Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 15, 1881, Image 1

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    Sjjc Centre A 13 c m ocmt.
VOL. 3.
* Site jßrnortai
Term* St. so par Annum, la Ailvane*.
8. T. SHUGERT and R. M. FORSTER, Editor*.
Thursday Morning, September 15, 1881.
Democratic County Ticket.
JOHN O. LARIMER, of Spring,
JOHN K. RUNKEL, o( I'utter.
J. CALVIN HARPER, of Bellefonte.
JAMES A. McCLAIN, of Bogg.
FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring. ,
DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. GRKIST, of Unionville,
JOHN WOLF, of Miles.
JOHN S. PROUDFOOT, of Milesburg,
F. I*. MUSSER, of Millheim.
• ——-
to he in a fair way to recover. There
has been a gradual improvement in
his condition fur several days past,
and the latest accounts from Elbcrou
are quite encouraging. Every one is
at present"cheered with the hope that
the worst is over, and that trom this
time forward there will he an increase
of strength, and that his restoration
to health will only be a matter of
HON. ETKLEY R. Cox E, of Luzerne,
is favorably spoken of as the Demo
cratic candidate for Governor to suc
ceed Gov. Hoyt, also of Luzerne. The
party might do wurse. Mr. Coxe is
certainly an honest, conscientious man,
with fair qualifications for the position.
vious to his retirement from office, set-
tied an account against the Standard
Oil Company, showing a balance in fa
vor of the Commonwealth of $3,000,-
000, which that company refused to
pay. Before taking an appeal, the
company aked a re settlement of the
account. This has been refused, and
the case will now lie contested in the
courts. The company we believe al
lege, that being a foreign corporation,
tbey arc not subject to taxation by the
Ftate to the extent of the Auditor Gen
eral's finding.
SENATOR RECK, on his return jour
ney from the Territory of Wyoming,
was interviewed by the Cincinnati In
quirer in reference to the statement so
.extensively published, that he favored
the Amli'mruf a Republican President
of the.Senate, and would vote for Sen
ator Anthony. Senator Beck replied
that he made use of no expression
which could convey such an idea —that
he was not interviewed by any news
paper during his absence, and there
fore the alleged interview in Milwau
kee was a myth, and never took place.
The Senator will not now lie consider
i ed so niagnauimous as the%Republi
can press have been Representing him
AH was to be expected, Boss Canic
eron, after his experience with the In
dependents last winter, had his Con
vention well selected, and his best lieu
tenants were on active duty to enforce
his commands. Independent Republi
canism was to lie crushed out; the boss
power of the Cameron control, and the
edict* of the Cameron dynasty were to
be maintained and established beyond
the power of honest independent Re
[ publicans to object either as to their
methods or purposes. For this Quay,
| and Cooper, and Magee worked, and
tbey worked successfully. The inde
pendents were crushed, and their de
l' feat emphasized by the nomination of
General Bailey, one of the immortal
p* ' 306" of Chicago for Treasurer, and
f (he appointment of Mahone's eulogist
and the Cameron candidate for Gov
k' ernor, as chairman of the Htate Corn-
Boaa Rule at Homo.
Tlio Republican County Convention
passed off as neatly and nicely as the
late State convention of our rival par
ty. The only perceptible difference
was that "Boss" Hastings held the
strings instead of "Boss" Quay. Mr.
Don Cameron has trained ..is Lieuten
ants most admirably. He has big Lieu
tenants and little Lieutenants. When
he has a State Convention, lie uses the
big Lieutenant. When it is only a
(,'ouuty Convention, a little one an
swers his purpose. Mr. Quay is a
small man, yet he can run a big con
vention. Col. 1). 11. Hastings is a big
man and he has shown his ability to
run a littie convention. It, of course,
is a matter of indifference to Senator
Cameron as to the size of his men.
