Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 29, 1881, Image 8

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    ®ht (Cento Jfenwrcai.
Thursday Morning, September 29,1881.
Ooaassrowssiic*, cunUltiln* Important nm,solicit
rd from Mir lrt •>' couaty. Nu rommuulc ittlt n-
Inarrtrd uot** sceotnpMiied fjr the real iimux of the
Nunc*.—Our ctwturner* and friend* are hereby >■"-
lifted that our ilore will be riueed on Monday, Or I e
ber S, Day of Atonement, until 8 o'clock r. a.
*B. A A. U>B.
Local Department.
—All como to the fair next week.
—Tho election! occur thi* yoar on the
Bth day of November.
—Have you paid a state or county tax
within two years ?
—After the Ist of October it will be
lawful to shoot pheasants.
—Loeb's is the placo ta buy dry goods.
Largo assortment, low prices and good
goods at all times.
—For fine furniture of any description
call upon A. J. Brown & Co., Bishop
street, Bellufonte. Prices low and satis
faction guaranteed.
—S. D. Kay, Esq., Secrotary of tho
Agricultural Society, desires that lists of
articles to be exhibited at the fair may be
sent to him as soon as possible, as the books
are now opon and entries are being made.
Policies in the Accident Insurance
Company of North America are not for
leited by the insured engaging in a more
hazardous occupation than for which he
has paid his premium.
—Unhealthy or inactive kidneys cause
gravel, Bright's disease, rheumatism, and
a horde of other serious and fatal diseases,
which can be prevented with Hop Bitters,
if taken in time.
—Ladies, do you desire to have a clear
and beautiful complexion T If so, let me
whisper a word in your ear : "Keep your
liver in healthful action and your blood
pure by the use of Green's No. 1 and 2
■ Liver Pills."
—A. J. Brown A Co., at their new fur
niture store on Bithop street, have just re
ceived a lot of elegant parlor suits which
they offer at remarkably low prices. Any
one wishing to purchase a nice parlor suit
should not fail to give them a call.
—Dr. J. Jordon Deshlor,son of Dr. Doth
ler of Aaronsburg, was married on Wed
nesday evening, Sept. 21, at Belleville, Mif
flin county, to Miss Kila E. Campbell.
Wo wish our young friends a long and
happy journey through life,
Mr. Gust Lyon, of Lyon & C.'s, has
just start"! esut to buy fall and winter
goods. He is accompanied by Miss Pau
line Lyon, who will assist bim in the se
lection of dry goods, dress goods, silks,
hats, millinery, hose, Ac. You may look
for a very large and carefully selected
—Mr. A. M. Kunkle, of Centre Hall,
wishes to inform his many friends in
Penns Valley that be has connected him
self with the firm of Lyon A Co., Belle
fonte, and he hope# that his friends will
give him a call when coming to town.
He will treat them right and sell them
goods cheaper than they can buy tbcm
anywhere else.
—The much talked of Catholic Fair
will open on Saturday evening in Key
nold's building, in Bishop street, next
to Cedar's bakery. This Fair promises
to be a very interesting and pleasurable
event. Extensive preparations have
been uinde and its succss is already as
sured. The management is in capable
hand* and we have no doubt everything
will be conducted in a perfectly satis
factory manner.
—That perfect baking and cooking
stove, the "Pioneer," is for sale only by
Wilson, McFarlane A Co. All superfluous
ornamentation has been dispense*! with to
secure a first-class kitchen stove. For
weight, strength and durability it cannot
be surpassed. In purchasing this stove
you are not paying for nickel trimmings
and beautiful finish, but you are getting
wbat is far better and wbat you need in a
cook stove—a good, reliable baker and
—Our enterprising mercantile firm of
8. A A. Loeb have established for them
selves within the last few years a reputa
tion for selling the best ready-made cloth
ing In Central Pennsylvania. It is a rep
utation which they justly deserve for their
endeavors to procure a good fitting and
well made garment. Their sales have
been so large In this particular linn that
Meter*. Stein, Adler A Co., of Rochester,
have given them the exclusive sale of
their goods. Persons who have purchas
ed these goods once do not want their
measure taken by any merchant tailor,
for they give perfect satisfaction in all
—Mrs. Nancy 4. Blair, wife of Gen. W.
