Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 24, 1881, Image 1

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    (II)r ilrntrr Ucmocntt,
S HUG Kill A FORSTEK, Editors.
VOL. 3.
Slit Cmtrr grmturat.
Terms tl-50 par Annum, in Advanoe.
a. T. SHUQERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor..
Thursday Morning, November 24, 1881.
MOST of the Russian Jews who have
been expatriated on account of their
race and religion, propose making the
United States their future home, and
will settle in Louisiana and Texas as
farmers. They are aided by the Is
raelite organizations of Paris.
THE Citizens Committee of One
Hundred have fairly established them
selves as an institution of power in the
politics of Philadelphia which can no
longer be ignored by the professional
politician with safety. Parties must
now make good and satisfactory nom
inations or suffer defeat. The Republi
cans, beginning to realize the situation,
are now urging the selectiou of such
candidates ouly as the citizens commit
tee will endorse. The occupation of
the bosses is on the wane in Philadel
phia, as elsewhere.
THE twenty-five anti-stalwarts who
met at the Continental in Philadel
phia, last week, to inaugurate a cam
paign to wrest the management of the
next Republican State convention
from the bosses, intimate their inten
tion, if unsuccessful, to fall into line
and elect the boss candidates who may
be nominated. They might as well
have saved their credit and awaited re
sults. They will only receive the con
tempt of the machine, without the abil
ity or stamina to control its action, ll
they expect to frighten Don Cameron
or Malt. Quay in that way. they have
been dull students of boss character.
A OOOD deal of bad blood is shown
in the neighborhood of Pittsburg about
Federal appointments. The ins are
heiug removed against powerful pro
tests, and stalwarts appointed to their
places. Don Cameron is rooting out
the officials who entertained liberal
views and favored the late President
and Mr. Blaine in preference to Grant
and Conkling, and Arthur seconds
him very promptly. All half-breeds
must go to the rear, or surrender any
desire they may have to act inde
dendentlyof Republican boss of Penn
TIIE official figures of the vote of
Pennsylvania at the last election are
as follows : Silas M. Haily, Republi
can, 265,295; Grange Noble, Demo
crat, 258,471 ; Charles S. Wolfe, In
dependent Republican, 49,984 ; R. W.
Jackson, Greenback, 14,976; James
M. Wilson, Temperance, 4,507. The
plurality of Baily over Noble is 6,824.
There were thirteen votes cast for
Wolfe in which the first name was not
given or the initials were wrongly prin'
ted. Adding these to his vote would
still leave him three short of 50,00 ).
We will publish a table of the vote
by counties next week.
THERE seems to be a disposition in
some quarters to censure the II HI.
Wayoe MacVeagb for his persistency
in cutting himself loom from the pre
sent stalwart administration. It is al
leged that he should have remained
during the pendency of the inveatiga
tion of the star route thieves. Per
x'liaps the censure is in some degree justi
fiable, but it is more than probable that
it is undeserved. If the trial of these
cases is to be obstructed, and evidence
is not wanting to warrant that impree
sion, or if the trial is to be a process
for the whitewash of these prominent
contributors to the Republican cam
paign funds and its triumph to the late
Presidential election, Mac Veagh does
well in " fleeing the wrath to come."
He would not be the right man in the
right place, and it is creditable to his
sagacity thus early to see the drift, aod
•void being party to the dirty busi
ness. We do not join in the censure,
as we believe it the duty of an honor
able man to withdraw from bad associ
ations when be finds himself involved.
SOME of the national bank officer*,
observes the Hnrri.sburg J\Uriot, who
were so active during the late presi
dential canvas in urging the "business
men's movement" against the election
of General Huncock, are coming to
grief. They objected to the hero of
Gettysburg tbut he knew nothing of
finance, and pretended to be dreadful
ly afraid tbat in the event of his
election repudiation and communism
would ruin the land. Hut itturusout
that these wonderful political econo
mists either kuew nothing of the finan
cial principles to which they professed
to lie devoted or deliberately violated
and discarded them in order to servo
their own cupidity. Only a few days
since the Mechanic's National Hank
of Newark, N. J., failed for about two
millions of dollars. Now we have two
Hoston institutions, the Pacific Nation
al and the Central, closing their doors
and creating a panic in Wall street.
