Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 23, 1882, Image 4

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    ®he Centre democrat.
The Largest, Cheapest mad Bast Paper
lished every Thursday morning, st Uellefoote, Uoln
rouoty, Pi.
TERMS—Caehlo advance • BO
If not paid In sl<u a OO
A LIVI PAPlß—devoted to the Inters#U of Us
whole people. ... ,
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Pepere going out of the county must bo paid for In
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Ourextenelve clrculetlon makes this peper en nn
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We heve the roost ample feclllllee for JOB WORK
and are prrperod to print ell kinds of Book#, Tract*,
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Pouticai Notk* 'ft "#nt* i**ch Insertion.
Nothing lnn*rl*4 for l** th*n So c*nt*.
BrMiiw Vorirr" In theeditorial culamn*, lft c*nt*
p*r lln*. each insertion.
Favorite Poem of President Lin
We ere informed by the intimato friend#
of Mr. Lincoln who ri#iled the Presiden
tial mention during hi# administration,
that ho frequently read to them favorite
pa#age# from Shaketpear, thereby thow
ing genuine appreciation of the great poet.
The arti#t, Mr. Carpenter, wa# an inmate
of the White Houne for #everel month#,
engaged in painting the Kmancipation
Proclamation cone in 18€4. tin one occa
•ion after reading to him tome selection#,
he laid the book aside and in a #ad strain,
with hi# eve# half closed repeated to him
the following poem, the first and last #tan
y.as of which had a sad and mournful ful
filment in hi# own #udden death. This
poem was written In 1778, by Alexander
Knox of Edinburg, Scotland :
O. why should th spirit of mortals ha proud'
Lik a swift fleeting meteor, a fist flying cloud,
A flash of lbs lightning, a break of the, ware.
He passsth from life to his rest In ths grass.
The leases of the oak and the slllis shall fa-1 -.
Be neattared around and together be laid,
And the muni and the old, and the low and the high,
flhall moulder to dual and together ahall lie.
The infant • mother attended and loted;
The mothar that Infant'# nflrrtien who prosed .
Tin- haeband that muher and Infaat who l.lseasd.
Barb, all,are away to their dwellings >f teat.
The hand of the king the w-nptre hath borne ;
The brow of ties prleat that the mitre hath writ ;
The eyn of the -age ami the heart of the I.rase.
Are hidden and loet In the depths of the grass.
The peasant whose lot was to sow and to reap,
Ths herdsmen who rlimls-1 with his gimuup the steep;
The beggar who wandered In sear-h of hie r read.
Has* faded away like the grass that we tread.
Ho the mnltlliide goes, like the flower or the s-el
That wither# away to lt others snr-e-l.
Ho the multitude mm— esen th s we I who'd.
To repeat ese*y tale that lis# ofti n lens told.
for we sre the same ear fathers base lie- n ;
We see the same sights or fathers lor- seen—
We drink the same stream snd ts the game son
And run the name Peine our fit Iters base rnu
The thonghte we are thinking >qr fathers w.oild think :
Prom the death ws are nhr.nkiog ..itr farhrfs wnnld
To the lira we ate rllnglrg thes n'en w—ltd Hlng ;
But It Speeds for os a'l, like s hit I on the wing.
They losetl, I nt the st.iry we ran 'of nnf d-l:
They ser-me.', lot tlie heait of the l.eilghts Is fold :
They gfieaed, but wail Iron thrtr elnndar aill
mm* .
They joyed, hut the t. ngie f their glsdn-we Is dnml.
They died ate ' died ae 'hings that sse now.
Ife.i aslk on she turf that lem on their Idow,
A i d m fke In their dwellings a transient s' t-le,
Meet the things that th J met .at ite-t |dlgrtam#
Tea' hope and deapomh net. pleaavtee and paitt.
We mingle together in enn-liiue and r* n
And the stntle end the tear. Use aog and the dirge,
HUH follow rwh thws, like surge U|a>i surge.
Tin the wink of an eye, 'tis th-draught nf a hr—th,
f'rngt the hlrawomaof llemtth t..the pnllemas of d— lie—
From the gild-d -el.- nto tlie tier and tlteehrnwd
O. why alionhl the eplrlt of mortals la pnetd s
The a burn p>em, to rich in gctitimnnl
and lduty. which he delighted In repent
o frequently unvs-fl# ronnv I th" mv
terieg of the rnnr velti'ie life nf Mr. Lin
coln. -J. O.
Washington City, Feh. 1, 'B2.
Many I'er*oti* killed and Wounded.
CntsTt*, !**., Feb, 17.—About S
o'clock this morning an explosion oc
curred at tin* pyrotechnic work* of
Professor ,lAck*on, in litis city The
huilding wa hidly *htteri-d and took
fire, and was then totally consumed. At
least fifteen, and probably more, lives
were lost, and many j>eron were dan
gerously wounded The building is the
old homestead of Admiral Porter.
Among the killed not previously re
ported are Thomas IViuafdaon and Pe
ter Viae. Benjamin fJartside, who was
reported killed, is still alive, although
very badlv wounded. William B.
Franklin, William Cowan and a boy
named Oakshave have since died from
injuries received.