H. Blair, died suddenly at her residence in
Bellefonte on Tuesday the 27th Inst, at 12
o'clock. Home week* sgo, Mrs. Blair suf
fered a severe fall and has since then been
confined to the bouse. She suffered consid
erably from the injury, bat the immediate
cause of ber death was heart disease. She
died while sitting in a chair. Mrs. Blair
waa a most estimable lady and was beloved
by a large circle of Wends. She was one
of the kindest, most generous and most char
itable of women, and she will be missed as
much in the humble borne of the poor a*
In her own household and among her own
friends. Mr*. Blair was about 69 year* of
age. She leaves a bereaved husband and
an only son to mourn the faithful, loving
wife and fond affectionate mother. Mr*.
Blair will be buried to-day at 2 o'clock.
[ Omtinutd from \t pogt ]
lion* existing bctwocn our deceased Presi
dent and myself, duiing tho two year* wo
wero together in the Houao of iVpresenta
tive* make# thin one of the saddest and
moat painful duties of my life. Ilia aeat
was where 1 could almost touch his elbow.
1 lived within the magio circle ol his sym
pathy. I had received from him many
marks of persona! consideration. 1 had
been advantaged by the great power of hi*
influence. It would bo In vain for me to
attempt to conceal the emotions that con
trol me at this hour. What I have to say
to-day I wish to say accurately and care
fully —with moro accuracy and care than I
could do in an extemporaneous speech.
The great, manly voice of James A. Gar
field is hushed into silence. His great,
noble heart, tho pulsations of which have
been so tearfully counted by an adoring
people, has ceased to heat. Never again
will tho Nation pause and listen when he
rises to speak, boon tho rustling leaves of
autumn, driven by tho heedless winds, will
rush past his new-made grave, from which
no response* will come. Kven the grief
stricken widow will wait aud look and
listen in vain, near tho cold marble, for
that response to love and tears which, in
life, never failed to elicit a response. How
cold, bow heartless, how silent is the
No one who ever enjoyed his personal
acquaintance could fail to learn what a
big, noble-hearted man ho was. Full of
joy and overflowing with good-nature—
kind and tender as a child—with a disposi
tion that inclined him to defer to the
wishes, tho opinions and the comforts of
others, ho was yet a bold thinker, and |<r
fectly fearless in action. Too much of a
statesman to be a subservient politician,
he was often much broader and moro lib
eral than his party. He often called down
upon himself the displeasure of the parti
san, on account ol his liberality and con
servatism. With overy inclination toward
peace and gentleness, he was nevertheless
not averse to war when peaceful means
ceased to be honorable. Impulsive and
human, it would be folly to say that he
was without the error* of hi* race ; but
tho goodness o( bis heart and the suprem
acy of his clear, well-directed head kept
him above the level of common vice. I
believe him to bavo been one of the purest,
truest and most noble of American states
men. Unlike Lincoln, he wa* thoroughly
versed in tho sciences and the most pro
found learning of the schools. Unlike
Washington, he was one of tho most fiery
and Impassioned orators of the age. More
gentle and affectionate than either, he
(MHisessed as big a heart and as unselfish a
Step by step, from povertv and obscurity
—from the toil* and hardship# of early
life to tho highest position in tho gift of
the nation—just when tho symmetry of
his earthly career wa* complete—no cord
left untouched—no line leit unfinished—
what moro propitious litno to die ? The
inevitable must be met, and what more
fortunate time could be selected than when
the highest goal of earthly ambition had
been reached and the life-work almost
completed? And then, how many a
brilliant career has been blasted in an
hour I Tho great Greek historian wisely
said that no man's character could be fully
i estimated until after his demise. To liar
field the past is full of glorious achieve
| ment# ; tfio jr.enilh has been reached and
tho future is secure. The historian will
'• write bis name alongside of those of Lin
coln and Washington.
Plebeian in origin—springing from the
humblest dust— hp shot up like a meteor
that paled all other lights around him.
Hi* achievement# have rendered his name
immortal. When the heart* of the people
that now throb with anguish and are fitted
with love and sympathy shail havo crum
bled to du>t, the' fame of the great citizen,
soldier and statesman will shine as brightly
as it doc* to-day, and it* lustre will con
tinue to the end of time.
A man'* domestic life reveal# the in
wardness of his nature. I jkuld rather
lrut a poor man, who londw wife and
children, than one who ffved fame or
money more than these, were he ever #o
exalted or rich. How tenderly be loved
hi* children t With whet ■ympalhy and
*fT<clion he plead with them to leave bis
daughter with birn in the sick room.
