Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 08, 1881, Image 2

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    Cite Centre gentorrnt.
The Largest, Cheapest and Best Paper
From tli© New York Obi©rv©r.
Third Quarter.
Lesson 11 .
K.i. .'t2 :20—3A.
(loll.** TKXt:~*'Lml© hllUrni k..| >.ur-©lv©©
from Mola. AIUSMI "—I. JHU 21.
Central Truth .-—Only spiritual worship
is true utid acceptable to (Sod.
Not long after the event- connected
with the giving of the law on Sinai,
Move* was again called up into tin
mountain. Here, alter some other com
munications, God met him in a glorious
cloud, the sight of which was like de
vouring tire. It was at this time that
God showed to him the pattern of the
tabernacle, and gave directions with re
spect to its furniture and service, and
the consecration of Aaron and his sons
to the priest's ollice. Solemn charges
were added with respect to the keeping
of the Sabbath. Also the two tables of
testimony were given to him. His stay
lasted forty days and forty nights, dur
ing which he neither ate nor drank.
Meanwhile, quite other scenes were
transpiring in the camp below. To the
people the absence of Moses seemed
long. More than a month before they
had seen him pa*s into the luminous
cloud and disappear from sight. What
if the "devouring tire" had consumed
him? In their impatience they 10-t
fuith in God and in Moses. They imit
set out anew; under a new leader, which
would be Aaron, and under another
symbol of the divine presence, if not
another God. So they said, "I'p, make
us gods which shall go before us: for as
for this Moses, we know not what has
become of him." Aaron had not the
courage and faith to refuse. He took
the earrings and other ornaments of
gold which they brought him, and made
an image. Doubtless it was like the
Egyptian Apis, to the worship ol which
they had been u-ed in Egypt. It had
the form of a calf, or agricultural ox,
and represented the powers of nature.
Then he said: "These be thy Gods, < >
1.-ruel, which brought thee up out of
the land of Israel.
The Lord was greatly displeased. He
told Moses what had been done, and
threatened to destroy the whole people.
So fur as appears only the earnest inter
cession of Moses saved them. As Moses
went down from the Mount he heard
the sound of revelry in the camp : for
Aaron had proclaimed "a feast to Jeho
vah" in honor of the idol. In his in
dignation he cast the tables out of his
hands and bioke them. This lesson is
an account of the punishment inflicted
upon the people for their sin.
(>nc question likely to arise in connec
tion with the lesson is. What was there
so very sinlul in what they did
It was a direct and plain breaking of
one of those commandments which had
hut just been given them. Amid great
signs, and in the most solemn manner,
God had just-aid to them: "Thou shall
not make unto thee any graven nuuge
or likeness" for the purposes of worship.
It was thus an act of disobedience in
the very face of Jehovah. It was also
a violation of covenant vow, for they
had said : "All that the Lord hath
sjioken unto us, we will do."
But this was not all. Idolatry is a
peculiarly dangerous sin. It is not like
ly that Israel meant to cast oil' Jehovah.
Aaron said when lie had finished the
calf, "To morrow is a fea-t to the Lord."
Idolatry is a transgression of the second
commandment, not of the first. It is
an attempt to escape the sense of the
spiritual presence of a holy God. In
part it is nn ellotl to make worship
easier, to save the trouble and weariness
of spiritual effort, to escape labor of tbe
soul. Then, it is an attempt to hung
God down to man's spiritual level. The
thought of the worshipper never habit
ually rises above tbe moral level of the
creature it has framed to represent him.
The image never includes —it excludes
—the idea of God's purity. It is a de
vice of men who liked not to retain a
holy God in their knowledge. Itorig
inates in a sensual tendency, and leads
to sensual practice. This is always the
case. The heathen gods never made
their worshippers pure. It was natural
that, having got their calf to represent
Jehovah, Israel should give themselves
to licentious revelries.
No special difficulty is to be found in
the manner in which punishment was
inflicted. It was needful that it should
be made to appear that God is earnest
in his commands, and that *m is both
hateful and unsafe. And he may choose
his own agents for the fulfilment of his
righteous will. But was tbeie no dis
crimination in the judgment inflicted ?
Doubtless there was much. First, the
penitent were invited to stand apart
and show themselves on the Lord's sole.
