Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 12, 1882, Image 8

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    ffce Ctßtte ffemncrat.
Thursday Morning, January 12, 1882.
OoaaasroNDßKca, containing Important mwi,lalldt
*d from an; part of the county. No rommunlcattcn-
Inssrtad unless accompanied hjr tha real name of the
writer. t
Local Department.
—FOR SALE OR RENT a good second
hand upright piano. Apply at this office.
—PKRUNA will tone your wholo system'
—lmmense bargains in gent's under
wear, glove*, hat*, Ac., at the 800 Hive.
—Tho largest to*k of dross goods over
brought to Centre county is now opened at
—Laces, fringe*, gimp*, buttons, Ac., in
all the latest designs and at unrivaled
prices, at tho Bee Hive.
—Drees good*, silks, velveU, plushes and
tinsel plaids and stripes in all shade* and
effects at the Bee Hive.
—Mr. Calvin Smith, tiring of buying
ice has built far himself a commodious,
well proportioned ice house on the eleva
tion back of Bush's arcade.
Prof. D. M. Wolf left on the early
morning train on Tuesday for Allegheny
City. Object, to attend tho convention of
conuty Superintendents of Western Penna
—G. 8. T. H. AB. stand for Oreen's
Syrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodrool, the
best cough remedy in tho world.
—Mr. Cbas. A. Glenn, our artistie
photographer, is rapidly recovering from
the attack of neuralgia that has confined
him to the house for some months.
—The ice men a* they ruminate upon
the vanished crop, cut a parallel figure
with Kartbau* and hi* flea, when they
thought it was there, then it wasn't.
—George W. Miller, energetic George
at the forge we mean, put in more ice and
filled more housee than all his competitor*
combined. "Pluck will and mu*t win I"
—Mr. W. H. B. Eisenhuth, one of the
live young men of Millheim, has been at
tending to business matter* requiring his
presence in town the early part of the
—The enrolled number of pupil* in our
public school* i greater than at any time
during their hi*tory. The number in the
graded school* is 479, in the colored school
30, making a grand total of 609.
—The rendition of the Banker's Daugh
ter by the Sterling Comedy Company oe
Monday evening, was well received. The
acting of Miss May Robert* as Lilian, and
Mr. W. C. Donaldson being especially
—Mr. J. Henry Wetzel will next week
fill the chair of Mr. C. P. Hewes as teacher
of grade No. 3. Tho latter gentleman be
ing engaged with the rest of the auditor*
examining the income and expenditure* of
the county during last year.
—An infant child of Ellen Everbart,
who i* living with Peter Wian on Gen.
Beaver's farm, was found dead in bed on
last Thursday morning. Suffocation i
supposed to have caused it* sudden taking
off, a* it was perfectly well when taken to
lf you have the least unoa*lne* In
your stomach PIRVIA will Immediately
correct the function.
—Humes' Hall will resound with words
of wisdom during the coming season, a*
the T. M. C. A. have leased it for the pur
pose of having a series of instructive en
tertaining lectures delivered before the
members of that body, and all others who
choose to attend. The first by Dr. J. Jay
Villers on Monday evening next, "Funny
People wo Meet."
Y. M. C. A. ITEMS —Next Sunday after
noon at 2.30 o'clock, a Bible study for men
•will be held at the reading room of the Y.
M. C- A. To tbis all men who do not at
tend services at the schools are Invited.
Dr. J. Jay Villers, a humorist, will lec
ture in Humes' Hall next Monday even
Young Men'* Meeting is held on Friday
evening from 7.16 to 8 o'clock. Come.
—Strong men, weak ladies, person* of
all claaee*, grade* and condition* gracefully
succumbed to the wonderful attraction of
■lippy tidnwalks, during the late unpleaa
antnea*. Jack Frost doe* crack some
capital jokes, and the tall form of a certain
legal gentleman flattened out perceptibly
as he warmly embraced mother earth in the
neighborhood of the First National Bank
on Friday afternoon. Sweet was the ex
pression of hi* faqp, as to enable him to
look around for witnesses of hi* rapid de-
Kent, he
"FarcßM aa* *at an* nothing mor "
—Austin J. Brumgard.an esteemed and
respectable citizen of Nittany Valley, died
at hie residence in Salona on last Friday
at the age of 36 year*, (1 month and 8
day*. The funeral of the deceased took
place on last Sunday and was attended, it
U Mid, by the largest gathering that ever
assembled in the Lutheran church of So
lona. The funeral sermon we* preached
by Rev. Divan, from the word* of the
■acred psalmist, "Mark the perfect men
and behold the upright; the end of that
mfn I* peace." Mr. Brumgard filled a
prominent place in society, was a sincere
and cen*istent Christian, devoted to the
church of hi* choice, end was also an ac
tive and failhful member of the I. O. ofO.
