©he Centre Remotest. BELLEFONTE, PA. Tk LsrßMt, Cheapest and Bast Paper PUIILISHKO IK CKNTKK COUNTY. Frvvn (hi Nw York Olfwrrer. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. Third (Quarter. ■v SIT. HSSST M. usot-r, t>. P. SurTKMUKH 26. Lesson 13. TEMPERANCE. I. Co*. !•: M—IT. OOLMN THT:-"KHir* innu Ihst ■trlrplh for the muterj la temperate is all things."-—I. Cur. :£. Central Truth: —The body is a good servant, but a bad master. By general and wise consent the sub ject of temperance has been selected for this the last lesson of the present quar ter. No doubt the place for the most ef fective Christian effort of any kind is with the young. The task of keeping and establishing a child in right paths is relatively easy as well as delightful. To recover an old sinner is not beyond divine power ; but it is the exceptional, and by no means common, work even of God's grace. We are not to cease trying to rescue the confirmed victims of profligacy and drunkenness, but our most hopeful efforts will be with those who have not yet gone far astray. It is to be hoped that no superintendent or teacher in the Sunday school will account the subject of this lesson an unimportant one. Intemperance is be yond doubt one of the chief foes with which religiou has at this day to con tend. Drink keeps many from Christ. It is the open or secret cause of failure in many a Christian profession. It is not necessary to suppose that I the Apostle, in the verses belore us, is ; speaking directly of strong drink. He is dealing with principles. But, in do ing this, he furnishes a number of pow- j erful arguments, not only for "totul ab stinence," but for being "temperate in all things." Three, at least, should be particularly noted. 1. Our influence over others, and our duty to make that influence helpful, and not hurtful. When Paul says, "To the weak be came 1 as weak, that I might gain the weak," he does not mean that he would do wrong (or any purpose. He speaks of concessions which involved no moral principle. What ho says is that he would cheerfully surrender a personal right, or indulgence, however innocent, whenever bis use of it would cause a weak brother to stumble. This is a most noble principle. It is in the highest sense Christian. It has many applications. Particularly it ap plies to the use of strong drink. One may think himself so strong as to be in no possible danger, and be may fancy that his occasional or moderate indul gence does him good. But there are 1 about him those of whom this is not true. They are very "weak." The young are weak because they are young. High example is very sure to lead them astray. In a sense, a man lias a right to use his own safe liberty. But in proportion as the spirit of Christ is in him he will remember the weak about him. Perhaps one of the best reasons for total abstinence to be set before a boy or girl is just this, namely, their inflti ence over others. The youngest feels its force. He is glad to be entrusted with responsibility and made a helper. It is a great thing to have taught him to deny himself for the sake of another. 2. The importance of temperance to our physical well-l>eing. The Apostle tells us the athlete was "temperate in all things." His object was a sound, vigorous, agile body, that he might gain the victory in leaping or running, in boxing or wrestling. The crown before him was a wreath of olive, or ivy, or pine, and "corruptible." But a good body is never to lie (despised. The Greek* set great vulue u|>on it. They came to regard a vigorous agility and elasticity of limb, endurance n running and in the contest, a firm and light step, and freshness of health, a* I equal to mental culture. They were not far in the wrong. Mental attain ments, whether for comfort, profit or < usefulness, are of small account in a sickly or weakened body. The old Greeks had found out that temper aqce is essential to physira! health and vigor. Accordingly the athletes sub jected themselves to very strict rules with respect to all appetites. Kvery wild passion was held in check. Kvery weakening indulgence was avoided. Modern athletes do the same. For boating, running, wrestling, pugilism, they subject themselves to a long course of training. And one of the things they moat carefully abstain from is strong drink. They teach us all a good lesson. For life's business and Chris tian work, bow priceless a blessing is a sound, elastic body. It is a great argu ment for "total abstinence," and every kind of care for the "outward man." 3. The relation of temperance to our apiritual well-being and eternal life. What the athlete did for a corruptible crown, the Apostle would have us do for an incorruptible one. That he might not himself be rejected when the prizes of eternity are awarded, he kept his body under, and brought it into aubjeo tion. He does not