©he Centre Jferaorrat. Thursday Morning, Hovember 10, 1881. Ooaaasroaasana, raotalnlii* Important saws, a -licit ri (Tom any part of tba county. No rummunli'alien- Inserted unlaw accompanied by Ilia reel nam* of lbs writer. Local Department. —Buy your blanket* at Loobs. —Never be without a bottle of tbat pure, mild compound, Pkruna; take it with the first symptom. Boots, hoc*, tho heaviest driving boots, the finest boots ; the cheapest shoes, IVom $1 a pair; the flnost warranted shoes, from $8 to $5 a pair, at Lyon & Co.'#. —All tbe children in Bellefonte are in vited to call at Goldsmith brothers' "Bee hive Store" and secure those beautiful illu minated picture cards. —Ladies coat*, jackets, dolmans, circu lars and ulsterettes, in endless variety, styles and colors, and priees lower than elsewhere at 8. Je A. Loeb's. —Tho largest stock of dress goods, cash meres, flannels and dress flannels in all tl e latest styles and shades, and marked down to the very lowest price, at Lyon & Co's. —A little son of Bamuel Bhefl'er, living near Morris limekiln, fell from a swing on last Monday, and tho result was that one of his hip joints was broken. Tho lad is doing fairly. —Why is burying a man alive like a husband who neglects to keep in his family for tbe uso of his wife and children Green's No. 1 and 2 Liver Pills? Because it is a grave mistake. —The very best production tbat can be bad from first c'.ass stock and excellent workmanship in boots and shoes, at prices no higher tban common eastern trash, aro now open and for sale by 8. A A. Loeb. —Mr. Robert J. Doak is confined to his residence in the West ward with a dropsi cal affection, and his condition is said to be quite serious. Ilis numerous friends and acquaintances will be sorry to team of Mr. Doak's danger. —Call and examino the stock of ranges and cook stoves at Wilson, McFarlane & Co'#; also their line of single and double heaters. They hare for sale tbe Welcomo Home double heater, which ba* been thoroughly and satisfactorily tested in this community. —The largest stock of dolmans from $6.60 up to $25; tbe largest stock of la dies' coats from $2.26 to $l5; the largest stock of children's coats, light and dark, and all marked in plain figures at only the lowest price we can afford to take, at Lyon A Co.'*. —Proudfoot A Co., tbe new firm of fur niture dealers, have added to their enter prise the soletnncholy business of under taking, and they are at the present time and have been for some days ready to un dertake any matter# of that sort. Their furniture will not be opened for a few days yet. —Bright'* disease, now so common and considered incurable, has been successfully treated in the case of Geueral Hchenck by a straight milk diet. This remedy is so simple and safe that our friends wbo are suffering with tbe distressing complaint should not hesitate to try the experiment of placing themselves upon the healthful ard palatable f-od from which General Scbenck has drawn renewed life. —A change has been made in the man agement of the stores of Valentine A Co., Mr. David Moore having taken charge of tbe business. Mr. Moore assumed tbo du ties of manager about two weeks ago and ba* now a handsome stock of new goods of every description. Tbe change is expected to greatly improve and benefit tbe business, which will be reorganised, while new life already seems to have been infused into it. —Tbat perfect baking and cooking stove, the "Pioneer," ie for sale only by Wil*on | McFarlane A Co. All superfluous orna mentation ba* been dispensed with to se cure a first-class kitchen stove. For weight, strength and durability it cannot be sur passed. In purchasing this stove you are not paying for nickle trimmings and beau tiful finish, but you are getting what I* far better and what you need in a good cook atove—a good, reliable baker and cook. —Curtin street, which bas never yet been cnened east of tbe residence of Rob ert Valentine since being placed on tbe plan of the borough, is now being exten ded east from the residence mentioned, new fences are being built at present and tbe lota are being laid out and offered for etde. Mr. J. L. Spangier has already dis posed of a number of these desirable lots and improvements have been commenced. Mr. E. M.Sturdevant ba* purchased two lots and