PEARLS OP THOUGHT. Do not ooeupy time or room that be longs to another. The wish of your parents ehonld be lovingly regarded. Loving heart* ere like beggar*; they live on whet is given them. A teste of every sort of knowledge is aeoeasery to form the mind. He who knows only his own side of the ease knows little of that Sloth, if it ha* prevented many crime* has also smothered many virtues. An old home is like an old violin; the mnsie of the peat is wrought into it. As too long retirement weakens the mind, so too much company dissipates it. If yon want enemies, exoel other*; if yon want friends, let others exoel Human foresight often leaves its proudest possessor only a ohoioe of evils. Some people are born to be contrary and they fulfill their mission with re ligion* zeal. The beet way for a man to get out of a lowly position is to be oonspiouously effective in it The grandest of heroic deeds are those which are performed within four walls and in domestic privacy. The resolution of a moment with some men has been the turning-point of in finite issues to the world. Never does a man portray his own character more vividly than in his man ner'of portraying another's. No man can be brave who considers pain to be the greatest evil of life, nor temperate who considers pleasure to be the highest good. Functions or the Hew (paper. The newspaper is, flnt of all, a busi ness enterprise. Publisher* make news papers to sell, just as hatters make hats or shoemakers make shoes. The news, paper is merchandise made to suit the market. Those bnj it who wish it, and Ike buyers take their ohoioe of the wares offered. Without this commer cial values publication oould not be sus tained, and it would be as unwise as unjust not to take this fact into aooount. Newspaper makers, like other manufac turers, must consult popular tastes and market demand. But the newspaper is also a public agent It offers to the public, for pay, certain services, such as the advertise ment of commodities, the announcement of public meetings, courts, elections and sales. On this work, as an advertising medium and public herald, it depends for much of its support These are the private and personal aspects of the newspaper, and so far as these are concerned it is the private property and business affair of its pub lisher. Bnt to count the newspaper as merely a business enterprise, and to reckon with it only as such, would insult the public intelligence as mucL as it would trifle with the public interests and rights. It asanmes public fane tions and responsibilities which none but a public teacher can hold. We cannot absolve men from the duties attached to the positions which they voluntarily oocupy. But the press is the professed, if not paid, advocate of whatever set of opinions if publicly accepts. It offers its columns as sources of public information. It speaks in print, and therefore with a supposed deliberation candor and honesty such as men use under the most solemn cir cumstances. It is in this public char acter that it enters into the ranks of the world's teachers and becomes a public educator.— Printert Circular. LifM by II Earthquake. It was in the city of Mexico. A cheat containing a large ram of money haa bean pat in Lieutenant (Stonewall) Jackaon'a charge, and to be perfectly secure of it be ordered it carried to his headquarters, in an old abbey or convent, and laid down there alone with it to sleep, a sentinel walking the corridor outside. He had been there in bed only a few minntee, and was get ting drowsy, whan be distinctly beard something under his bed, which lifted up as if a man was secreted there. Jack son said he leaped out of bed and drew bio sword, and examined the room in rain. Nobody wee to be found. He threw open the door of the corridor and asked the guard if any one had entered. "No." "Did no one peas, are you sure? "No one." Jackson then sup posed he had been possibly dreaming, and resumed his bed. Just as he was iMnHtig it was a mistake his bed lifted again, plainly and with some force. He started forth a second time, sword in hand, and behold I nothing was there. "This time," said he, "I was soared, indeed, till my attention was called to a shouting outside in the street, and then I found that it was an earthquake passing under the city of Mexico that had lifted my bed up and given me such apprehension." Composing machines are now em ployed in the ofioe of the London daily CkronicU. i PRACTICAL JOUR. Riurm ma* Haartlaaa OinmuM •a* Iks Uw OMwnlH Tkm. Not the least onrioua thing about the attractive subject of practical joking is that whenever, through the stnpidity or brutality of a humorous ruffian, a per son is killed