1/ Dr. John W. Draper. MUTn or A DISTINGUISHED CHEMIST AND WRITER UPON SCIENCR AND L-lIILOSOL-UV. | Dr. John W. Draper died Wednesday horning the 4th instant, at his rest lenoe, at llastings-on the-Hudson, at pie ago of 71 years. John William Draper was a native of England, hut his life was mainly passed in the United States, and he was so thoroughly and prominently identified with the educational, literary and po Jitical history of this country for fifty years that he must be classed as an Atnerioan in ever) sense of the word, tfe was born at St. Helens, near Liver pool, May 5, 1811, and was partly edu cated in the Wesleyan Methodist School at Woodhouse drove and at the Univer aity of Londay. In 1833 he came to this city and continued his studies in medicine and chemistry at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, took his degree in 1836, and had the honor of having his graduating thesis published by the fac ulty. He was at once appointed pro fessor in Hampden Sidney College, Vir ginia, and in 1839 was called to the chair of chemistry and natural history in the University of New York, in 1841 was appointed professor of chem's try in the medical department of the University and in 1874 was chosen president of both departments. He was a laborious student ami a voluminous author on scientitic and political sub jects. Ilis investigations in physics and chemistry were profound and original and were rewarded by many important discoveries, particularly in the chem istry of light and heat. He took the first photographic portrait ever taken from life, in 1839, and discoverer! many of the most important facts in relation to spectrum analysis during the next ten years. Among his larger and nioie important works the "Phisology," "'InJ tellectual Development of Europe'' and "History of the American Civil War" are best known and have l>een widely translated. His monographs on special scientific subjects are very numerous and have been published in the leading scientific journals of the world. Since his retirement from professional duties he has lived with his son Henry, the well known chemist and astronomer, at Hastings on the Hudson. AT the change of every season slug- of the blood should be pre- by taking PERUNA. New Advertisements. Tavern Licences. "V"OTICE is hereby given that the jL a following niuiiHi |rMWi h* HW IbHr |wtilhM for licenM In the ••flic* of th* Clerk of the Court of Oeneral Qiurter of the Peure in inng thoae legally thereto will ate nf hia appointment at hi* office in the through of Bellefont* on Thursday January lt, at 10 o'clock a. m. Parti** int*r*t*d will plane* at tend. CLRMBfT PALI, 00. l-3w Auditor. "VOTICE is hereby given that the X • irfomit N. II MiI.I.KR. "oninilttr. of tho p.r* ..a and -LI- of P. H 1>*I, ■ hw bm Bird In lh. olllr. of Um Prothonotary of tb Court of CnnßM PIASA In ."id for lb. rr.naty of C'nlr., and that .aid arwwnot will I* priW for confirmation • I th n.t term of mid court. J-4w. J. C. HARPER, ProUi'y. "VTOTICE.—In the matter of the Es- XT |,t. of JAMP.S < BI ST. I*l. of P*tton towmrtilp, deceased, In the Orphan'* Court of *nt to tb* tlduw of said Jam** Cruet, dereae*d, Mar? Cruet, widow, for $3OO. And now. November lAM, apprai*m*nt confirmed mat and hotice directed to lei git*n by publication, that nnlee xo*ptins are fil*d before th* first day of neat !*rt the same will he confirmed abunlntalT. By the Court. 1-4w. WM. E. BCRCIiriKLD.CITi Or. Court "VTOTICE—In the matter of the en . X. • ut. "f JAMK3 DALE. lot. of Colon township, tfii r,|. In lb. Orphan'# I onrt of I .nir. ronty: I *1" appmiA-m.nt to tb. widow of lf Jin. filr. teeorw-'l. Kln*tth Date, widow. for *<*>, consisting Hjtaf A c.rtaln m—us*.. ten-m.nl ant (net ot Unit in lr.wn.hif, of I'nk.n And rount. of C.nlr. aformaid, on tb. wolh by land. nf Win. P. Pi-h-r. on VMI by I And* of T l.mghry, on tb. north l y HKndA of M m Ppotti And on tb. -**t by UndA of John "" *nd Qaorg. Aloiaod.r—containing nln-ty wrw, mot. or ImM And now, Nor.oitr 2*. T**l, tb within *|* pralA.ni.nl rwl *nd ennftrmd mil, and notir. dl r~t—l to b. gtr.n by pnbllratlon of tb. filing lhrof for tor wA>kt prior to nc*l t.rm, that nnl-as nr. p. ii.itiA b. Mod tbor.to on or lf> r. tb. flr.l day of n.il trm th. tam. will b* ronfirm-d absolutely. By tb. Oonrl. 