proposes to improve them imme diately, while several other parties have secured lots with the view of building, Curtin street is an especially desirable place of residence. —There is a strong probability that a furnace for tbe manufacture of steel will be completed in Bellefon,e in tbe course of six months more. The furnace will be lo cated on tbe site formerly occupied by the rolling mill of tbe Bellefonte Iron Com pany, and tbe initiatory operations looking to its construction have already been com menced. This laudable enterprise is sup ported by smple capital, but tbe gentlemen most prominently connected with it do not desire anything further made public at tbe present than tbi-Hmple announcement that tbe people may expect this much to be de sired manufactory. The future of Belle fonte is certainly bright, Judging from the number of contemplated industries. —Re*. J. V. R. Hughes, formerly of Bellefonte but now a resident of Kilbourn City, Wit, ha* been appointed po*tma*ler of tbat place. Mr. Hughes' failing health at one time compelled him to abandon the pulpit, but ho übegret at the death of the saucy bantam, and "Uncle Jim" said be felt just like going up in the garden behind the hogpen and having a good bawl. —A trestle now occupies a large portion of the street heretofore Uken up by the track of the Bald Eagle Valley railroad at Tyrone. The grade of the ground track was very heavy, the rails being nine feet lower at a point near the bridge tban at the other extreme, and fretght trains were frequently stuck and invariably experi enced great difficulty in getting over that portion of the road. Several streets are blockaded by the trestle, but there is now no apparent necessity for further block adee of freight trains at tbat point. To the eye of the unaccustomed observer the trestle looks like an inclined plane, but I* said to be about level. The trestle is prob ably an eighth of a mile long, and it wa* constructed during Saturday nigbt and tbe fore pert of Sunday nearly three weeks ago. This I* considered rapid work, though, with tbe usual precision and at tention to detail which characterise the preparation* for work to be performed by tbe employee of tbe Pennsylvania railroad, every piece of lumber Was numbered and assigned it* place beforehand. V .-•* 'M " r; '* LUTHERAN CoarßHEßca AT CBNTSB HALL.— Tha Northern Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Bynod of Central Pennsylvania was in session several days last week at Centre Hall. This organiza tion includes all the Lutheran pastors and pastorates in the counties of Centre, Clin ton and part of Union. Tbe opening ser mon was preachod on Tuoseay evening by Rev. J. A. Koser, of Pine Grove Mills. On Wednesday morning from half-past 8 to 9 o'clock devotional exercisos were held, conducted by tbe venerable lather, Rev. J. G. Anspach, of MifHinb'irg. From 9 to half-past 10 conference business received attention. At half-past 10 tbe discussion on "How to Btuuy tbe Word of God" was opened with a carefully prepared paper by Rev. B. K. Furst, of Bellefonte. The dis cussion was carried on by members of con ference in a thorough manner until time for adjournment. Conference business engaged attention from 2 to half-past 3 in the afternoon, after which Rev. W. 11. Diven, of Balona, road an able and instructive paper on "Reviv als," which was further discussed by the members of conference until the adjourn ment. In the evening a sermon was preached by Rev. A. R. Glaze, of New Berlin, on "Beneficiary Education," after which a collection for that object was lifted, result ing quite liherslly. On Thursday morning from half-past 8 to 9 o'clock devotional exercises were con ducted by Kev. John Tomlinson, of Aaronsburg. From 9to half-past 10 con ference business was transacted. From half-past 10 to adjournment the discussion of the topic, "(Juencbing tho Npirit," the discussion being opened with a lboughlfu| address by Kev. 8. Henry, of Mifflinbutg An earnest and impressive discussion fol lowed. In the afternoon business engaged con ference from 2 to 3, after which an inter esting "Children's Meeting" was held. Entertaining and profitable addresses were made by Rev. M. L. Furst, of Hartloton ; Kev. J. A. Koser and Rev. P. A. Ileil man, of Lock Haven. Tbe singing was good at