What he wauts is to have fellows who
can do the work well. It must he nc
akowledged Quay ami Hastings have
done well. Quay nominated Baily;
Hastings nominated Rankin and made
himself Chairman of the County Com
mittee. The beauty of the whole thing
was in the way it worked. Our genial
and good looking friend James I'. Co
burn, of Aaroushurg,(than whom there
is no better Republican in Centre coun
ty,) wielded the gave! and presided
over the deliberations of the Conven
tion. The general personel of the del
egates was good. They appeared to be
representative men and evidently spoke
'for the best clement of the Republi
can party in the county. Rut, while
these good fellows were filling the
corufortabfe chairs, in which the mem
bers of the Centre county Rar arc wont
to 1011, as their colleagues annoy the
Court and puzzle the jury,''Ross" Has
tings set up the pins and informed the
good fellows how to knock thetn down.
He kindly looked after the tally of tba
Secretaries and saw that it came out
so that there would be no confusion.
After the announcement of each vote,
the Col., would smile confidingly into'
Mr. Coburn's face, and the subsequent
proceedings were as smooth as possible.
A machine is a machine. When it is
a real good machine it works well.
The Republicans of Centre county
have reason to congratulate themselves
u)M>n having a good machine and a
competent engineer to run it. Gil.
Hastings will see to all the cogs and
keep them well oiled. Pennsylvania
is panning out well. The State con
vention makes the first score. Beau
tifully; yes, artistically, the coun
ty convention of Centre comes to its
support. Hastings, smiling like a
May morning, beams on Cameron.
Hat in hand, he says, "My good sir,
here is Centre county." The great
boss gently strokes his blonde mus
tache as he says "Thank You." Thus
does the game go on. Colonel Hast
ings showed commendable modesty
in not wanting a vote taken upon
his nomination for Chairman of the
Giunty Committee. His modesty was
charming. He knew he had the G>n
vention in bis coat tail pocket and his
coyness was just awfully nice. Now
if there arc any thunderbolts to
hurl, let us have them. It is the
boast of some of these wise men that
the ticket placed in nomination on
Tuesday will defeat the regular nom
inees of the Democratic party, Wc
welcome the issue. The day of boss
isra has passed. The passage of a
Pharisaical resolution of condolence
with the President, does not disguise
the fact that the machine in Penn
sylvania and Centre county ia in ard
ent sympathy with what is known as
the third-termers. Call a halt, Col-
Hastings. The machine is powerless.
The people in their majesty are to the
front, and so long as outraged public
sentiment confronts the action of bos
ses, so long will bosses find that their
occupation is gone. The doom of boss
ism has been decreed. The long roll
has been sounded ; Wolfe has called
on the reserves and bossism must go
the rear. To Col. Hastings, we will
say in that kindness the Colonel
knows we feel for him, that any effort
oft, hi* part, to copy the imperial
methods of Quay, 1 bring disaster
II|MIII him and deserved reprobation
on the party to which he belongs
Gd. Hastings, in all candor we ask
you to pause.
Tho Republican Ticket.
The ticket nominated by the Re
publicans of Centre county on last
Tuesday is not one to give any alarm
to the Democrats. The gentlemen
composing it are personally good and
respectable citizens, but not one of
tlicm will conuiiund Democratic votes
enough to muke any material change
in the usual Democratic majority of
the canity. The Republican w ill, of
course, elect one commissioner and
one auditor, uud we do not believe
tho most sanguine members of the
party will claim that they have t,hc
ghost of a chance to secure anything
more. It is uut a ticket that should
receive Democratic votes, ami we
therefore call upon our friends to
stand firmly and unwaveringly by
their own candidates. No scratching;
no trading ; hut a solid vote for the
Democratic ticket. la*t this he the
motto of every Democratic voter, and
a glorious triumph will IK; the reward
of the party in November.
