Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 24, 1881, Image 8

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    She Centre sem'ocrat.
Thursday Morning, November 24, 1881.
OuaassroNssaos, containing Important owt, a in II
•d from snjr part of tbo louaty. Ho cmmunlc -iW n
lasortod unless accompanied by lb* real name of tbe
Local Department.
—Buy your blankets at Loebs.
—November term of court commence*
next Monday.
—Strictly one price, honest dealing, no
overcharging, at Lyon A Co.'*.
—An elegant thanksgiving dinner at
the Brockerboflf House to-day.
—lmmense bargains in gent's under
wear, gloves, hat*, Ac., at tbe Bee Hive.
—All goods marked in plain figure* and
strictly one price for all at Lyon A Co. 's.
—Never go from home or on a journey
without a bottle of PBRVHA in your
—Loeb's I* the place to buy dry goods.
Large assortment, low prices and good
goods at all times.
—Dress goods, silks, velvets, plushes and
tinsel plaids and stripes in all shade* and
effects at the Bee Hive.
—We don't ask you $lO for an article
when it i* worth only $-5, but we give you
our lowest price at once. Lyon A Co.
—Lace*, fringe*, gimps, buttons, Ac., in
all the latest deeigns and at unrivaled
price*, at the Bee Hive.
- Lewin, at the Philadelphia Branch,
has received a full stock of winter cloth
ing which he is selling off at remarkably
low price*.
—Ladies coats, jackets, dolmans, circu
lars and ulsterettes, in endless variety,
style* and color*, and price* lower than
elsewhere at 8. A A. Loeb's.
—Boots, shoes, tbe heaviest driving
boots, the finest boot* ; the cheapest shoes,
from $1 a pair ; the finest warranted shoes,
from $3 to $5 a pair, at Lyon A C'o.'s.
—The largest stock of dress goods, cash
meres, flannels and dress flannels in all the
latest style* and shade*, and marked down
to the very lowest price, at Lyon A Co. 's.
—We have been informed that Rev
Father Mcllbenny, late pastor of tbe
Catholic congregation at Milton, ha* been
transferred to Snow Shoe and will take
charge of the Catholic church at that
—The largest stores, that do the largest
business in the city, and that have the
confidence of everybody ; mark their good*
in plain figure* and ask only tbe lowest
price from the start, and that is just the
way we do. Lyon A Co.
—'Squire Daniel Grove, of Spring town
•bip, has lately passed through a very se
rious and protracted spell of sickness of an
inflamalorv character and we are glad to
•ay it now in a fair way to recovery. One
day this week he made hU first appearance
in town since his illness.
—The room into which every day fresh
air and sunshine find their way, from all
its noxious vapor* freed, seldom contains
an invalid. Now this advice we know is
good : Use air and sunshine and pure food,
and if you would be free from ills, be sure
to use Green's Liver Pills.
—Read tbe advertisement of Valentines
A Co.'* store in another part of this issue
of tbe DEMOCRAT. Tbey have anything
in the way of dry goods, bats, caps, boots
and shoes, mens' and boys clothing, gro
ceries, Ac., to be found in a general store.
After reading visit tbe establishment and
see bow well you can be accomodated.
—An exchange says that "considerable
of the old coin which is now in circulation
is not what it appears to be. Sharpers
are buying up silver dollars, halve* and
quarters that have boles in them, procur- ,
ing tbe dollar for seventy cents, and the
others at about half their original value. :
They fill up the holes so ingeniously with j
prepared wire that no one but an expert ,
can discover it, and then pes* them off at j
full value."
—Mr. George L. Smith, an >nploye of
Mr. Ardells Pbrrnix Planing Mill of this
place met with a severe eccident by which
be lost belf of bis left band. He was at
tending a circular saw and extending bis
hand to adjust the piece of timber he we*
operating on, when it came In contact
with the eaw; end in an instant was served
across the palm just above tbe koucklee.
Dr. George Herri* wes called in and ren
dered such relief as the circumstance*
would admit.
—Hecbler A Co., etill lead in the grocery
trade. Tbey have the finest goods to be
found In the market, and with their well
catablisbed reputation as careful and hon
orable dealers trade always flourishes at
their establishment. Their store is fully
stocked with fresh end seasonable good*
and persons who desire to ley in holiday
supplies in time ebould not fail to cell
upon them. There i* nothing in the gro
cery line that tbey cannot furnish at fair
prices with a guarantee as to quality.
—A surprise party made a successful
raid upon tbe residence of Postmaster
Johnson, on Linn street, on Tuesday even
ing. end the occasion was one of pleasant
interest. The friends of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Johnson were out in fall numbers and the
social pleasures afforded to the participants
were of a character to pleasing and kttjoy
able that tbey will remain a bright recol
lection in the memory of all who were
present, Between music, dancing, elegant
refreshments, and kindly Interchanges of
thought a most delightful evening wet
spent. About midnight the party dis
persed to their homes, happy and joyous
over the pleasure* that an bad enjoyed.