this meeting, and at usual the children's afternoon proved very enjoya ble and edifying. On Thursday evening Rev. P. A. Ileil man preached the closing sermon, after which a short business session was held, fallowed by the closing exercise* of confer ence. Confeience Iben adjourned to meet in Keiiefonte in April, 1882. The business transacted at this meeting was of importance. Aii the session* were harmonious, practical and edifying, and lbs reports on tho stale of religion were very encouraging. All departed with tho feeling that "it was good to bo there." FARMER* TTIAXXRUL roa THB RAIX. The rainfall of the past two weeks has bad a much desired effect throughout tbe sur rounding country, and the springs and creeks that bad almost entirely dried up during tho long-continued drought hsve been revived. Tbe rain came too late, how ever, to save the crop* and, consequently, to have any efTect upon the price* of vege table*. The potato and turnip crops were curtailed from the effects of the drought, as well as mar.y other article* of table pro duce, and although tbe recent rains will hsve a good effect in many other ways they cannot make up for the scarcity of provisions now that the season is over. Farmers say there is little to be hoped for in the prospect of a fall in prices, but while housekeepers may set their minds to dear marketing the coming winter they will at least have tbe comforting assurance that there is no probability of a further increase. Although the rain* did not come early enough to save the crops the farmer* are thanklul that they wera in here bare lime to save winter wheat and rye, which would have suffered severely had it not been for tbe long-looked-for-come-*t-last November shower*. Fall pastures will also be improved by the present change of weather. VENXOB'S NOVEMBER W BATIIEE.— Vennor, the Canadian weather prophet, whose prognostications are readable If not always reliable, says that "November of this year will probably enter cold and de cidedly wet, but this condition will sud denly, after the first week, give place to open and genial weather nearly every where, with e disappearance of frosts even in northern New York and Canada for a marked period. We may expect some oi tha finest—st any rata most enjoyable weather of the season during Ibis month at Naw York, Boston, Philadelphia and Washington, and in Canada our 'lndian summer.' In western sections the fore and latter portions of tbe month are likely to be disagreeable, but I do not anticipate much trouble from snowfalls or blockades this winter until December. Should such occur, however, It will likely be found that lb* date* of the disturbances will be very nearly tbe same a* those of the November of 1880. Possibly there may be a period of unusual warmth in proximity to the middle of tbe month. This month will be marked by periods of bslmy and brilliant autumn weather, as in the year 1877." —Tha water wee likewise turned of with the whisky on Tusaday (election day). We don't care so vary much abouhsudden stoppages of whisky, particularly oa elec tion day, for on that occasion thsy are ex pected ; but these sudden end too frequent stoppage* of the aqueous fluid,without any previous announcement thereof to the cltl. sens, ere a decided and nbominable source of complaint. —Go to 8. A A, Loeb for bargains In anything. MIMIVQ HEIRS—THE BBABCH ron TUB RELATIVE* or JOIIM DuruiLD.— A lolegraphio dispatch printed In a Phila delphia newspaper of August 80 has occa sioned great interest and doubtless consid erable anxiety In a certain section of this county. The particulars contained in that Associated I'ress telegram were as lollows, the dispatch being sent from Washington : "A communication has been received at tho Department of Bute from Consul Ba ker, of Buenos Ayres, relative to a search for the heirs of John Duffleld, of Goya, Argentine Itopublic, which stales a letter had been received at the consulate from a gentleman signing himself J. 11. Ander son. The letter was d*Uw appear, however, that either by advertis ing or correspondence in Maine, or both, the representatives of the deceased may be at last discovered. It is understood by those who were acquainted with John Duf- Held that he was o'iginally a sailor, and was connected with Captain Belfridge's