A Noble Candidate. The Character qf the Democratic Nominee for State 'Treasurer Extort* I'raise from Hi* Political Opponent*. Taking the character of Mr. Noble a* a guide we are prepared to believe that no evil will follow It. If he is ohoeen to assume the custody of the State ex chequer for the two years to follow the election, his well known integrity of purpose and business methods consti r tute a guarantee that the trust will be faithfully executed, and much aa the necessity of elevating Democrats to places of trust would be regretted, it would be a iesser evil than that of per ' petuating the rule of the bosses.—Pitts burg Dispatch {rep.). TUB Democrats have nominated an exceptionally good man for State I reas urer, and no one need be sorry, for it should and will have the ell'ect of dem onstrating to the Republicans the pro priety of laying aside dissensions and uniting for the contest, which we assure them will be no walk over. Unlike the Democrats elsewhere, the Pennsylvania specimen cannot be dejiended upon to blunder always, and the sooner the Re publicans realize that he h isn't blunder ed this time, the better will be their prospects of victory.— Philadelphia North American (rep.). ORANGE NOBLE has twice been chosen mayor of Republican Erie, and is a member of the present House, repre renting the same constituency. It is fortunate that the Democratic nomina tion fell upon one who possesses Mr. Noble's ui.blemished business and po litical integrity, and who is one of the ripest business men of the common wealth.— Philadelphia Time* (sup/Hrrter of Wolfe.) Ma. ORANUE NOBLE, who hns been se lected by the Democrats of Pennsylva nia as their candidate for the office of Slate Treasurer, ia in every way qualified for the position. He is a good business man, and thoroughly identified with some of the most im|>ortant industries of the State. The convention at Wil liamsport honored itself by putting Mr. Noble in nomination.— Philadelphia Jtec ord (ind.). Gen. Hancock and Ills Servant. From the Cleveland ll.mid. Mr. Charles Brown, a resident of this city, at the commencement of the war wss a slave in Falkiil county, Va. He was pressed into the rebel service, but succeeded in escaping to the Union lines in October, 1 >'s2, and tell into the hands of Gen. Hancock at Camp Griffin, Va. The General was ao well pleased with him that he asked Mr. Brown to remain with him in the capacity of his body servant, lie did ao, and was witb the General lor nearly three years, pass ing through the great battles in which the General was engaged. When the war closed. General Hancock wrote a personal letter to a friend in Washing ton recommending his old servant, first making him promise that whenever he should be out of a position he should let him know of it at once. Mr. Brown went to Washington, worked there for some time, and becoming restless came West, and after working tor different people finally settled in Cleveland and began to follow his trade. Hearing that General Hancock was in the city, the gueat of Colonel W. (I. Harris. Mr Brown called upon him on .Sunday morning. Ue was informed by an aid that the General had gone to church. Mi. Brown slated that he was hta ser vant duriog the war and expressed an earnest desire to see him. Ue was asked to lake a seat and await the re turn from church. .Soon a carriage drove up and the General aligbttd. The aid immediately informed him that hit old servant who had been with him through the war was sitting on the lawn and desired to see him. Gen-rsl Han cock immediately proceeded to where Mr. Brown was seated, and recogoixed him long before be reached bitn ex tending bis band and rushed up grasped the hand of bis old servant, who had been with him during so many trying scenes, wrung it with every manifests tion of delight, while tears filled the eyes of both and neither of them spoke for some time. At last the General bad Mr. Brown sit down and made him re late everything that the latter bad done since the war, and again made bins re new hi* old promise that if anything should happen to him be would inform the General, and that ample provision should be made for him. Flying From the Floods. TRB DESTRUCTION OP TIIE SNT LEVEE COB PLRTB—CANPINO ON lllull OROCND. CBICAOO, October 21.