Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 17, 1881, Image 4

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    Che CJtufre §emfrat.
The Largsst. Cham past sad Beat Peper
Ushrd rtrrjr Tbursdajr morning, at Bsllsfonta, Canlrr
couatjr, Fa.
TERMS —Cash In adraarw Si uO
If not paid In a>lvaa<a S OO
A LIVR PAPER—dstotrd to Iks intsrrsis of Iks
wkolr propls.
Pajmsnta mads within tbrss months will bs con
sldrrod In advanca.
No paprr will la dlarontlnud until arraaragrsara
paid, sxcrpl at option of pabllahrra.
Papsrs going out of lb county must br paid for In
A llbrml discount Is made o parsoni adrertlslni by
Ihs ijuartsr, half ysar, or year, aa follows:
srsca occvnsa, B a | 'jj
Oor Inch (or IX linso this lypr)— I frjflX
Two Inchra 7 lu| IA
Thrao luchra...— I" IA X 0
S nar-.tr column (or Mn. hos) ...- IX Xtli X"
air t-ulnmn (or 10 Inchra) Xl> 3A AA
Onr column (or X*ilnchrs) jlbS .V)[li*)
Foraign adrrrtlrrmrnu nmtl br paid lor brfors In
ssrlioa. ricspt ou ymrly contra/ i., wbm balf-ytarly
paynirulr in a.lrancr will l-r rc<(nirrd.
POUricAL Novtcs*. lAcrnts per linrmcb Inarrtion.
N dtilnx Interred (or I car tban AO crnla.
Bi t!rs- Noricvs. In I hr rdllnrtalcolumns, IA csnts
par tins, racb Insertion.
Will Not Surrender to the Machine
An Ablt Addrtu Setting Forth the Priuri
pit•* ami Future Policy cf the Anti Ma
chine lirpuhlicans of Pennsylvania—An
Immediate Organisation of them Hcpteeled.
1881.— To the Republican* of Pennsylvania:
—The candidacy of Hon. Charles S.
Wolfe for the office of Stale Treasurer,
announced on tbe tenth of September
last, has been endorsed by 50,000 elec
tors of this Commonwealth. Kitty thou
sand citizens of Pennsylvania have pro
claimed an emphatic condemnation of
the arbitrary policies and methods pur
sued by those manipulating the ma
chinery of the Republican party of tbe
State, and a resolute determination to
battle against the longer continuance
in power of those who persist employ
ing tbe party organisation for the ac
complishment of selfish and unholy
purposes. Kitty thousand people have
said : "Des|iotic bassism must not be
tolerated ; the pernicious spoils system
must be crushed ; the evils of the civil
service must tie remedied ; nominations
antagonistic to public sentiment must
be rebuked; official profligacy and
malfeasance must end."
Jir. Wolfe's candidacy had for its ob
ject the utterance of an emphatic pro
tect against those who, for personal ag
grandisement, have prostituted the par
ty and ita machinery. Tbe emphasis of
this warning cannot be questioned, ami
will scarcely lie ignored. Mr. Wolfe's
candidacy has achieved its original pur
pose, and has been.a marvelous success.
Silas M. Baily has been elected to tbe
offioe of State Treasurer. By the em-
E| loyment of an army of coerced office
I olden and department employes; by
tbe use of large sums of money wrung
by aaseMment from national. State and
municipal officials and laborers; by
bargaining with trading Democrats in
Tanous localities, whereby Democratic
candidates for county offices received
support in return for votes for Baily ;
by tbe assistance of certain purchasable
Democratic manipulators ; and because
of persona! and local antagonisms to
the Democratic nominee, the cboaen
candidate of tbe Republican bosses has
by an insignificant plurality seemiogly
been elected.
Tbe independent Republicans of the
Commonwealth are to be congratulated
Upon tbe large vote cast for Mr. Wolfe,
not simply out of neraonal regard or
admiration for him, but as an exponent
of uncompromising hostility toboaaism.
The movement is not ended, but he
who runs may plainly read the signs
which indicate the beginning of the end.
Tt is tbe purpoae of the Cilixena' Re
publican Association of Pennsylrania
to labor for the maintenance of the
following principles and the attainment
of tbe following object* : The purifica
tion and preservation of tbe Republican
party; the overthrow of bossiai; the
right of a fairly chosen and unfettered
majority to nominate; the reform of
the civil service; tbe elevation of the
intellectual and moral standard of our
officials, national, Htate and municipal;
and i ceaseless warfare against the
spoils system, that fruitful parent of
the numberless political evila which
menace tbe perpetuation of our renub
lic*n form of government, and which
led to the cowardly inintfißation of
the chief magistrate of our nation.
Guided by these principles, and aim
iog at the accomplishment of these
purposes, all Republicans of independ
ence ; all Republicans of patriotism ;
all Republicans who love the party for
the oountrv's sake; all the Republicaas
who wept for a Lincoln, and who mourn
for a Garfield, as exponents of true Re
publicanism, are requested to organise
at once. The members of all associa
tions now in existence are urged to
make permanent such associations;
and in localities where no organisations
have aa yet been effected we advise
that Immediate steps be taken toward
that end. We invites continued cor
reapondence from all friends of the
movement who have previously com
municated with us, and ask in addition
information and cooperation from all
sections of tbe Htate. Let ua be pre
pared for any and every emergency that
may arise. I. D. Mcßta, Chairman.
WOMBN that have been bedridden for
ye—s have been entirely cured of female
weak news by tbe use of Lydia E Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. Hnd to
Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkbam, 233 Western
Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets.
EASILY PROVEN.— It la easily proven
that malarial fevers, constipation, tor
didity of the liver and kidneya, general
debility, nervousness, and neuraigir. ail
meats yield readily to this great disease
conqueror, Hop Bitters. It repairs the
ravages of disease by converting tbe
food Into rich blood, end it gives new
life and vigor to the aged and infirm
Arbitration for the Indlanii.
From the Waabiogtoa Port.
The National Arbitration League
meeting, held at the K alreet Baptist
Church, proved one of more than ordi
nary interest. Col. Meachsm's essay
received the undivided attention that
it deserved, coming, a* it did, from one
whose experience and knowledge of
the Indian character is probably more
thorough than that of any one in our
country. Col. Meacbam is a man whose
personal experience with the Indian
has not left a spark of revengeful spirit
within him, though his treatment at
their hands has furnished the history of
the country with a chapter of bloodshed
and suffering seldom found within ita
pages. He is a man some fifty five
years of age, though he looks older.
