Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 09, 1882, Image 8

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    ®lte Ccntrr §twotrat.
Thursday Morning, February 9, 1882.
OoaaaaroaDiacs, cunlalnln* Important new*. UlUt
•d from any part of tti* counts. No commuuicsttcn-
I DMrtwl uules* accompanied by the raal nam* of Uta
Local Department.
—Modiflod to suit i Pull down your
—Snydertown is to bave a new Luth
eran church.
—No remedy except PERUNA doe*
always coincide with the ft* mcdieatrix
—Greenland ha* no cat*. Think of cat*
in a country where the night* are six
month* long I
—For the benefit of the Watchman and
Republican we are plea*ed to ilale that Mr.
Furat ha* found the DEMOCRAT office.
The service* in the Methodist church
were ably conducted by Rev. Mr. Laurie,
of the Presbyterian church, on last Friday
—The member* of tho Methodist Sun
day-school contributed nineteen dollar* to
the missionary fund of that church, on
—Women aro consistent beings ; at
church thoy sing "Sweet, Hy and By,"
and at home they do the same—"Sweet,
Buy and Buy."
—The principal of our public schools,
Prof. D. M. Lieb, ha* requosted all pupil*,
in attendance, to be vaccinated. Mr. Lieb
never misses an opportunity to do good.
—History Is cotinually repeating itself.
Every ono i taking the good, old fash
ioned remedy, Sinea' Syrup of Tar, Wild
Cherry and Hoarhound for coughs and
cofds this fall.
—"Now twilight lets her curtain down
aed pins it with a star," might have done
well enough before McDonald Clark died,
but now she pin* it with one of Harry-
Green' cigars.
—We have a few more copie* of a val
uable litt'e work—"A Thousand Facts for
tho Family Circle," and will cheerfully
present a copy, with our compliments, to
any of our subscriber* who will call at our
—Acting upon the gentle hint of the
DEMOCRAT last week, tho boys deported
themselves a* good boys should, at the
meeting of the Branch on Monday night.
The ser.vico wa peculiarly interesting and
—A letter addressed, Edward A. Raw
lins, Montreal, is being firmly held by
Potmsster Johnson, until a more explicit
direction is vouchsafed. Who know,
whether Mr. Rawlins live* in Virginia,
Missouri or Canada ?
—The crystallr.ed bosom of the planing
mill dam pre*ented quite an animated ap'
peaiance tho latter part of !a<t week. The
gay parties of skaters noislessly and
fleetly here and there, each one's cup of
enjoyment apparently filled to overflowing
—All the young men in town, who were
able to secure any one to accompany them,
improved the eicellent sleighing on Sun
day. But, friends, would you not have
felt better had you gone to church or Sun
day-school, or both, instead of seeking
pleasure in driving out ?
—Two valuable Nittany valley farms
recently changed owners The property
of David Harshharger, deceased, was pur
chaser) by Michael Cornman, K*q., and
Mer*. Christ Ib-eker and Oeorge Kocky
bought that of .lohn I. Rocky, deceased,
known as the Mckean farm.
—The Centre county commissioners are
this week conferring with the commission
ers of Clearfield county, at Osceola, in the
matter of the bridge that ha* been an eye
sore to the Nrirille for some time. No
sloubt a new bridge is needed, and we are
sure that whatever is absolutely necessary
will be granted.
—An enterprising firm, somewhere, has
begun the manufacture of electric corset*.
About the only customers they will be
able to secure will be superanuats>d old
maids. One arm of the average young
man, when applied properly, will generate
more electricity in five minutes, than a
gross of the e. c.'s in five years.
—lt rains alike on the just and th
unjust. On the just mainly because the
unjust have borrowed their umbrella*.
Rut both just and unjust are liable to take
cold If they are exposed to rain, and we
know that there is no thing to good for
coughs and cold* as "Oreen's Compound
Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot."
—We believe there is in ordinance upon
the borough statute book* prohibiting the
throwing of stone* and other missile* upon
the street*. We are anxious to know why
It it not enforced. Snow balling renders
the parties, addicted to the pernicious
habit, amenable, and It is high lime some
measure* were taken to put a stop to the
indiscriminate hurling of theee messen
gers of woe.
—Wra. I. Marshall, Ksq., who will lec
ture In Humes' Hall on Monday evening
next, on the interesting subject of "An
Kvenlng In Wonderland, or the Yellow
stone National Park," is to be at Cooper
Institute, on Saturday of tbie week. We
rouchsafe a good thing, and as the cause,
Tia : the Young Men's Christian Associa
tion fund, la a commendable one, we trust
none of our friend* will unnecessarily ab
sent themselves, but tender tbe organiza
tion the support It merit*. Chart of re
served seats now raady at Mseers. Miller
£ Co.'* book store ; call toon or you may
Jbe disappointed.
