Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 29, 1881, Image 6

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    Whistle, Whistle, Loving Daughter.
" Whistle, whistle, loving daughter, and you
shall havo a cow."
" I never whistled, mother, and neither can I
It puckers up my mouth so I"
•' Whistle, whistle, loving daughter, ami you
shall havo a horse."
•• 1 never whistled, mother, and 1 canuot now,
of eourso—
It puckers up my mouth so!"
•'Whistle, whistle, loving daughter, and yon
shall have a sheep."
"I never whistled, mother, neither will I yet—
It puckers up my mouth sol
" Whistle, whistle, loving daughter, and you
shall have a man!"
" I never whistled, mother, but I Wttow very
well I csn."
And the whistling soon l>egan.
Old Song.
"Confound the thing I" said Mr. Lin
The hour was 9. P. M., the place was
the Dalston station of the North London
railway, and in a compartment of a
second-class carriage Mr. Linton sat
" Confound the thing 1" he repeated,
glancing nervously toward the door.
" One comfort, this is a through train,
and if no one gets in here I shall be
safe till we reach Broad street," and as
he spoke ho made an ellort, but an in
effectual one, to replace in its sheath
the long steel blade of a sword-cane.
"Ah, we're starting," ho muttered,
with a sigh of relief, and was just al>out
to place the cause of his annoyance
quietly in a corner, when there came a
sharp voice:
" Step in, please.''
The door opened hastily, then shut,
the whistle sounded, and the train
moved on. Mr. Linton clutched his
cane, and looked furtively at the new
comers. They were two ladies —one
stont and elderly, the other evidently
quite young. As they scarcely glanced
at him, but entered at once into earnest
conversation, he thongbt he might pos
sibly be able to overcome his difficulty
unperceived. He was nnwilling to
leave his cane behind him at the end of
the journey; but the prospect of step
ping on the platform at Broad street
with two feet of steel in his hand was
one from which he recoiled, being a
nervous man.
So, becoming desperate, he renewed
his attempt; but the carriage at the
moment gave a sudden jerk, and the
stick fell with a clatter to tho floor,
leaving him firmly grasping tho long,
bine blade, glittering wickedly in the
lamplight. His fellow-passengers started
and looked ronnd.
" Mercy on ns, what's that ?" ex
claimed the elder lady.
Bat, as she looked more intently at
their traveling companion, she rose hur
" Why 1 what ! we shall be robbed
and murdered. Here, guard ! guard I"
But the noise of the train drowned
her voice.
" My dear madam," legan Mr. Linton,
as suavely as possible, forgetting, in
his anxiety to explain, that he wss bran
dishing the sword-blade in a manner
which, though no donbt graceful, was
to an entire stranger somewhat threat
ening. "My dear madam, I assure
you —"
" Keep off, sir, keep off!" ejaculated
the lady, in a tone half-terrified, half
But here her young companion inter
posed. She had maintained her com
posure, though, as her eyes fell upon
the weapon, she had grown a shade
pal e.r.
" Perhaps, aunt, we are mistaken.
This gentleman
" Gentleman, indeed," returned her
relative, excitedly; " a pretty gentle
man to le in a public carriage with a
thing like that iu bis hand. Don't tell
me, Ethel."
In the interim Mr. Linton, thinking
it beat to remain quiet, and trust to the
storm blowing over, had picked up the
sheath of the offending weapon, and
once more endeavored to readjust it,
but in vain. It fitted in only one way,
and could not be sheathed except by
pressure upon a concealed spring, the
position of which he bad for the mo
ment forgotten.
Finding that he remained silent, and
uttered no threats of robbery or mur
der, the elder lady began to regain ber
courage, and by one of thoee rapid
transitions not nnusual in the feminine
mind, now became as indignant as be
fore she had been alarmed, and with as
much reason.
" I'll give you in charge, sir, aa soon as
we reach Broad street," she continued.
" A pretty state of things, indeed."
" Bat, sunt," repeated her niece,
"don't you see it's only a sword-cane the
gentleman has. Jack has one something
like it."
Mr. Linton looked at the fair speaker,
and met the glance of aa bewitching a
pair of eyes as ever led poor, helpless
man a captive.
There was a slight smile on Miss
Ethel's rosy lips, half saucy, half de~
mure, and tho thick curling tresses
shaded u face l>ot described by one
word, " winsome" —a face that owed its
beauty as much to expression as to regu
larity of feature, and. gazing at it, Mr.