"How could one so sweet and gentle
disturb me," he said. How hi* heart
went out after hi* hoys; and how, when
wounded and bleeding, sick and mangled,
he tried to break tho shaft that should
crush bis gentle, loving wife by so tenderly
dictating the message to her of his at
tempted assassination ! His first act, after
being declared Pre*ident of the United
Stale*, was to turn and tenderly kiss hi*
wife and aged mothr. The thousands who
saw the act of tenderness and love knew
then that we had a President with a
great, noble heart, capable of being moved
by the most sacred of impulses. Every
act of hi* life has demonstrated tho good
ness of hi* soul.
President Garfield's life, however, even
el the xenith of hi* greatness, wm not all
joy and sunettifie. The sleuth-bound of
the wa* put upon hi* track and
followed him liko an evil spirit—that
demon that rob* life of all of peace and
hopo there i* in it. But who can paa*
through the tfery ordeal of a struggle for
public place without falling under the
tongue of the slanderer ? Knvy, jealousy,
the unwitting ardor of partisanship, all
conspire to invent the cunning and in
siJlous lie. A falsehood boldly spoken
and persistently adhered to, sometimes
doe* work as fatal as the truth. The vie*
tim can only wait and hope for the right
and justice to prevail Garfield ha* wailed
patiently—ana, oh, how painfully!—for
the hour of hi* vindication. How over
whelmingly it ha* come upon this people!
Spontaneously, the sympathies of the
whole nation have risen up In hit defense.
Like the slow, mouldering fires of a
volcano, it ha* burned the slanders
against him Into dust, and the ordeal nas
caused hts character to stand out bolder
and brighter than though his merits bad
never been put to the teat.
The great love and sympathy—the con
fidence and respect—for the late Presi
dent have in them no party line*. The
grief and sorrow of the people on account
of this great calamity know no division
—no North, no South, no East, no West.
The whole nation bad learned to love end
respect him—to rely upon hi* virtue and
integrity—to believe in his wisdom and
puritv. No President bed ever so thor
oughly reached the heart* of the people by
bis generous and noble demeanor. Ill*
bearing, during the great suffering and an
guish through whtcn he has passed, has
only added lustre to the noblest traits of hi*
character; and w* sbonid hardly have
learned to know him well had we not wit
nessed bi* brave conduct la the hour of
But though tb* President Is dead, In his
own brave words: ''God reigns, and the
Government at Washington still lives.''
"The graat constitutional machinery move*
right on." Those great principles of dtrii
and religious liberty that ho priced so
highly remain to us without spot or blem
)>h. A change in the ruling head of the
Government ha* taken place, without a
ripple or a quiver, without convulsion or
violence in any part of the great machine
ry of the Government. There 1* enough
virtue and patriotism in tho American
pontile to moot every vicissitude.
To the youth and young men of tho
land what a noble model doe* hit life
present. Cradled in poverty, nurtured in
adversity, with nothing bright around htm
but the bright sunlight and tho blue s ,y,
his life was a struggle from it* very incep
tion. No helping hand of wealth, no line
of noted ancestors to point hirn upward,
he nurtured, unaided, the germ ot great
ness within his own breast. Kvory condi
tion of his early life seemed to be un
promising. What mother could think of
her boy gathoring the rudiments of bis
lifo-educution, on tho tow-path, among
tho rough, reckless men lliul follow the
business of boating, without a shudder ?
Such a place could only have been selected
through the direst necessity. How much
more fortunate are most of the boys of our
favored land l Yet, struggling through
this gloom with an ambition to become
educated, and good, arid great, no scars
were left upon the jewel he bore. A stu
dent, a graduate, a professor, and he had
cast off the ditllcult surroundings of his ear
ly life, and had accomplished at least half
the journey to the usefulness that followed.
There is no good, hrave boy in the land
that cannot follow bitn thus far. lie was
the architect of his own destiny) After
all, the artificial aids of wealth and family
are impotent. Aristocracy is powerless
to make great men, even though it may
bolster up and make respectable weak
ones! Like the great oak, that standi
alone on tho mountain, he bad buffeted
every wind that blows. The conflict had
made him stronger—bis great arms were
stretched out farther. He was a Hercules
co npa e<l with the sickly oak—his broth
er, in the thickly grown forest—bolstered
up on every rido and protected from every
rude blast. He had learned the lessons of
life more thoroughly than it were possible
to learn them in any other way. P/iere is
tin ariitm-rat hut thr ar\tocrnt uj nnture.
The man with a better heart, a clearer
head, more energy of action, greater tena
city of purpose, than ourselves, is the only
superior we will acknowledge. He is the
ari-tocrat of nature.
llow truthful and significant are hit
own words on this point: "From the
genius of our Government, tho pathwav
to honorable distinction lie* open to ail.