Tchuanlcpec surveying expedition. He went Irom Central America down the west coast to Peru, whence ho crossed overland to Ascuncinn,or rather Villa Oc cidental, Paraguay, where for many years he was engaged in commercial pursuits. Dr. Newkirk, of Goya, the locality where Duffleld was murdered, wrote recently to Consul Baker that he (Dr. Newkirk) had received a letter from Hon. C. 11. Wash burn, formerly United Slates Minister at Paraguay and at present residing in San Francisco, Cal., wherein Mr. Washburn stated that ho was well acquainted with Duffleld, whose real name was Kelly. Since the receipt of the above dispatch the department has been informed directly by cx-Minister Washburn that be did know John Duffleld very well, but affirms that he never wrote to Dr. Newkirk and that be never said or heard that Duffleld's real name was Kelly. Consul Baker still later advises the department that the said Dr. Newkirk now writes that the assets of the estate have been delivered to the court to be turned into the treasury of the province of Corrietes. The heirs however can, by making themselves known, institute pro ceedings recover the property." The foregoing statement if thoroughly investigated and pursued bids fair to result in the enrichment of citixens of Centre county, Charlaa Jefferson Duffleld, Joseph Duffleld and Elisabeth Duffleld, who live in Beech Creek and Eaglevillo. C. J. Duf fleld observing the dispatch in the news papers he authorised Mr. John McGhee, of Beech Creek, to write to the Stale De partment at Washington saying the de scription of the deceased answered to that of bis uncle, John Duffleld, who formerly lived in Maine, but who went South and was lost track of. The reply from W. Hunter, Second Assistant Secretary, was to the effect that the dispatch was authen tic, being prepared in the department for publication with the view to discovering, if possible, the legal heirs to the estate of John Duffleld, deceased, and that it con tained a brief summary of all the essential and prominent facts In connection with the case which have been reported. The Second Assistant Secretary advises Mr. McGhee to write to the United States Consul at Buenos Ayres, Argentine He. public, making inquiry as to the estate and the will, at the same time acquainting the Consul with bis purpose of endeavoring to establish the right and title of Jefferson Duffleld et al. as heirs of the late John Duffleld. In order to advance the interests of the supposed Centre county heirs to ibis valu able Boulh American estate Mr. J. L. Bpangler, of ibis place, has been engaged to attend to the legal details of the case, and he has prepared a letter to Hon. K. L. Baker, American Consul at Buenos Ayrea, stating that he Is the representative of C. J., Joseph and Elisabeth Duffleld, and be wishes to establish their right and title to the estate as heirs of John Duffleld. The Kagleviite and Beech Creek Dufflelds rep resent in their attorney's letter that John and Robert Duffleld were born In Maine, the precise locality not yet being known. Robert removed to Rockingham county, Vs., in 1887, and thence to Newport, Pa., where be died In 1871, leaving a widow, Elisabeth, and two sons, Charles Jefferson Joseph Duffleld. The tons, now about 80 year* of age, assert that their uncle left Maine about 1867 or 1868 and proceeded to Virginia, but spent most of his lime in Washington. Tbey think ba was aboard a vessel and that be enlisted in the nrmy or had something to do with the service. Joeeph allege* that he taw bis uncle in the service in South Caroline In 1862. He we* unmarried at that time and bis height was about 6 feat II inches j complexion retber dark; weight 100 pound*; high check bones; brown hair; robust and healthy and always of a roving disposition. Tha young men have had no tidings of their uncle since 1882. The letter to the Consul likewise make* n polite requeet that he will render nil the assistance in his power to oleer up the tnye tery surrounding the case in it* existing state and to endeavor to have the aetata— the exact amount of which has not to this time been ascertained—awarded to the rightful legal***. Tha* tha matter stands at present; but til interested eta repose in the assurance that every step necessary to securo to the Centre county claimants their rights will be taken. It is to be hoped that If the Beech Creek and Eagleville Dufflelds are proved the legal heirs they may receive the legacy without delay or unnecessary trouble, and though doubtless considerable time will be consumed, owing to the fact that all matter* relating to the estate have to be conducted by correspond ence, ml* is what Mr. Bpangler has earn estly set himself to work to accomplish. NITTARY VALLEY RAILROAD.