Mr. Tilden oil Cotton. The directors of the Atlanta Expo, sition recently paid to Hon. Samuel J. Tilden the compliment of formally adopting a series of resolutions invit ing him to visit tho Exposition which has been so complete und brilliant a success. They also appointed a com mittee, consisting of three prominent gentlemen, who were also accompanied by Governor Colquitt and Gen. John lb present these resolutions to Mr. Tilden personally. Finding himself unable to visit Atlanta, Mr. Tilden excused himself iu tho follow ing graceful and interesting letter : Gravstonk, Dec. 17. To th* Executive Committee 0/ the Interna tional Cotton Exposition at Atlanta: Onnutx: 1 have had the honor to receive your resolutions inviting me to visit the International Cotton Imposi tion as your guest, and designating Messrs. Robert Tannahill, John 11. In man, and M. B. Fielding as a special committee to communicate them tome. 1 have also had the honor of a personal presentation of a copy of those resolu tions at the hands of those gentlemen, accompanied by Gov. Colquitt, the presi dentof the exposition, und Gen. Gordon. It is with much regret that 1 feel obliged to deny myself the great pleas ure tendered me with such distinguish ed courtesy. It would delight me to interchange friendly greetings with the citisens whom I should expect to meet at Atlanta, and to avail myself of so favorable an opportunity lor observing with my own eyes the elements ot in dustrial growth which promise a future of marvelous prosperity to the southern States. Above all, 1 desire to contri bute my influence, however inconsider able it may be, towurd encouraging a movement to organize investigation und intelligence concerning subjects ol vn-t interest, not to the south alone, but to our whole country atni the world. I may venture to hope that the public spirit which created and has sustained this exposition is not exhausted, but that the signal success of this first essay will induce similar efforts, attract in creasing public attention to them, and secure lor them wider cooperation und more perfect development. The last time I visited those islands which were the homes ol most of our ancestors I realized what a benefaction it was that had set in these heavens a sun which is generally radiant and sometimes blazing. It is what climato logists call the upward curve in the hourly and daily tides of hest, which makes our 4.70.000,000 bushels of wheat a sure crop, which ripens our 1,750,000,- 000 bushels of corn, and which enables us to grow 6,000,000 bales of tbe best and cheapest cotton. The invention which separates by machinery tbe fibre of tbe cotton Irom the seed gave a new comfort to every fireside. Better clothing at less co*t was a boon to mankind. The fact that one-half of the present cotton crop is the product of white labor lias dis|>e)led the illusion that the Caucasian race has been excluded by Providence from their natural share in so important a culture, and assures in the future an ample sup ply of labor from sources of indefinite extent. This result derives momentous importance from tbe fact that the actual culture of tbe cotton is now applied to less than one-thirtieth part of (lie lands embraced in the cotton belt. The development of your agricultural industries will soon be followed by manufactures. A mature community, while it is enlarging the positive volume of its external commerce, increases the proportion of domestic manufactures which enterinto the local consumption. The advantages of a superior adaptation of climate, aoil, and other spontaneous bounties of nature, and of a geographi cal contiguity to the market are a legiti mate protection to the local industriea, founded on the greatest productiveness of human labor in supplying the wants of man, and upon the utmost saving in the coat of transportation between the producer and <-on*ulßar. It contrasts -with the artificial devices of legislation, always unskillful, and often perverted by selfish greed, which generally have the effect of diminishing the productive power of human labor, just