His height, build and weight are about
the average. His head is bald pretty
well up Irom the forehead, and the
scars that mark it around the lower
part of the skull show how near it came
to being entirely devoid of hair. Seven
scars remain to tell of the eventful day
in the lava beds, when, during a confer
ence under flag of truce, the treacher
ous Modoca arose upon (Jen. Canby and
nis statl'and left among the dead that
noble officer, while Col. Meacbam lay
beside bun mutilated almost beyond
recognition. Tomahawk and bullet
wounds covered the latter until no
signs of life were visible, until Winema.
the Modoc squaw who had warded off
many a savage stroke, came to his relief
and found that his body was still warm
with life. His scalp had been cut and
torn from the head, left hanging over
his eyes by but a small piece of the
flesh of the forehead. It was months
after that Col. Meachsm was able to
tell the story of the butchery.
His subject last evening was "Arbitra
tion a Remedy for Indian Trouble."
Col. Meacbam said be would not at
tempt to discuss this subject of arbitra
lion aside from its relation to the In
dian. He spoke of the Indian as be
was found by the discoverers of Amer
ica. Then the Indian was a peace
loving, confiding man ; his simple laws
few, his ceremonies sacred. With scant
history found upon the rocks or handed
down by lather to son, be bad no litera
ture, no ambition to live in literature,
and none to live beyond the memory ol
his own tribe. At that time Col. Mea
chain recited several instances to show
that in national matters, and, io fact, in
settling all great difficulties among
themselves, arbitration is the recognised
method. Referring to the massacre of
(Jen Canby in the Lava Beds, he said :
"If good lailb bed always been kept
with them no horrid massacre would
have disgraced the name of Modoc."
Then taking up the case of the Sioux
chief, Sitting Bull, "There never hss
been a time," he said, "when this chief
would not have left to a court of arbi
• ration all cause of quarrel between
him and the Government of the United
States. Arbitration presupposes and
recognises that both parties have cer
tain rights in the premises, and this is
just what Sitting Bull has contended
tor from the beginning of the troubles
to the present time, lie claimed to be
heard in bis own behalf. This we have
denied him. Reasserted that he bad
certain rights in the northwest, and
esfiecially in what is known as the
Black Hills. The Government half
conceded their right by agreeing in the
treaty of 1863 that the Black Hills
should remain a hunting country for
the Sioux Indians for a period of twen
ty years. It was alto understood that
white men should be kept out until tbe
expiration of that time. I blush for
tny Government when I remember that
within four years of the making of said
agreement that it authorised tbe inva
sion of the Black Hills by an armed
body of men, who discovered vast min
eral deposits, and, although the Govern
ment did not authorise the settlement
of that country by white men, it sutler
ed it to be done,"
"Let us," he said in conclusion, "as
the leading nation of the world redeem
ourselves by fulfilling the covenants
made by our fathers that this continent
should be tbe borne of justice to all
men and let ua stand out boldly aa the
champions of human rights with ita
qualifications ; and let it be the glory
of the American citixen to declare that
the long looked for time when 'the
wolf also shall dwell with tbe lamb, and
•he leopard shall lie down wilb the
kid, and the calf and the fatling to
gether; and a little child shall lead
♦ mm i
The following Is lbs list of Jurors drawn
for November term of Court, commencing
Monday November 2ft, 1881.
IVJ (bnM.Splni, Jospti llalr. bihrrty,
Jamrr Cohi. k. Rsah. le-rgr lut- n. RrlMbata.
William SrtMrr. Rk D. M M'Conl. (irrgi
Adam Lank . Fergana. I) M. Xrlglrr. Mlllkelar
C llurk, Uatoartllr Mlrkarl Dermis*. roller.
J. M. Hi rigor, Harris. iHaorgeP. flair. Csloa.
0 A Iksrk, Howard bora. Walla Erase, Um.
Sam no I Irhlrr, Harris Hon J Rich, rnintitlllr,
Robort "sntner Frrgaana (l.rri— VetAsCe*. KnrntMr
Jamrr Kbrrtr. Worth. dm W. Tala. RrllHnnl*-
J. M. Oram, Mlteefcarg. 11. -lfp
Tfcoa. Frarfrr. Brsasr. j
Jams* Carnrr, Wslksv. Hrnrj "tsgerr. Harris.
ROLEN MSSLR, PkmpeUargJ W llaiail, llalass.
R. 0 Rrrll. RAPSA J Flrtrkr-r, Howard twp
Jnarfh Bklrk, Mllraborg. Jamsa L.lnslr. S-aUrr.
"war IMS. SSNAMR. Jofcn lloman, Fsrawana,
J.C. Pownrll. BOGGR. Jrdra ITLIH-r. Mllsafcwr*.
J-arpk FOS, (Mlrfoata. Daulrl Mkklly. Walks*.
Rrabrn Iddlngr, t'nliro. Jar Monlsotnsrr. Strlnr.
Mores FYITIR, Worth. Andrww Tfcmmpnn. CALO*.
Rltarr Ramlargar , FMirm. 0. L Meek, HrllrS.alr
Hrnrj Soathrra, I'hTeirg J. R BariralT. Drllrfbwta.
W. R Tette*. Krllrb au. 11 A. Wash. BaratMa,
D S. Eereteller Fraa. J C. OoMiMel, Flkerte.
Attdrrw Hartrr, Fraa Rdward Brown. BMlß,r*it
Joks Bmkwtlh Tailor. :F. A. Darts. Phmpatmra.
lE. Hanswiok, < ollS M. t. Decker, F.DVRT . "
?. ■ 'I 1 * 10 *- IWV HE Jim IS C, CUSDN Oragg.
H. E. Orals", Brllrtools. 0. W, ROYA*. MLLRN.
{"T *•"" "BOS. B rraakrwhrrarr.Fswa.
MRKWD Lots. SYR tag. Wlliksm Falloa ft ll*. BAR*
• F BOY BI,raI-> Jarass Brball Or egg.
JRA F Trraalrr. Ollrg. Rmansrl Wolf. Hants,
F' D Re™et Rknwwra, Walkar.
Jamas BerMet, Ukert; J V u, PMllprbur;
B F FklltgS, FWN '-Hertr
AO wearar. dragg ,J I, Bs# RGF,.
samaal DIM. Fergana, IN Kteietter, Spring,
flsotgs Hoovgr, ITAUM jSeessel Ctairfsa, AMMS
J T Hatsrlr. Bprtng. |OM L Prlrr*. |- B | ( O,
JOFCA Klmpurt, Fran W F (Tourer, Mksvtp.