say the body is to be despised. He doea not praise asceti cism. He doea not say it is a good thing to abuse and destroy our physical powers. He would treat it as a servant and refuse to allow it to be master. Al lowed to rule it is out of iu place, its appetites and passions cannot be trust ed with the mastery; for the end would be self-ruin in every part—the ruin of body, mind and soul, for this life and for that which Is to come. This is the crowning reason for temperance. It should incite us to constant warfare with every Inferior and sensual appe tite. The most alarming thought con cerning the "fleshly lusts" ia that they "war against the soul," and exclude from heaven: for "no drunkard shall Inherit the kingdom of God." raacricAL suuobstioks. 1, "All thing* to all men," in a Chris- tiun sense, can never mean complicity in errnr or sin. 2. Nome persons inake a great account of (.landing upon their own right*; a better rule i* to account it a privilege to surrender a right for the nuke of another's good. 3. True love will make one a temper ance man for his weak brother's sake, if not for his own. 4. It is not well to make too much account of our own strength, lest we at length discover our own weakness, to our shame. High medical authority, speaking of nervous prostration, espec ially that produced by heat, tells us that this is an increasingly common cause of inebriety. Adding that "while in this state an irresistible desire for alcoholic liquors may take possession, and thnt very suddenly, of one who be fore never, had the least inclination for drink, and, without nny apparent cause, he may become an inebriate." 4. Abusing the body and keeping the body under are two very different things. The former is a great sin, the latter a constant duty. 5. Many and appalling as are the mis eries of diunkenness in this lite, its worst effects follow the soul into eternity. fi. True temperance does not end with total abstinence from drink. He that slriveth for the mastery in physical, mental or spiritual conflicts, must be "temperate in all things," abstaining from whatever weakens or defiles body or soul. GENKKAL JACKSON'S MOOT WITH TIIK BBXTOM IN IBIS. In his eventful life Andrew .lackson received wounds in personal encount ers similar to those received by Presi dent Garfield. His arm was shattered in an affray with Col.Thomas H.Ben- 1 ton in 1 Hi:;, and he was shot through j the body in a duel with Charles Dick inson iu ISOU. The affray with Col. Benton origin ated in an act of good nature on the part of (Jen. Jackson. Gen. William Carrol, then a young man, had Itecn challenged by Jesse, a brother of j Thomas 11. Benton. Despairing of finding a suitable second in Nashville, Curroll rode out to the hermitage and solicited General Jack sou's services. Jackson had been a Judge of the Su preme Court of Tennessee and a mem ber of Congress. At first he demurred. Carroll assured that it was no ordina ry quarrel. He asserted that there was a conspiracy to run him out of the country. Jackson made inquiries and found that to preserve his honor Carroll was forced to accept the chal lenge. He officiated as Carroll's sec ond. Jesse Benton was wounded as ingloriously as Mr. Kesthupp in "Mid shipman Easy." At the time of the duel Col. Benton was in Washington trying to save Jackson from bankruptcy. The Col onel, however, was enraged to hear that Jackson had liefriendwl his broth er's antagoni-t. He wrote him de nouncing his conduct in the most of fensive terms. The General replied that before addrr*itig him the Colonel ought to have written for an explana tion and not have listened to the tales of interested parties. B-nton wrote still tnore angrily, accusing Jackson of conducting the dueMna"*avage, n nt Jackson heard of it a""' censed. Benton's good to him when he hov in North Carolina. His latitude had already prevented a re encounter be tween the two hot-heads. This time, however, he took lire. He swore by the Eternal he would horsewhip Tom Benton the first time he met him. All Nashville witnessed the vow. Benton reached the citv bursting with wrath and defiance. Hearing of Jackson'a threat he resolved to pre serve the iicacc. He would neither seek nor lly the threatened attack. His brother Jesse joined him Itefore he reached Nashville. Instead of go ing to the Nashville Inn, their usual resort, they registered at the City Hotel. Jackson always put up at the Nashville Inn. By stopping at the City Hotel, Colonel Benton fancied that he would avoid Jackson, uulcss he chose to go out of his way to seek him. He arrived in Nashville on September J, 181 •). Jackson and his friend, Col. Coffee, rode into town that same after noon, and put up at the Nashville Inn. Colonel CofToe smilingly re marked that they had come to get their letters. Almul 0 o'clock on the next morning the Colonel proposed