Linton utterly forgot tho awkwardiioss
of his position. But ho was speedily
recalled to himself by the shrill whistle
and slackening of speed of the train as
it neared Broad street. One or two re
marks, with which tho other lady had
favored him, ho had allowed to pass en
tirely unheeded, and this only added
fuel to her wrath. Scarcely had the
train stopped, than she flnng open tho
"Guard, I say, guard."
The wondering olllcial appeared close
at hand.
"Here, guaid," she continued, em
boldened now by a sense of security,
and, stepping on tho platform, she mo
tiouod toward the carriage with tho air
of a tragedy queen. " I give that man
into custody."
By this time Miss Ethel had joined
her excited relative, and Mr. I.intom
now the solo occupant of the compart
ment, in his turn, apperaed at the door.
As he emerged, the guard discreetly
stepped back a pace or two. Ho was not
wanting in courage, but he had a wife
and family at home, and the long blue
blade in the passenger's hand had an
ominous look. But ho recovered him
self in a moment and beckoned to a col •
" Here, Bob I And what's the charge,
mum ?" he went on, turning to the lady,
while, much to Mr. Linton's annoyance
and disgust, a little crowd slowly gath
ered round.
"Yes. mum." repeated the guard.
" What's tbo charge?"
But tho lady was somewhat nonplussed
nt the question, and Miss E bel seized
tho opportunity.
" Onr name is Gray. This lady is my j
aunt, and she has been alarmed by this
—this gentleman"—Mr. Linton bowed
"carrying an unsheathed sword
"All," said the official, reflectively;
then, as having made np his mind,
•'name and address, sir, please."
Mr. Linton gave them readily enough,
and his explanation with them. He
had bought the cane only that evening,
and had not noticed with sufficient ac
curacy the position of the spring which
held together handle and stick. In
stepping hastily into the carriage he
had struck the canc in some way. The
blow, be supposed, had loosened the
spring, the sheath had fallen off, and he
had hitherto been unable to replace it.
For tho annoyanco and alarm which he
had inadvertently caused, ho bogged to
a|K)logize. As ho spoke, he once more
endeavored to replace tho offending
weapon, and, as if in mockery of his
former futile efforts, sheath and blade
slid smoothly into their respective posi
tions, there was a sharp click, the bright
steel vanished, and a light bandy cane
alone was visible.
The guard and his
at each other.
" You see how it is, mum," said the
former to tho still irate old lady. "You
see how it is, all a mistake."
"Don'ttell me, man ; all a mistake,
indeed," she retorted. "Isheto be al
lowed to go at large, and alarm respect,
able people by carrying a dreadful thing
like that alKiut?"
" Well, mum," said the guard, imper
tnrbably, " all I can say is, what do you
charge him with ?'
" The old lady's been scared al>ont
nothin'," said one bystander, while an
other opined that the gentleman was "a
hactor, and 'ad lecn a goin' through 'is
But the official now lost patience, and
saying to his colleague, "Come on,
Bob, we've no time to stand here
foolin'," went off to his van. heedless
of Mrs. Gray's threats to report him to
the company.
The little gronp round them, seeing no
farther prospect of amusement, slowly
melted away and left Mr Linton alone
with the ladies. He would have recom
menced his explanation and apol
ogies, but Mrs. Gray cnt him short by
demanding, in icy tones, to be favored
once more with his name and address.
These given, she vonohsafed no further
word, but sailed majestically away,
Miss Ethel dutifully following.
Mr. Linton's glance pursued the
graceful form till it disappeared down
the steps; then recollecting himself, he
hurriedly took the same direction. But
| the two or three minutes he had
delayed had enabled the ladies to
reach the street, and when he gained
the door they bad disappeared from
view. There was nothing left for him
to make the best of his way home
ward, carrying with him the unfortun
ate cause of bis contretemps, and in
fluenced by mingled feelings to which
he hitherto had been a stranger. Miss
Ethel's bright eyes had done more mis
chief than that young lady perhaps sus
pected, and despite all his effort* his
mind continually reverted to the recol
lection of the sweet fece he had seen, to
the otter detriment of hisordinary pur
suits. There was one question that
haunted him: " Who waa Jack?" and
for this he could find no aatisfactory
answer. The next thing was, how and
where to meet her again? The task
seemed hopeless, and ho could think
only of ono chance. 8o he began to
haunt the Dalston station with such
pertinacity that an official of a facetious
turn, who biul road " Mtigby Junction,"
dubbed him "tho gentleman for no
Time went on, and lub patience was
long unrewarded. But "all things
come to him who will but wait," and
one fine summer evening, as ho took
his usual post, he saw at a littlo dis
tance the face and form that, thongh
only soon once, ho hod never forgotten.
