Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 29, 1881, Image 1

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    SHUGEBT A FOKSTER, Kditoi-s.
VOL. 3.
Slit (Centre gmotrat.
Term* 51.50 per Annum, in Advanne.
s. T. SHUGERT tnd R. H. FORBTER, Editor..
Thnrsday Morning, September 29, 1881.
Democratic County Ticket.
JOHN O. LARIMER, offspring,
JOHN K. KUNKKL, of Potter.
J. CALVIN HARPER, of Bollefonte.
JAMES A. MeCLAIN, of Boggs.
FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring.
DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. GREIST, of Unionvllle,
JOHN WOLF, of Mile.
JOHN S. PROUDFOOT, of Milesburg,
F. P. MUSSER, of Millheim.
Laid to Beat.
The body of General Garfield was
removed from Elberon, N. J. to the
nation's Capital on Wednesday the'2lst
inst., where it lay in state in the rotun
da of the Capitol until last Friday,
when it was taken to Clevelaud for in
terment. A distinguished company
accompanied the honored remains of
the dead Chief Magistrate. Generals
Sherman, Hancock, Sheridan, and
other Army and Navy officers consti
tuted the guard of honor, while the
foremost members of both the Senate
and House, with Chief Justice Waite
and members of the Supreme Court re
presented the legislative and judicial
branches of the government. All
along the route vast crowds of people
assembled and with uncovered heads
and reverent saw all that was
mortal of theirJJfesident sweep on to
the hanks of Like Erie where the final
act in the dark tragedy of July the 2d
was to close. Beautiful flowers were
strewn on the railway track, while the
noble wife and sorrowing family, with
bowed heads and heavy hearts looked
out upon the sympathy that was writ
ten on every face. Arrived at Cleve
land, the body was conveyed to a mag
nificent catafalque : n monumental park
and remained there until 11 o'clock on
Monday, when followed by an immense
multitude, it was deposited in the re
ceiving vault of Lakeview Cemetery.
The pageant was grand and imposing.
The military ; the large representation
of the Masonic fraternity; the partic
ipation of numerous civic societies,
made the procession which followed
the dead President one long to be
remembered. With appropriate cere
monies the victim of the assassin was
laid to rest. Beneath his feet roll the
restless waters of lake Erie. Around
and about him are all the variegated
beauties of nature. Within sight are
his birthplace and the scenes of his
early struggles and triumphs. Below
bin* lays the beautiful city of Cleve
land, and above aod beyond all he is
panoplied ; n the love and veneration
of the jiviiized world. We tarn from
the grave of James A. Garfi eld with
emotions that cannot be analyzed. As
individuals we must confront new du
ties, encounter new trials and be en
cumbered with new responsibilities.
But through all the memory of James
A. Garfield will be cherished aa one
who died in the conscientious d ischarge
of a great trust. in pace.
PRESIDENT ARTHUR has called an
extra session of (he Henatc for the 10th
of October, the necessity for which
was created by Arthur himself, as
Vice President. At the close of the
session of the Senate, it has been the
uniform custom of the Vice President
to retire aod give the Senate an oppor
tunity to elect a President pro tempore.
' W This the Vice Presideot failed to do,
ft* the reason that the Democrats
| Were in the majority after the with-
BMh drawal of the New York Senators,
and would probably elect a Democrat
of fail-
sufficient reason for a stalwart politi
cian like Arthur, but the omission
Pi follow the precedents of his prede
cessors in the act of duty and decency,
was not creditable to the Vice Presi
dent of the United States. The delay
however has not improved the condi
tion of the Republicans. The Demo
crats are still in the majority, aud will
be so at their meeting in obedience to
his proclamation on the 10th proximo.
THERE seems to be an impression
prevailing with some of the Washing
ton corrcsjHindents, as well as some
lawyers, that Guiteau, the assassin,
cannot be convicted by the courts ami
executed in the District of Columbia,
because the death of the victim took
place in New .Jersey where he was ta
ken as a last effort Pi save his life.