Ilrnry DSnydrr Milra. NOT TL. Sprint
Joka dniasr. Marine. Dartd s.-,ai..R. RnH.
I>a ld bank. Fargimoa. Joke Hook, llarrts
Jamra lloldrnwaa. Harris Oenrga Marks*, FSM.
Jams* F Frank Milsa, D IHRABUT*.-,. Wslbs*.
Jrasr Swarm, Walksf. Wtlw.n Bilge*, Rask
n B pDUrrTnarvta. Wllllam Jraklns, BrllrCl
Jrrrj R R en, (lesser. J C TETSR, llalnrs.
Natksntrl Brlrly. Boggs jjassk Rarkrt, Mltss.
J 0 tddlngs, R"Vr THRW Rrkrararfc. Spring.
F W HNRKM LLDF MOOA. Jos W Pars*. RsTMSsala.
Joka W Usatsa, Usttoga. (Jos Waddlr, Patios.
New Advrrtinementn.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Fie
ri P.rlae, Levari Pariaaaml Venditioni Kipunna,
Issued mil of lb-Court of Conim.'tt PltiuOntrs roiin
t>. and lo mo directed, thorn "111 lie *i|wteed nt
public sale In thn Outtrt llounn, In Bolln-fonio, on
Saturday, November, 20, 1881,
*1 1;.'I0o'clock, P. following (laacrltxwj rc*!<wUU>
of lit* drliudauUi lo wit:
No. 1.
•sit of Orceewwll, La lmln* 4 Co. re. J. 11. Plerra,
No 4 Not Term, IMI. Dohlllintl.pl m. No. 16
Nor. tnrtn, liHII. Hastings, Att'y
All thnt certain lot op piece of ground
(Hunted In thn l-Tougb of t'hllliwburg, Onlre county,
Hi, iHiuudod and deucrthed an follows, to wil: Hound,
ed on the ninth by North Kroot I tree I, on the aaat l>p
Laurel atrrot. on thn weal bp lot of Mrs Meyers. and
on thn north bp Second atrrot, fronting on North
Prool atrrot AO fowl and ..lending ah.na laurel alreet
US fool, there.>o erected a two atorp frame dwelling
bouae, two large atore rooma, a ware room, marhlo
yard, stable end oilier outbuilding*. Helled, taken lu
eiernttun and to h aold aa tho property of J. 11.
No. 2.
ftuitaf J. Klinger, •* of, i. Jimo Fan HOD
No. ISO April Urui, IHMI. ItoM F.IV 77 VM|. V.% NO.
ao Not. U-rw, IKM I. Kktillue, Alt*.
All tht certain lot or plccn o( km) itu
*lnj IN tb* borough of Nbfunle, Outre runnt;. P*,.
UJUIMImI ami (I- •< rli'w) mm f.l|os *LT; ON the norih
bt *ti alley, on lht st by lot of Patrlrk iMfulry, on
tit* Mitli b) lliyh atriw tstid ou the nt ly Mth"dl*t
climcl), (t'liWniiij fpi* fourth of m cr* iuor* or I***,
th*rw<ti Pfrrled * •(nail boiMe Ac
Al*o. *ll thai certain tu**tijfv t*n>inrnt and lot of
land titualrd In the U>r-ngb of Beilefnuir, CVntr*
rtfunly, I'a , Dun<!*-it and dwrrltwl a* Ml"** rli, on
hc smith by lot of |ii*n|br A Van Pelt, on the eaat
by wtfnr and Mary Mr%|abort, on the north by lot of
|gawr*tK* C'ooiMpy and on the a eat by ftprtng *tr**t,
containing on* half acr* mora *r Inn, thereon rrrcl<d
af) writing hona*. It being lbs mm* bit of ground
wblt h Edward Brown *t ua by W4 Ulfl Kifh. day of
March !*, and recorded tn l**d Uaoh "S" No. 't pag*
<f7 grafttrd and conveyed to Jantea Pannon.
AUo, nil thai certain mfwrutgi* tenement
and tract of land attnaled In Banner township, Otitr*
county. Pa , latund*d and drwrllad aa follow* to wit
Beginning at a •h.ar, thn-.. M Iftli ••( MMfa
wulh <.*' ••ai, I.Vi ixrrhea m i>t, throcr by land uf
Ott S llalw, north Hwrsi. 17 he* to in
public ro*d, th*uce along ald pulfllc rwl mrth bl
east. W prrrhai t pat, hia'oiig tattir north U
cast la 3 prrthn& |r> pat. liirprr by Und 0"W itf J antra
Clark. w.uth 7SP wast. I'd* pn he* to pu*t. thence south
4ft° weal, M perch** to p*ht, thence jth & ' east, 40
perrhes to atone the place of twglnning. containing 2'*u
a- re* and IVt pwvrhe* more or las It betng the
same premi*ea whicli t|erge( Field e-f HI tit deed
dated Mar* h 30, I*7o record**! In >M book m M U No. S
(Wge ;*t granted and c*n*ey*d fed* *i*i ftefendant,
thereon erecte.l a two *tory dwelling bouse, bank ham
and other outbuilding* Nrel, in km in rirrulAoO
and to b* *uld a* the property of Jaoe* t'annon
No. 3.
AuH of J P llarrta, <"* of a. J. O Larimer, Nlll
April term Ittl.
Itofel Veml Et. No. 19, Nor. term. INTI.
Iloy, At! y
All that cortAin lot or pier* of ground
situated in Mprfng township. Ootr* county. h , boun
ded and dewrnbed as follows; ua the north by land* of
J*ho laedetnan. >u Uieea*t by lands of Jtmnßievl, on
th# aou.b ly Nituny m<-unutn and on ths west by
the old Igariuisr farm, c- ntaimng 1.11 acres more or
l*sa, t hereon *rerted a two story plank boua*. barn
and other outbuilding*. Melted taken in egerutloh
and to be aold as th* property of J. u. Larimer.
No. 4
Butt of P M A'lens ** Tho*. Tlbbeo*. No. 219
April term I*M.
Debt Aleaander A Bower Att'y.