making creditable efforts to wind up
the frauds of his department, has now
introduced the civil service machinery
which his predecessor talked about as
a thing that might lie employed ad
vantageously. Hereafter competitive
examinations arc to be enforced as a
means of "ecuring coni|ielent and effi
cient service in the Post Office Depart
ment. This scarc-crow, as put in ope
ration by the Curtis'commission in the
Grant administration, wa used as a
mtuiof getting rid of persistent place
hunters,by plying them witli irrevelant
and difficult questions which could
have no bearing upon the character of
the work to be performed, and which
none but favorites were prepared to
answer satisfactorily. The best test of
qualification to discharge im|>ortant
trusts, is character, and experience,
and adaptability to the work to IK; per
formed. A failure in these prove un
fitness, and the applicant or official
should be allowed to seek employment
in business suited to his capacity, how
ever efficieut he may have been in the
service of party. Rut it is fair to be
believc that Gen. James' comjwtitive
examinations arc principally confined
to the promotion of trial and deserv
ing officers in the public service, in
order to secure efficient admistralinn.
And in. this he is to be commended,
if, in filling vacancies thus created,
he uses his own good judgment in
making character and adaptability to
the duly to be performed the test of
THE call of Arthur to the Presiden
tial office during the disability of the
President, it ap|iears,is still under dis
cussion. The accumulation of execu
tive business, and the uncertainty that
the President under the most favora
ble circumstances will lie able to
transact any business for months to
come, it is said nccesitates an im
mediate decision, and that Gen. Ar
thur must be called to the higher
chair. It is undoubtedly a pitiable po
sition in which the Republican party is
placed. They have little confidence in
Arthur, and are afraid to trust him,
hut they elected him as a stalwart, and
a stalwart created the necessity which
calls him to the front. Their disquie
tude seems to arise in some measure
from au impression that if Arthur
takes the office it would be for the
term ar.d not for the period of disabili
ty. In this tbey doubtleaa do the Vica
President injustice. Base as he may lie
as a politician, we cannot entertain so
mean an opinion of the second officer
of the Governmenl as to believe that
he would take advantage of the posi
tion which the assassin'* pistol placed
io his hands, as to desire to retain the
place after the President became suf
ficiently convalescent to perform its
=/- fli . £ . : ■ feik.
| duties. Hiu own partisans may think
they know him better, hut we doubt
! whether uuy Democrat could be found
j who would concur in such a degraded
! opinion of one who ha* been elected
by the people to the Vice Presidency
of tliia great country. If the same
opinion were expressed of Rutherford
11. Hayes, who was not elected, con*
, currencc would be universal.
Wolfe's Revolt.
The organs will find that they can
not laugh Wolfe's candida< y for .Slate
Treasurer to death. Wolfe is impul
sive and bo is somewhat erratic at
times, hut in all bis madness of the
past few years there has been delib
erate method. His haired of Cameron
may arise from motives that arc not
above suspicion. Rut that docs not
| enter into the question. The fact is
as [latent as the sun at noonday that
Wolfe has been the head and front
|of all the independent Republicans
Pennsylvania has produced. He did
| not make one protest against boss ism
and then rest. At first he was laugh
ed to scorn, jeered at und hooted out
of Republican conventions. His fellow
members of the legislature refused to
listeu to him. Rut his own people
stood by him and at la*t even haughty
party leaders had to bow to his power,
and arrogant, corrupt and powerful
lobbyists, intrenched in wealth and
influence, bad to nnswer for thc'.r
crimes against public morality in a
court of justice. When the prison
doors closed on such as Wm. 11. Kern
ble, Charles 8. Wolfe was vindicated
and his persistent fight of years was
crowned with success. His candidacy
now is notice to the bosses that there
is to be no cessation in the battle
against the machine. He will fight—
and those who know him know how
he can fight when his blood is up—
until be has routed the enemies of
popular government in bis party,
ilehind him stand the Committee of
One Hundred and the Industrial
league. The sinews of war are thus
assured. Twenty thousand independ-'
cut voters iu Philadelphia alone will
vote for Wolfe iu vindication of their
own course in the past. In the western
part of the Slate, especially in the oil
regions, he will be stronger than
Raily. Gentlemen of the Republican
press, make up your minds that this is
no pleasure excursion. There is a
good deal of pure, unadulterated bus
iness in store for you. Wolfe will
make the welkin ring when he gels
on the stump. He can tell more of
the devious ways of the bosses than
any other man iu the State. He
knows their method* and understands
their crooked processes. He will en
lighten the Republican masses and
he will make the endorsement of the
administration of the wounded Presi
dent a distinct issue of the campaign.
