Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 17, 1881, Image 3

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    The Lights o' London.
The way was long au I weary,
But gallantly they strode,
A country lad and lassie.
Along tho heavy road.
The night was dark and stormy,
But blithe of heart wero tliey.
For shining in tho distance
The lights of Loudon lay!
Oh gleaming lamps of London, that gem the
city's crown.
What fortunes lie within you, oh lights of
London town.
With faces worn and weary,
That told of sorrow's load.
One day a man and woman
Crept down a country road.
They sought their native village,
Heart-broken from the fray ;
Yet shining still beyond them
The lights of London lay.
Oh cruel lamp* of Loudon, if tears your light
could drown.
Your victim's eyes would weep then, oh lights
of London town.
—Otorgt m*.
When is a girl like a music book ?
When she is full of airs.
Follow the example of trees—keep
some things in the thade.
Tho physician's motto: " Have pa
tients, and yon will succeed."
The paper men are now running their
business into tho ground by manufac -
turing paper coffins.
The farmer that " ran rapidly through
his property " wore a red shirt and had
his brindte bull behind him.
A Syracuse maiden has promised to
marry five different men. The papers
refer to her as "a promising society
" Six Girls " is the title of the latest
novel. It is expected that a sequel
entitled " Our Broken Gate " will bo
issued soon.
They asked him if he was the best
man at the wedding. "No," he said;
" I don't know as I was the best, but,
I was as good as any of 'em!"
A Philadelphia man, who bad been
jilted by a wide mouthed girl, had a ter
rible revenge. He sent her a scrub
bing brush for a tooth bmsb.
"Isn't your husband a little bald?"
asked oue lady of another in a store,
recently. "There isn't a bahl hair iu
his head," was the hasty reply of the
"The mill will never grind with the
water that is past," maybe, but the
hand-organ grinds right along with the
airs that are past a couple of hundred
A Chinaman named On Tick is about
to start a laundry in Detroit. Thiswill
leave no reasonable excuse for any one
to fail to appear in a clean shirt on
On account of the dry, hot summer,
the frilure of the American corn crop
is going to have a destructive effect
upon tho vintage of heavy wines in the
south of France.
" Do not marry a widower," said the
old lady. " A ready-made family is like
a plate of cold potatoes." " Oh, I'll
aoon warm tbom over," replied the
damsel, and she did.
When a woman sees a new fall stylo
bonnet on another woman's hesd, she
declares it to be hideous. Tho next
day, when sho gets one also, she sud
denly discovers it to lie as pretty as it
can be.
ThefatbeTof a St. Louis bride pre
sented his son-in-law with HO,OOO head
of cattle. "Papa, dear," exclaimed'his
(laughter, when she heard of it, "that
was so kind of you; Charley's awfnlly
fond of ox-tail sonp."
"Whodid the churning last week?"
asked Farmer Fonroclock. " I did,"
said Bill. " Then yon do it again this
week," said the old man; "one good
churn deserves another." Covert ex
pression* of joy by all Bill's brothers
and sisters.
"Fellow-citizens," said the street
corner orator, standing on a dry goods
box amid the glare and smoke of many
torches, "my position upon this ques
tion is a peculiar one." - And just then
when the box caved in and let trim down
in the shape of a letter V, gripped by
the neck and heels, the crowd rather
thought it was.
She (bewitchingly)—" Ob, I am so
glad you're going to see me to my car
riage, Mr. Browne!" He (flattered)
" Indeed, and may I ask why? " She—
"Oh, because the girls are so jealous,
and I want to provo that I do not
monopolize all the good-looking men.*'
Browne satisfied, but not so happy as
he expected to be.
The most comprehensive measures
have been taken for the safety of tho
Annitchkoff palace.the favorite residence
of the czar st St P. tor*burg. All round
the palace a subterranean passage has
been constructed which can be patrolled
by sentinels, sod be immediately placed
under water from a neighboring stream;
while negotiations are in progress for
the purchase of the dwellings which snr
round and command the residence.
In China there are 2,000,00) opinm
smokers, who annually spend 812.1,000,-
000 ou the druj.
Adtli-r la Youni W
There is nothing like their own homo
for married people, and especially for
young married people, even if tho wife
shall have to cook and sweep the floor
and clean tho windows. If alio bo a
healthy girl tho oxerciso will do lier
good—and no young man who has to
labor for liis living should marry a girl
that is not healthy, strong and willing
to do her own work while they arc too
poor to hire a Hervant.