— In an endeavor one very wet night this week to ascertain something sddittonal In regard to the fate of the NlUany Valley Railroad Company—an unauthorised report being circulated that it bad gone to pieces—a re porter of this paper encountered a gentle man who had been originally connected with the first organization which, he said, WHS on a fair basis. Bomelbing afterward occurred by which a new organization was had, and then the gentleman in question arid one or two others withdrew from the company. A gentleman largely interested in the future successor the corporation told the reporter afterward it bad not "buled" at all, but that mailers were very quiet at present. Ho had no doubt of the building of the road finally. PoMTI'OKEMEVTor Urxxixo tub GLAM WORKS —The prediction of Mr. Richard Davit, the eminently practical superinten dent of the revived glass works, that the work* would be fired up and the first glass bo made on next Sunday night will not be fulfilled, through n<> fault of bis, however. Since the commencement of the repair* to the old building it ha* been discovered that it will be necessary to place a now crown on the furnance, and the conse quence is the beginning of the manufac ture of glass will be delayed for probably three days. The engaged employes will bo telegraphed for when their presence is desired. It is sincerely to ho hoped that onco the works get started there may never thereafter be the slightest cessation. CEREAL PRODUCTION.— We are indebt ed to the kindness of Colonel D. S. Keller, ot the Census Bureau, lor a copy of the ta bles showing the cereal production of the United State* by counties, as returned at the census of 1880. In these table* we find tbe acreage and production of Centre county given as follow*: Arses. B-b I. lUrlry 1.*47 VMt i. Burßebrtl 1 KSI UM a li.4l.fi 'O SS.TFTL SSS.IW a. o*i> KLXJS jujtt S. tp .... _ 4 IH, 41.M54 A * t."l 37, IUI as*.MM For the Btate of Pennsylvania tbe fol lowing are tbe totals : An* RoA 1. Bute) CMOS 4:i*.10 2. Batkebeai. *4* l a. I fi4t.il tors 1.37a no u.s/i ALL 4. Ofils 1.337 Ml) M.MI Ml S K , 3S*.4fiS l fifi-,6.1 S Übesl .1,444.2*4 lr.VU.ti* According to these figure* the mverege yield to tbe acre of each of these cereals for Centre county was at follows: Of bar ley, 14.65 bushels; of buckwheat, 17.59 bushels; of Indian corn, 86.71 bushels of oats, 24 12 bushels; of rye, 10 1 bush el* ; of wheal, 10 44 bushel* ; while for the entire Btate it was of barley, 18 68 bush els ; of buckwheat, 14 59 bushels; of In dian corn, 88.88 bushels; of oats, 27.34 bushels; of rye, 9.24 bushels; of wheat, 13 46 bushel*. Tbe county is above the average of the Btate in buckwheat, Indian corn and rye, and below it in barley, oats and wheat. THB STATE ORAXOE. —Tbe Pennsylva nia State Grange will meet in the court bouse, Willlamsport, December 13. The master of tbe Bute Grange, Leonard Rhone, of Centre county, end the secre tary, K. 11. Thomas, of Mecbanicsburg, were la the city Thursday last to make tbe prebminary arrangement*. —Mrs. Mary J. Moore, of Milesburg, one evening last week had a dangerous ad venture which fortunately did not result seriouily. Tbe light In a kerosene lamp she was using become low and dim, and observing that tbe wick barely touched the oil she took tbe lamp in her hand and shook It vigorously for an instant, in or der to reaaturate tbe comparatively dry wkk. Suddenly tbe lamp was inveloped In flame, but without dropping and with decidedly creditable presence of mind she hurried to the beck porch of her residence upon which she dropped It and succeeded In quenching the flint without any dam age of consequence resulting. —You will shortly be compelled to buy your winter clothing. Before deciding on what you will buy see what the celebrated Rochester manulaclurers, Messrs. Stain, Adler A Co., have turned out tbi* season, equal in It, workmanship and trimming* to any custom made goods. Prices very reasonable. To be had only al 8. 