ibe Cfntrc fjtmorrat. BELLBFONTE , PA. The Largest, Cheapest sad Beet Paper PUBLISHED IN CENTRE COUNTY. THK CENTER DEMOCRAT D i.ub- Ushol terry Thursday uurulug, at Bell.fuul., twin rouaty, Pa. TBRMft—Cash la aitraacs,..„ tt bO If nut |>ald la adtaacs, U OO A LIVE PAPER—lisrotsd to ths Inlsrcsli of tlis whols paopl*. Pajmonu mails wlthlo thrsa months will bo con aldsrsd la advanea. No paper will b discontinued on 111 arTsaragssars paid, sxcept at option of publishers. Papers going uul of the county must be paid for In •erience easier imagined than de*cril>ed, and whereas tor the sake of these ruined and op pressed women and for Ihe good of so ciety at large, said community ought to t>e 'cleaned out." Guiteau's quarrel with the community was about some money. After the publication of the circular refered to stave, Noyes, the leader of the community, wrote to Gui teau's father about the matter, and tbe latter wrote to hta son telling him that he would diaown bun, spend every cent he had and even sacrifice his life io be half of tbe community. One Hundred and Twenty Million Dol lar* for Pension* Next Year. From DM X Tork Titan. The coot ol the Arrear* of Pension* hill ia being gradually ascertained. The Commiaaioner of Penion§ recommend* the appropriation of a hundred mil lion* of dollar* to meet the demand* on hi* office during the next fiscal year for annual and accrued penoiono, and the p*•. No. 11l Mo, torut, Intl. Hastings, All y. All ihut certain lot or piece ol ground •Ituatad in tha borough of Pbill|*tairg, Ontra county, Pa , tHiUUdvd ana U-w Hbed MM follows, to Wit I Bound •! ou tin* Mouth l>) North Iruul itravt, on th Mit by Laurel itrvel, <>b Ui NI by lot ol Mm M)ri, and ou thn north l#y Second fronting on Nur in Front •trre't tHi Iwl and •xtendlug along Laurel etr*l ... > t • t. thrrwon traclm! a t*o story Inuuf* ittllllg HOUMP, two large atorv rooms, a w*r room, iu*rbl yard, alalda and other outbuilding#. BaUed, Ukeu in execution and to he Mold as tho property of J. 11. Fleiw. No. 2. Hultof J. Kllnger, use of, vs. James Fenrion. No. IMI April term, I Ml. Debt i-w.77. Vend. Kx. No. 3b Nov. term, Ifeftt. Kkhllue, Att'y. All ilmi curtain lot or piecuol laud eiiu atcd In the borough of llellelonle, Centre county, I'm , MilM lid danffibwd fifi Mlivs % *; MI MM Mtfil by an allev, ou the east by lot of faliirk Dooley, uu the sriilll by lllgli street aud on the west by Metbodlet t hurrh, contaiunig one fourth ol an acre more or less, thereon erected * small house Ac. A leu, all that rertalu tneesuage tenement and lot of land MtiMbd iu the borough of BellefwUtv, Centre county, Fa , bounded and ileMiiled nm follows vie, ou ihv south by lot of Nitangler A Van Pelt, ou the east by eamr and Mary M lianon, on (he north by lot ol Lawrence C'ooney and on the weal by Spring street, containing one half acre more or leas, thereon erected a dwelling house. It beiug the same lot ol ground wbkh LI Ward Blown el ux. by deod dated 3Uth, day ol Matcn It""', and recorded in drd bud N No. 