Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, October 06, 1881, Image 1

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    31 ljr Centre £& flemoerat.
VOL. 3.
®Jie (Centre Democrat.
Term* 51.50 per Annum. In Advance.
8. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER. Editor*.
Thursday Morning, October 6, 1881.
Democratic State Ticket.
HON. ORANGE NOBLE, of Erie county.
Democratic County Ticket.
JOHN O. LARIMER, of Spring,
JOHN K. RUKKEL, of Potter.
J. CALVIN HARPER, of Belle fonts.
JAMES A. McCLAIN, of Boggi.
FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring.
DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. GREIST, of Unionville,
JOHN WOLF, of Miles.
JOHN S. PROCDFOOT. of Milesburg,
F. P. MUSSER, of Millheim.
GEN. BAILY is now traversing the
State with hay seeds strewn upon his
bat. Agricultural fairs are decided
novelties about this time, and have a
special attractions for the llepublicau
candidate for Treasurer.
THE indications arc that President
Arthur will form an entire new cabi
net, and that it will be inteuaely stal
wart. Conkling, Grant, Logan and
the Cameroes are again at the front,
and the anti-third termers driven to
the rear to feed on crow at their leis
IT is rumored at Washington that
Judge Lapham, one of the newly elec
ted Senators of New York, is to re
ceive a position in Arthur's Cabinet
That the vacancy thus created is to
be filled by Roscoe Conkling by ap
pointment of Gov. Cornell. It would
seem from this, that if Roscoe could
not be elected his own successor, he is
noy above a dicker to succeed his sue
ceasful rival.
THE New York Herald of the 3d
inst., asserts with great positiveness
that Ex-Senator Conkling will succeed
Wiodora in the Treasury Department
The Herald admits that this is not the
highest position in the cabinet, but is
disposed to think that " Where Mac
gregor sits, is the head of the table."
The Herald is the conspicuous organ
of President Arthur and Mr. Conk
ling, and its emphatic prediction is en
titled to more than ordinary respect.
This astute journal also asserts that
Secretary Blaine will be requested to
retain the portfolio of State. The
spectacle of Blaine and Conkling ad
justing their legs in close proximity
under Presidential mahogany, would
Ha beautiful sight. "The person from
Maine," as Senator Conkling sneering
ly calls the "plumed Knight," would
scarcely care to remain long in close
company with his scornful and impe
rious New York rival. We calmly
await developments.
WITH all their astuteness, the Re
publican politicians and editors fail to
get up any logic that will seat the suc
cessors of Conkling, Piatt and Burn
side, before the organization of the
Benatc. The fact still stares mem in
the face, that Miller and Lapham, and
the successor of Buraside, are not
members of the Benate until they are
sworn in by the President pro. tern, of
the Senate. The late Vice President
took good care there should be no such
officer elected at the close of Ibe last
session. The Democrats n&w, as then,
are in the majority, and will undoubt
edly respond to this courteous action
of the present executive by electing an
officer to perform that duty. It is
humilating certainly, after the barter
ing with Mahone and the scramble of
the last session, that they are thus
placed at the mercy of the "rebel
democrat*," without even a remote
chance of a controlling majority at
any time.
Hon. Orango Noblo.
The Democratic Convention nt Wil
liamsport did well. It placed in nom
ination for the important ofiice of State
Treasurer a man whose name ia the
synonym of politicul honesty and busi
ness integrity. Where Orange Noble
is known there is no need of eulogy.
By dint of untiring energy, strict at
tention to his affair* and fuir honora
ble dealing with all men, he has rear
ed for himself a monument of honest
purpose and well directed effort that is
whiter than Parian marble. The suc
cess that has crowued his useful life
did not come to him unbidden. His
clear brain and the remarkable grasp
of his unerring judgment many years
ago placed him at the front of the suc
cessful busiuess men in the Western
part of the State. He was engaged in
large enterprises and concerned in
great projects, but through ail the
temptations that beset hitu to make un
wise use of his advantages, he remain
ed what he is to-day, the honorable up
right gentleman. His fellow citizens
long since rccAignizcd his sterling
worth, and whether as Mayor of the
city of Krie in the days past, or as a
member of the present legislature, Mr.
Noble has carried with him the high
purposes with which he started out
upon a brilliant and successful career.
