Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, January 05, 1882, Image 6

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    fite Centre fftttwrcat.
Thursday Morning, January 5, 1882.
OofttlinßDtNcis containing Important nwt, 'lull
ed front any part of tho county. No ootuiuunlcattrii-
Inoortml uttlooa accompanied by the real name of the
writer. ___
Local Department.
—G. 8. T. H. &B.
—Go to S. & A. Loeb for bargain* in
—The large*t stock of dross goods ever
brought to Centre county Is now opened at
—Laces, fringes, gimps, button*, &c., in
all the lateit deilgn* and at unrivaled
price*, at tho Bee Hive.
_Ws have been requested to announce
that Centre County Pomona Grange, P.
of n., will meet at Contro Ilail, on Tues
day tho 17th in*tant.
—Mr. McMillan, of tho Brockerhoff
House, entertained a large number of
friend* on lat Monday afternoon, in com
memoration of New Year*' Day, in a very
happy and agreeable manner.
—The person that banded in to the
editor* of the Teacher'# Journal tho list of
teacher*, request* u to ay that tho name
of Prof. C. L. Graniley was inadvertently
omitted. Healtcnded promptly and faith
—Dr. Thomas R. Hayes and wife, of
Linn street, arc at present located at tho
Bingham House, Philadelphia. A card
from the Doctor informs us that ho ex
pects to bg absent from Bellefonto for
about a month.
—Tho Men'* Reading Room is now open
to the public and contains the leading
publication* of our country. This is a
free reading room, open to all from 8 A. M
to 9.80 r. M. Go and see what a cosy
place it is.
—Call and examine the itoek of rang**
and cook stove* at Wilson, McFarlanc &
Co's; also their line of singio and double
beaters. They have for sale tho Welcome
, Home double heater, which has been
thoroughly and satisfactorily tested in thi#
—Gov. Curtin reached home on lsst
Priday and remained until Wednesday
morning, when ho returned to Washing
ton to resume hi* Congressional labors.
He received hearty greetings from his old
friends and neighbors, who were all de
lightod to tee him in such apparent good
—At the Y. M. C. A. rooms on Monday
evening Mr. John Moore entertained the
Boys' Branoh with several experiment* in
chemistry to the delight of the boy*.
During tho winter it b proposed to give
several practical talk* to these young peo
ple. On Monday evening the sub
ject i "Hard Coal and Mining."
—The Teacher' Journal, published daily
last week from the office of the DXMOCEAT,
by Messrs. Lieb and Van Ormer, was an
exceedingly attractive and creditable effort
at journalism, and was one of the pleasant
features of the Teachers' Institute. The
gentlemen deserve groat credit, not only
for the ability displayed in their columns,
but for tbeir energy and enterprise.
—We emit attention to the notice of the
new board of County Commissioners in
another column, giving the rules and regu
lations which wilt govern the board in
transacting the business of the office. It
is important to citisens to note these rule*
by which it will be seen that there will be
regular meetings of the board on the first
and third Tuesday of each month.
—Brother Doininger, of the Millheim
Journal, patted several day* pleasantly in
Bellefonte thi* week. Yesterday morning
he paid bit respects to the DEMOCRAT snd
was a welcome visitor. We think ho bat
been keeping a weather eye on tbe new
county officials, only, however, to see that
in tbe beginning they do ail things "de
cently and in order."
Ki-Sheriff Spangler and family took
their departure from the official reaidence
on the hill on latl Tueaday, to again make
Centre Hall their home. Sheriff Spangler
wat a kind, contiderate and excellent
officer and in bit retirement we know he
will not be entirely loat from public view.
In whatever butineaa be may engage in
the future we with him racceft.
—That perfect baking and cooking itove,
the "Pioneer," la for tale only by
McFarlane A Co. All superfluous orna
mentation ha* been ditpented with to te
cum a Srst-cla** kitchen ttove. For weight,
atrength and durability it cannot be tur
patted. In purchating tbit itove you are
not paying for nickle trimming* and beau
tiful finiah, but you are getting what it far
better and what you need in a good cook
itove —a good, reliable baker and cook.
—Auditor* Pierce Muteer, Judge Proud
foot and C. P. He we* are thia week making
the annual examination of the account* of
the county officer* for the patt year. We
wader*land they propose to do their work
la a thorough and critical manner in order
to meet in all reepect* the dutiea Impoted
upon them by the law* under which they
act. We do not doubt they will And all
' • the account* correct; the officer* have all
been men of honor and probity who would
not be guilty of the tlighteet crookedneee
la their official conduct; but a* lbe*e an
nual audita have been of a aoroewbat *u
perflcial character in the pad, we think
the preaent board i* to be commended for
their effort to mora fully perform their
datiee. They will prepare an elaborate
financial and *tati*tical statement, which
when completed will be laid before the
taxpayers of the county.
