Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, February 09, 1882, Image 2

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    Three Burdens.
Tho burden of T.ife. Hours of pain,
Strong struggles for victories vain.
Dull doom of dust to dust again.
A ship of insecurity
On stormy ses.
The burden of Ixivo. A bright moru,
That looks its loveliest at its dawn.
Ah, better had it ne'er been l*>ni!
For soon drive mists of misery
O'er darkened sea.
The burden of Christ Winding tears,
A longing and love through long years;
A firm, faithful front to ail fears -
Then glorious eternity
Of golden sea.
Uaxl Word*.
Odr special <*r respondent forwards,
us au account of the strango affair at
Elkhorn on the night of the 28th. Of
oonrso wo do not vouch for the truth
of the story. The affidavits of tho par
ties concerned are appended, and our
readera are at liberty to draw their own
It will bo remembered that the west
bound expross on the N. W. and A
road providentially escaped destruction
at Elkhorn creek, the trestle bridge
having been wrecked by the storm.
The train was due at the bridge
at twenty minutes past twelve. At
ten minutes past twelve the eastern
freight train passed over it in safety*
Thus the bridge must have been
wrecked during the interval of ten
minnt"B, with so little warning that
the track-walker had not yet discovered
the catastrophe when the midnight ex
press passed his caboose.
Tho track-man swears that when the
train passed his house, which was a
quarter of a mile down the road, the
bridge light was burning white, which
was the safety signal. The next in
stant, hearing the engineer blow "down
brakes," he ran np the track and saw
the rid light showing.
The light is set upon an iron frame,
and the mechanism which turns it is
secured in n box at tbe foot, which is
kept locked. There is no poesitde way
by which the light can be turned ex
cept by the machirery, and the track
man states upon oath that the box was
fastened and the key in his pocket at
the time.
Ho further states that when he
reached tbo signal, which he did in less
than two minutes, the light was then
showing white as before, the door still
locked and exhibiting no trace of tam
pering. In these statements he is borne
out by the affidavits of the conductor,
the engineer and the fireman.
The story which the two last-named
tell is so remarkable that it is ap
pended below in full. The incident
has occasioned much excitement, and
onr correspondent did his utmost to get I
at the truth of the matter. He was un
able to interview the engineer, who i
was absent on his wedding trip, having, i
since his fortunate escape, resigned his
position for a safer occupation, and
married the woman of his choice. The
fireman, however, was found, and was
induced to make a statement, which
we print in nearly his own words, as
"If it wasn't that people have beeu
doing Dave Garnet grosi injustice in
their reports of his action in this mst
tr, I should refuse to utter a word. I
am a plain man, and don't care to be
thought a fool or a litr. But lam not
the one to hear a friend slandertd with
out saying a word in bis defense.
"On the night of the 28th it was
storming hard when we pulled ont of
tho depot. The rain frozo fast to every
thing it touched. Old heads like Dsve
and I know what that means. At every
•tart and np every hard grade your
wheels are going to slide arbund on the
icy trscks, and the engine is going to
rack boraelf all to pieces—that is, if you
don't sand her well. Band, yon see,
gives the drivers a grip on the rails, and
after the old girl gets started she can
generally take care of herself. I filled
the sand box before we started and pnt
an extra bag in the cab in case of emer
"It VM Just after the holiday*, and
the sixteen cars behind as were packed
fall. The road *u in a bad state; snch
a storm I hope never to see again. Tbo
wind roared aror.n l as so that we oonld
scarcely hear car own whistle. The
rain poured doan in a flood atd became
a sheet of ice as it felL
" We conld not keep tho front win
dows of the cab shot for a moment, for
the ioe made a dense onrtain over them.
We bad to let it rain and blow in upon
as as it would ; for we bad to keep a
bright eye upon the signal lights, moat
of which looked like pale biota on the
"We went the first twenty miles
without speaking to each other. An
engineer may ran so engine hi* life
time, and yet he never opens hie valves
withoit a f-sling of anxiety. What
with the storm and the heavy rain,
neither of as fared to thick of mack be
sides our own duties.
" Bat Dave u unnaturally solemn,
even for such a time. I oould aee hia
face in the light of the steam-gauge
lamp. It wan pale and anxious an I
never saw it before.
" 'What'a the matter, Dave?' J said.
" lie turned and looked at mo like a
man in a dream.