He is eminently qualified for the posi
tion of State Treasurer. He will bring
to the discharge of this high trust a
mind fully equipped aud thoroughly
trained in all that concerns the fiscal
affairs of the Commonwealth. His
own almost phenomenal success in the
conduct of his own business is a guar
antee that the people's business will
not sufTer in his bands. He will not
conceal his places of deposit; neither
will there be any treasury ring form
ed with Orange Noble as its pliant
tool. He will be elected and the peo
ple will rejoice.
IT will soon be time to remove the
habiliments of mourning in which
Hellefonte draped herself in memory
of the murdered President. In fact
the drapery is becoming soiled and
tawdry, and James A. Garfield needs
now no outward semblance of the peo
ple's woe. The mourning of the peo
ple is in their hearts. There is great
suffering in Michigan. The charitable
of the world are asked to come for
ward and extend a helping band to
the thousands of unfortunates who
are to-day dependent upon the assist
ance of those whose hearts are always
open to the distress of suffering hu
manity. We suggest that a commit
tee be formed to collect all the ma
terial used in draping the buildings in
Hellefonte and that it be exposed at
public sale, the proceeds to be for
warded to the proper parties for the
relief of our fellow citizens in Michi
gan. Bellefonte thus far has done
nothing in this matter. The amount
realized may not be large, but it will
show that our citizens are not dead to
the cry of agony that comes up to
them from tbe distressed people of a
sister commonwealth.
WHO is going to be the member of
Wolfe's State Central Committee from
Centre county ? When representative
Wolfe was making his plucky and
manly battle against the power of the
machine last winter, his praises were
sounded from every house top by "in*
dependent Republicans." Here, iu
Bellefonte, be was the hereof the hour
among a certain class of Republicans.
Where are they la-day f Wolfe is
again in the field and above his bead
floats the same colors these "independ
ent Republicans" cheered to the echo.
" Independent Republicans" of Belle
fonte aud Centre county, your leader,
armed cap-a-pie, is away to the fore
front of the battle. What are you go
ing to do about itf Respectfully re
ferred to the Bellefonte Republican.
EVERY body will vote for Bible
for Recorder. Young, active, ener
getic and capable, he will make a
model officer.
m w ... £ Wt' .v fW
Tile different political organisation*)
in the county have now their chosen
candidate* iu the field for the action
of the {ample on the Bth of next month.
Tbcy are now in position to challenge
support on their merits and affiliations.
The Republican party, the Greenback
party, and the Temperance party, are
thus iu line of active work, if possible,
to defeat the old Democratic party of
the eouuty and of the country. Nei
ther one of them can claim 'that they
produce any superior men as candid
ates for the several offices, or men
more competent aud deserving of the
support of u free and enlightened peo
ple than those composing the Demo
cratic Ticket. They are all true re
presentative men, aud as such entitled
to the votes and active support of
every Democrat who desire* the per
petuity, the success and ascendency of
the great principles of free Democra
tic government, which this grand old
party has ever represented with unfal
tering fidelity. Meu are nothing, but
principles are immortal, and so far as
the men are selected to represent these
principles by party machinery, we are
bound to sustain them. To uphold
and maintain these against the assaults
of enemies or the iutrgues of faction, we
are necessitated to maintain the integ
rity of organization. We therefor say
to our friends, vote the Democratic
ticket entire without weakening it by
a single scratch. The candidates are
worthy your confidence, fairly placed
in nomination by your own chosen
agents, and the only men before you
that represent the principles and integ
rity of the matchless party organiza
tion which we all love and venerate
as a system handed down to us by the
true friends of free government.
THOMAS J. DUSK EL, the Democra
tic candidate for Sheriff", should re
ceive every Democratic vole in Centre
county. He is a young man who has
literally hewed his way from obscuri
ty and poverty to his present honorable
position. In voting for Mr. Dunkel,
honest merit and uuswerving honesty
will lie recognized. He is no summer
soldier in the ranks of his party. He
carries the same indomitable energy
into his work for the party that has
distinguished him in his bold, hard
fight against adversity. Vole for Tho
mas J. Dunkel and endorse the plucky,
bard working man who has made bis
own way in the world.
