©he Centre ffemewat. BELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper PDnMSHXD IN CKNTRh COUNTT. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT is nub lUIM-I KIII) - Thursday morning, *1 Bollcfuuto, Cvntr* county, Ps. TERMS—Owh In • cent* per line. A liberal discount I* made to person* advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, as follows: ta i sues occrnto. |i |' I One lech (or li line* Oil* type| t-j Two Inches J'|M Three inches ]' l ' * Ypiarier column (or 5 luchw) LL.W| •*' Half column (or lo inchoal J" ™| j™ Ons column (or 3D Inches) |3s|aa,lta) Voretgn adrsrtlseiuent* mu*t he paid for before ln a-rltoa, except on yearly contract*, when half-yearly payment* in advance will be required lerevt. Sorter*. In local column*, ID cent*per line. POLITICAL Notice*, 1.Y.-oal* per line each IneerUoa. Nothing innerted for laaa than in cents. Hi isx* SoTten.in th-> editorial columns, 15 cents per line, each Ineertion. THE CHOPS of Centre county were housed in good order. It it a lair av erage yield. It a little short of former years, the prices are good aud suffi ciently remunerative to allow our far mers to subscribe for, and pay in ad vance one year's subscription to the CENTRE DEMOCRAT. The price is only $1,50, and the agricultural deparment of the paper alone, will more than com pensate the small iuvestrnent, besides the general miscellany and news it fur* aishes weekly to the family intelli gence and entertaiument. After ex amining the paper for the truth of what we say, send iu your names now, or before the commencement of the new volume on the first of January next. The member* of Gen. < Jarfield's ( a binet promptly tendered their resigna tion on the inauguration of President Arthur, and were requested to retain their places for the present Arthur could not do less while the body of the late President was lying unburied in the rotunda of the capitol. But it is not likely that many moons will inter vene before important changes are made. The half-breed or anti-third termers will have to give place to the stalwarts. The fight ha* been too bit ter, and President Arthur too promi nent a participant, to forgive Blaine and his associates for the part thev took in the humiliation of the third terru stalwarts, not only at Chicago, but in Washington aud Albany. Wolfe's Card. It is hut fair that the card of Mr. Wolfe, which we find in the Philadel phia Tim*-*, should reach the eyes for whom it is intended, as far as practica ble. The chairman of the Republican State Committee having instructed the press in the interest of the ring to avoid the publication of any thing from Mr. Wolf that would throw light upon the motives which govern him, we cony the card for the information of such as it may concern : "Will you please allow me through the columns of your widely circulated paper to ask the republicans of Pennsyl vania who approve of the ends I profe*s to have in view in the movement I have made, and who have confidence in my sincerity and integrity of purpose and my devotion to true Republican princi ple*, but who queation or hesitate about the expediency of my course, to sua pend judgment and withhold action until about October I, 1881, probably in the Academy of Music, in the city of Philadelphia, when I hope to make a full presentation of the case for the ho nest and considerate judgment of the whole Republican party. May I not bo permitted to hope that my whole public record and the iocs* ure of success attending my humble ef forts in the cause so dear to my heart and that of all patriotic citixens will warrant me in sskiog a generous people not to decide in advance, me beiog un heard, that I am unable to demonstrate to them the wisdom, the disinterested- Mess -yea. the absolute necessity and duty in the interests of the people and true Republicanism of the course I have adopted. Of my ability to do this I hsve the ful lest confidence. I ask no Republican, however warm his personal friendship for me or admiration for anything I may have done in the past, to unite with roe in the gratification of any personal or political malice, unholy ambition or su icidal folly. 