Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 22, 1881, supplement, Image 5

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eaMmmaa—nsamnßaam—mrna—am 4araasmmma ! mmm ß gmmm g mgwmamiMssMMDmmßMmraM^gff*sm H amramm ae 111 || I I I I I I I I 111 1111 I I 111 ■ I ■ '■ "
The Thirtieth Annual Exhibition of the Centre County Agricultural Society will be held on the Ground,
At Bellefonte, Pa., Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October sth, 6th and 7th, 1881
Pit gel dot, DR. F„ W. MALE, Bellefonte.
Vic*P**siD*jnx, JKO. RIShEL, Bellefonte.
OEO. M. BOAL, Centre llall.
ONO. A. DA LEV. Roland.
WM. FRY, Pine drove Mills.
CLEMENT DALE, Chairman, Bellefonte.
A. V. MILLER, Pleasant dap.
S.D.RAY. Bellefonte.
Superintendents ef Department*.
Ist Department—Stock—Theodore S Ctarlat,
Lemon t.
2d Department—Agricultural and llorticultu*
rat Products—P B Waddle, Buffalo Run.
3d Department Agricultural Implement*.
Manufactured Article* and Machine*—Wm
Shope, Centra Hall.
4th Department Home Department—Mrs
S II Yocum and Mr* C Dale, Jr, Bellefonte.
Bth—Children's Department—W J Thompson,
Polter'a Mllla.
6th Department—Amusement*—Amos Mullen
and DrJD delaainger, Bellefonte; William
Foater, Lemont; and Dr C L Addleman,
Miles burg.
Rnlee and Regulation*.
1. Entries may be made at any time before
the Fair, by addressing the Secretary ; aad it
is earnestly requested that all who can do *0
will make their entries the week before the
2. Parties making entries by letter must
glre full particulars. If of stock, as to name
and age, and If thoroughbred, pedigree.
i. Ail Wre stock and article* for exhibition
most be entered aad on the exhibition ground
before noon on Wednesday. At 12m. the books
wtll be closed and no more entrtea will be mad*
4. Exhibitors will receive a card for each
article entered, designating the clam nod num
ber of the entry, which must be attached to
the article No animal without a card attach
ed cam be la the stalls without the consent <1
the Superintendent la charge of theß4ock If
pariißent. Nor can the Society assure any ex
hibltor who aeglact* this requirement that bey
will be passed upon by the Judge*. Ia jam tee
to those who comply with the rules of the So
ciety, they shall la all case* first receive atten
3. Articles entered for exhibition must oot
lie reauovtd before! p.m.on Thursday. A vio
lation of this rule will forfeit any premium
which -aay hare been awarded Ike article or
animal prematurely removed.
I. Persons wishing to exhibit articles or an
imals for which no premiums are offered are
cordially Invited to do so. A'>l meritorious ex
hibition* thus made will receive auch premi
ums as a Special Committee may award and the
Executive Committee may approve.
7. No siugle animal or article shall, as such
receive more than one premium—provided that
*0 sain al or article which baa been awarded
a single premium may alao form a part of a
herd or collection to which a premium Is
8. The Society will furnish hay and etraw
free of chatge, and watchmen will be upon the
ground both day and night, to rare for aod at*
tend to tb* feeding of the stock ; but persons
exhibiting large numbers of stock may, If they
desire, each send therewith an attendant, who
will be fornlabed with a pas* upon application
by the owner to the President.
9. The Executive Committee may revise the
premium* awarded at any regularly called
meeting, and. at Its discretion, alter, amend or
reverse th* award of the judges.
10. AH horses on exhibition must be rxhlb"
Itcd at their posts at th* hour fixed therefor
of which due notice will be given from the
judges stand. Those oot at their post* will
not be examined by tb* Juoge*
11. AH aolmala In classes 7,4,4,10, II aod
12 moat be shown on tb* track, al an hour to
be announced frost the judges' stand. Those
not exhibited wtll nut be examined.
12. Premiums not called for within OOdsys
after tb* Fair will he considered as having
been donated to tb* Society.
13. B Itlug end wagering upon the Society
Ground* er* strictly forbidden.
14. The right of establishing any rule* and
regulations In regard to trial* of speed which
the .Superintendent ef the Departasent of
Amueem-nt* may deem necessary or proper, I*
15. No charge will be mule for entering eol
nsals or articles for exhibition-such exhibi
tion being absolutely free to the world. Nei
ther will free naasee he given to aoy exhibitor
except as provided lo Rule 8
More -The Society Invite, lo addition to lb*
Farming Community, the Merchant*, Menu
faeturcrs, aod tb* various Trades and Pro
fession* to tb* coanty, to place upon exhibi
tion auch goods wares, aod other evidence* of
their occupation aD d sk It' as they may deem
worthy o' rx Nihil lon. and as will give the dt
-1 tens of tb* county Information In regard to
their peculiar occupation* tod business. All
such exhibitors are permitted to erect case*
aod counters In which to display tbetr exhibits,
and lo soil upon tb* ground* at all time* daring
th* Fair, by sample, pattern or actual delivery,
provided the exhibit be kept full by tb* addi
tion of articles replacing those arid. Exhibit,
urn are requested lo apply ri one* to the Secre
tary or Executive Committee for space upon
the grounds aad in the buildings,
Ann •*■,
There will be sa auction tale of stock on tb*
last day of tb* Fair. Those desiring to sell
will pleas* notify the Secretary as to the kind
of stock and number prior to th* day ef sale.
The auctioneer will be paid by the Society.
Utetruclloms le Member* ef Com
All member* of Committees will isport at tbe
Preeid-nt's room at 10 o'clock on Thursday
morning, October Btb. After filling vacancies
tb* book* will ha placed la tbrir hands, and
they will Immediately proceed to business.