" 'lt ia a fearful night,' he answered,
after a while. ' Hoar the old machine
groan and complain like a sick woman.
Sho knows she's in danger, I verily be
lieve. I wish the trip was over, Jim!'
" 'Why, so do I," I itaid, for to tall
the truth I was unaccountably depressed
myself. 'But, so far, everything is all
"'Yes,'ho answered, 'so far. But I
have a kind of presentiment that wo
are going to have trouble before we are
done with it. I have been thinking of
Mary, too, for the past half-hour.'
" 'A very good subject to think of,'
I said, laughing.
"'Don't joke, Jim,' he replied, sol
emnly. 'lt's a serious thing to think
that with the fulfillment of a man's
hopes of happiness only two days otT,
ho is liable to be hurled into eternity
any minute.'
" 'lt's a reaction,' I said. 'You have
been too happy and too excited wjth
thinking of your wedding and all that,
and now, what with the cold and the
rain, you are looking at the darker side
of the matter.'
" 'Maybe,' ho said, then he uttered a
loud cry: 'Great Godl look I look!'
" Ho was pointing out of the window
with a trembling finger, his face as
wh.tc as death. I followed the direc
tion in which be pointed, and—how
shall I describe what he saw ?
' I was well acquainted with Mary
Warren, the girl Dave was going to
marry in two days. She and I wore
old friends, and if it had not boon for
Dave's better education and fine figure,
we might—but that is nothing to the
point. As sorely as I see you before
me now, I saw Mary Warren then.
"The steam was pouring in a thick
white cloud out of the stack, some
times shutting out our view of the
track ahead. The headlight made a
sort of reflection upon it like the sun
in a fog, and there, right in the center
of the misty glow, I saw the figore of
Mary Warren.
"We were going at top speed, but
the shape glided along liko a shadow,
always hanging in the midst of the
"The strongest part of it was that,
while (he looked like a real living
woman, suspended in the steaui, I conld
plainly see the glow of tbo headlight
through her figure.
" She appeared to be looking fixedly
at Dave, with a wild expression of ter
ror, and kept wringing her hands and
waving them toward ns, as if she
wanted as to stop.
" For the space of half a minute we j
>K>th (tared at the shape, dumb and
breathless ; then the steam dispersed
and the figure was gone. The whole
thing was like the stereopticon views of
men and animals which they show yon
reflected on smoke, and it disappeared
exactly the same.
" Whin it was gone Dave slowly
turned and looked at me with a terrible
expression in his face.
"' Marv is dead,' he muttered : 'that
was her spirit come "to bid me fare
• 'No,' cried I—'no, Dave. If it was
Mary at all, she came to warn yon of
danger ahead. Hbe -es you well j
enough to be able to come out of her
body to save you. Cheer up, old boy,
and keep a bright lookout.'
" Whether Dave took my view of the
myatery or not, he kept very quiet, with
his band upon the bar and his eye on
the track ahead.
" Nothing happened for the next
honr to alarm us ; nor did the spectral
shape appear again. Just before r< ach
ing Elkhorn bridge there is a nasty
curve in the road, and you are almost
on the bridge before you can see it It
was here I expected trouble, if any were
to come. Evidently Dave was of my
mind, for, as we turned the curve and
1 leaned out to catch sight of the bridge
light, he said, in a low tone :
"'What is it, Jim?'
" 'White,' said I.
"Even as I said the words we both
uttered a cry. Driving right before us,
like a cloud of steem, we again saw the
figure of Mary Warren. This time she
seemed to move rapidly ahead of ns,
and disappear near the bridge light,
which suddenly turned red.
"Engineers are like the enginee they
manage; pull certain liars and tbey
start, shnt certain valvee and they stop.
When we saw that danger signal, terri*
fled and unnerved as we were, we did
onrdnty as naturally aa if wholly at our
"When we first saw the red light we
were within two hundred yards of the
bridge. It the road bed been dry we
conld bare stopped in tbst distance,
Bnt though we blew brakes and re
versed the drivers the train seemed to
more on almost as rapidly as before.
Dare and I exchanged looks.
" 'lt's all over,' said he, 'We'll stick
by her, Jim P
i " 'Of oonrse,' said L
"I take this much credit to myself.
I could have jumped and telt pretty
sure of saving myself, but I did not
once think of it. Nor dhl Dave. lie
reached over with one band on the bar
and grasped mine with the other.
