Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 16, 1882, Image 8

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    She Crntrc democrat.
Thursday Morning, February 16,1882.
CoaftMFOKDtNrt, conUinthK Important tmw, rUclt
•d from any part of th county. No communication-
I aaartod unlaaa accompanied by tha real nam* of th*
Local Department.
Democratic voters of the different wards
of the borough of Bellefonte, will meet at
the following places, on Saturday evening
for tho purpose of nominating candidate*
for the various borough and ward offices
to be voted for at the election to be held
on next Tuesday :
iYorfA IFarrf.—At the office of J. L.
Spangler, Esq., on High Street.
South Ward. —At tbe office of D. F.
Fortney, Esq., in the Conrad House.
We*t Ward.— At the office of the Demo
cratic Watchman.
—PERUNA had a remarkably good effect
on my daughter's paralysis. W. E. Dun
can, Sewickly.
—Mr. William R. Hayes, and Master
Carrol llayes, ot Miffiinburg, are at pres
ent visiting Dr. Thorns* It. Hayes. The
first is a brother and tho second a nephew
of the doctor.
"Now is the winter of our discontent
made glorious" with one of Sine*
Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry and lloar
hound. Sure cure for your cough or cold,
25 and 60 cents.
—Of the thirty persons who registered
at the Brockerhoff House on Wednesday
of last week, nineteen were those of com
mercial men. • Straws show the direction
In which the wind is blowing, and Mr.
McMillen understands rendering people
—One voice all over the land goes up
from mothers, that says, "My daughters
are so feeble and sad, with no strength,
all out of breath and life at the least exer
tion. Whxt can we do for them'*" The
answer is simple and full of hope. One
to four weeks use of Hop Hitters will
make them healthy, rosy, sprightly, and
No town of which we have any
knowledge is the fortunate possessor of
more beautiful ladies than our own town.
—B*Ufonte Dtmrxrat. Evidently the
writer "of the above ha* not been in Pbil
ipsburg for some time. J'hihptburq Juur
nal. And from all of which it appears
that neither of you have yet been in Cen
tre Hall.— Keyorirr.
We still claim more of them, wo have
been to both towns.
A correspondent want* to know what
to do when a dog shows signs of hydro
phobia. We should climb a tree. Rut if
he had asked us what we should do if we
had a bad cold or cough, we should say we
would immediately buy a bottle of Green s
Compound Syrup of Tar, Honey and
Blood root, the best and most pleasant
cough remedy known.
—A fellow in a comfortable sleigb. with
a pretty 120-pound girl by his side, wa*
able to enjoy exquisite bliss and perfect
comfort. It* i* true the moon was very
full and bright and where there were so
many persons passing caution wa* aace.
sary in regard to the kisse* and other lov
ing actions that take place under the buf
falo robe*. Hrpubluan.
And we always thought you were so
bashful j now a* you have arou*ed our
curiosity we want to know what you
mean. Your reference to the "loving ac
tion*," i* altogether too utterly indi*tinct.
Will you sbed a ray of light upon our
confuted conception ?
-—Attorney* B<vcr, Fur*t, Fortney,
Spangler and Hatting* have been spending
thi* week in Philadelphia in attendance
upon the Supreme Court. Only two Cen
tre county case* were presented to the
Court—Spangler against Kune* and the
MeCjuillen* againtt the Singer Manufac
turing company. These case* were both
tried in the Common Plea* of Centre
county last November.
Mr. Leonard Rhone, Master of the
State Grange, P. of 11., wa* tne Pennsyl
vania representative to the National Agri
cultural Convention which recently met in
the city of New York. Mr. Rhone was
appointed by Gov. IJoyt for thi# duty. It
was an excellent selection to make and we
doubt not it* duties and repon*ibilit!c*
were well met.
Mrs. Amanda Schreyer, wife of M r. Char
lee Scbreyer, of. Jeffersonville, Indiana,
and a daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Hartrim
Ualbraitb, of Betlefonl*, died at tbe re*i
dence of ber parents on Howard street, on
last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Schreyer
had many warm and devoted friends in
her native town and wa* always esteemed
a* a most amiable end excellent lady.
Some time after her marriage to Mr.
Schreyer, seven years ago, they went to
Indiana for the purpose of making that
State their future home. Mrs. Schreyer,
after a few years, began to fail in health,
and laat summer returned to Bellefonte in
the fond hope of regaining in some meas
ure her waning bodily strength. Thi*
hope, however, was edlusive. Consump
tion had seised upon her with a remorse
lew grip, and after a lingering lllnee* she
passed beyond the dark river. The de
ceased ldj| leave* a sorrow stricken hus
band and two little daughter* to mourn
over tbe sed lot* of a fond and loving wife
and mother. The funeral took plaoe from
the residence of ber parents on last Satur
day afternoon, and was largaly attended
by the many sympathising friend* of the
family. She was about thirty-three year*
old, and her early death I* sincerely la
HI'RIRO MILLS IT*M*.— This little rail
.road city it booming just now. Henry
Krunirine is getting tbe (tone and lumber
ready for bit new palace which ho intend*
erecting next summer. Mr. Kruturino i*
one of our substantial ciliaena, and, at he
never dooa thing* by tbe half, we may ex
pect a houio that will be an ornament to
the place. Will Krape i* alao getting to
gether the material for hia new house near
tho railroad atation. Humor aaya ho in
tenda keeping a atore of aomn kind. Mr.