— According to dispatches from Quincy, 111., the de struction along the Hny Levee is most complete. The brsak is now fully three hundred feel wide and is constantly cutting out the earthwork at either end of the crevasse. An immense volume of water is pouring through the open ing steadily and spreading out over the country. The flood is slowly approach ing Rockport, which is four miles from the river. People north and south of the break are hastily leaving their houses for plaoea of refuge. Every road leading out of the bottoms is crowded with teams. Hundreds of cattle, horses and mules and other live stock are on the embankment, the owners not hav ing time to get them to high ground. Large numbers of cattle have been drowned. The farmers, many of whom had hundreds of seres of fine winter wheat last week promising sn immense yield, are camping along the bluffs with their families. Others have left every thing and taken their wives sod chil dren to Quincy. The Indian Grove levee gave way oo Wednesday after noon, six tee.i milee above Quincy. but the break in not very serious. Rail roads in thai vicinity will suffer severe ly from the flood. The switchmen at Hannibal have quit work, refusing to labor in the mud and water which fill the yards. Trains are discontinued on the Quincy, Missouri and Paoiflc divi sion of the Wabash. Oa the Missouri side the bottoms are flooded beck to the bluffs. The river just below the city is fully nine mites wide. I? you are subject to chills a certain cur# is PittnVA, Regulate your bowels with MAXAUM. PROOF EVERYWHERE.— If auy in valid or sick person has tho least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Bitters to cure them, they ean find cases exactly like their own, in their own neighborhood, with proof positive that they can be easily and permanently cured, at a trifling cort — or ask your druggist or physician. —Tho above is from a very reliable farmer, whose daughter wns In poor health for seven or eight year*, and rould obtain no relief until used Hop Bitter*. Bhe W now in a* good health a* any perion in the country. We have large *ale, and thoy aro making remarkable cures. W. H. BISMOI* & Co. New Advertisements. Car Works FOR SALE. T H E Bellefonte Car Works WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY AUCTION, AT THE OFFICE OF THE WORKS —AT— BELLEFONTE, CENTRE COUNTY, PENN'A, AT 2 P. St., On Thursday, 27th October, IHSI. These works are in full and success ful operation, and will be so on the day of sale. Term* of Payment: Ten per cent, at time of sale ; twenty per cent, on Novem ber 27, 1881, and ten per cent, each 27tb of October for 7 year*, with interest at fl per cent, per annum, on deferred pay ments, payable annually. For full particular* apply to MILLER TIFFIN, Gen I Manager. Bellefonte, Centre County, Pa. *. a. rtAU. a. Ki pEALE A McKEE, I ATTOEBBTA AT LAW. *4-tf Offlk# Court lion** at*. f* (C Lm. A p*r t horn#, lamptit wth |A WW 10 WmW tr~. AMrmm A. MTI24OON 6 r>rtl*od, Jfaio*. 9 If The Leading Dally and Weekly Paper lit THE WEST HRANCn YAI-I.tr. SUN ANITBANNER, Pt*BLISnLI> BT H. T. SALLADE and H. M WOLF, Jr., Bditor* ni Proprtetafa. WILLI AMSFOBT, FA. Ha* an able Editorial ami Reportorial UtafP Contain* the Latett Telegraphic Semtt Ha* a Reliable Corp* and (jbrreepondent*! in ■>* va* LARGEST CIRCULATION or tit imroa 1a CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. DAILY sfi 00. WEEKLY *1.60 PER TEAR. IN ADVANCE. An? person g ttiac ap a rlsbaf •** aew faarlp nb •rrtben tar lb- Wusiv Sea in B***sa, alll rw.|r. • oipy hr no. j**r rut DH. HASTINGS, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. BBLLKPOXTK. PA. OBb-s an A11.boo, two Ann nM of MM r>- flr tn-roptml bj I si. flro of Tor not A Rutin*. 4" U S. € A. LOEB, General Merchant*, Allegheny.St., IMlefante, Pa. nun o T ia: :E IR, s , WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR BOYS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, -AND DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT —OF TH* CELEBRATED— STEIN, ABLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATS®. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —or— S.& A. LOEB,! "REEL'S* FINE CLOTHIERS —AFO— DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. New Advertisement*. SH. YOCUM, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, DKLLKYONTK, PA. OflM on N. K. corner of DUmoiul •ml Allegheny-*!., la the room lately oecaplad by Yoctim * Hustings. 