Bhe passed him unnoticed, and, enter
ing the station, booked for Broad
street, and for Broad street Mr. Linton,
who had followed closely, also took a
A train was waiting. The young lady
stepped into a carriage, fortunately an
empty one. ■ lie waited a moment till
the train was about to start, then sprang
in and closed the door. As ho took his
scat their eyes met, and ho saw that he
was recognized. He raised his hat ; the
lady bowed and smiled; aud thus en
couraged, ho begau a conversation. It
so happened that ho had with him the
very cane that had lieon the cause of
the former unpleasantness. And he
now made it serve his purpose, and, en
tering npon a full explanation, con
trived to put tho matter in such a light
that Miss Ethel, who had evidently a
keen sense of t'lo ridiculous, could not
fail to be amnsed. Then ho went on to
ask after her relative.
"Thanks, aunt is very well."
" I should much like"—this as a
stroke of diplomacy—"'to have tho op
portunity of giving her a satisfactory
account of tho matter."
His companion was about to answer,
but the train drew up at the platform,
and she had opened tho door and
alighted before Mr. Linton, who was
never anything of a ladies' man, and
who, moreover, was §o proocenpied as
to notice nothing just then, had realized
that tho journey was ended.
There was nothing then but to fol
low her, and as they reached the barrier
together, a lady eitno toward thom with
a smile, evidently intended for Miss
Ethel only, bnt as her eyes fell npon
Mr. Linton, she exclaimed :
" Why! what! that's the -"
Bhe stopped suddenly, and ho com
pleted the sentence.
"The person who so unintentionally
caused you so much annoyance at our
last meeting, l'ray let mo apologize
once more."
" Yonr name, sir, is, I think, Linton,"
said Mrs. Grey, who was evidently in a
very affablo mood. Mr. L. bowed.
"And I have reason to believe that you
are the son of an ol 1 friend of mine.
After yon had left us, I could not for
some timo remember whom it was,
am >ng my acquaintances, that you so
closely resembled. Then the similarity
of name gave me a < lew, and —well, I
think now it is I who should apolo
"I'ray do not mention it," said tho
yonng man, now in tho seventh heaven
of delight at the unexpected turn in
events. " l'ray do not mention it," he
repeated. " I have often heard my
mother speak of her friend Mrs. Grey,
bnt I did not anticipate that wc should
meet nnder such circc instances."
"Btranger things happen jin life,"
said the old lady, sentontionsly, and
Mr. Linton expressed his entire con
But, in his present state of mind, hn
would have agreed with anything that
she said. Btill, there was tho old ques
tion, oddly enough, cropping up in his
mind. "Who was Jack?" And For
tune, as if in amends for her former
treatment, solved the problem for him.
"Wo have been out of town," aaid
Mrs. Grey, "or I dare say I should have
met yon before this, Mr. Linton. But
you must call on us. and I am snro
Jack—my nephew—will be please 1 to
make your acquaintance."
Her nephew. Then ho was Ethel's
brother, of course. Mr. Linton was
walking on air. But, too wiso to in
trude further, he contented himself
with seeing the ladies into a cab, Mrs.
Grey, remarking as they left him:
"I see you still have that—"
" That dreadful sword-cane," pat in
Miss Ethel, with a roguish smile at her
The latter laughed good-humnredly,
nodded to the young man, and the cab
drove away.
As soon as politeness permitted he
called at tbeir house, sod made so
favorable an impression on the old lady
that ho speedily became a constant
visitor, and—well, the story is ever old
and ever new, and snoh stories should
have but one ending.
• • • • •
In Mr. Linton's hall is s choice col
lection of walking-sticks. Every man
has a hobby, and that is one of his.
There is a long, black, sedately-re
speoUble stick, fit for parson; the
heavy, stout stick, suitable for a country
gentleman whose walks are over hill
and dale; there ia the light bamboo, the
poliabed Malacca, the pliant awitch.
