Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 17, 1881, Image 8

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    ®he (Cruttf grmnrat
Thursday Morning, November 17, 1881.
CoatMraaosaoa. containing Irapottaut new*. • -la It
ad from *nv part of rhe uuuatV. No c-xiiniunlc el. n-
Insartart uulew accompanlol lij the real name of lb*
Local Department.
—Buy your blanket* at Loebs.
—Smoke Harry Green's cigar*. You
can't find bolter anywhere.
—lmmense bargain* in gent's under
wear, gloves, hat*, Ac., at the Bee Hive.
—All good* marked in plain figure* and
strictly ono price for all at Lyon A Co. 's.
—When you would secure bargains in
clothing go to the Philadelphia Branch.
—Every smoker is decided in the opin
ion that Harry Green's cigar* are the be*t.
* —Two children of Henry Evy, residing
near Pleasant Gap, aro lying very ill with
scarlet fever.
Huts, caps, shirts, collars and every
articlo in the furnishing line at the Phila
delphia Branch.
—Loeb'* i* the plare to buy dry good*.
Large assortment, low prices and good
goods at all times.
Dress goods, silks, velvets, plushes and
tinsel plaids and stripes in all shades and
effect* at the Bee Hive.
—Sechlor, the great grocer, keep* the
biggest stock of grocerie* in town and al
ways gives satisfaction to customers.
—Duncan, Hale A Co. are erecting new
water wheels, Ac., at their grist mill, and
the mill, which has been doing nothing for
some time, will soon be in operation once
—A picked squad of five members of
Company B will go to Johnstown Thanks
giving day to shoot tbe return match with
the picked five of Company 11, of that
—The Eureka Club of Bellefonto has
been organized and will bold a grand dress
ball in Bush's Hall on Thanksgiving eve.
This club is composed of the young men of
this place and promises to become a very
popular organization.
—The now boardwalk on Lamb street
has been completed between the residences
of George W. Jackson and Thomas Mc-
Laughlin. David Kennedy was the con
tractor, and he will also lay a walk east
from the residence of J. S. Van Orroer.
—Revs. r. C. Weidenmyer and J. M.
Dick, the pastors thereof, give notice that
the new Evangelical Church at Aaron*-
burg will be dedicated to the serviee of Al
mighty God, no preventing providence, on
Sunday, November 'JO, next. Bishop T.
Bowman will officiate and the public is
heartily invited to attend.
—Mrs. Barbara K-trick, formerly a resi
dent of Pleasant (tap, died a few day* ago
in Cass county, Mich., aged about .12 year*.
Bbe was a daughter of the venerable John
Letterman, well known in Spring town
ship, who a year ago lat March went to
Michigan to live with bis ion, dying in a
few month* after reaching his destination.
Mr*. Rarick was a member of the Metho
dist Church, and will be remembered by
our older citizen* for tbe vigor and earn
estness of her public prayer*.
—WilbSr T. Twilmire, of the tove and
tinware store on High street, wa* spout
ing the roof a house adjoining the State
College on Friday last, felt the scaffolding
sinking under him and understood that he
would have to jump if bo didn't wish to
fall, so be chose the latter alternative. Tbe
jump was from a height of twenty feet,
and though he experienced no injury that
day bit ankle and heel were the source of
pain the day following and compelled the
use of a cane. It wa* a narrow escape from
what might have been severe hurts.
—Miss Ada Isenbuth.of Millheiro,while
returning home from church a couple of
weeks since, was the victim of a distress
ing accident. When tbe vehicle in which
she was ridlag stopped near her residence
there were offers to her from some young
men standing by of assistance in alighting.
Declining their polite proffer* she made an i
attempt to get out of the wagon without
help, and in so doing her skirts caught on
tbe "lock" and she wa* thrown out upon i
ber head and quite seriously hurt. Hbe ws*
picked up and carried into her house, and
the baa been since recovering slowly.