—The Tyrone 7\mes, now risiog two
yearn old, 1* about a* spicy a little affair,
as one care* to sac. Hut friend Holme*
we would be pleated to have you credit u*
properly, with any thing you may feel
like using. We are liberal, and you can
bavo all you want, only we cravo proper
—With real pleaiure we hear of the un
qualified acquittal of Conductor K. M.
Furey, of Denver, Colorado, who wa*
charged with criminal complicity in ah
itracting freight from can while in trantit
over tbo lino of the company hy which he
wa* employed. He wa* at one time in
charge of the only train that ran from
Lowlsburg to Spring Mill* over what I*
now known a* the L. A 8. C. K. R.
—Ju*t what crow to pick with the pave
ment opposite our office, a certain gentle
man could have had I* a mytery to u*.
On Saturday morning after the ground wa*
decently covered, and dangerou* place*
concealed, this party, and we did pity him,
too, *at down *o emphatically that in our
opinion bo wa* endeavoring to puni*h the
•idowalk. The many who have tried thii
will testify that pavement* are incorrigible.
—Our* wa* the extreme pleaiure to meet
Mr. F. M. .lackon, of Klmira, N. Y.,
manager of the Howe Sewing Machine
Company, on Wedneday. Mr. Jackson
1* a suitable person to represent one of the
mo*l *ucce**ful a* well a* enterpriing
manufacturing companies in the world
A pleasant gentleman in whoto company
an hour i mo*t felicitously spent. Of
course he had our jolly friend, Mr. A. C.
Moore with him.
—Seventeen dollar* and sixty cent* i<
the ciact amount of money the county In
vetted in the scalp* of variuu* kind* of
defunct quadruped*, on Tuesday. Why
not capture them alive and start a zoologi
cal garden of our own. If all the animal*
purported to have been killed lat year,
and for which the county paid a handtome
royalty, amounting in the aggregate to
$1240, had been taken alive we might have
had a handnome menagerie.
—A* a specimen of difficult versification
w# insert the following from the pen of
Carl Schreibcr, the Brush valley poet:
Mt >f rhflM not fnorf, l<qt 111 w*r#
If I fOil4 flnl n rtitm* ullv*r
A |ltrjr thing my rhvmlng mill w#n
If It rwiM |ffll no rhym*
I wih th*t "ti my land •< h rill
A ronurt flow i,l alitor;
Thai ofi It* l-#'. l-rlghf ••
Rarh laf a lh<>niid d-llar hill w*r .
That all n.f p"-|en and ft? till *er
fltufDnl oqt an 1 not with g-<l.f alitor ;
That awh hr-Wa 4tn|4 pill
A dUmoad flna worth | Iht of al'ter :
And that wh r\a4 of mml. and hill war*
AH all*r and wr mlna Th*f> *li wer#
All m -# . than atill war*
Thaatnrtia rif h%rt at><l 1 rain . my will war*
Th*n |ona
Da- smWr 9. |T9.
—That old veteran of the show bu*in'*'<
Sam. Sunford and hi* excellent troupe,
played Ten Night* in a Barroom, with a
creditable filled house last night. The en
tertainment was superb, which of course
is what all eipeeled when told that thi*
old war-horse was leading. Mr Walter
S Sanford, a son of the proprietor, for the
first time assumed the rote of .Joe Morgan,
on aecount of the sickness of Mr. Bradford
who was billed for that part, and succeed
ed admirably. The young man hat consi
derable talent and with practice will be
come a successful player. Tho party play
at Tyrone to night and to-morrow night
—The debilitated timidity of Judge Cox,
the inconceivable propositions of Judge
Porter, Col. Corkhill'* obstreperous osten
tation, the antiquated apparition* of the
medical experts, and the nervous declara
tion* and indigenous hilarity of Uuiteau
himself will pas* on down to posterity,
through the medium of the historian's
pen, at the constituent elements that made
up the greatest criminal trial of which we
have any record. Month* were consume,!
and almost fabulous amount* of money
expended to prove the rem/.rer a liar.
Sechler A Co , I* the place to buy your
groceries, If you went to get them for
what they are worth, and the het to be
—Speculative life insurance ia K> rapidly
I howlng the true color* undor which it
' ail# that a man who entertain* any revprct
i for himaeir, hi* family or neighbors will
hare nothing to do with It. Keen though
tha rite of tha* excrescence* wa phenom
enal, their decline ha* been no le* rapid.