Dalo, the proprietor of the ateam sawmill,
ia putting up a number of houae*. He ha*
two of them up already.
Whitrncr and Speiglemor are having a
big run of cuatom, a* 1* evident from
tho number of vehicle* that may be *een
hitched in front of their e*tabllahmenta
every day. They have their two toie*
connected by telephone. Since my last
letter, Old Fatbor timo ha* garnered a
great many abeavea from our valley, and
at the preaent time quite a numbrr of per
aona are ailing. Hilly Brown, teacher of
the Yearick achool, in Urushvalloy, ha*
been laid up for aome time. Edward Jordan
ia tilling hia place. Mr. J. Royer, of Pot
ter township, ha* been confined to hi* bed
aince laat August.
The missionary aociety of the Preby
terian church i* raiaing money to educate
a minister for heathen land*. Tho society
is composed of members of tho Centre
Hill, Centre Hall and Spring Mill* charg
es. Mr*. Wbitmer, of Centre Hall,is presi
dent of tho society, and Mra. Carrie K.
Wolf, i* the secretary.
At the January meeting of Old Fort
Lodge, No. 630 F. Jc A. M. Past Mater
F. P. Green and L. T. Munaon, installed
tho following officers : W. 11. Mingle, W.
N. ; J. T Lee, 8. W., and W. P. Shnup,
J. W.
TUB STATE COI.LKOB.— There ha* been
a disposition in many part* of the Slate to
criticise the action of the joint committee
of the Legislature appointed last winter
to investigate the condition of the Stale
College. Many of these criticism* have
been ill-timed and caplioua, and unjust
not only to the committee but to the man
agement of the College. Many of them
have been in*pired more by a di*|>o*ition
to throw mud at tbe institution than by
any desire to be intelligently informed in
regard to it* affairs. In regard to the
work of the committee we copy the follow
ing explanatory letter of our able and ef
ficient Senator, Hon. C. T. Alexander, a
member of the committee, to the Phila
delphia Times and published in that jour
nal of Monday last, which should silence
tho clamor* of all fault finder* until the
committee hat, at load, completed it*
My attention hat been called to an ar
tide in the 7,me* of February H, headed
"Some Information Wanted,' to which
justice to the member* of the committee of
thirteen appointed, ia pursuance of a re*o
lution, t<> investigate the affair* of the
State College, demand* a reply. As thi#
resolution wa* passed late in the session
and a* the investigation asked for covered
a large field, requiring much time and
labor on the part of the committee, it pro
vided that tho committee sh>>uld report to
the next se*ion of the Iyogulature I
fail to notice anything in the resolution
requiring the committee to report the pro
gress of Its work to the newspapers, or, in
advance of its final report to the legisla
ture, to give any information to the public
respecting the fact* proven before it. The
committee will not know what it can re
port until It ha* hoar.l all the evidence
that can be brought before it, both by the
friends of tbe college and by it* enemies.
The committee would indeed he censurable
were it to form and give to the public it*
opinion* before it has heard all the evi
dence, deliberated upon it and arrived at
a conclusion Then the report must be to
tho legislature and not to the public. You
certainly know that this it the plain duty
of the committee.
Thi* much, however, I tbinh I can
•afely say, with the approbation of my
fellow member* of the committee that the
committee inlenil* to make a thorough and
exhaustive examination into the affairs of
the college, giving an opportunity to all
who have specific charge* to make against
it to present them in writing to the com
mittee, and, if neetsary, they will tie called
upon to justify them under oath. The
resolution providing for the ap|>ointmcnl
of the committee by an oversight did not
give the committee power to send for per
son* and pa|>er*; neither did it provide
for the employment of a clerk or sten
ographer, nor for the payment of witness
fees, mileage, nor expense* ; but, so far a*
the committee ha* gone in it* examination
of the affair* of the college, it ha* had no
difficulty in getting before it every person
who ha* born asked to come. Mr. John
Hamilton, treasurer and bookkeeper of
the college, has appeared twice before the
committee, with all the book* and vouchers,
to wit, on the 4lh and 6th of October last,
at the coMege before the general committee,
and again on tbe 1 Tib and lHili of January
last before the sub-committee, of which
Senator Mylin, of Lancaster, i* chairman.