—The death of the devoted Miss Moilie
Bay, which occurred early on tbe mcrning J
of Tuesday last, wa* a particularly affect
ing event and an exceedingly heavy blow
to her loving family and hosts of friends. |
She contracted typhoid fever, the disease i
which ended her life, while assiduously at
tending her brother Harry, who expired a
few weeks since. Everything possible wa*
done to save ber, but all efforts were pain
(tally fruitless. The friends and relatives
of the family will meet at the residence of
the parents this afternoon at 2 o'clock to
attend tbe funeral. Tbe remains will be
oonveyed to the Methodist Church, where
the funeral service* will be performed at
2:16 r. W.
—Tbe train to Bellefonte over tbe Snow
Shoe railroad that is due here at half-past
1 A. M. met with an accident on Wednes
day morning, caused by a broken rail,when
near the residence of Benjamin Walker on
top of tbe mountain. A couple of coal
ears and tbe passenger car were thrown off
the track, it is staled, tbe coach lodging In
the "yard" of Mr. Walker's house. Tbe
cart not off the track were uncoupled from
those that were, the latter being left where
| they lay for the time being. Tbe balance
of the train arrived at Bellefonto not very
much behind time. No one on the train
I was hurt.
—Robert J. Doak, aged about 40 years,
who had been ill with a dropsical affection
for a coup'.e of months and confined to hit
residence for three or four week* part, died
on last Saturday morning about 6 o'clock,
Mr. Doak wa* a well-known citizen and a
painter and paper-hanger by trade. He
had redded hero for a number of year*,
being born and raied at or near PitUburg.
Ho erved in the Unitod State* navy dur
ing the war, wa* a member of Gregg Po*t,
wai prenident of the Centennial Temper
ance Club for a couple of term*, and wa* a
delegate from the \Ve*t ward to the lait
Democratic County Convention, lie wa*
likewUo a member of the Presbyterian
Church, and Kev. Mr. Laurie officiated
at the funeral service*. A delegation from
Gregg Post were the pallbearer* at tho fu
neral, which took place on Sunday after
noon, tho remain* being laid to rc*t in the
Union cemetery. Poor Bob! ho wa* a
a first-rate fellow. About tho !**t words
ho uttered were that he wa* ready and
willing to die and bo out of his misery,
having suffered much and severely before
death claimed him. Mr. Doak left a wife
and four children, ono of whom—a bright
and interesting boy—was terribly burned
not long ago by bis clothe* taking fire.
Tbe condition of tho family i* such that
the charitably inclined people of Bellefonte
could employ their means in a very appro
priate manner.
—Three men who gnve their name* ti
Bowers, Brown and Stover, but which are
believed to be assumed, were brought to
Beliefonle from Taylor township a couple
of weeks ago and lodged in jail for the
crime of larceny in that township. Since
that time it it learned that they have been
concerned in other criminal work. A Hun
tingdon detective named Brook* hail been
on the trail of nome men who broke jail at
Huntingdon after having been tent to pris
on for stoning n freight train and the em
ployes on the Pennsylvania railroad near
that town. At Tyrone the detective was
informed of the arrest of the men in Tay
lor township, and obtaining descriptions of
them he concluded they were the parties
he was looking for and resolved to visit the
jail here for the purpose of identifying the
men. He came on and his belief was veri
fied. They are to be tried here first, and
and if by any improbablo chance they
should escape conviction they will betaken
to Huntingdon for trial on the charge* pre
ferred against them there.
—Lcander D. Williams, of Mifflinburg,
Union county, was found dead in a cell in
the Lock Haven jail one morning last
week, where he had leen placed for safely
after being found intoxicated on a baggage
truck at the depot. The turnkey on the
evening of his arrest found Mr. Williams
asleep in the cell and tried to arouse him,
but no inlelligibln answer could be gotten
from the prisoner. The next morning as
the turnkey once more endeavored to wake
him it was discovered that be was dead.
