suit you.
—Had an almost invisible skin disease,
itching intolerably. Pk*vka cured it.
H. A wall., Pittsburg.
BPRINO MILLS.-— Dr. Chaa. P. Loitzeil
has corne homo from Baltimore a full
fledged doctor. Charley has always been
a close student, and wo hullovo ho will suc
Mr. John Mutser, ol Michigan, a broth
er of Mrs. (Jeorgfl Miller, has been visit
ing Spring Mills (riends for sorno lima.
Wo have a fair one, fair enough to at
tract Air. C. C. Cuiiiiuings, of Philadel
phia. Ho calls often and never fails to
mnko many new friends.
Dr. J. 11. Leitxell has sold his home,
and expect* to build u new residence soon.
Mr. George Krumrine, ton of Air. Syd
ney Krumrine, late of Brush valley, is
buttering from an acuto attack of scrofula
in ono of his I'eet.
Grenoble's now hots I will ho opened for
tho accommodation of the general public
April Ist. it is a iiandeomo building and
in all probability will he a success. Wo
are now fixeJ for summer tourist*.
Tho Central Supply Depot, and the
Fair, are doing a rushing business. They
aro connected by telephonic communica
tion, and aro rapidly becoming pot institu
tions, every l>dy liko* to deal there be
cause ovcry body Is well treated.
Dale's addition h> Spring Mills it im
proving rapidly. Our citizens ate daily
surprised by tho appearance of a now
bouse in this now <jurlor of town.
THE DoI.LAK M AKK,Autboritiei do
not agree Hi U> the origin of tbi* sign to
represent dollar*. Home say that it comiw
from the letters U. S., which, after the
adoption of the Federal constitution, were
prefixed to the Federal currency, and which
afterward* in the hurry of writing, were
run into one another, the I* being made
first and the S over it. Other* ray that it
i* derived from the contraction of the
Spanish word />eo*, dollar* ; others, from
the Spanish furrtrt, hard—to distinguish
silver from paper money. The more plau
sible explanation is, that it i* a modifica
tion of the figure H, and denotes a piece •>(
eight reals, or, a* the duller was first called,
a piree of right. Its derivation i* a matter
of no particular importance, when we
know that it tells plainly what is saved to
those who buy groceries from Kechler A
—An exchange says that under the Act
of IT'.G, any [.ersoti is liable to arrest f r
! profane swearing. The fine is fiT cents for
■ every profane oath. Now, there are great
j efforts being made to suppress the liquor
j traffic and vice generally, but me do not
hear of any arrest* for voilalion* of this
law. There i* scarcely an evening but
nrefane swearing it indulged in by half
grown boys standing on the corner* and
squirting tobacco juice on the pavements.
No one seems to molest them, and yet the
practice is one of the most senseless, and
at the same lime degrading, that we know
of. The poor simple man who inflames
himself with lightning is to be pitied, but
the man who in his sober senses takes God's
Holy Name in vain it wholly destitute of
those ennobling trail* which constitute the
true Chrislain gentleman, and bit aociety
should be shunned by all who have r*[>eet
for Ihemselve* and morality. If every
young man especially, In Ilellefonte, was
fined for using profane language it would
amount to a good round sum in the course
of a year, for we must confess the practice
is not exceptional; it i* entirely too gene,
ral. The infidel does not profane God's
Holy Name, because be doe* not believe
in God, and because it it shameful for one
who professes to believe in Him to do so.
The practice should be broken up and the
only way we know of to do so, it to enforce
the law.
During the coming season, Bellefonte
mean* to trot out a crack base ball nina,
composed of young men, who have proven
themselves professional* on many a hotly
contested field. Hon. S T. Shugert I# to
be captain, K T. Tuten, K-q., will play
first base, H. T. Htytaer, K*q., think* he
can steal sufficient time to send in all the
curve hall* necessary a* pitcher, John T.
Johnston, E<q , will play short-stop, Col.
Joe W. Furey will catch, and A. O. Fursl
and Adam Hoy, K*q*., are to have care of
the field. The balanre of the nine will he
chosen shortly, and application made at
or.ee to the National league for admission.
A familiar Instance of color-blindness
is that of a man taking a brown silk um
brella and leaving a gingham one in it*
place. Hut we often see ca*e* of mental
blindness just a* bad in invalid* who take
nauseous medicines to relieve their rough
when a rrlutblr, plmaant and so/e remerfy
is at hand called Green's Compound Syrup
of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot.
—We learn 'that terns scoundrel ha#
been burglarising the office of the Hon.