All th* right tltln ihd inu*r*t of d*t*n*
'lant tn and to *ll thai certain lot of ground wtuated
♦ Harris t"*iashir> Ontre ruoiy. Pa., is-gii.nmg at
•tone*, thence along land of M m ale Hath. rth
we*t, r7 V|u per hes lo a few*. tben*w rrih 3*° wswt,
74 nerrhee to a pt, thence along lands of Jam** T
Hale, north M° ewat, |<rt |erchs to a pet, thence
along lands -d Joeeph Mhuey. aouth nml. IM per.
rhe* tn a uhit* caak. thence sl r.g lands of Oenrge
*rneiulller. evuth /" west, 17 feulns tn stone*,
thence along land of Martin llousev. s* u*h 4-^' west.
77 penrhe* to piac* of leginniag. rrmtaialng K3 aere*
and l*i per* h-s and allow anew *f si g percent thereon
~rswt*d a two story frame bass lank barn and other
•utbu Idlngs IWiel taken In rixvlhg and to be
•old as the fd-operty -f Th- nme Tlbbem*.
No. 6.
B*ilt of J 11. flrwio ra. B*nJ lire*, No. Zl9 April
ivbt 112M7 Vend. Et No. aft No* term. Itml.
Fpangler, Att'y.
All that certain lot or piers* of laiid ilMl*
ated In Uregg town*hip.rentre county. Pa. le.unded
and deacrlUd a* f lb*w feu wit **gtnning at a rtoie,
thence along laud of ftarah k Mrmk. wuth *4' su,
d west. II peicbea fee stone bnk of Penne
thence a-ng said tt**k and land of J B Hech*
man *od other*. n>*rth 24 nasi. 39 Vli peer he* to
•towns, thence nnh *f east, ft S*|o perch** hi post
and Ihe new enqth. CO' e**t, 4 perrbsw to th* piee of
betginning. rnutatnlng 191 perrbsw aeat measure,
i bee eon ere* led a dwelling bone* Ac iMied taken
la rt'cntliiii and bo be *etd as the property of Ben
jaaiia Br sun.
No. .
Nwll (C AwMin Karrla aa M" !,at Earrta, AtaltH
tialfi*. So SI AU(. Una. lAi
DM I .K. Blair. Alt';.
All lht mi<auKw, Ommoni or tract of
tanS With Ik- iwitimaaaw-wu A- .It a tract of
lan 4 Vna4<4aMilwrnW aa 1011,.wa U. wlt Nfinnloa
al at..WW, tbatKa taocth alow; th* Una of J.a-|A Til>
aIM. nw tha waot lr.l |r<l>aw hi a while |Aaa tbaucw
waait al'*( Uixt of IA Mliam Aakc;.ow ti.a worth lit
parrhaa lu atowao, thK aowth aloa, ta4 of Tiiotnaa
Uwlrv Hi '• Ikr -oat 101 t-rrkaa to a mafia aaar
Harhlol# rwa. Ihaaxo wal l|a y rrhaa Ui Iha Blma .if
loctowlac. rnalalrilag Hi acraw II para baa aad allow
anca and Wn, part of a Irart of ta4 awraa;a4 a
warrant l-> J mm— Tomphtna, Hwran nwtai a hooaa
lorn and <4bar owtloiMl-,. Mud tskan la riMaha*
and to ha add aa lha proparlj of Hr|.l(.t Katrtn. Ad
mlclatralrta of Mkbarl Karrta
No. 7.
Molt of An farwham a* Edward Itmwn
No m Har. I-no. lltt* lW, |IJ V> V.wd Kt .
So. I Noaamhor tarn, IWI. Hojr. Alt';.
All that curtain lot or tract of Urid all
uata ta haw Bhflo towaahlp. ('antra cant;. Pa
l-mnnad and dawrrttod aa folktwa: ttaatantn at a
map). Mifnaf ; thaw.a h, laada aarta;ad ia wartwntaa
t" fa Uwkaad Ptwncta Waal worth tn prnhaw tn
Maa . Iharxa tr tract la warraatao nam-a ~f Jaanaa
Ijllliland awa4. ITO parrhaa la allow l haw. a br tea. I lo
• art an lea nantaa of II aw r J Alack and Hwrwnal Rila|.
•th .•) parrhaa to POT , I baa. ah; tract In a*, TWO
taw name of Juha Rilaf. wawt !?• parrhaa t,. the plate
of bewtnnlnc—cootainln, .kai aataa and IJO parrhaa
and alhiwaaco be tho awina aorr or lawa add hadnft a
Mart of land anrrajod a warranl to Jot, Nil- j aa
aawtad and ao Impr-.raawawU hataad tak ala alarm
lloa and lo t>* mid aa Ua property of kdward Brow a
No. 8.
Halt of Lycoming Flrw laauraacw Company ra. J. 0.
No lot Now term, IW. Daht. tT SO. Bop, Atfp.
All that certain lot or piucaof land atUi*
atn la Ua tawnagh of Ballathato, ("antra maatp, ra .
bounded on the iiorthenet by kd of ("athartna (lab rat.
oa tho antkwaat hp the pwl.lt. mad lawdlag frnaw the
Lawlatown tnrnptka to tha Nwalt Mil la. and oa thw
aowUawat hp the Lwwiladnwa tarwptka. and hetag lata
No. a. aad I# la Wlngatw'a addllhm. Tharwon earn
ed a two atury frame howaa. MarhaaMth ahop and oth
er owthollitiaga Art and. taken la rurttlaa and lu ha
mid a* tha properly of J. C. Maltarp,
No. 9.
Bait of Oorw mow wealth of Pa. war of Agaaw Sallara
Nu. (Tt Aagaat tana,!?. Imht, */iA ?
liaatln.a at al., Atfpe.