Mr. Williams was on his way to visit a
brother at St. Mary's, Elk county, and re
port has it that domestic troubles induced
him to leave borne. A watch and s'2 32
were found on his jierson. His son is the
I telegraph operator at Montgomery station
and the deceased was acquainted in Belje
fonto. He had at one lime been a efllr.-n
nl New York. Tidings of the catnmip*!
were sent to Mifflinburg. Coroner Sfader
held an inquest and the verdict was death
from heart disease.
—That perfect baking and cooking stove,
the "Pioneer," is for sale only by Wilson
McPariane A Co. All superfluous orna
mentation has been dispensed with to se
cure a first-class kitchen stove. For weight,
strength and durability it cannot be sur- j
passed. In purchasing this stove you are
not paying for nickle trimmings and beau
tiful finish, but you are getting what is far
belter and what you need in a good cook
stove—a good, reliable baker and cook.
—You will shortly be compelled to buy
your winter clothing. Before deciding on
what you will buy see what the celebrated
Rochester manufacturer*, Messrs. Stein,
Adler A Co., have turned out this season,
equal in (It, workmanship and trimmings
to any custom made goods. Prices very
reasonable. To be bad only at H. A A.
Lneb's who by tbeir square dealing have
did much to build up the large demand of
this very superior grade of clothing.
—Call and examine the stock of ranges
and cook stoves at Wilson, McFarlane A
Co 's; also their lino of single and double
beters. They have for sale the Welcome
Home double healer, which has been
thoroughly and satisfactorily tested in this
—The largest stock of dolmans from
$6.60 up to (26; the largest slock of la
dles' coats from $2.26 to sl6; tbo largest
stock of children's coats, light and dark,
and all marked in plain llgurss at only the
lowest price we can afford to lake, at Lyon
A Co.'a.
—Tha very beat production that can he
bad from first class stock and excellent
workmanship in boots and shorn, at prices
no higher than common eastern trash, are
now open and for sals by 8. A A. Loeb.
—We don't ask you $lO for an artlcla
when it Is worth only $6, but wo give you
our lowest price at once. Lyon A Co.
—Laces, fringes, gimps, buttons, Ac., In
all the latest designs and at unrivaled
prices, at the Bee Hive.
—Oo to 8. A A. Loeb for bargain* In
hie family aro a numerous connection and
abound in Centre, Huntingdon and Blair
counties, with a branch In Colorado The
lather he* been dead for many years, but
the mother, at the ago of 77, tlill live# tn
Huntingdon county, about one mile from
Spruce Creek. The Centre county Spran
klet are represented by Mr. Jacob Spran
kle, of Coleville, near Uellefonte, tho eld
est of the family, who will be 60 years old
on nest Christmas day. On Thursday and
Friday of last week the tamily, consisting
of live brothers and live sisters, including
the sister and her husband front Colorado,
met at tho mother's residence near Spruce
Creek for the purpose of having a couple
of days' intercourse with oa< h other. Pres
ents were given and received, the old lady
being made tho recipient of a pair of gold
spectacles worth SH, besides many other ar
ticles. In return she gave each of the chil
dren some memento of their father, Itesides
money enough to bear their expenses to
and fr-ttn the reunion. Two days were
spent most pleasantly, the time being
passed in feasting and rejoicing and in
talking over old tiroes. Altogether there
WTO forty-two persons present, and the oc
casion will long be remembered as one of
tho most remarkable and interesting that
ever occurred in that section. Mr. Jacob
Sprankla and family returned homo on
Saturday last much pleased with their trip
and more than gratified at having once
more beholden the faces of those so dear to
them all. May they live to have many
I more such reunions is the best wish we can
I make for tbem.
marriage of Mo Dora Sussman, widow of
Abraham Sussman, with Mr. Abraham
UirK'h, of Lancaster, took place on Wed
nesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the resi
dence of Isaac (itiggenheimer. This so
cial event was quite a grand and recherche
one in Hebrew circles, and tho attendance
though unusually small was particularly
select. The only guests present outside
the immediate family wro Mr. and Mrs.