Then it is to be remembered that when
Moses stood in the csmp "he saw that
the pieople were naked." Many were
freah from theirorgiea ; not yet sobered
to decency and quiet. These still
thronged the camp, while the more
orderly had taken warning, and gone to
their tents. On these grosser offenders
the avenging Levites fell. Tbu God
made himself known as holy in his ha
tred of sin, and discriminatingly just in
his punishment of it.
There is nothing more touching in
AII the story of Moses' life than his
manner of speaking to the people after
the sin and its punishment were over,
together with his prayer in their behalf.
There was truly in it all "an intensity
and self denial of love, unequalled by
that of any man except Paul." The
result, too, indicates at once the power
and limitationsof prayer. It prevailed
in part. By his angel, God would still
go before bis jieople. Nevertheless, it
was still needful that, in visiting, he
should "visit their sin upon them."
I. God U T*ry e*rne*t in oil hi* re
quirement*. The w*y of obedience i*
the only w*y of |>oace end *afety.
Judgment* may bo delayed, but, save
as wo take refuge by repentance un<l
faith in Christ, tbo sinner cannot hope
to escape.
2. There are other form* of idolatry
than that particular one into which Is
rael fell, or than those which are now
found in heathen land*. Anything i*
an idol by mean* of which wo help our
selves to shut out or obscure the HCIIHO
of God n spiritual and holy. Church
forms and ordinances, and even the
church as an institution may be soused.
The disposition to rest in human guid
ance, and to accept human standards
may spring from the same root.
3. The readiness of some to excuse
the idolatry of the heathen has no jus
tification in the tacts. It is not a strug
gle upward. It is a gravitation down
ward. God made man upright. Images
and like "helps" to realize God are his
own sinful inventions. The fruit of
any and all forgetfulness of the spirit
liallty and holiness ol God has always
appeared in the dominion of the earth
ly and sensual. The end is bitterness
and death.
I. God hat himself come down tons
in the onlv way hy which we can he
lifted up. .Icsus is no talse representa
tion ot him, but "the express image of
his person." In him the holiness and
grace of God at once appear. To turn
to any idol is to "trample under foot
the Son of God." lie i* our one, true,
glorious, saving Mediator.
o. God ia pleased when believers in
tetcedc lor sinners. He i* not unmoved
by their entreaties.
0. To he on God's *ide is to bo ready
for any service ho may assign to us,
however painful it may tie. Neverthe
less it is to lie on the right side. It is
nlo to be everlastingly safe and blest.
ritosi'FiMTY i\ TIII: MM HI.
Fi 'it tti# Witahiugt* :i I' wf.
l'irri;ni!t r,, August 1H. —The tide
of immigration appear* at length to
have taken a southern course in con
sequence of the manifest prosperity
now so prevalent in different parts of
the South. In the last year and a
half over 81tK),0tM),tMH> of'capital has
been invaded in railroads, etc., in the
South, exclusive of large amounts ex
pended in the Southwest,
Syndicate- have been formed in va
rious Stat"-, Mich a- the (icorgin I'a
eific, with iw capital of 812,- r KXt,tMMi;
the ('ineiuuati and fieorgia. with a
capital of B'2'2,tMH>,(XW>; Norfolk and
\V cetera Va , about 813,<XX,<MM);
tfie Krlangt-r, about 810,(HX),<XHl;
Richmond and Danvilic Va , 81*,-
t.XX>,tXH); tbe ]/uisville and Nu-li
ville, about ;?•>,<(Hil,ooo ; the Jlaltiiuorc
and < >iiio, 8 j,(XX),ti(X) in a new south
ern road, while your enterprising pa
per recently contained au article ex
hibiting the large amounts being ex
pended in the extension of the Chesa
peake and Ohio to Newport News,
thus opening up the most direct route
for shipments to Kurope. Tin -o large
sums ate being invented in the con
st ruction ol' main lines as a general
thing, from which numerous branches
will speedily he extended in every di
Indeed, there is tin ii a boom in
southern railroad stocks that fortunes
are rapidly made bv judicious invest
ments. In a recent article in the
New York //< rn/il u i--tnted t*BLin
Atlanta, < a., "one gt ntl< man
$l0O,l)(H) i,n the in
and Virginia
i d 87d,(XM, and -till nnjlicr
In Augusta ami other < teorgia eitiea
were chared Ua the rise of fieorgia
railroad M", tr> 1 K.~; of
( entral fn>m to 11!; Memphis
and Charleston from >|(l to !•.', etc."