Their report* mini b* handed to tho Secretary
not later than 3 p. m. of Thursday. Tba report*
will be read from tb* main eland on Friday
morning at II o'clock.
No poreon ran act ae Judge In a claee in which
be la an exhibitor.
An article or animal hiring no competition
■hall not in all caeca be entitled to a first pre
mium, bat may receive eueh a premium u In
the judgment of the committee Its merit* war
Should any doubt arlee a* to the regularity
of an entry, or concerning any other Impor
tant matter which the committee of Judge*
feel unauthorised to decide, they will at once
report the aame to the Superintendent of the
proper department.
Any Improper Interference with thedutlee
of the committee* will be promptly reported to
the Superintendent of the department, and if
by an exhibitor, the premium may be withheld
for tbia reaaen.
There will be a committee of three Judge* for
each claaa.
Each judgo a* named below la chairman of
hi* committee, and la atitborlxed to appoint two
aaaiatanta, and report auch appointment*, with
their acceptance, to the Secretary of the Socie
ty before September 33d. It la recommended
that auch aaelatanta be appointed from young
men who are active. Intelligent fanner*.
Chairmen of Committee* of indge*
Clau. Abate. .1 Urrtt
1,2, Frederick Pecker Lemon t
3, 4, John Muaser— Fltmore
3, Win I.hler Hellefonte
6, Michael Shaffer Zioo
7, (too B Jack Koala burg
8, Frank McCoy Mllraburg
9,10, It, 12, John flarria Bellefonte
13, John A Woodward Howard
14, Morria Furey Jlellefonte
15, IS, S II Beanlsoa— Walker
17, Henry Keller Baalaburg
IS, Isaiah Hi ruble -Zioo
19, Daniel Role Aaronaburg
30, JohnOdenklrk ......Centre Hall
21, Iteo Scholl Houaervllie
22, Wui B 5mith......... Fleming
23, JZelgler .Mileaburg
24, ProfW H Jordan .State College
25, Geo Swart*... .Uubleraburg
24, iaracl Weaver...— Mlllhelm
27, S K Faust— ...Centre Mill*
> J (r Merer...... Aaronaburg
29, Adam Smith .....rotter a Mllla
30, tieo Valentine .....Bellefonte
31, Mrs J A McCllntock...Spring Mllla
32, S3, 34, Mra Edwardriamsa Bellefonte
83, Mr* Jno I, Kreba PloeOr Mllla
sr.. Mr* 1/ ..ii.-~.ith Centre Hall
47, Mra DnDlel 11ea1.... Unden Hall
38, Prof D M Wolf JV-ing Mllla
39, Mr* Jno Hamilton ,State
40, Hudd Thompaon. Martbn Furnace
41, Mrs L Naff. Centre Hall
42, ii*o W Muaaer..............1*-mont
43, Prof Jaa P Hughe* Bellefonte
CLAM I-Htallloas having atood la
Centre county on* Season.
Beat atallioo, for heavy draft ............—R 00
second beat ... 3 00
Beat atalllon for light baraeia.............. SOO
Second beet ... 30
CLASH 9-Stud Colt* under 4 year*.
Beat stud colt betwten 3 and 4 y**ra ....... 5 00
Second bent son
Beat stud coll between 2 and 3 years...... 3 00
Second bast - ....American Slock Journal
Beat stud under I year old -Stock Journal
CLASH 3-Geldings under 4 year*.
Beat gelding between 3 and 4 years S 00
Second best American Stock Journal
Beat gelding between 2 and 3 years —. 300
Second beat American Slock Journal
Beat gelding between I and 2 years 300
Second beat ............ American Stock Journal
CLASH 4—Mare Colt under 4 year*.
Beat mare colt between I and 4 year* 300
Second beat ...American stock Journal
Beet mar* coll bet a eel 2 aad 3 yean 8 00
Second beat .-.American Stock Journal
Beat mare colt between I nod I rear* ....... g 00
Second beat American Stock Journal
Beat mare colt under I year...— 3 00
CI.ASH S-llrood Mare for all Worh.
with foal by her olde.
Best mare
Second brat —. 3 00
CLASH S -Draught. Farm aad Team
Bent mare or getdlpg for heavy draft 9 00
Second beat... - American Stock Journal
Best pair of I'trm bone* 4 on
Second beet American Meek Journal
The committee on thl* da** will have regard
to docility, disposition, ami general tin*** for
all kind* of farm work, rather than to mere
siae sod strength.
CLASH 7 — llorae* for Carriage or Road
Rml J>air 11 ■II 111 ■I. -i. ri. an j.an... man.. 400
Second best American Stock journal
Bear single horse... 3 04
Second best Americas Stock Journal
The committee on carriage hone* will hav*
regard to symmetry, docility, graceful carriage,
action, and general good qualities as safe aad
reliable family hones, rather than to speed.
CLASH •—Riding Horse*.
Best lady's saddle horn ] no
Second bent —American Agriculturist
Beat gent's riding horse Am. Stock Journal
Second bast... American Agriculturist
Beat hoy's pony ...... American Agriculturist
CLAM D— Trials of Speed—Trotting.
Open lo farm horse* owned la the county sin
mom I.* or Mra.
Beat 2 la 3, In tiaroeas, I mile beat... 8 00
Second bast —— IS 00
Third beat IM
NO. J—PC BSE tn.
Open to ail horeea in Centra county ala months
not specially kept for (rotting or raring pur
poeet. 1 mile heat, beat 2 aad I.
■ML...... ......... too
Baooad beet.— ...... 8 00
Third heat —goo
The judges of Claaeoo 9 aad 10 are aalko'tsed
to judge of the quality of horse* before enter
ing for trotting, and lo exelud* all old "Mqp
an" from tba track.
CLAM ll—Walking.