or disfigured for life, the newspapers ohronicle the ooourrenoe under the heading, "A Warning to Practical Jokers." If the wag had been maimed or slain, or if the neigh bors had flogged him or lynched him, then there would have been some ex cuse for the heedline. The practical joker's doings take a wide range, and are performed at the expense of all classes of the oommunity. Thus in January last Mr. W. T. Timmons, of South Carolina, having been rejeeted by his sensible sweetheart, undertook to move her heart by writing a letter to the press in another person's name, an nouncing that his lifeless body had been found in Adams' Run. The only person seriously affected was his brother, who instantly bought a coffin at Charleston and traveled to the spot to disoover the hoax. At Jefferson City, Mo., a stranger put up at the Monroe house, and sold tho landlord a pair of new boots for 93. The landlord's intimate and waggish friend induced a humorous shoemaker Mr. Joseph Flick, to go and claim the boots as having been stolen from him, and the hotel keeper gave them up, and when subsequently he encountered his guest, had him arrested and summoned Mr. Flick as a witness. Then the joke oameont, and it ooetMr. Flick 912 costs, while the guest has an action pending for damages for false imprisonment The late Count Bellavitis, an eminent mathematician of Padua, some time be fore hi* death prepared a letter to a friend at Rome, informing this friend that the writer had just died. Count Bellavitis left a space in strange epistle for the date to be inserted, and had instructions prepared for his execu tors that when he died the day was to be filled in and the letter sent to its destination. The instructions wore faithfully obeyed and the grim joke was completed, and the first intimation the Roman friend had of the death of Count Bellavitis was the reoeipt of a letter from him stating the fact. A facetious young lady of Philadel phia several years ago issued a hundred or more invitations to dinner in the name of one of Mr. Child's near neighbors— skillfully arranging the list of invita tions so as to include fifty assorted pairs of mortal enemies—end then kindly ordered a magnificent dinner from a restaurant for the occasion. A decidedly sensational practical joke was perpetrated in Brazil on the occa sion of the introduction of a new safety brake, Dom Pedro, who was on the train, being an accomplice. At one part of the line where it passes through a catting bounded by rocks, a gigantic construction of lath and canvas, painted to represent a mass of fallen rock, was placed on the rails so that the driver would catch sight of it just as he rounded a curve. He did, and stopped the train in a hurry, so that both the joke and the trial were suoceasfnL But suppose he bad jnttped off? When the steamer Potosi left Ply mouth recently for Australia a practical joker cried out, " Man overboard!" A life-boat was lowered, but the falls became entangled and five men were plunged into the water, two being drowned. At Linthwaite, England, John Diakin, a boy of sixteen, thought it would be great fnn to soar* his mate, a lad of fifteen, by throwing a rope around his neek and putting the end of it round the machine shaft. The object of the joke was dashed to pieces. In Sixty-fourth street, this city, in August last, Pietro Franchi's mates undertook to wake him from his nap by wheeling a truck with a man on it against him. It struck him on the head and killed him. At Chicago Mr. M. B. Gould, a prom inent business man, resolved to scare the janitor by overturning things in his room and biding in the closet. While he was chuckling with a companion over the success of their stratagem, the janitor, having vainly summoned the alleged burglar to surrender, fired through the door and killed him. There died at the Indian town (N. B.) asylum last winter Miss (Sua Bagnail, a young lady upon whom a waggish caller pounced one evening arrayed en disk le. She fell in a fit and became a raving maniac. In Robeson county, N. O, recently, little James Phillips' young friends undertook to cure him of being " eeary " by visiting the house daring his parents' absence, trying the doors, -to. The fright killed him. At Denniaon, 0., an American humor ist gave a little girl two railroad torpe does, telling her they were oandy peek ages, to be opened with a hammer. She lost both eyes in opening them. At Bombay, in October, a schoolboy came behind a young companion, put his hands over his friend's eyas and bade him "guess who it was." The boy struggled to escape, the joker tightened hie grasp and the victim was fairly "gouged," the chrystelline leas being dislocated. Over in Brooklyn, E. D., the favorite Joke is stretching a line across the street to catch passers in the evening under the ohin. After a girl had been thrown down ud had suffered a fracture of the skull the authorities took action ud the next offender was fined 95. James Stewart, saloon keeper in this city, kept a galvanic battery which the unwary were encouraged to believe was a lifting machine. It proved a great attraction until one cf the sub jects sued for damages ud got 1200, with $l5O oosts. " I will shoot you, I believe, Ham," said a playful young lady of Matagorda oonnty, Texas, to Mr. Hamilton Rug ley, pointing a pistol at him. The ball < struck him in tbs throat ud killed him. (P. B.