Asch and Major Reynolds, of Ilcllefonte,
and Miss Martha Lyon, of Philadelphia,
niece of Mr. Ouggcnlieimer. Tho rabbi
who offlciat-d at tbo ceremony was Mr.
Weil, of Lancaster. The bride was cos
tumed in seal-brown silk trimmed with
plush, beautiful flowers, white gloves and
j.earl Jewelry, and looked very charming,
while the groom was dressed in black,wore
a white Eton tie, white gloves and pretty
buttonhole bouquet. B<ime very beautiful
flowers were sent from I-anrastcr ; the w-d
--ding dinner was sumptuous and luxurious,
and there were a number of congratulatory
telegrams from friends of the bride and
groom in different seetions of the country,
including one from Montreal, Canada, and
one from Wheeling, W. Va. Tho wed
ding gifts were presented by only the clos
est relatives of the bridal |iartie* because
tbey did not desire them generally. Mrs.
Asch, however, was excepted, and the
bride received a handsome present from
that lady A somewhat remarkable speci
men of art indicating genius—a crayon
picture—was presented to Mrs. liirich by
her nephew, Louis Ouggenbeimer, 11 years
old, which was executed by the little lad
himself. The bride and groom departed
on the evening train for their home in
Lancaster, followed by the best wishes of
their many friends and admirers here.
This office is under obligations for some
very palatable fruit and cake from the
wedding dinner table.
—A Plpwmnt G*p correspondent write* :
—"The Bible <'!• which ha* been in
pritgre** during the p**t flee or ix week*
h o far met with ucce*. The clam i
under the infraction of Mr. Franci*
Speer. Mr. Speer I* an able-minded young
man and i* doing all in hi* power to make
it a tucce**. The cla* now con*i*t* of
about twenty-Ave member* and I* to be
known a* the 'Kxcelfor Bible Cla* of
Plea*ant Oap,' and meet* every Wednea
day evening in the Lutheran church, of
tbl* place. A. M."
—The largeit *tore*, that do the largr*l
buainea* in the city, and that hare the
con Bdence of every body ; mark tbelr good*
in plain figure* and ak only the lowr*l
price from the fart, and that U juat the
way we do. Lyon A Co.
l.adie* coat*, jacket*, dolman*, circu
lar* and uliterette*, in endle** variety,
•lylee and color*, and price* lower than
eUewhcre at 8 A A. Loeb'*.
—The largiet fork of drea* good*, ca*h
mere*. flannel* and dree* flannel* In all the
laUet *tyle* and ihade*, and marked down
to the very lowe*t price, at Lyon A Co. '*.
—Why are rich,accompli*hed and beau
tiful young ladle* like Green'* No. 1 and 2
Liver Pill*? Becauae they are alway* in
—Boot*, *hoe, the beavle*t driving
boot*, the flnrnt boot* ; the cheepmt tboee,
from fl a pair; the floeet warranted ahoe*,
from sfl to $6 a pair, at Lyon A V o.'a.
—Lewln't Philadelphia Branch one
price clothing *tore U the place to go for
anything wanted In the line of wearing ap
When you buy anything of ua you
need not be afraid that you are paying
more than your neighbor. We treat all
alike. Lowmt price for all. Lyon A Co.
—The new advertimmant of the Bee
Hive one-price fore* in this week'* paper
will repay a careful perueal.
—'The following is the paper entitled "How
to Study the Word of Ood," read by the
author, Kev. H. K Furst, of Bellefonte, at
the meeting of the Northern Conference of
the Evangelical Lutheran Syn<d of Central
Pennsylvania, which convened at Centro
Uall, ibis county, on November 'J, IHHI.