1 know my own motive, have supreme faith in the cause, in my course and in the people.." " WHERE M GROW T" seems to be the general inquiry, now that his friend Wolfe is on the war-path. Yes, where is he, if not where yon left him last , winter —in the embrace of the bosses? Grow! He's a dead dog. Let him alone. The Nittany and Sugar Valley Railroad. We have been requested by a num ber of gentlemen to publish the follow ing article from the pen of Mr. James Wolfenclcn in relation to the construc tion of the proposed Nittany unci Sugar Valley railroad. The paper presents some of the; inducements for the build ing of this road in a plain and practi cal manner that should command attention. We trust that all persons interested in this new improvement will carefully read the urticlo and give it the earnest consideration its importance certainly merits: THE RAILWAY ASH RI 1.1. ADVOCATOR. This issue, as in all preceding publi cations by inc. advocating the Nittany and Sugar Vulley progressive develop ments, is free from capitalists' or prop erty owners' inducements. The prime motive is life, serenity in choice of home, where there i* most internal and natural external wealth concentrated in the least space, in favorable clime, that would yield a remunerating income to the agriculturist, miner, manufacturer and railroad company; transmitting anthracite and bituminous coal, Ac., on the shortest route. For the accomplish racnt of this mutual benefit, there has been some effort made toward consoli dating the whole in unity. And now, in this renewal of faith and hope to impart some facts worthy of your kind consideration and aid, you will please forbear any repetition of those subjects familiar to you. Successful mining property is bene ficial to a non mineral joining property, by creating a home market for its sur face product. Therefore, each one should join issues for its economical, thrifty workings. This is realised by providing the best equipage of machin ery and trans|>orting method from the mines to the furnace and mills at least cost. The values of iron ore for char coal and coke furnaces and charcoal refineries is not estimated by the per centage of iron contained in the ore. hut by the amount of charcoal requisite to make one ton of the best iron. Nit tany's best hematite is worth $7 per ton at the mines, which yields 50 per cent, of iron in actual cold blast furnace, on a charcoal consumption of 125 bushels per ton of the best iron. Hie same process of smelting the iron ore of the coal formation would require 200 bush els of charcoal per ton of iron, and the output would he two lhird* the value of Nittany iron, which is suitable for the finest wire, tbinesl plate, or the most reliable boiler iron, Ac. This has been proven by actual working* at the How ard, t'urtin, Milcsburg, Bellefonte, Heckla, Washington and White I)eor Furnaces, on an estimated consumption of four hundred thousand tons of Nit tany ore. The three latter isolated fur naces are now closed, two of them near to iron mines, with unsurpassable natu ral advantages for providing congenial homesteads and life commodities on the most reliable base from the mine, farm and factory. By the former, in the quality, we get a medium of exchange and a true conception of what can be accomplished by manipulating the mineral into fiuished good* of the highest VSIUPS at least cost, and which is best attainable where all three are working side by side. flood steel and iron cannot be made from bd ore and common iron ore will not pay the charcoal smelting, and the first four furnaces named furnaces, working full blmfMnring the five years' stagnant trade, and their output from these crude works has yielded the proprietors a silver inceme. and to the agriculturist, merchant and miner tfap nickle and copper. - The gold standard is attainable by converting this valuable iron ore into planished sheet, stamp, iron. Ac., mar ket value 10 cent* per lb. When so manipulated within five miles of a mine you add