No post of honor so high but the poorest
boy may bope to reach it. It is the prido
of every American, that many cherished
names, at whose mention our hearts beat
with a quicker bound, were worn by the
sons of poverty, who conquered obscurity,
and became fixed stars in our firmi nent."
There it something heroic, manly, al
most sublime, about the career of Garfield,
j With no power to nerve his arm but his
own faith in a just Providence, the con
viction that spring* from a sense of right
and justice, he toiled up the steep ascent.
There wa* no one to stand by and demand
for him the place ho deserved—not even
was the all-powerful machinery of politic*
i in hi* favor, for he represented the lihtml
tentimenl of hit party. Vet, through the
native power of his own genius, ho com
pelled a recognition of his merits. Ho
superior was he, as a scholar and a states
man, and so thoroughly had ho identified
himself with tho higne*t hope* of the na
tion, that the great mas* of the American
people naturally turned to him a* a becom
ing leader. Tht* day mmyUit* th* mta *v rt
f AM lift I He ha* passed from the cradle
to tbe grave. Admiring nation* join in
doing honor to hit memory, and in adding
laurel* to hi* fame. The (treat Kuter of
nation*—that cares for a sparrow a* well
as for a President—in His own mysterious
way, has wrought hit destiny for him. Hi*
miwion it completes]—bis work is done.
Hat h vase, in its torn, must be shatter
ed. Only the spirit of man is immortal.
At last all human tie* must be broken.
All human friends must part. Rut thou,
Oh I our murdered President, if thy dis
embodied spirit should yet linger in the
nearness of space, and should not have
gone out into the darkness and endlessness
of the great eternal future—that domain
Irotn which no human foot-stop has ever
yet returned to reveal it* mysteries or it*
wonders—pause. Oh ' wait but a moment
to accept the tribute, the homage of a Na
tion's sympathy and tears, tho love of a
heart-broken wife, and then fare-the-well,
J. L. Spatigler, Kq., followed Mr.
Yocum in the following word* :
In the presence of thi profound public
sorrow the entire nation mourn* if the
President hed been the peronal friend of
the fifty million* who constitute the Re
public. Thi* i* eminent!* significant. Pr
it ebow* that the Chief Magistracy of the
nation I* •entirely founded in the atfeclion
and patriotism of a great people. In the
midt of thi* universal gloom, nothing i*
o grand and beautiful a* thia wonderful
exhibition of popular sympathy and love
for the people'* Ruler, coming a* it doe*
from all sections, faction* and partie*, and
will greatly tend to ha*tcn the gloriou*
time in our national career *o devoullv
anticipated by the Pre*ident himself
"when our brave people, one in heart, one
in their a*piration for freedom and peace,
rhall *ee that the darknee* through wbich
we have traveled wa* but a part of that
tern but beneficent discipline by whlcb
the great Dispenser of Event* ha* been
leading us on to a higher and nobler na
tional life."
What wai there in the career of Jam re
A. Garfield that baa o profoundly touched
the popular heart ?
War it the pluck and tlreloM energy
with which he met and overcame the diffl
cultiea and hardihip* of poverty on bir
way from the tew-path to the College?
Waa it the fortitude and determination
with which he kept and preeerved a
hlameleea private life In hi* battle for po
litical rupremacv in the Houae ? Mark
al*o hi* magnanimity and generally dis
played toward* hi*political I n* In hl*ignal
leadership of hi* party in Congret*. Re
call the irmpllclty and loveline** of bi*
home life a* friend, father and husband -
or remember hi* *ublime patience and he
roic aufTering a* he lay bleeding and dying
amid the tear* and prayer* of a loving and
rympalhiaing nation. Alloftheae grand
qualities combined in thi* tingle career
challenge the homage and reverence of the
world. But there we* something more
In the Preeldenl'i career which will en
dure long after thete evidence* of aorrow
and emblem* of woe (hall beve peaaed
away. !>urlng the *#v*n month* of hi*
Presidency, he gave force and effect to an
important principle of public policy which
ha* gradually grown into a popular con
viction. It ha* been an avowed doctrine
among politician* of alt partiea that Me
Presidency I* a thing to be owned-* piece
of properly belonging to the political fac
tion which wield* the moat power. It*
vast patronage and dUUnotlona Mall be
t ■ 1
distributed to subserve the personal and
political interests of the great cbieftians of
power. Their will shall lie a law to the
chief magistrate. Against this subservien
cy of tho Executive to the behests of tho
politicians, tho President manfully as
serted tho principle of presidential inde
pendence and individuality.
