Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, November 10, 1881, Image 3

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Gold is nineteen, mercury thirteen,
and lead eleven times heavier than
Plaster made with river water sqls
sooner than that made with spring
Gypsum, called by chemists sulphate
of lime, is composed of sulphuric acid,
lime and water.
Carbonic acid is extensively employed
iu the manufacture of wliito lead and
effervescing diinks.
The strength of 120 pounds is re quired
to tear asunder an iron wire
fifth of an inch in diameter.
Grape sugar, used for giving more
"body" to wines, etc., is made of po
tato starch, sulphuric acid, elialk and
Burnt bones are employed by potters
as an ingredient of soft porcelain, to an
nmonnt sometimes of nearly half the
enliro mass.
From an elevation of 25,000 feet, the
groatcst height yet reached by man, the
semi diameter of the circle of vision
amounts to 198 miles.
Dr. K. Vou Fritsch, of Halle, says
that the cause of earthquakes does not
exist further down from the surfaio of
the earth than ten or fonrteon miles.
Pare silvrr weighs 2 237 ounces to
each cubic inch. Should its density be
has, the tilver may be supposed to
eontain copper; if greater, lead may be
The quantity of water in wheat and
flour is greater iu cold countries than
in warm. In England it is from four
teen to seven teen percent., in the United
States from twelve to fourteen, in Africa
from nine to eleven.
Electricity is now employed in the
rectification of inferior alcohol. The
electricity generated by a voltaic bat
tery and a dynamo-electric machine is
passed through the alcohol so as to dis
engage the superfluous hydrogen. Bv
this means beer root alcohol, which is
usually very poor, can bo made to yield
eighty per cent, of spirits, equal to
that obtained from the best malt.
<'.innib.il Feast* in Fiji.
Bat prior to the groat change in Fiji
caused by Christianity, a (east wonhl
bare been hold of small account which
was not graced by abundant human
flesh ; and if perchance there was no
war on hand to provide this delicacy,
there w.ia rarely much difficulty in find
ing victims; a defenseless troop of wo
men from some neighboring village, a
canoe driven ashore by stress of weather
or, failing these, a few insignificant
serfs or wives who had lost favor with
their lords, Bnpplied the placoof home
farm produce. Several peculiarities
were observed concerning the btkala
or human flesh. It was considered in
digestible unless eaten with certain
harbs which were purposely grown in
every village. Moreover, it was the
only meat which was preferred ra'her
high, and which must not bo handled,
from a belief that it wonhl produce
skin disease. Therefore it was invari
ably eaten wi'h a pecnliar round wood
en fork with fonr long prongs. Home
of tho most noted cannibals, who gloried
in the multitude of men whom they had
eaten, actually kept a record of their
number by erecting lines of stones.
One of these registers numbers H?2 I
and the Christian son of this ogre de
clares that his father ate them all him
self, allowing no one to share with him.
Another member of the samo family
had registered forty-eight, when his
becoming a Ohri dim had put a stop to
the amusement, and compelled him to
be satisfied wi h commonplace beef.
In fact, one of the exenaea urged by
Thakomhau for so long adhering to
cannibalism was that he and his people
had no other substitute for English
bnllamacow. It is, however, twenty
years since he abjured the vile custom
and accepted Gnriatianity; but many
of the islanders kept it up till quite
recently.— Good Word*.
Car ions.
Bet down, first, the number of men
who went to seek Elijah when ho was
carried np into heaven. Multiply this
by the days during which Job's friends
aat by him without speaking, when they
came to comfort him. Multiply again
by the days in which Jericho was com
passed by tho Israelite*. Subtract the
number of men whom Samson killed
with the jaw-bone. Divide by the num
ber of stones which David carried with
him when he went to kill Goliah. Bob
tract the years of the Babylonish cap
tivity. Add the number of fnrlongs
between Bethany and Jerusalem. Add
the age that the Psalmist said is gen
erally the limit of the life of man in
this wprld. Multiply the number of
Jacotrescns by the years in which Solo
raon wss building the tomple, and sub
tract from the above product Add tbe
years in which tho Israelites were, for
their sins, obliged to wander in tbe
wilderness. Subtract one from this,
and wo have the number of chapters in
the Ne-v Testament. —Sunday School
Phosphorus was discovered in 16C9.