Ho far no impediment ha* been thrown to
the way of the committee's work and we
do not anticipate any. Tbe next meeting
of the sub-committee will be at Ilarriaburg
on the 21st of March next, at which lime
the sub-committee expect* to ait until it
baa concluded the work assigned it. What
the then future action of tbe committee
may be 1 am unable to aay, but It will be
convened to take action upon the report of
the aub-committee, and will likely visit
the eastern and western experimental
farms, concerning the management of
which there ia much complaint and wboee
usefulness I* much questioned. *
Beyond this it Is not for me to My wheu
or where tbe committee will meet or what
It will do: but knowing tbe member* of
the committee to be honorable, upright
gentlemen, I can safely say they will leave
nothing undone that ought to be done, and
when they sball have deliberated well up
on the facta before tbem they will make
a report that will be exhaustive end COm
pleta. C. T. A LEX AROSE,
Chairman Committee.
Bellefonte, Feb. 9.
—My d*u<hur'i drfoetl** virion u
much improved by TKRVIIA. JM. Cook,
Bkkertlown, P
Musical Entertainment. —Wo arere
quoded to announco that a concert of
vocal and Inatrumorital music will bo
given at Pctiri Half, on Saturday evening
of thi* week, by the tinging class of that
place, under the direction of P. 11. Meyer,
of Linden Hall, assisted by lh renowned
comic ong tinger, Prof. Lowell M. Meyer
and other excellent vocalist*. We trust
our friend* will have a largo and appreci
ative audience.
CniEf BThoehr.—On tho Democratic
side it i* conceded that John l'owir* will
be unanimously renominated for the office
of Chief Hurgeaa. During the past year
Mr. Power* ha* tilled thi* portion *o effi
ciently and acceptably, that there thould
bo np question about hi* re-election by
handsome majority. Certainly every good
citizen who withes to catl hit ballot lor a
worthy man and a faithful officer thould
cheerfully vote for John Power*.
Jury List kok Si-eii al Coi'itT.—A
special term of court will be held in
March, commencing on the second Mon
day, the 18th day of the month. The fol
lowing |>*ron have been drawn to serve
n* traverse juror* at thu term :
I. M lioutrr, Cdilkiff. Ju K laKftlbtn,
y U. Mlt*fn. rwuiuri (iii. K *rßh,U"ftli
Amu* KM*b, lUq, mt, iWf.jniniD Ltml.erl, Wurtb.
I I*. Bh<|*\ |(nf|t J •cat l* Kcfvlcllef, I'wi.ii,
ll I . l.rili. i*Jj,,tf,| W V K<**•! h. (if ic.
<!* Hit**. I >**• W
Hiunf| Krl** fprtiiK Kr~l Kurt#. |'JKr
H C Hu>v*r, limn. M Kh<iiMiniih.Tf, Poll#r.
Jffemuh MllUr. potior. II O HUIr, lUitm
J. A Y*g*r, J*!****, II (irthiW,
Jir4 ll*l|l#f,llc|M>lttr. \| II li*i*e, (if'tl
Mntf WM||jr,Or#fjt. Klljati llnfl. lUii, *
Cmik Kre*in*r, Milluf| Wui. f lriu, I'blnu
XVm J, n CVfTllllim Plufrr, Mllr
II fkmry, lVn II I' Haiikcy, I'oltrr
frwleruk K*M , (,'tjrtin. I> I'lttrbH, lluvibl, Ikjt,
Khuel Holt, Hu.ts.n !>dM V* tlt#, llunti n
JwhD IV llmiU, |t* |Uf f.t' H"krt K|>rtn^.
Trial List.—The following it the list
of cases for trial at the special term of
court commencing on the tecond Monday
of March, IRH2 :
Hi! of Pl,ll*Jtli.l,l v* Smith. HI. *.!. A Hmllb
ftalt. Altv A Ifc.wtr M.11..- Onii A Ih-.t-r.
Wi.Ur Uoftt*. •! *1 " i.rj J Wlult,
McAIIIUtr A Bmoi. Ru.li A V -u.
John 1 Tb'.wpanti Mmotl Clnat,
a A <} ma.l A Ist A B IV.I. A Kur.l.
C. T Al-i*m!r .1 l* " Ju K ta.|lu>. -t ti,
hstshr, AO i A H.*.f A i.^-ht/1.
UwnM Ri.h-r. *.|ui'* Jno V* Rh011,.l n>,
bw><*t A Usgtwrt ll">. Alttu lil A Ih.ntr
TrIBUTR or Kcal-ECT.—At a regular
meeting of Centre Lodge No. 168 1 O. 11.
F. of thi* place, hold January "JUth, IKso.
the following preamble and resolution*
were unanimously adopted at a tilling
tribute of respect to the memory of one
of it* late members, William A. Schreyer,
a Pait Grand, whose death occurred on the
14th ull , in the city of Williamtport
WlKHtti, It hat pleated an allwi*e
Providence to remove from u* by death,
our worthy brother P. G ,W. A. Schreyer,
be it
Hrvjwi, That in the death of Brother
Schreyer, Centre ledge ha* been deprive.!
of one of iu most valuable members,
wh<>* life, at an Odd Fellow and a citi
zen, i* worthy of imitation.