As the choice of a frue jteoplo, ho pro-
Iwised to be President in fact as well as in
name, not for tho success of any faction,
but for the highest good of all the people
of the Slates—that tho President shall do
te rim no his own policy and administer it
for all sections alike. How grandly be
marked out this important |wilicy, was
early foreshadowed in the choice of u
strong and brilliant cabinet in full accord
with tho great reform. How nobly he
made the struggle for the emancipation of
the Presidency from vassalage to political
bossism is now current history. For a
while tho issue was doubtful, but under his
Hble leadership factions went to pieces and
leaders fell, as the people rejoiced over an
independent executive with brains and
courage to assert and maintain it* own pol
icy. Parties and factions were rapidly ad
justing th'-ir plans and tactics to the new
presidential policy, when the fatal bullet
of the cowardly as*n*in struck him down.
Shall the good work suffer by bis death? is
tho anxious inquiry of the good arid strong
men of nil parlies. Time and coming
event* will tell. I*et us hope that under
tho inspiration of so glorious a career, his
successor will go forward in tho cause of
peace, fraternity and good government so
signally begun. Slaughtered in the midst
of his greatest achievment, it wa* still too
late to rob him of the grandest position in
in history.
M We know hint now. All nrr"W JrtloMiM
Af* •llttfil. Afi'l Wtt seehtßl u litt tiH'Ve*!,
How OXrflwel, kindly, nl! rvoip*Mit*at*. wlw,
W lilt ht euMirnc ?*-(•?• ki<iti of him**-If,
And In • bat limit* and how tmderly
Wbow h'lof r m rcdrewibK liumaii vp> g.
S't making hi* high |>lao tb* IIVIMI |rer>h
<*f Witigswl nxuhltiona, nor tailing* ground
**f |>lv*Mur llut through all thi* Is ft of Gf,
Hearing the white flower of a 14amelene Ufa."
Murdered, coffined, buried, and bo will
livo in tho memory of the nation a* the
fearless President of an independent, was,
honest and vigorous administration. And
leaving behind hirn a record which shows
how energy, integrity, and God-fearing
principles, lifted him from the humblest
ranks of life to the noblest station in the
world, and a name that will grow brighter
as the years go on.
" From tha U-y >4 Fan**'* laddrr b* #mn*l in
tha k> *
Tho beautiful hymn, "God Moves in
a Mysterious Way," was now rendered
by the choir and audience. J. 0. Ixive,
Esq., was then introduced and spoke
as follows:
Mr. I'rtAident, l,aA <* and Oentlrmrn
Tho f'l occasion which convene* us here
to-day ii one in which every heart feej a
deep concern. To-day the civilized wor>d
vitniaw one of the most remarkable and
grand spectacles ever before vitni-iwd or
known of men. A (treat and good man,
one of the lewl ('temple* of a noble-heart'
od Chrittian, and no whom lhi great
republic of over 11 fly milllont of people
elevated to the pretidency ol the I'nited
State#, the highest and most honorable
silion which human ambition may seek to
attain, hat been ttricken to the death by
an as-asdn's blow. And to-day the whole
nation, irrespective of party, tection,
creed or condition, humbly gather around
the bier of Jamct A. Garfield and in pro
foundest sorrow weept, tweause of it great
bereavement, and stands aghast in the
preenco of the awful tragedy that rolb<*l
the people of their beloved President. Not
only (he great heart of the American jieo.
pie it wrung with grief becaute of our
national calamity, but all the civilized
nation* of the world, and Christianized
humanity every where are howd in sorrow
and extend to u their heartfelt ym|<athy.
Some of them Join with u# in paying the
motl marked tribute of ret pert to our de
ceased President, by gathering in heart
and tpiril with ut around hia open grave
and publicly murn our lota, and thed
tear* of sympathy, while hi* latl remain*
are being entombed in earth. It i* a
grand *|>ectacle! A world mournfully
weeping over the death of the President of
the American Hepuhlic ! Why a great and
good man, elevated to a high and responsi
ble position of trust, occupying a sphere
where hi* greatness and usefulness, seem
imperatively needed, and where tbey
would bestow untold blessing* upon a na
tion of fifty million* of people, should be
suddenlv and tulhiessly cut down In the
prime of hi* life and manhood, and human
itT be deprived of the great benefit* which
hi* life and character promised, is one of
tho*e awful mysteries of Divine Provi
dence, that awe* u* into submissive silence
iti the preaence of the Great Jehovah, and
and hi* wonderful dealings with men and
nation*. Our finite wisdom and weak
faith fail to comprehend the infinite wis
dom of God, when brought in contact
with events such as we contemplate to-day.