COURT.— A case in equity wbluh Involve*
i number of important and interesting
question* of law and fact will bo arguod
before the Court of Gammon Please on
next Monday. The controversy ariwa
from the supply of wter through whet is
known In Herri* township es "Koerlng
Branch" or "Shingletown Kun" which
flows through Hassan's gep in Tussey
mountain a short dtsUnce south of Shin
gletown. Samuel 11. Stover and William
H. Stover, the plaintiffs in the case, are
owners of a farm adjoining tbo town of
Boaltburg on which there is a valuable
spring of fresh water commonly known
in the locality as "UHie Spring," which
was used fdr household purposes and for
watering stock, etc. It is claimed by the
plaintiff's that the fountain head of Ibis
spring is "Roaring Branch," tho water* of
which they allege sinks about a mile and
a half south west of the Spring and by
subterranean passages flow into it, and
they complain that tho defendants, Michael
Hess, Newton Iless, Samuel Reel and
Abraham WirU havo so diverted the wa
ters of tho run from their natural course
that tho Blue Spring has lost it* supply of
water to their serious damage. Tbey' say
in their paper book that tho defendants
have at sundry times "within the past six
veari, obstructed and filled up the passages
by which the said waters of said stream
have been accustomed to sink, and of right
should sink, Into tbo earth as aforesaid,
and havo diverted tho said water* from
their natural subterranean passage* and
have conducted or attempted to conduct
the same through artificial channel* out of
their natural course." The court i* asked
to restrain by injunction the defendant*
from thus diverting the waters of Roaring
Branch from their natural course and also
that an account be directed to be takon to
ascertain the damages which the plaintiffs
haTo sustained.
On the part of tho defendant* it it •on
tended that Roaring Branch ii not the
source of Blue Spring and is not supplied
directly or indirectly by the said stream.
They assert that they have not in any way
interfered with the natural channel in
which the waters of the run have been ac
customed to flow from time immemorial
and say that the only persons who have
done so are the plaintiff# themselves.
They claim that the natural flow of tho run
from the mountain is in a northerly direc
tion across the valley to Slab Cabin branch.
They also deny that the sink into which
the waters of the run has been turned has
existed for any length of time.
There are direct and positive issues of
fact between the parties and a number of
witnesses will probably be called by both
sides. Both plaintiffs and defendants are
represented by able and experienced coun
sel and the argument in the case will no
doubt attract considerable attention. A.
O. Furst, D. 8. Keller and I). H. Hastings,
appear for the plaintiff# and I). P. Fortney
and J. L. Spangler for the defendants
We understand that in the neighborhood
of Boalsburg and Shinglelown great inter
est is felt in the result of the controversy.
Tux Kr-rsa or I'oaTAUB —The
Postoffice Department at Washington has
for many years been endeavoring to find
out some means of preventing lh re-use of
postago stamps that have one# passed
through the mails and served the purpose
for which they were invented and for
I which they are furnished by the govern
ment. This desirable end is likely to be
found in an invention lately made by a
resident of this county. The Pbilipeburg
Journal says that Mr. Thomas A. Mays, a
resident of that place ha* lately filed a
eareal at Washington for an improvement
in postage stamps which will effectually
prevent persons from uing old stamps to
pay postage on their mail matter. It Is
said to be a common practice to take old
stamps that have not been much injured
by cancellation and, after cleaning them,
to use tbem a second time, and it is esti
mated that the annual loss to the govern
ment by this practice is not less than two
millions of dollars. The Journal says
that "Mr. Mays' improvement guards
against this practice of using a stamp more
tban once. The improvement is the sim
ple addition of a coupon. The stamp re
mains unchanged, but Mr. Mays' idea is to
have the coupon attached and when the
sump is to be placed on the envelope, the
postmaster detaches tha coupon. There
fore, when a man buys a stamp the coupon
is attached and if presented at the post
oflk-e without the coupon it is of no ac
count. The invention of Mr. Mays is said
by prominent offlcials to be a good thing
and there is a possibility of his improve
ment being adopted."
Tax Laar or THB K A MIL V.—' The Lock
Haven Demnerot seye: "The lest member
of the old family of Flemings, of which
tbe late Judge Fleming, of this county,
wee tbe eldest, end Geo. Robert Fleming,
late of Williamtport, and ex-Shariff A. 8.
Fleming, late of this county, were mem
here, died at Rumsey, Kentucky, on the
Bib last. Us wet born on tbe Slit of Jan
uary, 1799, and removed from this locality
to Kentucky In IBM, and ha* resided there
ever tinea. He leaves a wtfa end two
children. He retained his mind to the
last, and waa healthy until within the pa*t
two years."