Jas Marmenut, of this place. Mr. M. is
in feeble health, and thieve* hive taken
advantage of this to pilfer hi* office in hi*
—lf you wish to know what a man I*
thinking about observe hi* conversation.
Tbat man who talked about good cigar*
was thinking of Harry Green.
—The full moon does not lest, and the
bright cloud eoon vanishes ; that I* ju*
where they both differ from clothing
bought at the Philadelphia Branch.
—Had barber'* Itch, terribly. Doctor*
failed. PERI'KA cured me. C. BECE, Al
legheny, Pa.
—The musical profession Invariably use
Blna*' Hyrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and
Milliikim—Dr. J. W. HUm has again
assumed control of the store lately con
ducted by Mr. T. It. Hum.
Mr. W. H. Muui't proprietor of the
Mitihcim hotel it up and about again, after
having been kept in hit room for quite a
while by liia tore arm.
P. 11. Htover, Kqu!re, sounds well.
Ho succeed# 'Squire Kmoriok as one of
Penn township's Justices of tho peace.
Mr. John D. FooU it seriously ill. A
' cancer in hi* stomach. His genial smile
and kind word for every one aro missed.
Mr. J. W. Snook, hat recovered sufll-
I eienlly from his late illness to ho out of
the house.
That jolly gentleman, Mr. Win, Mc-
Laughlin, of Now York city, is with us.
He is a horse dealer, and a first class one
The latest in the matter of amutmenl*
it the new pool room. We must admit
the acquisition is not a desirable one, inas
much a- they who generally patronize this
kind of resort, are least able lo spare the
m>oey it it necessary to spend. [lf you
can't pay, don't play. —Kh ]
Mr. Feltv Hroon, who has superintended
the Pine creek mills so long and well,
takes charge of the Wrxxjward mills April
i Ist .Mr. Wrn. Voneida thinks of going
west. John C. Mot/., Ksq., owns both
I these valuable properties.
A new justice of the peace, will get him
elf inside the judicial ermine in Allies
| township, during April court. W. J.
Carlin, Ksq , steps in, and takes the place
of K>quire Cornman. ('Squire Carlin
we congratulate you. Kh.] 7
special term of court will be held in
March, commencing on the second Afon
day, the 13th day of the month. The fol
lowing jx-rson* have l>een drawn to serve
as traverse jurors at this term :
I. M II 'Wf, Ollitf. J%* K
I' <• MallWb. Mllshl-Ufl, NtJOual (Hfiftfii b WorUi.
Arts<* K -Is iWuns-r. >Wr*jmlt* limbrrt. Worth.
l I' Ph-sfrts li' Sir* J*/.... tfs-r. Pftift.
II f IsHllhm tluVftrd. W V fUnrt'li.
I#sari M ,1* n llllfut'sub 'Tiki VI Unit!**.
Prtiul Kna* Pf*tltig Kuril. P<tt*r
t* f fsu.twt. f.fWAV I hinnwwmith Pr M |.l w
JofmUh Mii'r r. I''1lr II U MllUr, lUh.m
J A Y'AfM.M, * Klwt, B OnKn,
M ! I • . " . ffg
UmU Wigt>y. Own lvri, Bilm
< • k Kffiir, M >l**t/urg %* oi f Irtlo. I'm n.
W'm J. IWrljrt Orcx Ournßliii ft *r
lignifl H (imrjr, !'•%> II t PoH*
Krr-.| ri' k K. -I i , f 'oftin. l II' iH,Krv.
Ht< • II M II3/ V| Nbl*! Y'UiHl.lluithli
Jol-s f* llwrU. ikllel -nU Cuif, fiiis.
TRIAL LIST —The following is the list
of ca-cs for trial at the special term of
court commencing on the second Monday
of March, lk#2:
<or f Pt>iU4-!pKia Smut, Rl, 4s t Smith
I'. gU mi A iV'taer M %iU>lAuu A |wtt.
nigr M ••tit 1 * >;% ft J * Mfw.
Mf liW#r A IWtrr Hush A on.
J hri I Th- ..... * Skfu O' 1 Clirikt.