THE OLD AND TIME NEW.— With the ex
ception of the Trothonotary'# office, there
WM on lent Monday an entire change in the
Court House official! of Centre county. In
the office nnnied, Mr. Harpor it hit own
•ucceaor, and will prove at faithful, effi
cient and popular in hit teeond term at he
bat during the patt throe year*. In the
office of County Treaturor, Adain Yeariclc,
give* way to Daniel C. Keller. Mr. Yoa
rick hat boon an excellent cottodinri of the
county fund* and will take with him in
hit retirement, the reapcct of all who know
him in office. Mr. Keller, who tuccoodt,
it fully competent for tho dutiei of the pe
tition, and will no doubt alto mako an ex
cellent and capable officer and in overv re
•poct moot tho expectation* of hit many
friends. Thomas J. Dunkel hat taken tho
placo of that faithful officer Sheriff' Spang
ler and commenced promptly to perform
hit arduous and eftime* unpleaeant dutict
in a manner that already doe* him great
credit. Jamet A. McClain it tho succes
sor of W. K. Uurchfleld, who in iiit tix
year* of service proved himtelf to be one
of the boat Register* the county over had.
Mr. McClain it an accurate and experienc
ed clerk, and will discharge every duty
requirod of him with care and fidelity. Tho
office could not be in better hand*. W.
A. Tobias hns stepped out of the Recorder's
office to make room for Frank Bible.
"Toby," as his frleud* delight to call him,
kept tho books of the Recorder's office in
elegant style during two terms of office,
and we are pleated to state that "Frank"
it persiatantly practising a style of back
hand writing that promises to eclipse oven
the regular and legible lines of hi* prede
cessor. Frank will fill the bill and make
a popular official. And now wo come,
lastly, to the change in the Commissioner's
offico, and it it a proper time to say a good
word for George Swab, Jacob Dunkle and
Andrew Gregg, and their clerk Henry
Beck. It can be said of these gentlemen
that thy were never lavish or improvi
dent in spending the funds of the county,
and tbey have not at all times escaped cen
sure for what some persons were pleased
to regard as unnecessary closeness. All
this was, however, in the interests of the
tax payers and the large majority of those
from whose pocket* the money come# will
not be likely to complaint. One thing is
certain ; tho board was alway# governed by
good motive* and their action* wore tho
result of hone#t judgment, and they leave
their place# with a clear and honorable
record. In tho now board consisting of
John Wolf, A. J. Driest and Henry Camp
boll, we have entire confidence, and believe
that tbey will alio make a like creditable
record for themselves. Thus the old offi
cials retire and the new ones elected last
fall by the voter# of the county step to the
front, and will exercise the function* of
their office* during the coming three year*.
Mr. C. G. MacMillan, tbe new proprietor
of tbe Brockerhoff House took possession
of the elegant hotel on last Saturday even
ing, snd give* promise of making a very
popular "mine host." Mr. MacMillan
has had large experience in the business
and in all respect* seem* to know how to
"keep a hotel." Us i* an affable, obliging
and pleasant gentleman, with an extensive
acquaintance, and will undoubtedly com
mand a large share of patronage. Tbe
house is at present in elegant order, having
under tbe management of the Brockerhoff
Brothers been recently refitted and re
furnished, and should do a thriving busi
ness. We wish tho new management
plenty of guest* and a full tide of success.
—The new board of County Commiwion
ert elected last fall, contiiting of John
Wolfe, E|., of Mi lea township, A. J.
Grteat, K<j , of Ucionville, and Henry
Campbell, Eq., of Ferpuaon tnwnriiip,
took the oath of office and organized by
the (election of Mr. Wolfe for President
of the board. The board then elected the
following officer* to rerve during the en
*uing year: Clerk, W. Milea Walker;
Attorney, David P. Fortney ; Phyikcian
to the county priaon, Dr. datnea 11. Dob
bint ; Janitor, Bartrom (ialbraith.
—By a reference to our obituary noticea
it will be obeerved that two vonerable
citizen* of the county, Mr. Henry Meyer,
of Mile* towmhip, and Mr. Daniel Kramer,
of Penn townahtp, have recently pawed to
the other world.' Both bad lived beyond
their eighly-tisth year, and both were
prominent, excellent and highly e*teemed
citizen* of the localities in which their long
and useful live* had been pawed.
Mr. Meyer wa* the father of Mr. Henry
Meyer, the late county *uperintendent of
schools, and the appropriate mention made
of him by Mr. Linn in another column of
tbi* paper, i* a ju*t tribute to hi* virtue*
and memory.
Daniel Kreamer reached Penn*' valley
with hi* parent* at fully aa early a day a*
Mr. Meyer did Bru*h valley, and, like
him when be grew to manhood, wa*of Im
posing ■ la lure, vigorous In body and mind
and of strong religiou* conviction*. We
knew bitu well for many yaar* and always
to rwpect and honor him a* a Ju*t, boamt
and conicietiUou* man. Ha waa a farmer
by occupation and prospered In Ilia, though
in hi* early year* he iharod alt the hard
ship* and privation* incident to a saw
settlement; and now, crowned with hi*
grand chaplet of eighty-six year*, we
doubt nut he ha* gone to meet the reward
of the "just made perfect."
