Returned His Commission. The People of Firyinia Make it too Worm for a Readjustee Potlmatler, WASHINGTON, November 14. —James A. Qalder having on the recommenda tion of Senator M*bonc been appointed postmsstet last August for the small office at Sbakleford's, in King and Queen county. Virginia, has returned his commission to the department with the statement that on account of his being a readjuster the properly holders of Sbakleford's bare combined to pro vent his procuring accomodations for a posloffice; that ho has. therelore, been j unable either to rent a suitable room or ; obtain a suitable site upon which to i build, and that he is consequently ' obliged to resign the appointment. The ssiisiant postmaster general to day, in view of the reported state ol affairs, issued an order discontinuing the post office and directing its papers and busi ness to be transferred to West Point, the nearest office in the neighboring county of King William. The Weather for Norember. A correspondent of the New York iSun makes the following prediction: "The weather of November will be eventful and phenomenal. The first half of the month will give a contin uous succession of storm*. The most stormv days will tie the lt. 2d. s'h, 6ih, 19lb. 21st and 23d. The month will open balmy but airenlike. The oscilla tions in teni|erHture will be short and marked, ending with Arctic waves. Following the 12th the snowfall will be general. Alter the 241h there will be more quiet days. There will fie gale* of wind t>n the Ist, 7th and 19tb. Bril liant auroras will be visible where the sky is clear, and earthquakes will occur at unusual places. There will be vol canic activity near the Ist, 7th, Kith, 19ib and 21st. The earth's atmosphere will be subject to a trying ordeal, the result of distant disturbance in space in circular and vibratory form*, hut there will be no widespread devastation. Damage will result principally from winds, floods, snows and tidal waves. flood Bye, John. from th. Issuing Telegraph, Norembor 10. Wrecked within sight of the landing was the fate of "Judge'' Cessna and his canal boat, and great ia the rejoicing among the hardy yeomanry of Somerset anc Bedford. The Sixteenth Judicial district ia soundly Republican, but they couldn't stand the piospect ol John Cessna for Judge, and so they either took to the woods on election day or voted for Mr. Baer. the Democratic can didate. lo Somerset Bully's majority ia 1.400 and Cessna's only 300—figures that eloquently portray the 'popularity' of the cauai boat statesman ; while in Bedford, where he lived. Republican aod Democratic neighbors kindly push ed him within sight of the Judicial haven, and then—left bim sticking in the mud up to bis neck. Brother Cess na's canvass was altogether unique. He claimed to have quite retired from "parly politics," but entered with grrmt detail iolo a personal appeal for voles. He sent out hundreis of taffy-covered postal card# to bis "old Irienda" at bis birth place and other peculiarly hallow ed places, just to remind them, you know, that he was a caod date for the Bench and would he very grateful, etc., etc. He also mounted the stump and talked, and visited the schools and smiled upon the little folks. Oh! "Judge" Cessna's campaigd was just too sweet for anything. But the cold heart ed voter went up to the polls and put in his ballot for the "other fellow." It's too bad ; but there's one consols tion—"Judge" Cessna will still remain in the political arena to amuse the spectators. For instance, it would'nt be any kind of a Bute Convention at all without Cessna. Tax charge so often made against ex* Senator Wallace tbal he owed his elec tion to the Senate, to Simon Cameron and bis son. having been repeated by Charles S. Wolfe, in one or perhaps more of his public speeches, Mr. Wal lace disposes of the matter by publish log the following denial of the charge in the Harriaburg Patriot: CLBAHVIKLD, PA , November 7.