AH tho* certain medtuagna, tenement*
and trecta of land elteate la Pwltow towaahlp. Centra
oowaty. Pa., loawM and dear rl bad aa follow a, to wit i
Itawinnlng at a white oak footer; thawra along otbaa
laada of igwew Batlaww aowth SP arawt. Ml k In parrhaa
hi a ranter, than.a along land of Darla Heller, worth
W aat (AT wetrbte to a poM; tbawra anrlk T*C'
aaat, <d pn t" h> hlrt .ry < lhaace worth M° awat, I
pamhaa ta a pael; Mrrwm ainttg laada of B. Brnrker
hoCa bain aowth MP aaat, (II Mo parrhaa to atoraaag
tha oca loath Want, to parr hat to lha plare of hegtn
nlng—row twining |( wrraa and IU parrhaa. atrhl
maaawrw. Tbarwoa arertad a two atrirp dwal lag
howaa. hawk barn tad other oaihtrthHagn
Alao, on* other thereof, houinninc at
•too aw; tha-oca tlnaa lead* of Mnaee Thorn pom rawth
JN C awat. pairhaa to aloaaa: thaw a. Worth mP
aaat. hH petrhaw to atoaaw; Ihcwoa a lowa laada a* Da
eta Belief* Worth liy wawt. *1 pilthia to etnam
lhaaci wloaw lawd nf Agaaw Bat lam aoatb IP wwtj
70 S-tn Pr, haw ta thw plane nf berlwalwg -rowtainlbg
*1 acraw wad IB) parrhaa, atrtrl m-wewra
A lan, th* other thereof, ginning at
atonaa; thearw north tt" writ 40 parrhaa la atoawa;
thawa Worth t*> arawt, T4 pan low to atwa: lhaace
math 'jaf -wet. It peer hi i; theaee aorth MP aaet, dt
tmrrhae to adimaa; theane worth Ad® am* T| parrhaa to
lha place ,4 hagtwalag taiaUlwlwg II acraa and m
pomhea. atrtct aiaaeatd. Ballad, tab aw ta axeeatlea
and Is ha mid the property of A gnaw Bel lan
No. 10.
Bait of John Wag oar n Mm Cnaeaharer.
Ne. 1(1 Jea. term, |gfl. Debt, (l ad n P. No
®. Nwr. torn, ltol Bpaaglor. Atfp.
AH that rerutin meaeuage, ienomnt and
tract A land Wtaetn ta Taylar towaahlp. ("antra conn
tp. Pa. honnded aad ilulbad mMlnww In wit j the
ginning at a met ow the 8.. C *., d p. teraplka madi
than.* bp laada of >Oa MP wear (tiiw uhat
to a ckaatoNt; thearw worth glp want. M> pt whaa to a
(mat; Ihawra noalb TA® aaet, m pmkit to a awawt
trwa I Uaatca north If aaet, ft parohea ma red n*d ,
Uawea north ST® wwat. BO paarhea toa maple; thence
wrath T® aaat, Tdeerrheetn a poat; than,, aowth I If-",
Wtot tS perchra to thw plaee of hrglaaUf tewtata.
BEE HIVE Mr B. (JoWhmitb haviriK Jutt returned from New York, where hn hat tmrchheed th BEEHIVE
largMt and beat aclectcd tDrck of GOODS ever brought to BKLLKKONTK.
BEE HIVK AN earlv impaction ID BUMit V nMpsetlullj toliuitod. Every department it BEE HIVE
now complnte wilb the LATE.ST NOVELTIES. 1
BEEHIVE We refrain from i/iMUUioru. Bui come anil tee for yourseJvte t BEEHIVE
We dotlre to call tpecial attention to our
BEE HIVK We ran Hlg Out the terner act from Tup to Bottom, Imide and Outeide, with any* BEE HIVE
thing that they demand.
and he will be glad to welcome all of hi* old friend*, and *erve them in the inu*t
BEE HIVE courleou* and workmanlike manner. BEE HIVE
We till continue the manufacture of the celebrated REE RIVE OVERALL,
BEE HIVE and are prepared to lupply the trade with any quantity ur aice deaired. BEE HIVE
(Sueeestort to Rati/and A AVwrmoa.) BEE Hl\ E
itw uvw New York OJHee, \ BELLKKONTK, PA.
BKK HIVE 3d A 41 Walker Street. / BEE HIVE
Ing M wcrwa, mora or laaa THemnti nmrtrd a h'.tal,
b.-ial atatla, bank loutt, dwllllrry aad other "UthulM
Al*o, all the right, title and intereat of
lb* defendant la >a4 lo all that certain in-aeowge,
lenewieui aa* Hurt of laad ritual, in Tailor laaa
ahip. Centre rmtrity, I'a. roatainlag HT acre*, amrw or
leaa. aad l--undeifr,y land, ot the llald Kagle I nor
0a aad othera, lietng lha aame premlaew which Tina
McCoy. Sheriff ot f'entre nouaty. Ly deed doled Jtth
day if N..reniler IkM, granted aad raareyol onto
.aid J "ho ('"penbaar-r llauug Uerran -leVi) two
dwetliwg h uiaer. twrwr aad other owthulldlnga.
A Do, all that certain hou> afnl lot of
gmnod attuale la Taylor towuehlp < 'eatrw raw Dtp, Pa
Hegtaaiag at a |*ot. thence worth AV wM. fir 4rk>
atoweethence north (O- neat, X* rod. to tree ; tb-wre
worth T1 w eat, J7 roda la a pal, thence aowth kF
went. IV rode In the place of l-eglnniMg—containing g
a. tew, more or I-aw Therraw ere. led a two etory
frame dwelling bowwe and other owthuildinga
Alao, all the right, title and internal nf
defendant In nil thai • eetaln tnewawag-. tenement and
tract of land aituale tn Taylor towmhip. ('entrr coun
ty , i'a , adjoining law da id Lyon, Ihrli A 0 ua the
wwith aad weal and other lawde of the aald J "ha f"e
penharer oa the worth aad aaat-containing I*i
arret, weore or lew Thete-m erected a dwelling
buwee. barn and other owtbulldinga.