In commencing hla reading of tho paper
Mr. Furst said :
The topic assigned for discussion in this
paper is slated in the programme thus—
"How to Study the Word of Ood." It
will not be expected thnt even an outline
for a complete discussion of so iui|Hiriant
u subject can be furnished within the lim
its. It has become the fashion of late years
to suggest arid advocate ninny new meth
ods for the study of the Word of Ood,
most of which are more novel than com
mendable. We bear much of Bible read
ings—typical, historical, biographical,
chronological, &<: —but wo question
whether any who have pursued a course of
this kind have gained tnuch accurate Bib
lical knowledge in such shape as to be of
practical and permanent value. These
plans are too fragmentary and disconnected
to yield substantial results of such breadth
and height arid depth as may be realized
by a more systematic and rational mariner
of application. Iri all the numerous latter
day addresses, lectures and sermons deliv
ered or in the multitude of articles written
on this subject I have not once Jieard or
read a reference to what seems to me to be
the plan of plans, the very foundation, the
only proper starting point for an intelli
gent, connected and successful study of the
Word of God. That is to commence with
the central figure of ail earthly history
the character which is the beginning, the
middle, tho end, the all of Scripture—
Taking our stand by Hirn we are within
and look outward, backward, forward, all
around. Uur feeble sight is aided by the
halo of glory shining from his perfect
character, which illuminates and causes D<
stand out in a clearer light the figures and
shadows of the ceremonial law, and which
brightens and vivifies the dark prophecies
as well as makes real, edifying and practi
cal all biblical bisu>ry. The student who
pursues any other method only
around on the outside, groping in the dark
and resting on merely human pro|>s. He
may at times obtain a slight glimpse in
ward, or may occasionally enjoy a moment
ary flash of light that reaches out to bim
in bit insecure position, in constant danger
of falling. But the devout Christian with
in ha* the advantage of being fixed on the
Buck that cannot bo shaken—the sure
foundation—with the fulness of the light
of Heaven streaming through every pass
age, bringing forth in letters of living
light all parte of the revealed Word, open
ing with indescribable brilliancy the tem
ple of divine truth, in tbe very midst of
whiah he gloriously revels close by bis (sa
vior's side.
But, to be less figurative and more spe
cific, let each student remember and de
voutly practice tbe following three distinct
ways of reading and studying the Word of
God : First—Slowly read short portions in
connection with private devotions and
family Worship at least two or three times
a day. Second—Read rapidly at least half
a dozen pages every day in order to obtain
and extend a fresher or general acquaint
ance with Bible hLtory, precepts, lan
guage, Ac, Third—Spend some time daily
up>n tbe special study of some particular
book or other portion of Scripture, using
commentaries and other g<d helps, and
going as thoroughly as possible into the
connection and exact meaning of ail the
sentences examined. Never forget that tbe
best commentary on the Old Testament
ever written is the New Testament.
And while thus engaged observe the
following directions in reading, hearing '
and studying God's Word and in doing
Christian work. (I include tbe dotng be
cause none can so clearly comprehend
God's revealed truth as the devout Chris
tian wha daily, hourly, habitually, con
scientiously, submissively, lovingly, prae
tiff* the holy precepts.) First— Study dtli.
gently, I. e., bring all the natural faculties,
concentrated and consecrated attention, in
telligence, memory, In short all the God
given menial powers, to bear upon tbe
work; press them into the service of a
close, busy, searching investigation of
God's truth for the purpose of understand
ing aright and of being impreased aright
with that truth. Hoconi—Study eametlly,
With the burning desire of a conscience
stricken sinner longing to be right with
God; the simple and serious desire to be
come wise unto salvation ; a deepfelt de
sire for tbe good of tbe soul grounded on a
full sense of the exceeding worthlessness
of personal merit, and at the same time of
tbe exceeding worth of the soul's eternity.