Among the wounded are police off!
cer Blizzard, painfull? hurt; William
fiillson and Smith Nobletl. fireman. *e
riously hurt Alex. Hamilton, struck
with a flying missile; Horace Larkin,
cut seriously about the head ; A. Green
baugh. a fireman, badly injured; Wil
liam Ford, groeer. terribly burl; Joseph
Clark, Jacob Kerth, slightly injured;
John Wood, dangerously injured and
there is little hope for hi* recovery. He
is'a brother of William Wood, who was
killed. Thd limbs of Jane Ray (colored)
have keen amputated and her life i* da
apaired of. She waa also injured inter
nelly. Charles Dalton, son of Chief
Kogineer Dalton. waa Injured internally
and the physician entertains no hopes
of his reeovery. The chief* injuries
are serious. James Dougherty's head
waa blown from hi* body.
The bodies of the dead have been re
moved to the late home* of the victims
and their funerals will take place on
Bunday and Monday. All of the killed
were in rueiy circumstances, and most
of the wounded were very poor. In or
der to help bury the deed nod provide
for the wants of the Injured, a meeting
of citizens whs held in the Mayor'solflce
this afternoon lor the purpose of raising
funds. About SI,OOO was raised in a
short titno.
Chester, Pa., Feb. 17—Following is
a correct list of the killed by theexplo
sion to-day: .lohn I.amplugh, Thom
as Donaldson, Thomas Anderson, Alex.
Phillips, John Pollock, James Keslner,
(leorge Taylor, James T. Dougherty,
Perry Williams, Anthony Barber, Win.
Wood, David Daiers and Peter
Viscate. Benjamin Uortside, who was
reported killed, is still living, although
badly wounded. William B. Franklin,
William Cowan and a boy named thiks
have since died Irom injuries received.
Additional wounded, Kliza Watson
(colored), wrist broken; Daniel Roth
mell (colored), strurk on the head
with a brick ; Mary Moodino (colored),
cut on the head with a missile : George
Williams (colored), arm seriously hurt,
and David Blizzare. a boy, head and
lace badly lacerated.
A Terrible Arraignment.
Plain Word* from one of Gar/uhf I Chosen
NEW YOHK, February, 11, 'B-.
Thomas M. Nicholas, the intimate
friend and confidant ol Gen. Garfield,
publishes a card in today's Tribune iu
answer o an attack made upon him in
the New York Commercial Advertiser, in
which he makes the following grave
"All you who glory in the name of
stalwart, and who took part in the villi
fication and abuse of President Garfield
last summer, who sought to control his
official action, or degTado and destroy
hia character and reputation, you are
reaponsible for his murder. His blood
ia on the garments of the whole gang of
you, and you cannot wipe it off. You
have been dealt with very tenderly
touching your grave responsibility for
tbia crime, but everybody knows you
are guilty, and you feel it yourselves in
your innermost souls. It was your abuse
and denunciation that inspired Guiteau
to 'remove' the I'reaidenl as a political
necessity, and you will not much longer
be permitted to bide the stains on your
hands or detract attention from them
by raising a dust around tbe heels of
Blaine, by throwing mud at Sherman or
heaping ridicule on me. Your crime
was not merely the murder of a man, it
was the transfer of the government by
murder to the hands of a faction of the
party which, if the question could have
iicen submitted to tbe people at the
time it was done, it would not have re
ceived one vole in a thousand. One
would think that with such a fact hang
ing over your heads in the clear day
light of public knowledge you would
have sense enough, though destitute of
all decency, to enjoy tbe lease of power
the asa<win gave you while flie law
allows, without persistently vilifying
the chosen friend# and saeociateeof your
victim, who was tbe nation's choice.
Why, you are the npal stupid tool# in
tbe world to keep on provoking discus
sion of these old matter-. You stand as
acknowledged criminals, morallv re.
sponsible for and guilty of Garfield's
murder, but against you on account of ■
votir friends and tbe good name of the >
community, the prosecuting witnesses 1
ate loath to proceed. But when you j
treit nieicy as cowardice, and to guilt 1
dd insolence nnd defiance, you are no :
longer entitled to fortiearance. So. now. j
it you want a reconsideration and full '
d acussion of the whole eu'-jt rt, proceed
with your abuse "
A Praee Policy for the Indian*.
ITS coxTixrawcs Hiro*ar.Mrii nr ins
I he Prevdent transmitted to Con
pre** yesterdsy tb* nmni'tl report of ihe
Board of Indian Commissioner* for the
| yffr Ihm |. Tin* r*|>nrt i voluminou*.