—The new advertisement of the Bee
Hive oae-prior storee in this week's paper
will repay a careful perusal.
—Go to 8. A A. Loeb for bargains ia
Was it Muni>Eß7—At Lock Haven,
on Saturday afternoon last, the dead body
of a woman named Mri. Maggie Sullivan
was found at the foot of the stairs of the
house in which she resided. At first it
was supposed she had fallen down the stairs
and received injuries which causod her
death. Subsequent developments, however,
gave rise to suspicion that she had been
murdered by her husband—the poet mor
tem examination showing that she had
died from a fracture of the skull and that
the wound appeared to have been inflicted
by a blunt instrument of some kind. The
Republican, of that city, says in relation
to the matter that "her husband, Eugene
Sullivan, who had been working in the
woods, at Dougherty's camp, reached borne
on Friday night, and on Saturday morn
ing went down town to gel some money
on an order be had ; called at a number of
places bvforo returning, and about noon
was seen by parlies in the vicinity of bis
bouse. Both Sullivan and bis wife bad
been drinking. Dr. J. F. Larimer, Kobt.
Feck, J. N. Sloan, C. F. Mann, A. F.
Kyon and John Candor were empaneled as
a jury, and testimony heard from a num
ber of witnesses on Saturday afternoon,
Sunday and Monday night. The inquest
rendered a verdict of guilty, and Eugene
Sullivan is now in our county jail. A
post morjem examination was held by
Drs. Larimer and Hayes. There is a long
fracture of the skull on the left side of the
head. A hammer was found with hair on
the side of it. Sullivan was a quiet,
peaceable man except when in liquor."
M areiaoe BEI.UI.— The marriigo of
Mr. William (irauer Rnd Miss Ida New
mm, took place on Wcdncaday Bflernoon,
and made lli residence of the bride s
mother, on Bishop street, tho scene of R
delightful gathering of relatives to witness
tbe happy event. Mr. Grnuer is a member
of the well known mercantile firm of 8 A
A. Loeb.of Bcllefonte, and of Wm. Grtuer
<lc Co., of Snow Sboti, and is an aflable and
popular young gentleman. The bride he
has been fortunate enough to win is an
accomplished and beautiful young lady,
who has many admirers, and they start
together in the bonds of matrimony with
everything propitious for a happy future.
Tbe marriage ceremony was performed at
five o'clock in the afVernoon by Dr. Wurt
zel, tbe lUbbi of tbe Hebrew congrega
tion of Williamsport, after which the newly
married couple took the evening train to
make a somewhat extended wedding tour.
The wedding was a very quiet affair, no
one being present except the immediate
relations of the bride and groom. Their
many friends will sincerely wish that they
may ever live under bright skies, and that
tbey will go down tbe journey of life to
gether in the full enjoyment of happiness
and prosperity.
I —Two men, named Joseph Anderson
i >illit Alon/.a Van Ujk*, and John Cain,
i wore brought Irom Phihpsburg on Tun-
I day and placed in Jail. Anderaon, alia*
Van Dyke, U charged with flourishing a
' revolver and threatening to kill a number
! of person* on the streets of Philipsburg on
iast Monday. He was promptly arrested
, and confined to the borough lock up.
I During the night Cain was found making
i an effort to release Anderson by breaking
the lock off the door. He was also arrest
ed. Information was entered agaiost both
before a justice of the peace and in default
of bail they were sent to the county prison.
| —Mr. Harry Devtne, who learned tbe
| trade of a printer in tbe office of the old
j Orntr* D*mr*rat, under 8. T. Shugart, one
| of tbe proprietors of the present Dcmnermt,
died recently in Cambria county. He
came from to Bellefonle when
a boy to enter tbe employ of Mr. Nbugrrt,
and went to Cambria county many year*
ago, where be continued to reside until bis
death. While living in Bellefonte be was
a very steady and industrious young man.
—Mr. and Mr* Charles Ileisler of High
street, have been called upon to mourn the
death of their youngest son, George W ,
who died an Wednesday afternoon from
scarlet fever. Hi* age was two years and
eleven months. The funeral will take
place to-morrow afternoon. Mr. and Mrs.
Ueisler will have the sympathy of many
friends in this sorrowful affliction.
—lt la said that tbe Mill Hall furnace,
under the skilful) management of Captain
Austin Curtin, Is turning out a very su
perior quality of coke iron for which there
is a ready market. We are glad to notice
tbe success of this enterprise, and hope
that it will always be remunerative to tbe
partiea interested In it.
—The Penn's Valley hunters, who re
cently visited the Black Moshannon region
for a ten days' hunt, returned bom# on
last Saturday. We eew 'Squire Kmsrick,
of Penn towrubip, who was one of the
party, and was informed that they were
not very euoceaeful in killing deer. They
succeeded la getting two.