All of these banks were owned and
controlled by that class of political
capitalists, or capitalized politicians,
who opposed the election of General
Hancock on the ground that the finan
cial interests of the country would not
be safe in his hands as president. The
meaning of their protest against Han
cock becomes clearer in the light of re
cent events. They feared if the con
trol of the federal government fell into
democratic hands, the faults and weak
nesses of the national banking system
would be exjiosed and coirected, that
examiners who failed to detect defal
cations of bank presidents and cash
iers would have to give place to others
who might have keener optics, and
that robbery as a fine art tie abolished
pi the banking institutions of the coun
try. They wauled a little more time
to enrich themselves at the expense of
confiding directors and depositors, but
like other rascals who if given suffi
cient rope hang themselves, the very
length of their tether has proved their
ed himself a day or two ago to a re
porter of the New York Time* so far
as to mention the two earliest and
most important results to he accom
plished by the new Virginia Legisla
ture. First, Captain Riddleherger is
to be elected to the United States Sen
ate. This was the most far-reaching
issue decided at tbe last election, as
now appears. Next, and close behind
it, comes the captain's bill, known all
over the country by the title of "Rid
dleherger." This, in Mahone's opin
ion, has already been passed by the
people, and it only requires a little
machine work in the Legislature to put
it in motion. Subordinate to these two
schemes are the appointments of jud
ges and school officers, and other re
adjustment of the offices all over the
State. As to his going into the cabi
net, the Republican Brigadier merely
says the rumors did not originate with
him, but he will give the Preeident his
advice if it be asked, officially perhaps,
and semi-officially anyhow. The Sen
ator feels cheerful, and he has reason
to. Almost single handed, be whip
ped the entire Republican party of the
country aod bagged his game. Of
course he gives the administration full
credit for the victory, hut he does not,
as is prohahlpr the better policy, die
close the precise way he intends to pay
for that invaluable aid, without which
his occupation as a political trickster
would loug since have been gone.
THE Kenuebec Journal, one of the
home organs of Secretary Blaine, con
tradicts, authoritatively, the various
rumors afloat in relation to tbe imme
diate future of tbe Maino statesman
after he retires from Arthur's cabinet
next month, as follows: w Mr. Blaine
will not be a candidate for representa
tive iu Congress, will not be a candid
ate for Governor, and will not be a
candidate for United State* Senate;
tbat the rumor of his going aa Minister
to England, has no foundation whate
ver." No denial is made that Mr.
Blaine will be the formidable rival of
the stalwart aspirant for the Presiden
cy in 1884, whether it be Grant, Ar
thur or Conkling.
Oulteau's Trial.
Hincc the last issue of the DEMO
CRAT the trial ofGuitcau has progress
ed daily before the Crimiual Court of
Washington City. In many respects
this trial ever since it began has been
a painful and unuaturnl exhibition
not calculated to impress one with a
very exulted idea of the dignity and
solemnity that should surround pro
ceedings in which the stake is the
life of a human being. Almost daily
since the trial has been under way
there have been scenes of levity and
indecorum that seetn entirely out
of place iu a Court of justice
engaged in the trial of a capital
offence against the laws of the land.
It must be said that these indecerous
and out-of-place scenes nre wholly
owing to the persistency with which
Guiteau interjects ill-timed and inso
lent remarks whenever the evil spirit
with which he seems to be possessed
moves him to do so. As the cose pro
gresses the proceedings look like a
travesty upou the administration of
criminal justice that is fast degenerat
ing into an absurd farce. It is prol>-
able that Guiteau may he insane. His
defence for the horrid crime of July
last will rest unon that plea alone, and
if the jury that is now trying the
issue of life and death to him should
be compelled under the evidence to
find a verdict of acquittal it will be
solely upon the ground that the pris
oner is a crazy man not responsible
for his acts. Hut if Guiteau is really
crazy there should lie some way of
reaching that lact without the disgust
ing exhibitions of grotesque levity on
the part of the lookers on in court,
an-1 the whimsical freaks of the pris
oner, that are daily spread before the
country in the reports given of the
The Mahoneite* of Virginia hare
commenced the process of re christen
ing the repudiation party. In the cam
paign they were proud to be known a*
Re-adjustcra or eliminators, which was
commended to the ignorant rabble
composing the rank aud file, by the
purpose avowed to repudiate thirteen
millions of the honest debt* doe the
creditors of the State. Now, when the
Republicans are becoming somewhat
shaky in view of their participation in
tbe fraud and the bearing it may have
upon the party in other localities not
controlled by negroes and ignorance,
the new name of Liberal in proposed.
