* Sheridan In the Northwest. KIOIIT HUNDRED HICKS THROUGH A HITH ERTO UNEXPLORED REGION. CHICAGO, Sept. 11.—Geu. Sheridan, being inquired of by a reporter of the Tribune concerning his recent trip through the Northwest, answered as follow#: "We went through," said the uen ernl, "a sect ion ol country hitherto en tirely unexplored, and our researches therefore had all the charm of origin ality. We Struck into the wilderness from Cheyenne, and were soon out of the reach of civilisation. We were not within 200 miles of a postoiKce auv of the time.' "What was the make-up of your party f" "There was Inspcctor-Gen. Sacked, Col. M. V. Sheridan, Col. Gregory, en gineering officer, besides as visitors, Gen. Strong, Gen. Hardin and Mr. Sheldon, of Chicago. We had a cav alry company for escort and were ac companied by a puck train." "How much territory did you get over ?" •'Some 800 miles, in Wyoming, Mon tana and Idaho Our daily march wns from 18 to 25 miles, starting out at 15 in the morning, thus giving giving the greater part of the day for surveys and observations. At the end of each dav's march we pitched tents uud made our selves as comfortable as possible. Our route of travel was through the Black Hills, then across to the llig Horn Mountains', then over the Snow Moun tains and down to the Yellowstone Na tional Park. We were all delighted with the wonderful scenery that aboun ded every where in that country." "Did you run across any indians and wild game?" "We saw few Indians, except the Crows, through whose splendid reser vation of 20,000 square miles we pass ed. Our guides were Crow Indians. As to wild game, there was any quau- j tity of it. We killed all the elk, an telope. liear and small game that the expedition could make use of. All the streams were filled with trout, so that we had a very satisfactory bill of fare. The weather, too, was perfect. All the time we were out the only storms were two little sunshowers. After spending a few days in the Yel- j lowstone Park I went down to Colo- i rado, where I joined my fumily, and j we returned to Chicago." A Russian Story. There is a very pretty storv told of i how a lovely Jewess in a Russian tow n J saved her property and her life during | the recent attacks upon the Jews. A ! great, hulking ruffian entered her shop j aud bought a loaf of bread. After ; swallowing a couple of mouthfuls he j threw himself on the ground outside the shop door and began to howl pite ously that he was poisoned—the .lews had poisoned him. Of course, an in furiated crowd instantly assembled, and it would have fared ill with our j Jewess if she had not dashed out of the shop, and, snatching the bread out of the iin posters hand, began to eat in sight of them all. The crowd stop ped, thunder-struck. A broad grin dawned on every countenance. <>ne ; of them called out to her, "Alosha, j lend me your knot, will you ? ' Then j the imposter started to his feet and ! scudded off, pursued by a mischievous but no longer sanguinary crowd. A Missouri Romance. Fmn Hi* Sw Tork Son. Frank Martin, a handsome young murderer, was under sentcuce of death in the jail at Laclede, Missouri. Time hung heavily on his hands, and for diversion lie wr> to tender notes to the Sheriffs daughter, Maggie. She did not reply to the first halfdoxen, he was on the point of ceasing to write when he was surprised by a sen timental missive. Their love-making progressed rapidly thereafter, and of course they soon began to plof for Frank's escape. One night the girl unlocked his cell, and he saw that she was in boy's clothes with her hair cropiied close. She put pistols in his ha mis, led him out of the prison to where two saddled horses were in readiness and together they rode away. This happened lat November. The pair have just been caught in Tennes see, where they had married under as sumed names and settled down to farming. An Astonished Boston Man. from lh* RuMos Tfi*rrlp. To a Bostonian travelling through this western country some things look queer. A little incident I saw at