Public *ntimanl ha* permanently banish
ed them from legitimate channel* of trade,
and tho*e that continue doing buainea* are
dally being compelled to enter security for
their appearance at court, to answer the
charge of fraud preferred against them by
the many whom they hare tucceeded In
duping and awindling. The manner in
which they do business place* a premium
upon death. A ton i* induced to inture*
the life of hi* aged father, upon being as
tured by the oily-tongued agent that the
aaaeMmenU will be few and light, and only
dUcorera after he ha* paid hundred* of
dollar*, that tha company can at any time
cloa* it* door* in the face* of it* policy
holder*, and there I* no recourse; thit,
terrible a* It i, l howerer of minor im
portance compared to the aniiety with
which the unnatural child will await the
death of the be*t friend he ever had.
Before many year* the wort in roc tire that
can be hurled at a political candidate, will
be that be waa at one time engaged In thin
mo*t nefarious business. We caution our
friends to glee these shark* the cold
shoulder, and steer clear of any one who
asks them to take out a policy.
PKKSONAL, —Baney, tho local expres
man, I* prospering ; he has a new horse
and wagon.
J. Willard Miller led tbo young men's
mooting and service of long, on Munday
Mr. and Mr*. Potior, of near Centre
Hall, favored u by calling on the DKMO
CKAT on Monday.
Mr. K. C. Krumrino, ono of Gregg
township'* active young Democrats, wa*
in town yeiterday.
Mr. and Mr*. W. H. Karon, of Union
ville, while in town on Tuesday, did not
forget tho DXMOCHAT.
yfo are sorry to note the continued ill
ness of our friend Mr. Win. Cox. In
flammatory rheumatism is the ailment.
Our handsome druggist, Mr. Kellers,
took a ride on Thursday and understand*
fully tho art of manipulating 'the ribbons.'
Mr. Finley K. Johnson i* at home, lie
looks just a* ho used to, and reports Lock
Haven a splendid town—for a mash. Ah,
Finley !
Tho many friend* of Mr. John Bodine
will bo pleased to know that ho has a I",
ciativa position a* (a gliu* cutter, at the
works here.
Mr. Robert Kldred, of Mackeyville,
Clinton county, tpent last Sabbath in
Rellefonte. He was accompanied by his
brother, Mr. Jame* F.ldred, of Cawker
City, Kansas.
Mr. John (juillien.ot St. I-ouii at one
time an accomplished cow-Doy, is in charge
of a department at tho glass work*. He
relate* some intensely interesting tale* of
life in tho Lone Star .State.
Mr. George A. Katon, formerly ono of
Mr. Hicks' able salesmen, and now resid
ing at Pennsylvania Furnace, shook hands
with hi* many friend* here on Tuesday.
Reserved seals entitling bulders of tbem
to advantageous position* at the lecture on
Monday evening, are being taken rapidly.
Chart at Miller's book store now ready.
Rlind Charlie wa* present at the services
at the M. K. church, on Sabbath evening,
nd entertained those who were fortunate
enough to he there with some of his ex
cellent music.
Moft people arc ealiiflcd In own and be
allowed In ride in ono • 1 >ikh, not u> with
: our irrepri ible friend, Mr. 8. K. Fau*t,
' who came sailing into town, on Saturday,
j with ix or mven.
Ex-Deputr Sheriff, 11. B Springier, we
are plcaeed to know, i* iucceeding admi
rably in hi* new vocation. Honeely,
coupled with hard work, always help*
thote who help themselves.
H. F. Hunter, Eq.,of Benner township,
and Mr Samuel Decker, of Zion, w.-re
among our visitor* on Tueeday of thin
week. We lake great delight in enter
taining uch good old Democrat*.
Our tall friend, Mr. Calvin Smith, it
juot tickled all to piece*. He put away
eighty-three load* of ice, and will n-<t
need to court the indulgence of ice men
next tumrner in order to tocure their low
eat rate*.
We learn from a private nource that
John H. Auman, Esq.' ha* been tecured
to complete the unexpired term of Mr.
Jamiton, teacher of the Millh*im primary
•chool. It it a fortunate teleclion, and
reflect* great credit upon the ichooi hoard
of that enterprising village.
Kev. Vernon B!l, a graduate of Prince
ton College, preached at the Fre*byterian
church, on Sunday morning and alternnon
Hi* lermoni are highly *poken of by per
ron* who were in attendance, and are *aid
to have been equally a* g<*od a* those de
livered by ministers much older.
