Hunting Redskins. THE ARIZONA SETTLERS PREPARING FOR TIIE EXTERMINATION OF THE APACHES. HAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 16. —A dispatch from Tucson, Arizona, says: "Acting Gov. Gosper lias secured organizations o( cdnute men, at all outlying camps, and will have a sufficient number of arms to supply them. The restless spirit of the Indiana at the Han Carlos reservations forbodes trouble. It is the general desire to see the business set tied now, and inasmuch as the people are well armed, a more auspicious time could not be opened for settlers than now. .Settlers on the lower San Pedro have organized a company of forty men, officered by experienced Indian fight ers. They have sent woril to Agent Tiffany, of San Carlos agency, to keep his Indians on their reservation; that all found of it will be treated as hosliles. This will doubtless breed trouble, as the agent has given his Indians heretofore their full liberty, and it is doubtful if they will obey any order in this in stance. The Han Pedro settlers are de termined to carry out their resolution. Col. Price is moving with his two com panies of cavalry for the north, toward Apache, where he will coopeiate with Gen. Carr. Col. Sanford will be in the same neighborhood about the same time. Ail three of these officers are experienced in Indian warfare. It is the intention of the courts which have jurisdiction over the localities of the massacres, and other places where In dian murders have been committed, to indict the guilty Indians, so far as their names are known. The sheriff or mar shal, as the case may be, wilt summon a posse, and there will be no trouble in securing a thousand men to assist in the work. They will probably get on the reservation and seize the guilty men, and, if necessary, resort to such meas ures as will save the expense of a trial. The people are thoroughly aroused on the question of the removal or exterm ination of the Apaches. Memorials to Congress will be sent from every settle ment in Arizona and New Mexico, ask ing aid in the matter. There is but one opinion on the point." The Gazette has the following specinl from Wilcox: "Headquarters moved to Grant yesterday ; from thence they will move to camp Thomas to day or to morrow. Some excitement prevails among the Indians on the San Carlos reservation. Troops are matching fo the front on foot. There are not suffi cient horses to mount all the men. Supplies are being forwarded by Col. Hodges ns fast as they arrive. The measure of Gen. Wilcox in concentrat ing ali his forces in the vicinity of the hostiles has hail the effect of keeping them in the vicinity of Cibien creek. The hostilea tried to get communication with the reservation yesterday. Scout ing parties have destroyed large quan tities of Indian stores. Their atrocities are being confined to Tonto basin and Cibien." Appeal for Aid. GOVERNOR JEROME'S STOET or THE DISTRESS IN MIcniOAN. DETROIT, Mich., September 16.—Gov. Jerome has issued a proclamation to ! the people of the United State* appeal ! ing for aid for the Michigan sufferers by I the forest fires. He says the destruo- \ tion of property will be great in the j four counties affected, and in some j whole townships complete, and that 200 lives have been lost by burning and suffocation, while many have become helpless through injuries aud exposure, and some are blind. The number of men, women and children left without shelter is estima ted at 15,000. The benevolence of citi zens of the Slate has res|ionded prompt ly to the first necessities of