Quiucy, 111., I thought worth while to write you about. We arrived at the depot hard on to midnight, and made our way to the foot of the depot to a row of omnibuses and entered one. When full, to our astonishment a rather prepossessing young lady caine to the door and asked for our baggage checks, and later for our coach fare, after collecting which she alighted and called to the driver, "All right, t Charlie." Inquiry revealed to us the [fact that this girl had "just bought out the 'bus line and runs the busi ness." Think of a Boston girl doing this! WHETHER we speak evil of a man L to his face or behind his hack, the for- C mer may, indeed, seem the most gener m ou*. but yet it is a great fault, and that : which we reviling. The latter is more mean and Utse, iuui .that fchich Awe prepcr/jy eali shuMfeta backbiting. k, ; *1 , New AdvertinementH, LOOK IIEHE! r pIIE undersigned would respectful* I fully Inform hU mntla throughout Centre route ty thet In* U At present telling the Family Singer Sewing Machine, DROP LKAK And TWO DRAWKRH fur TWKNI'Y MVI DOLLARS; And ill" mne machine, with Table, Cover And one Drewer for TWENTY DOLLAR*. The old com {winy LA selling the SAUI* machine* for fifty duller* end thirty-five dolhtr*. Why not hoy fnm me? My uiAchlAce ere guaron teed fur KIYK YKAKN I also handle ORGANS of the very best make. l). M. COMfBKE, Agent, 2S4n Ptormetown, Outre (bounty, PA. The Leading Bully and Weekly Paper IN THE WEST HRANCII VALLVT. SUN RAN N K R, I'I'IIMSII i) IIV 11. T. SALLADK und II M. WOLF, Jr., K-liturß anil Pni|>ri<-loiß, WILI.IAMSPOIIT, PA. tins an able Editorial and Reportorial Stuff! Contain* the Isitcgt Telegraphic. New*! //as a Reliable Corp* and Correspondent*! ABB II AS uu LARGEST CI UCULATIO N ..f ABT RSWBPArtA IB CENTRAI. PENNSYLVANIA. DAILY $0 00. WEEKLY $1.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Any person g ttlng up A cluh of five new y*rl) ■•■ •' rilu ra for the WuKLt Sum a*d IU*XCB, will receive U ropy for one year r HKK STATE FAIR AND EXPOSITION AT PITTSBURGH. 28th Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Ag ricultural Society —AND — Fifth Annual Exposition of the Pittsburgh Ex position Society Combined. - Life Stock Exhibition September 6th t> 17th. Industrial and Mechanical Exhi bition, with Trial of Sj>ced, will continue until October Bth. Open Pay and Evening. 541,500 IX I'KEMII MS. EXCURSION TICKETS AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, Will be iMtied by all Railroad* centering at I'itUburgh. ErrmT 33002 C CLOSES iX-w-CFOrST 30. Pnn' Hl A*H'ulOirl fc IMj.l (Off\ "t. !*•' M'jrh Fipn. N* ilj.) I WM S. BIS.SKLL, l'reident. .1 W. IIATCHKI.OR, I're.ident. [). W.SEILER. Recording Set'y. K I'. YOl'Nli, (bnertl M*n*ger. I ELBRIPOK McCONKEY, .IX O l HA I LEY, A't Man AfMhier. :• Corre#f>'g Sec'y. J. C. PATTKRiJOS, SrcWtry. S. cf A. /.OF.lt, Grnrrul Mrrrhtint*, AHrghrny-St f , llrllrfntitr, /'a. IMI OTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR 33 OYS. — ■ OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, ' SCHOOL., PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, AHE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. ____________ EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH Sl'IT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT —OP THR CELEBRATED STEIN, ABLER & CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINE STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sir A T 07H 1 ALLEGHENY STREET, tft Aa LIULIIJ, \ BELLEFOKTE, PA., FINE CLOTHIERS l —AMI> — DKAi i V.