This thing of marrying a girl that you
have to hire another girl to take caro of
is not a wise thing for a poor young man
to do. no should look out for a girl
that is brood shouldered, strong in mus
cle, having of course other virtues. Tlio
ideal girl, the consumptive, tight-laced,
party-going, piano-playing, French-talk
ing, fashionable girl, can be no proper
wife for him. This language the girls
may think unkind, but it is not. It is
better for girls that are not fitted to be
a poor man's wifo to remain with their
parents than to become snch. It will
be better for their lovers, too, and bet
ter for society.
A girl then that does not know how
to cook fairly, or who would not when
necessary cheerfully cook for her hus
band, ought not to marry any but a rich
man—and no poor man should marry
If, then, girls without a dowry are
content to marry yoting men who have
only their fond hearts, their good
name, their strong arms, their ambition
to make their wives happy, and their
hope to work up to a competence
through frugality and industry, those
girls should know how to cook—and
they ought to bo ashamed to marry any
such man until they have learned the
art of cooking.
For such a girl to marry such a man
would be neither more nor less than a
social fraud, unless she shall Itefore en
gagement inform him fully of her ig
norance on this subject. It is well,
then, to have theso schools of cookery
to which girls whose mothers Lavo not
taught them the art can go and learn
and wc hope the day is near at hand
when girls that are candidates for mat
rimony will pride themselves more on
their ability to cook a good dinner than
on their ability to dance, sing, play, or
fool away precious time on Ices nsefnl
Then the world will be lietter and
the people in it will be happier than
they are now, and the youth that shall
be born in the land will lie of greater
bone, tougher sinew, and of purer blood.
A |arrr .Vfaart narrlatr.
A New Zealand letter to the I/ondon
JVetr* says : A go xl clergyman who was
working amongst the native population
WM anxious to establish the sanctity of
marriage among them. Among others
who were candidates for the rite was a
much married aboriginal named Ngata
parspara. On arriving at that clause of
the formula where candidates for mat
rimony are directed to join hands, a
strange scene occurred. No sooner had
the direction been given than a whole
bevy of inamoratas sprang forward, two
or threo hanging on by the hands and
arms of tho wonld-be Benedick, with
an eqnal number clinging to his legs.
Ho was completely besieged, pinned
hand and foot, and confasitn was made
worse confonnded by a hogging and
tagging by which the nnfortnnate fol
low was in imminent danger of din
membermont. Seeing the torn things
had taken the priest naturally enough
pansed and looked on in dismay. "Go
on," cried the hapless hridogroom, "or
can't yon see for yourself those abom
inable wretches will have me dragged
limb from limb T' Still the reverend
gent emsn hesitated, seemingly at a
loss what todonnderthe circumstances
"If yon don't get along," cried the
man, " and bring this kind of thing to
a finish, tbom'il be another dozen of
them here in IMS than no time, aid
when they find I haven't got a flopper
left to hang on by they'll drag off the
last shred of blsnketing 1 have over
Tho situation was now perplexing in
the extreme, and there was nothing for
it bnt to bnrry over tho service, and
bring the comedy to an end. The
sequel to the atory is worth adding, lu
coarse of time this tnaoh-mtrriel man
died, as did the seven times married
woman of the Gospels. Tho question
then arose as to who was his lawfdily
mtrrind wife. Some Ave and-twenty
claimants appeared before the judge of
the native law conrt, and the question
to be determined wee—had the woman
who got hold of deceased's hand pre
cadence over her who merely lagged at
his legs. As there was considerable
property left behind oonnsel were em
ployed by the respective claimant#,
and it is said that their learned die
pntations on the r.<peotive importance
of arms and legs left the nnfortnnate
judge in the dilemma of the man with
out a leg to stand upon.
Fashles Mat pa.
Bordered cheviots are shown among
dross fabrics.
Large beads are a favorite finish to
the brims of new bonnets.
AMfr-grttaW -.- v. it&M
Englith embroidering stands next to
lace as a popular trimming.
The Mousqnetaire or Bernhardt glove
takes precedence of all others.
Many of the handsomest midwinter
wraps are lined throughout with plush.