a cipher to every $7 per lon of ore. This quality of iron is made at McKeesport. Leechburg and Appola, Pa., and stamped goods, consisting of wash, baking and culin try pans, fruit cans, or any portion of the importation of tin and terne plate should lie a Clin ton and Centre county specialty. bast year's importation of tin and terne plate (90 per cent. iron, coated with tin and lead) was 177,016 tons, Kngland'* market value. $16,518,013. This is an increase of 52.000 lons since the year of 1877 —all admitted under a delusive name on half the tariff of com mon Iron of the same thickness, which will be soon modified in favor of Amer ican artisan schools and the producer's and consumer's gain, by the introduc tion of home competition, east, west, north and south,and we. as Americans, should aid profitable manufactures here of which can be best attainable by building mineral railways. The primary and most effectual step is accomplished by the producing class being willing to pro rale with the capi talist according to their mean* to build and equip the railway that changes forests into fsrtns, gardens to towns and cities. This enhances values on real estate one hundred fold. It be comes the best advertising medium, and where natural wealth predominates over the artificial, as in your vicinity, it makes a perfect bill to the materialistic mind noar moving esst and west, seek ing the best investment, and vhie.h is in yaw power to guid* over the eummit, now needing your prompt attention and aid to make success to you and yours, and for this object I respectfully solicit free roadway from Hilton to Snow 8 hoc via. White beer, Sugar and Nittany Valleys. Bellefonte and Milcsburg, Howard and Marsh Creek, and for the Mill Hall and Bellefonte via. Nittany Oily, Injustice to all and for all, it should become a general concession and subject to the railroad survey hereafter made and ac cepted and built within two years. A similar proposition has been pre sented and accepted by the following committee of Walker township, Centre county: A, McMullen, John Divans, Jas. 11. Tolbert, J as. Dunkl*, Martin urumgard, Henry Brown, Isaiah Mint hie, 11. C, Swsvely, Jacob Csrberick, L. Beck, J. C. Zimmerman, B. F. Nhsffer, Secretary, Of .Sugar Valley, Clinton county 5 D. M. Morris, D. K. Heck man, Dttao Frantz, Jno. B, Hnhraack, Satnut'l Sfauitn, Sam. llgon, J. A. Kalil HIKJ others not herein nutned. Hy their con ' 'noil influence there has been some |iroginZi in attracting capitalists to con sidering the reusability of building this tnucli needed railway. Now, gentlt tuen, with a continuation of your sup port and with the nskistanco of other townships on the lino named, I can assure you that some portion ol the road will be commenced this fall. By rational liberality of the people on the route, it would add speed towards completion and make next year's new road mileage in tbe United States ex ceed that of IH7I. The following compilation in part from the Iron Aye, will give some knowledge of the progress of American railways: Ktw NXMLTO IUIU fur t*w ILIRFWIII Year. mlli'RgD rtrntl* in tun*. in (oqi. 1*71..... 7, WM '.U !,•) ;MRI.AV4 HTTFI 1,75A WLU,7< 691.1170 IH7 ~'i.:17 .T4U,4<*l 5.19,296 U79 4.7 JI AIM/Mii bHO,9iO Ikti* 7,1**1 k4u,iiuu i i UIKI ♦Mnlmitßd. The demand for rails in 1881 is esti mated at fi.'iO.OGO ton*. us increase the amount by the Nittauy order, and establish a steel plant at the foot of the Snow Shoe. There is raw material in abundance and of suitable quality on this most available and profitable route to the West. Tbe July emigration was 56,fi07; the months o! August and September are estimated as large. The total number of arrivals this year will not he less than 500,000. The amount of capital per capita brought into the country is esti mated at SIOO, making a total of $50,- 000,000 for new investment by the pro ducing class. This year's devastating rains in Kogland will cause high price* of cereals there and consequenly in crease the cost of manufacturing, which will cause increased demand* for Amer ienn investment in