And d*l* with van.on important que*
| lion* connected writ Indian govern,
nii'iit, U.-*pel<ng the peaceful attitude
ami industrial progre** of t!• Indian*
generally, the report say* that with the
•■xrepli-.ti of the di*tutt anew i• New
Mexico and Arizona, r ui*ei bra *mll
ftainl of roaming Apache*. th Indian*
have continued peaceful, and have
made commendable prngr*** in virion*
pur*nit* of indutry. Ihe r**utt* of
Indian latmr during the pa*t twelve
ye.tr*. since the beginning of the peace
policy, the hoard *av*,ahow an increase
lof the product* of til* rot) hy Indian
Ulmr ul neatl* twelve fohl |d at thi*
rale ot prngre** it i* r-tif, lentlv pre
dicted that file l.ttte i not tar di-t-int
when all semi civilised Indian* will he
.ell •up|nriit:g. and the few tribe* that
remain wild end ovuge will iwn toilnw
their example. The h >*rd eitaedlt
renew their reoomnteti'hitiona of p*t
year* in favor of crttilini; land* in
' severalty to Indian*. Thi* lliey con
eider an ini|ortant meaeure. wim-U will
greatly encourage productive induittv
among them. They heartily indorse *ll
that i* containetl in tlic rejtort of the
Commissioner of Indian Affair* upon
the euhjeoV of the extension *f law and
government over all the Indian rerer
vntion*. The Indian*, they say, ahould
not he left without the protection and
the rratraint* ol legal trihunala of
ju*tire. and no diatinction ought to be
made tietween Indiana and other racet,
with reapeet to righla and dutie*. Con
siderable apaee is devoted to the sub
ject of achoolo for Indian children. 80
much haa been *econplihed by the
few training echool* now in operation
that the lioard joins the many (rienda
of Indian civilization in recommending
sufficient appropriation* to establish
other institution* of like character. In
addition to training school*, the hoard
urges Congress to provide the Commis
sioner of Indian Affair* with • touch
larger school fund to he used in edu
cating the 30,000 Indian children now
growing up In ignorance. The report
close* a* follow* : "We have no measure*
to recommend. We simply tirge per
sistent adherence to the peace policy,
which means: 'Government by law,
homestead rights, edncalion."'
Waits to Mrs. Lydis K. Pinkham, No.
233 Western Avenue, Lynn. Mass , for
pamphlets relative to tbeeuralive prop
erties of her Vegetable compound in all
female complaints.
A twelve year old aon of Mr, A. F.
Graham killed n lad named Hopkins
with a club during a quarrel in Keokuk,
lowa, on Friday.
Dispatches from Washington state
that Senator I.ogan is really quite sick,
and some of his friends fear that his
strength is impaired.
The body of Ko Kun Hue, professor
of Chinese lungusge at Harvard univer
sity, will bo enclosed in a leaden casket
and sent to China.
William Miller, the oldest Mason in
the United Ntates, died in Caldwell,
Ohio, aged 98 years. He had been a
Mason for 81 years.
A boiler exploded at Kirk ham's old
mill at Doctor Town, near .lessup, (is.,
on Saturday, by which seven persons
were injured and one killed.
The Cincinnati AV/vircr speaks of the
union between tiie Republicans and
Tammany us a case of miscegenation.
If so, what shall the harvest be ?
Danville, Va., sold largely over 5 000,-
004) pounds of leaf tabacco for consider
ably more than half a million of dollars
during the last quarter of 1881.
Smallpox lias broken out in it thickly
■ettled section of Nottaway county, Vir
ginia. A hospital has been established
for the accommodation of the patients.
"< 'fßce-hunting is a greater industry
now thsn it WHS in Garfield's time."—
Chicago Time*. And there was supposed
to have been some sort of lesson in the
Guiteau assassination ?
M. LavrofT, who waa ordered to leave
France on account of having started a
Nihilist fund in I'aris, has proceeded to
London Sixty Russian refugees wit
nesed his departure.
While coasting at Cohoes, N\ Y., on
Saturday, Charles Richmond, aged six,
dashed into a hole in the ice in the
Cbamplain canal and was drowned. His
mother witnessed the accident.
General Forgemol has started from
Marseille* for Algeria, with special in
structions to act in accordance with his
own judgment. The return of the troops
from Tunis has been postponed.
An 8 year old boy died at Point St.
Charles, Canada, from excessive use of
| liquor. The coroner* jury on Friday
last brought in a verdict of wilful mur
der against the person who gave him
the liquor.
4)n Sunday night, near Stamford, Ky.
.lobn Carr. a highly esteemed colored
man. was shot dead in his own house by
an unseen person while he was playing
with hi* little child. No clue to the
Sergeant Rush of the Tenth cavalry,
at Concho, Texa*. having been repri
manded by his superior ofiirer and
ordered to be taken to the guard house,
secured a gun and blew oil the top of
his own head.
Miss Seed, until two week* ago post
mistress at Lawrenceville, 111., was on
Friday last found in a dying condition
from the effects of chlorotorm taken
through despondency at beind super
ceded in office.
A dispatch from St. Feteraburg to the
/Wy Telryraph sayt a Jewish family,
consisting of a mother, daughter, aged
seventeen and a son aged fourteen, have
been massacred by peasants in the dis
trict of Aneneiff.
Captain General Prendergast states
that there ia considerable agitation
among tbeCuban anonemists, especially
among the advanced liberals and the
colored populniion of the eastern pro
vinces ol the island.
Near Nueva I.vredo,Texas,on Sunday,
two smugglers named Augnendegrii,
shot and killed two grass cutters whom
they suspected of stealing their goods.