—She did not know it was loaded). At Peru, N. J., Mr. John H. Wolfe called on Miss Mel in da T. Jacobus, in tending to take her out for a walk. Whila she was preparing he playfully pointed a gun at her ud threatened to shoot her. It went off ud inflicted a fatal wound. In New Jersey the care less handling of firearms, where it re sults in death, is u offense subjecting the offender to trial for manslaughter. In Virginia (Daingerfield against Thompson), where some some sportive youths pounded at a saloon door ud " gave salute" with a pistol when the proprietor opened it, shooting him in the foot, the court gave 98,000 damages, willful firing of a pistol in a city street, even without malice, being unlawful. The mulcted defendut was the person who had urged the pistol-bearer to "salute." In the case of Bwington certain mad wags banked a drunken man np with straw ud threw hot coals on it, burning him to death. The ver dict was manslaughter, the court charging that if they really intended uy serious injury, though not to kill the deceased, it was murder, but if the intention was only to frighten him in sport, it was manslaughter. At Aosta a conscript who was going on guard was entertained by a predecessor with a story of the wehr-wolf beast that bad appeared to himself. Then the jester put on a blanket and crept up to the post, growling in ominous fashion. The unfortunate conscript was so terri fied that he presented his rifle ud blew off the humorist's head.— York World. ilcsirr Inland. Bcaver Inland in located in the north ern part of Lake Michigan. It ia abont thirty miles long by twenty in breadth, and oontaina twelve hundred inhabit ant#. It ia the county neat of all the land* in Lake Michigan and the Straits of Mackinaw, which oomprince one oounty. Many year* ago quite a large number of Mormons came and took poeaeaaion of Beaver Inland, but they made themselves, aa well aa their law*, ao obnoxioua to the reat of the people, that they were unendurable, ao one day an altercation took plaoe between their leader, "King Strang" and one of the Gentiles, who drew hia revolver and ahot Strang dead. The man bad ao much sympathy from hia neighbor# that he waa not arrested, ao the Mor mona remained quiet for some time, but finally a veaael came to an anobor in the harbor, which the Mormona boarded and seized, outnum bering and overpowering the crew, whom they bound hand and foot, and chained up in the foreoaatle; finding out, however, there waa liquor con oealed in the achooner, they liberated one of theaailora, whom they compelled to produce a caek of the rum. after which they drank ao much they became atupefled, when the "tar" "tied his shipmates loose," which soon plaoed the Mormons in the aame ohaiua that they bad ao lately worn. Lowering a small boat, the now triumphant seamen pulled to the shore, and soon returned to the ahip with a reinforcement sufficient to drive the Mormona from the island in rather a hasty manner. Beaver harbor ia a pretty bay, circular in form, with an entranoe juat wide eneugb for ves sel* to paaa through in all kinds of weather. The bay is about one mile in diameter. The people of the island oooupy themselves farming and fishing. Don't be la a Harry* It's no aort of m We never knew men who vu always in a harry who wasn't always behind Ume. They are proverbial all over the world for bring ing nothing at all to paw. Harry eknrry, blaster—what does it all amount tof Not a straw. If yon want to ac complish anything as it shoald be done, yon mart go eboat it ooolly, moderately, faithfully, heartily. Harrying, fretting and faming and splattering, will do no good—not in the least. Are great works of men done in a harry f Not at all They are the prodaot of time and pa tienoe —thr result of slow, solid develop ment Nothing ought to be done in a harry. It is contrary to nature, right justice and common sense. Tour man of harry is no sort of character at ail- Always in confusion, loose at every point, unhinged