The enterprising gentlemen who con
trol these southern roads are offering
such imlucenients a* will make it to
tbe interests of settlers to eome south,
where climate, health,easily improved
lands—now rapidly increasing in
prices—all conduce to afford a fine
field for permanent investment or
Cotton factories are springing up in
all directions, and having the advan
tages of close proximity to the raw
material, which can be purchased from
the producers direct, thus saving trans
portation, commissions, storage, etc.,
with ample water power and cheap
lalror, no factories in the world can
successfully compete with them. The
large amount of northern rapitnl now
invested in the construction of various
manufactories all over the Snub
shows that these advantages are be
ginning to be appreciated. The min
eral resources are also receiving serious
attention, and mines are being explor
ed and millions expended in develop
ing these almost inexhaustible re
sources, as the most casual inspection
of any northern mining journal will
Northern capitalists are also form
ing companies for the purpose of loan
ing farmers money at seven per cent,
interest. One gentleman has 83/HX),-
000 so invested. The want of capital
and the incubus of enrpet-hag legis
lation have heretofore greatly retarded
the prosperity of the iSouth, but with
these removed she enters upon a ca
reer unexampled in the history of this
Northern men arednily visiting this
sectioh in search of homes, finding, as
they do, from the experience of tneir
neighbor* who have been hero, that
they are cordially received by all
classes of the people. Lands at pres
ent are cheap, and even where they
are poor from the effects of injudicious
farming, they recu|*rat with wonder
ful rapidity.
Your correspondent recently drove
over a farm near this city which was
purchased a year or two ago for 113
tier acre, which uow has about one
hundred acres in pcauuts, which will
produce eighty bushel* |H.T acre, worth
here now 81,10 per bushel, beside*
corn which will make fifty bushel*
per acre, ami other crops in propor
tion. One hundred bushel* per acre
is not an unusual crop of peanuts,
which shows that money can be made
by farming here.
The people do not take so much in
terest in polities a- formerly ; are more
liberal in political opinions, and are
developing a degree of business enter
prise that augurs well for the future.
The sympathy for the wounded Presi
dent is universal, but this is is not at
all surprising to any one familiar with
the characteristics of the people.
It has frequently been asserted by
prominent southern men that a foreign
invasion would at once and forever
disabuse the northern mind of the de
lusion that there exists anywhere south
any degree of hostility towards the
t ienerul (iovernmcnt. It is to be
hoped that a similar effect may he
produced by the conduct of the south
ern people in respect to the great na
tional calamity thr igh which the
country is now passing.
ilie American Itmlcii.
< I.OMV; HAYS or nir. -o:\sov AT -\RATO-
The last days of August never ait
nosed greater crowds than thronged
the hotel piazza*. The M aon i-draw
ing to a close in a blaze of glory never
equaled in the brilliant annals of this
world renowned resort. Of all place*
in the world this is the spot to see the
greatest extravagance in dress and
manner* to which n lady can resort,
and in justification of this remark I
would lit re note n drc-s observed on
the promenade.
A white brocade short skirt, the
flounces kilted and lined with red.
An overskirt of scarlet brocade, with
red and white bows, the jacket of
white, with shoulder eape and cutf- of
scarlet, and scarlet hat elaborately *et
off with red and white plume*. The
lady wa* a blonde, young and pretty.
Hp ... are Worn nil tie -treet here lit
only for the ball room. White i* the
fashionable color and is trimmed elab
orately with I nee. A plush or br<>-
cade jacket i* sometimes worn with
white muslin if the morning is cool,
and the efleet i* very jaunty. Hat*
are not generally worn this season ex
cept to breakfast, and the ladies ride
bareheaded in the omnibuses and
often in the open carriage* to the lake.
a funny sceue occurred on
the front piazza of one of the large
hotels a day or two since. A very
pretty little widow was approached by
a married lady, whose husband is
given to flirting, and quite n lively
l)iil ensued to the amusement of the
few outriders who were present.