—When you boy anything of us you
naad not be afraid tfaat you are peylng
more than your neighbor. Wo treat all
alike. Lowest price for all. Lyen & Co.
—Lad<s', misses' end children's dot*
mens and coats In stidlsss variety and very
cheap at the Bee Hive.
—The largest stock of dress goods ever
brought to Centre county Is now opened st
—Never confound the bed with the good
remedies, the very best wt know of Is
Arr Ban a NuisahcsT—An unusual
case Is being tried in the Cumberland
county court, that of testing by a jury
whether the keeping of a large number of
bees in a town or borough is a public nui
sance or not. The case is from West
Fairview, a small town on the opp-wiie
side of the river from Harrisburg. Tao
citizens had about one hundred and thirty
skeps of bees, arid as the summer was
scarce of material such as the bees feed
u|>on, tbey came in large numbers Into the
houses, stores, grape arbors, and wherever
there was anything for them to feed upon.
In one instance they swarmed into a neigh
bor's kitchen and were there for days, nut
being able to hive tbem, the queen being
killed. Tbey were es|iecially bad about
canning and preserving time, compelling
the housewife to do her preserving in the
evening, and in one instance the wife bad
to climb in and out of the window lor
days, not daring to open Ibe doors, for the
bees would go in by hundreds ; persons
were stung pasting along the streets and
highways; entire houses became Infested
with bees, so much so that the inmates
could not retire to rest at night without
being slung by the bees; trays of fruii
put out for drying were entirely consumed
lnded a reign of terror was experienced
for several months, until a committee of
citizens agreed to abate the nuisance, arid
after several efforts appealed to the court.
The defense claimed that the raising and
keeping of bees was an industry and a*
such could not come under the bead of a
public nuisance, and that suit could not b<
brought nor damsges recovered by the
keeping of honey bees.
Tho attorneys on both sides presented
the opinions of several judges and the law
points in the case, after which the conn
Jecided the rase should be tried and the
testimony was received
But one case seems to be on record in the
Slate, and that was tried before Judge
Pearson in Dauphin county some years
ago, in which the defendant was adjudg>u
guilty, had to pay a fine and abate the
nuisance.— Hamtburtj Telegraph.
report of J. A. IJecber, Esq., Receiver oi
the Lycoming Fire Insurance Company of
Muncy, was filed in the Court of Common
l'leas of Lycoming county the other week.
It showed the gross liabilities of the com
pany to be $362,042.8t ; the assets $186,-
660.76. The premium notes amount to
$876,010.78; cash in hands of Treasurer
at lime of ap|)inlment of Receiver, $12,-
882.OH; cash since received by Receiver,
$1,641.22. The deficit is $176,472 06-
making an assessment of from 21 to 22
per cent, necessary. The court direc-ed
the Receiver to file a bond of $60,000 to
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania ; also
to report to court as soon as suffii lent
should be realized to jay 10 per centum
of the liabilities, and to print bis re|H>rl
as Receiver, already filed, together with
the order of the court and the fart of the
filing and approval of the bond, fur the
, information of all concerned.
I —A detalchment of Company B, of the
Fifth Regiment National Guards of I'enn
sylva nia, went to Johnstown this morning
to participate in a shooting contest with
; members of Compsny II , of tbe same Re
giment. Tbe Bellefonle party con.isted
of Capt. Amos Mullen, Lieut Harry lisle,
Sergeant Geissinger, and Corporals Van
I'elt and Gross. We hope tbe boys will
bring home a good report of their skill as
marksmen. Tney have already won lau
rel. a* expert "sbooli.t." and they should
endeavor to keep them green ujon their
nobie bosoms
—The Suprem- Court of Pennsylvania,
in the case of Dean A Sons, appeal, ttoi yet
published, has decided that when an li> r
;-orated fire insursuc company is dissolv
ed by a decree of a Court having jarisdio
tion, the polkim outstanding, whether
perpetual or limited policies, ere eancellod,
and any loss occurring after tbe date of
dissolution is not protected by tbe policy.
Parties insured in tbe Lycoming Are in
surance company will do well to take no
tice of the law as decided in the above
—We are deeply pained to announce that
tlie dark shadow of dMlh bas again enter
ed the house of our friend 11. A. McPike,
of the Cambria Freeman. Two weeks ago
we announced the death of the eldest
daughter of hi* family from that dreadful
scourge, diptberia; and now n young son,
Willia, has passed to the unknown world
from tba sxme disease. We extend to our
friend and his family our heartfelt sympe
tby and condolence in these grevious af
—From tbe Mifllinburg TbUgraph we
learn that "a jolly delegation of studenta
from tba Agricultural Collega of Centre
county played the University students n
game of foot bail on Saturday last, in
which tbe Utter were beaten. They were
highly pleesed with their kind treetment
received and departed tbe town in the
afternoon with pleasant memoriae of their
Lawisburg friends."