JtrnJreit, That while wo sincerely v rn
ta'.hize with the family of the deceased in
r*ing to suddenly bereft of it* m*t hon
nri-y head, we b>w with most humble üb
miwion to the will of Almighty God.
Arw.frerf, That a transcriiwHl copy of
these re*oluti.it le- tent to the family of
the deceased, and that the tame l*> printed
in one of the newspaper# [mblithe<l in
11. C. W BAT BR, |
J. C. Brai'HBILL, O-mmittee.
W. I Flbmiho, )
THE (HESOLA IIRIIX.I:— Our excellent
friends of the Osceola Hrtfxllt are in good
humor over the action of the joint tjifctint;
of the commissioners of Centre and Clear
field countie at Osceola, on the Bth In
ttant, at which time it wan decided by the
board* of the two counties that the Mo
hann creek should be spanned at that
place with an iron bridge. By reference
to our advertising column* it will be en
that the commiMinner* of Centre county
have already taken action and ask fur pro
petals for the mason work to *up[>orl the
#lruclure. fn regard t the meeting of
the commissioners we take the following
article from the RrrtilU of last week :
The commi*ioner or the two countie*
—Clearfield and Centre—met in Otceola
a* previously arranged, on the Hlh insC,
at the Mountaifi House, to (or thein
►elver, the condition of the bridge acr<*
the Mothannon creek, at thi* place, and
determine what thould tie done in regard
to it* renewal. The full hoard of
counties were present, and were met by
the leading cilixen* of the (dace, who rep
resented to Ibem the rea*>>n why a new
bridge wa> wanted, and bow itn|.<>*ible it
would be hi do without it longer. It was
not a hard matter to convince them of thia
fact when they were once upon the ground
and could take in the situation.
Centre'* board consisted < f A. J. Urirat,
John Wolfe, and Ilenry C. Campbell;
Board, of John T. .Straw, Jno.
I'icard and C. K McDonald
They organised by electing Mr. Mc-
Donald, chairman, and Mr. Campbell, sev
rntary. Thi* wai a little out of tho com
mon way of doing thing*, a* the united
board* stood four Democrat* to two Re
publicans, the only two office* lining filled
bv the only two Rcpublicah*. flow gen
erou* it would be If all deliberate b-diee
were to magnanimous to the minority.
We mention thi* fact simply became it is
The Centre county commissioners were
accompanied by Anton Brugger, the sur
veyor of the county.
After maturedellberation.it wa* deter
mined that we were entitled to an Iron
bridge, and that it should span the creek
at on# pan of t*> feet, width 'JO feet in the
clear, with side walk 7 feet wide ; that it
should be 10 feet above, low water mark,
or two feet higher than the present struc
After arranging for the two boa>Js io
meet agsln, on the 15th of March, at the
Osceola House, (or the purpose of receiving
proposals for the construction of aaid work,
they adj owned.
The people ef Onceloa, a* well a* all
concerned In the construction of thi* bridge
are greatly Indebted to commissioner C.
K. McDonald, for hi* untiring energies in
this matter. Directly after he wa* Induc
ted Into hi* office, be went to work with a
will, and nater let it lay for a minute, un
til he bad the final arrangements made for
thi* meeting, which hae resulted so satis
—By apncial request, Mr. Luwin showed
u all over hi* (tore yesterday. He tell*
for jmt what lie aak* you, take* 110 lem,
and put* only a fair price upon what you
wl*h to purchase. You can make your
•election* and rol attuned that he will do
the square thing when you come to apeak
of tho price. Hi* gentlemanly bearing
ha* won for him the confidence of the
buying public.
—Wo learn that Gregg Pott will occupy
tho Court Houto on the evening of Wath
irigton'* birth day, Wedneaday next, with
a novel aud Interetting entertainment for
tho benefit of iu charity fund. Majot
Frank A. M. Krep*, oi Pittsburg, will re
late the (lory of hi* liicceilve attempt* to'
escape while in captivity in the South and
tho interetting incident* of pri*on life.
Hit *on Waller will be with hirn. Ticket*
will he 25 cent*. The Bellefonte Oreba*t
Ira will furnuh the mtttic on the occasion.
The Court Hou*e thould be crowded.
Mr. Simon Brcidenbach, who for the
latt year ha* been in the employ of M<-t*rt.
1. Guggenlieirner A Co., bat concluded to
marry Mitt Lyon, ot Philadelphia, neice
of Mr Guggenheimdr, a handsome, talent
ed iady, ha* confidingly placed her hand
in hit, and agreed to love devoutly her
future *pouo until death doe* them part.