The enraged married lady insisted
that the widow had been easting soft
glances at her husband while at the
dinner table, and "that she must not
do so ngain-"
To which the little widow replied
good naturedly ; "My dear madam,
|*>int your hu*hnn<! out to tuc and I'll
protni*e never to look at him again,
no matter how handsome lie is."
happen* that the gentleman
is a little fellow and quite
good-looking, but the widow denies all
intention of ca-ting "love glances" at
him. The laugh is ngain*t the mar
ried lady, who, by the by, is a large,
good-looking woman, and who evi
dently intends to enforce a woman's
right* in the case of her own hu-hatnl.
The married men are awful flirt* in
Saratoga. There are score* of men
here whom it would require a detec
tive to discover whether they are hus
band or bachelor. These dubious and
mysterious males are to lw> met with
everywhere— at the race*, at the lake,
on the road and on the piazza* of the
various hotel*. It i* fun to watch
them. Talk about "women tlirt*"—
thi* is a slander—the men are the ex
|Krt*. They practice flirtation, they
are nil the time on the lookout for it
and are actively engaged in it, ami
they flirt all the same, married or
The racing season just concluded
ha* Iwcn remarkably successful. Tlie
fashionable hnbilur* of Saratoga turn
ed out rii mnMr, decorating the grnnd
stand with their elognnt toilets.
Haratoga is a very "rosebud garden
of girls" thi* year. I never saw *o
many young ami pretty women at any
former season. And the jrunt**e dorre
is also well represented. Have you
ever observed bow very handsome, a*
a rule, our middle-aged men are?
This will strike an observer at once in
Saratoga. I know it has Iteen said
that American men are all cither very
young or x'ery old, and I technic Sir
Charles Coldstream* at a very early
age, Rut thi* is not true. I think
our American men, between the ages
of forty and fifty, are very insinuating
to susceptible female*. According to
Ralzac, it is at the age of fifty-two
that a man is most dangerous to the
heart of a woman; and he ought to
know, for it i* said of him that each
of his stories is dug out of a woman's
A* the train was approaching Cleve
land it parted in the middle, and the
leIl-rope snapped ofr like a thread,
the end of it striking an old woman
on the bonnet. "What's the matter ?"
she exclaimed. "Oh, the traiu's broke
in two," replied a gentleman who sat
in the next seat. "I should say so,"
the old lady said, looking at the
broken bell-cord. "Did they s'posc a
trifling little atriog like that would
bold tbe traiu together ?"
he Roy the Western robber who
was recently lynched, wa; outwitted
once. It was in November, 187!', and
the scene the Wonion l'ass Road near
Rocky Rancho, nine miles below
jycadville. In the coach were seven
gentlemen and one lady. At inter
vals during the day road agents had
been the topic of discussion, and the
lady remarked that all the money she
possessed was safely tucked away in
her left over-shoe. Curly llookcr was
driving, and, and it looked as though
the journey would lie made in safety,
when the stage stopped ami Curly
cried down through the boot:
"For heaven's sake, keep quiet and
don't shoot
The next moment there eante a
woril of command, ami a murderous
looking revolver, at full cock, appear
ed at one of the window*. A second
weapon of like dimension* came in
sight at the opposite window, and the
woman screamed in truly feminine fash
ion. The door was opened, and a
slight form, the face concealed by a
domino and black felt hat, appeared.
"Step out, ph-asc," said the owner,
blandly : "101 l must be paid by all
pilgrims at this point."
"Hands up," said the voice ngaiu as
the first passenger stepped out, and be
lively, too, for I haven't shot a man
since yesterday and am aching to get
in practice again !"
Ilis commands were obeyed to the
AH were ranged in line in the
snow, and the boyish looking leader
fir-t searched your corre-|Miiuletiu l'iie
first thing found was a railroad pa-*,
and scanning it f>r a moment, the
hundit sai>) ;
"I always re.j>cet the pre**; I am
Rilly I*- R iv, and 1 a-k you to let me
down ea*v."
All were examined except tin- lady
mid u gentleman at her left, ami lit
tle money xxa- found. "Ibg pardon,
Mi--," sud IA! ltoy, ax he rilled Imr
pocket.-. A- the road agent lurne'i
to the remaining pa-*ctigcr, the latl< r
"I haven't got over ito my name,
hut if you'll let me go I'll tell you
where vou can get over sto t.