Alan,all that certain Itieouafe, tenement
are! tract of land dlwate la kadi kowathlp. I'eatrw
cc.unty. Pa , hounded ua Ike walk and e.i by laud
of I.yon. Short' A C. and on Ue north and weat hp :
laada of Morgan. Male A Co —containing |ui arrew,
more or law. There-,n erected a two a<orp l>g
dw. Illng heart a two and a h-lf atorp frame dwetliwg |
howae, e'al.le and other owltrwlldinga
Alan, Mil the right, title nnd Intereat of
defendant la a tract of laad la Tay lot low nahlb. Cen
tre manly. Pa . la the warrantee name of Ml' Ime I
Wetdner. ad)<4nlng ao otd awrwey In the name of Jo
aefdt Drake on Ue eaat-Ouatotnlag I") arrtw or
ADo. all the riKht, title and intereat of
defendant In aad to all thai certain trad of laad Win
ale In Taylor tnwn-hlp. Centre county. Pa, in the
•arena law name <4 Jamb Bee k —containing no a- tea
Alao, all the right, title and Intereat of
defend*at la a tract of land aituale In Taylor town
ablp.Centre rowaiy. Pa ,la tbe uartaalew name of
Or-rrge Morey —containing bw arm
Alao, all thoae three aeveral tract* of
land rlluale In korh towaahlp. Centra cowaty. Pa ,
■mo I hereof la the warrantee name >4 John (open bo
ear—containing hai areaa; com other 1 hereof in tha ,
warrantee name nf J<4ia C' |—>.haee—entwining ggl
acrrw; and the other I hereof In the war ran tee noma
nf John Cnpiewharar—emtalnlng ldu acraw
Alao, all the right, title and tntere*t of
defendant la all thoae i tract, nf land WI wale In bid
low nehtp. Centra founty Pa., owe la the wanaatee
rwwr of Caaper Lawrwwco mwtwtalag tit acrrw 111
porrbaa; aad Ike other la Ue Warrantee name of
Hamwel (hrwtnat—containing a*U arrew and lvi
ADo, all that certain tract of land *itu
ate In Taylor townahip,Owtra rawatp, Pa Beginning
ala pro*. ther.ee hp la ode of IJwurge aad Henry (Vila
Worth 1*1'" w eat. Mi peri hew to w poet; thearw north
Mi" ewet. I* petrbew to a poet. thawci north W wawt,
perrhea to a |t; thewrw hy tract la the warrantee
name ot Michael Wetdner n-rth TP weal. peri hew
to a rtwwtaat atsmp, thearw hp lawde of Wm IwagW
tia north Ih® —— IS peer hew to a atoww; thewrw
north tq® rami, to perrh-w to pine; thence mirth t°
weet, 91 p*reher b< a eager tree. theoce bp leode of
John Onpewharer gyj- ewet. to tbe f lare of bewlaalng
—row tela lag aa acraw aad Kn parrhaa Aetrod. taken
In egeratton and to ba aold aa Ua property of Juhw
CAMI. —No deed will be acknowl
edged anUI Ue purcbaoe money la paid la fhll.
Sheriff 'e Oftcw, Mellrdowte. Pa, Nor. *. ltol
Orphan*' Court Sale.
TN siconignce with an order of the
1 Orphan#' Own ofOeatrr cwwaty. there will br eg
poaed al pwbtlc rale, at the Ooart Howaa. la Beltefoate.
On Monday, 'IXlk of November, 1881,
at I o'clock, P M, the following dmcrihed real ratal*
the property of Aamwtl Taartck. Into of Walker
towaahlp. dee tar I*, to wit:
AH that certain meaauag®, tenement and
tract of laad eflaatr la Walker towaahla, bowadeal
aad dear I lied aa follow.: Oa the north bp laada of
of the belt a of I. I. Valentine, dwnamed. other laada
of aald (awraol Y-nrtrk and laaac ttb klw: aowlk bp
laada of laaac Hick lev (Jeorga l.ato aad Candlua Oar-
Imff aad weal bp land, of Gorge Prtdley enaUtntag
TT PgRCHRS, aaat maaawre
All that metetiaga, tenement and tract
nf laad attaale aa aimva, bounded aad daawlbad aa 1
Mtnara: On the north and cart bp lawde of tho bat re
of I. B. Valentlae.di . land, and hetra of H Drwk-r
hoff. dereoeed , aowih hp landaaf taaae Btckle. a rat
bp land, of -annuel Yewrtck (abora dawrilb dh-raw
(al fling TWKNTT ACRKB AND nrrrrucg
rgRcTIRB, weal maaawrw. I
Turn or P.Lt -One-third la hand on cuatrmatlaa
nf ante aad the realdue In two e>,wal annaal paynrewta
thereafter with latorcat to ha mew red bp hand and
mortgage am Ue preaaiewa.
Ltd. J0. • TBARICg. Admlatatrator.
CSeaaM Atlagheap aftaat.lww Acer mat of the ot
let orrwptod hp Into trm of Tocttm A Haatiaga toil
I '
AR. rat La. a.a. M'HA
M-tf OSM Jlplllto Ooart Howae. Belief.Wife, Pa
Diuolution of Partnerthip.
\JOTICE iff here by given tiißt the
1.1 pwrtwetaklf heretofore ettrtfng bwtwaaw Ar
-1 bar 1, krown wad Job a PmadAait, ander Ue (ra
aaat aof A. i. Rmwa A Ow, la th# Btewltnrr baetuaaa,
to thia (top dtaaolrad bp mwtwal n iiaii t. Thw todt
aad acraawM remain la the hand.af Arthur J. Brow*,
to wham all perwiwr ladatoad to thw tote Arm will
make P**l A|mtrl( j MROWN,
Bellebiwte Oetwbrt It. IIWI. Mt
E a Week la poar awn town. TWTMM and * eat
*OO At Own. A ddrato M. HA It LB IT A 00- Port-
Sod, Mala., hip
New AdvertiHrmentn.
tiaa k>r more than help pwara main twined Itw
pcialtlon aa u.e lemdlng pwper of the Waal It
ranks nhova all thra In rlrmlaUon, tnflu
rnce. and tn Utr rwtewun nf Its rswdnra. bwrwuaw
It la jont tha kind of [Wiper thw |plt want.
The Weekly TT mra rawer* th* wbolr ground
of a Arwt clan, fhrollr JourrtwJ. It U larger
and tmllrr than any high priced weekly of
fared th* public; itw rrMdlog tnatter enrrra a
(renter aoop*. la more entcrtwt&iog at,d in
auuctiv*. and jet tt cowta
Our agent* everywhere my tt U th* rarleat
paper In the Aald Locanvaaw for. and rawrtrrw
of 00* Jewr are *0 plewwed that they an aura
to renew thatr aubacrlptlnna. Algti pmwrw—
>W*i erJwmtu fir one dollar a ye gar, an J th*
aval liberal terms to club agenlw.
B|teclrti in copies free Heu<l fcw one het
aobacrtbing for any paper. Ad dream Meekly
Tmaa. JS Walnut Hirtei, Ctnciaaatl. u.
Mk PWM, XSdpM oof* -mt, katy eta
dwllwrw a year, M (MM a* A maatha. (L.*A
far tkrte maalba. Has the larger* clrralw-
Uon of any paper lo tTodonatt. Ia Urn bent
advertising medium and thw beet paper for
readers who would know of the worldM
Join** aa promptly aa the news can he im
parlad. And tea* 1 imaa Htar. U—RMftk*. 0,
Legal Notice,
IN the Orphan*' Court of Ontre
manly la tkt matter of the relate of Jaoch Peer
car. dmw**d
ffepc I. IMI The upttoewml of dm *.at', rral
rotate and Ih* Wtrtko if thw wkdow, swewb feerrar.
to lake the following Part wader the prrrrirtciwi ot the
Art of 14th April, lAII. atel lu hwpplegwewtt at tbe
epprneertaewt. Abe (wy lag th* dHforeearw Iwtweew three
kaudred dolUla ar>d Ue ap* rater mra t. *t*
"A half tot of toad la Ibmlat.srg. Ilwrrl. loww.blp.