1 —lw M M . E. BURCliriri.D, ait Or. Oaort. A** a wok la yoor awn town T-rmj and A* oat iijO fit fras. Addrm. H. lIA RLE IT A O0„ port land. Main*. IW-y JF YOU GET A COUGH OR COLD AND WANT TO GET \ CURED QUICKLY GET i I A 25e. betti* t/SINES' SYRUP OF TAR, M ILD CHBRRT AND UOAKIIOI'ND. JOHN HARRIS, ROLE AOENT, o_dn RRI-LEfONTE, PA. , VALENTINES C CO.'S STOKES, Allegheny Street, lietlefonte, Pa. XSTZEW GOODS. A FULL STOCK IN ALL CLASSES OF GOODS. DRY GOODS and GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. Wo liavo a nice assortment of LADIES' DBESS GOODS, including a lino of BLACK CASHMERES, to which we invite special attention. WAPNER'S FLEXIBLE HIP nnd DR. STRONG'S CORSETS in colors or white, all vines; tho two best corsets made. SH AJLS, SKIRTS and CO TB, and a beautiful lino of LADIES' and CHILDREN'S LACE COLLARS and TIES. The handsomest line of SILK and LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS to be found SILK MUFFLERS, SWISS EMBROIDERS and TRIMMIMs hAtu- STAPLE GOODS ore. ktod*. .bu nJ „o. pii .msus, MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOTS OF TRUNKS AND SATCHELS AT AN\ PRICE. CARPETS! CARPETS! Collo die "ei^t' agSJT>"" there' is' none belter than the best. OILCLOTHS! OX LCLOT ITS ! 14 14 r. 4 and 8-4 OILCLOTHS in diff.rcnt grades. About fllteen stylov of 4-4, -4, b-a ana o a TABLE OILCLOTHS MEN'S and BOY'S CLOTHING. OVERCOATS and FULL SUITS. The bel way t to come and ee them. They can't bo beat for quality and price. Rubber Goods! Rubber Goods! BOOTS and SHOES; ANY QUANTITY OF,THEM AT ALL PRICES. T II TZ GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS FI'LL OF CHOICE GOODS—at fair price* for GOOD GOODS —The fined OLD GO VERNMENT JA Y. 4 00 F FEE, our customer any the best they ever itruuk. 1' i ne*t TEAS and good one* at low price*. TRY THE CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS— Peaehe*, (her rie*. Hum*, Dear*, Apricot*, Deo*, Ac. If there i* anything finer tee don't know it. HAVE YOU USED ANY OF HUCKIN'S SOUPSt— Make Soup in fifteen minute*, any kind you have a mind for. THURBER'S DEEP SEA MACKEREL, are a* deliciou* and leader a* Spring Chicken. BLOATER MACRLREIj, there i* nothing finer in the market. TRY McCANN'S IRISH OATMEAL and you will not u*e any other. The niccel tray to buy it i* in 14th. ran*, but we tell if in any quantity. LEGGETS WHEAT and OUT FLAKES make a palatakle di*h in a ihort time. PICKLES of all kind*—CROSSE BLACK WELL'S EM PIRE and other kind*. COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE, and if you term! anything we don't have, it will be gotten, if praeticable, very *oon. HIGHEST PRICKS PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. VALENTINES & CO.'S STORE, HUMES' BLOCK, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEKoNTK, PA. LEATHER. Ask for Genesee Sole Leather if you want the best. Calf Skin*, Kips, Morocco*, Lining*, Lats Thread, Nail*, Peg*. Wax, Brittle* and all kind* of Shoe Findings on hand. Wc alsomake to order GENTS' BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS from the be*tof FRENCH LEATHER. Leave vour order* and a perfect fit guaranteed. ' 353. GKR/APPAIM: &C SPIT. S. ,f A. LOEIt, General Merchant*, Allegheny-Si,, IMlefonte, Pa. M O T H E R S, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR BOYS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, -AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW AI.I. IN. THE LARSEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; BILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT —OF THK CELEBRATED— # STEIN, ABLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINK STANDS FIRST IN THK UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sft. AT npD 1 ALLEGHE& STREET, ■Ob As IjUJjDj S BELLEFOimE. FA., FINE CLOTHIERS —AMI) — DEALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE HKCHLKII (8 CO., Grocer*, Jiuth 1 fount Block, Bellcfonte, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE Fall & Winter Trade. We have endeavored to (jet the very heat of every thing in our line, and now have Home really choice good*. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes Seleot Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND—, GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. We invito the people of Centre County to call and inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to please. *'- ,f SEjOIEEIJEJIR/ &c CO. PMaMphia Bima> CToOlwf ITHHII, iMU/ontr, Vn. FOB 8^.8?,a-^.iasrs —IK— CLOTHIITG —AJD— (iKNTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CALL AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, BELLEFONTE, PA. llttsinr** Cards. I TARNESS MANUFACTORY A A la flarman'a Haw Btork, BELI.EPONTII, PA. 1-1; 1? P.BLAIR, • Jnrgi.Kß. wATcwt*. etoru, jrwiiar. Ac. All work naatiy aaaralad. Oa Allagbaa; atraat, lain Hi k, TII . Am DKALERB IN PDRK DRUGS ONLY. 3! I ZELLER A SON, i K it a DRCOUISTS. Ho R Broekarholf Raw. J g 1 All (ba Standard Palawt Madtcinm Pra- a Barrlptiona and Tamil, Bart pa. anturatal; a pmgarad. Trnaai 1. g boa Ida, Rracaa. Aa. Ac ] *J_ __ *__ J r OUIB DOLL. A-d TARIIIOHABLH ROOT A SHOEMAKER, BrarkarboS Row, AUagboo v at mat, 1-1; Ballafoata, Pa. e. acwaa, Praa't. 1.1. main. Oaab'r, T7IRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1 BBtIKTONTE. Allagbaa; it mat. R-llafor.to, Pa. 4-tf pENTRK COUNTY BANKING \J COMPANY. Racalm Ragoalta And Allow lataraat, Dtacwaal Hotaa; Ba; and Sail Ooa BacailHaa, Sold aad Ooapaaa, Jiaaa A. BaArn, Pmaldaat. t. B Batraaat. Oaahlar. bdf HK. HOY, M. D„ a OSkw In Ooarad llmiaa. abort Porta.j'l la* OSfoa, RELI.RPONTB, PA. Spartal attantloa glaaa to Oparatlra Aargar; and Chronic Dtaanaaa. 15-1; NR JAS. H. DOBBINS. M. D., JL/ PHYSICIAN AND BURfIBOH, OBfoa Atlaghan; fk, arar RalgWt Drwc Star a, *-o bbllbpolTE, PA. TXSL J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can I ' ba found nt bta adfoa and raUnn oa Nadk ary Good* ami Groceries. JJARPER BROTHERS, M'RIXO PTRKKT, BKLLEr<'KTI, FA. Have their counter* End • helve* filled with NEW GOODS, f BANKRUPT RATSS Purchased at ; BANKRUPT KATES I BANKRUPT KATES WHICH THKT until AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM rRIC'ES. coxsienxo or Dry Good*, Millinery Goodi, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notions. Ac BOOTS and SHOES HOOTS and KUOE.S at very low pricee. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPB Latest ttyle* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Cerft Bam, Umbrella*, Paraaola, Ladies' Cloak*, ' Carpeting, Groceriea, Queen*war*, A*. OawyrtMaj e.ary Uiin* that ,as U tvvni |. * *r. tlaa* Met*. lIARPEK BROTHERS, erRIXO UTREKT. . . BKLLKTOXTK, FA. COCICTRT pnoprci Ukea ID tirtuut *1 Ik* bUtbwt DUIII |>ri, J_| | * H EKK *l2 • d*, at boat* earn), Bad*. W I to J>*Uy Outfit fre*. A4dr*a> TKI'K A 00.. A*- **ta. Mala*. M r |MIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BKLLKFONTB, PA., U *ow orraaixa GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE WIBHIKQ FIMT-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. We have unuraal facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VIBITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. by mail will receirt prompt attention. MsP*Printing done in the beet tyle, OH •hort notice and at the loweet rates. T>UBH HOUSE, A/ KtLEFOXT*. FA, Famlllaa aad Mnt* |T*aUMa., a* wall a* tb* .... yLfrg l —* "WWtrial DM , 1,,},.* to Ota rir-t law llatal. tkey will lad bow. wfa>l at f>i aaW. mm Üban| radarUae to Jaryw. aad otker, attoadiag owt. w. a TKULCH. rt^T^