Third— Study with constant and tpecial ap
plication to aelf SO jar oa warranted by
Scripture language. The Scriptures do
warrant such specific application through
out a very wide range of their statements,
calls and promises. Who can refuse the
warrant when tbe Bible makes use of terms
to universal at '-every one," "whoever,"
"all," Ac.?— Study as if personally and
particularly having intercourse with God
In Hit Word—as If that Word were sent
as a special message to each individual stu
dent. Fourth— Study df fruitfully of ttlf,
but depending on the prom iced apirit from
on high to guide into mil truth. It hi a
grievous obstacle In the way of spiritual
illumination to have confidence in our own
natural power* of discernment, for "the
natural men dlscouraeth not the things of
the Spirit," end we read "God reslstelh
the proud." It Is well to have a deep sense
of our own natural insufficiency and blind
ness, for we are told "Ood giv-th grace to
the humble." We are to study with all
our might, using all our [lowers as though
everything depended upon ourselves, and
then, distrusting ourselves, we are to put
ell our confidence end trust in God, as
though all de|>crided upon Him. Fifth
Study prayerfully. Prayer is the vehicle
of interchange between earth and HeaVeri
—carrying up the desires of the heart,
bringing down the dispensations of grace
If we are really determined on the spiritual
and saving understanding of God's Word,
then our will and God's will are at one and
the spirit of illumination will be granted
even to help us pray, as well as study, and
He will guide arid control us in searching
out the deep things of God as He has
veiled them, and lie will present them to
us c' -arly in the bright rays of the Sun of
Doing thiafrom a Christian standpoint—
from the very centre of the citadel of truth,
i. e , from Christ—with Christ, in Christ,
the learner advances; grows and glows
with 10-avenly knowledge ; becomes wise in
Christ's wisdom ; foretastes Heaven upon
earth ; the heart opens, expands, throbs
with implanted Divine love ; become* a
"fit temple for the indwelling of the Holy
Spirit," "meet for the inheritance of the
saints in light."
of Spring Mills has bright prospect* for
tho future. 1. J. Grenoble report* five or
six new houses for next summer on lot* he
sold this year, and R. H. Duncan has put
sixty-eight lot* on tbe market.
The new hotel Is about re ady for the
plasterer. Duncan A Son will move into
their new storeroom next week.
The election passed off quietly, so quiet
ly, indeed, that some |iersotis did nut find
out that it was election day.
Since my last letter old Father Time ha*
been garnering quits- a number of sheaves
Mr. Karstelter, of Coburn ; Mr. Kdrr,
of George's valley ; Mrs. H. Love, of Cen
tre Hill; Mrs. Jams;* Tyson, Mrs. John
Dunkh- and Mrs. George Armbruster, of
D'-ar Spring Mills, have all passed tbe con
fines of time and launched info the endles
realm of eternity. Three of the females
died of typhoid fever. They were ail in
tbe prime of life. Mrs. Love, daughter of
Mr. James McCliniick, had only t*< n
married a little over a year to a son of the
late Judge Love. Mrs. Armbruster was a
daughter of Jubn Rishel, K-q., who dud
about two years ago, and a sister of Luther
M. Rishel, our worthy Justice of the
Peace. Mrs. Tyson was a daughter of Dan
iel B-nner, and with her husband farmed
for Hon. H. N. McAllister, near Belle
fonte, several years ago. Mrs. Tyson died
on the 6th inst. and Mrs. Armbruster on
the 12th Inst., both aged 36 years. Mrs.
Dunkle, wifo of John Dunkh-, died on
Monday, Vjie 7th inst., of heart disease.
Mr*. William Weaver, of Brush valley, a
sister of Mrs, Armbruster, it lying ill with
typhoid fever, and Mr. Dan,el Bartgess,of
near Peon Hall, hat been quite ill for sev
eral month*.
The Spring Mills grammar school has at
last been supplied with a leather. Profes
sor Reiter, of Franklin and Marshall Col
lege, t* in charge of it.
Superintendent D. M. Wolf and Mr. Ja*.
Evan* will put up a brick house in place
of the wooden building burned down. So
rep<srt sty*.
PLKASAYT GAI- JoniNua.—Spring town
ship gave a Democratic majority for the
first lime in many year*. Good for Spring.