Centre county, bowndrd w the aerth by toa key '.
Wiley, on tho wart bp toad (4 Itoeld MrtUr. ua Ue
worth bp Ue Dtaawwd fo(Wte. and ou the weet hp tot
of JuaepA ffwimlaart. brtwg the weetera half uf lot
No It la th* gwaeral plait of hwirtwrg- tberwa
rwwrted a twortnrp frame rtmp A ppratoed aloe Utw*
buodred and Ulrty -e SA-pgi didlarw"
Waa perwa'ad aad emd. whetvupea U* Coart made
the follow lag decree, lu wit :
And new, Beptrmh.r I, lt. th* trtUia apcrwtoe
men! and etortto* tend awd raaArm-d .let. aud pa to I
-wltow lo aw* newspaper ordered for three week, prtor
to welt term at noun; and tf wo elfef.ttotie to then
•tod the eatne shell be lew a rated wbwdotely. .ad tbe
leal rotate taken hp aald Sarah Peerrar shall to aad
remain aato hew, her here, ami aasigaa. awbyarl to Ih*
patmeart of twe mid ram at t lain 1 ore aa luu dollar*,
(cm awd rtabte torecer kr the Outtrt
44-dw Ctork Or. Oewrl.
VTOTICH—In the muter of the En-
UU or Andrr* lur), IrtraT ht>
damtomd, la lk Orpbau*" Owait at tValta onaal;. fa:
Th* tffiitaiinl to tb* wtdoar at gate Halm lh).
Mar; K hwf, ij*. tor Ew> Aad amr,
*(W Hi laal, alter Iw malbiißia by ilx mart
It !■ ard*r*4 aad IHMI OMH tb. *w ralaaai ml aad
aft*r<prl*ttoa <4 U aitbla dtorfilwd r*al ~UI. an
aaA aad art apart to and tar lb* an* of Mr* Mar; K
Baa#;, aMoa of labn luaj, d-rnam-4. bt and r
Btola la lb* aald Mia. Naff K. tai;. to* brlra aad
aaatcaa, tna aad alaUr tbrarar. mrordiaf to lb* Ac*
at AaaaaaM; la aarb aaa and* and tnilbd CmM
ad. knami, Ibat pabitoattoa W and. amrllar to
Art c 4 Aaanaldt, ami aa iinfUaw IM na or Mm
Ibr I rat *my at Wo ma tor tona It !• fa rib or ortorad
I ami dlrartod tbat lb aald Mia. Mar; E baarl aa tor
lato rarrmiilaaar*, a lib *adtrt*at **rartl;, la la. aaia
I of Mat; Adlan. roodltlnn.d tnr tb. pa;to*at of •*.
wllhla naa ;ar. altb talMaat, to tbv alaMalaUal r oI
: aaM tiuaaid, It bataa tb* aarnaalarar am* absrrtaoo
altewH b; laa
■; tb. Oaart. *M E. EtTMCWVIBLB,
w4. Out Or Oaart.
JAMS* E. ALEXAKbEB) la tb* Oaart ■* Omaaina
at. > Ftoaa ad Oealra coaatt.
MARTHA MirKAI.I. J X<v Z. Aa* t*oa. laai.
\TOTICE U herehj giecn to tb©
1 ' brtia and l<*al r|iiaai iiiallraa <4 Martba
Mark all to run. lato mart oa tb* taarlb Mvada; •*
. Eaiaaibn a*tt aad aa*w*r lb. pMlttoa <4 plain! id
| aad ibm nana, ab; a rartala amrtaaf* tr*a by J.
E Al*and*r to Martba Mart all aboald iMtea'b-
MadracartL Alton: JOIIR orAWOI.KE.
l IMt EbnrtE.
"fcTOTICK.—In tb© milter of th Ei
■La tat* at Hm; Erkramtb. lato at hnt torra
•ldp. diriatod la lb* Orpbani'Oaart at Oaatr* aa
I;: Tb* *;ai alwanai to Ha trtda* at aadd tl.ar;
tokratutb. liuiaiit, Cbarl.tl* Erk*Bftb, alba.br
•MM Ami a am. Aadart A UH.afiaUiai lit r*a-
Irand lal aad artto. dtrartm* to b* |!m* h; pmto
rattoa ibat a*!** liftman baM*d tbaritobaaa
Iba drat da; at a*tt t*rai tb* aaato *lll ba maiwaad
abmlatot;. I; tb* Onart.
U-t WE. I. miennti.r>,cni or (Vag
L*l# OmMiWoMt of f*>!■>♦§.
Attormtps *t- Law tmd Wttilmrt if AmmntNOt
tend Anya PatmtJ,
412 Firts HTEKBT, W AMI moron, D. <X
Prarttea MIMI law la all lla braa*toa la tb* filial
MM, aad tb* lafraaa* aM Olrn.il Oaaita at tb*
Catted Rtotaa TaaipblM toad ba* _ tbtf
VJ O^adtoOaart Ewtoa. EBLLBVOMTS, PA.
A >aod Id rat; altorkad. yj H
Xew Advertisement*.
NOTICE U hereby given (hat the
armaet of JAMKK T LEONARD. M|M
I I<4 K4*rd IVrW# tor lb* Im4mCl i 4 ndlton. kM Uea
| §M Hi lb* <#o <4 tb* rn<U<ifnUrj of tb* Court of
I • p|e to mu<i u.t Uw omiii) of Ototrt. u4
{ tUt o**4 *mitit oil! be pn>mt*4 for roftflrmttot of
U nut urn of t4 rourt
4Mt 1. C HABTKB Protb>.