This is making a farce of the law, and
is unwarranted. There is no dauger
of the assassin escaping conviction by
the Courts of the District, or execu
tion after conviction. If such a thing
were possible, he could not cross the
the portals of the court, until the
avenger had him beyond rescue. The
only fear is that the mob may get him
before the courts can seal his doom,
and this would lie a consummation
greatly to be deplored.
SENATOR BAYARD believes that
Congress will not permit the prosecu
tion of the Star-route thieves to lie
abandoned. Perhaps they may not,
hut Dorsey & Co., the head thieves,
have powerful protection in the Presi
dent, and any effort to deal with these
robber stalwart partisan* by Congress
must have a good deal more force than
ha* heretofore been applied, if suc
cessful. The case of Sev-U"d, the Ce
lestial thief, who successful.')* resisted
the power of Congress, is in point.
Tioga, has received the unanimous
nomination of the Republican party
of the Tenth Judicial District, for re
election. Judge Williams has fre
quently presided in the special courts
of this county very acceptably, and is
esteemed among the very best Common
Pleas Judges in the State. It is be
lieved that no party nomination will
he made against him.
'• ♦ '
THE claim hoastingly advanced that
Gen. Baily, the Republican ring can
didate for Statp Treasurer, possesses a
great home popularity, reminds the
Pittsburg Port of the fact that he was
beaten 1600 in his own county of Fay
ette for Congress, in 1878, running be
hind his ticket
—A great deal of interest is being mani
fested in the trots which will come off at
the fair nest week. Parties owning fast
horse* are practicing them daily on the
race course. Several fine horsee will be
here from a distance to trot for special
purses, and the best trotting ever witnessed
in this county it anticipated.
—Doll A Mingle have a magnificent
stock of boots and shoes, especially adapt
ed to the fall trade, which they are offering
to their customers at remarkably low
price*. Call at their store in the Hrocker
heff House block and examine for your
Lewin, at the Philadelphia Branch,
has been receiving a largo and elegant as
sortment of new clothing for the fall tale*.
Persons in town next week attending the
fair should take time to call at the Phila
delphia Brencb. They will be astonished at
the bargains offered Mr. Lewin.
—Wm. C. Heinle, Esq., District Attor
ney of Centre county, one of the rising
lawyers of the Bellefonte Bar, was mar
ried on the 20th of this month to Mis*
Rotie A. Woods, of Hpring township, at
the residence of her sister, in Jersey City,
N. J., the Rev. Dr. Wiso, of Grace
church, performing the ceremony. The
happy couple returned to Bellofonte last
week apd e.ra quietly domiciled at the
Brockerboff House, where they are receiv
ing the congratulations of their numerous
acquaintance*. We wish our two young
friends a happy and prosperous journey
through life.
—On Tuoaday morning at 6 o'clock our
young friend P. J. McDonnell, of Union
▼ Hie, bid adieu to the freedom of bachelor
hood and joined the grand army of Bene
dlbtt. Mr. McDonnell waa married to
Mlm Mary A. I/oughory, a daughter of
our e teemed fellow-ciUaeo, P. Lougbery,
of Mileaburg, at St. John'* Catholic
church, Bellefonle, Ker. Father McArdle
officiating, and immediately left for New
York on an extended wedding tour, which
will comprUe all the important place* of
internet in the Rett. Mr. McDonnell ia
ne of the moat trusted of tbe employee of
the B. K, V. K. R. Company, and haa
worked hi* wal. to a reeponeible poaltlon
by indefatigable energy and a conecientloua
performance of hi* dutie*. ll* ia an up
right, honorable gentleman and we extend
our congratulation* to him and hie beauti
ful young bride and wlah them every joy
poeeibfy be crowded Into their
The Late President Garfield.
Memorial Services at Hcllefontc.
Monday last was a day that will long
be remembered by the people of Belle
fonte. In commemoration of the death
of James A. Garfield, lute President of
the United States, and in accordance
wilh the proclamations of President
Arthur. Governor Hoyt and Chief Bur
gees Powers, the day was appropriately
and solemnly observed by all the citi
zens of our town. Business was entirely
suspended and our streets wore the
quiet air of a Sabbath day. The em
blems of mourning were everywhere to
be seen and betokened the sincere and
heartfelt grief which filled every heart
for the untimely and sorrowful death of
the president. There were crowds upon
the streets, but there was not even that
joyous freedom which characterizes the
relaxation of the Sabbath in their <le'
tncanor. Every one appeared to fully
appreciate the dire calamity which had
befallen the nation when the assassin's
bullet bad done its fatal wurk. There
was a grateful absence of holiday-mak
ing upon the part of the large number
of people who had gathered in town.