to General Jackson that they should stroll over to the |K>*toffiee. They started. The General had a riding whip in his hand. There were two ways of reaching it from the Nash ville Inn. One way was across the angle of the square, and the other way was to keep the sidewalk and go around. Coffee aud Jackson took the short cut. When about half-way be tween the inn and the postoffiee, Cof fee observed Colonel Benton standing in the doorway of the City Hotel. lie was drawn up to his full height, and was looking dnggcrs at them. "Do you see that fellow ?" said Coffee to Jackson. "Oh, yes," the General replied with out turning his head, "I have my eye on him." They went to the postoffiee and got their letters. On their return they kept down the sidewalk. Col. Benton had posted himself at the front door of the City Hotel. His brother Jesse stood near him. Barton describes what followed: "On coming tip to where Col. Ben ton stood, Jackson audaciously turned toward him, whip iu hand, saying: 'Now, you d—d rascal, I'm going to punish you. Defend yourself. Benton put bis hand in his breast pocket. He seemed to be fumbling for IHH pistol. AH quick as lightning ■iackHuti drew a pistol from behind hint and leveled it at Benton. The latter recoiled, nnd Jackson advanced upon him. Benton stepped slowly backward until he reached the back door of the hotel. The muzzle of Jackson's pistol was three feet from his heart. They were turning down the back piazza when Jesse Benton (mtered the pnasage behind them. Seeing his brother's danger, he raised his pistol nnd tired at Jackson. The pistol was loaded with two balls and a large slug. The slug took effect in Jackson's left shoulder shattering it horribly. One of the balls struck part of his left hip him and buried itself near the bone. The other ball splint ered the board partition at his side. Jackson fell across the entry, bleeding profusely. Colunel Coffee bad re mained outside. Heuring the report of the pistol, he sprang into the entry. He saw Jackson prostrated at the feet of Colonel Bentou. Concluding that the Colonel bad laid him low, Coffee rushed u|M>n him, pistol iu hand, to strike him with the butt of bis pistol, when Benton, in stepping backward, came to a stairway, and fell headlong to the bottom. Coffee, thinking him horn du cumbal, hastened to the assist ance of his wounded friend. Ktockcly Hays, a nepew of Mrs. .Jackson, ami a devoted friend to the General, stood near the Nashville Inu when he heard the report of .Jesse Benton's pistol, lie ran with nil sjieed to the City Hotel, and saw Jack son lying on the floor, weltering in his blood. I'nlike CofTee, he saw who had fired the deadly charge. Hays was a giant. He drew n long, glisten ; ing blade from his sword cane and ; made a lunge nt Jesse with such fran tic force that it would have pinned him to the wall had it taken effect. The point struck a button and the slender blade was broken to pieces. Hays drew a dirk and threw Jesse to the floor. Hnldiug him with one hand, he raised the dirk to plunge it into bis breast. Jesse diverted the blow bv seizing the coat cuff of the descending arm. The weapon only pierced the fleshy part of his left arm. Hays madly strove to disengage hi* left arm ami in so doing gave Jci-e several flesh wounds. At last, with a mighty wrench, he tore his cuff from the man's convulsive grasp, poised the dirk high in nir, and was about to bury it in Jesse's In-art, when a by stander caught the uplifted hand and prevented the further shedding of blood. Others interfered and quiet was restored. Faint from loss of blood Jackaon was conveyed to a room in the Nash ville Inn. His wound hied fearfully. Two mattresses were soaked through, and the (iencral was nlmost reduced to his last gasp. Every doctor in Nashville, with one exception, recom mended the amputation of the shatter ed arm. "I ll keep my arm,'" said the wounded man, and he kept it. No attempt was made to extract the hall, and it remained in his arm twelve years. The wound* were dressed with slippery-elm poultices, ami it was two l or three weeks before Jackson could j leave his bed. A little over a year aflcward he fought the lmttle of New Orleans. Too Benton* remnim-d for an hour or more upon the sccue of the affray, denouncing Juckson as an assassin., The General's small sword had Iteen j dropped in the struggle, and remained on the floor of the hotel. Colonel Benton broke it in the public square accompanying the art with words con temptuou* and defiant, uttered in the loudest tones of thundering voice. The General's friends, grouped around the couch of their bleeding chief, dis regarded these demonstrations, and the victorious nnd exulting brothers retired. Col. Benton, however, soon ; found it very hot for hini. Two weeks j afterword he wrote; "I am literally in hell here. I have the meanest