—The place to buy flne cigars Is at
Green'* drug store, Bush House block.
Tbe finest five cent cigar to be found in
Bcllefonte, and don't you forget ft.
—For a fine overcoat call upon Lswin
at tba Philadelphia Branch. You will
find tba moat eitensive and the cheapest
assortment In Bellafonta.
—lt U no wondar that Lewin la doing u
rushing business in the line of clothing
His prices are reasonable and his goods
id ways give satisfaction.
-It is not necpMiry to dicker And bur- I
gain two hours when you wish to buy any
ifling of us. We ask just what the goods
are worth and no more. Lyon A Co.
—1 be very bust production that can be
had from first class stock and excellent
workmanship in boots and shoes, at prices
no higher than common eastern trash, are
now o|iti and for sale by 8. be A. Lueb.
—Tbe largest stock of dolmans from
$6.60 up to $26 ; the largest s'ock of la
dies' costs from $2.26 to sl6; tbe largest
stock of children's coals, light and dark,
nnd all marked in plain figures at only the
lowest price we can afford to Uke, at Lyon
A Co.'s.
—Call and examine the stork of ranges
■ind cook stoves at Wilson, McFarlane A
Go's ; also their line of single and doubh
neatera. Tbey have for sale the Welcome
Home double beater, which has been
thoroughly ar.d satisfactorily tested in this
We take all kinds of country produce
—bulter, eggs, lard, meals, potatoes, Ac.—
and give you our goods at tbe lowest cash
prices, asking you only tbe lowest cent
from the start. We don't ask you $-' i
more on a suit or a dress so as to come
-iuwri $1 at Lyon A Go 's.
—That perfect baking and cooking stove,
•he "Pioneer," is for sale only by Wilson,
VlcFarlane A Go. All uj>*rfluous orna
mentation bas been dispensed with to se
cure a firsUclssss kitchen stove. Fur weight,
strength and durability it cannot be sur.
passed. In purchasing this stove you are
not paying for nickle trimmings and beau
tiful finish, but you are getting what is far
(■etter and what you need in a good cook
•love —a good, reliable baker and cook.
Tkiai. List, November Teem The
lollowing rases are on tbe list for trial st
the November term of Court beginning on
next Monday, the 28th instant:
Ms Fllinsn —..............v5. ReoJ. f. Miner.
ffiliiMn lUibklirin ** Jeba F'-Ur*
AkMNkf * li. ♦ r I: • jef
Jhm Klifec*'. M* *Cs ** M* o*t>u*
fcHtMia* Jao. It. Übb.
Ilenry J* C. Briily
I tiMo" y Uoy.
J. II WllltMM. - F F. Flair
llfltiinft Flair
ft 11. IBimu " J It.
Feter k Lot*.
44* m Hart*** Mti k M*f,
II"? AUan4f k Buwe*.
H W. " AT ls*i liHi Hal
fLkiibft. t k F
L.J. Figg ** A T 1/eialbem H a).
Hafiitbf* AbuiifW k Fr#r.
tytboaj Wolf. * UeMf* saaitt,
At tt4ar k B"*m. Keller
<mws. W W (k4rißK .......sm " rt# K B (otn^sgo;.
f oitii'j. taartl*
****** NlgC'jo* "* Tlx*. MfVuJlim
K altar ffUy
illy ai Fl}iU4*i|4U... tantfb, (Uxaii k Km Mb
i'aaK A Ai r k Fuw*r. Linn, AroMirong,
In*, Baa*er k lUab' hard
H 11. My** k CW. " Mill**
Nrtntaa. Ld.
Uauftf* t*wttr at al ..... " Nary Armafnat at al.
NM -.„.50.w.M..5.ea ** tam*.
Krllx and v|*baM. !
fWsaoJlwjr Child* •* t.. a— ** 11. A. M*rryanaa i at
H Au . and Faala. Linn k FuraC
John I 1 'i|w<gn ♦* K*mel (htiat I al
It k H . a d A. k H. Inrat
I as> ta i< lUder " Ja* M mtmn.
VmB k Uoy. 1
N- .(fan. Ilala k Ou. k *. A- Fnpani Hal.
Iluy Krrn k Alas f k homm
infbib k • at al.
Linn k Bake*. Ff*anjtU*.
Lnrtnda ftftangtar C * I. II Kub&ft.
In rat. Ilaatiaf*
Jta>-|*b * fruit K & (naifat;.
r*ri k Ala* A Fowar. lUaotkardt
J M A Mnatera
Frt A KdrAlifar. A Hatting*.
II I Fam*n-ntb •* W F. Ilua*
Alataadar A Itoaar. Hoy
Jn*k Haakry N Wa. Mryit H tl.
