Sljr Centre Democrat. SHUGKBT & FORSTEB, Editors. VOL. 3. She <£fntw democrat. Term. 51.50 per Annum,in Advanoe. S. T. SHUQERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor.. Thursday Morning, September 22, 1881. Democratic Coanty Ticket. ASSOCIATE JIT DOES, JOHN O. LA HI M KK, of Spring, JOHN K. HUNK EL, of Potter. I'ROTBONOTA RY, J. CALVIN HARPER, of Bollefonto. SHERIFF, THOMAB J. DUNKEL, of Ruh. REGISTER, JAMES A. McCLAIN, of Boggs. RECORDER, FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring. TREASURER, DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, A. .T. GREIST, of Unionvillo, JOHN WOLF, of Miles. COUNTY AUDITORS, JOHN S. PROUDFOOT, of Milesburg, F. P. MUBSBR, of Millheim. EX-SENATOR CONKLINO, proposes to boss the New York State Conven tion. lie is now taking the prelimin ary steps, and is successfully operating the Republican primaries. The half breeds have found him a lively, if not a troublesome political ghost. Two regiment* of French Infan try are expected to be present at the Yorktown Centennial celebration. Preparation* are beng made in New York for their reception on arrival at that port. Thia celebration promises to be more grand and imposing than was anticipated by the moat sanguine. MITCHELL, the independent Senator for whom the bolters last winter pled ged their honors, is found not to be the mau they yoted for. He turns out to be some other fellow—s mere shad ow of boss Don. and now Lakes occa tion to denounce the attempt of Wolfe to assert his manhood and that of his colleagues. t'ANMDATra for Governor are loom ing up. Among those named for the Democratic nomination, we notice the name of our friend, the Hon. Jamea 11. Hopkins of Pittsburg, as one who will be urged from the west. Mr. Hopkins is a man of rare ability, and would not discredit the choice, if the Democracy should conclude to make him the standard bearer. SKSATOB STEWART, of Franklin county, one of the bolters against the Cameron ring last wiuter, while decla ring his continued hostility to boss rule, seems to think that the best way • - to break up the boss system is to sup port the boss candidates for office. Htrnnge as his remedy may appear, it is not new or novel, and he may be right after all. Corruption and tyran ny, if thus encouraged, may eventual ly become so aggressive and burden some as to induce the people to rise in ■their might and overthrow the whole organisation from which the -bosses and the boss system derive their be ing. Stewart, and such, may stick, but Wolf and thousands of other Re publicans are capable of disgust and the exercise of honest, independent thought in their own right. EX-MIXISTER CHRIHTAINCT'S trou bles seem to be on the increase. Be sides the proceedings to get rid of his wife, his room was entered the other day at Washington by a burglar, and a box containing diamonds and jewel ry to the value of $6,000 broken open and the contents carried off. The ar ticles stolen were entrusted to his care in Peru for safe keeping. In addition to proving an unsafe custodian of his g friend's ornaments, he believes him / self challenged to mortal combat by a letter received from his brother-in-law, Dr. Lugeubeel, of Washington, de manding an interview. But to reas- Jf sure him and quiet his apprehensions, his wife has addressed him aa affec tionate note in which these words ap ' pear "you can save yourself of any fear of your life "EQUAL AND EXACT JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, or WHATEVER MTATE OR I-RRSUABION, HKI.IUIOUS OR POLITICAL."—J-fferwn The Independents. The work and the feast to which Charles S. Wolfe invites all fair mind ed Republicans are not small. The task he has undertaken is one of great magnitude, and if successful, the dig nity and power to which it will in the near future, raise our great Common wealth will lie inconceiveable. The Republicans of Pennsylvania little think, (or if they do think, they fai! entirely to act,) that the party of which they boast so much and which once ex isted for noble purposes and had high aims, is now owned, controlled and bound by oue family. And who is this family, if you please, father and eon, that rule this once great party? We desire to iuquire so that Republi cans may for themselves see who owns them, and that they may for shame, if for nothing else, flee from the power of the boss as from the bite of an ad der or the sting of a serpent. In 1855 twenty-eight members of the Legisla ture belonging to the American party, refused to go iuto caucus where there was a chance of the father being elec ted to the United States Senate, and they published an address to the peo ple of the State, in which at that ear ly day they spoke of him as follows: " A mau whose whole history Is but " the history of intrigue. A man