1331 THK CULTIVATOR IQQI AND COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Till BKAT or TIIR AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. Tlllt COUNTRY artinanla of rural talarcat, aurb a. iha Poultry Yard, Entomology, lb-a liaapf tig, tlr*-.nbouea and Grapery, V.l.rlonry k.pi lea, Parm Uuaatluna and Anawara, Pi real da 11-adli-g, Do m.atlr Economy, and a aummary of thn Nava of lira Waa-k. Ita Mtaiir Biaoaf* nr. unutually t-omptat.-, and mora Information ran ba gathered from ita rob umm than trum any ulbar aourra with ragard to Iba Proafracla of tba I'ropa, aa throning light upon una of Iba tonal Important of all -jn--athia* Wlf r \ m Ht' tan U'gta TO Ngit. Il ,l 111-tally llltulratad, and ronalitillaa to a grantor dagrra than any of Ita ton trmporarlaa A LIVE AURICULTI'RAL NKWBPAPER f>f iiftcr failing iiiWMt both l IViHliiffrt sn> hatai.y citify that at aa Orpnatia' Oontt bald at IW-II- f-ula, tba jj| .lay „f Augnat, A D I" aI. Irabrra Iba II norabla Iha Jorfgaa of Iha aald Court, on motion a ml. aa grant*.) u|a>t> Mary Ann lllmmalrtrh. Katnu.l llimmalrtrb and Charlaa k-.ka). Iba la|rt and lagal t*pr-a.autla*a of John L It--okay. daraaaad, tu ronia Into court on tba 41b Monday of N-raambar n**t, lo arrrpt or rrfuaa to nr<-f>f at Iba aalnatlon. or abnw casaa caby tba raal aalala of tba aald daraoaad ahould not I- a id In taattmony übarcf I baaa baracmioaat my band and alDiad tba aaal of aabl court, al IVliafuola tba ittd day of Augnat, lUI. MM. K BrRTIinELD.C. 0 C. Altaat: J na Hra .tta br.fT .A-4* ISQC-1. IGQD-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. Thn anbarrtpllon prira of Iba Wtut Para Pry baa baan radocad trr fl.tar |-ar ropy par annum. To tint* of Pirt? and upuarda tba M ttatr P T a toy *lll Ira furntahad al tba aitrwordiriarity cbaap rat* of 74 ran la par copy par annum. Tnt Dattt l-araiot will ba aant to any addrawa, during tba aaalona ..f r.,ngr-aa and tba I-* ralatur. at tba rata of Ml canta par namtb. Cndar tba art of On gram tbr pnMiahar |r.fwi, Iha |*ataga and aalarrtlart ara Ml. tad from that aipanaa Krary aubarrlpUoa moat ba amoaiMulad by tba caab No* |a tba lima In anlrarrllra Tba apprrwblt.g amatnna of Ongmaa and Iba L*cflatttr. oil) ta of mm* than ordinary inlaraat ami thalr pmc. linga will ba fully rap-art ad for tba l-.-l, and a raipl*4a ayn-yata af tbam *lll la glean In tba M aakty. Addraaa PAT RDfT Pt'riLIMIfNO CO., 17-tf m Markat liarriaburg. LOOK HERE! r riiK untierpigtirrl would rwpwtful ■ fully Inform bla frtanda tbrougbout Cantra man ly that b* la at prawn! railing tba Family Singer Sewlnir Machine, DBcip LEAP and TWO DRAWERS for TWENTY PIVR DOLLARS; and lb* aa*. markla*. Wilb Talda, Ooaay and ona |n,.„ for TWENTY DOLLAR* Tba old rampany la aallrng tba mm- marblsaa for Rfty dollar* and thlrty-Saa doUar*. why not tray from ma 7 My marhlaa* ara gctaran taad fnt PIVK TRAM f alao baadla ORGAN* of (ba coy laat maka I) M. COW HER, Agnnt. S7-SW Atcomatown, Caair* Coanty, Pa. TJROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, 1> ALLROHRNT-VY . RELLRPoNTR, PA. WILLIAM MtKKKVER, Manager. Onod SampU ftmm on h'xrtl Floor, *-Praa Ituaa to and from all Train*. F par la I rata* to lrnaa a and Inrora. !4-|y ( ANCKU RBMOYBDp WITHOUT KNIFE, and in mori a f raaaa vllbuol pain Apply lo C. W. P ri.aliEß. Roalalmrg. Oantr* Oonnty. pa NECIILKR CO., fJrorer *, Huxh House Work, lietlefontr, Pf, NEW GOODS SUMMER TRADE. AV o liavo endeavored to j?et the very hewt of every thing in our line, and now have some really choice jjwdH. Fine Cream Ceehse, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES, FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. \gr We Invite the people of Centre County to call and Inspect our NICE GOODS, which cannot fail to pleuMc. - SECHLER &c CO. Itusiness Cards. I TARNESS MANUFACTORY ' * in (iftrmatt'i S*m Dtcwk. BKLLE FONTS, tA 1-Iy I? P. BLAIR, 1 a JRWKLCR, warrae,. rbm-ga, usutt, te. All work naattly ***raia<4. On All-gbmy atrad, nlwlar llMkatkall fl-'Oa*. ~tf DRALKRS IN PURR Pttt'OHONLY. 