'►Hirers shot Klitardosnd snother horse
thief named I.is Hii*lna.
The remains of nine persons have
been taken from thettiinsol the fire in
the old It's* hi building, New York.
There are still quite a number of per
sons reported missing who were employ
ed in the building.
Kennedy's rrnche. near Corpus Chria
ti, Texas. < acres ol
land, together with aIT the rattle, 1,0r., a
and buddings thereon, has liecn sold to
the Texas Land and Cattle Company, of
I>und e, Scotland.
It ia said that Pretident Arthur has
stocked the wine cellars ol the While
House, which had gone into disuse dur
ing the administration of Hayes, whelh
er as a matter of principle or to aare
the cost of the beverage in entertain
merit", i a question of doubt with many.
Secretary Kok wood ha" addressed a
letter to the commissioner of |<*>neions,
<• ling his attention to the lacl that the
lotre of employ es in Ih-tt ' flics- is nliPndv
in excess of lite nuuii-el allows i| by law,
and slirecting tluit no full tier appoint
nient" he nt life eacept to till Vacatis ies.
Ilev. K, C. Milne. | astor of Trinity
Church, Chicago, 111., at which Kota-rt
C'ollyer fotnts-rly rdMciitlvd, in hta ser
mon Sunday lltortiing abandoned hia
la-hef in a p.-r.nnhl l>eitv ami in the
itntnortality of man. The sntu>unes
me nt crenied intense commotion ntoong
the congregation.
Toe Irish land league rf Buffalo, N.
Y.. have adoptvtl a resolution requesting
the land leagues throughout the United
States to urge memt-ersn. Congress from
their re*|iective districts to lake into
consideration the cases of American
cittm ns now imprisoned by the British
government in Ireland.
The wickedest family in America ap
pears at the present writing to be located
in lowa, ita paternal lieasl having just
been shot in cold blood by one of the
daughters at the instigation of her
mother, in order to make room for an
accepted lover of lioth. There ia a
cheerful probability that the t-analians
will soon emigrate by the air-line route.
Five masked burglars broke into the
farm house ol Michael Ulrick, an aged
man near Harriaburg, Pa., oa Sunday
night last. They overpowered Mr. Ul
rick and hia wife and with drawn pistols
compelled the old couple to divulge
where their money was concealed. The
robbers secured over SIOOO in cash, and
left without taking anything else. The
burglar* are unknown and atill at large.
I BAD Chronic Dyeentery for oneyeer.
Paat-NA cured me. James Branson,
Pittsburg, Pa.
Washington's Sword Knot.
A l'rojx>sition to Sell it to the Government
Jar 11.50U0.
Representative McLanc, of Maryland
yesterday presented the petition of W-
M. l'egram, of Baltimore, thai tin is
possessed of an interesting relic of Gen.
George Washington, rendered more
valuable by being the ouly in existence.
It is the "awurd-ltnot" which was worn
on the sword-hilt of (he general'* war
■word. 11 linn been in the possession of
iua wile'* family (the Alricka) lor ovof
■evenly yearn. It came into the fami
ly through Harriet Washington, niece
of tlie general, who married Andrew
l'nrka, hi* wife's great uncle. It waa in
the possession of her (hi* wife'*) aunt,
recently deceased at the ago of eighty
■even years, who had it for over fifty
years prior to her presenting it to him
some sixteen years ago. lis authentici
ty is certified to by Miss Harriet l'arks
A tricks, now living, another aunt see
eiity eight year* o," age, who was named
alter her aunt IJurriel (arc Wiuhingion)
and her uncle Parks. l'he reitc is ot
■ilk, faded by age, and silver tinsel bul
lion, with a tinsel rosette, or rather of
silver spangle*, just above the tassels,
connecting the loops, and is mouutcd
in a case made expressly lor It with the
certificate affixed to the inner aideof the
lid, Ihe relic is in a beautiful slate ol
preservation, haviug been carefully
wrapped in silk, arid thus preserved un
lit it was mounted. The general had
bul one war sword, which is now in the
library of the' Slate Department, and its
naked hilt is a silent attestation ol the
genuineness ol this relic. The relic
tiss been appraised at f1,6U1) and the pe
titioner having ho museum or collection
ol such valuables, leels that the (iovern
ment should be tnc owner of this speak
ing relic of those days which "tried
men's souls, and therefore respectfully
prays that the tiovernment ol tire Dm
ted Males purchase the same, and let it
assume its proper position on the hilt ol
Washington's warswotd.''
The FIU John Porter Cane.
By tb* AlMtUtnl Pi**..
Washington, Feb. 17—The Fit* John
Porter caw ww again under considers-
Hon In the Cabinet with a view to hia
possible reinstatement in the army, but
no conclusion was reached. It is staled
that the only legal way to afford the de
j ired redress in .this case is for the
| President to pardon General Porter,
1 thus removing bis present disqualifies
lions ftotn holding office ill the service
•>f the United State-, and thus restore
j him to bis former place in the army by
hia nomination to the Senate.
Koserrans's Opinion of Garfield.