F. He was n son of John Brumgard,
formerly of Brush Valley, and leaves a
wife and one child to moarn hie early
ANSWER TN M.—lt there * person living
who over saw ca*e of ftgue, billoutnott,
nervousness, or neuralgia, or any disease of
thn stomach, liver, or kidney* that Hop
Hitter* will not cure ?
—You will ihortly bo compellod to buy
your winter clothing. Hofore deciding on
what you will buy tee what the celebrated
Kochetter manulacturort, Meter*. Htein,
Adler A Co., have turned out this teaton.
oqual in fit, workmanship and trimming*
to any cuitom mado good*. Price* vory
reasonable. To be had only at 8. A A.
Loeb'* who by their square dealing havo
did much to build up the large demand of
thi* very tuperior grado of clothing.
—The Blair county newspaper* of thi*
wcok announce tho death of Col. John
Halfpenny, which sad event occurred at
his residence at Bollwood on last Sunday.
Mr. Halfpenny at one tiino lived at Oak
Hall, In thi* county, whore ho wasengagod
in tho woolen factory at that place, and
had many Centre county friends who will
learn of hi* death with extreme torrow.
He went to Blair county many years ago
and became a prominent and valuable citi
zen of that county. He was soventy-lhreo
years old, and sorved two terms as a
County Commissioner, his second term of
three years expiring on tho Monday previ
aus to hi* death. We are not certain that
bo did not while a young man livo for a
short time at Millheim, where, with hi*
brothers, he was also engaged in the fac
tory business. He was a brother of James,
Mark and William Halfpenny who at
present livo in Union county.
SOCIAIILE.—The sociablo given by the
ladies of the Reformed church, on Tues
day evening, in the locturo room of the Y.
M. C. A., consisting of charado*, dialogue*
tableaux and music, was very largely at
tended. Tho audienco went away very
much pleased with the entertainment—ln
fact all present expressed themselves as
fully satisfied with what they had seen and
heard. Timo and space will not allow u*
to give a very full account of the perform
ance, but part of the programme deserve*
special mention. The most hearty ap
plause was given to Mis* Carrie Harper,
a little daughter of our friend William
Harper, and bor attendants, who perform
ed "Old Mother Goose," Carrie a* "Old
Mother" was excellent. The character
could not have been represented in a better
manner. Her attendants who represented
"Simple Simon," "Mary'* Little I.amb,"
the "Man in the Moon," and other char
acters, all played their part* well and with
out making a tingle error. The tableau,
entitled "Army and Navy," was repre
sented by Miss Minnie Shaffer as the God
dess of Liberty. At her right was Master
John Bower who represented the army,
while at bcr left was Master Willie Ma
gee, who represented the navy, both dress
ed in the full uniform of army and navy
officers. A dialogue, embracing five scenes,
entitled "Lost Charley, or the Gypsie's
Revenge," was performed with credit.
Maizy Harper, as "Old Drue" kidnapped
Charley with so much ease that one is led
to believe that the has bad some experi
ence in the business, or has spent some
time in practicing. Ceatar, tho'darkey,
could have passed off aa the genuine ar
ticle. The programme concluded with a
tableau, entitled "Rock of Ages." It
was represented by Miss Sal lie Hoffer,
who was dressed In pure white and ap
peared with her arm* clinging to a cross,
the choir tinging in a soft and subdued
tone the beautiful hymn from which the
tableau takes its name. It was a touching
and beautiful picture. This wa* the last,
but by no means the least appreciated
scene of the performance. The mutic
was excellent and greatly enjoyed. The
ladies under whote direction and manage
ment this sociablo was given deserve com
mendation for the refined and elegant
taste and good judgment with which it
wa* carried out. The proceed* of the af
fair, a sum realized from a collection
taken during the evening, will go to the
benefit of the Reformed church.
TUB LcMuza TRADE.—The Williams
port OaMlte and Hullrtm lay* beforo Its
readers an elaborate review of the report
of Lumberman's Exchange, of that city
for thn year 1881, from which we take the
following extract, which may be of Inter
act to many persons in Centre county en
gaged in the lumber business:
"The past year has been one of the big
?'ear in the lumber operations of Wtl
iamsport. Notwithstanding the late
spring, and the subsequent break of the
boom by which many log* escaped, the
■bowing of the year is a very large one,
and our lumbermen have had a highly
prosperous season. The open fall has per
muted operations to continue to an un
usually late period, so that the log* have
not only all been rafted out of the boom
but, with few exceptions, the different
mills have cut up ell their stock. It we*
stated at the beginning of the season, that
the total stock intended for cutting during
the year would not fall short of 400,000,000
feet. It is now seen that, counting the
logs that escaped, Willlemsport's stock for
the year is at least 360,000,000 feet. The
stock he* been cut up cloee, it being eeti
meted that not to exceed 6,000,000 feet
remain in the beisin*. Not for year* have
the banks of the river been so nearly clear
of logs. The stock of manufactured lum
ber on band will he considerably in excess
of what it was last year. The total ship
ments for the year, were 331,068,000 feet,
an increase of 68,913,000 feet from the pre
ceding year's showing. The slock on band
at the beginning of 1881 wa* 101,747,798
feet. The pronabtlity is that the stock
now on hand I* at least 300,000,000 feet.