mines, millf, and railway 'securities. In conclusion, 1 would kindly remark that capital and labor become more efll cienl where land owners make the best etfort to consolidate the whole for the speedy accomplishment of those im provements that enhance value of labor and material by providing modern steam appliances for agricultural, min ing and manufacturing. Freight and passenger transit for the most speedy and profitable exchange of commodi ties indicates national greatness. The American continent's rapid growth as tonisha* tbe whoio world, and its key of success is universally acknowledged to be due to it* vast railway expansion. This is deserving our prompt attention for the forward seat and prestige in the commercial world. Yours, very truly, JAS. WoiiEMIEN. I-ock Haven, Sept 10,1881. ALSTILL R*S ADDRESS. THE SEW I*RESIDENT TAKES A SECOXIi OATH. WASHINGTON, September 22.—Presi dent Arthur took the oath of office at the capitoi today in the presence of the cabinet, the justice of the supreme court, a few senators and congressmen, General* Sherman, Grant and others, forty in all, i.'hiei Justice Waits, in full robe* of office, administered the oath. The president was calm and composed, and the response, "So help me, God," catne in firm tones and with out a tremor. The president then read from manuscript notes the following address: THE IXAtCI'BAI. ADDRESS. For the fourth time in the history of the republic it* chief msgistrate has been removed by death. All heart* are filled with grief and horror at the hideous crime which ha# darkened our land, and tbe memory of the murdered president, his protracted suffering#, his unyielding fortitude, the example and achievement of hi* lifn and the pallios of hi# death will forever illumine the page* of our history. For the fourth lime the officer elected hy the (teople and ordaine 1 by the constitution to fill a vacancy so created is called to assume the executive chair. Tbe wisdom of our fathers seeing the most dire |>o*si bilities made sure that the government should never be imperilled because of the uncertainty of human life. Men may die, but the fabrics of our free institution* remain unshaken. No higher or more assuring proof could exist of the strength and permanence of |>opular government than the fact that, though the chosen one of the people he struck down, his constilu tional successor ta peacefully installed without shock or strain except the tor row which mourna the bereavement. All the noble aapiration* of my lament ed predecessor, which found expression in his life, the measure* devised and suggested during his brief administra tion to direct abuses and enforce econ omy, to advance prosperity and promote the general welfare, ta ensure domestic security and maintain friendly and honorable relations with the nations of tbe earth, will be garnered in the hearta ef the |>eople, and it will be my earnest endeavor to profit and see that the nation shall profit by bis example and exjierience. Prosperity blesses our country. Our fiscal policy as fixed by law is well grounded and generally ap proved. No threatening issue mars our foreign interests, and the wisdom, in tegrity and thrift of our people may be trusted to continue undisturbed the present assured career of |eace. Iran quility and welfare. Tbe gloom and anxiety which have enshrouded the country must make repose especially welcome now. No demand for speedy legislation baa been heard; no adequate occasion is apparent for an unusual sesaion of congress. The constitution define* tbe functions and powers of the executive as clearly as those of either of the other two department* of tbe government, and he must answer for the just exercise of the discretion it permit* and the performance of the duties it imposes. Hummoned to these high duties and reepontibilitiea and pro foundly conscious of their magnitude aod gravity, I assume tbe trust imposed by tbe constitution, relying for aid on Divine guidance and the virtue, patriot ism ana intelligence of the American the reading of the eddress by tbe president Secretary Blaine