The name of course is suggestive of
generosity on the part of tiie repttdia
tinnists, in only robbing the creditor*
of 113.000.00U instead of $.W,000,000,
and may have a very soothing influ
ence upon the bootl-bolders of New
York and elsewhere. It will doubtless
he satisfactory to Arthur, Grant, Conk
ling and tbe stalwarts generally, as a
cover to the deformity of the old name
under which by their patronage ami
skill, the negro and ignorant whites
were rallied to achieve success iu a
disgraceful campaign.
THE latest compromise fixed on by
the Republicans, for next year is said
to be as follows: For Governor, Gen.
James A. Beaver, of Centre ; for Lieut.
Governor, Hon. W. T. Davies, of Brad
ford ; for Judge of tbe Supreme Court,
Hon. George I .ear, of Bucka; for Hec
retary of Internal Affairs, Hon. J. M.
Greer, of Butler. It it said that this
would be a fair mingling of both ele
ments of the purty —Beaver and
Greer being stalwarts and Davies nod
Lear independents. But then, an ex
change remarks that this arrangement
would convince ooe that is not
the jokingest joker of his party," and
thinks the cap ami (tells should be
given to the roan who would run Loir
and Daviea as independents.
lit discussing the prohibiten of fhc
next Democratic candidate for Gover
nor, the name of the Hon. William
A. Wallace of Clearfield, is named.
It would be difficult within the boun
daries of one Htate to find a more ca-
Cble aud deserving man than the Ex
nator, or who, if called to tbe execu
tive chair, would exercise a more po
tent influence in restoring the Com
monwealth to the honest method* of
the past- But we doubt whether the
distinguished gentleman referred to,
has any personal aspiration* in tbat
Tho Republican Outlook.
The Evening Telegraph, under the
above caption, has the following arti
cle upon the future prospect of the Re
publican party:
A I sailing Republican journal of New
York gravely smkl, alter the returns were
ail in, "The Noveuiber elections, taken
as a whole, are not reassuring to those
who have the good of the Republican
parly at heart, "and there is no intelli
gent Republican, honestly and earnest
ly concerned in the continued domi
nance of ihe party, who does not recog
nize that that is the exact, though de
pressing truth. All along the line of
the October and November States there
were nothing but enormous losses to
record and contemplate. Ir. New York,
the electoral vote of which is absolutely
neccessary to the success of any Presi
dential ticket; in Pennsylvania, without
whose vote no President has ever been
elected; in Wisconsin, the stronghold
of Republicanism, and elsewhere there
was a great diminution of accustomed
nisjorilies, and though Republican tick
ets were triumphant generally, they al
tnoat as generally only escaped defeat.
I bis was not alter the old fashion, but
after the new fashion of the Democratic
party growing stronger and coming
nearer to success in each new election."
This, remarks tbc Doyle* to wo Dem
ocrat, is not a very cheerful "outlook"
for the party of "great moral idea*,"
but it is correct. The truth of the
whole matter is, the Republican jmrty
ha* finished its mission, and its useful
ness is gone. It is uo longer a party
of principle, but is held togeth
er by the "cohesion of public plunder."
Instead of being in the control of ear
nest, patriotic men, it is run by boeaes,
in their own interest; and their rule
reaches down into counties aud town
ship*. Everything for men, nothing
for the country, is the ruling motto.
The internal dissensions in the {tarty
is the best evidence of its rottenness,
and approaching dissolution. The late
elections show that the leaders had
actually taken up the hatcbet al each
other, aud are hewing right and left.