'i|Mg grsiitd and rouveyed to J antes Feuuou. Al*o, nil that curiam uitweungc* (cnecoiol and trad >f land sitnatefll tcrui Intl. Itobt 1,•*&,•, V. ti.l Kg. No. VI. No?. Una, ll Hoy, All'y All that curtain lot or pic ol ground •ttuslad tu Hprlng town, lilp, Oouir* wanly, Pa , boun ded and dawrlbtd a* follow, : ou lb* not lb ly Und, of John LUuu. ou llw wwai l>y Iw4, of Jatura Bu*l. ou ll„ w.u.h by Mtlany uumauia nut on Ibw wwl by lb. old Lwtim.r Ut in, cnalalu>ag IS on, ■><. or law*. iberaun Marled ■ I*,. atory plank boom, bwtn nud „th*r outbuilding,, tuuwd takra- In .secutioa wnd lo bw luid at ibw properly of J. U. Lnrimwr. No. 4 Suit of D. M. I*l b, Aim. Thus. Tibtwnw, Mo. 219 April bra. I wtkl. WJ Aleiaader A Bower All'y, Ail lb right title end midfeet of duicn dwul In wad to nil tbwl -attain lot of ground altuwtwd in Hut rt, t'.wuabip. Crait, county, P.. beginning ,t I It. to.• along land of #Ol Mthalb. twtlb iiV' w'*l. bt blu (wnbt, to • p.twl. tbwntw north 3*° t.l, : panhra to > pw,l. Ih.new niong Und, of J,n T. Ilwlw. north H ug land* ..I J oanh fhu,y. aouth 30" anal, IM jwr thw lo a Whiu oak. Uiaora along Und, of Un.rga Cronamillar. aouth *f J wwt. 37 n. Mooto, th.r... along Und of Martin llu,r. wu wit brgmnlag at a M.>oa, IhMoa along laud ,d Aarafa K Hraou, aioalb A>| ' Waal. •i' waal. II pair haw lo at.ina on bank ol Prnoa Craak, llianra along aaid rrwak and land of J II l|a> k man and oibara. north A>l ■ aaal, M Vin parrbaa lo ab.naa, lhanra .olh A' awat, & Pill parrhaa lo poal and lltai.rw wmlh. rr- , portbaw lo Iha plara of laginoing. runtalnlog Ml parrhaa oaat inaaaara, I bar a.,i. at. tad a dw.tllng bona. Ar ballad lakan In aiacntlnn and lo la sold aa Iha prnparty of Ban jamin krn*. No. 6. Hull d Auatin Karttu ?a Brblgal Karrln, Adnlnla Ualru, No. Aug. Una, Ida. Ml,I i7.im Blair, All'y. AII that tiH'MAUgn, ta-nemcnt or trnci of land with INa raiproaaeeanu Ac . II halng a Iran of Und toandadjand daarnhad aabdlona to nil. bagmnlng at alonaa, th-nra nor lb at- ug tba llna iddraopb T.wnp kina,. tba waal ISI par. Iras In a whila plna I bat. a aaal along land of H illiarn Aakay.en tba norlh lit parr baa to alonaa, lhanra aoulh along Undo 4 Tbonaaa handrag.ra. on lha anal Inl parrhaa to a mapla nanr Bar but a rnn. lhanra w-al l la parth** b. lha pUra .d larglnning. rvuialnlng lUarraa II paichra an(nouU and Iran* of land alloau In Ptllou townablp. Caulrr r.ranly, I'n, bound ad and daacrlbad aa Mknts, lo nit i Hwgu.nlng ala wbils onh corn#?; thaara nbrag olhaw lands of Agnsw Baitani aoulh mf waal. Hi • lo pat. has to n rarnar . lhanra along Und sf lu?w Hal la?, north A' wast. Ab7 parah-a b. a poaf; lhanra north ' aaal, N| parrhaa to birkury ; lhanra north "d" mat, • pwrrhaw to a paal; tl.aor* along unda of 11. Bruckar h'df a halra aunlb W aaat, all bio pari bra to atoms: lhanra aowlh UP aaat, to parrhra lo tha pram of baglw nlng—runlranlag Hat torn* and Ml parrhaa, strict