Feathor hands will he worn as dress
trimmings as well as on hats and
A New York house has introduced tho
fashion of making dress waists with the
seams sown like those of kid gloves.
Tho favorite decoration at present for
tho throat is a necklace of ainher or real
coral beads, both of which are in groat
The new poke bonnets arc very high
and very nurrow about tho ears. Tho
c rowns are mostly of the Mother Hub
hard shape.
Last year's surtouts may he turned
into polonaises by putting a plait into
the hack of tho skirt, and adding puff , d
draperies to tho side.
Imported toilets arc exceedingly bouf
fant in effect, and the fashion is qnite
d inpleasing to short, stout women, to
whom it is very unbecoming.
Tartan plaids and Roman stripos are
now shown in cheviot materials, and
make very stylish street drosses trimmed
with plush of monochromo color.
Real silver, and also new steel hut
tons are displayed, cut in facets which
sparkle like diamonds, and look very
rich upon street jackets of velvet or
Matin, moire and brocaded velvet are
comprised in the handsomest bridal
drosses. Orange flowers and lilies of
the valley mingle together in tho hand
somest bridal parnres.
Tho embroidered pongee gowns of
last summer were so protty that they
are imitated in surah. The skirts have
three deep flounces, all bordered with
embroidery, and the scarf drapery and
little shoulder capes are finished in the
same way.
Many of the new round hats, and a
few of the mitigated poke bonnets, have
a fall of Mpanish lace at the edge just
deep enough to shade tho eyes. This
drapery is very becoming to most faces,
and a* the fashim gains ground and the
width of the lace gross a trifle deeper,
veils will be quite superseded.
For boys the court valet costume is
the style. It is a square coat fitted in
the hack, high in the neck, and fastened
with small buttons of cut steel down tho
front to the waist line, where it is slanted
off to the back, showing a comparatively
long wai-tcoat, with pockets and cut
steel buttons. The plain alcoves are
trimmed with similar buttons.
Intensely bright colors are seen
among all the late importations, and
some of the new combination are quite
alarming. If this fancy goes on un -
checked, an audience of fashionable
ladies in cbnrch or concert will resem
ble a hngo bed of Dutch tulips, and the
similarity will lie heightened by tho
newly developed taste for strips of every
possible hue.
The higli-peaked crowns of some of
lhe latest imported hats sre covered
with towering feathers, not soft curling
tips, hut great bearse-liko plume,
sometimes flvo or six in number.
Another French fancy is to cover the
crowns with a solid vailing of glittering
jet or iridescent heads, which in the
sunlit.lit or gaslight have a very bril
liant effect.
Checked and striped woolen goods,
serges, vigognes, cheviot cloth and
limousine are tho moat fashionable ma
terials for au.amn walking costumes,
which ore invariably made with short
round skirls, cither laid in very broad,
flat box plaits from belt to toe, or with
three sit sight flounces put on in hol
low plaits. In the latter case a wide
scarf is drsped over the skirt and knot
ted loosely, low on the left side.
Tel graphic Lines.
In D 44 Professor Morse laid the ffrst
telegraph line between Baltimore and
Washington. To day there aro 500,000
mile* in n*e in the United Btatea alono.
Great Britain nses 114 000 miles of lines.
Germs IT has 150,b00 miles, and more
than 3 000 miles of nndrrgronnd cable.
British India has 50,000 miles; France,
115,000; Belgium, 15 000 ; Spain, 25,-
000; Denmark, 65,000, and Norway,
10,000 miles, which are used chiefly in
the management of her fisheries. The
emperor of Ohina hat allowed 1,270
miles to bo bnilt daring the past year.
Persia baa 6,009, and Egypt 9,000, Itussia
has 130,000 miles in use, Australia has
15,000, and New Zealand 10,000; South
America, with the exception of a trans
continental line from Valparaiso to
Buenos Ay res, and a short lino between
Aspinwall and Panama, has no land
lines. There are nearly 10,000 miles of
military telegraph line* in our Western
Territories; 90,000 miles in CUnada,
and 7,000 milea in Mexico. Beside*
land lines, it ia estimated that there
are 104,000 nautical miles of submarine
cable now in use, and new tinea are
New York is the greatest hay-pro
ducing Slate in the Union. The value
I of ita hay in 1870 was #60,(527,240.
The Clrrirmnn.