and an jointed, blowing and pairing here and there, but all end ing in •moke. HCIENTHTC MCBIPS. At the top of Mount Blue the boiling point of water is 185 degree*. Jnpiter oompletes the entire circuit of the ater mult in about eleven years ud 315 days. When the body of a starring man or animal loses two-fifths of its subsUnoe it loses life. Water is 771 times heavier than air at the ordinary pressure of thirty inehes, while the temperature of both is thirty two degrees. Alpha Oentauri is the nearest of the fixed stars, ud ita distance exceeds the tun's 230,000 times. Experiments bar* been mad* in Paris with a kind of military telegraphy, which oonaists simply in reading large letters by a telescope. It is hoped to suooeed at sixty miles' distuoe. A Neapolitan gardener, after years of experiment, has produced a camellia with a delicate perfume, ud thinks it probable that these flowers may in tha near future be so cultivated as to rival the rose in fragrance. Goal consists of from eighty to ninety five per oent. of carbon mixed with a small proportion of mineral substances, which, after it is burned, remain as ashes, ud of u inflammable gas con tained in its interstices. Acoording to M. Treve, the flame of a lamp appears brighter, and a vertical shaft, a post or mast is seen m->re dis tinctly through a vertical than through a horizontal slit, while a house,' a land scape, or the disk of the sun or moon is peroeived more clearly through a hori zontal slit. He finds similar differences in photographs, aocording as the light psasses from tho object to the plate through a vertical or a horizontal slit, ud ascribes the results to the action of diffused light The Editor. The editor, children, is a member of that race of animals called mankind. He is invariably a kind man. He ia perfectly harmless. You may go into his den without fear. But be has his peculiarities. The sight of a poet makes him wild. He ia then very dangerous, and is apt to do bodily harm to all within reach. He is also much wrought up when a man cornea in with a little trifle be has juat dashed off. There is one thing that must be said in the editor's dispraise. His mind it so biased by long thinking in a certain direction, that he dislikes very much to look upon both sides of a question. Therefore, if you value your safety, never approach him with manuscript written on both sides of your paper. The editor usually writes with a pen, but his most cutting articles product of his shears And let me say right here, children, that a good deal of 'sheer nooeense has l>een printed about' the editor. He usee his shear* only when composing an entirely original article.' - The editor would make a good public speaker but for his propensity for clipping words. . The editor's hardest task is to dispose of his time. His would be a monoto nous life indeed, were it not for the kindness of the few hundred people who call upon him everyday, to enliven bis dull life with stones of their grievances, of their brand-new enter prises and with antediluvian aneodotea. When you grow up to be men and women, children, remember this, and spend all the time you can In the sanctum of the editor. He loves com pany so muob, you know, and some times he has to sit silent and alone for a whole half-minute. Is it not too bad 7 The business of the editor is to enter tain itinerant lecturers, book canvassers, exchange-fiends and other philanthro pists. He gives his whole day to these. He writes his editorials at night after he has gone to bed. The editor is never so happy as when he is is writing complimentary notices. For ten oents' worth of present he will gladly give ten dollars' worth of adver tising—all on aooount of the pleasure it gives him to write, you know, chil dren. He loves also to write neat little speechss and bright witty poems for people without brains who wish to speak In public. It is so easy for him to do this, that he is sometimes quite miserable whan an hour or two peases without an opportunity to do some thing of the kind. The editor dines at all the hotels free, he travels free, theaters open wide their doom to him, his tailor clothes him gratis, his butoher and grooer furnish him with food, without money and without price. In short, his every want is provided for. He spends hia prinoely salary ia building ehurohea sad school-bouses ia foreign lands. By all means, ohUdrea, be editors. Of oourae it woukl be better if you oould be hod-carriers or .dray-horses. But as that is impossible, by all maans be editors.