these afflict ed people, but ample time has elapsed and sufficient details have been re ceived to make it evident that a wider appeal is needed. The destitution pre vailing in the suflering counties is ap palling. Kntire neighborhoods are in volved in the common calamity, and cannot help each other. The sufferers have no provisions except such as are brought trom a distance, and no uten sils to cook with. The necessaries of life, both large and small, have been destroyed. They need shelter, clothing, shoes, cook stoves, kitchen utensils, beds and bedding, wagons, harness, ploughs, hoes, tools of all kinds, seed tor future crops, and whatever helps to make men self supporting. Timely help will enable them to go through the com ing winter and to become again an in dependent community. At present they are penniless, needy sick and suffering. Many of them are in debt. The Governor concludes bis procla mation in these words; "I appesl under circumstances like these to the people of other Stales, and ask them to co operate in their abundance with the citizens of Michigan in relieving their destitution. Nothing will be wanting here in duty to the afflicted sufferers, but the demands are too great for the people of the State to meet alone. An organization for the relief of the suf ferers by these Hres exist at Detroit, the commercial metropolis of the State, and systematic plans of relief have been es tablished. The committee having them in charge is composed of well-known, competent and responsible citizens. Money and supplies sent to its chair man, Hon. WilliamG. Thompson, May or of Detroit, will be faithfully applied." CHICAGO, September 16.—Seventeen banks of thia city yealerday authorized the Clearing Houae to forward SI7OO to aid the Michigan sufferers. The Pendent Hope* Decay. Croat lbs New York World. Much more was hoped from Poat master General James administration than we can now expect. Its patronage Is used in Virgiuia to promote the cause of Repudiation and Mabone, and in the ibsence of Mr. James from the cap . ital the ebarge of bis department de . voltes on Mr. Tyner. who is generally regardd aa a friend of the Star-route ring, and svhoee retention in office when ■ ao much ostentation waa displayed in * dismissing Brady gave well-wishers to the cause of reform their first chill of Apprehension. The ring in the Treaa ury Department is as brisk and busy aa , ever, and although it looks vary much as the reforming surgeon* i >ii com* PITTSBURGH EXPOSITION!! SUCCESS. Open Day and Evening until October Bth, 1881. Exhibits of Pennsylvania State Fair remain until the close of Exposition, a- N -^-3sr lD DISPLAY oar MILLING MACHINERY IN OPERATION. Magnificent Display of Cut Flowers Daily. TRIALS or SPEED ZD-AJTI/Sr. Classes all filled, 292 Entries. Music by the Great Western (18th Beg.) Band, Morn ing, Afternoon and Evening. Buildings and Grounds Illuminated by 64 Electric Lights. ADMISSION, 28 Cents. K. P. YOUNG. General Manager. I JNO. I). BAILEY. Aaa't Man. Ac Casblor. J. W. BATCULOK, President. I J C. PATTERSON, Secretary. Sew Advertinementa. S. E. PBAU. U. K. I'LLL" I>EALE & McKEE. X ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3*-tf Olßre Oppo.ll. Court ILmae, llelleLrman. d*<**#> ad. fah • notice I bat by rlrto* of a writ of partition, iwaed out rf th* Orphan*' Cowrt of Can If I county, and n> m* !ir**t*d, an injn**t H •* h*ld at th* lat* roKhhr* of Daniel iVtrw#*. dwiand, In th* town •hip of Mil**, and county of Cntr*. on THURSDAY, tb# nth da? of OCTOHF.fI, A. D I Ml, at M o'rlak A M. of