wretches under heaven to contend with—liars, affidavit-makers and shameless cowards. All Jackson's puppies arc at work oil me. They will IH> astonished at what will hap pen. It is not them hut their master whom I will bold accountable. The acalping knife of Teeumseh is mercy compared with the affidavits of these villians. lam in the middle of hell. I can see no alternative hut to kill or be killed. I will not crouch to Jack son. The fact that I ami my brother defeated him and his tribe and broke his small sword in the public square will forever rankle in his Imsom, and make him thirst after vengeance. My life is in danger. Nothing but a de cisive duel can save me or even give me a chance for my own existence. It is a settled plan to turn out puppy after puppy to bully me, and when I have got into a scrape to have rue killed somehow In the scuffle. After ward the affidavit makers will prove it was honorably done." Benton did not again meet Jackson until 1X23, when both were members of the United States Senate A rec onciliation was effected, and ever after ward they were the warmest friends. A Town la Two States. There is a town called Texarkana, lying partly within Arkansas and partly within Texas, with a broad street marking the boundary. It has two Mayors, and the State laws gov erning on one side have no hindiug force on the other. Arkansas made a severe enactment against the free sale of firearms, whereupon the hardware merchants moved theii stores to the other side of the street, thus going into Texas, where the sulo of revolv ers, like their use, is free. The Ar kansas niuyor issued a proclamation against the sale of liquor ou Sunday, greatly to the advantuge of the saloon men in Texas, until the venders on the other side moved over and regain ed their customers. OltEYINti nit Kbits. The "oldest inhabitant" perfectly remembers the Widow Trotter, who used, many years ago, to inhabit a small wooden house away down in Hanover street, in somewhat close proximity to Salutation alley. Well, this widow was blessed with a sou, who, like Goldsmith, ami many other incu distinguished in after life, was the dunce of his class. Numerous were the floggings which his stupidity brought upon liitn, and the road to knowledge was with him truly a "vale of tears." One day he came home, as usual, with red eyes and hands. "O, you blockhead !" screamed his mother, she was a bit of a virago, Mrs. Trotter was—"You'vo been get tin' another lickiu', I know." "O, yes," replied young Mr. Trotter; "that is one uv the reg'lar exercises— licking me. 'Arter I've licked Trot ter,' sex the master, 'l'll hear the 'rillt metic class.' But, mother, to chasige the subject, as the criminal said, when lie found the judge was getting jier sonal, is there enny errand 1 can do for vou ?" "S'cs," grumbled the widow ; "only you're so eternal slow about every thing you undertake —go get a pitcher of water, aud IKJ four years about it, will vou ?" Boh Trotter took the pitcher, and wended his way in the direction of the street pump ; hut lie hadn't got far when he encountered his friend, Joe Buffer, the mate of a vessel, is suing from his home, dragging a heavy sea chet after him. "Come, Bob," said Joe, "bear a liaml, and help us down to the Iug Wharf with this." "Well, so I would," answered Boh, "only you sec mother sent me arter a pitcher of water." "What do you care about your mother ? She don't ear for you. Come along." "Well," said Boh, "first let nte hide the pitcher where 1 can find it again." With these words he stowed away his earthen ware pitcher under a flight of stone steps, ami accompanied his friend aboard the ship. The pilot was urging the captain to cast off, ami take advantage of the wind ami tide, hut the latter was nwaititig the arrival of a boy who had shipped the day be fore, wishing no good to his eyes for the delay he had occasioned. At last he turned to Boh and said : "What do rou cay, youngster, to shipping with me? I'll treat von well, and give yon ten dollar* a month. "I should like to go." said Bob, hesitatingly, "but my mother —" "Hang your mother!' interrupted the captain, "she'll l>e glad to get rid o f you. Come —will you go?" "I hain't got no clothes." "Here's a chest full. The other chap was just your size; they'll fit you to a T." "I'll go." • "Cast off thnt line there!" shouted the captain; and the ship fell with the tide, a fair wind, and every stitch of canvas set. She was Imund for the northwest coast, via Canton, and back again, which was then called the "double voyage," and usually occu pied about four years. In the meanwhile, the disappear ance of Bob seriously alarmed his mother. A night passed, and the town crier was called into requisition a week, when she gnve him up, had a note read for her in meeting, and went into mounting. Just four years after tfiee occur