—lmmense bargain* in gent'a undar
wear, glove*, hate, Ac., at tba Bea llive.
MARRIAGE BiLLH.—On Tuesday even
ing of this week the pleasant home oi Mr.
and Mr. Stewart Lyon, on Curtin (treet,
wan the scene of a happy and joyous event
in tho marriago of their amiable and ac
complished daughter, Miss Clara V. Lyon
and Mr. "William J. Nicholls. The nuptial
coreinony took place at ilz o'clock, I'. M.,
and wa performed by ltev. O. D. Pene
parker, of the M. K. Church, assisted by
Kcv. John Hewitt, of the Episcopal
church. We understand that only rela
tive of tho fnmily wore present to wil
nes# the uniting of theso "two hearts that
beat as one,"and to extend to them con
gratulations and sincere prayers for a long
life of weddod bliss and prosperity. The
happy young couple took tho B:6S train
for an extended wedding journey. The
groom is in thu employ of Berwind, While
<Ss Co., the large coal opratortof tho Snow
Shoe region, and we believe goes to Texas
as the egont of tho company to establish
in that distant State a market for their
coal. The bride was a favorite in Belle
fonte society, and will carry with her to
her far otf home the good wishes of an en
tire community. May the journey of Mr.
and Mrs. Nicholls through life be one of
unclouded brightness.
THE GI.AKH WORK*.—After the late
suspension of tho glass works, as noticed
in tho last issue of the DEMOCRAT, active
measures were taken by a number of ener
getic and influential business men of our
town to re-organixe the works, and it is
gratifying to know that their efforts have
been crowned with success. The factory
is again in operation under auspices which
may be regarded as most favorable to their
continued activity. The "Relicfonte Glass
Company. Limited," has boen formed with
the following named well known and repu
table gentlemen as the board of managers :
C. T. Alexander, John Ardell, Jr., Dr.
H. L. Dart, Hamilton Secbler and C. M.
Bower. C. T. Alexander is chairman of
the board, and C. M. Bower,secretary and
treasurer. L. T. Munson is the clerk and
book keeper of the company, and a belter
selection could not have been made. Mr.
M ußson is a competent and experienced
accountant, and will see that the books of
tbe concern are always properly kept.
The first glass was blown by the new com
pany sometime dipt week, and the result
of the oporalioWthus far have been en
tirely satisfactory. It is to be hoped this
important local interest will now thrive,
and experience many years of pros|>erily.
No factory in the United State* can make
a finer article of window glass, and there
should bo no reason why the company
should not find a profitable market for their
product- Every one at heme, at least,
will wish tho new company abundant suc
Know Caarna HALL —Thursday morn
ing, December 25, though it so<med tte
rain would never cease, it still brought
some light heart*. On the proceeding
day Mr. Bruce Ltngle, with hi* bride, had
returned from an extended wedding tour
through tbe western State*, and on the
29th, at two o'clock, P. M.,a grand recep
tion wa* given to them at the residence of
Mr. Thorns* Lingle, the groom's home,
•bout one mile west of this place. Tbe
guest* numbered one hundred and *ix (
(about twenty others invited not being
present) among whom were represented
the counties of Blair, Huntingdon, Mifflin,
JanttU, Clinton and Centre. At 2:80
o'clock, forty-five of these were seated to
the most sumptuou* banquet that ha* been
given In tbl* section for many year*. After
the dinner all of this large company took
tbe privilege, which they toon found was
presented to them, to enjoy themselves at
best suited their taste*, and the pleasure*
of the evening continued until a late hour.
Notwithstanding tbe inclemency of the
weather, the recent fe*ti*el given by the
young ladle* snd gentlemen of the Lutheran
congregation of this place, wa* in all re
spect* a decided *uec*s*. A elear profit
of about one hundred dollar* wa* realised,
and all connacted with tbe affeir deserve
great credit for their geoerou* effort* to
ward* this *ucce**fui result. *
I F<>r tb# Ctr P*wmiit
NIMM. KDITOM Our attention WU
called last week to the fine appearance
which the Evangelical church at Ihi* place
now preeenU. A number of tasty and
elegant improvement* have recently been
made to the building under the direction
and •upcrintendence of our friendi, Mr.
Samuel K. Faust and Rev. H. Stover, as
sisted by Mr. William Henaell and Mr.