Mr. Hriedenbach iia* hv hi* gentlemanly
conduct secured tho respect, of all, and we,
feeling attured that much bappine** i> in
torc for our young friend*, hid them God
•peed. The card* announcing the date of
the ceremony w ill appear *oon.
'Ti* tweet to love, but, oh, how bitter
To love a gal and then not git 'or '
Young man tboro it no reaton in the
world why you thould fail to "git 'rr."
You now are revelling in the sunlight of
those lovely eyet, tatting bandoline for
twentv-four hour* after you have be-n
there, fur of courts tince ) < u are not turo
of gittlng 'or you rnu*l plant love'* teal
upon her immaculate brow. Did you ever
reason why you thould not git Vr ?
Bend low thine ear, oh, mustache!***
youngitor* and attend our word*—her
father buy* hie grocerie* from Se hler who
i* lit bo found in Bu*h Houto block, and
jutt at oon a* you promise t>> do the tame,
why, pre*to, change ! She tyour*. Mar
riage, housekeeping and Seebler • gr-t
eerie*, fancy glt, etc., the three grace
go hand in hand, teparato them, and all it
AStea l i* Scam- Premium* One
of the item* In the report of the Commit
aionert of tho county fur the pat year wat
the large amount paid for premium* on
fox and pole c*t tcalp*. The Commit
• ionert were not tatttfiod that "all wa*
right." An investigation wa* instituted,
and it soon appeared that a fraud bad been
perpetrated upon the county, and at |eat
one individual ha* been called upon to in
*weV at the bar of justice. Thi* f.*r*on i*
I). 0. Gano*. Thi* man it a prominent
citizen of Taylor township ; it • Justice of
the Peace, and latt fall wa* a candidate be.
bre the ltepublican county convention for
the offlew of Commissioner. Discharged
that during the year IR#I, he drew nearly
three hundred dollar* from the county
treasury upon forged and fraudulent pro
bate* purporting to have sworn to before
him at a Justice of the Peace. A war-
issued for the arreit of Ganoe and
on Tuesday everting be wa* brought to
Bellefonte by Sheriff Dunk*!, Waiving a
hearing before Justice Smith, he wa* at
once committed to the county prison to
await trial at the next term of court In
default of bail be still remain* in jail. It
it *ad to think that a man of hi* pa*t
•landing in the community in which he
lived should have thu* thrown himself
away and fallen into Ihemeahe* of the law
by a practice *o dishonest.
• -—lt ha* seldom been our priviledge to
►p*ak of any tilc-rary entertainment that
afforded the general public a* much real
pleasure n* the two lecture* of W. J. Mar
shall. K-q , on Monday and Tuesday evep
ingt of this week. If we ever bad any
idea* of immensity, grandeur and sublinf-
Hy in nature, they were most deciilcdly
rast into profound depths of utter insigni
ficance by the startling revelations of his
numerous and well selected views. The
vivid descriptions of #eone, which thank*
to a marvelous scientific ingenuity it was
possible to transfer from the Yellowstone
National Park and the Yosemite valley to
the canvas* of the lecture room, command
ed an undisguised outburst of appreciation
of the beautiful works of God, and riveted
the undivided attention of the entire audi
ence for an hour and a half each evening,
and when the time arrived for the gentle
man to say good night, each of hi* capti
vated listeners arose at thlugh they sud*
denly had been awakened from an en
trancing dream. Without any desire to
reflect upon any previous entertainment,
wa unhesitatingly pronounce those the
most beneficially instructive and brilliant
ly entertainment* with which a Bellcfonte
audience ha* ever been favored. .
The neit in the series of Y. M. C. A.
entertainment* will he of an elocutionary
character in which Mi*e Laura Keller of
Iock Haven will be the centre of attrac
tion awisted by the Bellefonte mutfral
club, March ttth.
For the present the sleighing Is about
over. For a week past sleighing partlee
were in order, end those who epjoyed the
pleasure which they afforded will probebly
wish for another fall of snow.
I'm* GnoVt MlLL*.— EdHure of the
Centre Democrat; — Will you allow rno a
little *paee in your excellent paper to ex
pro the surprise and delight which wa*
ui|>ericrired on dropping in to Divine er
vice in the I'reibyterian Church in thi*
place on la*t Hunday morning. The tride
toward* improvement which ha* been ta
ken in tho part two month* i perfectly As
tounding. 1 hey iiave purchased a No. olio
organ, have a lirat cla** organit, with a*
line a their of charming voice*, and a*
good a leader a* can be found in Centre
coun ly.
Now all thi* it the more turpriting when
wo consider the way they have teen grop.
ing along in their service of ong for tho
'at thirty year*, till latterly the good
brethren and iter teemed to have m-i
--tied down to endure the peculiar melody
for another generation. Hut a few enter
pri*ing tpfril* thought there mutt be tome
thing done. And although we mltted the
old, tile new wa* o much belter that we
were mure than ever before impressed with
tho thought of what can be done even in
to thort a time, merely by a little pluck
and determination on the part of those
who arc bound to tucceed.