"'Good-bye, old man!'
" 'Uood-bve, Dave. God bless you!'
"The seconds that followed seemed
like hours. We could feel the engine
jump and shake as tho reversed wheels
revolved furiously under her. Still wo
slid on, though more slowly now. I
conld see where the bridge had been,
the broken beams and the dark water
rolling between.
" Nearer, nearer to that horrible gulf
which seemed to yuwn for us and onr
living freight. I could see the bright
light glaring down at us with its blocdy
eye ncd not a soul near it.
" The wheels turned faster, the jar
was heavier. Wo staggered like drunken
men with tho shock. Every now and
then the drivers seemed to catch hold
of the track and the engine would bonnd
like a spurn d horse. We were going so
slowly now that we could almost have
stepped off; yet we slid on, and now
there was not fifty feet between us and
death. I
"Blower and slower we moved, and
then, just as our forward trucks touched
tho broken beams of tho bridge, we
stopped. I looked up and saw that the
signal light was white again, bat I was
so grateful, nervens and altogether so
shakeu, that I thought nothing of it.
"We conld gather nothing from
Mary Warren herself, exoept that she
had an indistinct recollection of a
dream, in which Dave seemed to bo in
great danger, which she was trying to
avert. This is the story, sir. I offer
no explanation of it. It may lie that
onr souls can louvo our bodies to watch
over those wc love. I believe it. And
I believe, too, that I owe my life to
Mar Warren's love for Dave Garnet."
Arsenal in the Vor!d.
The groatost manufactory and store
house of cannons and war materials i*
Woolwich araenal, England. It hat
within it-, iuclosnre two hundred and
eighty acre* of land, of which some one
hundred and sizt/ acres are covered
with lmildinga. When in full operation
it employs eighteen thousand person*.
The amount of ammunition stored there
is immense, and cannon can l>e counted
br the hundred. In the storehouse a
stock of twenty thousand cavalry sad
dles are kept constantly on hand, with
a corresponding amount of horseshoes,
nails, hslters, tract, collars, harnesses
for transportation trains, etc. One o'
the most interesting sights is the manu
facture of rifled cannon, the very pro
cesses of which are going on in dif
ferent shops all the time. Those range
in siee from threv-poun lers tj one
hundred tonners, and the machinery re
quired to make aDd handlo them is
very heavy, the largest forging ham
mers having six hundred tons force.
Ths steel coils of the cannou are made
fiom steel liars, the largost of which are
three hundred feet long and one foot
thick. These are coiled in a spiral by
a heavy bnt nicely-working machine,
and are welded together by the hesry
hammer* as perfectly as an ordinary
piece of iron in a blacksmith's shop,
and with comparatively few blows. The
machinery used is some of the l*tt in
the country, and much of it was made
in Manchester. One lathe-room has over
an acre of space, closely filled in with
two thousand lathes, and a busy sight
it is to see them all in motion. One
machine for the manufacture of fixed
ammunition turns out two hundred
cartridge molds every revolution, and
has the capacity of two hundred and
fifty thousand daily. The several shops
and buildings are connected with rail
ways for moving material. These ag
gregate a great many miles.
Fishing iu i torn-Flc-hl.
Id Colorado ia a ten-acre field, which
it do more nor less than a subtersnnean
lake covered with soil about eighteen
inchea deep. On the soil ia cultivated
a field of corn, which produce* thirty
bushels to the acre. If any one will
take the tronble to dig a hole the
depth of a epade-handle he will find it
to fill with water, and by timing a hook
and line flah (oar or five incboa long
may be caaghi. The flah have neither |
acalea nor eyes and are perch-like in 1
shape. The ground i a black marl in 1
nature, and in all probability was at
one time an open body of water, on
which accumulated vegetable matter,
which has been increased from time to
time until now it baa a crust suffi
ciently strong and rich to produce fine
< orn, although it has to be cultivated
by hand, aa it ia not strong enough to
bear the weight of a bone.
While harvesting the bands catch
strings of fish by making holes through
the earth. A person rifling on his heal
and ooming down suddenly can see the
growing corn shsko all around him.
Any ona having suflleient strength to
drives rail through the cruet will find
on releasing it that it will disappear
Strange, isn't it, (ha*, notwithstand
ing the immense crop made there, that
ice is always high at the North pole ?
Elephants always disturb the water
before they drink.