NO. 3—PURSE 10.
Opea W all horses owned la tb* ooaaty (saddle)
1 heat, *4 mile.
finVf — ZZ ~ 2 5
Third —....American Stock journal
CLAM IS— Ttioroaahbred Cattle.
NOT*.— The** premium* apply to each ef the
following named breed*: Short Itoro, Alderaey.
Holateln, Devon, Ayrshire, and Hereford. All
entries to be accompanied by pedlgraes.
Beat bull, 9 rasn ami upwards 8 OB
Beat li .li between 2 and 3 years..—... - 8 00
Best bull between 1 aod 2 year*....-
American Stock Journal
Best cow I year* aad upwards 8 00
Best heifer between 2 and 8 years 2 00
Best belfer between 1 and 2 year*
American Stock Journal
Beat calf under Iyr American Stock Journal
Best herd of one bull and not less than
five cows or heifers--. 4 00
CLASH 14-Grade and Native Cattle.
NOTK.— This (lam Includes all coutmoo cattle
and such as hev* an admixture of aay of the
foregoing breeds.
Beat bull 8 years aad upward— 4 00
Best bull between 2 and 8 years ...... 2 00
Beet bull between 1 and 2 years ................
American block Journal
Best cow 8 years snd upwards...— 4 00
Bret heifer between 2 and 8 year*...- - 2 00
Best heifer between I and 2 yean- -
American Stock Journal
Beat calf under I veer..American Slock Journal
Beat herd of one bull and not less than 3
cows or belfer* - ... 8 00
CLASS 1.1-Hotter Cows.
For tbe cow of aay breed that has mad*
the grceteet number of pounds of butter
In on* week In tbe present year..... -3 00
Second American Stock Journal
CLASH 10—Milk Cows
For the row of any breed that has gtren
the greatest number of quart* of milk
le soy one week lo tbe present year 8 00
Second - American Stock Journal
The committee on tb* two named 1 lasses
(milk snd butter rows) will require a written
statement, showing the quantity of milk given,
or the number ot pounds of butter made In
seven days, giving tbe date of commencing and
ending, the kind and quality of food used dur
ing the trie), all of which must be qualified be
fore a Justice of the Peace, and handvd to the
Heeretary at tbe time of making the entries.
CLASS 17—Hwlw*.
Nora —These premium* apply lo sach of the
following named breeds: Berkshire, Chester
White, Eeeex, Poland China aod Huffolk.
All animals must be full-blooded and accom
panied will pedigree.
Best boar 2 year* aod upwards, of each
breed 8 00
Best boar under 2 year*, of each breed-..—.
American Stock lourari
Best so* 2 years and upwards, of rack
breed —„ 8 00
Rest sow under 2 year*, of racb breed -
American Stock Journal
Best pen of sw not leas tbaa S, I year
and upwards —... 500
Best pen of Imgs, not *o* than 5, under
I year . ' * 00
Best pen ul shori*. not leaa tbaaSL.-j
--4 months ZSr' , w
Best sow and Jgt of t qpp 1 u g.t*W_.
tba* i.......... '.'.ma -issa aa.. i ~. ■. .
Bust fri pig, under 1 year .Am. Stock Journal
Entries for this last premium must be sup
plemented by accural• vinesrat of tb* ago of
tb* pig la days and of tb* kind and exact
quantity, in pound*, of food be has toasumod
from tba lias* be oaa weaned. Tb* committee
will weigh each pig, and tb* one which has
mad* th* greatest weight In proportion to bis
age sad the quantity of food consumed, will ba
entitled to tb* premium.
CLAAA 1 A—Hheep.
Best buck I year and upward* 8 fiO
Best buck lamb under I year——
American Stock Journal
Bes pen of not Irs* than 4 ewes, | year and
Best pen of not less than 4 ewes under 1
year .... American A oct Journal
Beat lot of lambs, not Iras tbsn 6, shown
with tiro 8 40
CLAM ID-Poultry,
Beet trio light Brahma*, I year
and upward. ...—..Farmer s Friend
Best trio light Brahma* under
1 year—— -...—...P0u1try World
Best trio dark Brahma*. I year
and upwards. Farmer's Friend
Beet trio huff Cochin*. I year
aod upwards ..———.Farmer'* Friend
Best trio null Cochins, under I
year —..Poultry World
Best trio Partridge Cochins. I
year snd upward* Farmer's Friend
Best trio Partridge Cochios, un
der I year— - "oullry World
Best trio lioudans, I year end
upward*.... - Farmet's Frieod
Best trio Houdans, under I yr...-Poultry World
Best trio Black Spanish I year
and upwards . - —.Farmer's Ft lead
Best trio Black Apaulsh, under
I year
Rest pair.—...———.Farmer's Friend
Second best -.... - ...Poultry World
Best pair— —Farmer's Friend
Second best...— —Poultry World
Rest pair—.— Farmer's Friend
Second heel.—— ..Poultry World
Heaviest dosea of hen's egg*
not doubt* yolkrd . Am**. Poultry Journal
Real and largest col lection of poultty of
all kinds ~
The commltte* may. If they deem proper, re
quire exhibitors lo weigh their fowls,end must
award premium* on merit only, aod not be
cause of no competition.
Beat end l*rg~t collection of 11*# bird*— I 08
Rest coo, of pigaoos oot lews then 12...
American Poultry Journal
Beat pen of rabblla, not less than A ...
American Poultry Journal
Best cage of caaarlm I 44
Best lot of Msl I ess cuts —..... I 40
Th* committer la this c as* have discretion
ary power to swa d premiums for aay axhlMta
of merit not heroin mentioned.
Agricultural and Horticultural
CLAM 91— Grain sad JSeod*.