Mr. J, S McCargar, at preeent stopping
in Millheim, permitted u to grasp-bis
large, warm hand on Saturday. Mac, a*
we call him, it a fph-ndid fellow, in whom
there i* no guile. He fell in love with
McMillen, of Brockcrhoff Hou*e, and
promire* to have the invitation* out before
Prof. A. Girod, a m*t versatile muni
cian, ha* connected himself with the Arm
of Alexander A Co., and will canvas* the
county in the interest of that bou*e. He
think* notne of moving to Bellefonte and
with that in view, i* looking for a suitable
property which he will purchaae, and move
Mr. Cameron Burnside, now in the
Philadelphia Custom Uouae, it borne, for
a bori respite from hi* arduout duties.
We truat the tmile* of the many ladiet
with whom he it a favorite, together with
the breexy mountain air, may prove an
effective nepenthe to hi* enervated phyti
cal and mental force*.
On Monday the *anctum grew suddenly
darker, aurprlted by the *udden transfor
mation, we glanced up and there *tood our
large friend Mr. C. C. Brumgart, of Mile*
t iwnsblp, who boy tba way la juat aa much
of a Democrat aa he I* a ma*. We en
joyed hi* call hugely, and want him to
come early and often.
D. C. Keller, County Tree*urer, will dis
poee of a part of hi* personal effect* at hi*
present residence in Centre Hell, on Sal
urday nest, and on Tuesday following will
take up hie abode, permanently, in our
mountain city. Mr. Keller Ik becoming
deservedly popular both as ft competent
official and pleasant gentleman.
We noticed quite en animated exhibi
tion of martial valor on Linn itreet the
other day. The belligerent*— A. 0. Furet,
lUq, and Master Kddle Blenchard,—enow
ball ammunition, end would you think it
possible, our young friend cam out victor
ious. We old fellows can no longer com*
pate with the boys In sport of tble kind.
—That perfect baking and cooking stove,
tho "Pioneer," 1* for tala only by Wilson,
McFarlano Ac, Co. All superfluous orna
mentation ba* been dispensed with to e
--euro a first-class kitchen KUIVO. For weight,
•Length and durability It cannot bo sur
passed. In purchasing thla itoro you are
not paying Tor Dickie trimming* and beau
tiful flnUh, but you are getting what it far
better and what you need in a good cook
itovo—a good, reliable baker and cook.
—Through the gentlemanly courtesy of
Mr. Thotnut It. Keynoldt, senior meinler
of the firm of T. K. Keynoldt, tenior
member of the firm of T. H. Keynoldt fc
Co., we were permitted to cxamino the
newly introduced machinery for the man
ufacture of flour. Tliit enterpriiing firm
it tho only one in Central Pennsylvania
that utet the gradual reduction procv**,
and tlin tubttitution, by them, of the cele
brated Stevcna Roller Mill, for theold time
burr markt a now era in the history of
liellefonle t varied Induttriet. The r,ine
muchinet, now in successful oje-ration,
with the accompanying improvenienlt
were tecured by the outlay of $16,000.
Owing to the lack of necettary power gener
ated by the tupply of water they mean to
place in potition a new engine, built f<r
them, at a cot of SB,OOO, in about three
week, after which their daily product will
be one hundred and fifty barrel* of first
grade flour Wo compliment the firm
upon their display of business enterprise
| and sagacity.
I —A copy of the Dtm'-rratxf /Vrss, pub
li>h<-d in Philadelphia, dated March I'Jtb,
i 1810, ha* been placed in our liand" for ex
amination by Mr. Jame* Corneliu*. The
| paper I* a curiosity, tho reader* of the
DKMOCKAT, or any other of liellefonle's
! excellent weeklie*, would consider them
selves insulted were we to mail Ihetn
copies similar in appearance. It has hut
two pages, no head, few advertisements, is
printed on coarse, tough paper, in large
Isold type, and is yellow with age. Iu
editorials are remarkably well written,
evidencing careful preparation, and the
•pirit they brathe would, certainly, have
! entitled the editors to no little considera
tion as patriotic rilir.cn*. Kngland it so.
\crrly denounced and the [.eople called
ojMin to support the action Congress may
take in the troubles then brewing ; the
•var of I Hltj was fought under the inspira
| linn of jut such sturdy stroke* of the pen,
• dminittered by men who counted well
the cost, and baring made up their mind"
threw into the cause their b<*t iffirt*.
