Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, December 08, 1881, Image 6

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la the gnat sfloara of a oily, dreamily, a flgore
With the water dimly Sowing through its syse
and lips and hands,
AIM! the throngs that pass end ponder, that
weird masterpiece eubUtne
Little it is the picture of the solemn lapse
of Time;
Of the though time lapee of Time,
fflith ita melancholy mnsic and its and, heart
broken rhyme.
Oosing, trickling, babbling, gleaming.
Laughing, weeping, sobbing, streaming,
flailing, marmoring, sighing, dreaming,
Flowing, flowing on.
So, stand we that fbunteined status, God s great
maaterpieoe of art,
And the lap— of time is flowing on thro' each
oblivioaa heart;
minute*, meeting, fleeing into day*
and months and years,
Swell the rapids of the ages till at laat Time
With its flood of bopespnd tears,
Through life's dimly-lighted valley, thro' the
valley of our teen,
Tinkling, plashing, rippling, sleeping.
Bounding, sparkling, dancing, leaping,
Foaming, billowing, tumbling, sweeping,
Gliding, gliding on.
—A rrinctUmian.
It was n lovely Juno morning in the
oountry; the air redolent with thesorat
of myriad bloeeoma and musical with
the tongs of as many wild birds, when
Don Olsde stepped over the threehold
of her rustic eohool house to encounter
s surprise not altogether pleasant.
Sinee the first of May Miss Glade had
been teaching this eohool of perhaps
two doaen urchins, whose sgee ranged
all the way from five to fourteen years.
On this particular morning, however,
there eat within the schoolroom, pa
tiently waiting for the arrival of the
teaoher, a tell, well-built young man
who was oertainly several years her
senior, and whose sppearanoe indicated
that he had oome to stay.
The teacher herself was just nineteen,
•lender and graceful as a willow, with
n oharu,.ng admixture of womanly dig
nity and girlish shyness in her manner.
She did not always know exactly what
to do even with some of the rough
youngsters already in her charge, and
now her fair faoe darkened with a look
of undisguised dismay, aa she stopped
short in the doorway, regarding this new
specimen with a private oonviction in
her soul that she should never prove
equal to the teak of managing him.
She looked upon hie intrusion into
her little fold muoh as some peaceful
shepherd might st the sudden ippssr
anee cf a mountain lion among his inno
cent flock. Mastering her chagrin aa
best she con Id, Dora called her school
together, and soon after approached
her unwelcome visitor with a very evi
dent air of embarrassment.
"Do you intend to remain in the
school, sirf*
For the life of bra she didn't know
how she ought to address him.
" Yee'm," answered the new-oomer,
with a meekness which, contrasted with
his fine, powerfnl physique, made her
strongly inclined to langh in his face.
" I calk'late to oome afternoons. Can't
oome much mornin'e, bein' aa I hov to
help Uncle Jake with the crops."
"Oh t" said Dora, gently, suppress
ing a smile, " your name, pleeae?"
- Larry Farnsworth. Squire Jake
Farnsworth over yonder," with an awk
ward nod of his handsome head in the
direction of the squire's mansion,
" where I'm eteyin', is my uncle."
" Yea," said Mias Glade, with a polite
interest. "And now please tell me
what you wish to study, Mr. Farns
" 'Bpoee ye call me Larry, Miss," mid
this great, fine-looking fellow, with the
faaahfnlneee of a child; "I ain't much
used to bein' mistered, an' anyhow I
reckon Fm one of yer scholars, jist like
the rest."
- Oertainly." said Dora, somewhat re
lieved, and determining to put a bold
faoe upon the matter at once. " And
now, Larry," with a rose blush, in spite
of herself, " let us prooeed to select
your studies."
But the verdant young gentleman
soon disclosed the fact that what he did
know of books might be comprised
within a very email space, indeed, while
a model list of what he didn't know
would form a record aa voluminous as
that of the Whitteker testimony.
Days passed on, and Mis* Glade
found them passing very pleasantly.
Her new pupil, though extremely igno
rant, evidently did his best to improve,
and was otherwise a model of perfect
good behavior. The younger boys,
also, gave far leas trouble than at first.
Whether he issued private orders to
them oatside, or whether it was a
threatening glanoe from those com
manding bright gray eyee whenever any
incipient rebellion arose against the
teacher, certain it was that the trouble
some urchins behaved much better than
before the advent of the "big scholar."