as if the boil were rendered less fertile or the climate less genial by act of Congresk in order to enable the deluded beneficiary to make some profit out of enterprises otherwise unremunerative. The south is rich in natural capacities of produc tion, as yet mainly unappropriated. To utilize these capacities is a beneficent process. Its results may come, not so fast or so soon as some may hope, but I predict that when they do come they will In their magnitude transcend the anticipations of the most sanguine. Your fellow-citizen, HstiL-ar, J. Nut BuionrißLD, Mi**., Jan. 2, 1881. —I with to say to you that I have been suffering for the last five year* with a revere itching all over. I have heard of Hop Hitter* and have tried it. I have u*ed up four bottle*, and it ha* done me more good than all the doctor* and medicine* that they could ti*e on or with me. I am old and poor but feel to bleta you for auch a relief by your medicine and from torment of the doctor*. 1 havy had fifteen doctor* at me. One gave me seven ounce* of solu tion of araenicf 1 ; another took four quart* of blood front me. All tbey could tell wa* that it wa* *kin sickness. Now, after theae four bottle*of your medicioe, my *kin i* well, clean and smooth a* ever. Übxsv Kxochb. Six year* of constant and mod ex cruciating pain from terrible *ore* all over my body, pronounced cancer and incurable by all except Dr. Hartman. After I wa* reduced to the faintet tbb of ediatence Pear a* saved my life and curetfme. lam entirely well and doing myfcouuft work. I bad paid the be*t end the worat physician* over |IOUO. Mas. Mho Ixubam, Allegheny City, I'a. Ltdia K. Pinkiiam's Vegetable Com pound i* a remarkable remedy for all tho*epainfulcomplaint* and weaknesses to common to our best female popula tion. Send to Mrs. Lydia K. Pinkbani, 333 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mas*., for "^ktpphlet*. "JIA-.-.-v VALENTINES f CO.'3 STORES, AUeuhenu Street, Jlcltefemte, Pa. IsTES"W* GOODS. A FULL STOCK IN ALL CLASSES OF GOODS. DRV GOODS and GROCERIES, HATS and CAPS, BOOTS and SHOES. Wo have a nice assortment of LADIES' DE-ESS GOODS, including n line of BLACK CASHMERES, to which wo invito special attention. WAPNKR'S FLEXIBLE HIP and DR. STRONG'S CORSETS In colors or white, nil sizes; tbe two best corsets made. SHAWLS, SKIRTH and COATS, and a boautiful lino of LADIES'and CHILDREN'S LACK COLLARS and TIES. Tho handsomest lino of SIIK nnil LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS to be found anywhere; beautiful SILK MUFFLERSSWISS EMBROIDERY and TRIMMING LACKS. STAPLE GOODS Of .11 Had. la N '° H - " |C "'<" MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR. LOTS OF TRUNKS AND SATCHELS AT ANI I'KICE. CARPETS! CARPETS! Cotton Chain, Ingrain, and better grades in pretty patterns RAO ( j^ llp * TS I various prices; the cheape.l are good, but there is none belter than the best. OILCLOTHS! OILCLOTHS! 4 4 f, 4 ft-4 aed 840 l LC LOTH S In different grade*. About fifteen style, of ' ' TABLE OILCLOTHS. MEN'S and BOY'S CI-OTHING. OVERCOATS and FULL SUITS. The best way is to come and see them. They can't be beat for quality and price. Ttlibber Goods! Rubber Goods ! BOOTS and SHOES; ANY QUANTITY OF .THEM AT ALL PRICKS. GROCERY DEPARTMENT IS FULL OF CHOICE GOODS—at fair price* for GOOD GOODS.—The finest OLD GOVERSMEST JA VA COF FEE, our customer say the best they ever drank, rmest TEAS and good one* at low price*. TRY THE CALIFORNIA CANNED GOODS—Peaehrt, Cher ries. Plums, Peart, Apricots, Pea*, Ac. If there is anything finer tee don't know it. HAVE YOU USED ANY OF HUCKIN'S SOUPS/—Make Soup in fifteen minute*, any kind you hare a mind for. THURBER'S DEEP SEA MACKEREL, are a* deliciou* and tender a* Spring Chicken. ItLOATLR MAC A FUEL, there it nothing finer in the market. TRY McCANN'S IRISH OATMEAL and you will not use any other. The nicest miy to buy it it in 14>. cans, but ce tell d in any quantity. LEG GET'S WHEAT and OUT FLAKES make a palatakle dish in a thort time. PICKLES of all kinds-CROSSE A. BLACK WELL'S EM PIRE and other kinds. COME AND SEE WHAT WE HAVE, and if you want anything ice don't hare, it will be gotten, if practicable , tcry toon. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR COUNTRY PRODUCE. VALENTINES & CXVS STORE, HUMES' BLOCK, ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA. LEATHEB. Ask for Genesee Sole Leather if you want the best. Calf Skins, Kips, Moroccos, Linings, Lasts Thread, Nails, Pegs. t\ ax, Bristles and all kinds of Shoe Findings on hand. We alsomake to order GENTS' ROOTS, SHOES and GAITERS from the best of FRENCH LEATHER. J.eave your orders and a perfect fit guaranteed. ZED. h ittaa and Yauilljr lolim arraralrli , prouarod. Traaart (Humid** Bracoa, A*, Ac. ' 3 Mf ; L - I * I OUIB DOLL, IJ I~AMIInKAIII.It ROOT A RHORMARER, Br*, k.rhofl Bow, AUe(b*a* I root, l-ly B*ll*ftrat*. Pa t. araam. ProwT. jr. man. EMRBT NATIONAL BANK OK A BBM-KTOMTK. AlMbca? Ural. lull. Am la. Pa. Mf CENTRE COUNTY BAXKIXO COMPANY. Racalt. Aad Allow latomrt. Uacaaar Xot*; Bay aai Ball (lot. BarartHaa. (Ml aal Coeßeee, Janaa A. Rum. RrMtail. J. I) Bacatat. Caaklar. Wf HK. HOY-. M I). a OBI" la Conrad Itoaa*. ahot. Fortn.j". lot OBI", RRLI.KPCKTK. PA. Bfartal allaallna Rltaa la Opatalltc Barfart and Chronic Plana*u. l.Vly riR. •!AS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., 1 / PHYBICIAX AXI> BCRHRnR. Oflka Allegheny it., •<•* RaUlar". Ita* Kt.w, Ml lin.l.lhtvTK PA. T\R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist,can A J la found at bia oflbw aad ra*ld*nro on Rarlh ■lda of High atfmt Ihraa "loaf. RaM of Allegheny. Ballabmla, Pa. laly MILLHEIM HOTEL, MIM.UEIM. CKKTRR COCXTY, PEXX'A. W. 8. Ml'ftSElt, Proprietor, Tba lowa uf MillhOat la ktaUd la Peaa't Valley, •hat two alia front Oobara BlatWm, >m lb. Lraa bar*. Cm It* and Bpnxa Creek Railroad, wilh aar rotrodingt thai auk* II a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Bond troat fitlilog la Iba Immediate tkinlly. A cab ruaa lo oj Irala. At lb* Mlllbetm Hotel aroma wdalinn* a ill b* foaad Rratn la** and tmn mode* j BRa. JtMlkWMl* CENTRAL HOTEL, (Oppotdt* lb* Railroad Kufba.) Mtl.RKßriUi. CKKTRR COCXTY, PA. A. A. KUIILBKCKKK, Proprietor. I THKOriJII TRATEI.RRB DM lb* railroad will Rnd | ibl* II- ltd aa *ac*lUal rue* l laarh. <>r pro. are a -1...1 m AI.L TRAIKR Moi'kl.'Ul U* ailautm 7 Logan Cement. r PHE rcfmil price i'or LOGAN CK -1 MRKT nn and Rr Ibl* dat*(Mat s, l**l)wltl h* Iwo dollar* per Itarr*! and no charge (or lam *r lamia. i IB-f J U.V lIICK*. 1856-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. •ATI iiojrttv nv rtrnra BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Prio., 556.00 P.r T.a of 2000 Piwid*. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, 4 to fc prr ML it htgAM. of hM. Priw. *30,00 P.r T.b of 8000 Posada. ALL GOODS SOLD ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. Ibrxrriptirr Circular* Sent IVce tt/n>n appticntion. BAUGH A SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For cole by J, H, LONG, Flnniagton, Pa., Agent for Clinton ""l Ocstrt Onutia l>ry fi(todn ntul (irorrriem. J TUPIB BROTHERS, FFBISO ETHKET, BBLLBrOETB, FA. Hat® their counter* and shelves filled with NEW GOODS, (BANKRUPT RATH* Purchased At - BANKRUPT RATES ( BANKRUPT KATES tflini THEY OFFEE AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COSMFTIXO OF Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Goods, boots ..a shoes *' BOOTS And SIJOKS At very low prices. BOOTS snd SHOES HATS And CAPS Latest styles of HATS end CAPS „ . _ HATS end CAPS Carpet Bags, Umbrellas, Psrssols, Ladies' Closks, Carpeting, Groceries, Queensware, Ac. j CaWKMbstsrtr Uiior that ran U foaad la a Sr.l class ><. HARPER BROTHERS, SPRIXrt STKEI.T. . . BELLKFOXTE. FA. COCXTKT PEODfCE tskea la .. bu,. U . htebsst marks! prir* ,"j ?79^* EltK "• • *' mwlr BUM)*. W I ml' "wUjr OotSt fres. AUSII HOUSE, V MUtmr*. pa . Fsmtttr. ami s'net. ~•,( Irmrr,. .11 a. tl.. ere. rl tr.r. !m, paMtr aeo -aim .trial ss.n ar tallied I" this lirl < las. lintel, Oar I km, aill AnS Smb. .ail..l!a al reaenaaNe rates. Otmtai redact!*>a Is aed lltm alleadiac f l ™"- W, E. TKl.l.ktt. pmfr