STATE NEWS. A company i being organized to erect gbia* works at lllairavill®. Tbo Taylor iron Work* are to be re moved from York to Chaniberaburg. The South Erie Iron Work* are to lie enlarged to aceotnmodato increasing bu*ine*s. Rich gobi and silver ore* are said to have been dug up near Garland, War ren county. The York Dixpitch uy there i a pros pect that a porcelain pottery will be started at that place. At Chester on Sunday evening Rev. A. 0. I'homa* preached a memorial ser mon in honor of thoso killed by the ex ploaion. The 3 year old son of James Ingram, living ut Clarendon, Erie county, fell into a tub of boiling water on Thursday and was scalded to de*th. The Council* of Williamsport met in joint session on Saturday evening and o**t thirty three ballot* in an um-uccexa ful effort to elect a City Solicitor. A washwoman living in Franklin, Venango county, i* reported by the Oil City Derrick to have twenty-eight chil dren. She i* not yet 50 year* oh'. BennevilleTroxler, a wealthy lurmer of Berk* county, committed suicide on Sunday by hanging himself. Ha tvai aged forty-two year* and leave* a wife and two children. The Penn*)lvunia Board of Revision of Taxes have decided that parsonages and other church property not forming an interal part of a church are subject to be taxed and will be assessed. Hope* are raised high over a gold and ] silver mine discovered at Garland, War ren county, Pa. An a**ny of specimen* shows a yield of gold, $lO5 silver and $8 of lead to the ton of ore. The student* of the Lewihurg Uni ver*iiv have elected Wayne MacYeugh to deliver the annual address at the next University Commencement, which oc cur* in the latter part ot June next. Speaking of the result of the election in Philadelphia, the Prtu declare* that "the ring-smashing, roach.tie 1 r akit g vote ha* just begun hi* work and got hi* hsnd in practice so to speak." The first annual banquet of the His' torical Society of Montgomery county was held in Norristown on Tucs lay night. Colonel Bean presided. There were about one hundred guests present. Horace Gross, an employe of the Pennsylvania Agricultural Works, York Pa., had his arm caught in the machi nery on Saturday arid crushed in a hor rible manner. The arm was amputa ted. Congrqmunxn James M. Campbell, of the district, ha* appointed the 22d of March as the day and Johns town as the place for the competitive examination of applicants for a West Point cad els hi p. The annual address before the litera ry societies of Muhlenburg College, at Allentown, will be delivered by Mr. Charles E Smith-, editor of the Phila delphia Preu. Mrs. Louisa Walter*, aged 36 year*, was fatally burned at Williamsport on Monday night in trying to suve her daughter, whose clothing caught fire from an exploded lamp. died on Tuesday. The daughterly* recover. The families of Richard Harlow and William Burchell, of Scranton, were jioisoned on Friday evening and Satur day morning by eating hogshead cheese obtained from a local pork dealer. For tunalely no tatsl cases are reported. The Rockley paper mills of J. 11. Broo mell, near Coateaville, and an adjoining dwelling, were burned before daylight on Thursday morning, l-y the explosion of a lamp. Etwood Hilton, an employe, sleeping in an upper story, was burned to death. The Hollidaysburg Slander t soys that there are canvassers in Indiana county securing Urge quantities of Inhd oien sibly for oil tests, but the farmer finds out when too late that he has parted with good mineral land at a low figure. Mrs. 11. L. Lebling, a very |oor wo man of Lalrobe, Westmoreland county, who was recently left a sum of money by a relative in Germany, ha* received the first instalment, amounting to #19.