rences, the ship returned to port, and Boh and his friend were paid off. The wages of the widow's sou amount ed to just four hundred and eighty dollars, and he found on squaring his account with the captain, that his ad vance had amounted to the odd tens, [ and four hundred dollar* clear were the fruits of his long cruise. As he walked in the direction of his mother's house, in company with JK\ he scanned with a curious eye. the houses, shops, and the people that he passed. Nothing appeared changed ; the same signs indicated an unchanged hospitality on the port of the same landlords, and the same loafers were standing at the same corners —it seem ed as if he had been gone hut a day. With the old sights and sounds, Bolt's old feelings revived, and ho almost dreaded to see, debouching from some alley, a detachment of Itoys sent by his ancient enemy, the schoolmaster, to know why he bad been plnying truant, and to carry hint back to re ceive the customary wolloping. When he was quite near home, be said: "Joe, I wonder if anybody's found that old pitcher T* He stooped down, thrust his arm under the stone steps, and withdrew the identical piece of earthen-ware he had depositee) there just four years before. Having rinsed and filled it at the pump, he walked into his mother's house, and found her seated in Her ac customed arm chair. She looked *t • I - - him u minute, recognized him, scream ed, and exclaimed— "Why Boli! where hove you been. What have you been doing V" Gc.ttiu that pitcher o* water," an swered Bob, setting it upon the table. "I always obey orders—you told me to be four years about it, and I was." THE ANATOMY OF AN OYHTEIt. Frutu lli" luiilmors Ohe-lts. Every oyster has u mouth, a heart, a liver, a stomach, cunningly devised intestines and other necessary organs, just as all living, moving and intelli gent creatures have. And all these things are covered from man's rudely inquisitive gaze by a mantle of pearly gauze, whose woof and warp put to shame the frost lace on your windows in winter. The mouth is at the small !er end of the oyster, adjoining the binge, it is of oval shape, and, though j not readily seen by an unpracticcd I eye . its location and size can lie easily 1 discovered bv gently pushing a blunt j bodkin or similur instrument along 1 the surface of the locality mentioned. When the sjot is found your bodkin ran lie thrust Is tweeii delicate lips and a considerable distance down toward : the stomach without causing the oys ter to yell with paiu. From this | mouth, is, of course, a sort of canal j to convey food to the stomach, whence it passes into the intestines. With an exceedingly delicate and sharp knife you can take off the "mantle" of the oyster, where there will he disclosed to you a lialf-moon-shaped space just above the muscle or so-called "heart." This space i the oyster s peridiutn, and within it is the real heart, the pulsatious of which are readily seen. This heart is made up of two parts, just as the'humnn heart is, one of which receives the blood from the gills through a network of blood vessels, nnd the other drives the blood out through arteries. Iu this important matter the oysters differs in no respect from the other warm or cold blooded animals. And no one need laugh in eredtiously at the assertion that oyster* have blood. It is not ruddy, accord ing to the accepted notion about blood, hut it is nevertheless blood to all ovster intents and purposes. In the same vicinity, and in marvelous prop er positions, will he found all the oth er organs named. But it i* very proper to he incredulous about the mouth ami organs. At first glance it would seem that they nre utterly us less, for the mouth cannot snap around tor food, and the oyster has no arms wherewith to grab its dinner or lunch. True, apparently, hut not apparently. |i>r each oyster ha* more than 1,000 arms, liny, delicate, almost invisible. Ami each one of them is incessantly at work gathering up food and gen tly [itishing it into the lazv mouth of the indolently mnifnttabie creature. The gills arc thin flap* so notably perceptible around the front face part of the undressed oyster, lielow the muscle. Each of these gills is covered with minute hair like arms, very close together, and perpetually iu motion to and fro in the same unwearied direc tion. They catch food from the wa ter, strain it carefully of improper subtnnees, and wnft it upward over the mantle's smooth surface to the gaping mouth, which placidly gobbles ! it up until hunger is npfieascd ami j then the body gIII:K. Jupiter in a morning star, and by far the most interesting to the naked eye observer of the four pie-nets that are approachiti|f opposition. He will be a superb object during the nights of the month, for bee may now lee seen rising majestically in the cast before HI o'clock, and before the ntnon closes