aald day. for th* purpr*** of making partition of tb* r*al **Ut* of aaJd d*r *a**d to aad am ine hi* b*lr and l**nl rapraaontattvoa, ff tb* **m* can la dnw* without |r*jitdhw to or ipiillni of tb* wb*l*, nfhorwt** to *la* and appeal** th* *am* nec rdin* to law. at which tun* and pine* y* may b* pr*a*nt if jrow think |fp*r JOHN APANOIF.R Abort!T llhffiff '• OfAc*, R*-ll*f>>nt*. Pa , A*pt S, IM|. f *r S. tt A. LI) Ml, General Merrhantn, Allegheny-St,, llellrfnnte, I'n. MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR BOYS. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER; SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; ' SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT -OP THE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ADLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sir A Inm ' ALLEGHENY STREET, ■ft Al llUJuiJj f BELLErONTE. PJu. FINE CLOTHIERS —AND— DEALERS IN GENEKAL MERCHANDISE. t iii-aa iV 1 h- ' sis? wP Jm& Sew Advertisement*. isso-1. ieeo-i. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, i For the Ensuing Tear. Tb* •olioeHptlon pete* of th* WKIKIT I'stklof h*a i bo*i r*doc*d V> 91 |*r copy p*r annum. To eluta of FtrTV and upward* th* W mu Pirtlot I will Is* fuml*h*d at th* *traor4inarily chmp rata of | 76 r*ot* par copy par annum. TUB IMILV PgTktot will la aont to any atdrma, during tb* *ra4f* of toncrwm and tba Laftalatura at | tba rata of te reati p*r month. Lnd*r tba art of Confront tba pahlHb*r prapayv tb* p*ntnjc* and tubam!*** are r*ll#rd frum that i op*n**. fciorj *ahacrlptioo muat la accompanied by Iba cnab. Now I* b* Urn* U *ul*crtb* Tb* apprrorhinff •awaion* of I'o9gr*m and th* leOjrt*Utnro will fa of mora than ordinary lnt*r*t and th*r pr<"-**dln( will h* fully roport"! for th* Daily and a caput* •y nopal a *f th*m will l fl**n In tb* Wookty. Addrro* I'UHhT PIRMAiItSH CO., AT -1 f M *r k*t Atr**t. Ifarrtat urf. LOOK 1 I ERE! ' r pilE unilerijjnel would respectfc'- I fully Inform bla frtand* thr-oftiowt Cantra coan* ty that ha la at pfwarnt aallitig tba F'aniil) Ningrr Sowinir Mnrhinp, DRilp LEAP •< TWO l>H VW IRS f-r TWENTY fIVR iNil.l.tßi, and th* aaru* mahinv. with TaM*. o**r nnd on# Drwr for TWRNTY POhLAM Tb* old vomjany I* Rlliry tb* mm* mnrblaea for ! Aftt dollar* and thirty AY* 4t AI. Why iv "t hay ffds ma * M; nchUa or* gut ran T**.l FOR RIVK YRI KIT I a tan hanti* HDlAk.k if Ik* .m n*ha !> M CJWHKIT, AE-M, iVb* Pinrtn*tTrw. r*ntrw Canwty, l*a. MOCKRRHOFF HOUSE, I> luann-ir, munmirt. WILLIAM M.KBKVER, Managw. Good Sample Room em Firtt Floor, B*m I' to 4 f.. all Train* r*lea I ■ *1 *!■■■ i and Isrora. U-lj CANCER REMOVED, \VITHOUT KNIFE, ami in motl | Y row** witbvwt rain Applv •* C. w r riniirß WaUh art. H-B* # CVATR* (**!]. DA. SBC IfLBB f S±uClEiXj_fcUß C>o. ilu*ine*n (aril*. I TA RX ESS MANUFACTORY A A In tinrman'a N. Blork. ■ KLLKfONTK. PA. |-|j E* P. BLAIR, A • JKWKI.KR. *TrKt,. Clnrui, JAWCtBf. At. All *"* l BMIIjt On Alkcheny nrwi on i.r amkatMo* ll'.uo DEALERS IN PUKE DRUGS ONLY. 3 I KELLER A SON, t 3 ; No a. Bfiokfhoff la * j All the lIM'UH r*t*nl MoliilriN IV * Barrl pilot,. o4 Pastil, lt*i| Br'aratel, „ prepared. Trmte*. KliobUh BtntM, At, At 3 r| *.l/ i f OUIB DOLL, ■Li PAHIII iNABI.R BtWtT A MIOKMAKKK, kmltiluifl Ko*. AlU(b*, him, 1-lj ll*ll„!on, Pa. c. r.hwt i riiiiii.CM'r. tTIRST NATIONAL RANK OF 1 MttLriMNTE. Illt|lini, llrwl. IMltlmlf. f* ♦ !f / KM'l'.K COUNTY BANKING KJ COMPANY. Karai** And Allw UUfM, liwaatl Sot*#. Buy and Ball Gov ffnrwrftl**. Gold and r-ruj*/oa, Jivh A Rttrn, Pfal-Wnt. J. D MtautCMh.ef A*lf Hk. HOY. M. D.. • OA-/ la Conrad II Low HLI.I k it >M F. PA' M"al illNitFo |i to Oj*faU* Bur#vy and Qiraak \ ) y I \R. JAS. H. DOBBINS, M. D., 1 / PHYAICIAN ANI MR-IIMN !