Preparation* are being made for putting
In a good stock this season, and it 1* be
lieved that a heavier stock will be put in
than for last year, owing to the fact that
there U no old *tock on hand."
—The recently elected officer* of Gregg
Port, G. A. R., to eervo during the preeent
year, were mustered Into office at n meet
ing of the Post held on I ant Saturday
evening. Poit Commander, Dr. T. S.
Christ, of Robert M. Fotor l'o*t, College
township, officiated on the occasion a*
mustering officor.
—All who got their holiday groceriet
at Sechler*, found thoy got the very be*t,
whether in lugar, cofloo, tea, dried or can
ned fruits, harm, dried boof, confection
erie#, or other article* in the grocery line.
We with to nay that thi* grade of good*
i* not only kept during the holiday*, but
all tho year round at Sechler*. They do
nothing on the catch principle, but are
fair and squarn in their good* and dealing*
every day in tho year.
—Our adeemed contemporary, tho'Cen
tro liall Hf/xirter, last week gave it* read
er* the following item of information in
reference to the Millbeim contrasted elec
tion cane for a justice of the peace for that
borough, which ha* for some time been
pending in court:
"The Millheim justice case ha* at la*t
been decided by the court. The court de
cide* John 11. Rciftnydor elected by nine
majority over F. P. Musser. Thi* ca*o
ha* been in court tome two year*."
Thi* itatomcnt of the Rrjutrltr i* incor
rect in two (Articular*. Pint, the court
ha* not yet rendered a decision in tho case,
and it it therefore Hill pending. Second,
tho ca*e has not been in the court two
year* ; it will only be one year in February
since the election out of which itgrcw wa*
—The communication that appeared in
our sprightly little contemporary, the
Daily Nr\tt on Monday, deserve* a paw
ing notice, at it louche* upon a matter in
which all have an Interest, the Imtstute.
Whether or not the complainant U sincere
in the exposition of his convictions we of
course do not know, but a casual analysis
of hit pxtce would indicate Is desire on hi*
part to retaliate on account of tome imag
inary grievance and tho manner in which
he pour* out upon the devoted heads of
the supporters of the Institute bit vial of
wrath betrays a weakness that wo are
sorry any one of our teachers should be
'troubled with. Permit us, Mr. X., to
prescribe : attendance at Institute—lo ses
sions, attention during the suasions— 3
hours, of candid desire to improve your
self—all you can find, (omit fault-finding,
caviling and buliheadedne**, a* these ele
ments detract from the efficacy of the
restorative.) Shake wetland take once a
year. We have It from person* well
verted in educational matters of our coun
ty that the last Institute totally eclipsed
all previous ones, inasmuch as all teachers
were paid for coming and the attendance,
86 per cent, wa* never excelled. The
good result* are attributable to the untir
ing effort* of tho teachers at a body. We
doubt that one really in earnest and hav
ing the good of the cause in view would
prate a* doe* thi* penny wise and pound
foolish Mr. X.
SFRISQ MILL* ITSMS.— lnttallatu.n
On lest Saturday, M. Laonard Rhone,
Worthy (irand Muter of lha Stata Orange
of Pa., P. of 11. assisted by Sister Rhone,
installed the following officer* of Spring
Milla Grange No. 163:
Worthy Muter, William Goodbart;
Overseer, James M Clintick; Lecturer,
Wm. Rarick; Asst. Steward, David Oent
sil; Treasurer, M. L. Rishel ; Secretary,
W. A. Krise ; Gatekeeper, W. 11. Bloom ;
Pomona, Mrs. Wm. Goodhart ; Flora,
Mrs. W. A. Krise; Steward, Chaplin and
Ceres to be installed.
M. L. Rishel is the Purcbuing agent
and Wm. Rarick Fire Insuraoce Director
for the grange The Grand Muter made
an interesting address to the members of
the fraternity.
The patrons of Fairview Grange have
moved into their new ball at Sprucetown.
They have a very pretty hall, of which
they are very proud.
William Krape, brother-in-law lo John
F. Potter, Esq., lost a fine little boy lut
week. Little Georgia, u he wu called,
wu hit oldest child and had been ailing
with heart disease for some time.