The albatross, the largest of sou
birds, flies with tho velocity of 100 miles
an hour.
As late as the time of James I. the
disposal of the hand of s young orphan
heiress lay with the king.
It is estimate 1 that there are at least
ten brakemen killed throughout tho
United States in a single day. •
An earthen projectile has been suc
cessfully used in pigeon shooting as a
substitute for the living birds.
The blast furnace is supposed to have
been first used in Belgium and been in
troduced into England in 155 H.
In one hand of a corpse the Lap
landers place some money to pay the
fee of the porter at tho gate of Para
Bnffon said that a pair of herrings, if
undisturbed, would produce in twenty
years a bulk of herrings the sixo of the
By the law of King Etbelbort, for
breaking a man's front tooth the fine
was six shilling for a molar one and a
canine, six.
Notwithstanding England's indebted
ness to her mechanics, but one working
man has ever been buried in West
minster Abbey ; this wss Grslium. the
In New Zealand are frequently found
the bones of those large, wingless birds,
called by the aborigines " moa " The
largest representative known was ten
and one half feet high.
To make shoe-pegs enongh for Ameri
can use consumes annually 100,(XX)
cords of timber; t; make Inciter
matches, 800,000 cubic feet of the best
pine are required every year.
The total area of land available for
wheat culture in the United Htates is
not lees than 470,000,000 acres. The
entire wheat crop for one year would
not suffice to sow so vast an area.
The Emperor Augustus was so pleased
by a cure effected on himself by his
doctor, Autonius Musa, that he raised
him to the rank of knight and relieved
the whole profession from taxation
The ancient Hindoos, attaching no
importance to events, had no reliable
chronology. The only date of which
there is any certainity is that of King
C'bandragnpta,contemporary with Alex
ander, reigning 315 I). C.
Among the Aranragian* in Chili,when
a young man thinks of marriage, he
go' s to his friends, and if ho is poor
they make a contribution toward bis
expenses. One gives a fat ox, another
a horse and another a pair of silver
The eroton aqueduct of New York
surpasses all modern constructions of
this kind in extent aDd magnificence.
It wa constructed in IM2, having been
five years in building, under tbo super
intendence of Mr. John B. Jorvis, chief
engineer. The whole expense, includ
ing $ 1 ,HQO,OOO for distributing pipes
and amounts paid for rights-of-way and
other incidental charges, was 810,275,-
000. Including interest and commis
sion, whole cost was $12,600,000. The
whole length, from it* source at Oroton
river to the distributing rcaervoir at
Fifth avenue and Fortieth street, is
forty and a half miles.
The Newspaper Pre**.
The wealth of newspaper literstnre is
purely tho possession of civilisation,
but it is astonishing to contemplate
the enormous number of people in the
world to whom a newspaper must bo as
rare aa an Arisona diamond.
Recently published statistics ahow
that while tho circulation of newspapers
throughout the world aggregstes the
enormous number of over 10,000,000,-
000. it only averages six and a half
copies per year to each inhabitant of
the globe. This is assuming that only 1
one paper goes to each purchaser, but
since it ia no uncommon thing for one ,
man to buy several, the proportion
of theme who never buy one is greatly
Europe publishes 10,537, while this
wonderful section of the world classed
as "North America" in the statistics
follows with 12,400. The whole of
Asia can only show 775, a contrast the
more striking beside the benighted
South America, which runs cloaa upon
that vast continent, with 090. Africa
lags behind with only 182, the modern
settlements of Australasia in its limited
aiea owning 601.
Dividing them into languages there
ara 16.500 printed in the English lan
guage, 7,850 in Garnun, 8.850 in
French and 1,000 in Spanish. The an
nual aggregate circulation in the United
States is 8,000,000,000, as compared with
2.200,000,000 in Great Britain and Ire
land, giving na the position of being
the most voracious devonrers of news
paper literature in the worML—JFvw
York 7rtaJL
Satin-wood is a species of the ffklo
rosy lon strut?nit, a native of tha East
Indies. The wood receive! its name
from its silky aspect. It ia very oloae
gra*ned, haevy and durable.
Professor Bcblager, of Vienna, in re
sponsible for the statement that bin®
light bM a quieting and soothing influ
ence on the insane.
The qnantity of alcohol containod in
rain, snow and sea water may be esti
mated from one to several millionths.
Gold water and melted snow contain a
greater proportion then tepid waters.