John Loee. The church it Indeed a credit
to the town and to It* membership. The
audience room U beautifully freecoed and
painted. There ia also a well arranged ra
ces* and reetlbule, a fine chandelier, and
every other neceteary outfit. Much credit
ia due to S. K. Faust and Rev. Stover, the
pastor, for the splendid end successful
manner in which they have managed the
work of improvement Intrusted to their
osre and Judgment. The congregation
will have a reopening of the church on
Sunday, January Bib, and all friends of
Christianity are cordially invitad to be
present—most especially 1a it desirable
that all "free givers" should attend. In
addition to this fine house of worship, the
other congregations of Madisonburg are
not behind Use limes In church building*.
The German Reformed congregation has
one of the finest eburcbea In Centre county,
and It paid for. A Fatanp.
—Paaona end M AKAI.IN are two king*
of the JfsMs Jfsdiee.
HENRY MEYER —We have to record
the death of one of 'the oldest end best
known resldonU of our county, Henry
Meyer, of Miles township, who died on
Wodnc.dsy, Dec. 28th, 1881, st his resi.
donee three miles east of Heborsburg, at
the advanced age of 80 years, 8 months
and 20 days.
Ho was a son of Col, Henry Mayer,
who moved into Brush valley in the year
1707, (whim his son llcnry was about
throe years old) having purchatod of Col.
.Samuel Miles, tho Christopher Bink'a
warrantee tract, on which ho solllod and
where bis son Henry passed bis long and
useful life who has just deceased.
In Henry Meyer's boyhood days, Centre
Furnace, owned by Gen. John Potter and
Col. Samuel Miles, was the market for the
early settlors of Brush valley, hut in 1828
when the turnpike w-t of LewUburg was
located, and tbo cross cut canal to Lewis
burg agitated, wheal rose to $1 28, and
the tide of Brush valley trade set east
wardly, and continued that way for thirty
years or more, and Henry Meyer was as
generally known among business men in
l.owisburg as in his native valley. His
word was as good as his bond, and when
his name was offered as security no ques
tions were asked. Tho question was the
other way "could you got Henry Meyer
to bail you 7" I well recollect mv father,
who was sometimo associated with Mr.
Meyer in views, remarking that llcnry
Meyer was a man of remarkably good
common senso and sound judgment. Tbey,
in connection with Adam Stover, who still
survives them, [a life long sentinel at the
"entering in" of Brush valley] located tbo
great road through liru-h valley to Buffa
lo valley, which fill remain an ever en
during memorial of a man who, without
any knowledge of engineering, eould tell
exactly where a road should !><• located.
He ha* closed his honest life in a serene
old age, and bis family cannot grieve, but
rather thank God that he was so long
spared for their happiness and the welfare
of bis native valley. He belonged to that
grand old German slock which first peo
pled Brush valley, of robust body, vigor
ous mind, in freedom from the ordinary
weakness of old age, he was able to com
municate tbo stirring incidents of hit early
days, and to him the local historian is
indebted for much valuable information
which otherwise had passed into oblivion.
PLKASAVT GAP Jorrixo* With this
dsy tbe old y.-ar dim and Icit'i u only •
hUtory of thing* done end experienced
daring It* i*v with u. In many respect*
it ha* been a remarkable year—a year
long to be remembered. The latl hour I*
almost at hand and a* are glance with
retrospective eye we realise that many
prediction* and raying* when the year wa*
ushered in ha* been reen and heard, though
the prophecy of old Mother Ship ton ha*
not all come true. The earth Hill remain*
terra llrma, and the inhabitant* thereof
are yet a* bu*y a* bee*. Hut to many,
hope* have been Matted and baried in an
eternal grave. Many determined to turn
over a new leaf. Tbe male per*ua*ion
generally twore off drinking, tmoking and
ureter* extravagance, mentally revolving
to undergo a moral reformation, but a* a
rule, we are rorrv to think, that to many
there reaolvo* bad a very ephemeral life.
In tbe frailly of human nature they pro
bably found ihrmrelvn convicted liart be
fore tbe first week of the year wa* num
bered with tbe part.
A "New Year*' Round" i* frequently a
trying gauntlet for the man who ha* de
cided to rtart a "teetotaler." He may at
flrit decline with "thank*" at on* or two
places, but tbe chance* are that the im
portunities and demand* of society will
prevail over hi* good intention* long be
fore tbe virit* of the day af* dhropleted.
But this t* one of the strxngrfpMM #of life,
end the probabilities are tharbMirly all the
newly turned leave* have already met the
same fate a* lb ore turned in past year*.
Mis* Maggie Hwaney, who wa* seriously
Injured on last Friday morning by being
thrown out of a buggy with ber nephew,
Frank Swaney, we are happy to ray irnow
rapidly improving, and will be able to be
removed to ber home romc time during tbe
coming week.
Mr. Joe. ROM hat dircovored quite a
large vein of first clar* cement on hit farm.
Joe ray* that if President Arthur give*
any (how at all for "home industry," he
will get along well with hi* new discovery.
Wa congratulate him.