who " has despised all party obligations, " and treated all caucuses with con " tempt. The inquiry arises who is " Simon Cameron ? As a statesman " fame has never associated his nnme " with the world. There is not char " acter enough in the man to imjxwe "oa crcdplity itself. We consider him " the fit representative of nothinjjgood, " and as a fit exponent of no honora " hie principle. Ask us not to support " a nomination brought about, as we " believe, by the concentrated and co " hesive power of public plunder and " the superadded element of shameless " and wholesale private bribery." The career so fitly described in the above quotation was continues!, in the same shameless and corrupt manner before the public until in 1877, when R. B. Hayes, more properly known to fame as the great fraud, refused to make the son Secretary of War, the father resigned his seat in the Senate and the son was, by a venal and corrupt Legis lature, elected to fill bis place. And the same inquiry may be made of tha son that twenty-eight members of the Legislature made in 1855 of the fath er. Who is James Donald Cameron ? Perhaps the very best that can be said of him is, that he is the son of his father. What has be done that would give his name to the world as a states man? He quartered troops upon the Southern people while Secretary of War, and attempted to arouse the people of the State to thi horrors of war by sending from Washington to the Legislature at Harrishurg, resolu tions to intimidate the peop:s from questioning the election of Hayes. By attention to the primary elections in 1878 he had representatives chosen to the Legislature who again returned him to the Senate in 1879. He named the man to be voted for for Senator in 1881, and a Legislature obedient to hit will hastened to publicly ratify the choice. And from the hour of that ratification there has been a con tinued assault made on the men who showed resistance to his first choice. This is the feast, young men of the Republican party, to which you are invited by Cameron. Dare to show your independence and exert your in tellectual power, and you are tramped upon by the moat powerfbl, as well • the meanest and moat selfish ring on the face of the earth.; Wolfe invites yon to a better work and' a nobler feast. Follow him and you will have an opportunity to make use of your powers and free yourselves 'from the influences that oppose and degrade you. Bosses do not desire and have no use for men of knowledge and intellectual strength. The less br::ra have the more abject slaves fe d pliable tools they become. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1881. And why should not the honest men iu the Republican party, the men who care not for office, but have been and are Republicans because they believe iu that part},support Wolfe? Dc> not be misled ; be is uot a candidate by the invitation or solicitation of the Democratic party. He is a Republi can candidate, a Republican of the best ty|H-. Perfectly honest and cour rageous, and a man of great intellect ual power. One who, when the legis lature was corrupted and votes were bought for tho purpose of passing the four million steal bill, brought the members of the ring engaged in that business into the court of quarter ses sions, bad them convicted, and sen tenced to dwell in the peuiteotiary for one year. This is the kiud of a man who proposes to lead the better ele ments of the Republican party from uuder the yoke that has burned into the flesh. Will you follow ? THE Doylestown Democrat does well to call upon the Democratic State Convention, which meets next week at Williamsport, to give the party "sound corn, not husks." In the present con dition of our State politics the duty of the Convention is a plain one. Public opinion does not seem to he centered upon any particular person for the office of State Treasurer; but whoever the fortunate nominee may be, he should be u good and true man who will comrnaud the earnest sup* port of every Democrat in the State. There are many gentlemen of excel lent character and standing named for the position, and the Convention should not go wrong in choosing be tween them. Give us a clean candi date--a mau who will administer the office in the interests of the taxpayers —who will keep clear of treasury rings and speculator* with the funds of the treasury, and the people will ratify their work. Anv thing less than such a nominee will not do at this time. RI.AIH, the Repudiation-Republican candidate for Attorney General of Vir ginia, ha* written a letter in which he expresses the opinion that suffrage should never have been conferred U|MIII the colored people, and that it would be better for Virginia if this cla could Ire got rid of. He *ays this clo*s of voter4are always up to the highest