Fnrvf- tyaagWa
Fanjatot* WfcraUlKl • Klimiatli Nallary at |.
Iloy. IWater A Urj-hafl
Jus|.h TUkrf " JtnAC. Nark la.
Hoy Dala
Bank* A Format " Job* 0. FoortarA
H**H A Ueykkft. Haaiiaga.
KiiraivHb IKUrar. m Jobs O. Aank. K* t.
tamngtaf. Uala
ft I i lay >.♦. " Ja L. Fa# Hit
llaatiisg* Am *al a A Boarf.
I.iira !• grant * A-la'f*..—, " Jtm L il
Heating* Aianandar A ktvw
J. C llrya* at at. ..5.5....,w " Jnfen 11.-y.
Airland r Fnrat.
Jacob * William Mayar
Fatal. Fpanglr
II W . Kraatitar- " taunnal Hraningv-f Hat
liny. AlrUMtf A Buarar
J. t ilaffft Hal ." J4a Iky.
Alaaaadar A Fnwac Fnrat
Jony < Mi< baaj Fnnkln
A"*aoL A Ik***, Uala. Fnrat
Jobn mm * Allan On*n.
Hnate-v A U*fAMi lly, A At* t A Fuati
Fatnnal LHtcm. " J A Laitni
Farat A Al-*'r A Abmnr. Hm||mi
Niilbtm AIL A*a *ln'a. " F K. Mart at al.
y|a(kr. Alatawdar A Faa i
JonaibaA Kldat " IMlaa A HMmyrr
Alaamxtar A Fonar. Wyiangta*
TVsita* Lncaa M Rrakial (Vabt.
ila*(ing* ka* Era A Oapbaat
Jt'gT List roR Nov ember Term. —
Tbe following is the list of Jurors drawn
for November term of Court, commencing
Monday November 28, 1881.
Itoftj Oeslssl. torlsf , Jiswyli lisle. Ml-rty
Jso (Mli E Rs*. Ilsk|s liln.. IMMssls.
* illisbs tssan. Rh 11. 11. NtM, Orm.
AiUsn UssS , (sro">. !*. M. ?*-(ler MillbelWß.
C llorfc, 1 .K'SSlilr Mif bsel I Sect (lie. I'..(u>r
J N IH.|is. llsnS Ils|sf. DBs. VsM.
A Rock. Howard hatw. Well* E>.ns, lire#*
soasael toiler. UairO Nsaj Rich. I'ni.*vttle
Kcl. ri Uardaes Kertaaoa dwrssa VeSdeCer Rarwatd*
J.me. Kl-ells Wnrth del *. TSIe Hellef.t*
I. Oseea, MHsatiarß. The P l.acas.B BRos
Ilea Frailer Rmser.
Jaauw Career, Walker. ll earj Usm. Harrl*.
Ruben Raal). lTllirabwr J. W. Rnsarl. Haiaes.
K. 0 Bretl. Frrawaia. J line her. Howard In.
Jnarfdi Mwk, MllsaliSTgc Jam-. UstK hgE
owrar lltdl RwrsMds. :Johs lb-man. Farwaane.
J C. Powsell. Raffct, Mba Ulster. Mllmtar*
Fox, IWIrSwIn DuM Mt< Ell). Walker.
Real ma IddlßgaJTales. Jaa. Mmlinsiri). stains'
Martin S|ailt. Worvb, Andrew TVaw|wuw, talon
Ushw Raraiaosar, Fallen O. L Meek, ReUeh.nte
lleor) Rr.Bihern, rh barf J. R RsnrsS.-SrlteSnola.
W. R. Teller, BelteEaote. fA. Eat. RarnaM*.
H I.KmMM Pen. f. C.Cnwasal. Flbart).
A mi raw H act sr. P-n IMwanl Rrewa, IMIaMls
Juhb ReekwHß. Tat h-r. RA. Darla.Plillliwliarw.
J. R. Ilansa lrk, OaHec*. It t. Dseker, Pinter.
R. * lllwM, Rbow Shoe Jtmea C. Cosdn, Oracg.
11. E. OeatSM, RaHeSmla, 0 W. Rw)sr, MHas.
Jew boras Sm* Shoe H F Fraai-w Urges. Peas.
Rtrhard Uti. RpHag. Wllilaai Fallow. Rllaebarg
M. F. Lmv BhimM* James Ikkenll Otnm
Jaw F Tdealer Onllrge, Rmanosl *(4 l llama
M. ft Tsrger. RetlrWinta Runnel Mmwera. Walker.
James Re. bdol, LM| JT. <4rf, Pslll|*bwrg.
R P Phlllj* Pei.s. Jhs t) clack, UWt)
AU Vans. Orasf. .1 I. Re* *.*•■
Ran. set Horn FersssnW, ] M EerwieOar, Sf-rtng
O„nse llnutsr. VMM (R WWll CRarlsa, Rowga
J T Harrrlr. AprliHl. Uen t, Peter*. Cnbrw
Jobs Eiw-iairr. Pen a j* FO-swrtnr. Wheel).