A new steam saw mill is being put in
about one and a half mile northeast of
Spring Mills, at the foot of Brush moun
Several Gregg township teachers did not
attend Institute. They should show more
seal In the great work in which they are
engaged. However, they have the satis
faction of knowing that no one can accuse
them of belonging to either the "book
pilferers" or "stimulus imbibers" so fierce
ly anathematised by our worthy Superin
tendent. In your extract from the TWA
ir's Journal, no mention is made of the
fact that a copy of Webster's Counting
House Dictionary, valued at $3.00 was
stolen from the table of Mr. Scott, the
gentlemanly agent of Iveeon, Blaketnan St
Co. Mr. Scott said he considered it a
compliment to his books, that teachers
were so aniious to have them and being
too poor to purchase they would steal
them. But Oh, what a burning disgrace
to the teachers profession, Is the fact that
within its ranks are men whose crimes
would send them to prison. Is he a greater
criminal who steals $3 in money from his
employer's till than the sneak thief who
pilfers a $3 book T
Since my last Centre Hall has had a fire,
but 1 suppose the lUporUr has given you
full particulars of the occurrence. %*
—We regret to hear that the wife of
Mr. A. L. IJaupt, at present residing at
York, Pa., is sick with smallpox.
—Lcwln'a ha* a splendid atock of cloth
ing which ho I* Rolling ut remarkably low
priens. Call and examine his elegant as
—Go to Tiewln, at the Philadelphia
Branch to buy your clothing. You will
find bargains such a* were never given in
—An elegant six burner chandelier I*
the latest improvement to the office of the
Brockerhoff House. It wa* put up yester
day and usod for the first time last night.
—Millheim is enjoying a musical con
vention this week under the management
of Prof. Kurxenknabo, a gentleman who
ba* established a fine reputation as a teacher
of music.
—Our Jacksonville friend* no doubt ap
preciated tho music, renderod In superb
style, by tho Lock Haven Silver Cornet
Hand on the 7th instant, at the concert of
Prof. G. C. Curns, of Castonea.
—The largest assortment of fall and
winter suitings and overcoating*. Leave
your order* now.
44-tf MOXTOOMKRY A Co., Tailor*.
Coal oil applied with a cloth to stove* or
other iron work will effectually prevent
rust—and Green'* Compound Syrup of
Tar, Honey and Hloodroot, taken in time,
will a* certainty prevent that dreadful
scourge, consumption.
—The imoke house belonging to the pro
perty of Mr. Jamn* Bommerville,on Spring
street, took fire on Wednesday about noon,
but tbe flame* were extinguished before
much damage was done. Tbe alarm
brought the Logan and Undine boys
promptly to the scene, but their service#
were not called into requisition.
—Tbe avaricious old miser who wa*
trying to make acontract with "Old Nick"
to furnish him with coal, on hi* way down
to the "lower region*," wa* no more avari
clou* than the man who will not spend 25
cent* for a bottle of Sine*' Syrup of Tar,
Wild Cherry and Hoarhound, wben be, or
any member of bl* family is caught with
a cough or cold.
Hi* Honor, Associate Judge Larimer,
appeared upon the bench yesterday for tbe
first lime in the performance of an official
duty. It wa. in tbe bearing of a habrtu
torput rase, Borhtol nd wife vs. Wants
and others, for the possession of a child,
the parties all residing in Bald Ksgle
valley. The witnesses for tbe defence
were not present and the hearing was ad
journed until next Monday, when the
judge will decide tbe matter. Of course
Judge Larimer presided with dignity and
discharged his dutio* with great credit.
—That good old soul, "Yony" Kraamer
of Millheim, is in town. We bad hoped
when last we saw him that a part of the
superfluous animal matter that then both
ered bim might be gotten away with, but
that must have been impossible a* he still
retain* it. Turkiih baths, in Williams
port, according to the Sun and ttannrr
of Saturday last, benefited our no rpulani
friend, Mr. C. A. Glenn, and might have a
salutary effect on our fat friend from the
lower end. It is a poor rule that does not
work both ways.
— ST. NICHOLAS for January, 1882, ha*
eighty page* and more than sixty illustra
tion*. it* frontispiece I* a beautiful picture
by Robert Blum, Illustrating a fairy story
of the Rbineland. There is tbe conclusion
of "The I'uor Count's Christmas,'' Mr. F.
R Stockton's story begun in the Decem
ber number, and a curious tale of Modern
Greek Folk-lore, told by Hon. Jeremiah
Curtin, and illustrated with spirited pic
ture* by Alfred Brennan. Giber short
stories are: "The Cow that Considered, by
Sophie Swell, with illustrations by W. T.