maaaura Tbarsun araatad a two abrry daralilog howaa, bank ham and ottor ouHrallginga. AIAO, one other thereoi, beginning at atonaa; lhanra along Unda of Muaaa tbowrpaun wrath Ski" mat, tot par*Bw lo •tome; thorns north H mat, M| parrhra to shrass; thanca along Unda of in ?U toll an nofth l/f waat, bl parrhaa to atone* lb anew along land of Agnaw RalUr? nralh mP w*Md 70 *-10 psteins to lbs piaoa of baginnlng- •rraUiatog U arrow and Ida parrhaw, gnu mnwra, Alao, the other thereof, beginning hi •tonra; thanes north M waat, go parch** to Mum*; thanca aouth UP waat, 74 parr Let to atonra: titaram w.oU £wf° aaat. It past baa, lhanra north rwM,*4 parrhaa to atonra. thanca north Ad" mat, 71 pan hat to tha pUra of toginnlag—containing U acrwa and no pal (baa. wtrtot maaawrw. Hal aad, ukan ha siacwUoa aad to bw wwM ra Iba prnpar Agaaw gallarw. Ml of Ml Wagkar ra. Job* Copanbnrar. NbIM Jm urra. I. L fa No. . No?, lara, Mhl. aprnglar, AU'y. All tbhl certain ntewauage, tenement end tractaf Undwldato In TayUr townablp, Canlr* man ly. P*-, bonndad and daarrlbad as follow?, to wHi Bw ginning *1 • prat on IBs i., o. arf P. larnplka road j Ibaora ny land? of i.yon.Bbarb A Co UP won dupatcho* to a i hoaiuui j Ibaw. a north tif U,M psrcbss to a MM) tba or* north J#' mat, to parrhra to • sugar trwa ; thanca Botlb aaat, tg parrhra to a rad rag ) thanca north 27° waat. *9 parrhra |* • mafda j thsurw woetb IV aaat, 1# parrhaa to a pawl i lhanra wralh tlf, wawl m parrhra to Iba pUra of iraginalug—caehaln tag M wcraa, norw at las* thai aim araolad * hoUi, hofal alabia, bank tram, Aratillny and otbar oattraild- Alio, all tho right, title end Intoreet of tba dafainUut In kud to all Ibal csrtoln inaaauega, lauwuoiil and Irani of Und altuala In la/lor loan •hip, Csuiis county, I'a.uuUUli.lng M7 atraa, mora or las*, and bonndad by Unda ol tha Bald Kagla luruaca Co. and otbara, bslug Ilia MI ton praniiauj which I boa. McCoy, eliarnt ol emu, nounly, by dod lis I'd zrlli day of Nortuibar, I aha, giabtod and ooutayrd unto said John i.i.)n Mister. lUrlug lhaiaon WIM lad two dwelling ho nam, barns ami ulhai oulbuibliog,. Alao, Mil tlrul cvrutili lluUaU nil,l lot ol ground alluato IU Taylor township, ('antra county, t's i IM'gUluing ala pool, lliaucu uorib 40" nasi, bl r (U lo • lunoai Mum..: norm 4:/- oral, 14 rods to Irss; Ursucs norlh 71" waal, £7 mda to • p,„i; turbcv wrullr r t\itf to • (oi, liif-ui* uutiu t. I* to • |AO#t . tbelM* bwttb r*|, •/j j-f < n-to iy • t*ji, in* i BOM by Mm- 1 in the frai*i# Dtoine of Mi'iioj **idnf ottb 79° Bret. |*cbi lo • tiMittui Blum| ; Ibriice by Und* of H m Uuib lin voUb IF , 1 i |H#tnr to • et*jn, Uimucm nwrtb ♦*!' #t, 4n to |*ior. ikrif# nortb 'f* • |g a M|Af Ire*; tb*i* by Undt ut Jobn 'f|*nUfir tij o *m*l, Ut the bitf* of lr|ittblii| —ffOi*Jiilti( w nrM tond IU*I |rff bra*, hnnd. nkm In eiwttllnu and lo be eoid m tb* imi cii of Jobn CopeobeVtof. Tkr tf.a CAHII. —No deed will beacknowl sdgwd unlil Ih* pwrrhaaa atohay la (Sid la full. JOHN BPANGLBR, Hheriff. Hharllf a HlBrs. BallafoaU, I'a, No? H, MM Legal Notice, Orphans' Court Sale. II N accfiriiancc with an order of the I Orpkaaa* Omrt of C*rlr* emmt/, tl*r# will 1* **• el |*iiidle *!