Aa for Miss Glade's opinion of our
hero at the end of a month, perhaps we
could not ascertain it more easily than
by glancing at this portion of a letter
written by her to her boeom friend in
the city:
•'Yonhere not forgotten my Ignora
mus, ofwhoml wrote yon. Kittle? Well,
we •till here the honor of hie attend
ance et the school, end I will frankly
admit that I ehonld hardly know, now,
how to keep the name school without
him. How or why he doea it Ido not
pretend to know, bat he seems to hare
those old-time ' intraoteblea' under
such a spell that I do not believe one
of them would dare disobey me, if he
felt so inolined.
" One other fact is unquestionable to
my mind. Were he only blessed with
the cultivation and the gentlemanly,
social poliah which Mr. Arthur Hughes
possesses, Larry Farnsworth would be
my very beau ideal of a man. Often,
as he sits poring hopelessly over the
multiplioation-teble, in his homespun
suit, sans coat, I catch myself watching
the splendid figure, the clear-cut, intel
lectual faoe, with its broad, sweeping
brow and facinating gray eyes, almost
expecting to beer their owner oharm
my senses with the eloquence of a
Cicero, or thrill my soul with poetic dis
quisitions on the wonders and beauties
of the old masters. He looks as though
nature had formed him for a leading
spirit among the choicest favorites of
literature and art. Silent, those hand
some lips seem the very home of poetry
and eloquenoe; but the moment he opens
them to speak—shades of Murray I how
my fairy castles tumble to the ground I
He is an Ignoramus, Kittle —a hopeless
Ignoramus I—celling me to his side
twenty times a day to unravel problems
which ought not to punle the intellect
of a child often. Worse than all, he
does not realise what he has missed.
Oh, what a blunderer was destiny,
thus to dray this man the one gift that
would have made him irresistible I"
And then the poetcript:
" I have at last fnlly decided not to
acoept the hand of Mr. Hughes. May
he find better appreciation elsewhere.
With all his sloganoe and culture he is
not the man who oan fill the heart of
And theee word* of Kittie'e letter, in
"Look oat, my dear, or the Igno.
ramus may capture the heart that a
man of intellect haa failed to win.
Stranger things hare happened. Many
a man haa been educated by hla wife.'
Dora'a lipa curled and a flash of
annoyance crossed her fair, expressive
features aa ahe read.
"Bah!" ahe exclaimed, contempt
uously, crumpling the letter in her
hand and toaaing it into her desk.
But why did her fair face soften into
infinite tenderness, again, and a blush
deeper ' au a crimson rose bathe her
cheek and brow and snowy thfoat aa
ahe remembered oertain thrilling glabcea
from a pair of bright gray eyes ? And
why did this worshiper of intellect
murmur to herself with a kind of fleroe
delight f
"He loves me! I know it I I know
During the summer days that followed,
her thoughts often turned to Kittie'a
letter and the tempting possibilities it
suggested. But ahe quiekly put them
from her. It was exquisitely sweet,
this city girl who eras well used to re
fined and cultivated society could
not deny to herself, to note the electric
influence of her power in the dark
flush rising to a manly cheek, the quick
thrill of his powerful frame, at her
slightest toueh, and the passionate
light she sometimes caught' in the
finest eyes she had ever seen. And per
haps her own heart responded to every
sign. But it could go no further.
Dora's mind was one of those which
ever unconsciously reach out toward all
the richest treasures in tho world of art
and learning, and she knew that it could
never be satisfied with the companion
ship one who could not, at least, keep
paoe with her in all the finest charms of
intellectual life. She resolved never to
make such a dangerous experiment, even
for "love's sweet sake." And we think
that she was right.
It was the last evening of her stay.
Her pupils had all reoeived their little
tokens of remembrance, had said good
bye to their pretty girlish teacher, and
were now gone to their several homes,
leaving her alone to gather up her few
effects and indulge in a parting reverie
upon the events of the pest three
months. Larry Faraswocth alone had
been absent that last day, but la her
secret heart she thanked him for it, for
there had been something in his manner
of late, and a strange disturbance in her
own feelings also, which made her doubt
whether her dignified firmness could
have stood the trial of a final parting.
How strongly her heart was beating
now, as she thought over the past even
ing when the splendid-looking Ig
noramus had walked beside her down
the long lane leading from the school
house, and the low-spoken "good
night" of esoh, as she tuned to cross
the narrow field in the direction of her
lodgings. She remembered, with n
thrill of wondering pleasure, how his
awkwardness bed almost entirely van
ished in the unconscious devotion which
he raid her.