Gotlisb Ilaag say* that if all the evil
doer* of Stalwartism were brought to jus
tioe for their many crime* (here would not
be much left of the party, which would be
bad for Oca. Braver'* chance* to fill tbe
Governor'* chair after tba next election.
Henry Zeigler say* that by reading
many of Ibo Republican paper* published
in different part* of the Slate, be has come
to tbe conclusion that Gulteau har done
more for the Stalwart* politically than any
other Bring man. Henry Is about right.
of tbe Mile*burg Presbyterian church will
pieare accept the thank* of Mr. and Mr*.
Wright, for their splendid and gsnsrnus
gift of an elegant set of (tone china of 120
piece*, presented to ibem on Christmas
eve. The presentation ra* made through
two young ladles, Mis* Julia A. Morris
and MisaLliurie Uabn. Thank* are due
also to Mr. George Brew, of Bellefonle,
from whom the purchase wae made, for
hi* generosity. Also to Pr. Grove, of
Ml lex burg, for a splendid turkey.
The following is the list of Grand and
Traverse Jurors drawn for January term
of Court commencing Monday January 28
1882 : '
Klin* FflUfnl^Orm.
Mllr* ZtiiiQ)"ronit, Duruid*
T O Uunkl*. FhJlUbar*.
Jartic# Tobn, Know tib/p*.
WllfUwi lilßr, |l*on*r.
John I'ottnr.
f. Wllaun llalf moon.
K II . Carr, MlUsbarr.
JttlnttC Haul/, I'ulUr.
J. 11. W*t*l, flprin|,
t'alvin Zimmerman, Hogg*.
iGaorga Kline, I'ation.
I'litllp ftiinai, ()rt|(|,
W, M. ttmitti,
Fib*r. VaUm.
Walter Mk. pvrgtirm.
Juhu ftagan, Bnuw MMJO.
8. P. llrlilol. IstlMfty.
Jfttt'b J. (rtUlMil, I's-isO.
J. hi. H"kk*.
John Mullen, Cottar.
Ilolrart Loyd, Clillltiaharc
T. U. Taylor, Coll***
It 11. Coater. BrllrfonU r
Ow# Alaxandar, I'nfonvtlto j
t'hrißttavi Ih'ir, lU||wf.,ot< J,
N 11. Blovtr, Howard iwp.
H O Uru, hiill|wl>nr(,
Frank M<V>y, I
John W. iH itrtck, H a!kr
C ll.M*r, l>ort
Ihnj. Cart Jr.. Frrguaou.
iMniwl |)uh Cottar.
Jarotr Orruinger, Nilaa
John C. Ilarts.f, Millhrttn
Thorn** VMfHk, lUrrtf. !
II C. Hltarr.
William llrwa, Chilipahurg
J W. Ca< k r, ( urtin.
J K Mill*.. itelh-fonte.
William Maria, llarrla.
M. M. Ilouarr, tJollrgr
JkinM Ants* Howard lor
Kndolph Krldrr, K> f K own,
Adam C. Kl|'ka, Cottar. 1
laaac l^iuhutisJlalfmoon
Harry Hugtor, Cnioti.
| Ahndnrgo W'|llttn, Jf aaton
fbl Kllen|t#r, I lain**
Jaa W alaoti, HficfW Koq.
i M 111 Urn Murrfta. lb#***.
John M< fully. Mar ion.
jW. |. Howard Imt.
Michael Hor. ||aina
Wm. MrCtatland, BalM'tn.
P. H. Uugt*, Litwrty.
|Wm. liana*)., Walker.
J. If. U'DK.Canin.
|Ci It V Urar. lialfrooon.
ilftaulel C. !'<*•.* man, liuKr*.
jCumliiHi llaiel, Banner,
MM. Muaaer, llaliin.
Harnuel !¥****. Harm
lleriuan Miller, Aprtng.
I! M Mwam. fo||r.
Andre lioirr, P*nn.
J C l*ain|>l, Irriwaa.
4 Jam If#, "
J olio Ham*. Crim.
liaoMd Ajr, Phillpsbnrg.
Win AruMtrotiK. I'ctirr.
Wrn Miller. Taylor
y* M Kr|i' i, llaiun.
jKtcnnel ||of,#r, Taylor.
IJoh a Ult, lienor r.
Aim Hal< heller. Katl>
J'tialbau Wolf, Miltt.
,Wll*oi Irwin, Colon.
John Cnrry. k<K|r*.
'Hlnrinaii hjon Aprlng.
l><oc ll*u|H. llrtMnk
Jar lUa*;.hutl>. Mlliheitt.
jJohft || hi ""to, **
! It A Kinkad". inilU|*bn|.
li pee*. (|itie#
j<J#o K Baker. I Villege,
A II K'kley, Benner.
H B Mo *ou. Phi |l-arf.
Jom Heine*. I'hlllj, Ku/f
U Ilium Isllh.Oil***.