bidder. This being the source from which the Mahone party principally derive their importance a* a political organization, no doubt Mr. lilair a* a candidate, ha* found them to be some what expensive, and is corresponding ly annoyed, and sufficiently incautious to express bis feeling before the elec tion. Mahone will have to reprove his leaky subordinate. The mere cry of forgery, which we percievc our hon ered Republican contcmpory down town reiterates, is not sufficient to ex cuse the writer of the letter referred to, as he has failed to meet the chal lenge of the gentleman to whom the letter wa* addressed, to demand the fullest proof. THE Cameron Ringsters and the Greenbackera of Schuylkill co. have united and formed a mixed ticket. A motion by a consistent Republican, looking to a straight-out Republican ticket, was promptly squelched by the boons. The Independent Republicans are also in the field with a full ticket, and may giro the amalgamates some interesting exercise, before the cam paign closes, provided they do not se cumb to the whip of the tioee. TUB Titusville Petrolium World, clearly states the issue presented be tween tbe two Republican candidates for State Treasurer, now claiming re cognition, in tbe following brief para graph : *'fien. Bailey represents the princi ple that might makes right in party so li on, while Mr. Wolfs represents the idea of tbe absolute supremacy of the popular will and the integrity of indivi dual independence. The candidacy of Bailey advocates a perpetuation of ma chine rule and the wrongs It has foster ed in parly management, while that of Wolfe upholds tbe dootrine which teaches that a party Incapable of correct ing its own abuses baa co claim to the support and confidence of tbe people." AFTER DEATH. What Will be Dono with tho Re mains of the Dead President. THE A UTOPHI. LONG BRANCH, September 20.—The following arrangements for the funeral service* have been ordered by the cabi net and are given to the press for the information of the public: The remains of the late President of the United States will be removed to Washington by a special train on Wednesday, Sep tember 21. leaving Kll>eron at 10 a. m. and reaching Washington at 4 p.m. De tachment* from the United Slates army and from the marines of the navv will be in attendance on the arrival at Wash ington to perform escort duty. The re mains will lie in state in the rotunda r.f the capitol on Thursday and Friday and will be guarded by deputations from the executive department sod by the offi cers of the Senate and House of Repre sentatives. Religious services will be observed in the rotunda at 3 o'clock on Friday afternoon. At 5 o'clock the re mains will be transferred to the funeral car. and be removed to Cleveland, < thio, via. Pennsylvania railroad, arriving there Saturday at 2p. m. In Cleveland the remains will lie in state until Monday at 2 p. m., and be then interred in Lake View cemetery. No ceremonies are ex pected in the cities or towns along the route of the funeral train beyond the tolling of bell*. Detailed arrangements for the final sepulture are committed to the municipal authorities of Cleveland, under the direction of the Executive of the State of Ghio. (Signed) JAMS* G. BLAINE, Secretary of State. RESULT or THE EXAMINATION lir.LT> AT EL HERON rCMEHIiAV. El. iieron, September 20.—The follow ing official bulletin was prepared at 11 o'clock to mgbl by the surgeons who have been in attendance upon the late president: By previous airangeuienta | |Hit mortem examination of the body of President Garfield wns made this af ternoon in the presence and with the the assistance of Drs. Hamilton, Agnew, Bliss, Barnes, Woodward, Reyburn, An drew 11. Smith, of Klberon, and Acting Assistant Surgeon D. S. Lambof the Ar my Medical Museum, Washington. The operation was performed by Dr. Lamb, It was found that the hail, after frac turing the right eleventh rib, had passed through the spinal column in front of the spinal canal, fracturing the j body of the first lumbar vertebra, driv ing a nutnl-erof small fragments of l>otie into the adjacent toll parts and lodging below the pancreas, about two inches and a half to the left of the spine and i behind the peritoneum, where it had I become completely encysted. The im j mediate cause of death WAS a seconds | ry hemorrhage from one of the tnesen- I teric arteries adjoining the track of the I ball. The blood rupturing the perito neum and nearly a pint escaping into the abdominal cavity. This hemorr hag* is believed to have been the cause of the severe pain in the tower part of the chest complained of just before death. An abscess canty, six inches by four inches in dimensions, was found in the vicinity of the gall bladder, be tween the liver and the transverse co lon, which