DEMOCRAT* dou't forgot Larimer
aud Huokle on the Bih day of No
vember. They are both deserving
gentlemen and will make capable and
efficient officers. They (lossem the
confidence of all who know them and
when they are elevated to the position
of Associate Judges the people will be
sure they will administer the trust in
such a manner as to gain the commen
dation of all. Vote for Larimer and
Ruokle. Vote the whole ticket. This
ia not the year to scratch a single
THK stalwarts inarch promptly to
tho front. Grant, Conkling, the Cam
eron*, Jones, Logan, Boutwell am]
others of the Mine stripe, have been
industriously engaged for the past
week in New York in assisting Presi
dent to arrange his private
business affairs, and of course the
cabinet for Arthur's'administration is
only mentioned incidentally ; but at
the same time it is understood that no
half-breed need apply.
THK Democratic .State Convention
did a wise thing in electing J. K.
Bogart, of Luierne county, Chairman
of the State Committee. Mr. Bogart
is one of the rising young Democrats
of £he State. He is an able, energetic
gentleman, trongly devoted to the
principles of the Democrario party,
and will make a leader that every
Democrat can follow with pride and
with the fall assurance that so far as
he has power nothing will be left un
done to bring success to the party at
the polls. He will make ait active
and efficient chairman.
telegraphs his paper, the Cincinnati
Commercial, that he has had an inter
view with President Arthur, nud that
the President expressed himself' as be
ing so anxious as to Foster's success
in Ohio that it keeps him awake
nights; that he has no interest what
ever in the present coutest in New
York, but that bis great heart fairly
yearns for Foster and Ohio. Happy
Halstead! Confiding Halstead! Of
course President Arthur does'nt care
for New York politics. He is simplv
in bis native State to settle his private
business. There is a great deal of pri
vates business to be settled there now.
The Camerons, father and sou, havo
private business there. Senator Jones
of Nevada likewise is fairly crushed
with the burdeu of private business.
Gen. Grant's bead reels us be looks
upon the accumulating private busi
uess that looms up before him. Kx-
Scnator Chaffee is said to have so much
private business just now that fears are
entertained that he may, while labor
ing under a temporary hallucination,
turn honest. And the roost remarka
ble part of it is that all the private bu
siness of these gentlemen is transacted
iu President Arthur's Lexington Ave
nue house. Our President must be an
accommodating sort of a fellow. As
he will not need bis New York resi
lience for a while, be might invite the
306 to occupy it until further notice.
And it would be an act of graceful
condoccnsion upon the part of our
simple President to fit up a place in
the hail for Field Marshal lialstead's
use, and from this point of vantage he
could write beautiful and affectionate
despatches to his paper about Presi
dent Arthur's perfect indifference to
all things but Ohio.
THE country will await with great
anxiety to see what will be done with
the .Star Route rubbers. The present
attitude of President Arthur resem
bles somewhat that of General Grant
in the whiskey fraud cases. With a
great show of holding up the hands
of the counsel for the Government, he
osteutaliously telegraphed Bluford<
Wilson at Bt. Iuis to " let no guilty
man escape," and then deliberately
threw every obstacle in the way of iw
prosecution and at last forced the r3
ignation of Secretary Bristow from
the Cabinet liecause be was conduct
ing the prosecution too vigorously.
President Arthur was the warm friend
of Dorsey aud Brady and it seems
unlikely that he will push them to
the wall.
J. C. HAHPEH, Esq., is the Demo
cratic candidate for Prothonotary and
he deserves and should receive the en
tire vote of his party on the Bth of
November. Ho has made a faithful
and competent officer, and has admin
istered tbo affairs of his office in a
most satisfactory manner. He should
be elected by a large majority, not
merely because it is the uubroken
usuage of the party to give the Pro
thonotary two terms, but from the
fact that he has made one of the beat
officials the court house has seen in
many yeu.re. l>emocrats, vote for
Harper and the whole ticket.
mocracy are fortunate in having a
most unexceptionable candidate for
Register. His ability is acknowledg
ed on all sides, while his character as
an efficient and trusted business man
is attested by tbe fact that be has held
an important position on the Bald Ea
gle Valley railroad for twelve years.
He is young, active, and lias been a
staunch and truo Democrat. Vote
for McClain and secure an efficient
officer in the Register's office.
GREIST AKD WOLF are the Demo
cratic candidates for Commissioner,
They are both peculiarly fitted for the
position. They understand the wants
of the people and have the progressive
spirit which ia needed in tbe Commis
sioner's office. Vote for Greist aud
Wolf and insure an honest and capa
ble management of the Commission*
<fs offioc
* „ ... SaAfe®
A Declination.