Each and all are at the service of any
intimate friend who may be on a visit,
and, before taking a stroll, isdisp/rud
to suit himself from among them.
M 'v !
But there in ono Htick in jmrticnlar,
which is kept carefully apart from the I
rest in Mr. L.'h own private room. To i
that no friend, however intimate, lays
claim, or ventures to borrow.
" I will never lend it," says Mr. Lin
ton, "to any one; for I should have
been a lonely, miserable bachelor to the
end of my days, if it had not been for
that dreadful sword-cane."
Better a diamond with a flaw than a
pebble without.
Choose such pleasures as recreate
much and cost little.
Zeal without knowledge is a steam
ship without a rudder.
Bmall faults indulged are little
thieves that let in greater.
Trouble is easily born when every
body gives it a lift for you.
Oust your nets in the right water, and
they may hike fish while you are sleep
A good deed is never lost; he who
sows courtesy naps friendship, and he
who plants kindness gathers love.
Men aro never so ridiculous from the
qualities which really belong to them,
as from those which they pretend to
Healthy, beauty, vigor, riches and all
tho other things called goods, operate
equally as evils to tho vicious and unjust
us they do us benefits to the just.
We are all of us more or less echoes,
repeating involuntarily the virtues, the
defects, the movements and the char
acters of those among whom wo live.
Itonud dealing is the honor of man's
nature; and a mixture of falsehood is
like alloy in gold and silver, which may
make the metal work the letter, but it
cmbaseth it.
It will afford sweeter happiness in the
hour of death to have wiped away one
tear from one cheek of sorrow than to
hnvo ruled an empire, to have con
quered millions or enslaved the world.
Strength of resolution is in itself do
minion and ability, and there is a seed
of sovereignty in tho barrenness of un
fliucbing determination. I'liselfisb and
noble acts are tbo most radiant sparks
in the biography of souls. When
wrought in earliest youth they lie in the
memory of ago like the coral islands,
green and sunny amid the melancholy
wade of ocean.
A Bunko Man Surprised.
A New York paper tells this story:
A stocky man with square shoulders,
rotund vest, and close-clipped sandy
beard, hurried out of the mam entrance
of the Fifth Avenue hotel the other
morning and started along Twenty
third street toward the elevated railwny
station. Two bunko men stood in the
shadow of a mournful cab horse and
watched tho atocky man with the close
clipjHHl sandy InsArd. Tho habits of
bnnko men arc well defined. When
their victim approaches, No. 1 rushes
tip, and grasping him warmly by tho
hand, says: " Mr. .Tones, of Bkeneateles.
bow aro yon 7' Tbo intended victim,
who is possibly Smith, of Pcnn Yan,
tells his name and address to No. 1, who
retires with diffidence and blushes, and
confides it to No. '2. A littlo laterNNto t
2 rnns np and exclaims " Why, Smith,
of Fenn Yan, *ow are yer?*' whereupon
Smith promptly affirms that he is en -
joying good health, and lietrays his
mental condition by immediately ac
companying No. 2 into a Iwrroom and
losing 9150 on the two spot.
On tho bright morning referred to the
short and stocky man hurried along, his
bristly sandy Imard cutting tho air
sturdily. Btinko man No. 1 jumped
from behind a hack, gazed at him for
an instant, and then cried, as his face
airly blazed with joy:
"Mr. Partington, of Hornellsville.how
are you 7"
With this he seized tho hand of tho
stocky man and wrung it as though it
were his long lost brother's. The stocky
man ahook him off and said:
" G'wsy, g'way. I don't know yon 1"
" What, are you not Mr. Farlington, of
" No, I ain't I"
"Well, this is the most astonishing
resemblance. May 1 ask who yon aro 7"
" Yea, you may."
" Well, who are yon?"
" I'm General Ulysses 8. Grant."
i— --
Anecdote of Bismarck.
I'rinee Bismarck, it is said, has be
come so stout of late years that he oan
no longer oocupy an ordinary dining
chair and sits accordingly on a low sofa,
with his famous dog lying at his feet.