Ff-ir in ti Tli* fhilkiUlphl* Pr*#t.,
"I>id Gen. Garfield meet your ex
pectations aa chief of staff?''
"fie was a valuable man in many re
spects. He was quick to catch the drift
of events, and was a fine letter writer.
He could take a suggestion as to orders
on important communications, and
readily draft them ilh good taste, ac
curacy and force. He had a fine mind,
but it ran rather in the direction of civil
pursuits than to broad military opera
tion". Ho got ofx pleasantly with the
officers, and filled his position well."
Nhot Through the Head Imt Captures
Ilia Man.
Bj T'lfTi|.li It Ik# \ *i.vt-I-* •}**.
N*w York, Feb. 11.—For some lime
past lietective Tooker has t.een looking
for Thomas, alisa "Hump" Hennesy far
committing a burglary . The officer saw
Hennesy in the street this morning,
when the latter fled and a chaeensued.
The r>(Beer overtook Hennety and wa
al>ut to arrest him when he drew a
pistol and fired, the hall striking Tooker
in the centre of the forehead, and came
out at the hack of his head. Notwith
standing thi" woun I the officer secured
hia man. 'looker is now in the hnspt
tal. This ta a hrvve and nervy officer.
I was given up to die, from a di-ease
of sir hint*. I took Patrsa and it
cored me. J. Irwin, Hope, l'a.
.Vnc Advertiarment.
i nii.irsst no. r a.
Oin In A)tort • Nilltifkt. In M * Mnn Mini
•ti} |s| Hat f*tc• |A*|it t But, $| ( dß|4tuy
Orphans' Court Sale.
TN accordance with an ordtr of the
1 •Hf lmie OfMlt t4 Ontfe s•s(}. Ilk' ' Mklll ke Fi
le* *1 f tkle, oil Ilk# pfehllna, rn
Saturday, the IH/A aj ifarch next.
at 1 oVksrk, H., Ike MMHk# ml ekfils
flit |.ru|tflt (if fAwmti* i \ rafM h, Ufa t.f Halkar
|i<titi l|i. ilarrsgrtl, t ml
All that certain niouaj.s\ tenement
•Ik 4 Ttarl ( Ukd ••tnwfeiii V. K.t irah|. Khii4-
M hd dwtlM *• fkt lh still !•} 'and" of
(Ist hairktl R ll VllrMlht dtnaiar l "Iker Nttnla of
llie nld lUMMI Vmtf'k •• l l**e* I.l* kH ; s#fk li}
I lattJ* u| !•** |l<> ky|.livfge l.n's aft 1 t'er<dllts ••!(•
Itof.ahd H'Tt t 'j I !••!* tvf M"Pfie IrtMs j - fvslan •
ir< fcIOIITY RkJk AXO OMt 111 Mißkw AM
Mh V riRCIIKR. sm| fnnatlff thryran . frw Hl
Irvine Dwelling litntk, ttottk torn, $d fiM ut
Also, nil tlint memuage, tenement,
*t4 Trset at I.an 4 -limit- ss sUn., U<ss4'A on 4 4—-
rriborl oa follows: ~n 111- N -rlh *p.l Bwl l-y Unit* of
lb- hHnol H n. Ynl-nttn* 4——'4. ami ball* of 11.
SrvhnlH-f, fonsol, Asitb 1-1 l-o4s 4 low IWcbla;
Sol by 1-1,4. .f Soion-i V mrbS (l-i*s itswrrttwl)—
...olslnlna TWKNTV At R AND rtSTV fOlli
PlitUtlKX. Host mswsni*. Ilom* **•** 4 • T-0.-l
Tsaas or Sstt.— a* Ibir4 In hts<l •-.mflnnaUon
of ml- an 4 lh ro4 In ,. o|ssl snonal p.ym*nts
th-rmflor nlth Ins—st So lis ssvt4 by t"-#4 it,4
tn-irl(sc- on lb- to.ml—
T-fw JNO.S YKARICK. A4mlnlslrslor.
ltridgo Let tint;.
Sealed proposals for the mason work
at an Iron lob!*- nt Os—ol. nlll h- rsrolt4 as
lb- I'-tnailsßtoa-r'- o<a< -. R-IW-.nl*, (h— Sen-
Sb-os mn I— —si) nntll Tt!KSt>AY, Nsrrb M. at It
•Vlnrh. Tb- rlibl to rJorl nayor all 144s Is —s4
ISO. SOtf, 1
A- J OBIKST, ) Com
tt. c. cAuran.iJ
Aitrst: W.Mitas a*iasa.Cltb
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the estate of David
Knt.. fwms4.
The undersigned, an auditor, ap
potat-4 by tb* Orj.bsns' (Vmrt at CVnlr- o nnly. to
asmrtaln sn4 m-bs t-anrt of afvaa—maan to b*r*
of DssW Xsil*. 4-. s—4 sn4 mab* 4tstObnOnw of tb*
fnn4s In tb- b.4. of Ssmn.l Grsml-y. ItnsSv* of "H
4—4-nl's rml *st*t*. to so 4 noorn* Ibsm lally so
llt I*4 lb—to, nlll m—l lb* fwrtt-s In lnt*tm nt bis
oat—, In BolWoot* at IS A. 8., MoMay, Msrrb JO,
Isos, fo, tb* ysuros* of bis nptMnUn-nt.