That old barrel and cart standing in
front of a certain plasterer's bouse should
be removed as it frightens a good many
Judge L , look* pleasanter than ever
since be has a handle to his name. We
congratulate you on your succeaa.
W. S. Tale is laying foundation for a
cabinet shop. He is also going to do un
dertaking. Just what the people of the
Gap need, especially some of our leading
M sny of our neighbors ere butchering,
the hog* though not to fet as they have
been in former year*. Sausages and pro
tracted meetings Ira tbe topics of the day.
Our schools are all open and In good
running order. May the little one* that
attend be well cared for by our kind teach
er* of whom we may be justly proud, for
tbeT are all citizens cf the Gap.
Our friend Haag is doing a good lot of
grinding In hi* new mill. If be would
only throttle the whistle on hit engine
many of u* would not be roused up ao
early IR the morning. Plamse don't blow
to long and loud, for wa like to sleep so
well in the morning. Haixnoxs.
—ASIIUCRNHAM, Mass., Jan. 14, 1890.
—1 have been very sick over two years.
They all gavo me up aa past cur* I tried
the moat skillful physicians, but they did
not reach the worst part. The iungs and
my heart would fill up every night and
distress me and my throat waa vary bad.
I told my children I never should die in
peace until I ha<i tried Hop BiUer*. 1 have
Uken two bottle*. They have helped me
vary much Indeed. 1 am now well. There
wa* a lot of sick folks here who have MM
how they helped me, and they used them
and are cured, and feel as thankful aa I do
that there la ao valuable a medicine made.
—Strictly one price, honest dealing, no
overcharging, at Lyon A Co.'a.
For IH Onni Dtwsst.
OniTUAitr.— On the Bth of November,
in Hpring township, of an overdoau of dis
satisfied candidate* of loth parties, the
Republican party, winch stood so famous
for a long term of years, died—gave up
the ghot. The ttrugglea were heartrend
ing, but it had to yield to the enemy at
laat,although every thing that could be dona
or thought of waa resorted to. Kven men
who heretofore thought it disgraceful to
vote anything but a straightout democratic
ticket took the field early -.n Tuesday
morning of election day and fought man
fully all day long against the regular nom
inees of the party. Home of those men
made heavy boasts—they even went so far
as to take fifty votes from the democratic
side of the house and add the same to the
Republican side ; they resorted to the de
ception of those who could not read what
was print-d on their tickets; they engaged
men to electioneer against a portion of the
ticket who were never known to bolt he
fore. Home of our hotter* have in bygone
days made themselves conspicuous and use
ful to some exu-nt in local |>litic. In their
minds they could do as they pleased with
the voters of the township. Home have
held offices of honor, others at this lime
hold positions that they shamefully dis
grace on election day. At the sacrifice of
honor, trust, or at any cost they undertook
to defeat a part of the ticket. They worked
in with a few of the leaders of the opposite
party, who took them for what they were
worth, as they thought; hut even they now
say they made a mess oi it, as they made
more voles for the Democrats than they
took away. We deeply feel for you ; we
hope you will sen the folly of the course
you have fiursucd. We know it is hard
to stand two deleats SO close together, hut
it is of little use to make a fuss about it.
You bad better lake things as they come,
for two or three of us cannot do much.
The township hat gone Democratic. You
■re politically dead now, and the only
thing you have gained is a Democratic
victory in Hpring township, with all your
combined efforts to defeat a portion of the
ticket. You are only the laughing stock
of both parties. The contract you under
took was too large arid your influence too
small to make anything out of it; so here
after do not place so high an estimate on
yourselves and you will get along much
better. Again, we are sorry that you made
such a mistake; but we are all prone to
wander from the straight line of duty.
Flying in the face of your party action,
when fairly and honorably made, will not
he a winning card at any time.
—lt U D<>l necessary to dicker and bar
gain two bourn when you wish to bur any
thing of u*. Wc ark jut what tb* goods
are worth and no more. Lyon A Co.
—We don't bait you on one thing—give
you one article lew than cost and charge
you double for the next. You can buy
with confidence of us. All goods marked
in plain figure*. Lyon A Co.