No, die reflected, with' a deep sigh,
as aha turned to go, it would never do
for them to meat again. She must go
back to the city and forget. Forget
the lowly youth who had power to atir
the very depths of bar soul aa no other
mortal man had aver dona I Yet her
heart bitterly rebelled against the fata
which made suoh renunciation neoea
Glancing through the open door she
aaw a stranger ooming up the path—a
tall and handsome man, well-dressed
and elegant There was a something
strangely familiar to her In his looks,
and yet—it oould not be 1
Ah, but it oould i for the next mo
ment her hands were clasped in those
of the tall stranger, and bar unbelieving
eyes ware gasiug up into the handsome,
saucy face of Larry Farnsworth.
"I came to bid my little teacher
good-bye," he aaid, looking down upon
bar mischievously, a aly smile quivering
under the slight dark moustache.
" Larry 1"
It was all she could my, for, unable
to bear a certain new expression in the
glance of those gray eyes, and the rush
of memories it brought bar, she aank
upon the nearest bench and covered her
faoe with her hands. Larry sat down,
too, with a warm light of tenderness in
his resolute, saucy faoe, but the first
words that Dora faltered forth made
- Then yon are not the Ignoramus,
after all T still with her faoe hidden
from the roguish eyes.
" Well, no, not exactly, since I have
had the honor of graduating from old
Harvard," replied the Ignoramus, with
exasperating coolness. " Miss Glade—
Dora," drawing her hands away from
the blushing faoe, " please forgive my
masquerade I Hearing much of the
pretty schoolma'am from my ancle whom
I was visiting, I began it through a pore
love of fun, bat soon found it so dan
gerously fascinating that I oould not
give it up. It was so pleasant to have
you lean over my shoulder to correct
those dreadful examples which you
couldn't have done, yen know, if I had
not been your pupil."
11" And yon might have been teaching
me all this timet For shams, sir!"
pouted Dora, thinking with burning
cheeks of her patient endeavors to edu
cate this Harvard graduate.
" I dare to hope that I have tsogbt
yon something, Dora; a lesson that is
not fonnd in school books. And now,
sinoe yon have taaght your stupid Ig.
noramns to love you, tell me frankly if
yon will marry him f"
"I would not, if I could have
escaped seeing him* again," aaid Dora,
' ■ Bat since yon could not f
Dors turns an arch faoe, wet with
happy tears, to meet Lawrenoe Farns
worth'* thrilling kiss. And thus we
■Wve them to a future bright and
peaoefo] as the lovely soeoe outside
the school-house where Dors
Glade fifst met and lovad her Ignor
Extraordinary Preseaee sf Mind.
How true it is, aaye a faoetiona Cali
fornia paper, that fame and fortune both
hinge upon some trivial circumstance.
The most successful artist at the annual
exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts
in IsLndon this year is a young Oalifor
nian, named Baldwin Bowers, who made
each a hit painting carriages and bouses
some six yean ago in Oakland that ha
waa sent for study to Florence, where,
as every one knows, paint is much
Mr. Sowers' peculiar line la the de
lineation of still lift, and so be painted
a cheese, though, as it was a Limburger
ahaeaa, it oould hardly be oalled a still
life subject after aIL Alleged judges,
who saw this mssterpieoe after comple
tion, aay it resembled a mud-pie more
than it did a cheese; but this was prob
ably envy, as, after it waa hung, some
malicious persons slipped into the gal
lery the night before the exhibition sad
deliberately cut a round hole in the
canvass, completely removing the
When the examining oommittee ware
on their rounds, they caste to the de
faced picture, and angrily sent for the
artist to give an explanation. An or.
dinary painter would have been over
come with despair at the outrage. Not
ao our fallow citiseu. When the chair
man said, sternly:
"Where, sir, is the cheeseT
Ha responded calmly:
" Alas I gentlemen. I peroeiva 1 have
painted it with too greet fidelity. The
mice have eaten it"
They awarded him the first prise.
Desert of Makers.
Dr. Lena affirms that the soil of the
Sahara is not as sterile as is oommonly
believed. In Iguidi, in particular, they
found many foraging piaeee for the
camels, and they often sew troops of
antelopes and gaaellea fleeing at the ap
proach of the caravan. Doctor Lens
did not follow the example of Berth,
but went rather to pay his address to
Kehia, who made his stay in Timbuotoo
the most agreeable possible. He gave
him a fins bouse, and served him each
day aa abundant and delicious repast—
wheat bread, butter sad honsy, mutton
and beef, chickens and gems.