#* Allefbaj At, oil* Jteijrl.r lmf liar,, *-*4 Iwiltnw I* N.rth •td* A llicti tltwi three 4ift l.t ■< Alltcbfl*, Mtfnlf. h |A|, fhilndrlphin ilranch ('lothhnj ilminr. HtUr/'imfr, I'a, A GREAT VICTORY! TIIE SUCCESS OF TIIE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. THE PEOPLE TRIUMPIIA NT! POLITICIANS KNOCK UNDER! THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN! AND ARE, AS ALWAYS, AHEAD OF ALL OTHERS FOB MUM HOODS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Mar :ed and Warranted. SAMUEL LEWIN, the Manager, Now Defies the World and the Rest of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never jtm beat, never will be beat ami never ran be beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outaide of Centre county. All that is aaid here ia meant- GO AND BEE, and carry the news to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Tears. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. PAVK MOSEY BT If!ISO BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Prit*. •25.00 Pr Ton of 2000 Pooodt. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, OmUlblb* i to It pi t emu of f>al|4l* of P'Unh PHco, •30.00 Pop Ton of 2000 Pound*. ALL GOODS SOLD ON GUARANTEED ANALYSIS. ltrnrriptivr Circular* Sent Free upon application. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For sale by J. H. LONG, Flemington, Pa., Agent for Clinton and Centre Oonntiea. Millhkim hotel, MIL!.)!KIM. C'KNTTK COCXTT. PKSSA. W. H Ml'SSKlt, Proprietor. Tb* t/'Wii nt Milffi'ifn ia l-ra<*d In P*nfe' Valley, j almt !•' mU fr<*n i'xAmrti Stafton, o (U '>alo wl e l r+k Ktilruad, with rar t*iti4iaf thai mtkf it a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. 1 O'nd front hhlnf in th* immfdiat* tirlnlly A cat* rwp. to ot+rj train At tb# li4 after (In. ibl.iMt) 11*1 will I. I*i. 4*.|l*r* |t Ur.,l *i,l no (lor,, fn, I net of Iwrtl. it II K UOtt l>ry Goods and Grorrrir*. ffiUFIE BROTHERS, friii.No FiEtrr, bbllkfokte, pa. Have their counter* and shelve* filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRUPT RATKB Purr haw-d at J haXK KUPT KATES (BANKRUPT RATES which rtirr offkr at BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. OOSf IPTIXO OP Dry Good*, Millinery Goods, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*, Ac. BOOTS and SHOES BOOTS and SHOES At very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES f , HATS and CAPS Latest*tyln* of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS CarfK-t Baft, Umbrella*, Parasols, Lad ion' Cloak*, Carpeting, Grr-eerie*, Queentware, Ac. CVwprMmjrrj this* (ht tab I* ft.snd In s tnt < Uss *a i. IIAHPER BROTHERS, SPRING STRKKT, • - BELLKPOXTK, PA. . PKOPPCK Uk-n is nctup si lbs fclcbsst msrkH prto* l-ly r JMIE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEPONTE, PA., BOW OPPKKIXO GREAT INDUCEMENTS TO Til OS* W leu |lto rl AST-CLAM Plain or Fancy Printing. We have unueual facilities for printing LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS. CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CARTES DE VIBITE, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. MTOrdara by mail will receive prompt attention. Mr Printing done in the best style, o •hort notice and at the lowest rate*- WANTS A T the Bellcfonte Car Workj: Four lw Cfcr MWm **d • few n#a mb* mm w* In At Iwtlßi bof. wmj p*rm*o* tteqg dt •i*CrWi fewrtMil gyk. CAA WOMA