£TI)c (Centre AUs Urmocmt, SHUUERT & FOHSTER, Editors. VOL. 4. Oe en tre Ttrmc li.AO per Annum.in Advance. 8. T. SHUQERT and R. H. FORBTER. Editor.. Thursday Morning, February 23,1882. Contre County Democratic Com mittee —1882. auTMcra. SAME. r. o. M,aau. BrIU font*. N W..W. r. R.'lwr Bollifuiilo. •' s. W... Churl** SMITH-.... " " w. vr.juiip. Schofl.id. .. " Dovartl c. K. Bwinclou... Mll*tmr. Millh.itn ..A. W*l!*r* Mlllbplni. Philip*)' l "* l>. W ll,>ll Phlllpahiirg. tJnlunTill. J C Smith PUniln*. H*an*r l'rt.l, Sto.*r n*ll*tonl*. H..** A MrMoitlllll, Mil** l ""*. Burn, A William ll(p| la . Plno 01. . I.'oll** .Prank T.Jthi I.*moli(. Curtln ...... Prwik. RNBB IfoWSN. r.rfuuo. O. P...A J. OF*odorf.—lTar.liroA Mill*. S. P....J. 11. ll*l.*rliDA - ihn k S|,rtn*. ClroI. H •• M >* R'-i"l Sprtii* Mill* •• S. P.. HonJ. Umh*rt Itaiiir. CM. M. K.1.1.r - lUlfoKHinT Ornv Half Il.rn. _.J*nir Ollllhttid.. II"*!*'""*. linaard.... ,I T.njt.r IT*W*nl. Ilu.lon John y Mil** Julian. Liberty...—. W ||. ilar.lii.R —Bln*l,rJ. Marion J J. !!•>* Mil*. —. Uor** llainaa—Woir. Strwa. Pal tin !> I. L"k Buffalo Run |>,un H K. Duck Mlllhplm Poll* R, N P . W. Spsost** ...Tiwmyrtll*. 8. P J Wituipr W.>lf...C*r,ir* llall. K„,h ...„ _William Oulln Sand. H"t**. BoowSho* William ltaln*a. Sn .W Sho*. Bprin* T M Uarnhart. . H*llfonl. Taylor Vinton ll**klfh Foalrt. Union Chrl.tlan Hr>**r FL*ilnf Walk*r Amir** KN-amrr llnbl*Rl.nr*. Worth w. O Mnrrl•*'!>. Port M.tlhla. K. 11. FOK3TLR. Chairman. H. A. McKaa, B*cr*lary TUB House Committee on Territo ries, have reported a bill favoring the ad mission of Dakota as a Slate. THE Cleveland Plain-Dealer call* the attrition of the Republicans to the act that an >ocen under treatment in Philadelphia, for cancerous affection. An operation upon the gland of the neck was per formed by Dr. Oro*s, since which he has improved, and his physicians be lieve his case is hopeful and that all trace of the disease is removed. This will be acceptable news to the numer ous admirers of the eloquent ami courageous Georgian. REPRESENTATIVE IIORK, from the committee ou Civil Service Reform, made an adverse report upon the bill referred to them providing for a re duction of the salaries of heads of •departments. "Civil Service Reform" will do to talk about, but when it comes to practital results, such as cur tailing expenses or limiting the means of employes of thugovernment to make contribution to campaign funds, it is not to be encouragH. A YEAR ago the Le|islature of Wis consin passed an act it the interest of temperance, declaring ,hat the prac tice of treating to the "*dent" was an unlawful social evil, and nust lie aban doned nuder penalty. Tie Judges of the Supreme Court, wlo doubtless loved their toddy and peferrcd to have it free, pronounced th law un-' constitutional. The LegisUure now in session, give notice that bey have no objection to take a drink wth % few friends, by repealing the act. INDICTING THE THIEVES.— t is an nounced that the Grand Jury iiAVash ington are now actively engaftd in preparing work for a lively *e**)n of the criminal court. The leading ffpres in the meshes of the law are th<*tar route thieves, prominently represeted by Gen. T. I. Brady, late Assinnt Postmaster General, Ex-Senator. Lr sey, the Secretary of the RepublUn National Committee, and his brothr and a dozen others whom it is said te Grand Jury have presented as pecu liarly worthy the attention of court. ' "EQUAL AXD EXACT JUSTICE TO AM. MEN, Of WHATEVER STATE OR PERSUASION, KKLIOIOUH Ok POLITICAL."—Jsffmoa I The Commissioners Annual State ment. The people of the county for some i years have been under the impression that it is the report the County Audi tors that must he published. This no doubt arises from the fact, that for years the Commissioners have publish ed an abstract of the report instcnd of the statement required of them In law. The statement this year is the full est nud most complete we have had in many years. Ii gives the people a j fair chance to see what is done with their money. The Republican just now is doiug much to mislead the peo ple iu its attempt to pervert this re port. There was a letter published the other day from some fellow in Snow Shoe, proposing to go back for ten years and investigate. Right in the face of this they make no charge that there is now, or has been anything wrong except with the Sheriff's ac count. The business man of the two boards of Commissioners preceding the present, was a Republican, and it does seem that there ucver is any thing crooked in the management of the county finances, but tbat a Repub lican is in it head and lieels. Twenty one years ago there was trouble, then the couuty Commissioners and Tn n urer were Republican. Now the eflbrt is to make the Democratic party re sponsible for errors, if nnv there weie, committed by the late Sheriff. Whcie was the Republican Commissioners when settlement was made ? The minutes of the office show he was pre cut and took part in the settlement. It was his business to examine the board account tiior rnghly to see wheth er the number of days charged for each prisoner was or