the Cnitre Democrat Thursday Morning, December 9, 1881. CossasrosßSXOS, containing Important n.w., • >lldt •4 from snjr part of the county. No ooaunanlc (!< u tnmrud unlaw nccompanlsd by the rsal oatus of tbs writar. Local Department. —Holiday Goods at Zellert Drug Store. —Dreaa goods, silks, velvets, plushe* and tinsel plaida and stripe* in all shades and effect* at the Bee Hive. —The Philadelphia Branch clothing store shows great enterprise and deserve* to proaper. —A small sum of money will purchase a serviceable, gontoel suit at the Philadel phia Branch. —Young lady, does your sweetheart ■moke? If so, buy him a box of Harry Green's cigars for a Christmas gift. —We don't ask you $lO for an article when It Is worth only $5, but we give you our lowest price at once. Lyon A Co. —Ladies', misses' and children's dol mans and coals in endless variety and very cheap at the Bee Hive. —lf the result of your suit in court this week is not to your satisfaction, you can probably procure a suit that will please you at the Philadelphia Branch. —Our friend Jacob Runkle, Esq., of Walker township, offer* the valuable farm of bis deceased brother for sale, which also offers extraordinary induce ments for investment. —We are sorry to learn the Dr. E. W. Hale has been confined to the bouse with a very serions attack of something like bron chitis. At last advices be was better, and we hope soon to bear that he has entirely recovered. —We are requested by Mr. Leonard Rhone to announce that the Pennsylvania State Grange will convene in Williams port, at the Park hotel on Tuesday Decem ber 13,1881, and will continue in session for three or four days. —The irrepressible Samuel K. Faust, Of Miles township, is dancing attendance upon the court this week, having an important case upon the trial list. Samuel called as usual to pay his respects to the DEMOCRAT, and bis smiling, good natured face Is al ways welcome. —All persons on the loo* out for holiday goods should read the advertisement of Frank P. Blair, to be found in another column, and then visit bis store. Hi* stock of novel, beautiful and appropriate goods for Christmas presents, now on ex hibition, has never been excelled in Belle fonte. —Mr. Edward Powers, ton of Mayor Powers, who has lately been very ill from an attack of infiamation of ths stomach, Is again able to appear upon our streets. Eddy is a popular young gentleman, and we are glad to know that he is once more on the road to good health. —D. H. Chandler, a popular and well known citiaen of Julian Furnace, died very suddenly at that place yesterday eve ning. Mr. Chandler was an enterprising lumberman and will be greatly missed in the community in which he lived. We have not learned the cause of his death. Messrs. David Sharer and Christ Decker, administrators of the estate of the John 8. Rockey, deceased, offer for sale in this week's DaxoraaT a very valuable and desirable farm in Walker township, to which we call attention. It is not only conveniently eituatod but Is first class land and in a very high state of cultivation. —The holidays are drawing near and the appointments of Sechler A Co's gro cery store grow correspondingly more at tractive. It is the place to buy all your holiday groceries. They also keep con stantly on hand the largest and cheapest array of candies, fruits, Ac., to be found in Centre county. You never go wrong in calling upon them for what you want. —You will shortly be compelled to buy your winter clothing. Before deciding on what you will buy see what the celebrated Rochester manufacturers, Messrs. Stein, Adler A Co., bava turned out this season, equal in At, workmanship and trimmings to aoy custom made goods. Prices very reasonable. To be had only at 8. A A. Loeb's who by their square dealing have did much to build up the laib, are now open and for ule by 8. A A. Loeb. —When you