—We take all kind* of country produce
—butter, eggs, lard, meals, potatoes, Ac.—
and give you our good* at the lowest cash
prices, asking you only the lowest cent
from the start. We don't ask you $3
more on a suit or a dress so as to come
down $1 at Lyon A Co.'s.
—The largest stock of dress good* erer
brought to Centre county is now opened at
—lnaction of the stomach or lungs PK-
I sex* cure*. But when of the liver or
I kidneys MAVALIK does.
— Wher. a person is unwell there must
be inaction of tome interna! organ. PK
nr*a —exit.
—Ladies', misses and children's dot.
mans and coals in endleas variety and very
cheap at the Bee Hive.
—We have given the exclusive agency
to Lyon A Co. for the sale of Klkin's cele
brated fine sboea, every pair of which we
guarantee. They era of the finest stock
and workmanship, and we will make our
guarantee good if any pair does not give
satisfaction. M. KLRIX A Co.
—OsxMwirß, February I, 1880.—Hop
Bitters Oumpanv—Birs: I was given up by
the doctor* to <ita of scrofulous consump
tion. Two bottles of your hitter* cured me,
LKKOT ilaiwxa.
—The largest assortment of fall and
winter suiting* and overcoating*. Leave
your order* now.
'♦♦-if MORTOOMRRT A Co., Tailora.
BROWga—SKKSRR —fx MMhsls. I>, br In A.
k rm, Mya-wi-r U. I**l. WtMsai Brown aari
Nt Hiss A *i si sr. toll st aaar fHlatsn. Caw-
Irs eoaaty . h.
KlCK*— WALkkk—At lb* t.tb*ra parsons*' la
IWlsSals, bf In. I. k Kan*. n*f>-nabor M, text.
Oenrga W Rim, si aswr IMiatnwt*. SSKI MM*
Vioi* Wslkn.nT nesr RlMs a.faatr* eesatr. N.
COBMAX-RorkkT -At _|b Laihuas |>we
Is WMilr, by In a. R fart*. (Mslwi a. tast,
RlUiia H OMSHI sad Mist l.rdM A. Isctr;, MS
of soar.llelletaMa. CWaln Ss
HI Kll L—II IWI-Os tb* Jtb IMIHOI. at lb* Rrfnrw •
4 *uwm*s. JatmirlHs. by In. Hmn P.
Ilstls l, Mr Hsnnssl S. Mil.4 MMM tmnmbMi,
sad MM* MSRRM A Mraw. a< Huvar*
ERA—O Arm -At tb* Man M tb- brM*. mi Pta*
Utm* Milts, by It** J. A. Kwr. Me* IMb. Wat.
*. Brb. ,4 M.Krwa roast J. Ms, uM Rata R lislrs,
of tVxfr* oaslt,
noaHßk-aAIRU.-Oa tb* IMfclastaal, by R*r J.
i. I nbr. Mr Onitß* I Horror is* Miss lauds R
KMrd, btb or fbwaat Osa
IloMK\ttb.Rߥ-Clf APMAS.-Ob Mi* IMb lortaat,
by K*v. J. I. lx*f Mr. Ilsrrr RaMaMm 4
MIU l.ydts a Cbspsaaa, all rl t slmllsn b,s*
CTRA Y RTEER—On or about the
OtMh af Natwasbsr, Ik't* seas* to tb* prriatns of
Joan* Ibaaatsa. la Wslfcrr township, a RoAN
HTKSR. si mad na* SB* s balf yu* abl Tb* cwly
aurk na tb* saliasi Manual! ptcw* eat a*Ms* tip ot
tb- trO Mt Tb* atrasr M input"! M. anas* Iheuwnl.
nay Hurt** *! tab* tb* *Uw* sway 5 sUsrsSo b*
a til by Mi i stil at swwrMlag kslaw.
Walkrr Tswtblt, Hossksi 16,1*61. datw