>, el tbe Court ||' w. In li*ll*Mite. On Monday, 2*th of Smember, 1881, •t 1 o'rlfack. P II , lb* follovtlng deernt**(| reel eetete tb* fifDfvrlf at htoißul YeerVk* let* o4 H'elket kfXdii|>, fterenee#:. to vrlt: AM ibßt cvruln mwingf, Bfic! tmrt rf land eifßet# In Walk#* in#nebip. t>ont>4*d end doaritbed ee Mlotre fPu Ik* Boflh by lend* of of tb" h*m of k I. Velentlße, derweee-l. ofber lend# of eeid Pemnel Yeerkk end Insr Birfcle. Bell, by Und# of I#to*r IMcbte, (Uiff# Utl and Cnrulloe Otb trvfl and by UtA of OM## Frtdl#v~oßtelfilnf EIGHTY A (UK* AND ONF. HUNDRED AND FIF TY PRRf'IIEF. neet meeeor*- All that mewsuage, tanstnenl and tract of land eilnele ee nhove. twenM end df*rrlM ee f llw#r# IU Ik* novtb end ee*t by lend# of the bl*e ■f R B. V >l*ellM. d* nod. end bet re of II ftrt F#rin*bert. letri| tb* •e#tem it elf <4 tot Ne 31 in tbe ffrnrr#! plan of lbelJvr|-lbereon *rnrted e tn vlt; And Bow. fteptentT I, !*!, tbe within Bient end elertbw reed end r#nftrtn#d MM. nod |pt*(l retton In one newaftef*# r ocderwd for three week# prior t Bext term of court ; nod If Bo eire>tone he then filed the #m* ehell he orrfirmed ehnidßlely. end tbe real #tßle token by wH Ramb Feerraf eluell he end rewwlß unto her. her betrs end neMgiae, rui<)Ki to the MIBI of tne eeid rxßof lklnf-*e#tA|ii dottniw. fe'B end eUhte fitweef. By Ue Ouwrt Attmt W W R Hl'fe ll FIELD, ♦4-dw CUtk Or. Court. N pOTICS.—- In the mailer of the K*- Is la of Hawry Rrkawrnlh lata of Hprlng lean ahlp. Ara-aai I. la IK* otphawa' Ora-t of ''swlr* craw ly TNa apywaiasn.rai to lbs wVtow of awl 4 llswry IrkMUdki 4r-a I. CKarlntia R>kanr. And bnw, Augwst ga, last, affair dw* ruwahtoraliow hy tb* ftSlt It t, or dared and ilnrrad Ibal lb* a)>)HaHlwenl god appropriation of the wlihia dawcrllud raal ratals an taads sad ml span to and bw lbs an* of Mrs Mary K. Busy, widow af Andrew Oaasy, decease,l. he and re •Mia In 'ht aaid Mm. Mary 0. Oawsy, bar heir, and assigns, grew and .Uhto h-rarer, according to lbs AH nf Araesrhly In rach case made and pro? Mad: Prorii ad. bowarer. Ural pubtkwUow ha made according to AH of AaaaMldy, and bo akoapttom (lad ob or bidare tba irl day of Norewelwr Ims. II la farther ordered and dlrectad Ibal lha aaid Mrs. Mary K llatie? eater lab) rerogulaawos, wltb saOtHsbl secarlty, la lb* ana of Ally dollar*. rowdlUoaad tor lbs payment of MH.Tt wllblb ows year, with Iwtrarat, lo the administrator rrt •aid dec rased. It traing (h* aaauual wrwr gad abora tw allowed by jaw. By iba Omrt. WH. K. BrOCItriRLD, IMt Ctclt Or. Oreart- Adminletrator'i Notice. T ETTERS of adminiHtrmtiott "de 1 J howws nob" era the estate of HOHAN LRU, lale of Boiler township. Oaralra awcaty, Peao'a. Oacawaed. bar* heaw granted to PaUr Bsrefoei, rwatding In