The multitude was actuated by but a
■ single pur|>ose, and that to show what a
fragrant memory James A.Garfield had
bequeathed to his country. It is a rich
legacy and one that will always be
cherished. There were religious services
in the churches in the mornir.g. A
union meeting was held in the M. E.
church, where an able and eloquent
sermon, very approptiate to the occa
sion, was delivered by Rev. J. I. Belong,
pastor of the Reformed congregation.
Servicea were alio held in the Lutheran
church, Rev. Samuel E. Furat, pastor of
the congregation, preaching an inter
esting and impressive sermon in com
memoration of the sail event that
brought hit hearers together. At the
Catholic church there was an impressive
service. In addition to the usual morn
ing mass. Rev. Father McArdle offered
a special prayer for the repose of the
dead President's soul. Rut the greatest
interest was manifested in the memorial
meeting in the Court House at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon. The Court lloqse,
bell was solemnly tolled from half-past
1 until 2, and by that time the C-ourt
House was literally packed with a
seething and perspiring mass of men
and women. Standing room, as the
hour for calling the meeting to order
approached, was out of the question.
The heat was intense, but the vast au
dience which filled every space in the
Court room was orderly, quiet and dec
orous. Although under ordinary cir
cumstances the sentiments of the
speaker* would have elicited unbound
ed applause, the solemnity of the occa
sion had so impressed the people that
there was no demonstration of any kind
with the single exception of the close of
Governor Curtin's eloquent address.
His peroration was so brilliant and
effectire that for a single moment the
audience waa betrayed into unmistaka
ble signs of approbation. In the en
fotced absence of Judge John 11. Orvis,
E. C. Humes, Esq., wss called to the
chair. Mr. Humes, on assuming his
duties, spoke as follow* :
(UuetiM and Friend*, Ixtdiet and Gentle
men:—A* • have wemblwl this after
noon in pursuance of, and in obedience
to the several proclamations of the
President of the United States, the
Governor of Pennsylvania and the
Chief Burgess of this Borough, to give
expression to our views and feelings
with reference to the sad and melan
choly death of Jatnea A. Garfield, late
President of the United States, who, on
the second day of July last, was ruth
lessly stricken down by the hand of an
assassin, which stroke, though averted
by many earnest prayers for a time,
during which the national heart was
alternating between hope and fear, bae
finally terminated in death.
The occasion is truly a sad and sol
emn one, and peculiarly so in view of
the fact that this whole nation is at this
hour engaged in similar servtoes. it is
eminently projier and becoming that
we, as citixena of a republic so highly
favored, should in this formal manner
come together, and while we drop the
tear af sympathy over the open grave
of our beloved President, give utterance
to the sentiments We entertain with ref
erence to this sorrowful event.
Never in our history has any occur
rence so atirred with horror the heart-*
of the people of this country, and in
deed I might add of the whole civilised
world, as has this vile assassination and
lamented death.
Another illustrious name is now in
scribed on the roll of the martyrs of
the republic,and it Is our privilege as It
is our duly to bow with submission to
litis dispensation of Divine Providence,
jr -
assured that God, who is supreme, reigns
and doeth all things wisely and well.
The theme is full of interest, and is
calculated to arousn the most tender
emotions of our nature, hut I am re
minded that a number of distinguished
gentlemen are present, who have been
specially invited by the committee hav
ing the exercises in charge, to address
the assemblage, and therefore I forbear
to make more extended remark".
At the conclusion of Mr. Humes' brief
address the beautiful anthem "Cast Thy
llurden on the I/trd," was rendered in
a most effective manner by a choir con
sisting of the Misses Metiinley. Miss
Bradley, Miss Krapeand Messrs. Blanch
ard, Gray, Musser and Hughes, with
Mrs. John <. Love as organist. An im
pressive prayer was then offered by Rev.