stepped forward and grasped the president's hand, and altar him the other mrm)>e,e of the cabinet and others present shook hand* with the president. Mr. Ilnye* arrived at the capital noon after the ceremony of taking the oath was con cluded, and in company with General Grant shortly afterward* left the capi tal. TIIK CABINET TO KKNAIK. A cabinet meeting wa* held immedi ately after the ceremony of administer ing the oath. A proclamation wait then signed by the president, designating Monday next, that being the day on which the funeral i* to take place, aa a day of (anting, humiliation aud prayer throughout the country. No other bus iness wa* transacted. The members of the present cabinet were requested to retain their respective position*, to which they individually assented. It is authoritatively learned a* well a* indi cated by the president'* inaugural, that there will be no session ot congress until the regular session in December next. Simple Facta, I'lalnly Stated. Fmui the Jts* Yoik llerald. The lamented death ol the brave and distinguished Senator from Ithode Is land, Gen. Burnside, adds to the em barransments of our Republican friends. The successor of Burnside will be a He publican. Should fieri. Garfield die, the new Senator cannot present his credentials until the Senate is organized by the election of a President and per haps a Secretary to succeed Col. Burch. Kven if, as now happily seem* most probable, Mr. Arthur should lie in the Vice President's chair, the Democrats will have three majority, and can com plete the organization before the New- York Senators and the new Senator from Rhode Island are admitted. The suggestion that the Democrats should waive this majority—a suggestion which some of our Republican friends com mend as "patriotic"—does not *eetn to meet with favor. Nor does it possess the essential element of common sense. The Republicans lose two Senators by a political hari-kari and one by the act of God. The Democrats are in no way re sponsible. The power they have comes to them honorably. It is not only their privilege but their duty to u*e it. Politics is not sentimentslism. but bard beaded business. If the Democrats meet in the Senate with a majority of three they should use that majority like hard-headed business men—honestly, with patriotic regard for the country, and at the same time for whatever po litical advantage may accrue from it. Kai.ah4zoo. Mich., Feb. 2, 1881. I know Hop Ritteas will bear recom mendation honestly. All who use them confer upon them the highest encomi urns, and give them credit for making cures—all the proprietors clsim for them. I have kept them since they I were first offered to the public. They ; took high rank from the first, and maintained it, and are more called for than all others combined. So long as they keep up their high reputation for usefulness, 1 shall continue to recom mend them—something I have never before done with any other patent med cine. J. J. HAUCOCK, M. D. —Call and examine the stock of ranges and cook staves at Wilson, McFarlane A Co's ; also their line of single ami double heaters. They have for sale the Welcome Home double heater, which has been thoroughly ar.d satisfactorily tested in this community. —Gel an accident policy in the "Acci dent Insurance Company of North Ameri ca," with A. Morrison. Philadelphia Marketa. FRAMCM-AIS, SEPTEMBER 2®, IMI. Ths train msrk-l *• n*Htl*4 and toner Flora I* t limited evpf 4 ? sad fiirol, h-l-l Sain, ef 1,7*0 l-srrrls. l|lssS--tt stirs* si ft XllyaT -71; r-t.n,)li*in* tsnnlf si JVD' , . -In si Fr rstssa it. ss-t patent* si totns. at* a sir o ftrm al*37y Wstst tk-rr *•• inj Milt demand sr.4 jn<— closed **sk Th*'!osias litltt *-r, i! 4 I-id, II 4-tU sake! f-.r So i red. SaMenibef. ft 44'-, H4, ft 44'-, k>4 tor So. i red, Iktotrr. fl 4*', 144, 114*'-, a.ked - S- J red. f I ill, **k*d f r So. 2 I*4. to*llr . .->.(*r t'o4i-0. S-fdotto, *44 st Ita'S; lOjeei kstkrlt, Se->*mloo, • I fl 4-'* MM IIS Ctsrwed I* la limited rejo-M at Mill tt |s-ni>d. TUnothj It doll tt tie to f.s. Bellefontn Market*. Sri i sr- trt. #*(!. (ni-r , I**l qt'OTATtflSf. tflilll sh-sl.