A man whom all may criticise,
Tho old, thfl young, tho foolish, wise ;
Who alwsyx must Ixi koon and bright,
Though dealing with tho old and trite ;
Who no'or must hlkiw tho loaat dlaploMuru
Or gruinhlo in tho slightest measure,
If, after working all tho wook.
On Hnnday when ho comua to speak
Tho haudful that his preaching drawn
Only respond by nod* and snores ;
Who daily moat hi* visit* make,
Though many a precious hoar It take :
Must viait sick and visit well,
Whore live tlio rich, where pau|>er< dwell;
Moat wed hia flock, their young baptize,
And aay nome nice thinga when one die* ;
A man in win me unwilling ear
Are |H>ured all scandals, far and near ;
To whom all come with cark and oaro;
Who ninat hia people'* btmlena hoar ;
A man whom men folk patronize
And whom tho women idolize;
A man we laugh at when wc can
Hncb, reader, ia the clergyman.
Krtlsloaa Itraa and Nolo*.
Thirty-four missionary societies oc
cupy India.
Tho city of fit. Fan), Minn., in build
ing ItH ninth Catholic church.
Tho Episcopalian churches of Penn
sylvania have 87,183 communing mem
Mix women missionaries nailed for
India by tho atcamcr Persian Monarch
for London recently.
In Cloveland 22,745 children attend
Protectant Sunday-schools, and 7,468
attend Roman Catholic.
K ing Kalakaua has subscribed (2,000
to the Episcopalcathedtal now in course
of orection at Ilonolnln.
One hundred years ago the Methodist
persuasion numbered 55,000 members.
To-day it aggregates nearly 6,000,000.
What is known in Methodist circles
as Antioch circuit in Middle Tennessee,
covering an area of ahont fifteen square
miles, contains nearly 700 Methodists,
no other denomination being repre
sented in the district.
Tho report of the American hoard
will show an increase of seventeen mis
sionaries, 100 preaching places, 2.500
common school and 300 high school
scholars, and more than 2,000 additions
to the mission churches.
It ia not only among the natives of
the Hindwich Islands that the revival
of religion is in progress, but also
among the Chinese. The Rev. Sit Moon,
who is pastor of the Chinese fhurch in
Honolulu, reports that about 250 of his
countrymen are Christians, and that the
number is continually on the increase.
Tho British "Salvation Army" re
centlv held a "council of war," when
" General" Booth said tbst the organi
sation now had 245 stations, with 470
officers, 7,000 soldiers, 46,000 people
attending its meetings every week, and
an income of 8250,000 a year. A great
"salvation" >mpie is talked of, to v>t
$500,000 and hold 10,000 people.
Unclaimed Money Order*.
"Is it true," inquired a New Ynrk
reporter of Postmaster Pearson, " that
there are nearly $2,000,000 in the United i
Mutes *nh-!rcxury, representing accu
mulations from unpaid money-order*
for several year* back V
" Ye*,™ replied the postmaster. "I
suppose that in round number* they
kohl abont that aim unt belonging to
careless persons whom it is impossible
fot ns to find."
" What do yon propose to do with
this money, Mr. Pearson?"
"C&ngrest will probably bo asked at
its next session to make some disposition
of it."
" Why wa* not this done heretofore?"
"Well, there is no legal limitation to
the time when funds of this character
may be accounted f.r. The postmaster
cannot tell when the parties to a money- !
order may correct fatal mistake* in the
order and demand their money. You
know wo must always bo prepared to
(iay on legal demand."
" Can yon give mo a general idea of
the way in which anch a large, un
claimed accumulation of money comes
" Primarily 11 is due to a lack of
knowledge concerning the operations of
the law under which the money order
system is organised. Then a great
many people who nuderstand the pro
visions of this law are babitnally care
leea and overlook soma of the necessary
; details in making out the order. For
instance, they may get the name of the
payee wrong, or they may neglect to
notify him by mail. Then, again, the
person to vhom the money is sent may
be a traveling man, who has left the
town where the order is payable, and
may never return there again. No
legal provision has been made for ad
vertising for these people. The indi
vidual amounts which go to mako up
the large anm of unpaid money-orders
ia thia office are, generally speaking,
small, and have no doubt long been for
gotten by the persons who sent them,
as well as by the person* who were to
tec ivo them. All podoffice* which do
a reasonably fair share of money-order
business have the same trouble to eon
tend with, but some day or other Con
gress may definitely settle josUl re
sponsibility in the muter,"
Infants while very young do not shed
Only one hog in 10,000 js alllicted
with trichina;.