Win. Laurie at the conclusion of which
the choir and the entire audience unit
ed in singing the hymn, " Before Jeho
vah's Awful Throne." The President
then introduced Gen. James A. Beaver,
who delivered the opening address.
Gen. Beaver spoke as follows:
Srighbort and Friendl: We gstl #r here
to-day under circt- -lit .Decs ol unw-ntixi
solemnity. Circum* mcc* which excite
our profoundest feelings of reverence and
sympathy—reverence tor the G>l of all
the earth, and sympathy for the bereaved.
The battle is over. It te bravely fought
and nobly sustained There were involv>-d
in the light the life of a single man, the
earnest affections of our nature, and the
hope* of a nation. There were gathered
for the content on the one side anarchy and
the desire to destroy—the demon of dis
cord and damnable bate—disappointed am
bition and a frenzied determination to
avenge an imaginary wrong. <ln the
other the bravery, the calm dignity, the
heroic fortitude of a rhara tcr unique in
its grandeur, in its simplicity, in it* purity,
in its hopefulness and its submissiven<-*s.
Sustaining it, were the sublime devotion of
a noble wife, the unbounded faith of an
almos'. sainl'-d mother, and the tender
ed and man'iest friendships of which we
have any record. Supporting it were the
abundant resources of advanced science
and the delicate ministrations of consum
mate professional skill, lis ministers were
the subtle agencies which in these later
days annihilate time and space and iu
reserves were the prayers of a nation, avs,
of universal humanity, which laid hold of
the arm of the Almighty and seemed as if
by their persistency and po*er they would
force the Omnipotent to the rescue. That
life has gona out, the tender ties of affec
tion have been sundered and the h'qics of
the nation have lecn darkened if they are
not dead.
And now n wo gather to-day in thi#
*olem memorial service by which we es
say to express our feelings which are un
utterable ; ■ we in imagination stand i>y
tho side of tb* dead body of our martyr
horo which ha not jot le-en consigned to
: the grave, lhall wo say, can wo rav, dare
wo ray that tho battle bar boon loitl Are
wo to conclude that bocauro tbir lifo bar
gone out or baa boon shortened by a fow
yoarr of ita duration, that diacord and hate
and disappointed ambition aro victorious
and that tho noble and the true and tin
pure and the groat and the good hav gone
down in tbc light and have suffered igno
ble defeat ? Surely thir wore a abort
righted conclurion even ar wo look at it
now rt-mding ar wo do under the dark
rhadow of tho overwhelming rorrow which
envelope* the land and the oivilir.ed world.
And if even now and hero with concen
trated gaao and wrapt virion, wo <-*n roc
the golden glimmer of the eternal day be
hind the rable cloud. What will it be when
we rland with the imiuortalr and teeing
eye to eye, and knowing ar we are known
we can behold the end from the beginning.
I do not propose to-day in the brie! space
allotted to thir opening address to enter
upon even an epitome of the life or an
analyair of tho character of the nation'a
dead The early trialr, the later rtrugglea,
the subsequent tuccerrer and the crowning
achievement of (rcneral Garfield's life are
a* familiar to you ar tbey are to me, and
the nobility and purity and elevation of
hia character ar# imprerred upon all hearta
and acknowledged by all who know aught
of blm I would rather return to the
queation which baa occupied my thought*
and tried my faith and fascinated my
imagination. /• tht batiU Inff We are
apt to look at thi* queation only from the
standpoint of the here and the now I So
viewing It we conclude that rcience ha*
been bafiled, that medical rkill bar been
unavailing, thai womanly devotion ha*
been unrequited, that manly friendrhipa
have been ruthlo**ly rundered and that
faith and prayer have heen waned if not
utterly ditcrrdlted a* the current colt' of
Heaven. But tuch a view i* narrow and
contracted. Let u* lift our eye* a little, j
and nntwlthrlanding the limitation* of our j
finite mind*, *ee whether we are not met by (
a broader view and a more extended viion.