— Bottom Tnnteript. The oldest journal in New Turk city is the daily (\mmrtM which uw established ia 1767. TOPICS or THE DAT. It ia eetimated that the world has produced •4,750,000,000 in the precious metaia ainoe gold waa discovered in California in 1848; of thia amount Ana trail* haa prodnoed $1,360,000,000. A Pittabnrg glaaa mannfaotnrer pro poaea to erect bnildinga of glaaa, manu faotnring the material the aise of a oommon brick. Be aaya that the ooet will not exoeed that of a cat granite building, and with the material colored, line effect* can be gotten. The Great Eastern ia 679 feet long, and when it was built 300 feet was thought a great length for a ship. Mow vessels measuring over 500 feet are not uncommon, and three, new steamships soon to arrive iu America are respect ively 520, 580 and 546 fast in length. The Vienna (Austria) dub of phila telists haa given an exhibition of postal marks and postage stamps of all nations, which embodied e history of the devel - ment of the forms and kinds of stamps from the first used to the present time. It was probably the only complete ex hibition of this character ever made in the world. Taking a photograph in a moment haa been thought e great achievement, bat it is nothing to what Monsionr Mnybridge ia reported to be doing in Paris. He takes a photograph in the hundredth part of a second, and ia show ing a aeries of six obtained daring the leep of s clown. The figures are pro jected on a screen, and the clown ia ex hibited as in motion, with all his changes of position. A town to cover 600 sores has been crested as at one wave of the magician's wand at Wayne, thirteen miles from Philadelphia. The town site, water sap ply, drainage and landscape gardening have cost $500,000, and the purchasers of lota, each of which is one acre in ex tent, must build houses aooording to e design to be selected out of twenty pre pared for them, each costing from $2,000 to $B,OOO. The same idea waa attempted at Riverside, near Chicago, and the •peculation was an enormous failure. It will be interesting to those who ere afflicted with Bright'! disease of the kidneys to know that General Bchenck, el-minister to England, has.been cared of this generally fatal disease. For four ▼ears he has been suffering, and much of that time has been confined to his bed, having given np all hope of recov ery. Dr. W. W. Johnston, of Washing ton, commenced treating him six months ago, and has been giving him nothing but milk. The general, al though seventy years of age, has recov ered most of his strength, and is now able to be about as usual. A home for intemperate vomer was established in Boston three years ago by a good woman that was deeply moved by the unfortunate oondition of some of her sisters, and ahe has carried it on sncceaafnlly and to a point where it needs to be enlarged. In the three years 374 intemperate women have been under her are, but the greater portion of them are now leading sober, indus - trions and respectable lives. Most of her patients are poor, others are able to pay for their board. The inmates labor constantly for thair own support. A laundry and a sewing-room are estab lished in the home, where the work ia done. As a possible way of making money everybody ia advised to eschew a jour ney to South Africa in search of dia monds. In this country this is aa old story, but in England many people seem even now to be misled by dreams of possible wealth to be there realised. Yet the great majority of the people who have gone thither in search of a Goleonda have been deluded, and are now tramping around the country seeking for the bare necessities of life. Money is scaroe, and oan ha had aa a loan only at snob usury aa would astonish tha moat sanguine of New York pawnbrokers. Cabbages sell at t8 a piece, aad are even at that rata more plentiful than garnets. The editor of the /Wc4 ZMtnng re cently bed a strange oeller in the per eon of Mr. Henry HM|, e native of Erlheeh, in Bavaria. Mr. Hug boaeta of, or. perhaps aome penone might prefer to MJ it afflicted with, a some what remarkable physical peculiarity, which enabled him, in the preeeaoe of the astonished editor, to grasp the akin of hia neck with both '"lit and atretoh it ont laterally " until it resembled a bnge raff." Then he M completely hid hia face in It." Other ezperimenU which he performed with the akin on hia anna aad hands were of a startling character that, to quote the editor's words, "Be beeonght Mr. Haag to forego further demonstrations, aa what he had already shown as had oanaed our own akin to reaemble that if a plucked goose." It will doubtless be a great disappointment to maay enter prising managers of museums in thie coon try to lam that this loo— oontinent, and that ho any not be eipeoUd to over run the United State* for aome tin* to oom*. Lettertea