And now tince tbey have gotten out of
tho old rut* and tlarled "onward and up
ward" in the inarch of improvement, that
they may turvive the great lot* which tbey
are thought by a reryfrw to have tutlair,-
ed, and continue to pro*per it the sincere
with of A.
—The M C A report* for January
at follow* : The number of vitiior* to
men'* reading room 37'J, to b<iyt reading
room 4'.<7 ; book* taken from rnen't library
•14, from boy* 1 library 104. The number
attending Boy*' Branch meeting, exclu
► ive of visitor*, mat if • I, attending lour
o'clock t-r\ ice* 237, other meeting* i"..
Lewin'* hat a tpiendid slock of cloth
ing which he i* telling at remarkably low
price*. Call arid examine hi* elegant as
*■ rtinenl.
—Go to S. AA. Loeb for bargain* in
any thing.
Dro*goods, tilkt, velvet*, plushes and
tilc| plaid* and strife* in all tbadet and
effect* at the Bee Hive.
Loeb • i* the place to buy dry g"od.
f-arge assortment, low price* and good
good* at all time*.
—Spring and Hummer season, IRfrlf.
\\ iMilen itock noir e-omplete Karlv or
der* solicited.
44-tf Moxtoomert <fc Co., Tailor*.
—Go to Lewin, at the Philadelphia
Rranrb to buy your clnlhing. You will
find bargain* uch a* were never given in
—The new adverti*emenl of the Bee
Hive one-price store# in thi* week'* paper
will repay a careful |erutal.
I hd great trouble with my lung*
until I u*d PlfttXA. Am well, Mr*.
A Ithi*k r, PitUburg, Pa.
—"Forth into the mightv fret
Kuthed the madden'd Hiawatha ;
In bi heart wat deadly terrnw."
Why, because aunt one told him a cigar
to much inferior to Harry Green * that he
got mad See *
—lf Lararu* had been a wealthy man,
and prior to hi* death had willed all of hit
property to hi* *i*tert, could he, after hi*
return to life, have teeured | —rrraij-rn of
it'' Had he worn a tull M>lected from the
immente stock now being tbown at the
Philadelphia Branch we antwer —mo*t
Ladie*', rnittet and children * dol
man* and coat* in endle** variety and very
cheap at the Bee Hive.
Ladies coats, jackets, dolmans, circu
lar* esnd ulstcrelte*, in endless variety,
style* *vl colors, and price* lower than
elsewhere at 8. A A. Loch's.
Laces, fringes, gimps, buttons, Ac., in
*ll the latest design* and at unrivaled
prices, at tbe Bee Hive.
—That perfect baking and cooking ttove,
the "Pioneer," is for sale only by Wilson,
MoFarlane A Co. All superfluous orna
mentation ha# been dispensed with to se
cure a first-class kitchen *tove. For weight,
strength and durability it cannot be sur
passed. In purchasing thi* stove you are
not paying for nickle trimming* and beau
tiful finish, but you are getting what i* far
belter and what you need in a good cook
•tove—a good, reliable baker ai.d cook.
How To OCT SlCK. —K*;.o*e yourself
day and night, eat too much without ex
ercise, work too hard without rest, doctor
all the time, take all the vile nostrums ad
vertised, and then you will want to know
Ao*c to gtt wit. Which D answered In
three word*—take Hop Hitter* I
—The very best production that can be
had from first class stock and excellent
workmanship in boot* and tboee, at price*
no higher than common eastern trash, are
now open and for sale by 8. A A. Loeb.
—Call and examine the stoek of range*
and cook stove* at Wilson, McFarlane A
Co'a; also their line of single and double
beater* They have for sale the Welcome
Home double heeter, which baa been thor
oughly and satisfactorily tested la tbia
"Th world i* oil a Awting nhow, for
nihil * Ultulon given ; the tin ilea of joy,
the teara of woo, deceitful ahine, deceitful
flow th-re > nothing true but heaven!"
Hold on, now, we prole-el, and want you U>
add clothing bought fro t „ Lewio wt the
Philadelphia iSraui h, to your lit, lleav. ii
and l.'-wlri'• clothing '
Phlladclpfcu MarUwta.
I'mui'iL id ii JatiMt/ IU2
T "*" a •"
ar at) dull.
turn „.,k Ua .. ,lamia
fun,tlj at %*. j*.l' „ . .
• ioi ii'u .11 M.. r K i u
I :t n.liol fl 7. I . " w "
tnu in... . n.„. MUi g ltl
i"t t,,u< li <l*ffir<! Htm r fivm,. I, ...I
N v /.••to
Hi)lli)foatA Marlati,
Mru.arr.ista, J.ouarj latg.