The limitation* of the hour will allow me
to peak of but two or three point* and that
very briefly. Fir*t a word a* to the per
•onal stalu* of our dead Chief Magistrate.
We *ll believe in the immortality of the
•out—in a final accountability and a reur
raction of the jott We believe, mot of j
u* no doubt, in the transfer of the iinmor- •
lal part to another state or condition tm- .
mediately a.ter death. Asking you to I
admit no more than this: here li s min
who after a consistent life, in which hi*
example ha* been "seen and read of all
man," comet face to face with dea .1— thtre i
i* no Excitement in the surroundings—no
weeping friend* aro to be re-n**urred by
hi* declaration*—it I* no time for cant and :
nothing I* aid for effect upon the by- J
slanders. Tho skillful surgeon I* at hi* !
post and ha* made bis examination. Th j
Inauiry cornea from the wounded man, j
"What are the propect, Doctor T tell ma
frankly. lam ready for the worst." Tha j
painful reply |* made: "Mr. President, j
your condition i extremely critic tl, Ido j
not think ymi can live many bou.#." Then j
come* the declaration of resignation, of j
submission to the will of the Almighty, of j
raadiaspM for tha change. "Ood's frill bet
i done, doctor ! I'm ready to go, if my
i lima hait come." Nurrly if our belief i
j worth anything, this man haa exchange' l
j lli- anxieties, the perplexities, the disap
; pointmenU of earth lor lite "joy that i*
unspeakable and full of glory."
I dare not speak my thonghu a* to the
family which in the centre of ay mpa thy
i ai.d of tender eommUeration in tliia sad be
i reavenient. It were sacrilege to lift toe
, veil which abuU them in around their
desolate hearthstone, and yet the mgge*.
lion may not he entirely out of place or
foreign to my subject—that aw i--, a ten
der, a loving, a judicium mother has la-en
released from a life which was evidently
irksome to her, and is shut UJI to the care
and training and education of her children.
The man whose untimely death we mourn
w* no less a man and no less successful in
his life because his mother was a widow
and bad his exclusive training. We dare
not pursue this sul je -l further.
Let me say a word, however, as to the
fame of the late President; of the place
which he will occupy in history. Divest
ing ourselves as much as is possible ol the
feelings of personal bereavement and of
disappointed hope which spring unhidden
from this sad Providence, can we not dis
cern in the very manner of hit death, in
the surroundings of hit sick bed, and in
the intense sympathy which has flowed
toward him fro n ail quarters of the world
in his eleven weeks ot suffering, elements
which tend to place the memory of Gar
fl"ld in the heart of the present generation
alongside that ol Washington arid Lin
coln, and which will make him live in
history more prominently than any wis
doin in administration and any success
which he could have attained in carrying
out to flnal fruition tho reforms of which
his plans and purposes gave promise. The
martyrs are tho revered of the earth,
and henceforth the name of Garfield it
indelibly inscribed ufem the long roll of
heroes in this land and in all lands who
have sh'-d their blood in the cause at
humanity, and is indissoluble linked to
that lengthening chain which binds all
hearts in a willing captivity to the memory
of the dead who by their lives or by their
deaths have added to the brilliancy and
the lustre of that undying fame which is
the common inheritance of us all.
A gentleman who hat just ret' rned from
a visit abroad told me y-slerday that be wss
very much surprised as weli as impressed
during hit visit in London upon being ap
proached uje>n one of its streets by a little
six-year old boy who, recognizing him a an
American, inquired in anxious tones and
with resjteciful ttiein, "llow is Mr. Garfield
to-day ? ' This is fame—hrqader than our
land and deeper than the sea. Garfield 'I
place in history is assured. A God makes
the "wrath of man to praise Him," so the
felonious intent of a cowardly assassin,
which was designed to result in quenching
a life, has made that life unquenchable.
While men admire that which is brave
and true—white hearts beat in unison with
that which is high and holy—while manly
devotion and untarnished honor are the
current coin of nobility, so long will the
memory of our honored dead be held in
affectionate esteem 1 think we are ready
to say it is well with the dead.