— The statement made by Mr. Wolte that I owed my election to the Senate lo the Camerorta is untrue. The reverse is the fact The Democracy bad a majority of eight in the Legislature. I was nominated in the Democratic caucus by one hundred and six votes out of ons hundred and twenty two. An effort was then made to unite the Republicans and a few Democrats on another candidate. Senator Rutan was tbs Cameron leader in this movement and negotiated with my enemies for two days to dofeat me and elect a bolter or a Re publican. This movement failed because Senator Strang and fifteen other anti- Cameron Republicans preferred my elec tion to that of a bolter and boldly said so. WILLIAM A. WALLACE. IT baa been flippantly said by a Re publican newspaper, that "Colonel In gersoll may be relied on to fight th* liibU (revised or otherwise) and the Dem ocratic party." This autemeet baa the merit of frank ness, to say the least. If the enemies of the Bible are the enemies of the Democratic partv, an allianoe between the Rad>cal end tbe Atheist is quite natural. Acoording to tbe doctrine laid down by a prominent Republican Senator, such a conjunction of forces it eminently politic and proper. "Any thing," lays that distinguished aod trusted leader, "tbat will beat down that party, and buildup our own. is justifi able in morals and in law." Under this elastic code of political ethics, tbe Republican leaders would be justified in making war on Christianity, and fight ing tbe Bible, nnder tbe banner of tbe atbeiate. if there is no easier way "to beat down tba Democratic party." But we ere not complaining of this fellowship of partisan leaders with tbe ungodly, aa e dander retort. If tbev cbooee to league themselves with all who can be relied on "to fight tbe Bible and the Democratic party," we see no cause for alarm. American Regater. TBS purest, beat and cheenaat remedy is that simple compound PBBUNA. No one can be health) with a torpid liver and oonstipation. Take MAN ALIN- LEATHER. Ask for Genesee Sole Leather if you want the best. Calf Skins, Kips, Morocco*, Linings, Lasts Thread, Nails, Pegs, Wax, Bristles and all kinds of Shoe Findings on hand. Custom work made to order. 333. & soisr. New Advert inementa. MRS. LYDIA L PINKHIi, OF LYNN, MASS., J I ! I V LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B VEGETABLE COKPOOOT. ISApoalllr^ur* far *n itm r*l*l*l r*MiiiHi **s w—>*< a* rammea t***r beat frmala papalatla*. It wtU cur* cutlraly tba ont ran* ot Parnate Oca (-Uinta, *ll ocarlan ImM* Inflammation and dear* tloa, railing and IH.ptareiweuta, and th* co urn quint S|>ln*l Waaknaas, and I* particutertr adaptad to tba Cbang* at Ufa. It will dlaaute* and arpaf tnamra tba uteruala an aarty slag* of deealopsnaut Tba tendency to tan c-rouahumoratharatocbaekad eary ai'tadlly l.y lb aaa. It ramoeaafUntnaa*, Ibalelsary, daatmyaaU acacias for stimulants, aad retirees weakness of tba atocurk It car** 81-allag, Itaadaebaa, W.rcwaa Fro*ration, Gaaoral DsbtiUy, llnpltaaif. Dqnadn aad tadl gcailna That feetta* of baartac dowa. cwnetay pals, weight and barbae It#, la aieajra taenia aawtly cured bf Ita aaa. It will at all time* aad under all rlrrumstaara* act ta harmony lth Iba lawa that goear* Iba tiaala ayataaa. Tor tba rare of Kidney Cumptelida of auaar aaa ihte Compound la unain laaaal. LTDIA r_ rixkntsa TECKTAHLE cen- POINDIs prepared at M aad Dt Waatara Aeaaa*. l yaa. Sana Price |I BU botUaafor St Saal by mail In tba form of pills. aboo I a tba form af loaaagaa, oa receipt