Beat bushel of while wheat Practical Farmer
Second beet——. | go
Beet bushel of rod wheal Pr act leal Farmer
Second 6-1* 1 1.1 no ~, 1,,,, 100
Brat bushel ef while corn ia ear —... |4O
" bushel of yellow ooru la ear—. 144
' bushel ef hybrid ooru In ear —— J4O
" peck al nap eora la the ear——. 84
" peck of sweet corn la the any B4
" sample of cor* on atalk— 84
* asm Ile of broom earn B4
" busb.lofrye— 144
" bushel of oats 144
4 bushel of barley |44
" bushel of buckwheat 104
" half-bushel of timothy seed —Frae.Fhrmar
" hall-bushel clover seed Practical Farmer
" hel f bus be! Hungarian grass and
" half-bushel fist wed -Farmer** Frtvod
• and largest collect Wa of al* Ihe differ
ent gra>aa aad seed* mentioned la
this Baa*— 444
" and largest yield from one aero of a'iy
variety of wheat 9 44
" and largest yield from on* screef any
variety of c0rn...... 2 00
44 and largnt 7la Id Iroin one acre of any
variety of oata 2 00
44 and largest yield from oat acre of any
variety of barley. ....Practical Parmer
Exhibitors In tbla claaa muat, at the time of
making the entry, Ale with the .Secretary a cer
tificate that the artlele eahlblled la of bla own
raising and of thla year's growth. A failure to
comply with thla requirement will forfeit the
right to a premium,
CI. ANN 33-Flonr and Meal.
Beat cwt. flour made from the leaat
qnantity of wheat.... Diploma
M ewt. rye f10ur................ do
44 ewt. buckwheat f10ur..... de
44 cwt. meal from white corn do
" ewt. meal from yellow c0rn......... do
" aantpleof unbelted (orUrabam)
flour do
" aarople cracked wheat do
44 and largeet dlaplay of flour and
corn meal do
CI.ASS 33—Vegetable*
Beat buehel of Karly Roae polatoee
American Agriculturist
Second beet . SO
Heat bushel Late Koee..Amerlcan Agriculturlat
Second beat SO
Best both Snow Flake-American Agriculturlat
Second beat M
Beat bush Karly Vermont ...Amer Agriculturlat
Second best..... - SO
Heat buth Heauty of ilebron.Amer Agriculturist
Second beet SO
Heat lush Mammoth l'earl..Amar Agriculturlat
Second beat - ... 80
Beat huah HI Patrick Amer Agriculturist
Second beet SO
Beet buth White I'eachUow Am Agriculturist
Second beet - 89
Heat buah Magnum Bonum Am Agriculturist
Second beat SO
Bret of any other variety never before ea
hlblled on our lablve Practical Parmer
Beet bttih turnips 60
Beat buah rula bagaa —Practical Partner
Beat buah sugar beet a Practical Pamer
Beet doren table beota. Practical Parmer
Beat buah carrots for feedlag stock —. SO
Beat aalslfy or oyster p1aut...—............ .. 80
Beat 11 naranlpa- Amer Agriculturist
Beat btinb sweet potatoes, not "yarns 14
Practical Farmer
Greatest variety root erope...Practical Partner
Second beet —Amer. Agriculturist
Beat roots of ce1ery...—.....—............ SO
Second beat...—2B
Beat 3 heads of cabbage— .......... SO
Seeoad beat ■ 1 IS
Beat g bead a of cau1if10wer—........... SO
lint no lone, half bushel— ft
Bat lima beana, 1 quart SO
Beet purple egg planU —— SO
Beet tomatoes,l peck.— ..——— . SO
Beet ear den squashes. I peck— SO
Beat 3 lloatnr, marrow aquaahea SO
Beat 1 Hubbard equaabei.SO
Beat 3 Marblehead soneshet—...— SO
Best 2 Cashew pumpkins lb
Beat 3 sweet potato nnmpk Ins
Beet tany other cooking pumpkins..— SO
Ileal mammoth pumpkin ——— SO
Three largeet flebl pumpkins...—7S
Heel and largest assortment of labia veg.
etahJee -..Practical Parmer
Beet sample of tobacco raised ia Centre
couaty Practical Parmer
Beet bushel red globemangls wowi..-.
Beat bosheCyellow globe Mtkhgls aatw..
Amsrlswn agriculturist
Beet bushel long red mangle wanM-
Amerlcan Agriculturlat
A special pre ml tun of |lO worth of books, to
be selected by the snceeesfnl competitor,
from the dMniea dynoi/lvfufi catalogue of
publleallona. will he awarded to the largeet
aad beat yield of potatoes. Irrespective of
variety, from one-half acre of ground, under
the following condition#, which muet be
alrtctly observed . The crop ttinet be dug end
measured In toe presence of two responsible
witnesses, whose signatures moot be at I ached
to the atatetnest. and the account must be
act .m pan led by a full report as to kind of
pot, toes, character of soil, manner of cutting
and planting seed, and of cuitientlon. kind
nod qnnnllly of manure need. If nny. nod
mode of applying the earns
A special premium of Are dollars worth of
books from the same list of publications, will
be awarded under tbs eatna conditions, for
the largest aad beet yield of mangolds from
one-fourth of an acre of ground
A special premium of flea dollars worth of
hooka from the same list of publications, will
be awarded under the aama eruditions, for
the largest and beat yield of sugar beets from
oaa-fonrth acre of grooad.
CLAM 34-rrwlU.