Joßsah llollar, lw.|fg
W K Crrtfuaon,
Carry Condo, I arior. i
It M Ilrtew, Lilswrf?
William lt-sok,Chit)il'Ur|r|
t*tfo*-l IM* krr. Walker. !
II V Miaffcr.
C Hray k. B*-lltotite.
W jlham lloak, Lit** .f. ;
Hartd H Maiiiral, Taylor
W K Irwin, ttmi|burg.
tl Itewkattli, Taj"k#r.
HatnuH Htiue-.lli *H twp
J sws- |di Hrwii.r lloWo
W ilhaoi ll niAu Jr Craff.
H W II <so v r.Cki 11 patmrg,
t "lutrlaa foy *lar, Ki-ijrio
Tut Ai. LIST. —Tbe following is the list
of case* for trial January term of
court, which begin* on M.ndty, tbe 23d
B W. Shipley... —..vs. A. T. tisllirn,
Hasting*. Alsiiklo i Bmo.
e J Hit.* -AT
llMrtlhO. AlvluOf A lluVrf.
W L. Allen— " Jul, W Packet.
J. V. ilrphart — <H . M LL-UEIL A T-U*Y.
IVaxt A •irpfaxrl. Alexandet A Buwer.
Pr-DRV k Kurt* M W. K Alexander,
Turlney. Alexander A IV'* -R
T T M tinkle " Win leu. (lei tig,
liaeUtig*. (urine;, lleinle,
Tlxian B Keys*.— " Peine.l I.) tie.
Uxnlel ru.L. I " Let I lioetetter,
Opangler fortn ry.
T M a llley „ •* W. V LlppencoM, O el.
Bearer A CJephart. Lues.
W-LM.r Boiler. " MuTktel Confer .
Heating*. Beater A Uephart.
J. U Spangler——..... " ft. J Wejefe,
epsn*i.'i. Al.l* nder A Butter.
M M Rankin ,rr J. A. Coder,
Aleunder A Ikutvet leeter A Qgpbart.
Kfiuw* L. Ikli " J. A Older,
Al*Und*r A IV,e EF llenter A DejAut
™ lUR|4 liert-r ..... " ki n. J. Valentine rl *l.
Aleunder A lionet. Huy.
MrOey A Unn "Oerj. M. Teller,
Purei. ,
Catherine HEFLMAA. ......... " Henry |W Yan
Ja™4> A. W *lxR Lantb, Tlxnter A Co.
Hester A tiepfaart. Tarn A tiny.
OLUMTI lirendwf. ADMA. " J 11. Owvk.LL.
Hu*b A llnetinga.
Juaej.l, *OTU. —. " PATM'a R. RCO.
Alexander A B-wtt. '.Btanckard
Benjamin Wetland .... " IDlnlelk kilkrj H *l.
Hoy. II"* "< A L.ej.hni T
Jabot Hark, uaeof - J..fan A HNNTEF.
Art" Pardee, at al. ■ Owt| C. K ; "*tn el at.
Spangler Heater A trrpbarX.
Hank. A Teeter - J ft FV.nrt.erk,
Bearer A Oepbatt. llakß|l.
TfaE. Kerry MEN „.... " John T. Feeler,
ITl air Heater A Uepbart
LAAIU ]l* Pettis' ex'ra-~ •J. H. Ilayee,
Blair H-ter A Oepfaart. I
BlnMk HUner _ ~ - Juerpfa miner'• as TV—. J
II t Spangler
Jm4< Mt.| " i II Retfenyder {
ft. rid Keller —„ - J OR,I. ROBA, Ultfa rlaoee
KLUEC R A I Ale> A H !
William |M,n " Janet. Hefan.
K.||er H 1 1, and Ales A R
F. J. ptimer at *1 I nhater,
Kritw Nl
Alexander A Ifesrf. Rearer A Gephart.
* J TV.n.pe.. J. RHler Millet
Hearer A ORI-H. Spangler, Alex A Buwer,
II W. Ilrtorer - J. A Older.
Alexander A Haoer Hearer A Oepbart
ORTEGA O' Bryan, nae of- " Jam** U llrjan.
Alexander A Bu*. Retrhlein.
John Bhlrt*y.._—..... " Jnhn T Mia,
Sam* Same,
Bale, Alexander A Bower BETTER A Orphan
Jnnnb Meyer— -............ " Altar! Kautfa,
J and. Baltr— —. " John M Haretly. rx'R
Keller. Turot* A HnUng*.
ftat id Wearer's edrn'Nl " Later MIL. bell, ears ear
Ftltsrr A Mage* Tarst.
ft M Lrdh. adm'r " R. C Ohamttera,
Alexander A BETTER. Hoy.
The Harden Company —. "W.P ftannan A On
Alexander A Hewer. Iloy.
R H Hon. an A Ik. " Jam*. Ken nelly rt al
Bearer A tiepfaatt. A lex an DM A Bower.