of prlca, |i par box for either Mra Pink bam fraalyaaaaaraaUlrtaataof legator. Saed for pamph lat Addnm a* akuea. MmWaa lA<* Aye So family tboedd b# without LTDIA X. PIKXH.UP* UTEH riLLS. Tbay man coaaUpaltea. blllaamam. and torptdity of tba (tree n ear.ta par bat. r BeU by ell I>r aggleta. •% ♦ C 4#t pf Jay at boma. fampl— worth 13 J 10 V**U fr-e. Addreaa A STIXSOX S CO, Portland, Main# S-ty - Were? falls In rare any kldn#y dleraarwhat- _ ■ toreaf; aim. dUaam aof tba hlart-i- t . M ■ ■ IncooUaear* of urlo*. (wetUas tba Pad) a Pa*C*A la a poatuvarar*. i' 11 - i■ >• a I I Mesaatarplor aattaiuralarTd .it- d-tlgoara. a rnnt l • ear* rare. 1 ".7.1 I Aged and young prr a, ab-> a# dletuflwd 7r-r#ufty, at Bight. la mots water, ran | r*W Implicitly nn I ■" I , not rest-re or at t-at g mally lew! t. gasSs . Scad f<* a pamphlet. a B. B. UABTMAIf A CO., Otborn, Ohio. - K##p your bowala regular with S. if A. LOEit, Ucnervl Merchant*, Allegheny -St „ Hettefonte , Pa. MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR BOYS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT -OP TBI CELKBRATED STEIN, ABLER & CO.'S MAKE, of RocHester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS PIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OP— 8. & A. LOEB,S ""SSL'S"* FINE CLOTHIERS —AMD— DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Sew Advertlnement*. SH. YOCUM, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, HKI.I.KPONTE. PA. Olßct on N. E. corner o( Diamond *nd Alltghtny-nt, la (ha ruoau lalaljr occupied \ij Yocnm A lluUnp IQ3I THE CULTIVATOR IQQI AND COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. TilK BEST OP TIIK AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. Tiib Country Gentleman u Unsur attain. If not I'b.uhllid, for tba amount and tarte ty of Patcricti laronattioN It uoatalaa, and for ilit ability and aitaal of tin Con Bit ro* bluet—in Tbrat Chief Dtrtrtiuna of f ARM < HOI A AND PROP BRA EH, IIORTICI'LTI'HR AND PHI ITdIROWINO. LIVE STOCK AND DAIRYING— wbIIt llolao Inrludta all minor dtpartmenu of rural loir root, turh at Ibt Poultry Yard, Knlomolotiy, Bra Keeping,(lrttabouaa and drapery, V.tarfnary Hrpllee, Harm (Juaationa and>, Plrtildt Heading, I*o fanatic Ko nomy . and a auinmary of Ibt Nana ol Ibt Week. It. Mtagrr R roar, art uuuanaHy cotnplet , and morn Information ran br gathered from Ita col umn. than trom any olhtr amira alth regard to Iba Protparta of Iba Crupa, at thrualnu light upon nt of tba moat Important of all uoratb/t.a--Vt n* to So t.o Main to Hi Li. It It liberally Itlu.lralrd, and noiiatllntra to a greater dagTta than any of 11. L OS trmporurlea A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NKWSFAPKR Of nttar falllag Internet both lo Prodortra aad Cok turner* of ary elate. Tut Col'BTil UIUTLIN.B ta publlebed WtiitT OB (ha lolhiwißg tarn..abra paid atrl< tly In edttara: Oat Copy, on- ytar |IUI; Pot* Coma. HO, and aa addlltunal ropy for th year frrt to Iba oid-r of Club; Tib i nta, *t and an additional copy for tbn year frt* to Ibt ttadtr of tba Club. SUrSptrlmao (oplta of Iba Pnpar frat. Add rata LUTHKR TUCKER A SON, Publuhtr, ALBANY. N. T. PENNSYLVANIA. Centre Co.,at: A !