WlllillA*, Ui> Hon iWIm * Nir>r. frol'
l.ot.if lkr< .mn <4 V.mmnn Plm. of thrZkth Jadtrtal
' Wrtrht. "imMfßf >4 U. rawUn of Oratre. (Ilet.ua
_ ond Omtild, er.4 tb. Mao. hema-l PratK-k end Ibr
M.* J.din larear, Am- rWe Jadrn In Cnln raul;,
bnrm* lamrd their prmrpt. bm/lnx do). lTlli do; of
Eapdraabto, IKM.Io o>* dtrrrtnd. for biddtag > Quart of
i <;- ond Tmnliwf aad (binnl Joll Wlntj and
! tfaortw Eratoae of to Poor# la Brttofoalr, for the
• (.mnt; of tvaue, nod to naamrttt. < tbr fib Moo
i da; of Nuertabrr mil, Mac tb. 2Mb da; of Vo
ibrr. IMl.and looubtleee tvo vrrka V otirr ir bend.-;
Cteeo to Ik. Onaaa.JaMiNt id Ik. Pea<, AM.rn.-a
and CuoaUUm of tald oaat; of Cratr*. thai tb.r !•
thro and Iturn ta Ik* proper pmviaa, at 10 oci.uk
in thr (ureaooe of aald da;, arlth thHr racofdi, iaijnl
vlioar. . aarainataoaa. and tbrtf own rraeariiraacm.
to da lb.or Iblnc* vhlrh to Ibrir uflkrr to
lr don., and lboar who are baaed ta iwtiliaMM to
prurerete afatnrt Ibr privmen that arr or aha 11 hr la
tba Jail of 1 ralrr oaal;. hr thra and thrra to (rat
cab aalnal ihna aa ah all hr J art
Uirra aadrr M; hand, at fcrjlrtootr th. lat da; <4
■ ftrtvtor, in thr ;mr of oar land IW, aad thr i.oa
bandird and filth ;ar of thr totofmadeeor of tba
I'aitrd Italia.
11-dt JOHN EPAXQLRR hbmff
I ÜBOROR N IIALP, far) la tbr Coon of fkaaca
I btaaarll and othota, Piraa of Oratrr meet;.
ra I Ro. * Roermbrr torn,
JAM MII ARRffl. I 1B|.
' E u hereby gitrea to the
[ i" bnrr aad lecel mniai'ilnH of Jaa* Har
na. dir ml u. roar. lata ooan aa tbr vatrih Monitor
ad h" naiki I aact add aaaver thr petition at plaintiff
wad dor rear. ab; a rertala a. rtaarr film l
Chert.* lla.OMi to Jamrr Harrta. dated tbr M • da;
of Frdiraer;. Ikua.ead mr.rd.d la Oaau* tovet; la
aa rtmcr book "A." I**. UK. ab -ald ml br mltoSod
of raeard. Altai: JOHN NPARGLER.
4Hd Khertff.
'V'OTIC'E.—In the matter of the Ee
i* tata of hifha Reenrtlr, lair of (irrfc dova
■hl), d. t raaid, la tbr Hi>ik.r r<inrt of CVaur "ma
tt : Tbr aji|ratmiriit la thr vidua of aald M.f.b'V
Keeo.ll;, drr'd, Rarah Kmv.ll;, vtdov, reel rrtatr
ta thr lain* of tain. Aad vov. Aocvt 21, A ft. IMI,
thr vlthin at md.rod !>• tv oueAnard airi,
avd mi Itralloa ordered vordlnt h> the Art of A>-
•atohi; la tvrb (Bar toad, aad ptoftded, ai d If Br rm*
•vkdlrar arr tM pre* to And da; at Xofiahf tana
mart vtll tv run A need at*, deleft
Rf thrOoart. MM R. BVBCIfFTEI.IV
•Ma Onk Or Oovrt.
J ARK M. BALR )la thr (Vmrt of Ckdaaxm
r | Pima of Orator want*.
JAR ORAT. JOHN MIL I No K, Rrrrmh.r ham.
DOR. j
it hereby given to the
i* brtie aad hnl repm.null tee of Joater Oia;,
I J aha Millar aad John Pardee di tana id. eaeeaton aad
local ntarniaiaftraa of Matthrv l>enren. Iman 1
aad to thr batrr aad Ml n ;rmatMlrm af thr raid
Mattb.v Oaataa dee-eared, to tmaii lain mart oa tba
tharth Moada; of kmakv mil avd aaavvr thr pa
ttM of thr plaintiff aad abov cavar vbr a rrrtata
aMrtpafr ctrva b; Cbarlra Hvna aad Philip Boinr
to Jaaaar Ota;. Jaha Millar aad Mt Ptrhk, rxara
ton af Matthrv Itoaoaa. dalad thr aah af April, Ikld,
aad raafid la Otan nntetr la atoflcac* hank "A,"
paar W, aboatd Bat br atal>f af freord.
IMI Khoriff
V'OTICE ia herebv given that the
1* anmaal af PT. MOWER, oaamlttar of J W.
•torn, • lanatK. har braa Alad ta thr <4Rcv af thr
Protboßodar; af thr Oaart of Ombbkib PI oar la aad
Ibr thr (fevat; of Oatrr. aad that aald anrvaat VIII
hr prrrratrd tor rovAmalliia at thr Ml treat of aaM
mart. |ttdv] J C lIARPKR Prvth';.
A [aa.i] I. tt tit aa a R hwemu. Clarb af th*
Or-phnvf' (loan of thr aald eoaat;. An horrt.; irmly
An a* aa Orphaaa' tiaan hold at RrUrbato. thr tad
A; af Aacvn. IMI baton thr Hoaorahlr thr Jaded
of thr aald Ourt, on taotlna a rata vat puM apaa
Jnha R Harrhhereof. Abraham Hanhhrrc*,. Mar;
Aaa Ukr, Jiarv J Ukr aad flaaiarl llwahhncr,
tarn bafta avd tonal rrprmnrtoMrto af llvrld I lamb
hereto. 4mmr.ll. to mar take mart oa thr Uk Mn
dar uf Romtohrr arlt, to annpt to tvfvar to aompl ad
thr rvtaattoa. or rbov oaaar vh; thr raal ulili rf
thr aaM d.iivaid torn Id aat ha aaM.
ta toadtnh*; vhwnaf. I har. a.rrdato aad at; hand
aad aMtad the ami of aaM oaart, at Raitofmto, thr
Bdda;af Aufvrt. A. D. IW
mm a RCRrortEui.ao c
AtddW: jowt Mtotldk, thmrl. Mdv
Tli* Le4lr Prilj Mi Weekly Paper
H. T. BALLADE and U M WOLf, Jr.,
ff da *Ut tuiltaruU mad JUportoriml Stmfl
Onntmin* th c L*tt*t TWyyAif JVdBM.'
H*a m MidNd Onrp* and CMraapamdanU!
aa act ntaitai ia
aaepy letaar ;aar rack.