And now what of the living—what of
the (f ftdftornl— what of our country—
' what of llil* rqvriads of h"tN- of the mil
lions with which our *o.-afld experiment
in government is freighted ? Let us iook
st this a little as our concluding thought,
s Vi' cannot lift the veil from the future ;
i we cannot tell what the administration
which is to succeed that of our late I'resi
dent is to be. We can, however, and we
ought to give our present executive head
credit for patriotic impulse* and for a
disposition to profit by tne sad and solemn
experience* of the past three months. That
man would be strangely dead to all feeling
and to every good '.a,pulse, who could fail
to profit by these impressive lessons. Hut
it U not our business to prophesy. We
can afford U> wait and judge the tree
by its fruits. Looking at the attainment
of present visible results, can we not
already discern some signs of the times
which tend to answer our inquiry, "Is the
battle lost?" Among many of these signs
which present themselves and which will
be suggested to every thoughtful mind we
will mention but two as Illustrative of
what we mean. From the time of the
inauguration of General Garfield as Presi
dent of the United States, when his court
ly and soldierly competitor for the highest
place within the gift of our people set all
men such a noble example by his attendance
upon the accompanying ceremonies, where
be was the object of attention and of flat
tering comment second only to the Presi
dent himself, all right thinking people of
all political parties have been disposed to
deal fairly by the administration of the
affairs of tho government without mis
representation and fault finding; so that
sinee the days of Genersl Jackson's ad
ministration it is doubtful if any chief
magistrate has been received hy the peo
ple—the whole people—with such an evi
dent determination to judge of bis ad
ministration by its legitimate fruits as
attended the inauguration of our twen
tieth President. It really seemed as if
tho time had come when politics were
to be conducted upon a higher plane and
the privacy of the family and the personal
sharacter of men were to be respected and
preserved from vulgarity and low abuse.
llul when the President was wounded,
when the blow of the assassin was aimed
at bis life, all hearts were fused in one, and
it is safe to say that no event in the history
of the nation has so unified public senti
ment and called forth such universal sym
pathy bo.h for the President himself and
for his surviving and now bereaved family.
This quetion is so forcibly presented in a
well considered editorial that conserva
tive and thoughtful paper the New York
Journal of Oimierw, that I reproduce its
comments and those of the Albany Arpma,
irom which it quote*, a* well because of
the nobility of their sc.diroent* a* of their
beautiful diction and finished rhetoric :
"This column of the Journal , on March
6, IMIt, contained tie following:
'Yesterday J sines A. Garfield ceased to
be the representative of a polltteal party,
and ascended to tha grandeur of President
of the United States
*We did not contribute toward his elec
tion, yet we fee) that he will prove an ex
i. ; 'A'trioH'.
TEHXN: $1.50 JUT Aiihum, Atnan"?
j cellent executive, and do credit not only to
i hi* party hut the entire nation.
'ln thi* epirit and belief we stand ready
and willing to sustain hirn in whatever he
j may attempt to further the public (food
and the national prosperity.
'We know that General Garfield ha
experience and ability, and we believe it
j hi* intention to preserve and promote the
I welfare of the country, regardless of any
: narrow parly line.
'And so we extend our best withe* to
i I'retident Garfield.
"In this faith we have rested since those
j line* were written, with abiding confidence
| in the honeat purposes of <i-n. Garfield.
"And when the grievous news of hi*
I wounding came ujem u* it fell with thrill*
| ing force, bringing freshly to mind hi*
I manly and lovable qualities.
"There ha* been o much of sympathy
: manifested throughout the world for the
j President and hi* family and the Ameri
can people in this trying hour, that we
fear to attempt what other |>en* have
handled so wisely.
"The Albany Art/tu, (the representative
Democratic paper in thi* State) expresses
so aptly the view* we entertain on the
painful subject that w? quote the greater
portion of iu comment*:
'Party line* d'a->pear; party walls of
division fall down ; the consciousness of
; manhood and American hood dominate*
1 the tbinki'g arid the word* of all, as our
! nation stand*, reverently uncovered, bv
the bedside of its Ku'er, and pray* that
the cup of death may not press his Hp*,
and that hi* people may not have their
annals shamed again hv the stain of a
Presidential assassination. Differ a* men
have done, and may do hereafter, on af
fairs, on official* and on policies, a crime
like this, which slackens the very pulse of
a People, fuse* their heart* into unity,
into love, into patriotism, and into a pray*
er to Divine Power to save the President;
to sustain the wife and children in their
affliction; to guide the mind* of the sur
goons and nurse* to right endeavor*, and
to preserve, protect and defend the Union,
whose authority itself ha* been wounded
by the bullet* meant to slay him who im
personate* iu power.