Mil toy. Ml HI In rrrasty, Pawn'*, to wb.Hu all pinwiaa In debted to raid w-tuU arw rwgwaaled tc t rk- payment, sod throe harlag rlslm, or dswaaada will Make kaows tba aaau wltbowl delay. PKTRE BABRroOT, ltd* Mllroy, Mifflin r-raaty, Pa. \ UDITOR'B NOTICE. IV Tba undsrdassd, aa attdlhow appntatod hp tb* Orphan*' Court In Kesr snl pass wpoa tba tkeapHm* glad to lb* admltttottatof# Mnaat of Iba ratoto ml, st to oVtnck A. M. of raid dsy, wbaai aad where rat purlieu latataalod own attowd. 43-Jt t>. P. fORTMRT, Auditor. GOLDSMITH BROTHERS, , flee /live Store*. BEE HIVE One I'ricc Stores. GOLDSMITH BROTHERS IBZEDE HIIA7"IE_ The Bee Hive One Price Stores, 1 BELUEFOVTE, PA., October 24,1881. J 4fX* We bey leave to inform you that uu- hare juei purchased this en '*** business, and will continue to run it on the same principles as •LeuJSB heretofore, and trust tcith the increased JaeiJities that we have for buying goods cheap, on account of one of the jirm being engaged in the same line of wholesale in AVtr York, to merit a continuance of your patronage. Our new stock will be in next next week. Very respectfully yours, GOLDSMITH BROTHERS* Now York Offiera. I Suefessurt to BAI'LAVD & NRWMAN. aw n of Mid day. with their laurii, lu'iui aition*. eaaiuinatli.ua, and I heir own remeaubranraw, to do tin*, thin*, which to their ofDre appertain* to b# dime, and (bone who are ieiiiod In reciytiiuur** to prnaerute again*! the prianner* thai are or aliall Is the Jail of Outre county, b* Mini and there to inae cute axalti.t then, a. aha 11 l,e jnat. /nj'T*" • R lief., rite. the let day of October, In the year of our lent l*l, ei.r the one Cwbdllth! " 1 *•' of the Indepeudrnra of the 4M| JOHN HPANW.KR Sheriff (iKOIitIR If HAhK, for | In the Court of Common liimeell and other., ( p IMM Centre county. JA M KM7I AIIKIH I U ""' VOllt E in hereby given to the A.* heirt and |e*al rey.reMßi.uie. Of Jan,.* liar lU, doroaaad p, cm* mu, ...on ~n th. lounb Monday of No*. Oiber neat , n d ....... ,h, pHJUo. ol plaintiff and eriow • ante why a certain mortgage *| t en by < harlea llii.h.n to Jamaw llama dale,) the VM , day of M ruary I*o- and recorded in Centre county In ln.wta.atte huuk "A." pax* ItV.ahuld not I- ..11.11*4 of rwooid. Alleat. JtlllN PPASfaI.KR 5= hlo-rlft, A UDITORB NOTICE iV The auditor appointed by th. Orphan.' Court of i entie county to ae.eot.ln the a.l.an.en.ent, and ui.be dMrilmlloi, id the ti.lance In th hand* of 11. P Shaffer and WI i] i.to 11. rter I Kccuto.a of, A. .f Mnl.ael el..lter. de. e.ecd to arid .Sam ( Ilea. |.rally entitled the, Ho. will attend to the .lull*. of hla el |nlnti„ent at hi* -d>. • it. hHlefonie ~n 7111 Italia V th. Kill day of Kire.intrer, A It l"l.at |u ..'