When this comes to pass in a party,
tls usefulness aod power are gone, and
its end is near. If anything else were
wanting, the endorsement of Mabone
and repudiation is enough to ship
wreck any party. The Americau
people are not in favor of repudiation,
how muchsoever a party may advo
cate it for political ends. No party
ran live in this country which delibe
rately advocates the repudiation of
honest debts ; and Mahone will most
likely prove the hair that "breaks the
camel's bark." The people have
grown weary of Republican control,
and are ripe for revolt all along the
line. The more the bosses struggle to
maintain their ascendency, the more
they will convince the outraged peo
ple that they have no further use for
TnKP.K seems to bo some trouble
'in the happy family at Harrisburg.
| Accordiug to the Lancaster Intelli
j gencer "the Cameron organ at Harris
, burg suddenly breaks out with a com
| plaint that "Republican governors of
. late have not added to the strength
!of their {tarty by a wise distribution
of patronage." Governor Harlranft
: made his appointments from among
! personal fricods, it seems, and Gov.
| Hoyt, deeming himself the executor
i of his predecessor, followed in his foot
| steps. The Telegraph complains that
| "men who voted against him aod
j the Republican (tarty since have re
; taincd office under his administration,
auti men who have beeu and are of
no earthly use to the party, at timea
scarcely considering it worth while to
vole, have been kept in offices purely
political, to the exclusion of those who
gave their labor and money to assist
iu electing Governor Hoyt and other
Republicans." These declarations—
refering, it is understood, to Bute Li
brarian Khrenfield, who would not
vole for Baily, and Assistant State
Librarian Orwig, who voted for Dill
—may or may not have any special
significance. But coming at this par
ticular time upon the heels of Mr.
Quay's announcement for Grow, they
are liable to interpretation as signs of
a new deal. With the Independent
Republican citizens, dividing into two
jmrties on different line* of action, the
Telegraph thinks there may be room
I for the more and leas Stalwarts."
Howard Carroll, Ihe aon-in law of Con- \
pressman Starin, of New York, is said
to fie the coming private secretary of
President Arthur.
An old man named Heck, died in
Heading, last week, at the nge of Kfi—
u|in whom the speculative insurance
holders held policies to the amount of
Oslorn Phipps, colored, on Saturday
last at Nances, Ga., drunk a quart of
whiskv on a wager and soon afterward
died. Denson, a grogohnp keeper who
furnished the whisky, has been presen
ted to the (iratid Jury.
Hon, K'lgar M. Marble. Commission
er of Patents, has teuderded his resigns- j
Hon to take effect December 1. in order
to accept more lucrative employment
a* Land Commissioner for the Northern
Pacific Railroad Company.
Michael Kdelbert, of Richmond, Ya.,
having accused his wife of infidelity,
she went from the house with the chil
dren. Kdelfiert then becsmeconvinced
that bis wife had been wronged, and on
.Saturday shot and killed himself.
A delegatson of distillera front Itela
ware. Maryland and Pennsylvania call
ed upon Commissioner Raurn on Satur
day and submitted an argument on the
subject of extending the period which
whisky can remain in bond. The pies
ent limit is three years.
Governor Cornell ha appointed Hon.
C'harlea L. Itsnedicl, ol Brooklyn, Asso
ciate Judge of tho Court of Appeal* in
the place of Judge Andrews, promoted
to Chief Judge. Judge Benedict is now
Judge of the United States Court for
the Kastorri district of New York.
A statement from the department of
agriculture, Washington. I>. C., says
that the re'urns of Novemlier 1. from
ten principal cotton growing states,
give an indicated yield per acre consul
crably lees than last year. But while
the quantity of the crop is reduced the
quality is generally reported as very
Grand Sire Glenn, 1. O. O. P., has re
quested all Grand and Subordinate En
campments and Lodge* to drape their
halls in mourning for thirty days from
the dale of receiving notice of (hede ilh
of Grand CorresjKinding and Recording
Secretary Ridgely. who was buried yes
(erday at Baltimore, and ha* designa
ted Theodore A. Roa* as Grand Secreta
ry to fill the vacancy caused by Mr.
Ridgely'* death.
It is reported in Washington tbat
Sectetsry Lincoln will shortly retire
soliintarily from that Hon.