I The /Vc.s contains a lengthy, beautifully
written obituary of the wife of Simon
Snvder, E*<i , then Govern r of IVnnsyl
vani*, closing with this sublime and touch
ing sentence "The tears of the jeeir and
frier.dles* will embalm her memory and
bedew her grave ; often have the prayer*
and blessing of the wid'-w and the father
less, and of other* whs had none, but her,
to help them, gratefully ascend" d to the
heaven of heavens, there to prepare f..r
her a mansion in that blissful abode, where
seraphs 'gather immortality on life • tree,
fast by the throne of Grace ' "
Anot'TTHK Br.tvti —The circular print
ed helow is self-explanatory : The number
of blind persons in Pennsylvania, by the
cer.su* of IHHO, is nearly The num
ber in each county is a* follows
A duns.. 48 Lancaster 11l
Allegheny 2"*.' Lawrence ",7
Armstrong 61 l/el,anon ..._ JtJ
Iteaver... 80 I/chigh f.'i
Bedford S3 Lur.erne„ 127
Blair 4-1 Lycoming. .'.l
llert* !•.'> llrKean .. , 2
Bradford 47 Mercer...., fig
Bucks M Mifflin 17
liutier 2fl Monroe VI
Camb la 8'" Montgomery,... 80
Cameron fs Montour II
Carbon 35 Noriham'd 44
Centre,.. 26 Northampton ... 67
Chester 81 Perry lit)
Clariorf 8" Phila<lelphia Wfh
Clearfield.. IS' Pike 18
Clinton 1C: Potter. 1H
Columbia Bf> Schuylkil'*... 110
CrawforJ 64 Snyder 28
Cumberland 87 Simerse 82
Daupbi n._ 65 >uiiivan 4
Ib-biware. 60 Suscpiehinna-... 28
Klk 7 Tioga 27
Krie, 78 Union, 10
Fayette 7V Venango 25
Forest, 8 Warren 2t
Franklin f>B Washington.,... 60
Fulton 1" Wayne 81
Green 8 Westmoreland., f>o
Huntingdon 88 Wyoming.., 18
Indiana. 68 York 78
Jefferson, IB; -
Juniata 18 Total 8,4*4*7
Lackawana 107
The Pennsylvania Institute for the In
tlruclion of the Blind" will receive appli
cant* between the age* of 10 and 26.
Tbe "Pennsylvania Working Home for
Blind Men" will receive ih'e between
the age* of 26 and 60, to learn trades and
receive employment therein.
And the "Pennsylvania Industrial
Home for Blind Women" will instruct
and employ blind female* of 21 year* and
The last two institutions are supported
mainly by legaciea and benevolent contri
It I* vary certain that a large number of
the blind in the counties know nothing
about these institution*; and also that
very many who do know of them have
Dot had the friendly band to prepare the
way far their coming here.
ft i* obviously the kind office ot every
good cl linen and certainly tho official duly
of the Guardian* of the Poor to look faith
fully into this matter. WILLIAM CBAPIM.
Principal of the Pennsylvania Institution
for the Instruction of the Blind ;
11. L. HALL,
Ruperintendant of the Pennsylvania Work
ing Home for the Blind Man.
—The great secret of PBDOVA I* that It
always coincide* with tba ri* mtdieatrix
wifsrs. (Nature.)
—fiu Pi S. tk A. Locb fur bargainf in
Hreji goudf, eilka, VulveU, plufbef and
tinw-l plaids ami nrlja-. Ir, .11 .hgdet and
effect# at tho Hue Hive.
Loeb it the place to buy dry gnodr.
Largo assortment, low price* and good
good# at all times.
Spring and Hummer reason, 1882.
Woolen btock noio eomplrtr. K-trlv or
ders toliciled.
4i-tf MOKTOOMKRT A CO., Tailorr.
| —Tho new advertisement of the 800
Hivo one-price floret in thin we<-k' paper
| .sill repay a careful perusal.
I had great trouble with my lung*
until I used I'KHCNA. Am well. Mrs.
A. BRIBER, I'itteburg, J'a.
"Forth into the mightv forest
Hushed the rnbdden'd Hiawatha ;
in bit heart u deadly borrow."
Why, because town one sold him a < igar
bo much inferior to Harry Greens that be
got tnad. Kec '
For tli<' present the sleighine is about
over. For a week past sleighing parties
were in order, and those who enjoyed the
pleasure which thoy afforded will probably
wish fur another fall of snow.
A special meeting of the Huntingdon
Presbytery was held in the Presbyterian
j ehur< h of Bellefunleon ia>t Tuetdar. Two
; ministers belonging to tliis Presbytery re.
reived |x-rniision t<> j< in other Presbyte
ries— Kev. W. Campbell to that of Balti
more, Md , and it,-v. S. 8. Wallen to
Washington, I>. C.