.loch A! M wi.en and where all jmrttea intrieatad laa attend If they aee |iri,(ier. V. P. PGRTXKY', Auditor. JAM Kit II AI.KX AXbKR 1 In ibe Court of Common > Pinna id Centre county. Martha m* era loir and I'fal ie|.reMitamrw of Matthew I aman deraaaod. •nd to the heir, and 1 etc! reyueaetiUtlrea id the aaid Matthew tinman. d*reared, to iV4j J C lUfcl'Kß froibj. THE CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES hn for more than forty year* maintained tta position am the leading paper of the Wml. It ranks thovr all others in drenlauon, Inflo •nee, and In the <4 lu mad rim. brraue# It la jomt the kind of rl*r tile j-eop'.e want, IV ITerUy ITan covera fbr whole amend of a flrt rlaaa family journal It la larger and better than any high-priced weekly of fered the public; tta reading matter cover* a greater arope. la more entertaining and In struct! vn, and yet It coata BIT OHE DOLL4B A TTAB. Otir a*-nu every where aay II la the easiest paper In the (Veld to movaa for, and reader* of one year are ao pleaaed that they are autw to renew their euberrlpllnos. Eight paan— f\tiv m mfumm ftt owe tUtiar a year, and the inual literal tertna to club seen la. Hjrc'.m.-o oofdaa free. Mend fur on# be Sirs anhacniilna for any paper. Addrern Weekly Tnaaa, IBU Walnut buvet, Cincinnati, O. THE DAILY TIMES-STAR, Eight pope*. fnrty~r*ffhi eot Twmru. Only six dollar* a year. H far aim month a, || M tow three analto. Hao the largr*t rtrrula- Uon of any |*per in Cincinnati. Is the brat advertising medium and the beat paper for readers who would know of the world a doit,?* aa promptly aa the news can he Im parted. Add ream limes-htar. Cincinnati, O. PENNSYLVANIA, Centre Co., w: 1. [matt] I. Wauma k Rrmcantta. rieik of the Orphan*' Ooori <1 the eeM manly, do hereby wrtlty that at aa Orphan*' tVarl h*M at Betbtoote. U>* 2N ■lay of Aacnet. imml before the Honorable the Jadcte of the aa Oeart, a* motion a rale am* created apoa Job* R Harabhernr. Aleaban, llarebterger, Mary Am* Lohr, dear-* J Lett and haarl llaieblvrjo*, the bet re attd legal ir(w rorautteee of Partd llarmh b*rg*e. 1i rraei d. lo or one Into onart oa the ttb H o day of *>-*!- seat, to ncjrepl or refaee to nreept at the valaatioa. or eb< a raaa* mhy the real eolate of lb- raid deneaeed elteald ant be miM, la teetlmoay • hereof, I bare beeeaato set my hand and edited 'be e-al of eald onart. at IMlrluote. the ZM day of Aagaat, A P |Ng|. WM E. BrkfliriELD, co. c. Attest: Jos* Srraotca. Sb. rit *■ The UidliK Daily and Weekly Paper IB TUB WERT HRAKCR TiIUT. T JK E SUN AND BANNER, PCBLUQLD BY 11. T. BALLAD& nnd U M WOLF, Jr., Kditnit MH ri wfrt'tiif*, W1 LI ,1A MSPORT, PA Has mm *bU Editorial and Rrportorial Staff! Qmtmim* tkt Lmteat Trlfpmphie Sweat lima MetimbU Obrpa and Oorreapimdmmtat , • hi IM LARGEST CIRCULATION aa at inmina is CENTRAL FCXmLTAKIi. DAILr $6 00. WBKKJLV *1 50 FER YEAR, I* ADVANCE. Aay |wa '! H<">sk of •* sow Jwrif nA ■rrlfcm tar Ik. Wactit Acs ass Biota. 11l r*t<* a j far so guar lui DH. HASTINGS, • ATTORJTEV A* LAW, BELLEFOKTE. FA. OEVaea AllKiifny Em Mi am iu llm BMb. paf*M*t. a jtOT j, aROWE, JOHN FlUiriipoOT. hlhtafc. Ortabar IE WW. * •fifi *•* I" r" *• aw*- S>UU at Horn. bbtawm a UAELErr A 00, IVrt ma, Maiaa. Ely