Smcdiey : "The Porter's Iron Collar," an
anecdote of a gigantic nobleman of Rus
sia, by David Ker, with a floe picture by
Neblig,; and a comical story, "Bonn* and
Bow-wows," written and illustrated by
Frank Bellow.
Clia Tbaxter contributes a fine poem on
tbe great Sir William Napier's chivalrous
conduct toward a peasant child, and Mar
garet Vandergifl some capital verses on an
adventure of "Tho Clown's Baby" In a
mining town of the far West. Tbesa po
ems have very striking picture* drawn by
Jessie McDormotl and R. H Birch.
In an article entitled "How to mske
Puppets and Puppet-shows," Mr. Daniel
C. Beard explains to the boys and girls
bow they may enlertan the family circle,
or parties of their companions, with a
delightful in-door amusement; and betides
furnishing a brisk, dramatised version of
"Pus* tn Boots" for representation, hesup
pile* example* of all the puppet*, diagrams
of the way to produce funny siege effect*,
end bints and suggestions how to present
the shadow-play.
This month's installments of the two
serial stories—"Donald and Dorotb," by
Mary Mape* I)odg (the editor of St. Nic
holas), and "Tbe Hoosler School-boy," by
Edward Kggleston, author of * Tbe Hoo
•ier School master"—contain novel scene*,
characters, and Incidents, and are well il
lustrated. And "A Drummer-boy's Re
collections" describee, In the most graphic
manner, and with the help of Federal Ar
my In the woods at Chancellorsville, and
through the first day of the fighting at
Humorous verses and funH(p single pic
tures are given here and then in the num
ber; there Is a story of four peg** with five
picture* tor the Very Little Folk t "Jack-
In-lbe-Pulpil" discourse with his usual
good spirit* about matters aod thing*; the
"Letter-box" contains some special words
from the Editor to the readers, beside* the
tenth report of the doings of the Agassi*
Association; and the "Riddle-box" closes
the number with an assortment of puxslee
Including a curious Maxe.
The following 1* the list of Grand and
Traverse Juror* drawn for January term
of Court commoncing Monday January 'l3,
1882 :
Flilllp Ifnine*, (irwi/g
W. II fctnitli, P'fiti.
K*r flatter, Union.
Waller Meeli, F< rguryn.
Julin Regan,
H. F. Herbtet. I.lUrty,
J•* >!* J. Oettliel, i'auQ,
Kolfft (jllllUti'lM Mkmi
J. M. Wruf,
John Muils'ii, Hotter.
llnUrt Flilil|saftmrg •
T. I). Taylor, <
Mil*** Zimmerman, BuruMda
TO. Hunkl*. Phtliaborg
Jam** Tot* it. Snow Shi*.
William labler, Ihoiioi
John M<*r*ttiger. Potter.
T. Wilaun Wst, lUJfmoon.
B. 11. Garr, NlUlri|.
Jama# Hwah, Potter
J 11. WitM, Spring.
OaJrln /.limnerman, Bogy.
(Jaorge Sfine, Pat ton
|At*4rwgo WlllUim, 11 a* ton
i Sol Ktieuger, Hainan
Jw W'ataoti, Snow Snow.
William Morrta, Bogga.
John M'-Cuilj, Marion
W. P. Ursi, Howard hor.
..Michael Howar, llamas
Win. McClellam!. bellaTta.
!P S. iJligle, Isibartv.
W in. liarnuh, Walker.
J. H. Idi/ttg,Ciartla.
. <1 K POiav. lUltauoon
jliantel C". Poortnan, Hogg*.
.'Cornelia# llr#l litrnnM.
[MM Maaeer. Ilaiuea
•Samuel Neeae, Pawn
[Herman Miller, Spring.
H M Swam. Ptiar.
j Andrew Stover. Penn.
,|J C Sample, Prrguaod.
i Adam lya, "
'John 11ame, p#-fjn
i lAauiel Aj*ra. f'Mlipahurg.
Wni Anuatrong, Potter.
K || r-ter, Hs llefr.r.l*. |
liars Alexander, Utii'sntll!*
OirUttan l**rr. ItelteCvftte
N. 11. litisver, Howard tw|>.
H. (i Dot n, I'titiljseburg.
Frank M- < *sy,
John W. Itoltrtek. Walker
F. 11. Ht*ier* Fenn.
Benj .Ctrl Jr.. fergueon.
Ilanlet lau|, F <tter
Jnnth (Irenlngcr, Mllea.
Jo tin F. Ilarter, Millbeim.
Tt"njaa Yeartrk, llarrie. |
II F. Hltrier.Ors.K
William Hem. Fblll(setsr
J W Fa< k-r, Curtln.
J K Mil ltd, Belief* siite.
William Martr, He tu.
H. M llotiaer, < Vi|| jf*.
JainM Antie, I 1 /ward bor.