Black lead pattella van known to the
ancient Roman*.
Pilot* were anciently called lodtsaea,
from lode-star, the polar alar.
Coral waa anciently deemed an excel'
lent antidote against poison.
Bracelets ware gives as a reward of
bravery to soldiers in the middle ages.
It is aaid that eagles carry living pray
to their yonng and teach them to tear
and kill it.
The spicy breams of Ceylon are per
ceptible to the sense long oaf ore the
island is reached.
Mo spot of the same sise on the sur
face of the earth oontains as many
voloanoes as Java.
The sense of smell may be made for
the time more acute by filling the month
with very oold water.
The ancient Scandinavians celebrated
days of death with rejoicing, and those
of birth with mourning.
In early times cotton vac spun by
hand, but in 1767 Mr. Hargrasvas, of
Lancashire, invented the spinning jenny.
The connection of the amount of rain
fall with the increase or the decrease of
the olinchbug has been rCoorded by
From animal remains it is concluded
that Great Britain waa at one time oon
n acted with the mainland, and the Eng
lish channel waa dry.
The strongest known glue is that
made from the skins and eounds of
fishes, and the strongest of this class is
made in Lapland from the skins of a
The western coast of Afrioa furnishes
our principle supply of palm oil. The
ground beneath the trees becomes
covered with a fstty material formed of
the ripe berries.
The phrase "He's a brick " originated
with King Agesilaus, who, on a certain
occasion, pointing to his army, mid:
' They are the walla of Sparta. Every
man there is a brick."
The number of insane persons in the
United States is put down by experts
at 100,000, and the aame authorities
say that from tan to twenty per oeet
are curable by the present method.
Fifty-two is a remarkable number.
There are fifty-two cards in a pack and
fifty-two weeks in the yaar. The five
books of Moses were written 1,562 years
before the present mode of computing
time. The building of Rome was com
menced 762 yean before the aame
event. Julius Cnsar made the first in
road into Great Britain fifty-two years
B. C., and the king of Oreat Britain
waa carried to Home A. D. 62. Con
stantinople was taken by the Turks A.
D. 1462, and the new style waa intro
duced into England in 1752. The
highest Egyptian pyramid is 452 feet in
A New Trtek.
The New York "oonfldence" opera
tor* who infest the river front in spite
of the steamboet squad officers, hive s
new trick which is * modi host ion of the
old pocketbook dropping device. Brass
rings which cost $1.23 s dosen, but
which hsve the weight end eppesrsnoe
of solid gold rings worth $l2 to $l5
esch, end which sre initialed and
marked 18k on the inside, and a pair of
glares, are their implements. One of
the rings is poshed into a finger of the
I lore and this glove is tamed beck at
the wrist as if it had jnst dropped from
the hand of a careless person. In some
instances this idea is still farther car
ried oat by wrapping thread aronnd the
ring to make it appear too large for the
owner. Provided with this lore the
operator and a confederate in wait
for a "greenhorn." The glove is dropped
before him end one of the operators
stoops and picks it np jnst as the "green
horn " comes to it. The operator makes
a great fans about Um glove, asks the
"greenhorn" if he hae loei one, and at
the suae time oontrivds to exhibit the
form of tho ring in the finger of the
glove. Then Ute confederate cornea op,
the ring is discovered and taken out,
end the " greenhorn," if be is diehoneet,
as is often the ones, is entrapped into
going ahares in the find, pays the opera
tor two or three dollars andteoelves the
glove and the ring. Many persona have
been swindled by UM brink reoeoUy.
Artificial Pearls.
Ia Fiaaoe a pearl costing sixteen
dollars Is now imitated for fifty esnto
or a dollar, and so eutissasfaUy as
to bo sold at too pries of too gen alas
article to aaj one net a veritable ax
pert, sad even toe latter class are often
ponied. The artificial pearl, however,
is simply a glass bead or globe which is
first coated on toe inside with a gloe
made of parchment, then treated with
peculiar so-called " asanas," after
which it is filled with wax. The essence
is the chief pearly ingredient, and isob
obtetoed by robbing together white
fish, so as to remove toe aoelee; toe
whole is then strained through linoo
end left to deposit He sediment, which
is the ssesnai ia question. It requires
about 17,000 fish to prodnoe a pound of
the pearly essence.
wit.iht. ... ..t*- •*s!. i
nutiMli Wmm la it* Serf.