- 000, and SIO,OOO more is expected in a short time. The bouse of Michael Ulrioh, near Highspire, Dauphin county, which was robbed of a Urge amount of money sev eral night* ago, is said to yet contain considerable cash hidden away in the ceilinga. This is all to be deposited in bank hereafter. The amount taken is supposed to have been about SIOOO. A very sad story comes from Lancas ter, where the Hon. H. U. Rogers has been committed to jail for vagrancy. He is a lawyer, and has been a master of several language*. He wa* a member of the Stale Constitutional convention of Pennsylvania of 1837. and Minister to Sardinia under M irtin Van Ruren, but la now in his dotage. Josh Rilling* Heard From. Nxwpoxr, R. 1., Aug. 11, IMSO. Dear Dtfirrt —l atu here trying to breathe in all the salt air of the ocean, and having been a sufferer for more than a year with a refractory liver, I was induce,! to mix Hop Bitter* with the sea £al*, and have found the tincture a glorious result. * * • I have been greatly helped hy the Bitter*, and am not alraid to say no. Your wihout a struggle. JOSH Biu.ixu*. Write to Mr*. Lydia E. Pinkham, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Ms**., for name* of ladies (hat have been restored to perfect health by the use of her Vegetable Compound. It is a positive cure for the most stubbourn case* of female weakness. The question now is, which ha* been vaccinated, Tsmmanv or the Republi can party T— Elmka Gaulle. If yon bnve no Paitrx* pamphlet get one immediately. Address 8. B. H.trr mrx k Co., Osborn, O. Quit buying humbug medicines. If you are not well, take Pbritka. If coat ive, MsNAi.ut. VALEXTIXES P CO.'S STOKES, AUraheny Street,Kellefonte, J'a. UE"W GOODS. A FULL STOCK IN ALL CLASSKS OF GOODS. DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. Wo have n nico assortment of LADIES' DBESS GOODS, including a lino of BLACK CASHM EKES, to which w Invito special attention. WAPNEH'S FLEXIIJLH HIP atfll I)H. STRONG'S CORSETS in color* or while, nil !/.• i tliu two bwtcorrol* made. SHAWLS, HIv.I RTS and (.'OATS, and a beautiful In•• of LADIES'and CHILDREN'S LACE COLLARS mi ! TIES. The handwroost linn of SILK and LINEN U ANDKKKCIII EPS t";•• f-uwj SILK MUFFLERS SWISS EMBROIDERS ami ILIMMIM* LACK."*. STAPLE GOODS Of all kind* in abundance. MUSLINS. CANTONS, SHIRTINGS, nicest style* of I'IUNTS, FLANNELS, etc., etc. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOTS OF TRUNKS ANI) SATCHELS AT ANY I'RICK. CARPETS! CARPETS! Cotton Chain, Ingrain* and better grade* in pretty pattern*. RAO t A l.l'K I ut variou* price* ; the chea|-.t are good, but there i none letter than the beat. OILCLOTHS ! OI LCLOTI IS! 4-4 r>-4 0-4 and H-4 ill LCLOTIIS in different grade*. About tlfteen stylos ..f TABLE OILCLOTHS. MEWS and BOY'S CLOTHING. OVERCOATS and FULL SUITS. The beat way i* to come and ve them. They can't he beat for quality and price. 1 lubber C roods ! Iliibber Goods! BOOTS and SHOES; ANY QUANTITY OF TIIKM AT ALL PRICES. -THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS FI LL OF CHOICE GOODS—at fair price* for GOOD GOODS.—The fined OI.D GOVEDS'MES'T J. I YA COF FEE, our customers *iv the bc*t they ever drank. tinesl 11. .4 S anil good once at low prices. THY THE CALIFORNIA CAXXED GOODS—l'rachat. Cher ries. I'lunu, Dears, Apricots, Dent, Ac. Jf there is anything finer we don't knotc it. HAVE YOF CSED -TV}' OF HVCKIS'S SOUDST—Make Soup in fifteen minutes, any kind you have a mind for. THl'llßEll'S DEED SEA MACKEREL, are a* delirious and tender as Spring Chicken. BLOATED MAC l\ EL EL, there it nothing finer in the market. TDY McCAXN'S I DISH OATMEAL and you will nut use any other. The nicest tcay to buy it it in 14Hi. ran*, but tee tell it in any quantity. LEGGET'S WHEAT and OCT FLAKES make, a palatable dish in a short time. PICKLES of all kinds— CD OSSE A BLACK WELL'S EM DIDE and other kinds. COME AKI> SEE WHAT WE HAVE, and if you want anything we don't hare, it will be gotten, if practicable, very toon. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. VALENTINES & (TVS STORE, HBMKS BLOCK, ALLKOHF.SY HTKKKT, BKLI.EFOXTF., PA LEATHER. Ask for Genesee Sole Leather if you want the best. Calf Skin*, K i|*. Morocco*, Lining*, I.a*t* Thread, Nail*, IVg*. N\ ax, Rri*tle* and all kind* of Shoe Findings "n hand. We nl*omake to order GENTS' BOOTS, SHOES and G A ITERS from the le*iof FRENCH LEATHER. Leave your orders and a perfect fit guaranteed. ' E. QBAHAM & SON. S. f A. IJOEB, (Jrnrrat Mrrrhantn, AHryhcny-St,, Urtlrfontr, Pa. M OTHE RS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR ZBO"Y"S --OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IX. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT;' —OF THE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ABLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS feINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment -OF- S9p A J fIPK 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, Ob As LIULIU, * BELLEFONTE. PA.. FINE CLOTHIERS —AND— DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. SKC'tl IJICH if CO., (irocern, Huah lltmnr JUorh, Jietlrfontr, J'a. NEW GOODS FOR THE Fall & Winter Trade. We liave endeavored to K*t the very bent of every lliint? in our line, and now have Home really ehoiee jroodn. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Drid Pachs A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS,PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDLES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. IST We invite the people of Centre County to call and iimpect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. SEOIE-iXjIER/ CO. riilluilt Ijihtti Itrnnrh Clothing ! tonne, HrUefonte, I'a. FOR FA-RQ-^IHSTS —IS— CLOTHIITG AMI* GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, C AI.L AT Tit I! PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, HKLLKFONTK. PA. I>ry (! no lln ami G rocrrir*. TTARPER BROTHERS, URILLO TTRKKT. BIILEIONTK, FA Ilare their countor and *hele Oiled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATES Purchaaed at \ HANK RU IT RATES ( BANKRUPT RATES WHICH TIIKT OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OORHHTIDIJ or Dry (toodi, MllUnery Oooda, Clothing, Fancy Gonda, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES at rery low pricea. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS La teat ttylm of HATS and CAPS HATH and CAPS Carpet Ba*, ITiri>rella, Parnaol*. l.*di*a' Clnaka, Carpeting, UrocirlM, Queenaware, A CmpMi), tvarj ihla* that ran b* feaaA la a *f MMNM. HARPER RROTIIERS, AFRIRO ATRRKT. • • BBM.KKHIT K, TA OOURTRT PROIHCR lakaa la •Kkaoa* al tb hltliMl market pHra I-II CANCER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in moat I " nw wllkaat pala. Apply la <: wr. riMim. Unaubart. I IMa • Cnirnal|,h, New A dverti*ement*. I JF YOU GET A COUGH OK COLD AXD | WANT TO I GET CURED QUICKLY GET A 25c. h#U BYRUP OF TAR, WILD CHER AY ADD IIOAMIornD. JOHN HARRIS, SOLD AODDT, MB RRLLRPOKTI, PA. Xetr Advertisement*. TIIK NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, I'Koriurrofc, 'P But ar„J t l,mj ni Xrv tj.aper Publuhtd. P'tnTAOK I'Hr. R. 0N E 3D O L AI* PUR YEAU SO CENTS for Six Month*-, An Extra Copy to every Club of Ten, New York Herald PI MJMIKP KM by lur IS TIIK YKAK imstagk ra*E. ' 11* !>• t< <■!>* Jtf. *ll I,'lay, Imfo-lad. I* |n> t' r Vltbout .r alt m nil,-. *oi, !,, 1 fo !)• I t t a, a11,., a.ibM bnndaya. ti |oy. I i .. j,or l r a|,*d ,Uy frfik, ■ ! • ' '• 1 < I ' (il fj-' , 1, „( tbaaaab |1 | n< t il, >ft. (tiding *ut,4>if| win t*. ih.rgad va aolm * I'li'io- I .r a l**i |*rrd, thra* month. —TO EUROPE uctnuno 5®J uj (a <■ | . | . < (IkitiMtii RdiUtj* 2 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, ptu rttf. '■ J r 'V,V f r ' "" • HtUf #*!• t#-f c< pot (' v II - > I |t,t, ,t, , j, „ ~, •1 ffctin "■•> •Blorriptlon. to liailJ Mi" li. A44DM NEW YORK HERALD, 17 Broadway mm! Ann Slrwi, Raw Tor*. THE PATRIOT. A Pennsylvania Newspaper for the General Public. ■ Tl - I'Att.T PATRIOT lr ih Iy morning sr.|rr I Iiil H -4 at th Plat* laj ital Tl I* All V PATRIOT Mktiiptitlty of fVnntil' ! T7i* D%IIT PATRIOT pi* ial T th# AMfoitMl i (#• tJ i#riU f#t-fri *ll |K>iiita I ThI\II7 I' A"I KJ T £i9i+ >j4w mj at (ratio* U gmo j b l iiinrin* T:- t'All.t PATRIOT noiio|(>|t, tt*Rm mi*A of r*dit-ftj f fr T r-tiw. fCi- |*r a'num. Mr. II y adra>r*D or f <' M ftanain tfftc* |*l h. •*%(* hr lot !•"' Inn* thD ..# j* ai j r.prm ..•#■ rt# 7 • w Kl K I 1 P %7t(l*••* Trm*a (1 tlipat at.num. Ir vannl-ij || adnf for II {* coah in ap RKI.LKPONTK PA., PMnlltaa and Wngta gantfonraw. m wall a* lb* m. ami 'mraltar pol.lir and rontinatrlnl man am ta.ltad to tbla PlntAYaaa dotal, abata tboy will Rnd ham* c.mforta at maai nalda ratna lAbatnf rwdnrtbm to Jwyma and othar* attaadlag Ctoart W. R. TKLI.KR piwg r."