Henry |i nerd— Miles. ' p.eiet Tale, Rprlna.
John Oala— . Mart-n, HsrM Rgatsea. Rsah.
HarM Uik. Fi Igussß. |j-4>n Hook. Itswß
Jaarna Mnliiarwss, lIaTTW Oeorg. Marker, Pena
Jamaa P Frank Miles. Is Harahkerger Walker.
Jswae Beasts, Walker. WlUm RUget, Rush
II R PtrtUr, HacrW William Jei.klnt, ReUePk.
Jett) R R-I*a. Smmt. J 0 Rio era. Ilalnra.
RatbuiM Rsirl), Jaeob Rbfket, Nilae.
J t' HMlng*. |M. TSoa Erkearwih. RyrlnC-
P W Bifk.v llJr Moum Jes W fwrw) JkslMMta,
Jt*Ho W Cv'jfi* Jon WtAUt F#ttnk
—We don't bait yoa on one thing—give
you one article let* than coat and charge
you double for tbe next. Y'<u can buy
with confidence of u. All good* marked
In plain Bgure*. Lyon <k Co.
—You will nhortly be coir>|i-ll>-d to buy
your winter clothing Before deciding on
what you will buy <- what the celebrated
llm-hettcr manufacturer*, Me*r*. Hu*in,
Adler A Co., have turned out thi* Munn.
erjual in fit, workmanahip and trimming*
to any custom made good*. I'rice* very
reaeonable. To be had only at H. A A.
Loch'* who by their *quare dealing have
did much to buiid up tbe large demand of
tbii very *upcrtor grade of clothing.
—We have given the exclusive agency
to Lyon A Co. for the tale of Klkin * cele
brated fine thoea, every jmir of which we
guarantee. They are of tbe flneat atock
and workmarohip, and we will make our
tfuarantee gin-d if ,„ y ~, # j r d.e, not give
•atiafaclion. M. Ki.ki* A Co.
—AaHiti'RNUAM, Maa*., Jan. 14, 1880.
I have been very tick over two yeara.
They all gave me up a* pad cure. I tried
the mo*t rkiliful pbyaiciaro, but tbey did
not reach the wort pari. The lung* and
my heart wouid fill up every night and
dotreaa me and toy throat Wat very bad.
I told my children I never tbould die in
peace until I bad tried Hop Bitter*. I have
taken two bottle*. They have helped me
very much indeed. I am now well. There
wa* a lot of nick folk* here who have *een
bow they helped me, and they uxd them
and are cured, and feel a* thankful a* I do
that there i to valuable a medicine made.
Mr*. JULIA O. Ccanixo.
—OIIIXWICB, February 1, IWIO. Hop
Bitter* C< nipanv—Hir: 1 va*given up by
the doctor* u* of trrofulou* mniunip
tion. Two bottle* of your bitter* cured me.
I-xaot Brewer.
—The large*t a*e<irim*nt of fall and
winter tuiling* and ovcrcoalingt. Leave
your order* now.
44-tf Moxronuxar A Co., Tailor*.
.!/' A<lvrrti*rinrnt*.
CTHAY ST K Kit—On or a trout the
OlMi of Nure*nber. there mate tu tbe pfoattat* of
timet*, tmau,. la Walker townabtn, a ROAN
"TKI.R, *lmo*t one as* a ball yr* old Ihe
a*>k <<e tbe animal l*a*aaail p• ret ell tie tif■ of
the left ear. Tbe unH w rejtt**tad lu one liffa ut,
pay rhargr* an* lake tbe ateer *t ; olberartee be
mil br deijueed of ama*l( to In
Jol AH RfttttMAV
Walker Toanatrip. Nor-la bar Ik. IN*). 44_fa
< 11. YOCUM,
(ifHra on N E mrwr i 4 anil AU*fbr*)l..
Ik lb* mm* lately orraftt*4 by Wua A llaeti Lf*
JAMES B AI.KV AN IiKII ) la tbe Oart of Common
va, > Raaof (>m i**tlr.
MAKTIIA NoKALL J No. 2, An* term. |al.
NOTICE U hereby given to the
helra and ot**iUri of Mtrtb*
MarkaJl lii eigne Int.. roan e* tbe fiMtrib X.>l.itay of
N..taal* Belt end wner tbr pMIUou of |ilaiatlt
•nd ab>i* ntaae ahy a rrrtein n-Cfifr glTea by J.
B Aleiander to Martha Marked abontd i-ot tie aaita
ked id rrord. At teat; JOHN I>PA Nlil.KK
IMI Sheriff.