VtLI.VR L. ON*Hl f
7-4w Andltof.
New Advertisements.
Bellefonte (Enterprises.
With Ike New Year Rellefontc prom
ises to develop into the moitl prosperous
of our inland towns —enterprise after
enterjtrise is briny started by the capital
of our public spirited citizens. The (Jar
Worlcs are. running to their full cajtaci
ty, our (Jlttss Works are opening tcillt
every show of success, the. Steel Works
will give employment to 100 men, the
Nail Works, for whose success General
Ileaver vouches, will shortly offer employ
ment to hundretls of people—all these
public enterprises will put liellefontc in
the van of prosperous and wide-awake
Uncus. Here, then, is room and place
for lively, sjjiriled and active young
men. Among the best anil mast success
ful businessenterjirise* organized recent
ly is the LARGE ANI) WELL
posit the Bush House—nothing like it
in the County. If visitors to Bstlcfonte
will only take the trouble to call at
our Store, thry well be surprised at the
quality, style and prices of first-class
I urn dure. He are aiming to buy aJ
goods directly from the manufacturers
without the intervention of agents, so as
to offer goods at bottom figures. ONI.
profit is sufficient. We projtose to fill
your homes with Parlor Suits, Bedroom
Suits, Sofas, Odd Chairs, Tables, any
thing and everything in Furniture at
prices lower than you can get in this
County. We mean just what ice say.
Me also offer the public the servient
of Mr. John I*roudfoot who has a tho
rough knowledge of the UNDERTAK
ING business, and who will keep on
together with a first-class HEARSE.
Fair prices only will be charged. Give
us a trial.
2-3 m.
(CAUTION. —Having purchased at
+J the folllhg of r M
f In jt .1 UrrfWa, I Toli, 1 Itn It-fe *S|nft. I
bv fate 1 Wua) fvwftf*. t rslUtslM*. 1 •*
1 rir, I fctrttM*. 1 f<*k 1 us,l*. 1 dr,fc. 1
<w.m atotfk 1 'ts||r, :i ihslfs. 1 i t**6 and
s.s'<iu,tf. |vUilrr iafer.-e| | 7 SCT of t*
JJ |e!hiU islnmi in * arf* .f rje to iruund.
1 < Sfd'tsid l'<rtlrr villi ill *f hi* |i<n| pt*|*vrt|
I feet-rtf? all 9*4 to ait<lU mitb <*r i#
**.)• IV* intvrfrf* V.tt, aa asfrru I hata I< ft Ik>*
In ih lish la of Mud in- 'g* M l>(rt
tuf t r* IUIHKKT A M CAA.
A r Blind. HlpmHhi. lulilnf nt 4 l*W
rtl hi® bm l*-m di* < >r~] i t lr. * Hlkum. (an
i l*t WlllUia'* ln4iM)Oii(aM t
\ !i L i !.-• rtml lh t*t '-mm* <H
Ot * f*mt+ HW.4'l.<f wfVt flu KillVfM
I 1 *<.<• malum.* M tt>4 tMlirVt 4* h*m
i Mn #'•!. (itMsmii (4niH< lh tn®<n,
•Data Uw tllHi** ml night tk!\*t
citlug • Arm in ttrd, > mf mm *!*• ititMl
m 4 H'' 1 '* 1 rli4. and • j-n jn<t only f< IMlia,
iMliidfl .f fbo part* Mid h-t not hi Of olat.
It. ..1 ht th. M<m J M Cldtmhorry tf
•*)• Miwtit lr Militant'• Indian hk Ointment I hart
>#| mnfw >4 l*il r*rt. nd it aflmda w* |4oaatar
u. Mil that I hat M*rf fonnd anything ahi'h ftu
•v I nod |Atrniaicot relief a* I>r, U illtmm a
lu 'lan Otttinitlt
Wot malo by nil <trmgtMa or mailed on rotntyt of
pneo. |i nri
HENKY A Co., Propt.
t 4"lf fx fli, Jlwr lurl.
| FKA7.IERS ROOT Bittkw..
Furiffl H'4 lUtfT* art not a dram-atop nhiakt
krtmc*, Vol oro aftrartly NMti inal in trtrji wrt*
ThJ acl Htungly tpm thlirf nii4 IMip-u, ku|
Ik* lwfl njwti and r*iniinr, ntkr tk* vuh
•♦*! tp t* th* ti-rtn *n4 <>an tb
m4 ittlHN <4 rnj ttl.
fl i Ifltrii HM, Honk "f W"i to llnmd. fonding h* i
hf t-Jtu. I>F*pf •**! a|n*, Unfit, l*n| U* 1
jtr'tiftkwi llnmur* nnd horn". TrMrt
K. _• Worm. WMif Pnolltng, Irtoptlai, s*>n fcyoa
and Uw V**ft o*Rtflig ln*n Wndtp#* m
i' l.Oity can. 11l Inn Impindittu, to bo al® If
ltr>t hml'ti. frafft'i H*of llitlomar* M|rkllj
'•* Fr4<M I haw man! two Udtlaa of pot Rmt
hlm f Uy|"f*. Ptmlffw, H wiin* and kldtit
I>|- •. and t l-y 414 r mil fd than tin dorWtr
aol nit Hit nidu lm I wrr tml From tb Ural 4mm I
trran to mtnA. and I am ma In porfocf hmllli. and
fr-ol aa moll a* I otof 414. I omnklif fvur ant
•4 tlio groaltat of tdoa^nc*
MRU. M MARTIN, rtorainn* O.