He will at least have the hearty
sympathy of the greater portion of
his [tarty. He claims that he can
be elected. We do not believe any
Republican can he elected this year,
but if there is one to be elected we
incline to the belief that Wolfe lias
an equal chance with Raily. The in
dependent voter has been abroad in
the land this year. Democratic may
ors have been elected in the strong
Republican cities of Philadelphia,
Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Chicago,
and now the mast independent of all
Republicans comes to the front and
unfurls his independent banner and
call* upon the independents to do or
die. Ix!t the procession move.
AN attempt was made on last Bun
day night, by a sentinel on guard at
the Washington jail, to shoot Guiteau.
As he was relieved front duty before
the aatassiu's cell he turned and dis
charged his musket through the iron
grating of the door. The ball just
grated Guiteau'* head and saved him
for the punishment that will come to
him iu the future. The soldier who
fired the shot has been reported to
General Hancock, who commands the
department. There is talk of civil pro
secution, hut District Attorney Cork
hill can take no action, as the case
bus not been officially brought to his
notice. Gen. Hancock will deal with
this insubordinate in a very thorough
fashion, lie will doubtless recall the
regulations of the army and the man
who forgot 'his duty will have to suf
S implea of Political Conaistency
'l lie Washington J'ut hits the Mas.
*achusetts Senators square in the eyes
by comparing the liberality of the
law- of Virginia and Massachusetts
with reference to suffrage. These hon
orable hypocrites, in their correspond
ence with Muhone, urge the Repub
licans to make common cause with the
Repudiation party because the laws of
Virginia require the payment of a
small tax for the support of common
schools as a qualification for the right
of suffrage, while at the same lime a
tax qualification is required in Massa
chusetts, under which thousands of
citizens have been deprived of the
privilege of voting. And this with
the concurrence these Senators. The
I'oH says : "If a citizen of Massachu
setts, no matter how honorable his life
may have been, fulls into such distress
that he is compelled, in a single in
stance, to accept public charily, his
name is stricken off the poll lists. He
may have liecn a heavy taxpayer in
the past, but that does not count. Let
him but accept a coffin for his dead
child or medicine for his sick wife,
and the laws of the Bay State, by and
with the advice and consent of Sena
tors Da we- and Hoar, designate him
a "pauper" and disfranchise bim as a
convict. In the terrible period that
followed the financial crash of 1873,
when millions of honest men in this
country looked in vain for labor by
which to earn bread fur their dejiend
eut families, there wore some fthou
sands of the sons of toil in Massachu
setts who lost their right to vote.
They could find no work, liecause in-
duslry seemed to have died. The
spindles aud loom* of the factories
! were still, the shoe chops were closcd.
i < irini poverty stalked abroad, and the
j wolf howled at many a door where
i -toiling plenty had sat in happier
lavs. All who preferred public char
! itv to death from starvation in that
awful time were disfranchised, like
j convicts, by and with the advice and
consent of Senators Dawes and Hoar.
We are not particularly anxious or
perplexed about the Bay State. That
ancient Commonwealth has her good
qualities to offset her had ones. If she
sells paupers at public auction in the
gentle spring time, if she disfranchises
for the crime of having been poor and
distresses!, it is also true that she con
tains many noble characters and leads
the way in many paths of progress.
But we confess that',it moves our eon
tempt and derision when Messrs. Hoar
and Dawes, after assisting in the dis
franchisement of so many of their poor
neighbors at home, go down into Vir
ginia to weep and howl because an
able-bodied man is required to pay a
day s earnings annually into the school
fund, or forego the luxury of voting
till another year."