<>i,i wheat, M 11mi..: ....
li"*"- .... *i
lfti p*f IfMbtl
O/f fi ' .1.
rcrfll, J,"
•!• ;'
fJ"ur. W.II, , i.„ r, j .f '
Flour, bo|(a * -
AVi /• .1 tlrrrt Inan rut.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN ac<<>nlai with an order of the
a " r, ' M " 4 • f ' -MI. mhi Dm nil (1
*** J' I*' 1 *' ' ti !!,• pl*-||.|e (J |,
Saturday, ih. ]tl> „j itnrch nCJi
.1 10.1.ek.f M lh.
l.e MMU II f.„„. I t,.„ k. 1.1, o(
t' * li 'J •„##-,}. I hill
All that certain ruewuage, tenement
.r,d T..M. f 1.0.0 . „ u.i.., ,
o! m I -. <>„ 0,. K , , UtJ .
Iti l.ira<f ft ft ||<W irfinr of
tl- M. *'•,. I v„n L !,, 1.. kei S,.„n I,
2" •• I m.4 I
tr . '••> -i i-f l.> 4* ,i .. .... i imuh
k'ir.v iAu 11 " %t - ll' M.'llKt. AM.
If I 1 f 1.1. Iff." nahht rrr-Mt.r rew le- ! a
* 1.1 * in,u, a.,,k tut,. .j „,i.„ U1
J t'Ulldltifa
Alan, nil that tneaeuage, tenement,
and lii . f U...1 iKuii. .. •„<) d.'
1... .1, Ike >„rth !U1 uiwb,,.
i*?s 5 - V""" i ■ imm ii
. Wmhwhe* liciaafl Baath i . la4a I u.. BM •
~t l.j lsi.de • 1 A... ~| J„. k .
. , !)M1 ACIII , A.M. l int tol I!
'*< , ti. r.- n • Imw.t
7o* r lu I'MliinJ lb likln] ntl(ntflnili' i,
"• I" • ,"•■ ki.r,.,kl IS.U..M.
Ibet.aflse sua |„ I. . U „.,J ~~ ~J
iii"rt44: ct tii* j.t•
JXll t> 1 f tlil' K, A'lffiirutnit"T
Britltff Let 1 in^.
ale.l jiroj. -n!- f• ,r lite maxin w<,rk
f %t. if r, If ; : wt •• a ll) hr farHtM] f
I!** < '!**•** tf. .ft, Iw . f ,
• an I. Mr, .Mil IthM/AV Matrh 14 at 1)
"'k 7i lib' .! t< f, * t ftji. t U<t ia f-a*r*#tJ
JS*> Vitif.F. I
A J • til )>T e Cobi
II < < AVf I f.lj. )
Att*-t "W M lLf W alllk.i ink
In If.' tMltw . 1 the Jr. the Covrt
? M HI HUA fr , fj . ,4 <Votr octltit t
fift (onutt< of (wttivt J
I •ff' .tetr-l Iy U ' 4 titx t taif UwhfßOf,; hf.d
tu*r f*| 't fhrr# • ujji altemj u>* 4ti!i<a r.f kii r.
je nIWPIiI . „ Ti KM'AT. MAlC'lf J.,
' ,'i rk A M at Ilia t.fllr# if, f|r||rfutil> at |nrb
ttr nod j lr ail jor!>■• intf< tM mtt attrt>d.
'• II A NtKCK, (ViiiiMi*er.
Auditor's Notice.
IN the matter of the wtate of David
The undersigned, an auditor, ap
;• ' * tf" f J liat. < • U't -( 4 t,-• , , , ty , ,
• i *rd rtake rf jjy>wniita U. h.tf*
' t Iit id Eitla,. ui ) malic diaitii uiitm - f tk'
ifida in t|r hab4l of Kwmue! of wi 1
<i<" a feeAi i*> at.<J Btrr'-iig !|ta-a a*,
t tir-rl it! If,. |rti a it, At If
• in fWj •! uat l( 4 a, Mar. U
I fc v. f .f Ihr jr U ,jh,M vt Y,„ A|.f-dfllrrir-t t
" 4 * Auditor.
/ v\l TlON—Having purchased at
V Aharln .at. tfc* a,11... ihg I - I-Mj M Uganga M
I< I p*. lu DM 1 1. I I .1, 1 ItlotM ftp '.(t, I
, lar rakf I M .1 inap*t lultlrnt.ir., I .Id.. I,ill |.|....
1 ..If, I harm.*,. I „* Men, | utl* ) m.k J
ity. I ' nulli. :i i 1 loangr, 2 led, and
( tedding. 10. • Ibtrta in ? inn ,rf at,*at in
; hi*mnd, IM.ilfcn.il Intotrm lb 1 a'r* of If lb grannd.