'How trivial and transient our conten
tions seem in the rush or hush of an event
like this! How much more i* country
than party in the light of thi* dispensation 1
How inifHissihle it i* to remember estrange
ment*. divisions and discussions, and how
impossible not to remember the things for
which he was a pride unto bi* countrymen,
who made hiin their ruler ! He came up
from poverty to power by diligence, pur
pose and the steady training of a gifted
intellect. ID went to school to hard work,
and manual labor carried him through the
institution* of iearning. He made bi*
fspartan mother, fli to be a breeder of
kings, hi* confidant and the partner of hit
purpose to win fame. He married the
wife of hi* youth, and the birth angel, and
the death angel, have often equally sanc
tified his botoe. He early became a leader
of the people, among whom he lived, lie
marched with the college lad* whom he
taught, to the battle* for the Union, and
and for eight*. *n years he was a cerebral
force in the bail* of Congrats, until the
sudden choice of the parlv he served nam
ed him for President. Under the law*
and by the people, he was in truth elected.
And on this summer day, in a pause of
duty, on hi* way to hi* a) ma ma/rr, he ia
shot down.
'All that he bo* given of words to our
eloquence, of bravery to our battle*, of
dignity and power to our parliatneits, of
gentleness to our social life, of thought
and fact to our literature, and of mental
incitement and example to our people, re
vives to recollection, with hi* noble person,
hi* hearty manner, and hia free western
ways. All that ta of power and greatness
in the Presidency revive* with thi* memory
of him, as that of children to a father, a*
be lie* on hi* bed of pain.'"
And now that the President i* dead, not
only are political animo*ltie* quenched hut
there come to ua, from the South, the un
mistakable and welcome evidence* of re
stored fraternal regard—such a fusing of
heart* a* I believe thi* nation ha* never
known. Listen to a single quotation from
the many which come to us from all part*
of the South, taken from the Selma (Ala.)
7*oe "Sectional line* are obliterated—
washed out in Garfield'* blood, and the red
hand of the assassin ha* placed the last
stone in the Union structure."
Standing upon the summit of the Appa
chian range, plainly in our sight to-day,
there are many point* where the waters
divide, flowing westward to the Father of
Water* and then to the Gulf, and eastward
I" the Atlantic. Ciliaen* of the Republic so
stand we to-day. Back of u into the pan
flow the water* of discord, of party hate,
of sectional strife and the bitterness en
gendered by our late unfortunate fraternal
struggle; before ua, blessing the present
and glorifying the future, are the placid
wateia Of peace, of amity, of fraternal re
gard and of a mutual understanding and
agreement. The sad wounds inflicted by
the exigencies of war are to be healed by
a single wound made upon the body of a
noble and a peaceful man who has'borne
in hia body, it may be, the sins of the na
tion. As we gaae into the placid waters
which flow out from us into the future,
does there come to us and to all who like
us through the length and breadth of the
land, mourn a common bereavement, a de
termination to aid in this national pacifi
cation T Are we filled with high and pa
triotic resolves a* we stand by the dead
and the grave which overlook* the lake
which washes our own shorn* T Are we
ready to take up the noble mission which
uriimely death leave* unfalfllted ? If
there come to u* such a determination and
uch patriotic resolve* a* the leason of tbia
bereavement, surely—surely, tkr ia
mot lo*t.
The choir next sang the beautiful
hymn, M Nearer, My God to Thee." Ad
dresses were made by Hon. 8. U, Yocum
and J. L. Spangler, Esq.
Mr. Yocum was Brat introduced and f
Mr. PrmsJritl, Latiift Gntflemm :
The friendly ana almost Intimate rela
tWfurfad nm ttA /wgv.l
NO. :I.