was not correct. While we do not believe that the late Sheriff would wilfilly do a wrong art, if such has been d ne.and the record seem* to show it, we dare not, nor will we un dertake to sh eld him one whit. If he has through inadvertauee or oth'-rwi-o drawn pay for boarding more pris< ti ers than lie was entitled to, he should be required to refund, aud we have no doubt will do so at once. The Slitriff is not to be blamed that he received fifty cents a day for boarding prisoners. That responsibility belongs to the Com missioners, and according to Republi can views that board was Republican. Another charge against the Sheriff is his charge for removing fish baskets. Here the Sheriff arted clearly on a mis understanding of the law, which did not require him to search the streams of the county for fish baskets. Rut whose fault is it that it was allowed ? Whose business was it to stand guard over the public funds ? We leave the public to draw the conclusion. When we stand by the law we can not go wrong, or if we do we cannot be blamed, for it is the law and we must obey. A brief examination of the acts of Assembly relating to the removal of fish baskets will show what the Sheriff* ought to have done and what he ought to have left undone. The Eleventh Section of the Act of Assembly of 24th of May, 1871, re latiug to the protection of fish pro vides that "the Sheriffs of the counties "having jurisdiction of such reaches of "the streams, whenever they shall dis "cover or be informed of the existence "of such contrivances for the catching "of fish as are commonly known as "fish-baskets, eel-wires, kiddles, brush "or facine nets, or any other perma nently set means of taking fish, in "the nature of a sieve, which are known "to be wasteful and extravagant modes "of fishing, the said Sheriffs shall give "ten days notice in two newspapers of "their respective counties, that the con "trivances arc known to exist and are "declared a common nuisance, order "ing them to be dismantled by their "owners or managers, so as to render "tbem no longer capable of taking or "injuring fishes of the streams of what ever kind ; and if at the expiration "of the said ten days tbe dismantling "shall not have taken place, then the BKLLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23,1882. I "said Sheriffs -hull proceed, with such : "force (of) good men of the couuty nf ! "may he necessary for the purpose, and ' destroy or dismantle the said lid • , "baskets, Ac., so that they may be no "longer capable of taking or injuring i "fish ; and the accounting officers of I "the counties shall make good the cost ! "of the proceedings to said Sheriff or "Sheriffs in the settlement of their n<- | "counts with the said Sia-rili'-." Ry Section 9lh of the Act 28th April, l*i 3. J "The provisions of the Eleventh Sec tion (the one just quoted of the Act 24th May, I*7l, are made upplicuMi to all the streams or parts of streams 1 under the jurisdiction of thi* Coin ' moii weal tli." Under this law- the Sheriff is only \ bound to give notice when he shall dis cover or is informed that fi-li baskets, Ac., exist, and after notice lie is to destroy tlu-rn, providing they are not destroyed by others on notice being given. Tbe law does not, nor did it require him to travel up and down the valleys,or over our mountains to search for nnv fish-baskets, or any other con trivance in the streams. Whatever the Sheriff did more than this m t re quires and received pay for, was wrong and lie should promptly refund to the county. This act says the accounting officers shall make good the costs to said Sheriffs, Ac. Ry accounting officers we uuder.-tnnd County Auditors. They are to examine this bill and allow only his actual coats nothing more, and thu only menus for fi-h baskets removed according to law, not according to the notions of the officers. The otln r complaint made bv the I Republican and its numerous would ) e correspondent*, is that tbe .Sheriff has received more per day for boarding ■ prisoners than the law allows. No one i of reasonable intelligence will pretend that prisoners can be kept for twenty five cents a day. Tbe CommiMuoueia have nMowed fifty cents a day. Th!•(*< in the Repudiator* and Republican*, Democracy in a minority in both cases occupy a higher and more honorable position, standing alone unmixed with the base traffics which the Republicans do not hesitate to employ to maintain their power to obtain power and place. Kel ley and Maboue will be congenial spirit* in the Republican ranks. TIIB Apportionment Bill ha* passed the House after agreeing upon a basis of 32ft mcmlfcr*. Mr. Beltxhoover's amendment designed to prevent gerry mandering in the formation of Con gressional districts, providing that they shall be made up of contiguous Terri tory, it incorporated in the kill. The representation under this bill will be a* follows: A ............ T Ark*k- '• ... ]4 iWIIMni*. .—... 1 X-t>nk 3 ( nl.mtA.. 1 I (Wwllrtl 4 *r lUfnpfSlrf. t D*Uw*............. .. I X-w 7 ZImKW ..... V S.-* Trk M dmita luiXorOi WM>. ... S 11iiimw *i iSiio 11 1 ri'lion4 Mlosf* 1 ...... ... II r-nn-