Our friend, Mr. Jos. W. Furey, of
the Watchman, who was placed in
nomination by the Greenback County
Convention for the office of Register,
respectfully declines to be a candidate,
as will be seen by the subjoined letter
addressed to Jacob V. Thomas, Esq.,
chairman of the Greenback County
Committee. This course was to be ex
pected from Mr. Furey. He is not
the man to swerve from the political
faith be has held and advocated with
so much ability all bis life time be
cause of a single disappointment, and
the Democratic party should bold him
in* grateful remembrance in the future.
The following is bis letter of declina
tion :
RELI.EFONTE. Oct. I, 1881.
JACOU V. THOMAS, E-q. C/uurmau Aaficn
(Jrernkaek County UontmiUec :
My lUar Sir —On the 13th of Septrm
her the National Greenback County
Convention did me the honor to put
my name on its ticket a* a candidate for
Register of Centre county.
Permit me to say that while I appre
ciate the compliment and thank my
Greenback friends for this mark of their
confidence and esteem, 1 run in honor
bound to respectfully decline the nom
Having submitted my name to the
Democratic Convention, and pledged
myself to abide by ita decision, it would
not We honorable in me to turn my guns
against my party friends simply because
they chose another in preference to my
While I am a Greenbacker in theory
and believe that to be the proper finan
cial doctrine, I have all my life been a
Democrat in principle and have acted
with that party. It would look badly
now, simply because 1 was defeated in
Convention for an office hardly worth
contending for, to repudiate the senti
ments and principles which I have al
ways cherished, and which 1 thoroughly
believe to be the Lest hope of the peo
ple of this country.
The guerrilla in politics is not a crea
ture to be admired. What else would 1
be should 1 accept a nomination ten
dered me under such circumstance*?
At the same time 1 desire to Aay that
I fully appreciate the respect shown me
by my friends of the Greenback party.
Very truly, your friend,
THE great New York stalwart had
[ a very just appreciation of the rogues
1 Presidential steal
|in I^[/i a dirty husiucas in
IJt 1 Senator could not
out he failed inglorious
j \ffrum shere political cowardice when
allowed tbo opportunity to slip by
| sf denouncing the infamous conspira
cy from bis place in the Senate. The
annexed statement was extensively
published ir\.lhe authority of the Hon.
Lewis of Ulica. The in
terview between him and Coukling oc
curred about the time of the decision
in favor of the Louisiana frauds by
the electoral commission :
"One night 1 wss with him in his
room silently smoking while Conkling
walked up and down like a raging lion.
At last he broke out: 'Lawrence, I
can't keep company with Ihia riff raff
any longer. They are rotten with cor
ruption, and alter having taken every
thing else, they are bound to steal the
Presidency. Sherman reeks with plun
der. Wheeler is a virtuous log roller.
Stanley Matthews would sell his soul
for office. As for Hays, be ia simply a
pious sneak, ready to give money to be
President, and to drop on his knees in
tear* if eaught at it. I have a great
mind to get up in the Senate and de
nnunee the whole thing to morrow, and
call on honeat Republicans to give the
| election to Tilden, to whom you. as well
|as I, know it belongs.' I ,told him it
would drive him into the democratic
party I and be said, 'Let it drive; there
| nre more gentlemen and fewer bogs than
[ with us.' These were just bis words."
THE prosecution of tbe star-route
thieves, it appears, has been commen
ced, and it is said it to be pressed to
a final issue with tbe concurrence of
the new administration. If ibis is
dons in good faith, there is but little
doubt of tbe conviction of these public
robbers. But they were all leading
Republican politicians, and aided with j
their plundered capital, in securing a
Republican victory in the last Presi
dential election, and this fact baa given
ground for tome doubt upon the sub
ject. One thing ia certain, the Ad
ministration ie as much on trial in
these cases as the thieves themselves,
with a greatly enlarged jury, who will
be prompt to approve or disapprove,
as the developemeots shall warrant.
CAMKAOX in the Cabinet, and Oliver
TEKMN: $1.64) JMT Annum, in Advance.
An Omen of Victory.
frvtu tli fVtfolfum WuHd (lod.)