A Paris clothing house is rnnning its
sewing machines by electricity.
The ides of the kaleidoscope first
ooenrred to David Brewster in 1814.
In hats the heart is aided by rhythmic
contraction of the veins in the wings.
The people daro not even move their
lips when the Japanese emperor passes
The production of opium has greatly
increased in Persia within tho last two
Tho arrival of foreigners in the
United States daring the last decade is
counted at 2,813,000.
Four barrels of the water of the Great
Malt lake will loave, after evaporation,
nearly a barrel of salt.
At a temperature of fifty-six degrees
Fahrenheit Dr. Kane kept his men in
good health by devoting a part of the
long night of the Arctic regions to bur
lesque and pantomime.
A process has been discovered for
making flour from the seed of the
broom corn, to the extent of one-half
its weight, leaving the other half a valu
able food for the cattle
Plating irons, or poking sticks, as
they were then called, made of steel,
in order to he used when hot, were first
used in Queen Elisabeth's time. Be
fore then, setting sticks of wood or
bone were used for stiffening ruffs, etc.
A Merahen carpet, ordinary size, say
twelve by fifteen feet, oonlains nearly
4,500,000 stitches. The weaver sits
with the reverse side of tho csrpet to
ward* him and weaves entirely from
memory. This fact will account for tho
irregularity so often found in Persian
The latest invention reported by a
Japanese journal is that of Olstika Min
sk ichi, who, after extensive experi
ments, is sai l to have succeeded in
making rifles of silk. They are de
scribed "as rigid as iron guns, while
they are easy of carriage and ha ve a
very long range."
There is now s dog infirmary at the
Went End of London, controlled by a
mem't of the Royal College of Veter
inary Burgeons. The wards are com
plete with every modern convenience
for the health and comfort of patients.
A sanitarium has been arranged for the
reception of healthy animals, when
owners have no convenience for them.
Mpecial wards are also provided for cats
and birds. Annual snlMcribers of $5
have all the privileges of the infirmary.
The Place Where C il Can't IJrr.
Jim Townscnd, of Lnndy, hM been
making nome experiments with an
ordinary cat It ba* boon
repeatedly stated that a cat oonld not
live at an altitude of 13,000 feet above
the eeo. Mr. Townsend baa demon*
* (rated that anch ia the fact. On Mon
day laat he and another gentleman made
the aacent of Caatle Teak, which ia a
little orer 13,000 feet high. They took
with them a eat—Thomas —that was a
year old, and had lived at an altitude
of 6,000 feet with no symptom* of dis
ease. Mr. Townaend liad the cat in a
box, and a* they went tip he took ob
eenrationa and noted very carefully ita
every movement. When the aumruit
wa* reached they pitched their tent.
Thia waa about 2 o'clock in the after
noon. Th cat partook of aotne food,
and, after playing an hour or ao, fell
aaleep and did not wake np until near
midnight. When it did recover eon
aciouaneaa it aet up a howling and ap
prared much distressei. Townaend
pitied it and endeavored to make it
feel at home, bat of no aae. It kept
npita constant moaning* and diaplayed
aymptoma of having fits. When morn
ing came the oat waa offered food, bnt
it reftued to eat and acted even more
strangely than daring the night. Town
send eaya it wonld open ita month aa if
gasping for breath; wonld jimp abont,
and then go to ah ep and wake np with
a start All thia while close watch
waa kept and every movement noted.
At & o'clock in the afternoon the cat
died of exhaustion.
Tin (Ana.
Who can assign bound* to the demand
for tinned or canned o/atera from Bal
timore, lobatera from Maine, salmon
from Alaska, peachae from Florida aid
Maryland? One petroleum Arm in the
city of New fork ia said to cut np 6'H>
boxes (thirty ton*) of tin plate daily.
No leas than 1,600,000 boxes are already
absorbed yearly by the United States,
more than threefold the consumption
of the continent of Ettrope, of which
quantity a fall tenth goes to pack sat
dini a at Nan tea. Australian moat craven
an aver-incraaa ng supply, while British
biscuits, mustard and gunpowdar range
in bright eat.istar* all over the world.