Nero had his portrait paintod on a
canvas 120 feet high.
Hawmilla were ilrst used in Enropoin
the fifteenth century.
It is said that white eats with blue
eyes arc always deaf.
The Chinese written language con
sists of 100,000 characters.
Libraries existed in Egypt contem
poraneously with the Trojan war.
Btamps for taxation wero invented in
Holland in the seventeenth century.
At Pompeii combs have been found
exactly like the modern ilnc-tooth kind.
Chaucer received a pitcher of wine
every day from the cellar of Edward
Archimedes invented a" screw for fa
cilitating irrigation in Egypt, B. C.
The first altar mentioned in Hcrip
turo was erected by Noah, after the
flood. v
In the seventeenth coutury, on the
continent, boots were never worn with
out spurs.
Queen Elizabeth woro her prayer
book hanging from her girdio by a
golden chain.
One man gathered 100,000 ponnds of
dried clover blossoms out Woat for
scmo famous "remedy."
Tooth pulling is expensive in Persia.
The Shah recently paid 100 ducats for
the extraction of one of his teeth.
Dew is more abundant on cloudy
nights, since the heat which is radiated
by the earth does not return to it.
Au Englishman wrote to the emperor
of Japan for his autograph, and, as it
was the first requost of the kind, got it.
This year there have been many re
ports of deaths which resulted from the
administration of morphine for qui
The emblems of supreme authority
among British kings used to l>c brace
lets of gold abont the neck, arms and
The guanaco of Patagonia is described
as having the head of a camel, the
body of a deer, wool of a sheep and
neigh of a horse.
Silver was first coined in Homo in
the yeai of the city 414, five years be
fore the first Panic war. Gold coin
was first Btrnck in 54®.
The boots worn by a vain beau at
Dentonville, lowa, have cork lifts two
inches thick inide, nn icr his heels, in
order to increase his statnrc.
The barbab tree of Sonth Africa may
be barked or burned out without injnry
to the tree, and it continues to live and
grow for some time after it is cutdown.
The fashion of carrying fans was
bronght from Italy in the time of Henry
VIII., and young men nsd them in
the sixteenth and savontcenth cen
Flatted, g a n.
Queen Elizabeth loved flattery, and
on one occasion her passion w.n folly
gratified, at the following anecdote tes
When tho D ike de Villa Medina was
at the English court he was present and
took part at a tournament gircn by
Elizabeth, where his gallantry and
manly bcanty madebim the observed ol
all observers. At the close of the
sports, as tho duke came near to the
queen, she raid to him, pleasantly, that
■he would like to know who was the
chosen lady of so gsllsnt s knight;
wherenpon ha shook his head and
would not further answer.
" But," persisted Elizabeth, " tbore
must be, aomowhere, a lady whose
liesuty and perfection of character gives
to her s deeper place in your heart
than is yielded to another."
"Ah 1 yes, gracious madam; there is
" And msy I not know who sho is?*'
The dnko reflected a moment, and
then answered that he would inform
her on the morrow.
And on the morrow he sent to the
queen, inclosed in a box of eudal-wood
and mother-of-pearl, ft small mirror.
Those who know Elisabeth's char
acter can imagine how deeply this bit
of flattery mnat have touched her.
Hajlnz Barn-Yard.
One day Billy and Sammy wore play
ing in a mud hole and Bill said :
"Now, Sammy, lee play wo wae a
barn-yard. Ton be the pig and He down
and waller, and I'll be a bull and beller
like everything.