Tbe nomination of Orange Noble, of
Kile, for Stale Treasurer, by tbe Demo
cratic State convention, which met in
Williaiuipurt, Wednesday, ia an unroia
laknble omen of p.rty victory in No
vember. Mr. Noble ia by all odd* the
strongest candidate the Democracy
could have named for the poaition. lie
ia, first of all, an honest, intelligent,
upright man. He ia identified with no
ring, clique or faction, and will enter
the race free from all obligation* save
thoae which a true citizen acknowledges
to himaelf and the people whom he
He ia an anti monopoly candidate,
and appear* before the voters of the
State upon an out-and-out ami monop
oly platform. AN againat Daily, a man
whose record and platform present no
pledges againat the inotiopolie*, the
patriotic Independent voter will he
prompt to express his preference for
i 'range Noble.
The Democrat* of Pennsylvania have
done themselves proud. They have
taken a long atride in advance of their
lb-publican brethren.and placed them
selves squarely upon record upon tbe
only real question before the country—
that ia. the people verau* tbe monopo
lies. The record and character of tbe
candidate* are in full accord with the
platform on which be utand*. Tbe ac
tion of tbe William*port convention
reduce* tbe ensuing can van to a simple
struggle between tbe monopolie* and
the people, and the Democracy are on
tbe right side.
"range Noble will be tbe next State
Treasurer of Pennsylvania—mark that.
The Hew Political Ollendorff.
From lb* LcuifrtU* CottMcunid.Drfe.
Have yon seen the new President?
Yea, I bare seen tbe nice new Presi
lioes tbe nice new President know
bit friends?
Yea, the nice new President know*
bit friendt—every time.
I>oea the nice new elegant President
remember hit friendt?
You can he! your tweet life tbe nice
new elegant President remembers all
tbe friendt.
Ioes he remember his enemies ?
Yea, he remembers bis enemies,
hues be remember tbem by name?
He remembers them by name, solid.
What will the nice new elegant Pres
ident do for bit friends?
lie will reward tbem.
And what will he do for hia enemies?
He Will compel them to get up and
1* be solid ?
lie is solid.
Hancock at (be iuuerai.
I CormpoedriKMt K' Turti
Tbe crnoHftc of all eyes is General
Hancock. Rival* aa they were in life
for the office of chfof magistrate, fresh
from the trH and furjr of a terrible
(tolilical contest, there is a chivalry in
the sorrow of the defeated champion
for the death of !>it antagonist that at
tract* all heart*. People remember
Garfield's own word* when be defeated
Thurman for the senalorahip : "The
flowers that bloom over the wall of par
ty politics are the sweetest and meat
fragrant that bloom in the gardens of
the world." Hancock it here in a rep
resentative capacity. As a soldier ho
thowa honor to his comrade and chief;
as a leader of the democracy he puts
hia seal of condemnation upon suooess
ful treason. No one in this famous
company is more noted or noteworthy
thsn the bronsed and brilliant major
general who lower* above his fellows in
the grandeur and splendor of a glorious
Bnrnaide's Successor,
Psovlosses, R. 1,, October 4.—The
I General Ansembly voted to day for
I United Statea Senator to succeed Gen.
liurntide. Nelson W. Aldrich received
twenty two votes in the Senate and
thirty-three fa the House, a majority of
all the member* of the assembly, and
will probably be elected on tbe first
ballot to morrow. The nest highest in
tbe poll is William P. Sheffield, of New-
Crt, whose total vote iseieven. llenry
I'pitt received eight votes.
Tub new president ought to have tbe
treasury scandals of John Sherman's
administration uncovered, not in re
taliation for Sherman's ouster of Arthur
from tbe New York custom house, but
because of a well-grounded public sus
picion that these scandals arose from
tbe worst possible system of stealing.
Enough was laid before the gas* of the
public to make it aak for more, and for
all. When all is known Sherman's re
lations with his favorite New York bank
will be as clearly disclosed as ite rela
tions with the treasury are now well
known. It has been favored to the
amount of millions; the people be
lieve John Sherman has been enriebvd
in return foe these favors. He has
grown enormously rich in a long career
of public life, with no chances to get
rich except from an abuse of his official
positions It has burn seen that the
men under him were engaged in a tya
tem of grand larceny and it is believed
be shielded them and that bis influence
now protects them. It is a reasonable
presumption, under all the circumstan
ces, that they know too much about
bins for him to allow them to bo prose
cuted. Th*t is all the better retuinn
why he and they should be relentlessly
pushed to the wall,—
NO. 40.