—"The world is all a fleeting show, for
mans illusion given; the smile* of joy,
1 the tears of w<x\ deceitful shine, deceitful
, flow—there's nothing true but heaven '
11 .Id on. now, we protest, and want v<-u to
add clothing bought from Lewin at the
Philadelphia (tram h, to your list H<-av<-n
and Lewin's clothing '
j —lf I.avaru* had been a wealthy man,
and prior to his dealh had willed all of his
properly to his sisters, could he, after bis
j return to life, have secured JxxKmsion of
it ' Had he worn a cut selected from the
immense stock now being shown at the
Philadelphia Branch we answer—most
special term of court will be held in
Marsh, commencing on the second Mon
day, the |.t:h day of the month. The fol
i lowing persons have t.s-n df- wri to serve
as traver<xs jurors a', this term
! M II tflMff, (V!|p|p. JM K
I <s Mrpn Mi! M >trir, l IB,H <
%t*R K'S'TS fic'h Rl;' |>< (■ *. F | W r 11G
TJGM. Wllbs-t. If •kJfrvsa. „ OK MI W H.flfs HA.lf.Mk
*kiMi<l Kit" KGFLR, I*. u*t
*. < *!< ' L.FS.;, | RT. r.SFE 11,1 th Pt„ I'ufltrr
Jr-PETL-.R'T llll'rf. ' s|Lf, || U NULFF. 1UH.44
Jmt.-l II. F, r I |a. V| || l„,vs 1,.,,.
Mfl! W'*, 1 <s M.f J |t fd || fc
* k KiMHtHf,
Urn. J IUII;.r Hnafc U-spr *-||q. t..tMT y,|*d.
R <#".* t. !%., || | Haftkct Pr.ftrr,
rrvwi.ftffc ft '! •. < urtin. ft . ||,.ard bnf.
IIIa. ML ll- ll r l'r.t#s| Y'llt'f*. Ilti'i ti
'"lift I* llaxtl*. KasWri (\.jp (tjntit
| —Guiteau, he who f..r nearly three
months, h been <<n trial for the cold
!,; -dad assassination of the iate(s< n Jas.
A Garflel-1, I'resiJent of the i'niud
Btales, has kc-n found guilty of murder in
'.he firt d'gree, bv a competent jury of
his countrymen, and his execution is to
lake place June .I<l. This decision will be
! satisfactory to the civilized world. It
• dearly proves the ability of the people of
the I'nited Htates to govern themselves,
and brands the fori bead ol socialism in
-•ur land, so indellibly that no trouble need
Ise apprehended Irom that quarter in the
future The press and individuals now
are at liberty to make some reparation to
Judge C* for unjust criticisms on bis, at
that time, apparent undue clemency b •
ward the nation's prisoner. In hit charge
, to the jury he disabused the minds of any,
: who may have taken ground against him,
of the impression that he was endeavoring
to extend too much official courtesy to the
depraved brute whose life depended in a
great degree upon the action he might
take. Ouiteau's bullet left a mark upon
the heart and memory of every citizen of
our republic that time itself will be unable
tn efface, and now, as his doom has been
declared by the court, we have only to
wish that he may be more successful in
making his calling and election sure with
the God, whom he claims inspired bim,
than he was in convincing man that he
was thus inspired.
Srßtßo MlLL*.— Mrs K. If. Duncan i*
visiting friends her. I hope she will be
able tn feel at home while among us.
Mr. W. A. Kerlin, who has been de
pended upon for the proper manufacture of
the staff of life so long, has concluded to
leave; he goes to lowa. Mr. Win. From
take* the place thus vacated.
New buildings to be erected during the
summer, number about ten. Not half
enough gentleman, as I think twenty
could be rented readily.
The Arm of K. C. Kruinrine A Co. now
handle 1,000 bushels of wheat dally. This
i* quite an item in business circle* here,
and I hope they may realUe the million*
there U in It.
Tha building of a school bouse is now
Milled upon. It if to be composed of
three rooms end, doubt not, will be en
ornament to the town. The site has been
purchased of Mr. Kunk, 1* opposite the
dwelling of Mrs. I). Runkle tn an advan
tageous locality. *
j —Lilie', misses' and children's dol
man* and coats in end!"** variety and very
cheap at the J{i, Hive.
—Ladles coats, jackets, dolmans, circu
lars and u!steri-tls;s, In endless variety,
•tyl'-'s ip'l colors, and prices lower than
elsewhere at 8. & A. Loeb 's.
Laces, fringes, gimps, buttons, Ac , in
nil the latest designs and at unrivaled
I prices, at the H<* Hive.