The home consumption ia variously esti
mated at tcfwt en WW,OOO and 750,000
boxes per annum; hut the returns to the
government have not bean ample and
nnreserved enooth for accurate fig
ures to be laid dow .i S'tfmniap Kmimr.
True greatnoes cannot exist apart
from high moral excellence.
He who waits to do a great deal of
goo<l at once will never do any.
It ia to live twice to be able to enjoy
the introspect of your past life.
Have patience with all things, but
chiefly have patience with yourself.
Many preserve themselves by hum
bling themselves; the ballet flies over
him that stoops.
Hope is like the sun, which, as we
journey toward it, casts the shadow of
our burden behind us.
Glory not in thyself, but rather in thy
neighbor. Be lowly in thy heart, that
thou mayost bo lowly in thy actions.
Do not begin to quarrel with the
world too soon ; for, bad as it may be,
it is the best we have to live in—here.
He who easily forgets benefits done
toward him is probably possessed of a
shallow brain as well as a callous heart.
Neither a man nor a woman is entirely
safe until he or sho can endure blame
and receive praise without excitement.
The chief properties of wisdom are,
to be mindful of things past, careful of
things present and provided of things
to come.
It is a very carious fact that the lapse
of years, while it lessens our enjoyment
of life, bat increases the natural desire
of living.
How many hopes may have quivered
for us in past years- have flashed like
harmless lightning in summer nights,
and died forever.
When people undertake to restrain
themselves without knowing how, they
are often worse off than if they had left
themselves alone.
He who wishes to secure the good of
others has already secured his own.
One forgives everything to him who
forgives himself nothing.
A British surgeon asys incessant sncox
ing may be cured by plugging the
uostrila with raw cotton.
The following is given as a cure for
rheumatism: One tableapoonfnl salt,
one half a beefs gall, one ounce of am
monia, four ounces of alcohol. Mix
and apply to the part affected. This ia
said to be a snre cure.
Refined benxioe will dissolve the
disagreeable odoroiA oily substance
which is secreted in some people's
skin, after which plenty of soap and
water will remove it. This persevered
in will mske the skin inodorous.
It is not wise to go out into the early
morning air before eating at least a few
mouthfuls. Especially ought this pre
caution to be strictly observed in mala
rial sections, and in some seasons when
much sickness is over the country.
Nothing can be more unwise than to go
into a e*ck room fasting, and whex the
sickness ia contagious the result may
be dangerous if not fatal.
To sleep in clothes worn through the
day is a bad practice. The clothes are
filled with efH ivinm emanating from
the natural wades from the body all
through the day. Especially is this the
case with those who labor hard, or per
■ spire easily. The poisons of the
I system thus ejected or thrown off by
people in vigorous health furnish a
strong reason, if there were no other,
for removing on retiring every article
worn through the day.
A Cartons Bertie.
A recent issue of the New York
7imr nays: The golden cucuyo which
has been at Tiffany's for some time la
dead. It was one of four or five speci
men* of this rare South American beetle
in this city. They are regarded with
superstitions reverence by the women
of 800 th America, and the few that are
caught, for the beetle is rare in its na
tive country, are fastened in tiny fet
tcra ol gold and worn as an ornament,
A gold or gold and jeweled hand ia
{ssssed around the thorax to which is at
tached a slender gold chain about four
inches long which ends in a long pin.
This pin is thrust into a bouquet of
flowers on the shoulder or on the hat,
and the beetle is left to ramble the
j length of the chain. It is an nncsnny
looking black thing about two inches
j long. The tree South American cucuyo
! >a a fire beetle, a single specimen giving
oat light enough in e dark room to en
able one to read a newspaper. They
are capable of living without food for a
great length of time. There ia one ia
j the city which ia not known to have
eaten anything in two years. The
lieeUe at Tiffany's probably died of
| overfeeding. Its appetite was tempted
With sweetened water and rotten wised,
j but the creature pid no attention to
the food. A piece of banana was placed
in the box which served for its cage,
and it eagerly began eating it end clang
to it for three days, when it was found
dead, It should be mentioned in con
nection with the use of the living beetle
as an ornament to the ear or dress that
they have powerful j *w, a >d gaaw their
way through anything except metal lis
few hour*.