Water is not the only substance
which expands in solidifying; tin, r.inc,
bismuth, antimony, iron and copper
exhibit the same property. With lead
and cadmium the results are indecisive.
Goal tar products lrave been utilised
in tho production of artificial indigo.
This is a great chemical triumph, but
it is impossible to say whether the new
product will supplant the natural dye.
Celluloid is a combination formed by
mixing gun-cotton and camphor, and
may be made to imitate tortoise shell,
coral, ebony and tnrquoiso, although
dangerous in domestic use from its
combustible nature.
Erioson's torpedo boat destroyer will
carry 350 pounds of dynamite—enough
to destroy the largest iron-clad. The
gun sending it, which is discharged by
electricity, has s force sufficient to
cxrry the projectile from .MX) to J7OO feet
through the water.
Last snmmer, says tho Jourwti • f
•Science, some common hive bees built a
comb against the Hat wall of a house in
Dorsetshire, England. A few piecs of
the comb were exhibited at the No
vember meeting of tLo Entomological
society, London, and they had evidently
contained bee grabs. This is an unex
ampled departure from the habits of
the species.
The number of varieties of insects is
vastly greater than that of all other
living creatures. The osk supports
450 species of insects, and 200 are
found in the pine. Hnmbohlt, in I*4o,
calculated that between 150,000 and
170,(XX) specimen* were preserved in
collections, but recent estimates place
the present number st about 750,000
distinct species.
Ili.tanee* in Siberia.
A writer on .Siberia in Frn*r's Maga
*nt says: Few have an idea of the
dimension* of that enorm<u colony.
I extract the following figures from
Mr. LansdellV hook, giving the sta
tistic. of area and papulation
Square Population.
TnboMi aoo.ooo 1,102,902
To.nsk 500,000 , hsk.oui
tVoemUsk I.OtM.OWI .172.000
Irk'tUk TOO, OOO am, (KM
V kutk 1,500.000 225,000
Tisns UsiksJ 210,000 I*l.ooo
Amour 172,000 22,000
I'rtmorsk 733,000 62,000
Sakhalin S2.W 15,000
Are these totals not appalling f I
confess they confuse me. But if jou
take a map of Siberia one could form
some idea of its siee by rutting out the
sieo of Germany, Francs, Austria and
Hungary, for there would be sufficient
land still left over to create Great
Britain and Ireland out of the single
province of Yeneseisk. But all that
enormous expanse ia empty. The pop
ulation of YenAseiak is only 372.000, or
about half the population of Morrow.
The whole population of Siberia is less
than the population of London.
Siberians do not teem distressed at
these distances, aud think nothing of
riding lira miles to atten I a ball or a
banquet, but entertainments of that
sort are only bold in towns, which are
very few, only seventeen having more
than 5,000 inhabitants. Of course,
much of Siberia ia not fit for colonisa
tion ; the land ia evidently greatly
alkered since the times of the mam
moths and other antediluvian animals.
Bnt nevertheless there ia evidently a
great want of population.
To supply that want has been the
constant thought of Russian s f a teamen.
It is that which partly has led them to
establish penal settlement* in Siberia.
There is a certain appropriateness about
that which ia quite undesigned. It in
fierhaps not altogether unfitting that
Siberia, conquered by a half-brigand,
ahould beoome the home of the con
vict Yet it deserves a better fate, and
it is rare to have it sooner or later—l
hope sooner than later.
City Rain and Country Kala.
The St. Louis Gink* Dcwwcrnt MTI
considerable attention baa been recent
ly given to the difference* between the
rain of the city and the oonntry. Ac
cording to the statement advanced the
conntry rain ia central, and ia consid
ered the beat adapted for hnman con
sumption of any fonad above the earth,
on the earth and nnder the earth. The
rain that falla in cities, on the olher
hand, ia acid, oorroding metal*; atones
and bricks and mortar cm table befota
it Its evil effect* are visible on every
iaide-in paint, in all decorations, and
in fact, alrocat everything erected by
tuaa. The paieat rain ia that collected
at the sea coast "ore especially at
considerable heights, while organie
matter in the air nanally corresponds
with the density of population.
The firs', printing weat of the M ade
aJppi was done at St Louis in 1806.
A <S#w larrailnltrUrillii 1,1 *r wsrk >•
Market In a ttriirr f.'aaAlilon.