He likes to exhibit his accomplishments
to visitors, and it is related that one day
on receiving a visit from Signor Man
lini, the present Italian minister of for
eign affairs, he sat down at the piano
and played a composition of bis own,
remarking in an off-hand manner that
"in Prussia politicians found time to
cultivate the arts, "8o they do in
Italy," replied the Italian, and goiug to
the piano he played over from begin
ning to end, and entirely from metnoty,
the piece which he bad just heard Prince
Bismarck play for ths first time.
Ordinary combustible substances rnav
be set on fire by nitric acid.
Coagulation servos in nature the pur
pose of stopping wounds. Halt pre
vents it.
Tho temperature of the blood depends
on the rapidity with wliich it is oxi
A muscle develops less heat when
doing work than in contracting without
doing it,
A new celluloid is said to be obtained
from well peeled potatoes, treated with
a solution of sulphuric acid.
Defective color vision is chiefly mani
fested in the inability to see the differ
ence between red and green.
Tho raw materials of which dynamite
is made are snlphurie arid, sultpeter,
glycerine and infusorial earth.
Glucose is used for manufacturing
table syrups, candies, food for bees,
artificial honey and in brewing.
It has been suggested that noxious
insects may be driven away by cultivat
ing the fungi that are destructive to
Tho raising of pvrethnim, from which
insect powder is made, is carried on in
California and various parts of the
Grape sugar possesses the property of
fermenting or breaking up into alco
liolic and carbonic acid, on the addition
of yeast.
German wrientists are making a study
of tho relative distribution of blondes
and brunettes, in aid of tbeir investiga
tions of the origin of the German peo
It is reported that a thick vein of a
substance yielding fifty per cent, of pure
paraffino has been discovered at Hawkes
Bay, New Zealand The deposit is said
to lie of great extent and to be worth
about 9200 a ton.
A French chemist lias obtained a very
valuable oil from the kernel of the
grape—the refuse left after distilling
brandy, or making verdigris, being dried
and gronnd fine in an ordinary mill, and
the yield of cil is in direct proportion
to the fineness of the grinding. The oil
is sweeter than nut oil, and remains
fluid at a lower temperature. When
burned in lamps It gives a bright, smoke
less, odorless and agreeable flame.
Kstc Shell 'j'* Brave ITced.
The newspapers have been filled
with tho story of the brave deed of
Kate Shelley, aged fifteen, living with
her mother in a little shanty on the
east bank of the l)es Moines river, in
lowa, uexrthe track of the Northwestern
One night during the autninr there
was a fearfnl storm. The mother and
daughter heard a crash, not unlike the
sound of lightning splitting a tree.
The girl, recollecting that her father, a
railroad employe, had been killed by an
accident, lighted a lantern, and went
out in the wind and rain to see if aught
was the matter. Her light was blown
out, bnt ahe soon found a wrecked
tra in, and all but one man had shared
the fate of her father. She knew that
another train would lie along in
I about half an hour, and was liable to
: run on to the debria of the first. The
nearest telegraph station was one mile
' distant and over a bridge 400 feet in
. length. Another station was four miles
;in the opposite direction. The only
hope of averting a second disaster was
to give notice at the station over the
bridge. On her hands am! knees a
great part of the railway bridge was
crossed, and with wet clothes and
blooding limbs she was liable at any
moment to fall through into the torrent
lielow, or be too late to avert a second
railway wreck. Bbo reached the station
in time to telegraph and atop the coming
train, bnt from exposure and fright she
fainted then and there.
The Northwestern railway, of course,
could spore a trifle from a good divi
dend, as some recompense to this poor
girl. The public, of course, would lie
grateful; she bad saved so many lives.
It would be a reflection on all if the
little heroine was forgotten. She is
still in abject poverty with her mother,
on the lianka of the Des Moiuea river, in
Boone county, lowa, unappreciated,
neglected, forgotten.—' 'Aioojpo Erprm*.
A llailroad in the Tree* Top.
It may not be known outside of the
neighborhood where it is situated, but
it is nevertheless a fact that, in Sonoma
county, Cel., there ia an original and
successful piece of railroad engineering
and building that ia not to be found in
the books. In the npper part of thia
connty, near the coast, may be seen an
actual road-bed in the tree-tops. Be
tween the Clipper Mills and Stuart's
Point, where the road crosses a deep
ravine, the trees are sawed off on a level
aud the timber and ties laid on the
stump*. In the center of the ravine
mentioned two huge trees, standing aids
by aide, form a substantial support, and
tbey are eat off seventy-five feet above
the ground, and ears loaded with heavy
saw logs pass over them with as saao h
security as if it wore framed in the most
""""" °"°" i ' 4
Oold wire first made in Italy in
The first botanical g-rden wan at
Padua, in 1583.