I i rupMnrd tog* Ib.l M it ft .11 nf fcti per. r.bl pr- |nn,
I I hbiily 'boilr.it all |nnr*i r...i to oufc <* , n
I Minn tntrrf* r* nun lb. mo.i. u I l,i lin ib#
I l'. | "1,1 111 III' fcbltill erf bbtrf (m.'f M |Vtf*t dnrtfig
I mp pl*Mr* U.iltkKT A. Ll'CAto.
A ion Con Ui Blind, Blinding. It.king and On*-
mind riln t,u Im-b dibcntnt'-d I < I'f William, an
Ibdibb mnndy.i railed In W lUiain a Indian itoitmatii
A lit.gl* Kit ha* rarrd tb* nor*t rfcmal< ra*a <rf 2*
<*l ***** .tandmg Boon* no] n.flu gt. Dilnutn
• nil applling ll.ii w.inlnffol nnilhing mrdl'tn*.
ltr.linm lni4<otbni.li and dmiaflM do aim barm
ll.an gind. W Ilium • (Nnlmetil almli ibn in DOT*.
alia yi ib* mi. a., in king, ipaimolatu at wgl.l after
(idling oaroi in tort.. aril ai a ponHi". gltn irnunt
and pain inn* relief, and la preyaued 1.1. I,* f..1 Pl|. a,
tubing irf lb* prtrate can. and fc* nothing ela*.
Bend abil lb* H-.a J N i "Blbl*tTi .rf Cl**, land
•• at-oil tr William'a Indian Pile mil*, at | ha,,
need .rf Pil* Cain* and it ajledr am |daaaur
In aap thai I bai* Meier found anything ah,, b ga*
•li.b mmndiatn a*d |ermatient i .lirf... in William a
Indian in id mini
For ial* bp all drouuli or mallrd n receipt of
prion, II on.
HENRY A Co., Prnpt.
| )R. KRAZIER'B ROOT Birr em.
Frarler'e Root Hitter* ar* n.d a ilmm-ahef aM.hr
b*<*rag*. kill an* itnnlj medicinal In *i*r* a.*l*l..
Tlop *rl Ondlgly upon lh* llr* and fcida. b, keep
lb* l.n*la npn and nngnlar. mak* lb* neak atrmg,
bal lb.- llungi, fcbll l|w|. ib* n*r*a* and rlaaaa* tb*
blond and apgtmn .rf *rerp impueitt.
Fn liini na. Ru.h .If Blood to ib* llond. t**dlag to
Apoprf**). ftiapepda. F**r and ago*. Prnpap. piaacloa
In.l Hl-d. bra. Bortrfalnna llumura and bona. Trllr*,
King Worm, W bit* Caviling, br*ai|la*, Bar* Rv*a
and lift t ..ting *n natTerlng from Hml>m or
IM'ilitp 'irnd from laifomtono*. and to tomalaa In
ilrlkal* health, fitilo i Ifc.d toiler* ar* onon.
lb. Fran** I bar* u*ed trro Nrftlna of rout Root
Mlm fn* lii c*'a, Ihtrinoaa, W nakmna and Kid am*
l*t**aaa, and thvp did m* mm* good than lb* dortor*
and all Ib* mmtteta* I **** nod From Ib* Oral Ana* I
Imgan to m*nd. aad I am noai In portorl health and
f.*l aa mHI aa I **m Aid. I naamtor ponr madMan naa
of Ib* grmleat <rf Miming*.
MM M WABTIK. o*dand O
Bold bp all _dr_mggl.t. ,M)Mho. at 1 pa* bottfe,
HEN ACo,| Sole Prop'*.
Vaa*j Be, Krr Tork
Bj Or. Prngf**-* Magic ibaln>*nt Cm** a* If kg
magn, Piaiptoa, Blmk Head* ar Otnba. BlMnb**
and Kmption* on lb* fan*, tearing tb* akin *l*ar,
baallhr and boaailfal Alaamiraa Itob. Barbae* Ilrb,
Bait kbtan, TVdlm, Klngrrorm. Braid Maad. Cbanprd
Hand*. Bor* Klpptaa, aor* lrf|n. old. MMlaala CWra
and Baraa, A&
t. Omk*. Bag - ClT*)and. o_aaßrd hi jaal all d*
arHptton from a akla dlaiai* ahWi appramd aa hi*
ban da, b*nd and far*, and naa'lr Maatrepad bla *r*a
Tb* moat rararfrl 4.. lering latlad to b*la Mm. and ad
tor all Had lal led b* aa*d tar I nolo 'a Mag" OlaUaoal
and naa cnlMd bp a ton appllrattona.
•rTk* Brat and oalj poatttra rarator akla dli lain
arm dlarorrmd.
Baat bp mall an rr*i)d <rf arto*. Pirpt iTm
IIKBRT A cm . tod* ProorNi
at Temp At, Ban Tar*.
For Blind. Standing. Itoblag at Clraratad Pi la* Or.
William•* lama* Otarnaar la a aara rnr* PMcg
I HO, bp malt. For gala bp ttrnggtota. nblp