were strongly adherent. It did not involve the substance of the liver, and no communication was found between it and the wound. A long sup purating channel extended from the external wound between the loin, mus cles and the right kidney almost to the right groin. Thin channel, now known to he due to the burrowing of pus from the wound, was supposed during life to have been the track of the ball. On an examination of the organs of the chest evidence* of severe brooch it i* were found on both sides, with broncho pneu monia of the lower portion* ol tbe right lung, and, though to a much les* extent, of the left. The lungs contain ed no abscesses and the heart no clots. The liver was enlarged and fatty but free Irom abscesses, nor were any found in any other organ except the left kid ney, which contained near it* surface a •mall abece** about one third of an trch in diameter. In reviewing the history of the case in connection with tbe autopay it ia quite evident that tbe diflerent suppuration surfaces, and es pecially the fractured spongy tissue of the vertebra, furnish a sufficient explan ation of the septic condition which ex isted. Mho la tbe Wlrked Partner! fraa Boston ItmM, eeii shot. He was greatly shocked, and when he re turned home circulated the report that Hancock shot Garfield in consequence of a dispute concerning the election. This is no "snake story," but an actual fact. Ex Senator Nprague's version of why Conkluig resigned is said to be as fol lows : "I have no doubt it was because Mr. Sprague told him to do it. .She used to bo always telling me 1 must resign and go home to be vindicated whenever mutters in the Senate did not go to suit me, and it is certainly from her that Conkling got the idea." The room of ex Minister Christiancy, at the National Hotel, in Washington, was entered on last Sunday, and robbed ot $6,000 worth of diamonds and jewelry. The articles stolen were entrusted for •afe keeping to Mr. Christiancy while he was Minister in Peru, and were re ceived in Washington on Wednesday Irom the Custom House in New York. The number of failures reported to IWadtlrrrtt during last week is 73, a de crease of t'i from the preceding week. The Middle States had 15. a decrease of 0; New England States 17, an increase ol 3; Southern .Slates 9, an increase of 4 ; Western States 14, a decrease of 21 ; California and Pacific States 10, a de cs case of IV; Canada and the Provinces 8, a decrease of 0. W. W. Dickey, one of the wealthiest cattle dealers of "he Weol, met Mollie Garter in Kansa 1 ity. lie tell suddenly in lore mih her, for she is a beauty, and she said yes to his offer of marriage, for the knew of hi* wealth. She broke a previous engagement in so doing, and when Dickey found that out he refused to make her his wife. She sued for $2 r has just com pro id I.espue Conven i- Mr. I'amell has taken up f 'of tbe agricultural laborers, and the farmers not to accept the Land act a a filial settlement hut to use ii as an agency for securing a wholesale reduction of rent and more sweeping reforms in the system of ten ure. Gable dispatches from the league branches in the United Stales were read urging the peop e to jwy no rent. By order of Miyor General Hancock, Light Battery C, of the Third United States Artillery, has teen ordered to march from Fort Hamilton. New York, to Yorktown, Virginia, where it will take part in the centennial celebration neat month. The battery began its march on last Thursday with fifteen days' rations, and will proceed bv way of Trenton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington to its destination, fol lowing as closely as practicable the route taken by Washington's forces in 1781. Four men attempted on Friday morn ing last to rob the vault of the Balti more Savings Bank, in Baltimore. They entered the Treasurer's room, where there were several customers of the bank, and one of them engaged the at tention of the Treasurer while another walked back towards the vault in a rear apartment. A clerk, observing the movement, followed and arrested the robber in front of the vault, whereupon tbe others ran out and escaped. The captured robber gives the name of Thomas Smith. Tbe bridal veil of tbe Princess Vic toria of Baden, who is about to be mar ried to the Crowo Prince of Sweden, is being made at Wecbselmann's imce factory at Hirschberg. The ends of tbe veil display alternately the arms of Sweden and Baden ; the general design is composed of oranges and myrtle*, the borders representing wreaths of various flowers. Every hit of the work, even the foundation, baa been done with the needle. The length of the veil ia 5| metres (six yards). Tbe Chief of the Bureau of Statiatioa reports that the total valuta of the export* of domestic provisions, tallow and dairy products for