How To Okt Bi'K Kjj.ose yourself
day and night, eat t"<j much without ei- a
I c-rcise, work too hard without rest, doctor
all the time, take ail the vile nostrums ad
vertised, and then you will want to know
h>.- to tjrt writ. Which is answered In
throe words—take Hop Hitters!
—The very best production that can bo
had from 15 rst c'as stock and eicollent
: workman>hlp in leads and shoes, at prices
no higher than common eastern tra*b, are
1 now open and for rale by S. A A. Loeb.
Call and examine the stork of ranges
Iad cook stove, at Wiboa, MeVhrliM*
I Co ; also their line of single and double
healers. They have for sal- the Welcome
ll< me double h<-atcr, wbli b bas been thor
j oughly and satisfactorily tested in this
j community.
Seiinlor Hill's Condition.
I tie Atlanta Ha.) Constitution says:
A letter was receiveil in tins city on
-Saturday stating that foiled Mates
j Senator B. H Hill bad gone to I'hila
ielpliia for an * x am in at ion ol bis tuout b.
It is said Ir. Gross found a small swel
ling Ht the (dare where the former ope
ration had lieeri made, but * as not ler *
tain as to whether it was the old disease
or tire result of cold. Leeches were ep
plied with a view of reducing it in that
way, but |)r. 'iro-s-wa* of tlie opinion
that the thirii operation would be neces.
-ary. He said, however, that it would
l.e an operation not attended with
much danger. At the same time that
this third ops-ration is performed the
knife will l.e used to clip Mr. Hill a
tongue at the point where it healed up
when the last operation was fterfornied.
It then healed further than was intend
ed, ami in cotis-f justice gives a lisp trs
Mr Hill's Speech. I his clipping Will
amount to little or nothing,"
Philadelphia Markets.
Caiutastu Jvutwr* IH. ISS.'
Trs-1>- |- in sit d.|*,tax-no. si,-I I tm-ivtufi*
kf* %rty dull.
; ia u - sll swl **! s.i-. .1 | <,s. Mural*. lu
- In-lit. ff ll.:l,.-l s,|,. 4 I- P-Bn.Sll.Mi.
•s.r.il, at •>•< .. .1. rt> t <1 at MV-M:
str4|i.us si t: .■ m< H n, i n',•>
: T 11.15.-1 MN LFT T F--T
Wr-i.T Th-rv ... > tn la a beat, lur
' ' a... i. d.nnb-i 71.--: wit,* fts-i.r-s -r. fl 3*. 1 ,
- I tl.ft'a sS'-t 1-r .N I 1,-1. Jfsnaf) ;|1 u l-i-l
• 1.-1 tit. . sslssi 1 , (J-. Ic : rusir . fl .Ud St. I
t! ■>, S.s. 1 I'-r .k.. Msr.l,
Bellefonte Markets.
Ksuarfisvs. Jsa.rsrj If, ls.-
old ~ yi
He-d _ I .*
Hi r, JWf lrt)h*-l .... Ml
... ......... ...........
| '""tn, ihMM -j
n .ttr, rtkil.|-r Imrt-l
Fiottr. -
\r%v AdvertinemcHt.
/ b\l I ION. Having purchased at
v M.silß sate it. l-,i ih i-r-i-.rn <-l <>*->.. m
"stl lx 1 , t ] t.,, i,--ra nv-<-. I
Usj rat*. I l irs|-r . , uiotai-ti. 1 .Id—lull (4uw.
! call. I s.| bsrt*.-**, 1 OS,a m-i. 1 tat 4-. | i„k, t
50.,,-. | . <dl-. 3 rliairs. 1 I- .i.#., 2 teds >al
is-rtdtT-s. t--tl.lr- l s ii.t-r.-st la : art— of sh-at in
r -.-ar--t.ts .t1,1.4. lut——t in 7 >'->• of ry la grunt,4.
I Ctrl-!-art i s-Ib' r altb ail < 4 his put* t..i |'l 11.
I b-'-i t raolinn all i-r-.n- n,4 to tn.-l.il- a itb nt in
! MKrt-ra *ithtk> s.m- as 1 bars 1-tt it>.
i s--|-rri in rh- har- is -4 sard <-..rg- V l'.i,t .luring
I raj i-lsasars. k-iMIRTA LI i AS
| >ILEB ! I'ILKS! riLi;s !