Emory Store* will he the new Attorney
General, and ex Senator Chaffee, will
succeed Mr. Kirkwood as Secretary of
the Interior. Mr. Cbnuneey J. Filley is
mentioned a* Postmaster General. Gen
eral I<ong*treel as Secretary of the Na
vy, and General ileal, of Washington,**
Secretary 'iHbr.
Mna* Shaw of Macon. HI.,
U>r killing
.Istnel had groasly in
suited bis daughter. The J £t<>r made
no secret of his intention, hut o|*ulv
bought a pistol for the purpose, an
noon red that the rieed would tie done
in a public place, and argued tbat no
jury would convict him of murder un
der the circumstances. But when he
met Ward.and drew the weapon the in
tended victim fired quickest, and the
I>ootor was killed.
William Jones was brought before
Judge Snell, of the Washington City
Police Court, about 7 o'clock ou Mon
day morning, and arraigned for a**anlt
with intent to kill Charlea J. Guiteau.
He was detained hut a few moments in
Court, and in default of SSOOO hail was
committed to jail, and In* cw*e was in
definitely postponed. Owing to the
early and unex)>ected hour at which
hi* arraignment occurred there was i.*
crowd at the Court.
Patrick Monaban, foreman of a blast
ing gang in Kast Seventy-third street,
betwen Second and Third avenues New
York, in banging a number of dyna
mite cartridges out to dry on Monday
afternoon on a steam pi(>e ciumil an
explosion which shook the entire
neighborhood, and shivered doors and
window* in fifty four houses. The IB
tng glass and splinter*and failing brick*
injured three persons— Mary Tower,
Nellie MoGorlick and Mist Scliweler.
Monaban was arrested and locked up.
liughey Dougherty. Ihe minstrel |ier
former, who receives $l5O a week * a
side splitter for Thatcher's Minstrels,
petitioned Judge Elcock of Philadel
phia, on last Saturday for permission to
adopt Evelina Keller, *n infant daugh
ter of the late John Pitts Keller and
Barbara Keller. As the mother had no
visible meant of support and was wil
ling to part with her child the petition
was granted, and the objective cherub
becomes Evelina Dougherty.
General Francis A. Walker, ex Supe
rintendent of the Census Bureau, sub
mitted a statement to the .Secretary of
the Interior containing some interest
ing fact* concerning the representation
in the next House of Representatives.
The total population of the States 48,- j
341,340 —with the number of Represen
tatives at the present figure—293—
would give one representative to every
R59.0H0 of population. Upon this ha
sia the following changes in representa
tion would ensue in the Forty eighth
Congress ; Arkansas, California, Mtchi
fan, Mississippi, South Carolina and
feat Virginia would gain one est ii ;
Minnesota and Nebraska two each, and
Alabama, Illinois, Maine, Maryland.
New Hamsbire. Ohio, Tennessee and
Vermont would lose one each, Penn
sylvania two and New York three. The
other State* woiud show no ohange.
TKKMN: $1.50 fu-r Annum, In Advance.
The marriage of Mr. J. Wilson Pater
•on. of (In* prnrninsnt old Maryland
family of llml name, and Mica Margaret
Sherwood, daughter o( the late Robert
11. Kfaerwood, of New York, took place
at St. i'Mul'a Church, Baltimore, on
Tliuiadny, the ceremony l/eing perform
ed hy Jtev. Henry A. Neely, bishop of
Maine. Among the u.her* u Mr.
Rol-ert Chew, of Washington. The bride
• arraced in a magnificent dreaa of
white salin, embroidered with pearl*
and trim .ed with the mnit exsjuisite
lace. A wreath of orange blossoms and
a costly tulle ved completed the ele
gant costume. The brtdesmtdea were
also dreared in white.
"Stniiigulutti* pro lU-publlra."
i-kesiijent caarict.n's aame* itteb-
Fium tl. Cantory.