lie will put in an appearance before 8 o'clock, and reign supreme among the starry throng that spangle the firmament on Septemlicr nights. He is near enough to liecotue an interest ing object for telescopic study, and astronomers arc improving the oppor tunity for a peep at this king of the worlds we know anything of, the brother sphere, whose huge mass is still in tne fiery, chaotic condition, through which the earth passed mil lions of ages ago, owing to its smaller dira n nsions. There is nothing new to be seen on the disc of the giant mem ber of the system. The great red spot still remains as it has done for years. It was first seen in the autumn of 1878, and it has continued in the same place ever since, with no change in appearance or dimensions; one of these days it will probably disappear as suddenly as it came. No one |as yet satisfactorily solved itn meaning, and the theories that it is an opening iu the cloud atmosphere, or the uj>- b cava I of u solid nnei from the in terior are a* reliable u* anything else we know about the at met ure and con dition of the planet thut transcend* the other* in him and surpasses all but one in the magnificence and com plexity of it* system. It give* home idea of the iinnurise size of thi* plan et to know that the great |iot is twen ty-two thousand mile* Jong, and five or six tliouhand mi lea hroad. Another object of interest on the .Jovau dice in a narrow belt on the lower or northern part, between tiie equatorial hand* and the pole. Thin wan liret trai-el laht hummer, a* a faint gray line, and developed in the winter into a rof-y belt resembling the red s[>nt in color, and probably attributable to the ha rue origin. The inhabitant** of the earth, long jas life continue* here, inav perhaps j witness the process of the first stages jof condensation in thi* far-off planet. But long before Jupiter become* the aliode of animate life, tin- planet on which we live will probably have filled it* mission, ami will become a dead star, like the moon. A* niiliiou* of age* will intervene before this con summation, we need be little dbtiirlx-d i by the event* of a future so remote. | Jupiter now rises aliout a quarter lx fore ten o'clock ; at the end of the month about a quarter before eight o'clock. TO KTIIOQI. AGAIN. AfiK-rirnti A|ri'tillOtll<*t. With Septemlier the school question come* to the front, for in this month mo-t of our schools la-gin their active i operation* for the year. In what con dition are our children, physically and mentally? How do we hoje to find them at the close of the school year? We cannot atford to let thi* school business entirely to the teacher* and th school committee. Perhaps they would "educate" our children to death. What is the proper objet of educa tion? To develop the human faculties and to put a jwrson into of those pours with which Nature has endowed him, -o that he can have them for use and enjoyment all through life. Not long ago it wa- genera* e sent to school in good physical con dil ion. If they are sick they should not go at all. They must have full hour* of healthy sleep, "early to bed" habitually, ami not very "early to rise," if they seem to need more sleep. I feel as though I am committing a sin when I awake n child iu tiie morn ing from sound slumber, even when I have been begged by the child to do so. It seems necessary to do this some times, in order to break the child of night wakefulness and late morning sleep. But sleep is literally "tinsl nature's sweet restorer." Brain repair ami healthy physical growth take place lxst during the hours of sleep. The brain uses up by its work certain portions of the nutriment which comes from our daily food, ami these must be supplied in our food from day to day, or the brain will work feebly or break down easily. 1 believe that many dull scholar* are made so by poor food, much poor food being mis named "rich." I feel condemned when my children have to hurry to school, worried by a fear of being late. The home arrange ments ought to lie such that the chil dren can ea-ily be ready in season, and walk calmly to school, with no anxiety about tardiness. The teacher* do well to try to promote punctuality, both for the good order of the school and for the child's edocation in a good habit. But when children get such a dread of being lute that they much prefer to lie absent, the matter is over done. More than once when my little daughter found herself starting an late that she wished to run most of way to school, (more than a mile), I have told her not to do an, that the tardy- *< mark on the monthly report, and the staying a little w bile aAer school hour* were not half so bad a* a headache for the day, and the necessity for study whilo overheated ami tired. Thi* is a part of her physical cduca- I tion and a very important one. * ■* • "" 1 ♦— j A Byra