6 A. Loeb't who by their square dealing hava did much to build up the large demand of this very superior grade of clothing. —The Bellefonte Building and Loan Association will offlsr at public sata a nam bsr of valuable properties at the Court House, on Saturday afternoon. Parsons desiring to purchase will do well to give this sale their attention. —Mr. Albert Huston, lata of tha Bush House, will not return to Bellefonte—al least not to resume his former piece at the hotel. A gentleman named Reese, from Clarion, has been engaged to All the vw •ancy, and ha took charge on Tuesday. —Loeb's I* tha place to buy dry goods. Large assortment, low prices and good good* at all times. TIIK COLORADO FORTUVR-BEEKKM RR TOR* FLKE<-SD.—Tha prediction oC Mr. Jonathan Bullock, blackamtlh and wagon maker of Milasburg, wa* fulfilled much earlier than even he anticipated. It will be remembered that on Saturday last hU aon Lewi* end an equally adventurous lad named Harry Fulton "myateriouily disappeared." Bullock with $ll6 In bia pocket* and Fulton "dead broke"—and the understanding wa* that they bad atruck fr Colorado. The father of young Bui lock remarked, when he ascertained lhat hi* bojejful *on had departed without hi* knowledge and with a "butted" com panion, that he guessed the youngttera would be glad enough to return to old Miteaburg before the cold weather waa over. And ture enough they did, "alaa I quite chap-fallen." But it wa* not their original intention to do *o, and their return wa* the retull of the force of circumttan ce*. Arrived at I'ituburg tbey thought tbey d better examine the tmoky city a elephant, and, of courte unsuspiciously, they wandered into one of the numerou* •aloon* which there abound and, we pre sume, called for a gla* or two of beer. A* the story i* detailed, mm* one connected with the place torn-bow got an inkling that there wa* $ll6 in the crowd, and at once, with the assistance of confederate*, of course et to work to get po**e#ion of the coveted wealth, and succeeded 1n do ing o. The young men. It i related, un der the circumstances became convinced that tbey had gone far enough toward Colorado, and having lot their fortune retraced their *lr|M toward old Milraburg, reaching homo la*t Wednesday. Now, boy*, the next time you tart for Colorado buy a through ticket, with "good only on tbi* train" upon it. "RM*I*O ALOHO NICKLT."— Though not a very early day to announce it, it b nevertheless a fact that the Bu*h Qouae, under toe management of that particular ly competent botellbl Mr. W. K. Teller, prevent* these day* and unu*ually anima ted and buy appearance that i* a decided contra*l to the view about that hotel in day* not long gone by. The trouble with the Bu*b wa* that it changed tuperinlen dent* too often, and aucb a proceeding na turally excite* the ditlruit of the traveling public, wbeather it be the fault of the •uperintendent* or other. "The hotel U running along very nicely," *aid Mr. Tel ler, in aniwer to a question of a curiou* companion, hi* face bearing a halftmile of entire *att*faction. When he informed bia inquxitor questioner of the expense* of tha hotel for help alone the latter wa* quite a*toni*bet benight: Prttnsyitenla estre bally si •actWdt; ; western da, al A su: TO an* pateatt si IaRMknTTIV. Rye loar Is dall (U I4S3UM*. Waast — Tksvs was bat ULUE dsasaad tor wheat sad TNWES ssata brirtsb. lbs tlimag Scares wars: 11.T7U I*4. Il.vs sakad b Xs In* BssswUVj FL .T K I bid. Ildl'iaskrd br lb. I tad, boalsr; |1 MIS I'M, II M\ anted B X" I re*, jamiy. V aashsls. Csrsabr.AM AL It 41. Staaa.— dees* B la as Jdiseli TS|ial at HM)|T. Ttssotbr K warbaagsd. Hallafhßla Marhata. taumm, Isnabr M, IMT. QUOTATIONS. Old nbeal. par t osh-i 41 So Red whs#*. 4avw) T M Rye, M beMaC—— - M Oora.osb ....... M Oora, akaMad „ —. U Haai. rsksll.pevbaried..—■■ ■ —T M lloar. wb si lasts ■■■ t M Praviaia* Market. Curt srtad wwkiy by Batgir Binlbsia. Apple*.drind. perpeaad § TXWTHS.4riD,M RSl**," l *'* Beans pm sad** I* fresh batter pa* psmd ... as (til, kens gee gowad • Obeeae pet geaad - * &^JXC±=z==z:. !? Ream it Lard pes wowed IX i-* H-t : Jf gwtaieesgee bashsl 1H Driadbnri. —— . II