Hu<V.ljh Krider, V*-rgnv>u
A-lain C. Htj'k*. Fottef. '
laaar l*aail'<irn.llelfne'ion
limit} StftWiMM
William I.ytfr.Ooll+ff*.
J<elati Hotter, B"|UC
W K < aeeWly, fertfuwsci,
Ferry Omdo, Marion.
It M llur lew, tilwrty.
William fcuok.Fbillpptwrg
HaitiOfl t>e. ker, WaJkef.
H F HbaJT*r.
F Gray Meek, n*ll*tuote.
Williarti Boak, Lltsert?.
tiavld M Hai.ixel, Taylor.
W K Irwin. Fbilipeborf.
Ed Heekwitb. Taylor.
hanm I Htine.lloward twp
J'm+ph Drown Hr lluKon.
William Ifometi Jr Or***
<• W litever,Fblll|setsrc,
( 'hariMs Pny ler, Vnfvmm
jWtn Miller, Tajtor.
' M Keiafef, llainna.
Aamual lloovar. Tajhrr.
John hnu. Ih-indrr.
Sim Hatxtx ller, Kuah.
; Jonaitmu Wolf, Milaa.
W'llauo Irwin, t'nsio.
J*bn Csiry,
*lifniaii Ly(i spring,
laaar llaupt. Belief. nU.
Jar Kiaeiihuth, Millheim.
John II Breom, **
11 S Kinkade, I'bilipahurg.
II feaa, Maine*.
'e. K Baki-r, Gollege.
W II Ktkley, Bflihrf.
U E Munw'ti. Philipabarg.
Jos llalnm, l^hilipahurg
TRIAL LIIT.—TUE following it the lut
of caae* for trial at the January term of
court, which begin* on Monday, the 23d
B W Ehli4.r H A. T. I^lber*,
llwtlbgt. Aliuidr A bom ft.
H. J Blag. M A. T. UtkK.
11 meting*. ||i A Homrt.
W L. Allen ...... Jot W. Puker.
J l. <i*ph*r% - H<m**l A TriUr.
A (ipf Url. Alfuodrr A Huvr
FrMii'k Kurti>..,. w ~ mwn M W K AU&tiitlft,
Frtuj Al'iutW A Ikiwit.
T. T " Wiiluu
Ili4iii|t foHIy, IlHul*-,
TbumM K llajM M P4m*t Lyti,
Hw.kl Rirl.pl . - Uri lIuH(Ur,
T M WtHvy.Ntw M W. T Ldf)f*rKj>ll, ft atl
A (*{Kn Lop.
Weltnf " MkUfl Confer.
Meeting*. B**t*f A <i<*vU*rt
J. la Pp*ngl#r " V. J.
kj*u<kf AkutArf A Rp*r.
John X Rankin rr J. A. OrftAnr,
Alui>4*r A Dowpf. B**er A
Emm* L M J. A.Crt<Wr,
Ak*6df A iWipf A OfjAtrl.
" ItotfcS Hart*? ... •k.R.j.N almtin* *t *J
AinwiwAikKPr. mm
M*<jvj A Unit "Qmorf* M f* uar,
Catharine lluflnM— " Hmry Rnm.
JarxA* A. Walkac * Uoll*, Th-ma* A Co.
Rtr A UpfAut. Pant A Uvty.
Kli *!•*!! >rf4urf t oAji'l " J 11, Omwkuf.
|Viii A Hurting*.
Jtm+ph * " ppfti't R. R Co.
Alpundpr A H"*pf 'llMKkii'l
Ilrn)%min Wed lead M Klinbrtli Moilnrj rt el
M IMVM A ' •' i .*•!
JabiA Irk, •* > - Join A. Hunt**,
ArV. NrW, 4 e1...... " G*nrg C. Morgan H •!.
Pf*e*gUr lk**pf A GpfAvi
Banki A fnoit " J D NufWk,
lk**pf A <|p|AMt. UmM&CI
Tb'-a Nmttua " Ml T Vomit,
IWeir Hntpr A <#|hert
laaWllt " J II Ham,
RUlr A GfMrt
EliMltHh " Jou-jl. XlUMt'a I rv
Itf PcMflar
imA> Jeenke? * J 11. RptfuiyAf
l>arid K*U*?,.. * Janoh Hbn. •tit 'lane*
Kll*r. H A <* . end A lot. A B
William Ml Jb"4> K U.
Kflit. It A ii . end AM A R.
C, J. I'mopT pt m C Item,
llaaa Mm*
AUteodrr A Hor. Rpatpf A ("{tart
Wm J. Titnmfto n *' J. RHW
Hpa A (eenhert. fyeftgtrr. A)*l. A Boator
II W. I|r*rr - /. A OrkaWf.