|sr l-sshrl ... 'old; f 1 no Itod *h**t ...da** - I Sit Ki, pr i'O-h-1 - no Oora.rab 4O Com, h*ll*d——. .............. An Ftoar, r*tatl. p*r barrel. 7 MI Floor, wholesale s NO Provision Marhat. CottwW weekly >7 Harper Brother*. Apr Irs. dried, per p-'nwd S (Vrrl<*. drir-t. per pnoad, seeded lo BMH- per sttrt I Ff-sh butter pr poond. SO rkkktst prr |*ts< I Cb**e* p*r part 2n Country hems pr pound, .„........_..„,.....™...._ II llama, stifsr cstM.—li lard per pr>*nd. ........ ii lie R** - IT- ■ - 1 1 TA potato** per b**b#4— —— ...... liit tm*d tfet.......... If A>' Advertisement*. IQ3I TIIK CULTIVATOR 18Q1 ASD COUNTRY GENTLEMAN. Till BIVT OF TIIR AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. The Cot'STsr GXKTI.EMAN is Cmtn rsassa. If eel fssgi II.SB. tor the snx-esl sad varie ty -f PBAcnesk Itr.mattms It contain*. sad tor Iks ability and -tteal of Its Osasserosncart—ln Tbre* Chief DlnrMm of FARM CROPS AKI> PROCESSES IIORT ICCLTt'RR ARB FRI TT-OROWIRO. LIVE STOCE ASH DAIRYINO whiIe II alto tartsda* all ai I nor department* of ami interest, earl) aa the Poultry Tard. KnfomoWwy, See Keeplnc.tireenhnns* sad Uraperr. Veterinary Replies. Farm Qaeattnn*' and Answer*, fireside Rending, Do neeettr Kroaomy, and n enntmart of the fret of the Week. It* Mssitv Rreoare are nnnsaatly ooaiptote. and mora Information nan be gathered fr-m in exit limns than ton any other soarr* nllb reyard to tb* Prospects of the Craps, as thmwfnc ll*bt npon on* ot the most Importsnt of all onesilnns—Wiw n Ret s* Wl> TO Atu. It It liberally ninslteled, and oonrtitote* to a Jtrrator degree Ikan any of 111 eon lentporartoo A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER or never-tolling Interest hmh to Prcdneere and Con- GINIIFI IIF CTPF T PISSS. T* fkivtrrst Onmtsu I* nobllthed Wuut an the piltowtng tonnt, when paid *trMly In adrauo* Oen C.-.rv, one year fgAS; For* Conre, 110. and aa addlttonsi ropy tor tb# year free to the render of Club. Tie Oavna. **, sad an additional ropy tor the year toe* to the sender of the dob. Sif-Sperimeo Ospim ot the Paper toe*. Address LUTHER TUCKER A SOS, PubhtKrr,, ALRARY, I, T. 3M >kl 1 : " New AtlvertiMement*. SHERIFF'S SALE. |>Y virtue of writ of Fhri Facias J 9 is.o.-1 001 Of 1 It* Cot,lt „r Common l'l-. ot ts-ntre ooiiniy. and b, m dire.led. iltem „ni *- |ed at tii.llc sale at the Court ||„„„ lu Un. lufftci, ltd Saturday, October 8, A. D. 1881, at I o'clock, I' M., the fullowltlg des.-rlbe.J real estair of the del. ll, lent, to wit: Hull of John Stoio-r. use of. rs. J. V ''l,„,if..r. Jto. V, Roe. Terin, 11*1. Debt, fI4S.7a. , „ , , "t-st'ltlrr, AU'y. All that certain lot or piece of ground situate In klillheiiii lloroush. Centre county, I-ent,'a twanded and <1< > I had a* tdlon. IP-0.-hd on ih east t.y at, alley, on the soull, by If. A Musser, on the • est l,y H Holllnger, and on the north by Main ir-et - thereon er.. u.| a i., .lory fiauie boas*, 17114 leaf, stable and other l-etw-4. taken It, -i. cotton snd to he sold as the property "i J P. Cham bers. Tfllll" CASH. No dr-i-d will be acknowl edged until the purchase money is paid In fall, JOHN KPAKGLKR, Bliriff. RberllT 'a trffire, llelletonle, Pa., Sept 1, IMI. Notice. r PIIE undemignnd lier-by gives no- Jl. Ilr* tbM )•• hiu }>urtfeuMl It"tn Y.nm llurli • (4'*tn ot M*im—(lie r f'rMii timf •* mti*l llito oilier * roMii murf- mi l that he ha* I tbcrit U* th R|<| Knot Ihlhll. All |tofeul IIP tff't ifitorj llot t/f llittof ftof e with tlila ttoeiu as it u Ut) jifoprrtj JOB BUSH PifW Fhffto, Htofft 20, I**l. S* -im 1 UDITuU'S NOTICE. a* m I n the Ori'hao*' Ornrt off"* ufr coast/ In the u*ti-r of tlf Mitlhof Wiliiaui liitreit 1 The iiudiior pjßinUMj to }.* UJK>II lbs to| tDifi# fi!„l tz thto ' onl 4|| John K M' - rtni k. a trtiinlvttator i f W'llltatri I rat/r and tnak rtofM.tt tbtofif, 11l nicd-l tb* \tmru+9 in inttofs.t At hi* othENXSYL\*ANIA, Ctntrc Co., m: 1 .*, I. tt u E iK-fnntib. Cterk of the fr pbans' (Vrnrl ot said -ounty, d- berehy r-rtitr thai al an Or) I'-urt held al lb-1 It-touts, tb* led 'lay of Auy,at. A D !