2 I ZELLER A SON, s * *'• DRl'tllllNTß, No 4. Rrorkarh-df Row J * All Iba Flaadard I'al-ni M-dudn-* pr*. •* arrtpttona nnd family Roripau mmrataly * M pttra-l. Trnaara, Hb- ald-y Rrnrra, kt ,A* ' 2 □ ii f GUIS DOLL, 1 J rAJtllßlNAHl.lt IVWiT A MIORM4KRR, Br - knli T Hum, Allagb-ur lr~-t. t-l| Rallaftinl*. Pa e. arac*. PraaT. > r. aiuu. Daak'r, THIRST NATIONAL BANK OK 1 RKLLRFONTK, AUagbany Atraat. Rollafnnta. P. 4-tf (IBNTRB COUNTY BANKING \J fXIMPANT. AM A I \*>m ftkCMltl kotM ; Boy Wl Oot |leoarltle, OoW ftolN. Ogb* AllagWsy *t . ot*y tr tgtrr'a Ibng Stoya, H< URLLEPDNTR. PA nR. J. \V. RHONE, Pentißt, can ba found at bla oflb* and matdaooa on Nanh • atda of lllgh attaa, ihr*a dor* Boat of Allt-gh*n, Balladunla. Pa IA-fy I VhUadrlphia ttranch (Vothituj Hounr, litUrftmfr, I'a. A GREAT VICTORY! THE SUCCESS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. THE PEOPLE TRIUMPHANT! POLITICIANH KNOCK UNDER! THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN! AND ABE, AS ALWAYB, AHEAD OP ALL OTHERS FOR GENUINE OHM Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEWm, the Manager, Now Boies the World and the Best of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OP CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never wu boat, never will be beat and never can be beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outside of Centre county. All that it Mid here ii meant. GO AND SEE, and carry the news to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. 1855—1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years, BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. mvi money rt rus BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Price. (25.00 Per Ton of 2000 Ponnde. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, CuttUiulM 4 In & pw cent, ol of i' /Luh Price. taO.OO Per Ton of 2000 Pound. ALU GOODS SOLD ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. Descriptive Circular* Sent Free upon application. BAUGH & SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For tale bj J. H. LONG, nemingtoii, Pa, Afreet for Clinton and Centre Oountiet. Millheim hotel, MILLIIEIM. CENTRE Ci't'VTT. PENN'A. W. 8. M I'SSEH, PrtrprieUtf. Th tow* of Mllftuatm la b*at*d tn Pi-riu'a Va!ly. al-l two mlla* horn tvturn Bfatlon, < tb* l.ala burg t antra and Bpro'* Cnat Railnwd. wdlb aar rounding, that maka It a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. Good Iroul flaking In tb. in.mdiata atrtnlty A rnb ran. to aaary train At tb. Mi'lh.m 11.d.'l *o*. m-af at I t-ua writ t* found frrt* bo and I arm# solan I AAa. JfMa.lßtdy* pBNTRAL HOTEL, V/' (Gjl-o.lt. tba Railroml Maticu.) MILRBBt-RG. ( KNTRR COCSTT. PA. A. A. KOiILBECKER, Proprietor. t TIIROt tifl TRArrUR* on tb. ri;rrd urdll And ! lM t> PYiwlWd fi* lt lufK-ii. •? prmr* M A f.L TKAVMF tMrrap fcU.t x& fi*Ylte* <7 Logan Cement. r pHE mail prirv tor I/KJAN C'E II MKNT on atx) ftpf t)i 4tr fKy I, will H# (.| dollin pp* Uml tad lie ttwrf* for lr or barrrla 118-tf j 11. HICKH />rjy Gooda and Groceries. JJARPEH BROTHERS, fr*lSO STKEKT, HELI,KF">TE. Pi. Have th>ir counter* and *hclve* filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATES Parc-baaed hi - BANKRUIT RATES ( BANKRUPT KATES WBICH TIIKIT ori-M AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOKMPTIEO or Dry Good*, Millinery Geod*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, _ Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SIIORS BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Lateat style* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS Carpet Ban, Umbrella*, Parasols, Ladle*' Cloak*, Carpeting, Groceries, Queen*ware, Ac. (VwptMag ...rj thlr* that b. ftxad la a lm oaaaan, HARPER BROTHERS, rraiNO STBEET, . . BELLEFOITTE, PA. oocJ*TIT PEOPCCE takea la adiun at tfc. htclM* market price |.jj J79 * - 'J 8 • *i lwa eae>i. al*. $/ it OoWl, o.l*l free. Aitdrra* TRI'E A 00„ Aa **u. bum. r CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BKLLEFONTR, PA., i* now orrvauro GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO THOSE wtantKo riter -CLASS Plain or Fancy Printing. We have unusual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPBLBTS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, ... STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL BEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DS VISIT*, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. '• Jgjjjlfc —— - ftsT'*- r. i, nail will receive prompt attention. MM* Printing done in the best style, oa •hart notice and at the lowest now. TLCSH HOUSE, 11 PII,T,NWI PA VtmUim -rf iMb •• .u m the •**. mlsad aaaa are ferfted **"• is* athm W. K. TKLLK&, > *