STATE MEWS. .lames Armstrong, of Carlisle, has a bureau that was built in 1777 from wood cut in Cumberland county. Joseph H. Chane, a pioneer and well known citixen of Hcranton, died on last Sunday after a lingering illneaa. Five men were captured near Bethle hem a lew nights ago who had taken (HI firkins of butter from a Lehigh Val ley car. The paper works of Cox & Dager, at Bridge)*)!!, Montgomery county, are turning out a ton of manilla paper dai ly- The Washington Ite/nrtcr states that Joseph Chain, of Philadelphia, ha* pur chased .1500 acres of coal land at Frede ricktown, Washington county. The Phoenix Coal Company |of Piits ton is sinking a shaft, and at a depth of 180 feet has struck three veins ot coal, none of which are less than 4 feet in thickness. Hiram Bleim, of Hickorytown, Mont gomery county, has twenty two daugh ters and two sons. He has married ofT all the girls, but the boys are single. Mr. Bleim is 79 years old and is a wid ower. In an interview Kev. Father lirace, of Pittsburg, stated that at the late con ference ot the Catholic clergy of the dio cese it waa decided that absolution here after should be refused to members of the Knights of Labor. The Philadelphia and Heading Coal and Iron Company are erecting works for the preparation of the small sizes of coal. It is contended that at least 20 per cent, now lost in the preparation of these sizes will be saved by the new works. James Graham, a farmer of large means mysteriously disappeared from Cranbery township, Butler county, early last month. His dead body was recently discovered in a river uear Richmond, Va. He is supposed to have drowned himself while temporarily insane. The Pittsburg papers state that the financial troubleso! the-Siemens Ander son Iron Company have been satisfacto rily adjusted. The employes of the works (750 in numbe* * have asked to be allowed to do a month's work free to assist the company in getting on its feet. George Carlwrigbt, a puddler, of Sharon, Penn., was badly maimed a few days ago by the explosion of a shell am >ng some scrap-iron which he and others were breaking up. Another man who was standing almost immediately over the shell, watching Cartwright, es caped unhurt. The state temperance convention, in session at liarrisburg, adjourned on last Friday, after adopting resolutions, one of whice declares that their "first effort shall be the election of members of tbe legislature in 1882 favorable to the sub mission of the constitutional amend ments" against liquor. A general strike is threatened by the bituminous coal miuers of Westmore land county. They have been demand ing increase of wages and complaning against existing rules in the manage ment oQhe pits for some time. Work is largely interfered with and a general suspension is not improbable. Tbe Kdgar Thompson Steel Works at Braddocks has just finished remodel liog its furnaces, so as to use the basic process of making steel from cinder. The exclusive right to this process was purchased for $250,000 cash some time ago by tbe American Bessemer Steel Association through Andrew Carnegie, and is now put to practical use lor the first time in this country. The statement of the Philadelphia and Reading railroad and coal and iron companies for December, which be gins the fiscal year, shows that the total receipts of the railroad company for tbe month were $ 1,850,888.73; expenses, in cluding rentals snd interest, $9*0,277. 42. The gross receipt* of tbe coal snd iron company were $1.380,788.55. and the expenses, including inlereat, $1,313,- 857 22- The profit of both companies for tbe mouth was $937,542.54 against $397,085.89 as compared with I>ecember, 1880. A shocking affiir occurred at the Hampton minea, on tbe outskirts of Kcranton, last Friday morning. Wil liam Cook, who was stricken by small pox a few days ago, was dying. His wife and babe were in the same room on the ground floor. Mrs. Cook placed a lighted candle in tbe hand of her husband and then knelt by bis bedside to pray. No one had visited the bouse for days. Uvercome by fatigue she fell asleep and when the candle had speot itself