We landed at Champerco. Itn thatched
buta, sheltered by royal r*i m * and sur
rounded by orange groves, presented
tha idaal tropical picture, which waa
wall oonflrmsd by tha fei taut baat of
tha aim. Oar aniloatty btisg aoon grati
fied, we atvollad down to tha baaeh.
Several hundred man, women.
yoatha and ohildrao ware toaaing and
floundering in tha foamy surf.
*• Thaaa'a your bright bronsad maidena
of tha sun," exclaimed onr poet in rap
" How about tha sharks?" inquired a
mora practioal trarelar, whan it waa
propoaed that wa Join the bathers.
"Oh, they won't touch yon in tha
surf," a jolly tar replied. " I're never
heard of anybody being hurt by a shark
in tha surf. They can't aaa in the
Confiding in this pleaaant theory, wa
participated in tha general enjoyment.
The brown eanoritea manifested no sur
prise or disapproval, and aaanmad no
prudish airs. They laughed, shouted
and plunged into the roaring breakers
with as much indifferenoe aa though
they wore the most elegant bathing coa
tumas ever manufactured. The women
of Oentrel America are famous for beauty
of form, which is chiefly due to the fact
that they ignore those appliances of
civilisation that twist their paler sisters
out of shape.— San FramcUoo Ckronicl*.
Tk OM r*lk iMMIakM.
Carrie Bradford ft< a rich St. Louis
belle, and lovsd Thomaa Ryan, a poor
young man. Her parent* objected to
his attentiona to their daughter and
drove him trembling from the door.
Mim Bradford wee aent to Virginia, but
before ahe left abe vent v ith Ryan to a
clergyman and they were aecretly mar
ried. That night Miaa Bradford left
for White Sulphur Springs. She re
mained at the Virginia raeort until a
few days ago, and when ahe got back
Mr. Ryan called at the Bradford man
sion and was refused admission. In a
last desperate effort he demaoded that
he be allowed to see his wife. This
was an astonisher fur the Bradford*.
They consulted together, the doors
were opened and their son-in-law was
reluctantly reoeived. After diacusning
the situation it was agreed to bare a
second ceremony performed, and as a
result on Wednesday evening Mr. Ryan
and Mr*. Ryan were remarried by the
Rev. George A. Lofton of the Second
Baptist church, at the residence of the
bride's parents, in the presence of
friend*. The newspapers had an ac
count of the wedding next day, and
the young eouple immediately made
their home, where it is still, in the
Bradford mansion.
Vasfcls* Pairte*.
P le blondes cannot wear gray.
Linen cuff* are thing* of the past.
Jet bangles remain in high fashion.
Puffs in the arm-hole are ooostionslly
Very long pile plush is much used in
Feather turban* are revived to a
limited extent.
The most f**h ion able trains are long
and sharply pointed.
Red ooetumea, red jackets, end red
hats are worn together.
Red silk pompons on gray and drab
felta are very fashionable.
Wired ©oiler* become none but tall \
women with long necks.
Madras handkerchiefs continue in
vogue as parts of oostumos.
The new pokebonnete have immense
ly protruding brims in front.
Very fawge hats and medium sisedand
small bonnets steal! feshionab *
Diesne are made in as greet a variety
of styles es they were la*t season.
Fur or beaver felt is the leeding
material for winter beta and bonneta.
Darby felta, under new names and
only slightly different forma, are again
Peaked or pointed bodioee with gath
ered scarf penier draperies are much
von. i
It takes very little of striped novelty
gooda or pi nab to renovate a half-worn
Puffs a la epaulette appear in a
fflkwl, shirred puff on many tight
deems. w ... %
Moire is ae fashionable this winter as
surah waa last, bet surah is by no means
Even when sew skirts are round and
clinging in effect, the draperies are
extremely bouffknt.
Floral decorations, either of real or
artificial flowers, are coming in vogue
for wedding oaks*.
Longitudinal-striped plushes in
Roman and Spanish colors are used for
entire skirts of some dressy ooetumea.