SPEAKING of the late Republican
Stale Convention which came off at
Harrishurg last week, the New York
Timet regrets that "some of the vigor
which was shown in the vindication of
party discipline in the convention, did
not communicate itself to the declara
tion of party principles." The TViaes
is too ionoccot by half! There were
no principles in the thing at all. It
was nothing but discipline. A certain
class of Republicans, who thought they
possessed sufficient capacity to think
and Act for themselves without the in
tervention of a boss, had the temerity
to revolt against the Cameron dynasty
and the third-term ring, and it was the
business of the Commttioa to disci
pline the malcontents, and to show
thetn how completely the party is sub
jugated to the will of the homes,
TERMS: If 1.60 per Annum, In Aihunrr.
Ambrose Everhurt Burnstdo.
The sudden and totally unexpected
death of Senator Burnside, of Rhodo
Inland, will recall the vicissitudes and
triumphs of a man whose name hut a
few years ago was in every one's
j mouth. First he came into national
prominence when he was assigned
| command of the Army of the Potomac
on the 7th of November, 162. He
came to this position after having
j gained some renown in his North
| Carolina expedition, and his parlici-
I pation in the buttles of South Mount
| ain and An tie turn, to succeed McClel
i lan in the command of the army.
! Thus for the first time was General
| Burnside brought into great promi
! ncnce. His disastrous campaign is
| historical. The terrible reverse at
! Fredericksburg closed his career a* a
great captain. The war over, he
returned to his native State of Rhode
! Island and soon spoke for her as a
United Btales Senator in Congress*
His career asva civilian has been
marked by none of the terrible mis
takes that followed him as a soldier.
He has been a creditable, fair and
conscientious Senator. His part Las
been small, but he has successfully
enacted it. As a soldier he is held in
high esteem, despite the disaster which
followed bis army on its march to
Richmond. It is but just to the
memory of General Burnside to say
that when the powers: at Washington
] displaces] his chief and made him
general of the army, that he said be,
could not command so great a body
I of troops, and that General McCleliaa
j was better able to command the army
! than any of his officers. General
Burnside, on maur occasions, has borne
willing testimony to the fitness of
General Mcdc!lan for the position be
j occupied, and which he was compelled
'to assume. The country will hear of
(General Burm-idc's death with sincere
i sorrow. He was not a great man, but
j lie tried to l>e an honest one.
| Tin: Cameron dynasty rule? the Ilc
: publican party once more snpreme in
i Pennsylvania. The "Independent*"
| walked into the State Convention with
their all in their hands; they were
I caught as between two millstones and
ground to fine powder. The memory
I of what they did at Chicago and what
they threatened to do in the Senatorial
contest of last winter availed them
not; the "machine" rose by force of
might and laid all opposition low. It
now remains to lie seen whether the
work of the machine at Ilarrisburg
will be endorsed by the people at the
f>olls nexi November.
ed in Massachusetts. A Miss LeliaJ.
Robinson, who took a regular course
in the Boston University law school
and graduated, applied for admission
to the bar to practice as an attorney.
Her application was dismissed by the
court on the ground that under the
laws of the Commonwealth women are
not entitled to be admitted as attor
neys. Lclia must therefore carry her
legal lore to some more liberal market.
WE PRERIDKNT C A wurr, of the
the Pennsylvania Railroad, besides
being an accomplished railroad mag
■ate, is also a successful farmer. It is
sqjd be has the finest crop of tobacco
on his farm, near Rurwin station, -a
the State. The yield of his crop, it is
believed, will average eighteen hun
dred pounds to the acre, and the leaf
being of superior quality, will sell for
thirty cents per pound, and bring five
hundre-i dollars to the acre.
CHARI.KS S. WOLFE'S independent
candidacy for State Treasurer offers a
fair opportunity to lest the relative
strength of the Independent Repub
lican* and the Cameron machine.
Wolfe represents the Independents,
and Baily the machine, "You pays
y>ur money, and you takes your
THE bosses to the front. Indepen
dents to the rear. —Neaator Quaere*.
NO. 37.