Time no doubt will reveal the Divine
wisdom of this sad event, and show forth
the mercy of the God of nations in suffer
ing it* transaction All we finite mortal*
can do in the presence of event* so im
portant and tragic, D to humbly bow in
reverential awe, acknowledge the superior
wisdom of God, and say, Tby will be done.
It may be, however, that we a* a nation
are guilty of great national sin* which
have invoked the Almighty's displeasure.
Hins which If not eradicated from the
body politic may involve our national ruin.
It may be that our great national prosper
ity and growth have been investing u*
with such a self consciousness of our own
strength, that we as a people have been
prone to forget God, and resolved to work
out our future greatness and glory inde
pendent of Him. If then tbe sad and
cruel murder of our beloved President,
call* a halt In our waywardness as a peo
pla, and results in eradicating some of our
national evil*, and in bumbling u* a* a
nation before Almighty God, then may it
be said that his death ha* not been in vain.
Wa hava great national evils and sin*,
which for a long time have cried to High
Heaven for redre**, and which if not cor
rected, In time, will entail upon our He
public probable ruin. Sectional strife,
rapidly yielding to the mollifying in
fluence* of time, yet atill lurking in tbe
body politic, i* a national evil full of dan
gerous menaces to the country, but which
will begreatlr allayed if not entitely heal
ed by the solemn event we as n nation
memorialise to-day. The bitterness of
partisan strife, urged and stimulated often
times by the unbridled license of an un
conscionable press, t> a crying national
evil that demand* speedy correction, lliin
whom we all loved, whose melancholy
death we so sorely lament, and in bonor of
whoso memory we have this day met, was
so libelled and villifiod by a partisan press,
that many men might have been stimu
lated to the perpetration of just such a
crime as we a* a nation are now called
upon to regret, condemn and sadlr mourn.
The legitimate fruit of such traducing of
public and private character by a bitter
r : "v
partisan press, Is and will bo the commis
sion of high crime*, and tends to destroy
confidence in public men who administer
tC ov "jnine"t, and in the government
, , J' 1 " ,K c r iflee of the life of James
A. Garfield, will tend to make the press of
the country more conservative and more
honest in it* dealings with public men
whom the people call into high places
then will his death not have been in vain.
There are a number of other national evils
to which I might refer as needing reform,
but I will allude to but one other, that of
the "Spoils System.'' The spoils of office,
and tho ambition for place bang like an
incubus over the nation, and are the prime
motive to the bitterness of party strife.
This evil needs correction and that sje-wj.
ily. It may lie said that the evil of this
system culminated in the death of the
President, and if his death works a Speedy
reform of the evil, then it wilt not have
been in vain. The suffering and death of
the President have already done much to
ward tho correction of our national evils.
They have awakened such a bailing of
loyalty and generous sympathy in the
heart of every American citixen, that
they have cemented u into one great com
mon brotherhood. The cry "Our J'resi
dent" wells up spontaneously from every
true American heart, all over the land,
from the North, South, East and West.
May it result in the total abolition and
annihilation of sectional lines. For a time
tho bitterness of party strife has sunk
abashed in the sacred and mournful pres
ence of his death, and may it be forever
rendered oblivious. The nation for months
ha humbled itself before Jehovah's throne,
and supplicated Divine strength, aid and
comfort in this trying hour. This humili
ty must work our exaltation as a p ople.
In Divine wisdom, the salvation of men
and nations, seems to be wrought out
through blood ; and the sacrifice required,
is usually or-e without blemish. -If God in
bit wisdom determined to correct some of
our national evils, and draw us as a people
unto Him, in order that we may (mi the
better preserved, and it required the sac
rifice of a human life to accomplish bit
purpose, w here in all the land was there a
subject so fit as James A. Garfield? An
honorable and upright Christian, a man of
ripe scholarship, mature thought and fine
culture, the exponent of what it highest
and best in statesmanship, and the true
representative of what is best in our gov
crnment. He was a public servant of the
people and for the people, at all times
laboring for the pubile good to the sacri
fice of self, a fit exemplar of the purity
and sanctity <>f the American home, be
had both in bis public and private life,
inspired the people with confidence, and so
endeared himsell to them, that they loved
him. The death of no other rnm could
have dno so much to purify the nation,
and exalt us as a Christian people by bring
ing us to a proper and trustful recognitfon
of God as the great ruler of men and na
tions. But while we mourn for our de
ceased President let us not despond of the
future. While men may change and die,
yet the "government of the people, by the
people and for the people shall not je-risb"
if we be true to Goo, true to humanity and
to ourselves Let us as loyal cilir.ens give
to our new ('resident, who assume* the re
sponsibilities of his high office under great
embarrassment, the same love and fealty
we accorded to his predecessor, and with
hold all adverse criticism, until just criti
cism and censure are demanded for the
general welfare and public gixd. Patriot
ism and our duly as citieens require Ibis
at our hands. This done, our government
will move onward in its upward career,
and stand out more grandly than ever as
the beacon light of civil and religious lib
erty to the world.