NOTICE. —In the matter of the Es
tate if Hear; Ri ken roth, tat* if Raring tore
-blf.. fwmaf la tbe orfdtane' Com t of Centra i nt.
t> Tb* apatalamani to tbe widow of aabt Henry
Kekenrcth. fwrnef, Charlotte Rrkenruth. widow. ft*-
tail. Aiid ana. Austin 22. I**l innlHtHii ria-
Aimed atat. and acstre directed In be gl,ra by paldi
iOaa Ibat aalaea eiiryiaaa ba klad thereto l-afora
lb* tm day of aemt term tb* aaate aid be noograted
almiilalef; By lb* Cnart
fd-fw WM R BCR( tirTELD.Crk Or.Ooart.
PENNSYLVANIA, Centre Co., m:
A |m*l] I. Wa E Bracarttta. Clerk of the Or-
Oban*' Court of aafd ramaty. do beeef.j rertlfr that at
aa Orpoaor Ooarl bald at IWllet .nte. tb* 22f day nf
Ausoet. A t> l*l before tb* H aorahle tbe Jttiisaa
of tbe aald CnarL on *efi* a rale re a* granted afeta
Mary Aaa lllmaaelrtrk. Naaia-I Hta*a>4itrb and
• harlt* Rorker. tbe heir* and lef*l ityriwuanra
of J ba L Hi*key de. I ll el. to mat* latn onnrt i
Ibe fib Monday of Nirremtoo arst, b, aroept or rrfaao
to amff at tb* ealaatlnei. or kn* oaaa* aby tb* real
ittteie of the aatd dorraaed aboald not be add
la teauaatay abnaf. I have. b*reaatn M my band
and *Bt*f lb* teal of aatd mart, at Relliiah, tbe
1M day of A a*net. IW
wm it ttvßflMriELii c. o. a
Atteat: fM* BiXiUt.TMf 3Mv
BP Ae MA tar day at boa*. Batrflee a-orth lb
*> JIC VMW On*. Addr~e A UTIKBON A CO,
Cortland. Main* My
IBSO-1. 1800-1.
The Patriot, Daily & Weekly,
For the Ensuing Year.
Tb* •afcarripMoa ptVe of tb* Wirtit hnjet ha*
been red need t Rt *• pre rnyy per tae*a
T* data of Ptrvt and apward* tb* W it*ll ritr*l*y
•fll be fan*abed at Ibe eauaardlaartly tbaap rata of
7k mat* per ran |er aaanm.
T Oatlt ftlkiot will ba era I to any aUraa,
daring tb* *a*fna of Don pro** and tb* Legialattnw at
tbe rak* of to rente per amntb
L'ndar tb* art of (bura* tbe paMlabey prepay*
tb* poataf* and anbarrlt-ar* at* reftevad frea* thai
fcrery Mbacrfptfoa re net la am ita panted by tb*
Ntra It tb* lata* t* ml .el l lb* Tb* Rvnarklw
"Mli.ia of Oungiem aad tb* Lrgtclater* trill be ef
ator* than ordinary tatnyea* and tbelr pmreedtaga
trill be tally leytdtf tar tb* Bally aad a complete
tyaigad* ef ibea* mil be gtvoa la tb* Weekly.
*7-if MkJHhWtMA Btret t, Bam*berk.
THE CoraTRT Übmtlbmam UViorß.
raMMP. If ant CMffftu*. Ret the Want aad earf*.
ty id htdlui ItKMitw It inatabM. aad far tba
ability aad etteait of tm Oeeaaeeueaewra- lB Thna
Chlaf DlrrClaaa of
FARM cboi A wit FBocßMpry,
•bile It alt* tarladaa all Ma* bfanamk af ratal
fwHry tard, Bafotaebay^Bee-
Farat "tfanetlorm aad >i ailap. Da
aedk li *nay.a*f a namuy of the Bear* of the
Weak. Ik* Makhnt Rtrear* tn ataaually rnwplkkn.
ae.i mot* lakinaatkaa ran be gathered frvaa It* eal
aaa# than tma any other ana re# (Ui regard ko the
Priegeeta of th* On pa, a* throning light im ewo of
Ibe neng UaaetkrM of all oarotbwe—M an va Bw
tap Wan ta Mk It fa ItbcaMy tlloelraled, aad
reaatitatea to a greater degree than eay af Ita a#h-
or i.eeer tatliag lalik ul bet h to Patei and flaw-.
~Te. ftttm owrmu W aahllehed mu at.
tb* tolkeatag te an obea |f rtet> hi ad.eao* t
<>. o-et ®a year fata; Bowk fteihltt. aad an
Gddltbwal naay ha tb* yew tie* la tb* aeofn of (Rob;
Tn tv.eita 08, aad aa iMttwd royj ker tae y*wr
Bvo ka the walw af tb* Chtk
Oagha ef the Paper ft** Addnoo