Alaia4v A bomot Bum A Oayhorl
Oanrfa O'Bryaa, aaa M Jam** (Tftrynn,
AUaaixW A Bun re. KpirklHta.
John Ahlrley M John T Far|.
Ha)#. Airland*? A llparpf. Rparrt A Grfdtert
Janob M Alkfl Kaofh,
MA Hak " John H Iliwlf, ai'p
K*U*r. W— A (lasting*.
IktM tatnr'i edmra...... " Isaac MilfWl.wn tz'r
Plitnr A Mafpp Pant
D M Mil-. edm r EC Cbnat*n,
AlPiatiAff A Ik.aror. Iloy.
Th* lUvl'Q tympany "tm.P Dantai A O*
k'puixtpf A Rvtnt. Hoy
R II Dvann A On, M Mm Kmorlly rt el.
IW*pf A <pflaH. AlPtaaAar A Boar or.
J II Albright M W. A. W im*m*
Kollpt. A Hasting*
J II AlWklit..w ** J. W Pt pat art,
Keller. flmy.
—That perfect baking and cooking love,
the "Pioneer,'' I* for ale only by Wllon,
MrFarlane A Co. All tuperfluou* orna"
mentation ha* been dbpented with to *••
cure a fir*t-cle*a kitchen *tove. For weight,
rlrength and durability It cannot be *ur
pawed. In purchasing tbi* *tore you are
not paying for nickla trimming* and beau
' tiful flnith, but you are getting what i* far
belter and what you need in a good cook
•tore—a good, reliable baker and cook.
Ladies coat*, jacket*, dolman*, circu
lar* and uUteretUw, in endleaa variety,
lyl* and color*, and price* lower than
eleewbere at S. A A. Loeb'*.
—The very beet production that can be
had from flr*t claw itork and excellent
workmancbip in boot* and ahoe*, at price*
no higher than common eaitern trath, are
now open and for *ale by 8. A A. Loeb.
Loeb'* U the piece to buy dry good*.
I/arge a**ortment, low price* and good
good* at all time*.
Ladle*', mi**e*' and children 1 * dol
man* and coat* in endlam variety and very
cheep nt the Bee Hive.
—The new adverti*ement of the Bee
Hive one-price ttoree in tbi* week'* paper
will repey a careful peru*al.
—Cell and examine the ttoek of range*
and cook ttove* at WiUon, Mc Far lane A
Co'*; al*o their Itne of (ingle nnd double
heater*. They have for tale the Welcome
Home double heater, which ha* been
thoroughly and MtialhctorUy Mated in tbi*
—Oo to 8. A A. Loeb for her gain* In
*"-<> imury •. ima, u union,.
Clinton ouunty, IV, An.Uu J Rramiptrf. u4 M
I uwtitli m,,| :: rly Wat<nu< |4rnv ropy.
BnlUfoit* HnrktU,
BtUdrinm, Jaaoary t,l*2
Old wb-ut, prrbunbol ~
B"d whoul „ "inlVi 1 -kl
By., pr bu.b*l ; 1 ' ' £
Corn,nob IT
Corn, •tll*4 „...*"•— ~ ™
flour, rotnll.p'rbnrr.!. t u't
flour, wbolnnuln J
Provision Market.
A . P2!? CUd b Brotbnr,.
Ai.plra.drlnd, |r pound g
Cfwrrtnu, driod, |wr |rad,*OMld ""' lb
Bhoi pr .jur< """ J™
f "ali traitor per pound . **** li
Cblrk.u. |M.r pound.. ow
CbM pr pound .
Country burn. per pound.. ~ ( .
Ilin...i((f Mirod .... ;?
Hnc0n....." '*
lrard pr pound J„
K** pr dor V,
Potato*. pr i.uih. l ~,
Drlrd too 4. ®
.>/•/• Advertisement.
Bellefonte Enterprises.
With tke New Year Beliefonte prom
imm to develop into Ihe most prosjterous
of our inland towns—enterprise after
enterj/rise is being started by the capital
of our public spirited citizen*. The Car
H'orlcs arc running to their full eajeaci
ty,our Glass Works arc opening with
every show of success, the Steel Works
will give employment to 100 men, the
Sail Works, for whose success General
Heaver vouches, will shortly offer employ
ment to hundreds of people—all these
public enterjirises will put Bellefonte in
the van of prosperous and wide-awake
towns. Here, then, is room and jdace
for lively, spirited and active young
men. Among the best and most success
ful business enterjsrist? organized recent
ly is the LARGE AND WELL
posit the Bush House—nothing like it
in the County. If visitors to Bellefonte
will only take the trouble to call at
our Store, they well b< surprised at the.
quality, style, and prices of first clou
Furniture. We arc aiming to buy atf
goods directly from the manufacturers
without the intervention of agents, so as
to offer goods at bottom figure. ONE
profit is sufficient. We propose to fill
your homes with Parlor Suits, Bedroom
Suits, Sofas, Odd Chairs, Tables, any
thing and everything in Furniture at
prices lower than you can get in this
County. We mean just what we say.