II A 0 and Alt AH pstl* A Furat
C T Als*s1f si k< ..... "Ju II Dtllkki, H ||,
tyifltf Al A Bo** |Ws,s et A 'srj hkfl
il Bui -r itrlm'k .. ~. *'Jrm H M m
H'f'f A (is|Akn Hey, Alstuidsr A Ik-arf
llmßtrciuiii Aoaik. I taw to much
said about the merits of Hop Bitters, and
my wife who was always doctoring, and
never well, teased me so urgently to gel
her some, ] concluded to be humbugged
• gain ; and I am glad I did, for in less
than two months use of the Biltere my
wife was cured, and she has remsined so
for eighteen month* since. I like such
humbugging. —H. T., St. Paul. Pioneer
—That perfect baking and cocking stove,
the "Pioneer," is for rale only by Wilton,
McFarlane A Co. All superfluous orna
mentation has been dispensed with to re
cure a first-class kitchen "tore. For weight,
strength and durability it cannot be sur
passed. In purchasing thi store you are
not paying for nickle trimming* and beau
tiful finish. but you are getting what i* far
better and what you need in a good cook
•tove—a good, reliable baker and cook.
—You can save from 100 to 200 per
cent, on a good drew, from 100 to 300 per
cent, on a uit, from 3*> to 100 per cent, on
a pair of *hoe, and in everything that you
need you will find It to your intereit to
buy your good* where you get them at
fir*t cost. Ltox & Co.
—The very beet production that can be
had from flr*t claw atock and excellent
workman*hip in boot* and *hoee, at price*
no higher than common ea*tern tra*b, are
now open and for *ale by 8. A A. Loeb.
—Lyon A Co., are closing out their
entire *tock of dry good*, clothing, boot*
and *hoe at co*t, in order to quit the busi
—Lace*, fringe*, gimp*, button*, Ac., in
ell tho latert deign* and at unrivaled
price*, at the Bee Hive.
—Ladie*', mi****' and children'* dol
man* and coat* in endlew variety and very
cheap at the Bee Hive.
—Spring and Summer *ea*on, 1882.
Woolen *tock note eomptrU. Early or
der* tolicited.
44-tf Moxtoomkrt A Co., Tailor*.
—*30,000 worth of dry good*, clothing,
boot* and thorn, drew good*, Ac., for oo*t
at Lyom A Co.
If you want to *ave money in your
purchatea, go to Lyon A Co., as they are
telling everything at cott. Lrox A Co.
—Loeb'* f* the place to buy dry good*.
Large assortment, low price* and good
good* at all time*.
—Ladle* coat*, jacket*, dolman*, circu
lar* and uliteretta*, in endleaa variety,
•tyle* and color*, and prices lower than
elsewhere at 8. A A. Loeb'*.
—Dre** good*, tilk*, velvet*, plu*he* and
tinsel plaid* and stripe* In all shades and
effect* at the Bee Hive.
Lumborman'n Friend.
frii/w. iit'iw Is lb. I iiiiil.r iiinr,. f.
M) follow rrnaiurw, ,i|, n ih.m, d,i*n*.
Vm I mu Mil* I*M n. ■ ..if,
Th.l 1 •- lb.m fjuli. h,„ .dot, .i,. fell
In yiu itiiuM rnji ■ ><!• ii, i|„. i,.. ( i |
Mriuw ia tli. lumlMiruuti'a ft i*ud .m) |„, y
Oh v dial frl.mV 1 wmiW .ii ,-, /U |d ►.,
Wli-n III.) u. MH.K fall w|,.| a
Til.) nil. tmm huifab, and „n. I,ud rl.,|t •
Ami aay, "n-nd Imk. w. ill. |„., .mu,, •-
K" il.i m,i ilmjiit my "•!., and -i, d.a.nd
• in.w, It iludr liujia, am] Ih. luintotln.fi.
Fmali lli.lr fa' .• jiiii r.iolil m-. I„,w
Hh-n,.!. tto)4o.*p~ I, and II u | iv) .
Tli#y look upon IM It-and if , | <yU ,j
Th*y cannot hip *ayh d-*i „ U|
fil .1.. Il|.rf,.i|i ~,l ami* .1,. .
I lif annw la ill.II |||>|, and 111. luiiilmruan a filand.
Tli.ir all my, "II la dranlnir **ry . I >. aw|a '
Am Mi •! lnjf lip bio I| -1 if a
Ahd ih'l i/iimi lii'/t •• •(• -Mtaig .1., m. ,
Fur i - w th raya "f tl/*• tftifi, fall dirt* t
Now lb*a | th'tr tttinl* arid on flu* ni j
l*uuw i Uiair li' j •, and i - latolifrtuii'i fm iaj '
Wh. aprlng win "/til.. and warm wath*r brin#
Hi* atf rnHln| Will do f# thin* but f. ; , a *nU
But Ui" HMWOCrwIvI, Will br w*y. my
And fr'indiitir* will w< tn, to l *}*itt<i#l
Hill au*! %> 111 tw the fa fid on it do drt*od,
Miuw, ia UiHf fcop, and tl.. |u M4 MWttJ # j n ,. n ,j
If winter moth •.ow *h u j with if briny
11>< r*- h >uld Iv f M nil* ] lul lb th* *|irif.y
Hut if wibt* r ah 'uld and no enow with it dawrand
Ibarv w-toid i 1 Ito dnubl many jot* in thr luiu.* u
But th- •lilt oft thfir +i>*Ci*n\i,r <U,
kuf MbiW, ia Utiir I# -j** , and th- luinba friatid.