- IN GKNKKAI, MKKCXIANDIBE, Sew Advertisements. laeo-x. iaso-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. The anhacrtptton price of the Wkiklt Patriot baa been rcdurod $1 <"> per copy t>er annum. To cluha of FtrrT ami upwrd the Wxbri.t Patriot will le fornUlied at the extraordinarily cheap rata of 76 rente per copy per annum. Tub l>aiLY Patriot will lie aent to any addraaa, during the wwalona of f'-ongreaa and the legislature at the r.te of Ml rente |er month Urider the act of Congraaa the puhilslier prepays III" postage and subscribers are reliered from that expense. Every sntarrlptlon must ba accompanied by the ! cash. Now Is the time to *ut*crih* The approaching I Mwalolis of Congrcaa and the legislature will he of more than ordinary Inter***! and their proceeding* will Im. fully reported fi.r the Unity and a complete nytio|wl ef them will lie given In the Weekly. Addreca PATRIOT PUBLIfUIIftO 00., J 47-If d'At Marki t Ftfeet, llarrlshurg. A WKKK. sl2 a day at home easily matle. 4) /sJ ( '"stly Outfit free. Address THI'K A CO., Au gtista, Maine. My nROCKBRHOFF HOJJBE, 1> AI.I.WiIIENV HT . HKM.KFIiNTK, PA. WILLIAM Mi KKBVKIC, Mngor. o<)(>d Sam pit Rm on Fir it Ftrmr. ggrKrce Ihtss to and from all Tiains Spec ial rates i to witness** and Jurors. 14-1 Jf I >USM HOUSE, 1 > IIEI.I.KKONTK. PA.. Vanillic* and single gentlemen, as well as the gen j ersl lubll ami c.imineirial men are invited to lhi Vii*M Um Hotel, where they will And lom | cotnfiMtaal rxuN>iishle rate*. I.it is! r.huti u to Jurymen and other* attending Court W . K I KI.I.KU, Propr. BBCtFLBR A CO., (hoc ,*. It a-h //<"""• Work, IU-lli 1 foil te, Pa. NEW GOODS FOR THE— SIMMER TRADE. Wo have endeavored to get the very best of every thing in our line, and now have HOIIIO really choice goodM. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. We invito the people of Centre County to call and inspect our NICE (lOOl)S, which cannot fail to pleane. . SECHLEB CO. If U nine MM Car tin. HA RXESS MAXUFACTOIIY in tliriMi.'i Blork. RKI.I.EfONTK. PA 1-1J I? P. BLAIR, 1 • nnriu ■ *ITOIM, ru*-f, JIIUT. AC. All wnrb nnnt ly IMUIMI. OU Atl-Gt,,n y itrn-t, I iodr Bfwkho llnw 4tf i OKALKRS IN PUKK DKl'fiS ONLY. 2 I ZELLERA SON, * *t • USIOOIMH. 2 V It; ■ t..il fl 11, „ All lb# UlU'laH I*i4-tii yj'-Ji ih-t Pr*. - | -TI|DN,T>. AND family Uiripaa a/mi •!<■!, ~ TA prvpnrnd. Trumnn, Shootd#. lira, -• At . A< * "• 4 If " I oris POLL, A J • \.ll|n\ 4JU.K HmT A MIOKMAKEJt. Bro* k*l butt Itvo. l-lj c. ir, Pml, i f mam.rwli'r. 171UST NATIONAL BANK OK 1 HKLUCVOXTK, AllfVo; Vlrvcl, IklMiml*. r*. 4-U I CENTRE COUNTY BAXKIXO VV COMPAST. fUx-|, Bvlla And Alloo Inlataal, DiMMiDt Buy nnd IWI Clov. mmMllpi, Uold ftt>4 Janes A Biitli.fMM j f> lanw.OMllcr 4-tf UK. HOY, M. I). • tn CVnrn-1 II kiw )• *+ f nir*'j'# UtOlll'#, IIKURB>KT. PA Hiatal attention ||ri (o fiurgttj •* I '""broriir | \K. .IAS. H. DOBBINS, M. I)., 1 " PHTRICIAK ASP MM;EON. OAs# AII*fh; BL,ot 3W|lr'i lnnj *t r, Mf HKLUBhTI. PK. nU. J. W. RHONE, Dentist,can b# found l l.is nflk# iihl fsii|nr <>n *nb aid# of High •Heat Uirsa 4*wm Ut of j IWllsfnuD, f. MMf I Philadelphia llraurh Clothiufj Haunt, HtUtfonlr , IV#. A GREAT VICTORY!! TIIE SUCCESS OF TIIE ITIILAI )ELPHIA BRANCII. TIIE PEOPLE TKIUMPHANT! POLITICIANS KNOCK UNDER! THE ITIILAIIEUMIIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, FOR MEN, HOYS AND CHILDREN! AND ARE, AS ALWAYS, AHEAD OP ALL OTHERSFOR GENUINE GOODS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. _ m^m _ * SAMUEL LEWIN, the Manager, Now Defies the World and the Rest of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH in>vr ws* beat, never will be beat and never can be beat for the CHEAPEST CIX)TIIING offered in or outside of Centre county. All that is said here is meant. GO AND SEE, sod carry the news to jour neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. • km 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS, NOT ACRES. PAVE MONET BT fBJNO BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Price. 525.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound*. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, Containing 4 In & pr mot. of Polj4t- of P-on'i Vnllnjr, *' ul !*'• milf* fr tu ("Into j Urf. i ♦ Mr# at. , sjmta Ctftk iLatlroad, •Mb #ur i 'twdittr* thai twak* IS a PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. (i -el ifM'rtit In lit#- rr.f-aiata tMnll; A rmh rubt to Hfti train At llis MtillHlti llit#l irmni n. lali''i will !♦ found ftiK la trid t •agj*tag, geftM ftwws .W b.ru* ke