Hold by all drnggtata otorywkoro at fl par Mtb,
HENRY A Co.. Sole Prop'#.
at-ly. a Tiwj SC. In Il
Ay fw. fr*ri*r' M.(W QlalanL Cm* a* If hy
M4IH-. riafiln. (Mock IImW m Qnk ItrtcW.
nd Krn|>4i"M ••* the far.. latlu tka "kin rlaor,
•milky .nd tooattfol Ala. can* Itch, hrSM • Ink.
Salt Rkaaai, Thi. Hinjarwl*. An 14 H*ad. Ckat'pad
ll.nl*. Ann Mlfi'lc, *or* Ufa, aid, okaliaal* I'War.
and Anna, Ac.
P. Itraka, Raq, Claralaad. 0.. aaflrrad kayoad all A
•cHpttoa ft*n a .kla diaaaa* aktrk .|>f>c*r*d o* fcr
ban da brad and Ida, and aaarlf MnH kl. **
Tk. mat carofal dnrtOTtna kIM to Wf Wtk. and al
tar all bad fkllnt k* a.nd Or. PnalaiMaW OliitMl
and * carad ky • l appllcatlnti.
A#-Th* AcM aad only pn.itl. ranlkr tila
rr*r dtanarrnd.
Aral by Mil aa raratat of crloa, firrt Cam.
IIKRRT 4 0, Ma Proartr
kS Taary At.. Mr* Tart.
r<>. l#d. Alnwtlnc Itctiln* or t'Weratrd CM** Pr
timaaklnui Otwmaat I. amt ear#. Mr#
•I >•!, ky atall Par aal* ky DraacMa. atly
la tk* Mttar of tk* paUtkwl ta tin Orpfcaa*' dart
f M RtmA far iwr<Ar V af Oaatn caaafp.
arrAwaiaac* of aaatfarc )
r pilE untlcriiicixd, R CommißMOiipr
A apaalatad ky tka Onrt la kl. fmUmtmy and
make car rt tkrmd. will aMaad tk* datla* <rfklr.iv
Aalataaal aa TCHADAT. MARCH T, IMt, at fo
attack. A. M. at hit adw. |a RritaAwt*. at trtlrt
liana and plara all parttat totanatadnay attaad.
7- la H. A. MeRRP. Ooawrtdiair.
New Advert i nrm rti tn.
A Pennsylvania Newspaper for
tho General Public.
Suifl! ''** K l"T !■ 11> .Illy muralox ft.
caWMMdM ib. (tfturwuitai.
TU fiAII.Y PATRIOT ful 11.1,.i11,. Aw.UImI Pi...
iww. M..J 1.1. fi„u,.||
T '^V.. : "• i'1r..,..,, < r
, I"!' " ""I ,•*"I
!<•• HIM ft . 1,.. UHI f I.r• , U „, >t# fMf „ 7
Tl" WKBKI.I I klol . , il, t ,
Ig.M, ft..., MltM, ■I. iMj.tbg |ft*2 ...ft
-IllwmUlniM illßMr.ii'.n I , |
• *'• "•* <•<■>
101 lb. |.iM* T. ..... ll'. | . I,
Onocftt-yM b<- M>..KI.Y l ATIUirl „. |
on. tufty of Ik* Ilillibl.il li. WI.kKI.V 'JlMr'' I
I- M-11l ..ft. y.- ft II is ...I, |„
tl.*l„ ||..l (■! 111. 1.. ,|f 1,. |,„. ~[|| , | t| ,,
OnofnMnOh* UfcrKl.) I'AThl'n ..-i . ~, , j
it.. KiTTA'.K 111 -mill ... ....
■ KlM.fMllilttlMf *1 1V.1,1, .1 || V, ~|| ,
•'-11 l mis jr (..r II 70. s.l. 11, ... II , hift.ii,, , r
• at oid N'l'l. .
Hmfnp urg. I'm
TV,i lint and i i.raptji Nrwtpaper J'utlulu f.
•TO CENTS for Six Months,
An Extra Copy to every Cluli of Ten,
New York Herald
Lite pay* ( r ft,* y.*T *uo4cf* itKimtod.
t* fmr. •mi.- t hui.
f* [4}n for *i t h< t day* 11* IMII-1.
M for lt month*, Without Sti>j<)i
lot o# JWT for *• > nil ,J liny cif th
*1 i i' nth* for *t> < of the. ..