Beat 3 fall varieties, one-half dogen ap-
r lea each— .Practical Farmer
3 winter varieties, one-half doten
each - Practical Parmer
Beat sample Irrespective of vnr ety. not
lean than I dot .—.American Agrtcnit't
Beat 3 summer or fall varieties, half dot
each . —Pmc. Partner
Beat f winter rar'a. half dot. eech .Pros Pn'r
Beat sample. Irrespective of variety not
tees than ona doc ..—American Agricnll't
Beat 1 varieties. 1 dog each— Preo. Farmer
Beat sample. Irrespective of variety, not
loaa than t dog American Agricnll't
Beat 1 varieties, not lean than one doses
each——. . Practical Parmer
Beat sample. Irreapeetlva ol variety, not
lees than 1 dim —American Agricnll't
Beet sample. Irreapeetlva of variety, ant
leas than 1 do* American Agricnll't
ana ran.
Beet sample. Irrespective of variety, not
leas than t bunt hen of each..- Am. Agrl't
Agricultural Implement*, Manu
factured Article# ft Mechanic#.
CLAM 35.Agricultural Implements.
Bast combined reaper and mower pieloma
reaper Dip
"reaper with automatic binding attach
man!..— —Dtp
44 lawn mower—..—...—... Dtp
" grata thresher and separator ..pig
"* horse power with thresher attached..Dip
44 corn husking maehlae...—...— —.....Dip
" hay elevator - Dtp
" portable atenra engine.... —Dip
* stationary steam engine —.—— ...Dip
■ grain drill end great seed sower tern
" roller —! .......Dip
44 subsoil p10w... - —.Dip
- aide htlfpfow —Dial
- vnior—— ———....DIP
- ]Bkami fodder culler— —...Dip
" MniiiMf— —.——. Dip
" gjpfpMin and press ——..Dip
•vV .A "" A" 11 f< * ttrladlng feed Dip
W dMI Aha— Dip
- bay ladder —Dtp
•• vegetable cutter ——..Dtp
• feed cutter . . Dip
" hey or straw cutler ..Dip
44 corn shelter, horse power— —iMp
" corn shelter, hand power Dtp
" corn aad cob crusher..———.Dtp
" home power— —... Dtp
44 stump ggtreet or Dip
" revolving plow..—.—.— Dip
" mat steel jrfow trip
- com plow Dip
44 clover holler. Dip
44 ox yoke— ———Dip
44 pulveriser —— Dtp
44 Farm roller...—— - -Dip
" garden r011er...—.... ——..—.. Dip
44 farm gat* —.......Dip
44 farm lance ......... Dip
" corn planter...—.— Dip
" smut machine Dip
44 portable hay preae.. —.......Dip
44 pumps for wells - —...Dip
" grain cradle Dip
" scythe and snathe .Dip
44 dozen hand rakes Dip
" hay fork..——.—Dip
" grain acytha —....Dip
" grata acytha ..Dip
" k doten exe5..—............Dip
" 1$ doten manttro forks...——.—.Dip
" Ia doaen long-handlad shovels Dip
44 Js doaen short-handled ahovelt Dip
44 £ doaen spades.—... Dip
" Vi doaen corn hoea Dip
" collection of farmer'e tools..—.—. .Dip
* spading f0rk...—.—... Dip
44 manuring drag..— —Dip
44 grain fanning mill—..Dip
44 farm mill ——......Dip
" pitch fork ..——Dip
" equara harrow ..Dip
44 rotary barrow..— Dip
44 counler harrow— ...—.Dip
44 drain pipe —Dip
44 farm wheelbarrow—....— ..—..Dip
44 steel prong hoe Dip
44 wheel cultivator —Dip
44 potato digger.— Dip
44 waoder —Dip
44 horse shoe..—- ..Dip
" meal chopper Dip
44 display of agricultural machinery Im
plements and utonalla Dip
flocond boat - 3,00 a Dip
No money premiums will be paid In Class
No. 28 except for the beet dlaplay above re
ferred to; and eald display mnst be deemed
stilßciently meritorious by the commlUoe.
A general Invitation la attended to all man
ufacture re of agricultural machinery, Ac.
CLAM SA--Pnrnitare and t lentils for
Farm, Dairy •"<> Household fee.
Beat dlaplay of furniture— .—Dip
44 assortment of liaod tools for farm
use, such as hoea, 4 ahovela, fork a and
44 lime spreader—————Dip
44 farm and road ecraper— -Dip
44 hand churn .—— —. Dip
44 power churn with power attached Dip
44 milk strainer—.. ... —Dtp
44 milk cooler .—Dip
44 S doten milk cans— ..... Dip
44 cheese preae. Dtp
44 aauaage cutler—. ———Dip
44 sausage aluffer——..— —.. Dtp j
44 waahtog machine —Dip i
44 clothes wringer Dip
44 display of table cutlery..—Dip
44 display of gtasswarm- Dip
44 display of tinware Dip
" display of garden Implements Dip
44 fruit tree trimmer...—.— ..Dip
44 set of grain measures ...—Dip
44 hand cart 5O
44 lard press, borne made —— 80
" 1 wired brooms, home made 1,00
" 3 corn baskets, home made IjOO
44 3 handle baskets, home made—.. 1,00
CLAW 37--Wagons and Carriages Made
In Centre County.
Best and targes! display of carriages, bug.
glee and sleighs— Dip
44 carnage —Dtp
44 open buggy Dip
: iak^—r~—
44 sleigh
44 farm Wagon...—.. Dip
44 spring wagon— ..trip
44 lumber wagon..—....—Dip
44 bob ated 1 ——..Dip |
44 wagon seat .. .—Dip j
44 display of hubs, spokes. Ac——..Dip ]
CLAM 3#..Lumber and Its Manning- .