So tjioy got down on their hands and
knees, and Sammy and he want into
the mud and wallowed, while Billy bel
lowed like distant thunder. By and-bye
Sammy mime npmuddy—you never saw
such a muddy little fellow—and he
" Now, you'll ba the pig and let me
Bat Bitty said: " I ain't a very good
pig, except for dinner, and it'll be time
naff for you to beller when yer mother
sees yer close.'
Of the populetiia of Ireland 76.6
per cent, are Catholics.
Virtue is t ho safest holmot—the moat
secure defense.
No hank nan shield na from the im
partiality of death.
Vice sting* at oven inoar pleasure, bnt
virtno commies us even in onr paina.
Hiehea are often thorns that pierce
the head with cares in getting them,
and the heart with grief in parting with
The science of life may he than epit
omized—to know woll tho price of time,
the valne of things, and tho worth of
If it is yonr purposo in life to make
your face yonr fortune, yon mnst look
well to it or it will torn ont to be yonr
The talent of success is nothing more
than doing what yon can well; and do
ing woll whatever you do, without a
thought of fame.
The desire to be loved is ever restless
and unsatisfied; bnt tho love that flows
ont npon others is a perpetual well
spring from on high.
It is with diseases of the mind us
with diseases of the body; wo are half
dead before wo understand our disor
der, and hxlf-cnred when we do.
Poverty is hard, bnt debt is horrible.
A man might as well have a smoky
homo and a scolding wife, which are
said to be the two worst evils of our
All tho knowledge we mortals can
acquire is not knowledge positive,
but knowledge comparative, and sub
ject to tho errors and passions of hu
The Keillor nnt the Shormaktr.
Ono day an editor, hard at work try
ing to devise a plan to make delinquent
subscribers pay their dues, was called
upon bv a shoemaker who dropped in
to give the editor some valuable hints
on running a newspaper. The editor,
overjoyed at the opportunity, gave the
man his best cane bottom chair, lianded
him n frch cigar and listened atten
tively. Quoth the shoemaker, its ho lit
the weed: " Your paper needs a hun
dred improved features. You don't
grasp tho topics of the day by the right
handle; you don't set the locals in the
right kind of type; your telegraph
nows is too thin, even the paper itself
is poorly manufactured, not thick
enough and of too chalky a white; yon
don't run enough matter, and what you
do run ain't of tho right sort; your
ideas about protective tariff are infer
nally foolish, and your stand on ttie
Conkling matter was bad, bad. 1 tell
yon these things becanse I want to see
yon snceeed. I tell you as a friend. I
don't tako yonr paper myself, but I see
it once in a while, and as a paper is a
public affair I suppose I have as good a
right to criticise as anybody. If a man
wants to give me advico I let him; I'm
glad to have him, in fset."
" That's exactly it," said the editor,
kindly; " I always had a dim idea of
my shortcoming", bnt never hsd them
so clearly and convincingly set forth a*
by yon. It is impossible to express my
gratitude for the trouble you havo
taken, not only to find out these facts,
bnt to point them out also. Home peo
pie knowing all these things perhaps
nearly as well as you are mean enough
to keep them to themselves. Your sug
gestions come in a most appropriate
time; I havo wanted sometodj to lean
on, as it were, for aomo weeks. Keep
your eye on the paper, and when you
see a weak spot come up."
The shoemaker left, happy to know
that his suggestions ha<l been received
with such a Christian spirit. Next day,
just as he wss finishing a bcot, the edi
tor ramo in, and, picking np the mate,
'•I want to toll yon how that hoot
strikes me. In the Brst place the
leather ia poor; the stitehoa in the sole
are too wide apart, and in the uppers
too noar the edge. Those uppers will
go to pieces in two weeks. It's all
wrong, my friend, pntting poor
leather in the heels and smoothing it
over with grease and lampblack.
Everybody complains of your boots;
tbey don't last; the legs are too short, the
toes too narrow and the instep too high.