51 |-rf month I|t, ( 0 , l;| ... v IJ J -i
*ut<wf jj'ti rtii If n |.*rt "1 thno hf*r tnofifti*
? ' fc $ '
W *^klyEdition .. 4 ,
Wm&ly (Piita*tt E'liUoi*
r<irr.t rurt
Tfe'ly Will ri 1 w aii'l n hnlf r• tif |*-r C ; f
*t4ay Mhimi I r f J
Ww"kly E<liti*rfi ... .... . (Ft,)* j-r ' j r
N M V"t l* thnii '"jl'* rttHi !•.; U| ti'* . : •
*t • h'.lrwnin rut"*
w •" •Hon r" ' *makm4< won vnlMnipUoti* t/, I .
WiU'-ti. A44in*
Hr*•*!•% •fid Ann
The I/t-adiiii: Dally and Weekly l'apcr
> nu wfci Raaxrii vallct.
H. T BALLADE nd i! M WOLF, Jr. f
Eel.t>r fttid Proj rtH'm.
//ti an nblf b.<hl'*rin\ and Hrj*,rtor\al StafW
'ontetni the I/alt >t Ttl+ffrajthic AVwt/
I {a* aHf habit Cotjit and ( rrctpofttitn f*.'
A * & MA Till
>r T i<r,ru i
DA 11. V sf, 00. II A/ A7.) JI M)
Any tit " ftf >| fl1, • f fii. f,. y.irl,
•ft l *.. t,,i it,, a nil iu s a*. ii.... .it twij.s
• TI lor on* }**. r r*
K illmmnili of U4-
Bff1 by l hr mmin <-t U-r, UHIUim ommu)
yir Mi (*! axiil • <, to rno.
MimQktl*tß<l me m loin w*wi
Hop B. tiara. |(ku m Moo B.
TT yna an jmtnr emt I ppfferlac Na any In
dlKMka or diaMi* ■ Una If rwi tr* mtr
M or IBV. old or ■rounreo Serine fr ora
poor Mit t, or larorntofcßlmr -m a baa at arc*.
MM. rely oa Hoplllttarf,
Wbnrrrr yna ere, To aaada <t aa-
W"M ion r<a4 ■ I auaily from auaaa
t hat your ryatom KJ form of Kidney
aOa rlnajimaa. toa- Mydiaao t Lai mirtit
tap re autaalatiac. b* r ieea |reeiu4
wltfeoetf-.'..nni-m, ■■ ! j a timely ear of
RT fOi
Of U> afomara. ■ MnT> Irreenja.
itsa 1 ilu I
nmrnn iHsiF"
Kwm'si k never k^"'-
• •*• your I' TA I | TrC'r^T"
I Up. ft hap ■, lAI L m '*-•
pared hun- ■ lulu an. K.
Brook, * Tor, rea.
i frit aala la Um tlmbe, back, Cam*. .
f bmaet, JSp or faMrr Uaflea. take Pb- \
/ V
. "For cramp o* the atoovarb. cnflp. jlaf- i
( not. or vomiting, take pears a." ■■■ \
/ 'Tarnart. aemme. alrbt rweata. abort- V
' aaaeof breath. taAa Taenia. B—■— .
f " Par ebrcmleratarrb, borer hi tH-plenrlar \
i aadaora throat of an? blnd-Taai. a. i \
\ "rnmt te the ymreet, meet prompt anf J
/I eßrteat medicine kamrt toman. ■■■■■ N
M •TaantA to the beat arpeUatr. poreat <
[i *lf m can't tlna. take Pttrwi If l
V 1 w *ek or mftut tpatally. cac't na. take \
Mrunt" ■■■■■■■■■ v
rJ "fiAno win be paM ft* the leaf taappHtrc* - 1
MakieilUatatrHkaattt l*xat.aa."Mi N
IA BoM earl | elieie. For pamphlet write to V
Y\ •• • UAITMtV *(VTOaborm.Ohio. >
1/1 If ma ere etch. Mel badly. In ear wag \
aad ragnlela thebow-
WrfVoWlnae to art aa Sotlcftdra fta Tatrote. Cereal a.
Ttwde Mart a. < oprtlrbu. etc.. ft* the failed Male*.
Canada, (trim, Kngtnnd. France, (imaif. etc. a
bare had tfclrtp-B*o r cara" atltar>.
retrou. .burned though ua are txaicod ta tho act
fcannc AMkairaa Thta bum and aplendid Ilia,
tratad wmklfpapor.M.flOa pear .Hsnra the rrogmm
if Mmn, ta WT lot in at Inc. and lute aa Mormon
ttrvolatAo. Addroaa HfNN A CO, patent •ottct-
W*i Ft*"e. of mem no Amrei. **. r Part Bow,
MfTirt- Bead tie Hm. .
C. O. McMILLKN, FropT.
Oood SmmpU Room on Flrsf Floor,
AST" Fee. Itaae ta aed flwai all tValae apertal rateo
te alfaeerer ead jwr of* hi
For Sale.
A FARM conUining Fifty Acres,
, aad baring tbereea em. led a TWOBTOn*
ntkHl Bt ILDlXaaad eai buiidiage -nsl.fned.
laoa.re of A. J, * T. ft. Qkl**T,
HA ValoeTillr, Oratre eeoatr. Pa.