J U Alhrtgbt " W.. Wimamx.
Keller. Ima A lletilag*
J. M Albrtghl - J. W. Stewart,
KE||O Gray.
table of Mr. J. C. Meyer, Ibe agent of
tbe "Applelona," during the session of
Institute six book* were (when (this is
polite for stolen) valued at several dol
lar*. From the table of Mr. D. M. Lieb,
the agent of Clerk k Maynard, three
book* were taken, valued about Ike
same ax above. Who took them 1 Chil
dren ! No! Visitors? No! Who then?
Teachers, nay not but some
who like the willy in the fable, don
the garment of a respectable title lo
cover the character of petty aneak
thieve*. We give the name* of some of
the books taken so that director* can
question those seen with them, and find
the guilty one* from the conscious blush
of guilt; "Appleton's Language Les
son*;" "Choice Thoughts;" "Choice
Selection*"Henderson's Teet Word*;"
' Sobool Classic* "The Deserted Vil
lage;" "Anderson'a General History,
Part First," "Ancient History,"—Teach
trt' Journal.
| —The musical held at the residence of
Mr*. J. O. Love, on Linn street, on Tburs
day evening, In the presence of a large
number of friend*, is Mid to bar* been a
delightful affair. Tb* programm consisted
of vocal and piano solos, duets, trios and
choruses. The most interesting part of the
whole was the competition between a
number of Mr*. Love's pupils for certain
prises offered by that lady. All the differ
ent pieces were so finely rendered as to
make it very difßoult for the committee
appointed to make the award. Mis* Mary
Ureen succeeded in carrying off the Irst
prise, Mise Emily Valentine the second,
Mies Bella Weaver the third and Master
Kddie Valentine the fourth. Mrs. Lose
certainly deserves great praise for her
efforts in endeavoring to develop the musi
cal ability of the young folks of Bsllefoate.
TVtukfrt' Journal.
—The iUwßach'i greuteat friend It P*-
—Loeb'. ft tbe pltce to buy dry goods.
I*rg* a*orlment, low price. and good
good, at all time.
—Ladle.', ntiataa' an<l children'* dol
rnant and coat* In end lea* variety and very
cheap at tbe Baa H i?# .
—The new advartijement of tha Baa
Iliva one-price store. in iLi* week'* p.per
will rojJtj i careful pruMl,
-lire- foodt.tiik., w ,v,ta. plu.be. and
F'lrld.and ttripoa In all .bade, and '
effect* at tbe Bee Ilive.
~ 0 "'a J 4 " * UIMj r< "
Hyrup of Tar, Honey and Bloodroot, tha
beat cough remedy in the world.
Ladiaa C oaU, jacket*, dolman#, cfreu
lar. and ul.terette., („ ~n dtM, v , ri<t
•tyle. and color., and price, lower than
elsewhere at 8. 4 A. Loeb't.
—Tl.a very bc#t production that can be
bad from flr.t data .tock and eicellent
workmanship In boot* and .boa., at p riet>
no higher than common eattern trab, are
now open and for *ale by 8. 4 a. Loeb.
You will shortly irf ooopefledto buy
your winter clothing. Before deciding on
what you will buy see what tbe celebrated
Rochester manulacturer*. S[# H r., Stein,
A.Her 4 Co., have t urfl *j <nJl ,j (i . MMOb
equal in fit, workmanship and trimming,
to any custom made good,. *
To be bad only at 8. 4 A
Loeb'. who by tbeir square dealing have
d.d much to build up the large demand of
tbi. very superior grade of clothing.
AXOWER Tm.—l there . J<tTllin ljTjng
; who eve, M a cafe of .cue, biliouanert,
; nervou.nen, or neuralgia, „ f , fJJ . dUeM of
'the rUm.cb, liver, or kidnej. thai 11., p
j Bitter* will not cure *
—The largeu amort men I ~f (]) mr ,j
winter (uitinjp nd mer. r*ting. Ix-ave
j your order* now.
: 4Mf MOXT<.omKT & Co.. Tailor*.
1 R WLF.!? U.l K "•OM.IIMMKI
I &&?££ r.'" " -* *
4 *•'• a nr. bxk x Bw
i L?" T , "2r r *• '* m '?t" J ..
j Akr. Mr. %* f. Mri iifttik i*. y IM i •
, daatbter of Heart Her.**,,. .11,4 Putter'. MinT*
■f I' "OLU-LTOM;—At tb. ratjnn of lb e— —- t
1 S* - . ' *•"£" b-t,*roltd £, '!;•.
I **"*""A—ftu Ti.roday, IW>n,m 3n ]AI n pro
| *S*a ■* jw, a Alif] #, d<re
j £■ JSK r ~ w i£??7Lst
A rrr Arlrrrfi*rtiimt*.