How you esn have the gall to chargo
twelve dollars for such Ixv.ta beats me.
Now, I toll jou this as a friend, because
I like to ree you succeed. Of course I
don t know any more about ahoemaking
than you do about a newspaper, but
still I take an iotorest in you because
you are so well disposed to me. In
fact- "
Here the exasperated cobbler grabbed
a lapstone, and the editor gained the
street, followed by old knives, pincers,
hammers and awls, sent after him by
the wrathful cobbler, who, ou regaining
his stat, swore by the nine gods that no
impertinent, lop-eared idiot ahould ever
come round trying to teach him his
trade. -• Carmm (Sm>.) Appeal.
Among the euriojities at Bunnell's
museum is a two-headed girl that at
traote great attention from members of
the press; they aro always attracted by
a double-'eaded article.— W%l and Wte
Although America poMcrses an Edi
son, and is chief among nations as tho
utilizer of electricity, wo aro away be
hindhand in tho use of the electric
light. They have for years had por
tions of London illuminated by the
light, and it is now in Huccnsnful opera.
tiou in the at rent cum.
The annual average of corn produced
in tho United Htate* in the past ten
years is 1,181,480,954 bushels; number
of acres plantod, 49,741,331; value,
$504,571,048; uverage yield por acre,
twenty-seven bushels; average price,
43.9 cents; average value per acre,
Governor Roberts, of Texas, exer
cises a personal supervision of the
prisoners in tho Htato penitentiary.
Most of them, he says, aro young men
from the Northwest, East and North,
who, having strayed from restraints, have
fallen into bad company and got into
trouble. He tells them that good con
duot will shorten their terms, and, if
they behave themselves, pardon them
No fewer than flvo " enterprising
showmen" have visited Cleveland in
1 the hope of purchasing the funeral car
which conveyed the remains of Presi
dent Garfield, and have offered very
largo prices for it— $50,000, it is said,
lin one ease. Tho persons in authority
! havo refused oven to listen to such of*
; fers. The car is to lie inclosed in a
handsome case constructed in large part
of plate gla* and preserved in the
A Michigan paper gives an approxi-
I nut ion of tho loss s by tho recent farm
and forest lire* in Ottawa, Allegan,
Manistee, Huron and Hani Lac connties,
Mich. The total in $2.34*1,413. There
were 1,147 dwellings burned, twenty
eight school houses, eight chnrchow
twelve hotels, 130 stores, thirty-four
mills and twonty docks. The insursnoo
on all this was only $028,(132 -so that
an abioluto deficiency of 81,722,781 re
mains to be met.
Tho Htate of New York has had only
three Presidents, Oeneral Arthur being
tho third. Each of these (it is a curi
i otis coincidence) first served as Vice
i President Martin Van Buren held
| that office just before he was elected
, President. Millard Fillmore was Vice-
President for mere thsn a vear before
General Taylor's death promoted him
;to the presidency. Like bis three im
mediate predecessors in tho presidency,
j General Arthur has an only daughter.
The United Htate* Trust company of
New York has had regiitered at the
! treasury department 8275,000 in fonr
1 per cent, bonds in the name of the
; company as " trnstees for Mrs Lucretis
' R. Garfield and the surviving children
|of James A. Garfield, deceased," bring
the amount pnrchasjl with the proceeds
, of subscriptions to tho Garfield fund.
; These bonds will yield an annual in
come of BH,OOO, and cannot bo pai 1 off
by the government until the year 1907.
YVliilc the Chinese government is be
lieved to be slowly taking steps againtt
the tndc in opium, recent c< n*nlar re
ports indicate an alarming inrn a>o of
the trade for tho pant year. For 1879
tho importation was larger than ever
,be fore, being 82.927 picnlh—a pieul
Wing equal to 133 and one-third pounds
1 —which is in excess of the year 1878
by 11 435 picnls. Almost all the opium
| comes from Indian soil, bnt it is noted
! at the same timo that the import of
; Persian opium, within six years, has in
creased ten fold. For 1878 the P r
' sins importation re pi esents 559 pieuts ;
for 1879 it was 5,300. The Persian
1 article i,s not used alone. It is mixed
' with other and la tter grades.