It was not until several weeks after
the death of President Garfield that it
began t be generally known that dur
ing hi. long martyrdom he had written
something of even greater historic value
than the affectionate and hopeful letter
to his mother. Thousands of readers
will learn for the first time of this in
teresting pieae of writing from the fac
simile of it. which, by the courtesy of
Col. I lock well, we are enabled to give
above. To all reflecting person* it
must bring a new conviction that "the
calmest man on thai terrible 2d of July"
was not long ignorant of the real sig
nificance of bis assassination. Tuat be
was "slaughtered for the Republic" is
as true of bun as of Lincoln, and that
tie himself was aware of it adds only
another awful feature to the summer'#
tragedy. This autograph might fitly be
placed upon bis monument, as a sor
rowful reminder of the national losa
and a perpetual reproof to jolitical
A# yet, the most diligent search and
j inquiry has failed to duooveran earlier
j use of the Latin phrase.
We ap|end a letter from Col. Itoek
well od the subject of the President'!
' writing during his illness:
I WsamxoTox, I>. C., Oct. 17, Ifefil.
j Editor of thf Crntuiy Moynztne.
Desk Sir: The late President Garfield
took pen or [x-ncil in band four times dur
ing hi. Isst illness :
First—On Sunday, July 17, at noon, at
hi* request for writing materials 1 placed
in hi. hsnd s clip and pencil. Lying on
hts hack and holding up the clip in bis left
hand, he then wrote bit name and tbe pro
phetic words, "Strsngulatu* pro Repub
lics," tbe fac-simile of which 1 now su
iborire you to publish. What epitaph
i -nore significant. eloquent and truthful
; than this —hit own !
Second—tin August 10, with a fountain
pen, he wrote bit name on a clip.
Third lmmediately after be signed an
I "ltradili<>n paper, sent from tbe lb-part
j mi-nl of State, first rque*ttpg me to read
i he document—the old babit of thorough
, nras asserting itself.
Fourth—On August 11, be wrote, on a
j larger clip, with a pencil, tbe brief letter
j i<> bis mother, a copy of which has been
widely circulated. Very truly yours,
(•nitian Shot At
The Mtcond aitack on the life of tiui
leau, or the third, ax he oounu, includ
ing the woffle with Mcfiill, look place
on laxl Saturday afternoon juat before
3 o'clock. The following story of the
occurrence in told by W. J. K-lelin, the
I jKilice officer who bti tieen detailed Lo
xccotnpany tiuiteau to and from the jail,
ita near hitn in the court room, and
*hom the miaitin refer* to aa ' Kd, my
guard.'" Officer Kdelin mii they left
the court bou> atiout 2:40 r. a., and
tuored at the usual pace down D. xtreel.
lie noticed no one near the ran until
opposite the Holme* boune, |> street
' and New Jersey avenue. Here waa a
man on horseback. He noticed the
horseman, because he bad aeen hi* face
in the court room and also fitting on
in* horxe near the City ball. Hiding
near the tan, the stranger xeemed ana
iou* to get a look at the priaoner. but
Kdelin aaid to bim : ''There'* nothing
lin there for you loaee." With thiathe
horaetnan turned about and Kdelin did
; not aee bun again until on First atreet,
I near Kaat Capitol atreet. There be rode
up from behind, and aa the van turned
; into K*at Capitol atreet be was on ill
! level.
Dropping behind he peered through
j the r**r grating, and evidently xatiafy-
I ing hitnxelf aa to the poaition of the oc
; cufiant of the van, pushed hia horan
! quickly to the left of the van. Front
j ihis |ioint, and before the officer rould
discover that he had a pistol, be fired t
hot through the side of the vehicle
and then wheeled suddenly hack toward
First street. Kdelin fired at hraa.
Without wailing to inquire after the
condition of the prisoner, the van wa*
alerted in pursuit of the horseman, but
time was lost in turning over the car
i tracks on Kast Capitoi street, and the
: fugitive had too good a start. The van
j pursued as far aa K street, down which
ibe horseman fled, but he was eooa last
lo sight
There were two boles in the left
•Ic'eve of bis coat below tbe elbow, tut
neither the sleeve of hi* shirt nor that
of bis undershirt were injured. Cat
ling away the atesve of th* tatter it was
found that the enncuxio from the
boll, as it pawed through his coat rleevo,
bad brought blood to tbe surface of the
skin ju*t below the elbow, but there
was no rupture of the skin, lr. Me-
Williams, the assistant j*f| ph*ieUn.
directed application* of ioe, and in a ,
few momenta the prisoner next tor got
ten to etteud the injured limb.
NO. 17.