VOTICE i hereby given that the
i' rocmed i.olt.r. amount of W. |f CXI* MIX A.
*}•> * brdl. bu aiJST. ffcTiK
j <4 lb Protboeatary of th. fVrort of Cnamava pi. a.
tHIUo !". t>>l... and tta amoaot
•11l t* |—nutad he c*llr*i.<o> al tb. nt torn X
; .—Came to the residence
1 J J of tb. aadomgaMt In Km lliot tiro rob Ip. One
i ur.'a"2n T * **" mt A acute 1. IXI. a kCtl
' * •*"* * n Xurot Uiraa )^r>
old The "W WMt tftirt, |*x.r. property and
pa. 'hat pro; robrrata. ah. nil) I* dbmorod of M .
I :*"'*"*•'.• . DAVID MrtUWEEY.
Xt ., Jnn 2. *£. IJw
ro TU * *• prrorot bawd of Oonty
Oommlathroar* b* forward It lb. fc,Hoalo ralro
r*. 4 "yeA Of tb. poi. n
b. I* wb tb. ooaaip.
J**- J 1 " 1 JJ* Oojalp (Vwaiamn, awl la tb.lr
o®na at tb. Ooan Hoaw la lb* bmafb of SWIH.*...,
r yj"! •* 4 lWrtf " ad month
Crow Id o'rlwb a. M. lo 4 o'rlorfe r a.
ad. All pood* aad taatnial br tb. aw of tba noaatv
a.o.t l potrboood b| lb. Oawwawhomo or by Iboir
„ y tk *f "~wa to bo drana untti tb. Board of
OonaW am appro.ro tb. Mil.
Jdb. Mo flab or Material of aay kind b* lb. oa. of
UM> roaaty lo bo pairhwtd ftoaa any of tb. Cooaty
JonK woi.r, a
n. C. CAWrBKLL. .OnaiwltoWMro.
A. J. eaaur, j
W. Man Watcaa, Ctork.
-1 * pkaaoOoarl af OoaWonroatr. la lb. roatlro of lb.
oroalo of ioba k. Tailor, dorooooi Tho aadroropatd
A ndlbo appidalod by nld (Van to aroh. dtetrUrotb o
of tbo boloaeo do. from M* I tub. f imi I to
aad f tb— Hall, an tinted 7w ottroM
I ? ■••*-* *< M. odkr. la tbo
Mteoagb of BNtefcat. no Tboroday J a soar. 1, inf
XK) o'clock a. m. Part.ro lateroteod UI pW* at
"i* 4 - , CLEM KMT HALE.
W>- '-Aw Auditor
"VOTICE is hereby given that the
A-A arooaat H MILL.Mb roamMteo of tbo pro
*a aad rotate of r. A Palo, a Mooter, boo broa £od
la Ibo oco of lb* frotboaotery of tb. Coart C
Ooronoa Ptroo la aad tor tbo roaaty X Ooatro, aad
thX roid arooaat will I* pi.mated fit nUiteiil n
X tb* a.*l ma of mid aaM,
'-*• J. 0. HARPER. Protb'y.
VOTICE. —In the matter of the E§-
A * lata of JAMIE* rRrPT. lal. of Pa I tea towaohlp,
d.c.arod, la tb* Qnduu.'a Court X Onatro maatyt
Tb. apptalMmrol u. tbovMawXmM Jaaro CrJt,
Cmrt. tko*. lb. MMt And ao*l
Morroobte i imi approlromoat roatimod ami ul
oottro dim ted to be *!• ■ n by paMbrnthm, that nahaa
mt, M imfcro a.<t from
tko roam alii k> .i.a*rod abndnloly My tb* Cotrk
VOTICE—In the matter of the ee>
AM tote X JAMES HAUL late X OatM teaaobip.
demmX, la tb* Orpboab Omit X CoMb* oaaaty t
Tb* iMttmawl t tbo aldoa X Xd Jamro Dn'ln.
dronroA Ellmboth Bate.iHdoa.fcr s*.
X a t.rtXa *ro*m, teaomoal cad ttart X load la
tb. Itronahlp of Caloa aX ooaaty x OMrtr* afcrmaM.
fcroadX *a tbo rout!, by laada A Wat. P. IWut, oa
- I- — •• aorth by
'•A X Wm. Spot* aad tm tb. mx by tend. X Jteha
Obd Heart* Ate.aadx malXXftf almdy admatrt
m y- * M rr- 1rXS *~TMI. tb* ottMa ro
ptate. taoat rood aad rooaratrol am, aad aa% di.
mtX to bo tl.n* by pnbUoathro X tb* Ua* Ar—d
fcr trot arod. prte. te a>t tnna, tbat aalro* Strop,
thwa tte SIX tbrt.tr. oa *r bXro. tb. nl day Xoctl
My TbTo* eelnaX axilalely. .
-? _ l ■VECHrtEI^i,CTk Or. Omrt