•!. betofe lb- It , ithie th<- Judye. f( lb*- fst i Court, eti muiiuti a mid* ** griiktN) n|F>n Mary Ann llitnrntolrlrh. Nal 11,n.:t.. h and < harS*4* H -kto|, ibo htolra and Iffil t+yre+t ntattin* •ft Jrrhn L 4ccf>Md, bt < ■ ut* intzy tout t *m tlf 41 h uf Nirttoinlttof n**t. t>- a<*< j,* o* lo /*to|d al lh* ttlQaUuii, tr b" guif* tby Ui r*l ditotatf i f ih aaid hld i*f.t a-Id lb t to*t.mofty b- 4 | >ENNBYLVANIA, G Bin ( i , m: I >t*i I, Miujawi. Hlt< imtß,Qif| of lb* Grf'blM' f *rt a f thto tax) ivrtlftly, A,, htotto' * ftoflifj llzal al an Orphan* Onarl btold at H*!|pftt(>|, lh* lay of Aufrn*! b*# lh*- llb"rt}il lh# Juda-to* • t thto aaid Con fl. on B*i4- n a ml# *a* pranttod i*"n John R lUfblHf, ALrahatn llirtbltoffFr, IIt* Ann Ito'hr. Jimt* J l/*bf and .Mtiibfl lUifbtf(pf ( !h* h4ra and ltof| r*iafHilaUf** of Iard llarh r, dtofto*atod, to r-f if,• jiiLf 'nrl n ihto 4th M n da* .d No*p*nhtof nf*t, lo wf>t <■i rtCta* ha- -i i at Hm> raluatko, tn buw caw * bj* lh* rt*a) mtai* of lit# aa Id d*t/' m i my band acid aJftitod tb* toa! ( ,f aid *■, art, at iltolitohicttto, lh# nitol da* ft Au(tiri. A I I**l MM K BL'RTIIFIELD,C O C Atttod J999 Fhtoriff a o'tok | n yur 1* nb ut Tf*tna nd f'> dwQ AddifH*. if. HA ID rr a Co, f o I hand. M*it-- w-ly MRS. LYDU L PIHCU&M. OF LYNN, MASS., J- > LYDIA E. PINKHAM'B TE3ETAELE COHTOUITD. la s I'cwitlre ( il'e /brail these Palatal PsagalM. sal MI reerr teuurbees fewele ).,at.lt.. a eriu cure entirely the wurst form of kerned* Cono r-laiuls. *ll eeerien trnut.hu. tntiunitMUnn end tVeru lieu. Felling and 1*.,1a.. re.Dta. end Uw nawyerel ttptnaj Weeknese, end is parUenlsrty edapted to the Cheng* ef lite. It • 111 dtesotee snd eepef teuaore frees tbe Titerual en rutty stag* of dessdnfensnt the te-edrnry to ran c-res' h* mors there I* ckrrtrd eerypsedlly by tta nee. It t .moiee reintnesa, Hatolia y. destroy*all rraelag for stimulant*, asd ndteeeu week nana of the at. rII aril It rune Bkafiag, Header-baa, her roes pnuSraUoa, Orinseal Debility, naapSaaMaaa, !>*,***■) u **4 lady gratMh That feeding of bsaidng down, eaastng pain, wsdght and baekarbe. Is aluays pertnaneully rurud by tta ran It *lll at *ll limes snd under *ll Hi lunrstaneeeart ta bernKUiy with the law* thai gureru the f-unei* system For the rurreef Kidney OarapUUdS at utter sex this 1,1 hit K. PIVKRARt VrwrTATH-F. fWM PSI\*U yerparel at OS and B Weatsra Aeauue, I. fan. Mas* Frtosgl auboUteatorgS. Sent try mull in the form of puis, also lathe form of toreagti, on reeetpt ef prtre. ft par but for either Mr* rink ham frauly anawan all letters of laqairy. Bend for pampb leC iddiew a* ahuea. tomtom (Ma five, Rn family sbaaM be wttheut I.TDIA K PIXXHAXV LIVER PI I J A. Itey car* eemsttpatto*. bUteMneat, and tutrddity ef the User. W rent# par box tar Weld by wll Uraggiars. -% 4 UDITOR'B NOTICE. I V In tb* Orpbans' CVmrt of Centre ntrnty, la the matter of the assigned estate of dm. Fiedler. Thn Auditor ntipointad bv the Onrt to repeat dtatrlbuthm of the bateau* in the hands of J. II Retfknyder, AeMgne* of Usnrge Fiedler, srtll meet the partiesl mere, ted for lb* purprms* of bis appoint ment. at the atom of J. L, Splongter. Ihd, I* kell*- fonte. FATFRDAY, thXnber 1,1 tel. *t In ~'rlork A M. •hem and where all mrHsn iuierestoc me r*oaired to make thrdr elalms sir be bOrarred tarni nnnlng in upon aatd fhad. ftodßJ 01 t. II EWER, Auditor. T>USH HOUSE, -Ito „ , RKI.LRFOXTR. FA.. Families and single gentlemen, as ar*H a* the gen eral trending tmbllr ami mmmendal msm are United *n this Ft rot-Class lintel, -here they will Had boa. earn for is at msiinntde rate* Liberal redo. lio* to Jarymrw sad ethers attending Own W. R. TRLLRR. Pnp r "VTOTICK is hereby given, tb*l an i" apptiraUnn mill be marie to tb* Chart of Omm maa Flea* of ihmrre eoumty, or a Judge thereof in Chambers, an the tat day of Oetuher, A I tldrl. noder the Act of Amsmbty mnUtled "Aa Art fo ntoy 14* |g the tneorpnrath-n sod regulation of iwrtofa enrnnrm lione," approved tbe toth ef April, l7t, and lb* ***. mat sopplem-rtx thereto, for the ' hartw ef MI In sj