it burned through the rigid fin gers of the dying man. setting the bed clothes on fire. Mrs. Cook started up, but fainted on the floor at tbe sight. A crowd of neighbors gathered at the window outside and looked in, but wouldn't venture across tbe threshold plague.stricken house. At last two men more courageous than the rest arrived at tbe bouse, burst open the door snd csrried out the suffocating mother snd child. Then tbe body of Cook wss removed snd presented a frightful spectscle, the flesh dropping from the bones. The fire wss extin guished with difficulty. Mrs. Cook hss so far recovered as to tell the particu lars of the unhappy affair. She says •he bad not slept for several days be fore tbe occurrence and was completely worn out for lack of rest when she knelt to pray beside ber husband. They were German Catholics and tbe lighted candle was placed in the hand of the husband as a symbol of the im mortal light toward which tba soul was going. Whit the Old Guard la I'p To. from ths Ctsefort Jo*rati, Bp The "306" bid fair to all become fa mous—especially Pennsylvania's con tribution to that noble band. Genarsl Baity, one of them, has been elected Treasurer of Pennsylvania. General Beaver, another of thrm, is tbe bosses' choioe for Governor. Mr. Mouat, ona of our Don's most faithful adherents at Chicago, in Philadalphia last week plea ded guilty to the charge of fraud at elec tion and was sent to the penitentiary. Pbbuua to tbe greatest and bast rem edy I ever used. Am well. J as. Fit*- osrald, Pittsburg, PI. VALENTINES C CO.'S STORES', Allegheny Street, Relief ante, Pa. ISTEW GOODS. A FULL STOCK IN ALL CLASSES OF GOODS. DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. Wo have a nice assortment of LADIES' DBBSS GOODS, including a lino of BLACK CASHMERES, to which wo invite special attention. WAPNEIt'S FLEXIBLE lIIP nn.l DR. STRONG'S CORSETS In colors or white, all sizes; tho two best corsets made. SHAWLS, BKIHTH and COATS, and a beautiful lino of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S LACK COLLARS and TIES. The handsomest lino of SILK and LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS b> be found anywhere; toutUM SILK MUFFLERS, SWISS EMBROIDER! and TRIMMING LACES. STAPLE GOODS Of all kinds in abundance. MUSLINS. CANTONS, SHIRTINGS, nicest styles of PRINTS, FLANNELS, euc., etc. MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOTS OF TRUNKS AND SATCHELS AT ANY PRICE. CARPETS! CARPETS! Cotton Chain, Ingrains and bettor grades in pretty patterns. BAG CARPETS at various prices; the cheapest are good, but there is none better than the ben. OILCLOTHS ! OILCLOTHB ! 4 4 5-4 6-4 and 8-4 OI LCLOTIIS In different grades. About fifteen styles of j TABLE OILCLOTHS. MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. OVERCOATS and FULL SUITS. The best way is to come and see them. Thoy j can't be beat for quality and price. Tfcubt 3er Goods ! 11 nl >ber (Goods ! BOOTS and SHOES; ANY QUANTITY OF.THEM AT ALL PRICES. -THE GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF CHOICE GOODS—at fair price* for GOOD GOODS.—The fined OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COF FEE, our cudomers *ay the bed they ever drank. Fined TEAS atui good one at low prices. TRY THE CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS—Reaches, (ber ries, Hums, Rears, Apricots, Peas, Ac. If there is anything finer we don't know it. HAVE YOU USED ANY OF HUCKIN'S SOURST—Make. Snip in fifteen minutes, any kind you have, a mind for. THCRBER'S DEER SEA MACKEREL, are as delirious and tender as Spring Chicken. BLOATER AtA t. A Ell EL, there is nothing finer in the market. TRY MeCANN'S IRISH OATMEAL and you will not use any other. The nicest way to buy it is in 14lb. cans, but we sell if in any quantity. LEG GET'S WHEAT and Ol'T FLAKES make a palalakle dish in a short time. PICKLES of all kinds—CROSSE ry Ginula and Groceries. | J A lU'KK BROTHERS, spriso strict. nii.i prcMK. pa Hare their counter* and shelve* Mled with NEW GOODS, I ( BANKRUPT KATKS Purchased at J BANKRUPT KATKfI I BANKRUPT RATES which tiiet orraa at BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. cowmTiNo or Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*. Ac. . BOOTS and SHORN BOOTS and NHORS at wry low price*. • BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS j Lateet style* of lIATS and CA PS I HATS and CAPS Carpet Ban, Umbrella*, ParaeoU, Ladies' Claaki, Carpeting, Groceries, Queen* we re, A* CMprttegeTer, mis* that CM be Ibttl <■ * In clam mot*. nARPER BROTHERS, spaiwa WIT. . • *BLi.iroi*Tß. pa. C*SfOER REMOVED, WITHOUT KNIFE, and in tnoei ™ * saw* wltkeellpala. Apple ta C. *7 P. nth ta. BeatAerg. -w* Oeetn Omatr, P*. ■VrtP Adverti*rmcut*. J F YOU GET A COUGH OR COLD A ND WANT TO GET j CURED QUICKLY GET A 2Sc. botxU qf 81NES' SYRUP OF TAR, wild cHntar akd HoAtuoraD. JOHN HARRIS, Sole Aukkt, axtxarosTt. pa. 1 A etc A COMPART. t j IUI prtxiti And Allow fntrrrat, Dlaeount Kot—n; to") and Sl! Oot. HwmllJw, I Jnnnn A. littvra, Pr-nldeat. "" j J. I) Mrtui.cWbi.t MILLIIEIM HOTEL, MItXIIEIM, CKKTKK OOCKTT, PBKK'A. W. H. SI I fSKH, Proprietor. | Tbn town ,1 Mt!J!.iro I, lorntod in P-nn't Valla), j abort ti. mtl-a < , c In tbn Itam-dlatn vlrtnJt). A cab run, to .Irr, train At thn Millbrim Hot*) nr.em.. r ' i r * '■• found Brt, la*, and t-ru. in.*W i 3d. I*T-I), pENTRAL HOTEL, V y (Opt M*)!* th tUu)rn*4 "Ullm ) UlLBfißriUi, ( KMHK COCXTT PA A. A. KOHLBECKEK, Proprietor. Tlljwroil TRATKI.KHA If) 11.. railroad will n„j thin H. tnl an . llwi.t p|„, lanrh. or j0... ure , *wnl ** AL.L TRAIRS nt*.j. about minut** AT ; -r ' EWKDISH BITTKRS. j Til I. Uirit that li U*d k w-mn In {.taring ttoln pr-paralfoi. bwfotw Urn An if nan [m l.' > .anu.dl) t.*li.„ th.t wn barn B||m , ~ fall wnnl. by siring a m~b< ion that will not „nlr lorn).fan), .oil-,,. a.II poaJMxd) iwmdrncwnw. Kid an) and Unr Oma|daiM, and all their aarhlnTrt.' fofta, nurb an Sour fit-marli, Snk lloadarh. I'afi.f m lb Mde and Bark. Palpitation the Howt, Cwtlee lodlsmaion. To)low Akin, Swimming <.* tb. Tt^d—T.t' u" ""—to. N-'iU. kc. Thtwn d.wm will mlirtn 'W wotwt twin. PXL( I T( >R S NOTlCE.— Notice .f I " w> Tnatamoatary on thn oMatn of ll.nn llnjff. Sr. of Milan tow*. nkl|., (antra count). IVnnajlraala. doraanod. hana barn pwatad t llnnr) Mn)ar. J,. tawdlns Is au.| towanhlf. to ail IHfw.n. Ind.ddad to anid -Mat.. am to makn |>.n>l and tt-wn hatlns claima if dnraaada. will makn known lb-namn w.tb outdnia). lIKNRV MCVEA, Jr.. Kxncatnr. / COMMISSIONERS' NOTICE. V That Uia firaaiat tnand of CoantT Cotatelaaloanra la forwrond to) tton f..||.rwla twloa and melata.„a. and tow tton Information of thn nablir II in nrdnrwd that thnr If pal.iiatoMl for foar n. na.lo a nnka in nnrto anwafwiMr af tbn renal). InL That tton Oonnt) (Vfamianionnra m-nt in tfandr • 'ton Ooatt llnnan In tbn tawonsto of Bnllnfontn, on ntnr) rM and third TWdar of mk month, from l oVtofk a. a, to to rl.rk r n. W All r~da ami mat-rial for tbn nan of tton oonnt* .wUm •*"'*• to* tton C.nm.aahMM) or to) thadr ""k All totlln aunt ton Itnmlmd abna |ilnatald to tbn Board for |ia)mrat. dtto. S.. ordnta tn bn draw n antll tton Board of Coir mtaal am apftorw tbn HII. •dh. K (coda or malnri.l ,J kind for thn am of J. " ,0 W putbaand from an) of tbn Cwnnlr V. >t Wj IfPpißPf*. JOIIJt vrni.r, a " i c . r^sr- u r ■ W. MtUa M" Ahkaa, Clark. ICE is hereby giTcn thnt the yi.'S a-. >nd prMtttvn a--. nM of * 11. OORMAK, A. * Stool I, hat town Sl-d tn th-otfo. 'ton Prottoowntnr) of tton t'raii of Own aw* Pinna '•„?tl '•nntrn, ami that mid tnand *Ol ton (wnanntod to.t onnarmatto* at Itonantl two. af —* d.C lIaRPSK. Pmtb'y. "LUSTRA Y.— Came to the rmidence 1 of ttoa omtorntgnnd In Snow Shon t/.wmddp. On IV, tm ar nb-at Aacam 1, l**l,a tori) HKtrn, wttto a white torn, mid about tkrwn i-ara oM. Tbn eaanu mm mmn forwact, mm propwt) and par rhar (m ; at barn Inn abn will ton dl.tumd of ar -.wdlßS k. law DAVID MrvLOMKIT. •now Shon. Jan. I, IStt. ).)* t'Tt) ****"• H* • kar at b-ann mail) madn. VIM '"MI) itatst Ikaa. Addrnm TRCR A (TV. Aa wto, Maine |4, R>UBH HOUSE, 1 ' . BKI.I.rPOXTK, PA, ramllln. and M-rln ,wtJnanna, a. wall an tbn (nn araitrarll,. robltratw mwimnrWal man ana iarllrd to> tbia rtrwt