buy anything of ut you need nut be afraid that you are paying more than your neighbor. We treat ail alike. Lowcl price for all. Lyen A Co. Ladle* coat*, jacket*, dolman., circu lar. and ulalerelUw, in endleM variety, .lyle* and color., and price* lower than eltewhere at B. A A. Loeb'*. —lt i* not Decenary to dicker and bar gain two hour, when you wish to buy any thing of u. We ask ju.t what tbe good* are worth and no more. Lyon A Co. —Lace., fringe., gimp., button*, Ac., in all the latest deign, and at unrivaled price*, at the Bee llive. Loeb'. i* the place to buy dry good*. Large assortment, low price* and good good, at all time*. —The new advertisement of the Bee Hive one-price .tore* in tbi* week'* paper will repay a careful perusal. —The largest stock of dra* good, ever brought to Centre county is now opened at Loeb'.. —All good* marked in plain figures and strictly one price for all at Lyon A Co. '*. —lmmense bargain* in gent's under wear, glove*, bats, Ac., at the Bee llive. —. Sliri.Tf. KI.INBrRLTKB-lo AMD—bera. *n meter at. IMI. by He. R Sua back. Mr. William J. jboltab> Mba Jaeal* KRavfeimr, batter Mlln WIKTMIta-MAR* -Oe Die. 1. IWI. At Ibe B* fi-rated petvunaaa. Jastoeaeill*. by go Qeory* P. Harwell, Mr. Wren M. WhiUaim, ef Berwick, (V Intohfenmnty. and MM dalle M. MARS, of Oartta tuwattfc. Onto rwanly. nrtt-iTI-*l Ibehoo** at tb* brkfe'* pan-ato, near dim Orwt Mill* Dev. t. by In J, A Knar, Mr W.m.n HPlttr, f lleward, and tt* teem A Qefes, at ftepewe tovsshlp. DEATHS. LIN (MUT—Ob V. Mm, daaghlor of Mr. >o* Mm Harrr I liutmj. A tbi. I*l*o., ef * yrnmn. 3 month* w>4 Jo Smy*. Sew Advertisements. CIRCULA It. AU who have kindly visited my store in the last few days say that the dis play exceeds any of my farmer in this direction. This is certainly very satisfactory, for I know that my stock for the last few holiday seasons has not, been excelled in this or any of our neighboring towns. It requires little effort to select goods for a trade which regards prices as a secondary eonside. ration, but when you cater to customers who are very exact and critical in their tastes ** or Rah*—One-third of tb* parrhaa* wonry In band on onnßrmetk-n of aalr ; oaedblyd la on* yanr. aad ttw balann la two year*, wttt lalatat oa the de ferred payment*, to baarrared by boad and mortyny*. Too per cent of the M parrhwi money will b* rw aelred oe day of enl* di-3w _ JACOB MXNEI.E. Adtolnfatrnt-a. _ Or pliant' Court Sale —or— VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. PURSUANT to an order of tbe Or* I |b*n' Onert of Centre ninety, H, will be **- powd W pahUc wla, as tt* pnwdM*. <• Friday, tbe 30fA of Demeber, 1881, alt o'atnrh P It , tbe fbOnwiaa deirltel real aw* of JOttlt L ROCKET, late at Walk** township, da- No 1. All that plantation or tract of land annate w Walker t-.wnehip, k— a did and da •rriled a* fadtowa: Oa tbe want by land* ef Jabs IWker and oe*td fa-It, n the north by * b*M Shaf fer and Martin Irinpfd, oe tt* emt by land* at* Adam Vi nodi, and oa tt* Mb by tt* poMk Mad I What from MMbnte te Lock Harm, onetateaat la ACRES, In n btgb Mate ef toH-Wm, apna which I* wartoi a tare* PRANK BAM, a fer*ellAßß RAM, all ta manpirt* repair, wttt two ilWiw of wnwr al the ham. and par lot* ra and a Weil ef Read eater al tt* boa**, afcwtwn Appi# Orttard, ef enad kwribf frntL TM* fane, wbfeb la a ww ddnibl -oa, fe Mini Sid oe tt* greet pnMir mad. sheet Br# aad a half wile* fma Bel IrA-at* sed abost a half s*tt* fivw ttev. No. S. A tract of Mountain l,d. cm. tatnln* WIBCTRM ACERB. wvR Uwbwvd Witt b*tt aot. rack oak aad whHe oak. Tree* or S*u.~Oefbtrd of tb* fwnfasw wemy to b* paid *S weßrwaMiw ef wla. tta ri to ta„ apesl oooaal payvneetk. to h* wemvd by bvml aad DA V,D BHARRR. CHBOrr. dWRRB. tm Alniklmtntift, A DDITOR'B NOTICE. 1V lo Ibe asttar of tta Amu sal ef Jama* T. Lmnard. Imwm af * '•*; a tit* Omrt of