He also offer the public the services
of Mr. John Ihroudfoot who has a Out
rough knowledge of the UNDERTAK
ING business, and who will keep on
together with a first-class HEARSE.
Fair prices only trill be charged. Giie
us a trial
Swcdich I>v.|cpMa Remedy!
TV < birf ingradtant and lII* git tag rinml af thia
grnl n■' dy it u brrti HUMWII; k 1., N u hittaa
■aim althotgh bat rary rmrrly tonnd ta tI.M raanlry,
•filing In tto attrHna Kortkarnat It ta gatl.arod
in inbia •lamltwa by tba haplandrr* In tto l lnak
MM ao-< lad luoaatalna of Srrtray and Raadaa. and
baa. la nontrarUna Itb othar lagradlnnaa, bran Band
among thamartaaa agrtmtrafy IST yearn u <*. <4 tba
gtratnat rmuadlm tor t>ji-(■•' Kidoay and Um
Complaint tkat haa rta Ima kb>.
la plating Oiit immamlion bafera tbr A rornaa
mbllr n candidly hallaia that bar# flilrd long
Mt want, by gittng a madMaa tkat will ant only
temporarily win*, bat artll pnattleely ramdyaprpaia.
Klda*) and Uw Complaint. and all their varbma at
torto, anrh at Roar Rk-amrh. Ik. k 11-a lvb. patna ta
Ibr aldr and Bark, Palpitation of tka Boart, QaUw
aaaa, Indignation, Trlloa Rkln. Rntmtotag of tka
Hand, Pallbam at Pit <4 Momath, lm Rptrita, dr.
Thrnr dan *lll ndtarr tka worat mar,
Aak itmr dmggint (or a bortle and I* rwnaod.
Price, Tt ran la. y-jr
Id la hereby glean that Lettetn Teat neon lory ik
tka MMata <4 Ilnory Mrja,. Pr . lata <4 Mllaa to*.
•kip, Centra coaaty. Peaaayleaala, deoeaaed. here
bran gran tad to Henry Mrynr, Jr. naatipag la aard
tnnoehlp. to loan all partnw Indetla to aaid ratata
am ratjurata.l to toakr payment and tkoar bating
rUilaa or demeada, toll auk. kiwaa tba aataa attk
oatdatay. BKXRT MCt KR. Jr.,
Ma Rtarataa.
"YJOTICE ia hereby given that the
X a Mionad wadtlra aonoaat of w. If. OtlkkAJf, A
algarr ol J oka W. Abidl. baa kaaa Had la tka oUra
or tka Protfemotory of tka 'Toart of Common Plana
la and tor tba roaaty of Centra, and that aatd acceoot
•HI br praaaatad tor o(l toalloa at tka aatt M* af
mM mart. J. C lIA BrER. Pmth'y.
IP STRAY.—Came to the residence
J of tka nnduMgnid la torn a boa ti a whip, Can
tta roaaty. Pa, • or akoat land 1,1*1,a RH>
lIKIFKR. aitb a arhlir torr. and aboal tkraa pan
old Tbr on aar aan maar torerart, pan prupaaty and
nay rhkrgea; otkaralar ahr aill he dlataaad <4 ar
coding to la*. I>AVID McvIORKRT
Ran* Sbon, Jan. t, IMS. 14*
V Board rad, Tkat tka petal >t baard of Uoaaty
Ooattotaatoaara ba pirowd by tka toOradag ratoa
and regnlntton*. and tor tka loformalin* of tka pahlto
It hi ordered I bat they ba pot,lnland tor tor aaoraaalra
aaaka I* rarh arwapapor 44 tba ooaaty.
ta*. That tba Oovaly C'dnmbetnimn mart la Uaadr
rfßoa at tka Ooart Hoaaa la tka horrmgh of BiHikiiite.
on arary Brat aaad I bird Tan toy af <*ak month,
lb* in nVdork a. ta, to 4 • clock v. a.
M. All (wk and malarial tor tka una af tka taaafy
mat ba parchaaad by tba Ctamtalad. nrar ar by tkalr
Ad. AX Mill atnat to liaaaiaad *baa ynaialil to
tka Board tor rajlaol
4th Mo ordain to to dm an an til tba Baard at
Ootnirlanl am appmvae tba Mil.
AO. Ba gnnda or malarial of aay kind tot Iba aaa o
Ibr roaa ty to to pan baaed Barn aay af tka Oambty
JOB* WOLV, ) _
W, Moat Wkkstos Ctorfc.