As Mr. Love look lii scat. Jley. Father
McArdle, pa-tor of St. John's Catholic
Church, was named by the President
and his respome was in the following
We the cjtixen* of this town are as
sembled nere to-day to express our sin
cere and deep sorrow for the violent
death of the worthy, fit and able ruler
of our country. The feature* of our
sorrow are remarkably striking—rather,
1 should say, they are unique, it is
universal; it is shared In by all in whom
t>eats the breath of human life. It i
not only national, but world wide.
Wherever the sun hath cast his rays
this morning, there the illustrious dead,
whose remains are laid in the grave to
day, is lamented. Even the wretch
himself, over whom the evil ofte won
complete control and thus induced him
to do the worst of deeds, bath already
let fall the tear of sorrow. Perhaps it
might be aaid that if wc ransack history
the result will be that a parallel of the
event which we deplore to day cannot
he found. For, while in similar cases
always there wore some who viewed the
assassin's work with stoic indifference,
complacency, and too often with joy ;
but in this case there was not a single
individual, at home or abroad, responsi
ble for his acts, who did not indignant y
reprobate tbe foul deed. And why ?
Because in other cases of assassination,
from force of circumstances, there w*s
some palliation for the flagrant crime ;
but here there was none. The act was
one of malice per t; malice in all lU
depravity; malice pure aod simple;
unadulterated malice. Tbe chief phase
of our sorrow ia its stern reality, its
thorough genuineneaa; the chord of
grief has lieen touched in every heart.
Ibis ia salt should he. Our President
was laboring for the beat interests of
each one of ua ; of you and of me. He
waa discharging faithfully and well the
duties of the high office which his coun
trymen entrusted bun with. Not a
not party, but the due performance of
the functions which his elevated posi
tion entailed waa hia great concern.
And yet, though having at heart the
well-being of hit country, when setting
out on a tour to recuperate from the
effect* of worry, labor and self-sacrifice
in her behalf, in high gtee and peace of
mind, always the outcome of a consci
entious discharge of duty, he was felled
down by the band of Jlhn aaaaeain.
What a shock to him when smote by
the fatal bullet 1 llow terrible the feel
ing which that abort and sharp look of
hia bespoke as he turned round to find
out from whom and whence came the
dreed missile | When Julius Cwsar was
assassinated in the Henale by Brutus,
the friend of hia bosom, be exclaimed,
"H fa, ?wefNt, Bmlt /" "You, Brutus,
whom 1 esteemed so highly, why have
you done this to me?" On the memo
rable morning of the second day of
last July, in tbe depot at the netiou's
capital, did not the short glance of our
beloved President, the hurried glance
of death, indicate an expression akin
to that of Juliua Getter's? Turning
arcuud, not knotting who dared Miff
1 - ** ill f
petratn the ingraft* deed, did he not
say, if not in word, at least in look,
and "You, rny country ! why bav you
i done thi* to me! You, ruy country,
whom 1 loved an dearly, on whom !
heatowed my beat thought* and hard eat
labors ?" Gould it be HO ? Was it a
j dream, or a (act ? So room for doubt!