W. T. AtaiAa.
Pbiladolphlo Market#.
Hi<ii.4i4fL'ifiA. Mar'h A |kT2
Jl'attifl* ru)d H-O'lj to-dair, tut a• , ry
littl*- a/livtfy in •!.-
a i fjoi-t and 1 ftjo |^ f .
fi-la. lit' lodidtf Mifii.-* 'U aatraa, at %t, bQ f. r
fhwf, and at " Tm f f atiaij-ht JVnnaj Itan.a
*tfa fau.lly at | 7 •• at
ij*!' Tt. Hw fl uf |
Wiur -Tlifr wa mora 4hbui4 for vhf hut
.• m iak Th* • - |] fjl/
'id ai.'l |I a*bJ iff No ti~, Hatth, fl .'t. „i A
and |l .. 1 j. a •dl.t d- Af.fi) .|i id and H* „
ak*-1 lo d/. M-y. and ?l •' il l a..j f. * a k- iJ r
df/ Jur,.-. *"'' InNlMrlf Aj r|l a 1 . 1
t'Uh l May aoid at il .'42 , t
Bollefonte Market#.
Hrtxcroirrt, Mar*h9, ]#> .
Old wh-at. p*r tuai.ri |j
lU*d * h*at 'tifV) ) .
ftya, p*-r boahl no
Con, 75
'•%* hi
Hour, iHatl. |4*-r harre!.... M 7 ro
Hour, wholaaai* 7
Provision Market.
CofTK t#d a>*k I j hy Brother*.
Ajiplw driiwl. |K*uud A
' 'b*rrlH. dri-d. [•ound, *wW ]n
llaati* ir j,
Fnab lmtt*f j*r i',
Cbkkmi j#r powod...m. n
C*h| *t p00nd.... M * 'j%
f'luntr) han. |rr p>ur>d. jj
llama, augar
l.ard t>*T tK'Uttd \2
ftrir* |r4f ju
P "U'<N |*r boabd-.M J3t7
lWt-4 ]|
SOLI.-TATK-At <Vatf* Hall, on ZVI nll .br R-r.
h M K~<l.t. Mi N,.:it, M.<* E.<b.| Tal. .
u.ib r r . t I**
I 1.1 till LB-/LKKI -or. Mr,,,,, •*,. olr* Hall.
I<> R. U r. rl.. 11-nrj L.ngl* ar.d L.dia
7.*r> i. featb I nat -(-ri• r Ml U I'a
ToKH MoltLß.—Oa |.lr r. .• Ir R*. Ri.ta.
t*arb, Jar.-* II M<,.rr aod bl,. I* it h . U.tt of
11.1r.~a t. .r .1,,|
BITNRH Mll.-r -0 r.t-t... I < y Rr f lltiu
i*r,o*..rr* II Riinrt and M.rj L M.m, I. u. ..f
b'llH I' * 1,.p
K 1.l sk—iia Ik i* —On Mm It* u:t >. a J
4.1 J P. M) tilbii I ki ... N4 lata L.
Rair4, all of Oatr. n>.aat>. Pa
ir .1 ihrrtinriHriit,
HY virtue of a writ of Fieri Fa-
J 'i* twued out of the Ourt of Comßi n MMI
of Oatf* 'ouHly. and t ' me (iifwlis}, tb*fp •!! In
eijwiaed hi |Allelic •*!• ID lb* <mrt II af. in belli*.
i font*. <#n
Saturday, March 25. A D. 1882,
and 1 ■ i>l•< k I' M . th* Meowing dearribed fttl
state i.| the 4'fpiiblil Uf Mil
Aii that cr-ruiij lot r fijrve of irrour><i
situate |krf In the bcmough of J'f 'ft* *te itf |mTt in
bpfiftl toTh p. iNitiod* ! arid deer n!ej a* fpltowa:
Or. the t rib It *Hlrm llar.h street, on the '-net If
fl< Imee iret. on lb* tenth I'j llf and on lb#- ot
I } lot of Henry Ro'hrr fronting mid Willow lUi kt
tfoa| 1' fort and •tt'-nding lrk l' 0 fret I • m.i
alley. lVrma rr*c tw| i t<f| frame dwelling
h 'Uar, •!•'■)• and OtfcOT *V <blldtllge Me|fd, ak}
in and to U add a tbr projeti of Jobri
TKRMft Ca*H.— No will bo ftrfcnowW
l|*l until tbr |mh mm m<ney t* paid la full.