Best sample of uhite pine lumber—a.— Dip 1
44 44 white oak lumber...—.—..Dip j
44 44 walnut lumber ..—Dip I
44 44 ash lumber —Dtp |
" 44 poplar lumber Dip
Beet dlap'ay of door, eaah, blinds, brack
ets. etc —Dip
44 general display of cooper ware, home
made .... l.OO
44 collection of native Wwods, of Centre
county, of not less than twenty-five
varieties, consisting of two epee|.
mens of caoh variety, each II Inches
long and one Inch across the larger
cod. one ol each turns t smooth, and
the other turned, polished and ear
niehed ail to be turned to some uni
form baluster style—premium lot to
belong to the Horlety Dip A (5.00
44 collection of woods, natlee to Centre
county, of no less than twenty varte
tie*, most tastefully arranged, show
ing the annuel growths—premium
lot to belong to Society —....Dip A gs.no
CLAM 30—Leather land Its Manufac
Beat pair of coarse boots—factory
work -Diploma
44 pair of ladies' gaiters -factory
44 pair ladles 4 shoes—factory work. do
44 pair of children'a shoes factory
work...—..— do
44 pair cmrse boots —home made—, do
44 44 ladles' gaiters 44 do
44 44 ladles' shoes " do
44 44 Children's shoes 44 do
44 display boots sod shoes—home
made— do
" display of harness—home made do
44 net single harness 44 ... do
44 set dontUe harness 44 ... do
44 eel tng harness 44 ... do
44 aids saddle, bridle—hntns mads do
44 saddle, bridle and ft ttnrea— boms
made do
44 traveling trunk—..— —.. do
• valise......— .... do
" side of sole leather do
44 side of upper leather do
44 side of harness leather— —. do
44 dressed calf skin do
44 collection of aklna dressed with
hair og do
CLAM no -Iron and Ha Manufactures.
Best and largest display ol Iron ore
mined In this county —....Diploma
44 pig or charcoal iron made In thla
county ■ 1 mi, do
44 specimen of Iron bioomr mane
In this county ...... —do
44 specimen of (rn wlrs made In
this cniimy
44 est of bed springs made in this
county do
44 and largest display of hardware
of all kinds _■ .. . do
" and largest dlap'ay of stoves and
fixtures do
44 and largest display of Iron oast-
Inge . do
44 and largest disp.ay ol blacksmith
work : T.— 81,90
44 set ~f f-.rged (not dressed with
fl'e)h-r>e shoes 'or trolling I,Afl
44 -cl of forged (not drneaed with
fl'a) hor*s shoes for common
work—heels and toe* 1.90
44 set of forged (not dressed with
file) horse shoe* for driving
homes. 1,90
CLAM gl-Wlurs, PI ah lee, Prieeree*.
Best lav canned goawhae..— ■ I
44 far of matted applas—~ M
44 Wof tanned aulaeea 89
44 Jar of canned cherries ................. SO
44 Jar of canoed oorrnnt jelly—.—. M
44 Jar si raspberry Jelly—.,—— 89
44 Jar of Mack berry is fly—B9
44 Jar of elderberry Jelly 89
44 1 of apple Icily— —. 89
44 Jar of plum Jelly—......——— 89
I" Jar of quince Jelly 10
44 Jnrof grape Jelly..—— —... 88
44 Ist 01 crab apple jelly 89
44 jar ol wild plumb Jam,..—— SO
44 Jar <u poach marmalade.. 89
44 satajds of apple butter. ..—... . ..... 89
" sample of peach butter—SO
" sample of pear butter SO
" sample of quince butter BO
" temple of iirape butter........ SO
" sample of plum butler SO
" grope wine SO
" current wine so
" cider rloeger. SO
" raspberry shrub or vinegar.— SO
" pickled cucumber" .. .. SO
" pickled welnule SO
* pickled pepper". .. SO
" pickled tomatoes - SO
" pickled onions CO
" pickled peaches so
" pickled cherries.. SO I
" pickled cabbage SO
" chow-chow —.. So
" Jar of "piced peacbea .................. 80
" Jar of "plced pear" SO
" Jar of eplced plum*. ............. SO
" jar of "plced quince"..... SO
" Jar of eplced cherries. So
" Jer of spiced app1e5............ CO
" Jar of spiced wild plumbs SO *
Best general collection of all the ebose
Practical Parmer
All articles entered In lbl claee to be pre
pared by the exhibitor". Tboee desiring not I
to hate their jar" opened may eubmll "ample
of contents In smell glasses.
CI.ASH 32—Fresh Hutter.
Best 2 pounds of butter from a churning
not Iras than t lb" . 1 00
Beet butter made by girl under 14 years
without eld 1 00
CLASH 33 -Cheese.
Best cheese, home mnde Practical Farmer
CLASH 34-Tub or Halted Butter.
Best firkin of salted butter, not lees
than 1 month old, with receipt for
pecking 2 00
CLASH 33—Bread j .Sub A.)
lln tthuh no" 6" I married lod,c roe 8< rontri
Afi'ersons whose trade 1" baking cannot
enter this clan in competition, as It U Intend
ed for the enconrsgemer.t of house-keeper*.
The wheat bread must be baked not later
than a day previous to the exhibition, end the
loaves weigh not leas than 1 r->und each.
Best loaf of wheat bread - 1 00
Second beat - —— 50 j
Best loaf of rye bread I uo '
i Beet bran bread - 1 M
i I test half dosec tea buscuit 1 (10 I
j Second best... ...—— 00 j
Brand (L.
[in rtkt nose hi unfit lode, car r xmptle.)
Best loaf of wheat bread 1 00
Second beet —....... SO
Best loaf of rye bread I oo
Best bran t/rrsd .SO
Bread <C.)
[Oirll e*dc" Hyrtri of mft.)
Beet loaf wheat bread... I no
Second bet 50
Beat loaf rye bread I 00
Best bran bread . 1 oo
Best half doren tea biocutt ............... I cm
Second best ..... —— .... so
Breed! I!>.}
(/■ trhuh bakers bp fr a4t see owty eomprtt.)