<■'() I, Wa R. BrAconaLß,Clarh of IbaOr pliant' Court of aald county. do btraby rtrtify thai at an Orpnen. Court bald at Ballafoota, Ibt tid day of Auanat. A. D liwl. btfort tbt H no ruble Ibt Judge* of tbt aald Ciairt, on motion a rnlt aat granltd apon Mary Ana lllmmtlrfrb. Baotatl lllmmtlrbb and ' harlta Rurkty. Iht I • -• and Itgal itpraatalall.aa of John L. Korkty, dactaatd. lo coma Into court on tht Alb Monday of Not ember nan. to accept or rtfutt to ncrtpt at lha raluatlon, or ,k>a tanu ah? Iba rtal I aatata of tbt aald dtraaaad tbonld not l JS-Aar ieeo-i. 18SC-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. I Tba aubarrtptbm prtc* of ibt Wo go PtraioT bat I bttn rtdarad to It pi ptr ropy per annato To elnba of firtt and upward. tba M PiratoT will bo furnlehad at tba atunotdloartly rbaap rata of ; 1$ raata par ropy |r anean I Ta D.ttt P.ranrt will bt atat to any oMrau, j daring Ibt ttoalont of foagrut and Ibt Ltglalalora at Utt of II) roota ptr amtlL I I'ndtr tht act of Congi oa tba pnblltbtr prapaya tba p-ataga aad tutacriban or* ratiaaad from that i ainaoaa. Ktery aabarriptk/a mum ba arrompaaiad by tba caab No* It tbt timt to anhtcriba Tba appraorblag f aaaaloaa of Coagrtaa aad fbt Legtetatara a||l ba of I mora than ordinary tatarrat and fbtlr proceeding* I *lll ba folly inputted At tbt t*ally and a ..mpiata aynopai. tf tbam *lll ba gtiaa la tba Weakly Addraaa PATRIif PUBLISHING 00, AJ-lf IB MarktA Street. Ilarrlaburg. pROCKKRHOFF IIOUBE, , I > ALLEGIIRN Y ST . BRLLBPDKTR, PA. WILLIAM McKKKVKK. Manner. Good Sample Room on Firml Floor. ear Prat Raaa to aad from all Train. Sparta! rutaa lo Itnamm and I arm. lA-ly CANCER HKMOVED, \VITHOUT KNIFE.and in mo* Y Y caaaa trltbaut tmlo. Apply to C. . P. PISIIEE. Bnalabarg, IS-Am* Caatr# Coaaty, Pa. Philadelphia It ranch Clothing Howie, Bellefonte, M'a. FOIR/ BJLR/GKA.i:tTS —IK— CLOTHING —AJfIJ— GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, CALL AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH, BELLEFONTE, PA. lluMnr** Cards. ITARNEBB MANUFACTORY A A In Utraw'l In lltrl. BKLLKPONTB. PA. 1 >7 I? P.BLAIR, A • JKWKLKK, mtrrmn. ovora*. jtwaanr, Ac. All work nadir aiaratad On Allagbat,. Mrwt ai4w kwtnM II uk t.(f DEALERS IN PURE DRUGS ONLY, •J I ZELLER A SON, a 2 ,* • iißCoaum, Bo A. hr * kaih .ff R. * ,2 g | All lk Standard P atari Madirtna* Prn-I ] SacrtpUon* and Family B*ripaa vKil4M 1 3 Y ♦ II I QUIB DOLL, Is PABIItOXABLB MOOT A BIIOEMAKRB, Brotkr.bolT Row, AlMmt ilfwl. H| Mr MA>Hi.h. •• •. ft l $ r iun. (M'r. TFLRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1 BKurroxTK, Allafkany firm. HMlafonU. Pa Ml PENTRE COUNTY BANKINO \J company. Rocat** Brproit* AM Allow UUrttl. | Dtacwaai Nmm. a Bay iM Sod ™ t ImrlMA, Hold ul Oopa*. A. Rtrrtß. PrtHial. i. B. lT C*kl*r Mf HK. HOY. M. D., • (MBro la OnrM How. ptor* Parian'* Law OOo*. BKLI R NTK, PA. •portal aiioattoa gi*on to OpMtll Surgafj u4 Cfcraadc Mono IVly nR. JAB. H. POBBI NB, M. D., U PHYSICIAN ANO sm (IK. N Olts AUfWy K, IifWt '• Dric Itsrn, HKULtVWTK. FA m. J. W. RHONE, Dentist,can I fnaod at ht* nttro oad rooidawca *a Narlh •14* of llld. rtraot tiira* 4oor* Mad of Allnkaay, BalNfont*. Pa. |p|, SECffLER ry Good* and Grorrrlr*. J JARPER BROTHERS, •PRIXO BTNERR. UNLTNMRT, PA. Hare their counter* end (helve* filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATES Purchased at \ BANKRUPT KATES I BANKRUPT KATES WHICH Tiirr orrr.R AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. coseurriXQ or Dry Good*, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTH and SHOES BOOTH and HHOKH at very low price*. BOOTH and HHOKH HATH and CAPB Lateit ityle* of H ATH and CA PH HATH and CAPS Carpet Bag*, Umbrella*, Parasol*, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceries, • t{ueerj*ware, Ac. Coaiprtalng ararj Ibln* that >A U (.AND LA a Brat TLUI Mora. HARPER BROTHERS, LL-BIXO STHKKT. - - BKI-LEFUSTE, PA OOVHTET HUiIDI'CX Ukcti In i(but|t t tU | higbttt —litlprte i_|i * H'KEK tlx • dmy tt h< n. wrtl; to*/)*. M I m OtmUy Outlli (rM. A H t KroVTK PA, PatnillM an* aa a.I: a. tb ,- aral fa*.lift* mbltr an* nawntil aire ara lartla* fc. ttita Ptvata laaa llobrt b.n lb., will *a* baa • iM'TH t r—>niml4 nttw reduction in Jui)Ut+* >n4 "fhwrw • iiwr.dSuf DW W R TKLI.KR. PRATER.