Shrimp pink and white make the
most recherche combination for evening
dresses of plush and satin merveWeuae,
Feather* of all kiaddress whole end
half bird*, heads and wings, to ostrich
pluses and tipa are extremely fashion
The flnast and most sf estiva evening
toilets are in one color, though earn
poaed sometimes ef two or more ma
Plush of vary long pile, combined
with moire, makes the most fashionable
of all combinations, whether for bon
nets, draasee or wraps.
A new stuff which is especially
signed for dross goods imitates plaited
pekin on tha right side,.but oa the beck
one sees that it ia woven, end that the,
plaits are held in plaoe by a network.
Divorcee era the jarring sounds of
three little syllables combining all
manner of mischief and evil, mournful
epitaphs heading the graves of wedlock;
horrid bombshells exploding the noble
towers of matrimony; disgraceful
sequels to numerous weddings; mill if
able relics of many marriages; unfortn- *
nate realisations of bright anticipations;
profane desecrations of sacred institu
tions, and wretched inventions to shirk
lawful responsibilities.
Yet, good men, if you but build your
home castles with beams of solid integ
rity and strong rafters of devotion, scat
tering throughout kind words, like ao
many beautiful window* through which
can enter the pure atmosphere of affec
tion, no fear that divorcee—those hur
ricanes and pestilences of life—will
sweep away your mansions of happi
ntua; while you, deer women, who ao
willingly don the holy garbs of mar
riage, remember that what matters it if
cares and disappointments render them
threadbare, so you but retain the pro
tecting mantles of love with which to
conceal their defects and forever pre
serve them against the destructive
thorns and tearing briars of divorces;
for, alee I divorcee—those melancholy
insignia* of broken hearts, wasted sym
pathise, vice and sin—are indeed
lamentable, and we often wonder why
those villainous parasites of society keep
such time with civilization (though it is
whispered that curtain lectures ere very
productive of them!) and we would fain
see them disappear, even at the risk of
appearing no better tbao the poor beasts
of burden patiently carrying our saddle
bags of trouble until the good Master
above suffers us to lay them down and
: repose in death.—Carrie Xamirtt.
Bew to Shake Heads.
There are only two or three people
now living who can so ooresfully shake
hands. There is e good deal of hand
shaking done through the oountry,
especially at this season of the year, bnt
only a very small per cent, of the shak
ers and shakeea know how to do it ao as
to get the entire amount of exhilaration
out of it Borne grab the hand of an
adversary in a quick, nervous
that scares the victim nearly to death,
while others slide the cold and clammy
paw at yon so that yon feel the seme as
when you drop e cold raw oyster with
vinegar on it down your back. If you
are shaking hands with a lady incline
the heed forward with a soft and grace
ful yet half-timid movement like a
boy climbing a barbed-wire fence with
i a fifty-pound watermelon. Look gently
in her eyes with a kind of pleading
smile, beam on her features a bright
mid winsome beam, say something
yon he*e heard some one else say on
similar ocoasious and in the mean time
shake her hand in a subdued yet vigorous
way, not ss though yon were trying to
make e mash by pulverising bar fingers
nor yet in too conservative s manner,
allowing her hand to fell with a sicken
ing thad when you let go. Gsre should
be taken also not to hang on to the
hind more than half an hour in public,
as bystanders might make remarks.
This is now oonsidered quite outre end
mandamus.— Ny't Itonmsmng.
A Pcm Picture sf Jefferson.
The following description of Presi
dent Jsffenqn is given by Mr. Floesr,
no English gentleman, who in 1815
traveled on horseback through Tennes
see, Kentucky and Virginia, and waa
Mr. Jefferson's guest at MoottoeUo:
Mr. Jefferson's figure is rather —Jrntlii
Tall—over six feet—thin, and rather
high-shouldered, manners simple, kind
and courteous. His dram, in form and
color, was quaint and old fashioned,
plain mid neat A dark, pepper-and
salt ooat, out in the old Quaker fashion,
with a tingle row of huge metal but
tons, knee breeches, gray worried stock
ings, shoes feat sued by large metal
booklet—such was the appearance of
Jefferson when I Orel made kis ac
quaintance in 181 ft. His two grand
daughters (the Misses Randolph), well
educated and accomplished young
Indies, were staying with him at thi
time. The chief charm oI the visit was
la the evening conversations with Mr.
Jefferson, who gave me the inside his
tory of events, before only kacwu to ,
me, at to the world In general, hi the
published record or outside history
which is all that the public is generally
allowed to ess.
An exchange sake "Do hetta peyf
Dead bests never pay,