Beet wheat bread ft on
Second beat —. V>
Best loaf rye bread 1 cm
: Best bran bread —. 100
! Best hell doren lea biscuit.... 1 cm
| Hecond beat.. .■■■ . SO
j CLAfbft 3®—Cakes, ji'o'stry, Honey. Su
gar, Meats. Kle.
Best rusk —— |1 06 .
" baker's ruk —— I cm
" biscuit I OO
" hmne made fruit cake 1 00 {
'• lady cake ....
" found rsk" ...... 100
" sponge cake...™ 1 oo j
- Jelly cake ... 1 cm j
•• cwoanut cake ......... ........ ..... I 00 j
- nhlte mountain cake..... —...... 1 00 i
" chocolate cake —— 1 cm I
" tumbler 1 CO
" doughnut cruller* - 1 cm j
" ginger bread .. ... ................. 1 00 I
" display of not lees than three botes
of honey -—... Bee Journal j
" and largest yield of honey from a
single hire ..... ...... .. lcm |
" msplr ugr .so |
" gallon mspie molasses —— ... Bo!
" baked ham with mod# ol curing ...
—— - Practical Farmer ]
" boiled ham wltn mode of curing—
— Practical Farmer |
" dried beef.. —....... 5O j
e 5 pounds hommde hard soap..—.—. So j
" apple pte ... —... Mi
" peach pie —.... 5O |
" lemon pie —.... SO
" pumpkin pie —... 50 1
- squash pie 80
" ttflpeepts .... —... SOI
apple ru*tard—........... M
- egg Cttslard ... SO I
C Ltin n yullting. Needlework. F.m
--| broidery, and Ornamental Work.
Best silk led qnlll it. Ino
" delaine quill ...... 1 cm J
•• en Ico qui1t.......... Icm
" white quilt.... ... 1 OO
" knit spread . 1 00
" woolen eoeerlet - I cm
" woolen blanket 1 On
• home made rut
1 home made woolen stockings B0
" pound of woolen stocs log yarn... SO
" pair woolen gloses— kntt Pi
" pair of woolen mittens—knit.... . M
" silk ejibrotdery ........ M
" worsted smlirolnery - —M
" bureau cover . M
•• toilet WMta. 5O
" curia SO
" band mads skirt- - ——_ M
" mar Mas made skirt ——.so
" boy's "hlrt.. M
" worked or embroidered skirt .... M
" worked or embroidered chemisette SO
" worked or smbr jl lrred voks and
sleeves ... —. 80
" worked or smbrotdered infant's
drawn ... 80
" worked or embroidered girl's suit 1 00
e child's dress stain .... ...... 80
e collar and culf . 80
e specimen tatting ... 80
e specimen edging . . . 80
" carriage or sleigh aft hen .—. . SO
■ child's afghsn ........... —— 80
" crotchrted tephvr ehawl BO
" knitted a-phyr shawl 80
■ knitted lady's hood 80
" child's cap . go
- child's socks 80
" sofa pillow...—. M
e eofn cover ..——...——. 80
" to fled chair cover.— M
" cltalr cover In pattern of eUlch 80
" pair slippers BO
e work basket ——— 80
" needle book or hnnsewlfn 80
" watchmen 80
• toilet cushion..— ——> M
* Belted cake cover .—to
- nattad tidy —M
" —braids red Udy— ■■—....— BO
" crocheted Udy 80
" worsted Udy 80
" specimen ol Wed work.——. M
" npoolmsn of bwrr work 88
" specimen of hair work ——. M
" specimen of leather work— 80
" oyoojMoo of shell work - M
" Specimen of moos work B
" specimen of wax work MI
- apeefmee of wax froll —... 80
" apaelmsn of wax work nay kind .. . to
* spactmia of feather fi0wera. ....... to
" gprntmxn of nrphtrr Powers 80
" •pacinian of worsted work not ape
•lScaily enumerated.Bo
* and moot marltorlcus piece of or
nnmsatal work of any kind— I 00
• piece of caestmcf rr.aic In •. ..olgr— 100
" piece Of flannel male r~ -wwnty..— 100
" of natioci nulf || 1 OLr
* pvoomsf srjv.iun oarpet mad# In oo !00
" piece rag carpel mnde la county . 100
• display of hooneta by milliners... 180
Best set child's clothing—boy's and
girl's each —— lOO
Best any other fkocy,needlework, seek.. 100
Urgent display la Uila elaee ... .... fOO
CLAM 3k—Pine Aria -Fwnmeeshlp,
Beat ell painting ..... >OO
" painting in water colore. —3no
■ penciling.. las
" specimen of penmanship D>r> •o At tsi
" specimen of book-binding Oipta'a A 100
" specimen of architectural drawing
Uiploma > IUS
* spae'a of wood gralnlo g Ifipls'a 8 108
" spec.n map-drawing.. I'lploms A 108
" spaelmcn of Istterlng on marbls Iflpioms
" specimen of sign painting -do
" display of printing.......—..—dn
" display of paintings, plain and
colored photographs, on paper
metal, Ac., ambrolypes. Ivory
types, Ac iHtdomn A 208
Articles of this kind roust be the handiwork
or manufacture of the exhibitor.
CLASH 3•-Flowers aed Designs.
Best dispi'y rose".Henderson'" Flower bard g
" " phloxes do de do
" " sinolas do ds do
" ' gladiolus do do do
" " orasmsntal foliage do do
" " of verbenas Horticulturist
', " of psnslas (not less
than 12 varieties— do
" mtscellanaou" flowers 1 08
Hecond best dleplsy of miscel
laneous 8 0wer5............. H orticollurivt
CLAM tO —Mescellaneous Articles.