The atern reality wa* there I The heavy
■ thud of the massive frame, the beapat
| tered blood, the ghastly countenance
presenting the lrok of death, all told
clearly and unmistakably of tbe treach
erous onslaught! What a spectacle to
reflect ujwin ! In thedistinguished vic
tim that lie* thereon the threshold of
: death there waa no denpotism, no tin
i perialim, no ItoHaiam, no arrogance;
j but what ia there i of thi people and
for the people, frankness, condescend
sion, consideration for the poor a* well
a* the rich, and now tliat the bitter end
has come, what wonder i* it that tbe
nation is weeping over bun, and in all
parta of the country wherever tbe eye
i caat, are seen emblem* of woe. We
weep, aye, and the unborn reader of
! American history shall weep ! Coming
! to tbe page that records the sad event,
I lie will stop, reflect arid condole in
silence. The grief which we feel for
•ir departed ruler, great as it if, i
intensified by the sympathy which
bis noble family not only deserves
but forces from us. Their habit#, man
ner*. mode of life were plain. They
loved each other with a truly brotherly
love. Father, mother, husband, wife,
sister, brother, parent, and child were
bound together by ties of purest friend
ship. Tbe beginning of their career in
life was humble, but by industry and
UainM, they gradually ascended until
finally they reached the highest rung of
the social ladder; and now one would
think if true happiness could be found
on earth it should be in their Mentor
home, ltut suddenly tbe band ol direst
adversity smote them. In an instant
he to whom they owed their all wa*
prostrated by tbe ball of tbe assassin.
What a hurricane of grief must not
have swept over their hearts when tbe
sad news was imparled ! How deep the
grief of the faithful wife, watching by
the bed side of her dying husband, see
ing biro wasting away slowly but surely
under the hand of death !
How deep the grief of the aged, ven
erable mother in her distant Ohio
home, thinking of her lovely son, the
jewel of her heart! Hut the climax wa*
reached when the dread new* went
forth, "He is no more! He i* dead !"
Cut down in highest prosj-erity, when
their aspiration* were in full bloom—
from such a family, that might be fit
tingly atyled tbe whim of fortune were
it only romantic and not real, who
oould withhold kindest sympathy ! Our
' sorrow i* universal, truly genuine, deep
seated. but at the same time it is mm-
I gled with gall—gall to think that there
is a human monster of depravity who
j could commit such a villainous act.
j Hut patience! and keeping patient, we
shall display an heroic sense of moral
duty. Should violent hand* be laid
unlawfully upon tbe miserable wretch
who perpetrated the basest and most
hearties* of crimes, what would such an
act indicate? This, at least; that the
country verges on the confines of infi
delity or barbarism and paganism; that
anarchy rules and not law. 1 hat such
a calamity should never befall this great
republic, obey and respect authority in
| its lowest a* well as highest grade.
Hold in utter detestation the act of the
j assassin. Teach your children to abhor
it as the greatest of crimes. Vote lor
the honest, tbe true, the fit and the
j able irrespective of politic*, creed or
j claas. Political heat and enthusiasm
keep under the control of moderatlpti-
Avoid *ecret, underhand plotting*, com
binations and factions, for be assurer)
too often in throe* of agony and with
pileou* look* u reiterated, if not really
at least virtually, the historic expres
sion, fa, yueyvr, limit," and you, mV
friend, one of my own, why have you
done tbi* to me ?
At tbe conclusion of tbe Rev. Father's
address, the choir aang, " What Our
Father J>oe* ia Well," in grand_ style.
The President at once introduced ex
(lov. A. O. Curtio, slating that the Gov
ernor bad consented to deliver the clos
ing address, with great reluctance as hie
health was far from good. The tower
ing form of the great War Governor,
the friend of the first martyr President,
his grand head crowned with a wealth
of snow-white hair was now visible to
the audience. He spoke with great fore*
and eloquence and hia remarks made a
profound impression. We •re reluc
tantly compelled to omit them in th*>
regular order this week, but will pub
lish hia eloquent addreas next week.
The choir rendered the hymn "Amer
ica." Rev. D. G. Kline pronounced the
benediction and the vast multitude
quietly dispersed.
The committee having the Memorial
Services in charge discharged their du
ties in a most acceptable manner. The
arrangements were complete and satis
factory and left nothing to be desired.
Thus Bellefonte reverently laid her of
fering of grief upon tbe grave of .lame*
A. Garfield.
—Keep warm and comfortable this win*
ter by wearing that splendid gents and
boys' clothing for sale at the Philadelphia
—We have just opened a new stock of
ladies' sacquiiig* for making fall dresses,
sacquea, ulsters, Ac., la bronae, dregs or
white, gray and other new tbadee.
Lvox At Co.
—We can show you a very large selec
tion of Men's and NJI' ha'is. Boys' hats
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LTOX ft Co.
The largest and best stock of white
and colored Kirts, Ma* flannel shirts with
pocket# and without. It will par you to
see our "Lyon's Pride " shirt tor fi.ttk,
Warranted WsWtta muslin, fl-ply Hnaa
bosom, <loM lined front, full yeke, per
fect fitting, and as well made as ah- taw
made shit. It wili pay you to see there
if you *raol shirts. Flannel
> shirt*.