in Italy. Italy, write* a oorreepondent from Borne, ia afflicted with another plague, even more destructive than that of counterfeiting, more tremondon* in ita evil results, and which inradea erery department and every clam. The gov. ernment iteelf regulate* the lotteries, with the idea, probably, of limiting what could not be avoided, and profit ing by it. It ia aaid that the annual net profit which it derive* from tf< tutelage ia •15,000,000. Bat it ia eon aidered only a temporary measure, the final aim of Italy** eta team en being to aboliah a vice which deatroya habit* of induatry and enoonragea crime. It may be oonaidered doubtful whether thia ia the beat way to do it, but the habit waa already deeply rooted in the character of the Italian*. It fc now at leaat conducted with perfeet honeety, the highest foctionariea of the city taking part in the extraction of the number*. Thia ceremony takes place in Rome every Saturday afternoon in a eerni-circular building on the Via Bi petta, and ia one of the relic* of old times which is destined to paaa away. In a high baloony in the oenter of this convex semi-circle arc seated a delegate of the prefect and several other gentle men, who pass the fortunate number from one to the other until it is held np to the people and called ont by a city guard. The people stand on the street with their heads raised and their eye* fixed on the baloony until hope ia quenched in oertainty or satisfied with success. The part of Italy most infected with thia vice ia Campania, where the annual avenge for each inhabitant is about 11.50. Borne ia eeoond; then fol lows Tuscany, while Liguria is sixth upon the list Another elaaa of cftiaens in Rome redeem it from this stein by industrVsnd saving, the annual medium for every person being thirty-one f ran as. The system of savings banks ia wisely encouraged by a few able social econo mists, among whom ia Luxzatti, a Jew and a member of parliament. Thia gs the true weapon with which to combat the vioea of idleness, long encouraged by the government. The people have responded to the invitation with far greater promptitude than could have been expected. A Clown'* Rite, Anriol, the celebrated French clown, whose death vu recorded a short time ago in the columns of the Parisian press, was a man of remarkable cour age, coolness and ready wit Daring one of his professional toon in Rnssia he got into a scrape, from which, how ever, his presence of mind enabled him to ex tries te himself triumphantly. He had been engaged, while at St Peters burg, to perform at a private entertain ment given by a wealthy nobleman res ident in the Basil Island. It wss in the depth of winter, and the Neva was frosen hard. Aariol dressed himself in his clown's costams at his lodgings, wrapped himself up in fan, hired s ■ledge, and started for his destination, instrnctin < his driver to take the short cat across the river. Probably tempted by Anriol's costly pelisse,the istvostehik, a tall, powerful fallow, polled np sudden ly when about half-way across, jumped down from his perch, and letting tall the reins, turned toward his fare with meanaoing gestures. A moment's hesi tation would in all likelihood have cost Aariol his life; bat he proved equal to the emergency. Throwing ofl his fen and revealing himself to his would-be assailant in the motley garb of his pro fession, he sprang oat of the sledge and proceeded to execute some of his moot amssing gambols on tha ice. Paralysed with terror by ao terifflc an apparition,the istvostehik made one ineffectual attempt to oroas himself, staggered forward, and with an agonised cry of "Tha fiend himself!" fell flat and motionless on bis feos. Without farther lorn of time Aariol slipped on his furs, picked up tha reins, jumped into UM sledge and drove off, safe and sonad, to fniflll his engagement. Next morning tha iatvost ohlck's corpse was found stiff and stark, lying fees downward on the fraaan breast of the Neva. A Tens woman is gradaally beoom* ing petrified. Her feet aad hands are already aa hard aa atone, and when her cheeks undergo the man inetamorpho da ahe will be fully competent to enter a newspaper office, drew a chair up alongside the editor and reel off the fol lowing legend: " I have here an illus trated history of the Patagoulana four full-page engravings in eeoh number to - be completed in seventy-nine parts at' fifty cents a part making three superb volumes worth their weight in gold i which no library should be without and! if you will pet your sam here at the head of my list HI furnish you the first three numbers gratis and you give me a i little aotiee is your paper and willyoa putdownyouraame." Aorrfcccwn