There are forty *ix species of the Eng
lish cuckoo.
Black lead pcncilw were known to the
ancient Romans.
Lusters were at first made of the tails
of oxen or foxes.
Coral was anciently deemed an excel
lent antidote against poison.
Qneen Elizabeth lefts,ooo changes of
drees in the royal wardrobe.
Egyptian sieves were made of papyrus,
or rushes; tliose of horse-huir were first
used by the Gauls.
The early sheriffs of London liad be
fore their door two posts, upon which
were exhibited edict*.
In Donmark a diet of bread and water
for a month was formerly considered
equivalent to u punishment of death.
The paper for the Bank of England
notes has been made in the same mill
in Lanerstoke, Hampshire, since 171' J.
The Persians swore by the sun; the
Scythians by the a.r and their scime
tars: the Greek* and Romans by their
The next use of the Mayflower, after
her memorable voyage to America, was
to carry a cargo of slaves to the West
Ginck composed in a garden quaffing
champagne, borti ir. a dark room and
Hacchini with a favorite cat perched on
each shoulder.
A kind of portable chaffing dish, upon
which perfumes were burnt, was car
ried as an ensign of honor !*?fore the
Roman magistrates.
Flints are found in the tombs of the
Northern nations, they baring been sup
jxisod to be efficacious in confining the
dead to their habitations.
I roissart mentions a person who, hav
ing his chin cut off in a riot, replaced
it by one of silver, which he tied by a
silken cord around his head.
The office of marquis was formerly to
guard the frontiers and limits of the
kingdom, which were called the
marches, from the Teutonic word
ni'tTih'—a limit.
Office llulldlogs in New York.
Y'on can imagine, says a New York
gentleman, how great the investment is
to put a large office building up in New
Y'ork city wbeu you compute the rents
of the officos in the Mills building,
which have to be thrown away for a pe
riod of one year while the building is
living constructed. At the corner of
Broad street and Exchange was a
plain brick bmlJing of a shackely
| character, crowed with offices. let the
amalleat office brought from $lOO to
$5OO a year. Probably the combined
| offices in the different small buildings
j which Mr. Mills is supplanting with his
one huge building produce a rental of
$<5,000 a year. This is one item in the
| cost of putting up a great building in
| the business quarter of New Y'ork. lie
had to tear down from the corner to the
quicksand, evacuate all his rents, pur
chase additional property at a tremen
dous figure, and then bring in pile
drivers, as if he was building out in the
sea, and ram the quicksand, if there
were any, level, and then put in his
cement and beton. Not until next
spring, as I understand, will this great
edifice be finished, and it will, pcrhapa,
coat with the ground 82,500,000. Of
o nurse those who take offices afterward
will have to pay the back rent insen
j sibly. Another enormous building is
I going up opposite the Bowling Green,
at the foot of Broadway, for the com
bined produce, grain and cotton ex
changes. This will be the prim ipal
, edifice of its kind in the world.
A Ouecr Super*tit lon.
I observed a broad silver ring on the
middle finger of the left hand of a
man. formerly of Cbudleigh, now of
| Torquay, a printer by trade, who waa
working at my house at the time. In
reply to my questions he stated that he
was twenty-seven year* of age, and had
worn the ring about seven years for the
purpose of protecting himself from fits,
to which he hsd long been subject. The
ring, he said, was made of nine six
pences, given to him for the purjuse by
niue unmarried females, all, as was nec
essary, of the parish of Cbudleigh,
where he resided at the time.
The sixpences were given in re
sponse to his question: "Will you give
me a sixpence T he being careful not to
say, "Will yon please to give mo * six
)>ence f* and careful also to avoid say
ing •' Thank you," on the receipt of the
coin - either of which would have viti
ated the charm. Re took the nine coins
to an ordinary jeweler, who made them
into a ring, but it was neoesaary for the
success of the charm that he should re
ceive nothing for his labor. The givers
sod the reeeiver of the sixpence* Bast
be of different sexes, sod the ring must
be worn on the middle finger of the
left hand. It had not quite kept away
the fits, hari been much lass
Mib'nt he wore