Mr. Alfred D. Tingley.of the Humane
L.ivo Htock EiprMt compuij, New
York, has invented a oheme which he
thinks will pat a stop to the present
inhuman system of sending cattle long
distances without food or water, and
slaughtering them while in that unfit
condition caused by this treatment.
Formerly ho invented a feed car, which
was tried, but was not a success. The
grain and water were placed- on the
roof, and passed down pipes when re
quired; but the troughs in the crowded
cattle-cars got dirty, and the animals
refused to est out of them. An attempt
was then made to substitute oars wit h
compartments, so as to keep the cattle
separate, >qt this rendered the cars un
fit for any other purpose the return
trip and was abandoned.
.Mr. Tingley's present scheme is s
simple one. It is to establish s num
ber of " cattle restaurants " along etch
line of railrotd that transports live
stock. They will be 1!00 miles apart,
and the cattle can be fed and watered
every twelve Lours. When a train with
a load of cattle on board g< ts within
twenty miles of one of th'-se restaurants
a telegram will be aent to the officer in
charge, and when the train arrives
everything will be in readiness. Great
iron cups, about as large as an 1
something the shape of a good-sized
kitchen pot will contain food and
water, run into them through rubber
pipes from tanks above. Tlw train will
stop between two rows of troughs,
those on one side containing water and
those oil the o.bcr holding four quarts
of a mixture of ground corn, oats and
rut hay. Kich car will have sixteen
openings on each side, all of which
can be easily closed when the car,
which need t>e nothing more than an
ordinary cattle car such is at present
used, is required for other purposes on
the return trip. Into eadb of these
openings s trough of food or water will
lie pushed by means of a sliding t>ar
U|on which it rests. It will more for
wan! to the ear direct or sideways, as
may be required to reach the opining,
the side motion being accomplished by
sliding it along another bar ext>viding
the whole length of the restaurant, the
bar by whicL it is pushed forward ac
companying. The flexible rubber
tulws through which the food aad water
passes will, of course, offer no resist
How a Catamount wa hillri.
" I don't inind telling bow 1 did it,"
said John Q. Smith, who recently abot
a catamount near Frenchtowa, N. J.,
weighing twenty-ai* pound*. "Yon
we. m barn i* only a short distance
from a stretch of weod* which lie* be
tween hero and Stockton. The other
morning I went into the barn to get a
robe for the wagon. My shotgun rested
against the wall in the bsrneea-room.
Jnat aa I went in f( r the robe, I saw a
head at t be back window, which wasn't
an ordinary bead. Grabbing my gun, I
started around tbe barn. The animal
got to the corner before I did, and
jumped ont at me. 1 had no time to
shoot, for tbe catamount— that'* what
it wan—had it* claw* on me before 1
could do anything. I yelled like a
trooper, and, revemng my gun, struck
the critter on the bead with the bntt.
Tbe catamount wa stunned for the
moment, and >ort of let go its hold,
giving me a chance to move back a few
yard* and bring tbe gun to my shoulder.
Jnat then my wife appeared on the
scene, and I yelled to her to run and
bring out a pail of hot water—the hot
teat she bad. Then I tired, and bit the
cuaa square between the eyas. It ought
to have settled him. bnt it didn't. It
only him mad, and he crunched down
to jnmp on me. I dodged, and got in
another blow on the animal's head, lay
ing him on hi* back, bnt not killing him.
My wife bad then returned with u pail
of boiling hot water, and she threw it
at the catamount. Fart of it scalded
the animal, but the most of it struck
n>(, and took tbe skin clesn off of one
of my legs, from the knee down. I
dsnoed around with pain, add the cata
mount raised up as though he meant to
show light again I gave him soother
blow on the head, which settled him.
This ia the first dsy I've bees oat
The White HOBS* Clock.
President Oartield had a great mri
oeity to kaot the history at tbiag
•boat the Whtto Bonw, and M there
vaa DO tradition about an alabaster
clock aonaouotod by a statuette of tho
mnae of history, a ok ok which baa
ticked in the White House time out of
mind, be set Secretary Blaine to rum
maging through the ancient documents
of the White House. The search waa
amply rewarded, disclosing aa it did
that the timepiece, one of the moat
beautiful in Washington, waa a present
from Bonaparte to Lafayette, who gave
it in turn to Washington, who deter
mined that it thonid be handed down
to his snoresaora in the presidential