A air. Cars l- r Blind Ith-sding, tobinc and tics
- rat.-l rilsa has I—-n drsrr.rsrsd t<> lr. WrlUatn. ss
; ladian r-msdt.. rallsd le W ■lllaw.'s Indian (hatm-nt
: A tlsgls l.i has mrsd ths annt rt-n-air -am ,4 e>
- ft .vi rsara -tending. Kb oas r..—l snfl.r Br - aitnai-a
! at. f sij-Jr u.g this ai.ud.rfsl a-dblt-g ai.-lir.ns
j 1.-o -ti. insteua—t-t. and . Isrtaartsa d.- axes harm
than g~id. W ilUani . thnliwsat alaaala ths tnaxas,
alibis ths tnl.nss It. King larttcnUns at bight altsr
gstttng aarta In lxt.i a. was a pauHk -. gins instal I
and cslnl'-m rslisf. and is f-rxfau-d . nij fit |'il.,
itching of ths fistrats parr, and t. nnthrng .las.
K-s-l ahat ths 11.-a J M Cuffinlmr. f Ct.s-land
sats ai-mt (it Willtaai's Indian I'll- <hetanl I hats
ami sm ,4 Pils Carta, and II afl..r4 s>. i-l-astx.-
to say that I bars ns,-r l-aod anttfatng ahtrb gats
;m h raimediats and |-ta.ahsat rsl.-l as In. H ill M m s
1 Indian (Hslatrsi
r.e aal. I.t all drnggists or tnailsd -n r-srshd ~|
; i-rtra, fl <si.
HENRY A Co., Propt.
*ty ti t sasy St. fisa trwh
y-s.tsr . Rod Rtltsrs ars ant a drantadxy. ahlsAy
hsssrags, tot ars etmtiy m-dx.ual In avail ana.
Th-y act sto-ngty spun ths llvsr and htdarvs. bs-f.
ths I -easts ifvu sad rsgnlat. ntab- th- ••-ah sts.-ng.
hsat th-Unnga. bait-t|ap ths n-r.es aa l rtaaas. th
hh) and -islam f svery Hut nritt.
* Itisstr.sea. Hush ,4 IU-) l- ths Head, tsndtng to
Apaptsxy. Ixsj-yma fsvar and agas, ttmpsy. f-n xl.-s
bd utatrhna. Ihndnhma Mutant* and Ikdaa. 7-tt-s.
Ring tliira, White Basiling, Ksy stpains, Bur* R*--*
and tor y-,g mn saffsrtag fmm W -abhss. ,
Itd.llliy raasrd frraa im|<tsdnm, and bo Vrsala m
dslmsts hsalth. Prbgtay's Rod R-tt-r. ara aseorlslly
rsror* ro - nded
th. Prarlav I hasa assd two hottlaa of y.mt Rot
Bm-rs ha Irytfu-pata. Olssir-ssa. W aaXnsua and Ktds-sy
IXoaaa. and Ibsy did ma mat* g—t than lbs donors
and all lbs mnix lea I asm stag rr- -m ths brat da-a I
hagnn la mawd, and I am east In p-rfs. t hmllh. and
foal as wall as I avve dx. I nmmtday yuat madlstaa <*a
i 4 Iha irsusd of Wssatngs
IU li MASTIR. Ctarataad 0
RoM hy all dntnttda asayyvtbna at fl par hrdtta.
IIENHS A CO., Hole PronV.
e* 'y *8 Van,, gt_ Ksu Tart
By th Trustor t Wage OtutmauL Cutm si If by
mag.. Mu.pl ss. Marb Haa.ta as lira ha. Rhxctwk *
and Rrufdtoet tm ths tars, tsmving ihs akin rlaar, w
haalthy atxl toautlful Aho ruts* Ins. Warhss s Itch,
felt Mtaum. Tsvtsr, Ringworm. Braid Hswd. CbbMmd
llarxU. Rota Xtpfdm. tuts U|, oht, tdwduata nrat*
and farm, dr.
r. Osaka, Ra,. n.v-ian-1. 0_ aufeyud l-yued all da
bsrtRUM Bom a akin dtsnsaa uhh-h bfe wnl aw kit
hands, haad and fas*, and naartv dsaooyad Ma art*
Tha tnrat twraful dor taring tarlad to hate Mm, bad af
lat all had failad haaaadOr tranar s MagX Ihatmawt
awd WW rurad hy g I, u sppH-atirns
•W-Ths brut aed ably poatllva can fhr skin dhsuame
Brwt hy mall on rwradag af wrkw. Mrvr fWuw
Hk-IRI d Cln . Rrdn Psnsr t
A taoay Bt.. Raw Voak.
Pw Mind, Rlaadlng, tWMag or I Xaratad Ptias Or
WUtlam'• laHAb Charaaas is a ban aero. MX*
ft-"!, Bp wall. For tela by Omggi.ts at*ly