August, 1881, were $10,397,992, and for Auguat, 1880, $10,903,319; for the eight months ended August 31,1881, $93,111,444, and for the same period io 1880, $83,191,665. The total value* of provisions and tallow for ten mnntns ended Auguat 31,1881, were $103,444,924, and for the ten moo lbs ended August 31,1880, $96,250,500: The values of the dairy product* for the four months ended August 31, 1881, were $10,621,270, and during the same period in 1880, $11,491,913. An extraordinary divorce eaao waa begun in the Superior of Chicago last week. Mrs. Elisabeth Kaivy asks a divorce from two hwsheud*. In 1863 she married Deunis Falvy at Lias, m I- TERMS: $1.50 |ht Annum, in Advance. Ma**., but in 1872 he deserted her. Two year* later Edward Mines told ber Falvy wu dead, and sbc married him. Hubsequently she learned that Falvy waa living in Quincy, Ma**., and mar ried to another woman, and Mrs. Falvy therefore aaks to be released from Falvy tiecause of hi* violation of the marriage vow* and from Ilinea because abe could not legally contract a marriage when she married him. Minister Morton -writes from Paris that the 1- rencb delegation to Yorktown will sail from Havre on the 24th instant. 1 he official delegation is composed of six group* —-President Grevy's repre sentative, the l>egatiou member*, three Foreign Office representatives, five dele gates of the War tiffice, seven delegates from the navy and one delegate from the Department of Fine Arts. M. Ottlrey ii chairman. The party will go from New York to Newport, thence to Baltimore, thence to Washington and thence to Yorktown. The Marquis of ltochambeau ha* also invited twelve descendants of French officers who served at Yorktown. M. Edmund De Lafayette has accepted an invitation to be present in the name of his family. The remain* of the late Senator Burn aide, after brief funeral exercises at bis home in Bristol, were taken to Provi dence last Thursday morning and laid in state in the rotunda of the city hall. At noon on Friday the body was depos ited in its final resting place, in Swan Point Cemetery. In accordance with the suggestion of Gov. l.ittlefield there was a auspenaioD of business in Provi dence while the funeral was in progress. The State authorities had charge of all the arrangements for payiDg the last honors to the deceased Senator, aDd the citizen soldiery occupied a promi nent place in the procession. Gen. Burnside's wife preceded him to the grave, and be leaves no child behind him to mourn his loss or to inherit hia honorable name. Although a native of Indiana, his parents were South Caro linians. who emigrated to the West about the year 1813. Proposed Establishment of Postal Sat lugs Banks and Telegraph System. Wamiini.ton, Sept. 14.—1t ia under stood that the Postmaster General will in his annusl report devote considerable space to two topics, upon .which he holds decided view* in accord with tbo entertained by his immediate predecessor*. He will probably recom mend the establishment of j>o*t*l sav ing* banks and of a postal telegraph system analogous to those of Great Britain. Iho establishment of the postal saving* banks, it is claimed, could be comparatively very easily effected. It i understood that the Postmaster- - Genetal ha* had prepared the outline of a system, modeled on thst of Great Britain, which contains msny improve ments upon its model. In almost every country in Europe the telegraph system is operated by the government, usually with success. It I. believed in the i Postoffice Department that such a sya tein would succeed in the United States ; that it Would not be so easy to establish as the saving* bank* system, but once established it would be as successful as thai of F.ngland, which, ten years after its establishment, yields a net revenue of a million |>ounda a year. The pro|K>sition to build new govern ment lines to compete with the private lines now in existence is not regarded favorably. The plah advanced in Con - gress last session will probably be that recommended if any scheme is formu lated. It embraced the appiraisal of the property of existing telegraph compa nies, and it*, purchase at coat price. The act of 1866, granting right of way through public lands and other privi leges to telegraph companies, authorised the course proposed in the case of ar.v company accepting its provisions. Alt the leading telegraph companies have accepted its ijrmi and are held to be subject to its provision*. Twenty million dollars, which ia about the price paid by Great Britain under similar circumstances ten years ago for the private telegraph lines of the United Kingdom, would, it is believed, be re ported to be the value of the private telegraph tinea of the United St.*tot by the commission of appraisement. An Artful Republican Dodge, rroai