T .1 DUNK KL, Sheriff.
Sheriff '• ff!lew. Bellefontr, Pa.. Mar 4. I**/
Orphans' Court Sale.
OI'RSUANT to an order of the Or-
I phn> Court of Cmtre recent y, fhrre will Ir rt
p-*rd to pntlic aale on tbr |<r emirs*. In Odlege town
aklp. on
Thur*<iny, the 30fA of Moreh nrji,
at I oVlark. P M.. tbr fallowing dewned real ratal#,
lair tbr property of John C Brirkre, drcrarrrt
All ihnt enrutn tract or pier# of liod
•ituatr In Oollrfr tow nahip, Centre countf, Pa. bound
ed and dear ritced as follows, minsisf si whit* '•!
oomso on liar of Hmdrrwm hHm; tbw* liftk V>S
*sst ll#. MO prrcbrs to a Mat, tbmor nib ASf f , —~
122 imhs* to a |xat. ihenr rotith W, t ll*
prtrhrs to a rtmr. tbmrr north Ad', —— IOJ
frrohs* to tbr plarr of Irflnnlnf^ —containing
80 ACRES and 26 PERCHES.
osorr or Iran. Thrtw.n mwtnd a pod HI tV K IKU'xK
and BARN and outbuilding*, and bair.g sir s •
of food water . tbrr bring on aaid latwl an rlHlat
orr bard of rhW fmlt trrra Tblr land !• In a high
stair of mlUrslina, la loo*trd In a thriving ronamnl*
tf, is nrar to rburrb** and rb<4*. and on tbr nb<4*
is a uxrt drriraldr farm
Ttssts of s*ll—tinr third of purtbaar mab
on confirmation of nla onr-tbird in oar v*ar tbrrr
aftrr. and tb nrmadning onr-tbtrd to remain charged
on tbr land aa dowat. tbr Intercut to be paid to tbr
widi.w annually, and at brr draih tbr principal to hs
paid to tbr beirs of Ms C.|B?irbrr. drrraard Tbr
deferred pajmrnta to be *rmml by bond and mortgage
on the premiers. Tbr purrhsirrr will be rsqslml to
pa; 10 prr rest of A rat fiavmrnl aa saw as PMiarty
Is stuck MU lUbl. MHli KKR,
MMtTT Bklt K KR,
Adm'r* d. b i c, t a of Jno, C Ban-* t. dre'd.
1 A prr day at br.n*. Bamplra wotik |S
tC frrr, Addrrm A BTIBBOR A ttl,
Portland. Maine I'M*
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the amiftied estate
lof iOnK W (inoLL! to (Vort of COM.*
Pl>,f <Vtr>mniy. Ho S J> T. lIMn.
Ihe auditor, p('intod be
lh (Van lo mak* 4Mtni*M<* of IW fa4 ta tk*
buk of lb. MN(im *• okoaa bf BL M<OO*4 imaal
IM, aillalton4 lo lb* <lnlM* of bb M**at<B**l *1
hi* oMn*. la Rlt foal*. a TI KCHAT. lo* 21*4 of
MARril. IMH al 10orlrk A M . al abtrh Ua. aa4
pi*.* all pari la* lal*r*at*4 m.j alt*a4.
-3 II A. M KKK Aadllor
Spring Mills Academy.
Summer Session of Spring
oai*ai) will b*cla oa MONDAY, Ox l.tb of
Tal tf<* .... $lO
$ll ao4 $l4 for l*ra> of la*aly wrafca.
Hnar4la taaaoeaM* For farlbar lafonaalfoa call
no or a44r** BIITRR, A H. MMML
b-4w Sf.rln* Mllfo, Pa
For Hale.
VFARM containing Fitly Acres.
aa4 btt.ni Ibarra a aran*4 a TWibrtOlf
CM AMR Rt'l I.MMU aa4 aatballagl Tlll*jm4.
laaalra *C A AT K QRIMt.
W-4 ratoaiill*. LVi.u* Ctrwau. Cm.