Best farmer's boiler for steaming
food for cattle...—.— Diploma
" cooking stovo for coal—... da
" cooking stove for wood.— do
" cooking stove for ga5..—.... da
" parlor etova for wood or coal da
" pressed brick.—..—.. do
" draining Ills de
" display of taltor work eo
" display of dentistry work— ds
" display of cigars (manufac
tured In couotyt .... do
" guns and locks de
" perfumery de
" watches nod Jewelry..— do
" bate and capa do
" general dry goods do
" clothing .......... do
" carpets— ——.. do
" bores shoo —do
" native wines.—.. —... do
' birds do
" home made washlug soap do
" collection of fossils..—(hploroa A 1 08
" collection of mineralogy Diploma A I (*>
" display oi ttawars—..—.Diploma
" display of hardware..... do
" display of mart>le work do
" display of musical Instruments do
CLASH 41—tilrls under Fifteen Tears.
Best earrtaro afghan— — —. fl Ob
Hecond best ——
i Best coach afghan ——— —— 1 CP,
Hecond best— . So
Best ottoman cover.—
Hecond best. Sb
Best chair cover— 1 no
Hecond beet
Beet knit nod crochet shawl... 1 <t,
Second boat U,
Itest sofa cushion 108
Second best —... V<
Best toilet mau 1 on
Second besti.
Best pair worked slipper* - 1 (J!
Hecond beet sn
Best pair braided tappers 1 00
Hecond beet SO
Beat Java tidy——— I eg)
Second best— 5O
Best pi a cuahioo .—— i an
Second boat —— .A
Meet Infant'# twaoaeC. - A....-""**"""**"#*
Hsrost beet 80
Beet dreaeed doll 1 08
Second beet 80
Bestallk quilt.—.—— ..... „ 1 08
Hecond best 58
Beet calico qutlt lOO
Hecond beet —... —... 5C>
Beet wax flowers 1 cm
Second l>eat B>,
Beet wax design— .... ioc
Second bead SO
Best bead work ————. J Ofi
"•cot J beet —..
Best cone work bracket 1 00
Hecond beet ...————. 50
{ Best cone work baakeet 1 00
j Second best -- - - , M
! Best cone work frames—. lOO
j Hecond beet ...... 80
I Best hand made shirt 1 oo
1 " hand made girl's suit ....... 100
I " pair hand knit stockings 100
I " specimen of crochet work lOB
I " specimen of needle work 100
" specimen of hair work lOO
" specimen of penmanship 100
Second best ....... 80
i Beet specimen of drawing I OP
! Second best. .—.. ■ 80
CLASH tS—Hoys under Sixteen Tears
nnd Apprentices.
j Beet bushel corn selected and exhibited
by boy fll d,
Beet bushel potatoes selected and exhi
bited by boy 1 oo
I Bee* bushel apples selected and exhibi
ted by boy 1 00
, Beet sheaf of wheat eeleeted and exhi
bited by boy
j Beet sheaf of rye selected end exhibited
by boy lOO
Beet specimen of carpenter work by ap
trentiee one year at trade.— 100
! Beet specimen of cabinet work by ap
prentice one year at trade—... 100
Best specimen of tailor work by appren
tice one year at Uadel (•
Best specimeo of shoemaker work by
apprentice oon year at trade— 108
I Beat specimen ol blacksmith work (to
eluding enr pair of borne shoes)
by apprentice one year at trade... 100
! Beet specimen of work In any other
trade by apprentice one year at
tmde ... lO6
Best specimen of penmanship..... 1 08
Hecond beet BB
Beet specimen of drawing. I on
Hecone bewt 80
The committee in this clem have discre
tionary power to award premiums for nay ex
hibit* of merit not herein mentioned.
CLAM 43 -Discretionary Committee.
Coder (his bead premium* will be awarded
upon articles of ingenuity, neefntn,. * or
merit, which map be exhibited, which are
not provided for In the foregoing list ef pre
hxhthftor* who do sot And their articles
enumerated la the schedule mil pi esse turn
l*h th* Secretary with a list thereol. In ordei
thai the eiteolton of the Committee may be
directed to the name.
A mwnemeata.
This department ha* been placed in charge
of U T. Muoeoa and Dr. Oetaelnger of Belle,
finale Dr. C L Addlemaa of Miliibnrg. nnd
W. h Foster of Lemnnt. a euperlniondento,
who will spare neither Ume nor labor to ranks
Its feature* more attractive than ever hereto
fore. Bote* trotting will be made a prominent
feature la the Amusement Department, Bps*
ctal purses of large amounts will be trotted for
each day Several fast horses from outer
counties will be present the whole three dare.
Home who hare record# of Mo or lee*, have
already been entered for the special purse*.
The twee course has been pat in good con
dltioo aad the finest I roc ting seer oltaeeeod
in this county Is sntlefpsted Hhoutd the la
clemency of the weather prevent any of the
trot* of Wednesday. Thoredav or Friday, they
would thee take piece on Aaturday.
The tmueemeet programme will smbraos
among ether temUMee the fniiowtng:
Competition foe premium la kitu tank
rtdted, by todies end geailemea
Kshibittou of "FWameticw" on karats aad
il oVee- stewsof home to be the trim
Sack meet for bore and men.
Blind-fold raota--for b*y and maa.
W hee,-harrow mean.
F.I men raoe
Foot twes, but die meet, etc., ot^t.
Katrie* In all Department# Ctaoe an
Wsdsssdty. October Slfo, Ml* M.
Pr o v IderTfoT bocwea*aad msttla, 1 irith*foMflSl
attendance free of chergs. The gate# wUI ba
itilrt 6B Tocsday October, tth, IMI Jfor the
of uioiiifl BBd ifticlii foe ttbibl'
Prtee of AAnalaaloo to Ut Fair -tUagte
Tickets, >5 eeata Children's TisaeU U
WT_Fi-r additional tnfonaatloa address the
SccfeU/y and Trcturarcr.