It is an encouraging featnre of the
' progress of tho Hruth thst it* cotton
manufacturing interests are steadily in
, creasing. In 1875 and 1876 only 14V
i 000 bales were manufactured In H >uth
| era cotton mills, while daring tho past
I year 205,000 bales were manufactured,
a gain of 60,000 bales, or over forty por
' cent, F.om the capital that is Wing
1 invested in cotton mills now throughout
i the Hontb a much larger increase may
, be expected within the next five years
i The international cotton exposition, at
| Atlanta, will do mnoh toward awaken
ing an interest in the manufacture of
this staple where it is grown, and we
may look to see within a short time
cotton mills dotted over the entire
A Western detective kept for many
years a scrap book, in whioli he pasted
accounts of crimes in which rewards
were offered for the arrest of the crimi
nals. Tarnlogover the leaves of this
volume a short time ago, be checked
off all the cases in which the fugitives
had been caught, and found thst a sur
prising number were still at large.
Then he reasoned that Lradvitle eras a
likely place for anch wanderers to drift
into, and raaolved to go there. He
frequented the p iblio resorts of that
city for weeks, looking for men answer
ing to tho book's numerous descrip
tions. One night he observed that a
roisterer in a barroom had a peculiarly
flattened Anger. That was a mark of
John Ott, who committed a murder in
Tazewell, 111., in 1809, and for whose
arrest an offer of $l,OOO still held good.
Ott's identity was fully established, and
tho detective was paid tho money.
A new borrower is soon to enter the
European money market in the shape
of the emperor of Japan. On two for
mer occasions loans have been made on
his account, tut the volume of these
has boon small, for in the aggregate
they amounted to only $17,0(10,000.
This money was borrowed by tho gov
ernment for the purpose of building
two short lines of railway, one of which
connects tho capital, Tokio, with its
seaport,Yokahama. The interest (seven
per cent, per annum) on these loans lias
been promptly paid, and tho Japanese
bonds sell in tho London market at a
premium of about twelve per cent. It
is in consequence of her high reputa
tion -as an Asiatic j>ower—for commer
cial honor, that tho government of J*
pan is tempt'd to once more make an
attempt at borrowing. If reports arejto
bo trusted, the demand on this occasion
will be on a much more liberal scale.
Battle* of the Kevoltition.
While this country has celebrated the
centennial of the battle of Yorktown
and the surrender of Cornwallis, it is
well to t>ear in mind other battles by
whic hwo gated our independence.
They began April 19, 1775; they closed
October 19, 1781—six years and six
months. The British sent 191,000 sol
diers and sailors to this war. The col
onists met them with 230,000 conti
nentals and 50,000 militia. The lead
ing battles of the war are Concord and
Lexington, Bunker Hill, Long Island,
White Plains, Trenton, Princeton, Ben
nington, Saratoga, Monmouth, Kings
Mountain, Oowjx'n*, Eataw Springs,
Yorktown. Many of the others are es
pecially local. Tlrs following is a full
list of revolution arybattles . „
first skirmish - April 29, 1775.
TinmJr'.Ttgs Mtf 10, 1778.
Hanker Hill—June 17, 1775.
M'intrrsl, lUlisn AllTi Ukro -3-ptetnbw 25,
HI. Johns hmirgisl an t captured—Sosrmber
3, 1775.
11 rest Ilri'lifc, Virginia -lHicenitx rtf, 1775.
Q.iebrc, UntK<>mcry kiliOtl Docdnlut 31,
Moorr'a Crw-k Bridge February 27, 1770.
R'lil-iti, British flc-1 March 17, 1776
Korl itillitin, Charlest.ru -June 23, 1770.
long lelan l August 27, 177A
Whits I'lsina October 2*. 1770.
Fort Washington N' lrsmb-r 10, 1776.
Trent m - Dee Jtn her 27. 1770.
liarlem llama -8 ptcmher 17, 1777.
Princeton Jan ;ary 3, 1777.
Ifiibbarton July 7, 1777.
August 10, 1777.
Brand jrwlus -Hejitemlxr 11, 1777.
First battle of B -mis Heights, Haratoga
BrptralxX 17, 1777.
Paokt- sc; -ember 2>, 1777.
Or-krsDtiii (V-Wsr 4, 1777.
Fori- cpnt iti *nd Mmig unary taken—Octo
ber 0. 1777.
BeOMld I rattle of Item is Heights, .Saratoga -
October 7. 1777.
Hnrraixbr of B irgorn* —Octotrer 13, 1777.
Fort M roer~i Vtob-u 22. 1777.
Fori Mifflin- Nownlsr, 1777.
Mmiinonth- June 25 1775.
Wyoming -July 4. 1775.
If taker Hill, Itbode Inland August 29,1773.
SaTsunsb I) cembor 23. 1775.
Kettle Creek, Oeorg a—February 14, 1779.
Brier C.sek March 3, 1779.
Stony Ferry—June 20, 1779.
Stony Point-July 10 1779.
Haul Hock August 13, 1779.
Chemung, Indians August 29, 1779.
Harannah—August 9. 1779.
Ciiarlrston surrendered to British-May 12,
Bpringficld—Jnne 23. 1730.
R-v-ky Mount June 20, 1750.
Hang'Ug llook Anguat 0, 1750.
Handera' Cieug, near Cam Jon—August 10,
1750. .
King's Mnntsin—Oitober 7, 17 50.
Fish Ham Ford, Broad rirer November 13,
Illackstocka— Novemher 20, 1780.
Cowpeua—January 17, 1781.
Ouilburo— March 15, 1781.
llibkirk's Hill— April 25, 1781.
Ninety-tit bsrieged May and Jane, 1781.
Augusta besiagcl—Mae and June, 1781.
Jamestown—July 9, 1731.
Knurr Spring*— September 8, 1781.
Yorktown—October 19, 1781,
A F.enrh flair Market.
A letter to the New Orleans Picayumt
describe* a F.ench hair market:
It waa attended by a greet many
women from sweet sixteen to venerable
sixty. There were four hair buyers.
Each had bin booth, whose front waa
filled with cheap, gaudy calico clothe,
worth at the very outside twenty cents
a yard, la the booth were tw. men,
one with a pair of scissor*, the other
with a yardstick. The former wonld
ask in an arrogant way, as if he did not
want h or and wee doing a great favor if
he condescended to touch peasants' hair:
" What do yon went in exchange for
that T " Fifteen yards." • Fifteen ?
If I give yon four, six, eight, thirteen
(this figure was rarely exceeded), yon
may think yonnslf lucky 1" The offer
accepted, hi erne the hair, end the other
man measnrts the agreed number of
yards. Sometimes the " merchandise"
is refused aa icing wort blows the head
is too old. It tukea about five years fur
a decent fleece of hair u grew,
Hmilrt'i BnneUlrtlaa.
No one who heard it will eror forget
the benediction which Dean Hanley
uttered at the clone of the eervioe at
which he preached in Trinity obnrch in
Boston on the 'lll of September, 1878.
lie had been bat a few day* in Amerioa.
It wan the Brat time he had looked an
Amerioan'ongregaUonin the face. The
obnroh wan crowded with men and wo
men, of whom he only knew that to bin
they represented the new world. He
was for the moment the representative
of Eeglieh Christianity. And ai ha
apoke the solemn worda, it was not a
clergyman dismissing a congregation ;
it was the old world blessing the new ;
it was England blowing Amerioa. The
voice trembled, while it grew rish and
deep, and took every man's heart into
the groat conception of the act that
filled itself. The next morning he met
a gathering of clergymen at breakfast,
and as they separate!, the room for an
instant growing qaiet and sacred, he
"I will bid yon farewell with the
benediction I pronounced yesterday at
Trinity chnrch, and which it is my
habit to prononnoo on all the more im
portant occasions in the Abbey." And
■ then again came the same words, with
the same calm sriemuity. When he
stood where now ho himself lies buried,
and had watched the dear remains of
his wife—to lose whom from his sight
was agony to him—committed to the
ground, he lifted up himself at the close
of the service, and with a clear voice
uttered thi* name benediction. v And
once again, for the last time, when he
lay wailing for the end in the Deanery,
Canon Farrar tells us bow, after be had
received the communion, the voice of
the dying dean was heard feebly bless
ing his friends, and blessing the World
that ho was leaving, with the same bene
diction, which meant so much to him.
Wherever he went, whatever he did, he
carried a benediction with him.— Atlan-
Religions Krn> >b< Sen.
A Methodist lay college has been
| opened at Idottoa to prepare young
i persons for religions work.
The Hwedish Lutheran* in the United
States are said t > number 33d oongrega
j tions, IV) pastors and 70,030 attendants
at different churches.
The 382.020 Congregationalists in the
United States cave last year for their
1 religions work $3,032 912 31 —an aver
age of nearly $lO per member.
The Lakeside Baptist association and
; the Chicago association have formed a
union. The new association thus
formed embraces forty-three active
' chinches.
The king of Sweden last spring or
; <lerel the churchss in that ciuutry to
take up a eullscttoa to aid the only
Sre lish church in Philadelphia to pay
off its debt of $10,030. As a result
! 0,033 crowns, about $1,530, have been
j received.
The religions and aeenlar papers of
San Francisco agree that the recent
religions work of Messrs. M >oJy and
Sankny in that city prolnoed religions
convictions mire sincere, widespread
and lasting thin the Paoific coast haa
ever before known.
Simeof the ministers of the Lutheran
Vfinisterinm of Pennsylvania are an
denithly working men. Two serve
eight oongregat ons each, three pastors,
seven congregations, five pastors a'x
congregations, twelve pastors fire con
gregations, and fifteen pastors four oon
; jregations each.
! A Joke on a Washington Correspond
Probably no jollier lot of fellows are
alive than the Washington correspond
ent* of the American press. They
find plenty of time, even when np to
their ears in work daring the busy ten
sion, to poke fan at each other. One
of th<*m who farnisbea special dis
pa'ches to a leading jonrn.l, conld tell
a j ike npou himself if he were ao in
clined. Whea he first entered Wash
ington be was exceedingly green, but,
like most novioes, imagined that news
purveying waa a trade which could be
learned without a long apprentoeahip.
As he waa leaving the ospitol on e cer
tain afternoon in the midst of a " abort
session," be was accosted by noma
brother scribes, one of whoa, with a
perfectly em ions face, asked him if ha
had heard the result of the last night'a
caucus. " I didn't know there was oaa,"
he answered. " Oh, yea," said the first
•peaker, " there sraa a joint canons of
both parties, and after a great deal of
wrangling they voted to adjourn Con
gress on the 4th of March." "Too
dont say so I" exclaimed the victim,
harrying off to the telegraph office. A
few minutes later this bit of news waa
on the wires ; stranger yet, the editor
into whose hands the dispatch passed at
its destination printed it jaai at it waa
sent, withont pausing to rflsel that a
canon* is invariably a meeting of one
party only, end that the abort session of
Con gross ends, by Ufa! limitation, on
Mm 4th of March, regardless uf caucuses,
r. solutions, rotes or auy otttsr consid
eration. -Hmjwnd (Co**.) I\mn