1/■ lioy had already found tin- pa--
M tiger's pockct-l> jok, and a- it ia not
heavily laden, replied :
"Well, lire away, it's a bargain."
"In the left overshoe ol the wo
man' answered the tell-tah .
I)epite the woman'* protestation
her shoe was removed and the money
appropriated. Then order- were giv
en to return to the stage ; they were
obeyed; Curly Hooker was told to
drive on, and in a few moment* the
stage xva- howling away from the
eventful spot.
An indignation meeting was imme
diately held, and it was suggested that
the passenger xxlio had betrayi d the
lady should either IK- lynrhed IT
thrown out <if the -tage to jwrish in
the -noxx.
"Alloxv me to utter a word of ex
planation," -aid the brute, in a suave
tone, at this point, "I am the ag< lit
for a St, Iuis company who have
purchased an interest in the JVndry
group of mines at 1/adville, ami in
my vali.-' I carry $>!<•,0(10 of the pur
chae money. 'I he expre--age rate on
so great a sum is so heavy that I
thought it safer to adopt this method
of carrying it through. I knew very
well that if therohber found nothing
he would search our baggage, and so
played the roll of informant and out
witted him."
On arriving at Leadville the lady,
who proved to be Mi-. Winnie l'urdy,
wa presented with J? 1 .*HH by the
From tl# !or-Uj Mfhi
One of the most touching things we
have rend in a long time is that story
of a roldier and a poor lone xvonian
near Franklin, Ind. The roldier came
to her house nt night and demanded
her money of her life. She hadn't
much money, or life either, hut she
preferred giving up the former rather
than the latter, so she brought her
store and placed it in his hand. He
looked it over carefully to sec that she
didn.t palm off any twenty cent pieces
for piartcr, and facetiously told her
that he should credit Imr only ninety
four cents on the trade dollars, chiding
her for taking tbein at their face
value. Haven't you anything else of
value?" itifpiired the bold bad bur
glar, looking about the scantily fur
nished npartment ; a "child's bracelet,
ring anything will be thankfully re
ceived. She had nothing more she
replied, with a sigh. A thought struck
him. "Your husband was a soldier,
was he not V She acknowledged
that he was, and killed in the war.
"Then he must have had a revolver,"
he continued, searching her counte
nance. "Ah you grow confused, you
stammer; your manner bctrnys you.
Oct that revolver at once and give it
to me." In vain the women implored
him to spare that harmless trinket,
almost the sole memorial of the hus
band she had lost. She had pawned
many things when in distress, hut had
always held on to that. Hut the rob
ber was unrelenting. Sobbing bitter
ly the poor woman went to a bureau
drawer and removed the precious
relic, around whieh clustered so many
tender rccollectinus. "Must you have
it?" said she, as she advanced with
trembling steps toward him. "Yes, I
must," laid the robber extending bis
haud. "Well, theu, take it," said she,
gently prosing the trigger for the Inst
time, there wa* a loud report and
the robber tumbled over dead. The
community ought to |euioii that wo
REi-Rcm CTION or A I.RTTER or |&GI,
Z<*nin r
In the eurlv part of Mr. Lincoln's
administration ex-President Rueliuiiau
in a letter to a life long friend, briefly
and pointedly referred to the closing
scene* of his own administration; and
now that his acts, I after a lapse of
twenty years, and when nearly all the
member* of hi* cabinet are in their
graves,) are passing the ordeal of se
vere criticism, and the Philadelphia
Tin ics rails upon the public urn of
that day to put upon record all they
know lor u-e of tin* coming historian,
we propose to let the dead president
speak for himself through hi* written
word. The extract herewith append
ed is taken from the original. The
o|*-ning ami closing paragraph* of the
letter being purely personal, we omit
WIIEATI AM>, neur L.tnmsler, 1
September -I, l k Gl. j
' I had M hard time of u during my
ndmiuitration ; but upon a eureful re
view of all my conduct I should not
change it :n M single important measure
it t fun were now 111 my |x>wi-r. When
the official documents and the fart*
eoine to he pr< -enti-d to the public. I
entertain no apprehension to what
will be tlu-ir verdict. I 'n the one side
I had beeli Violently opposed by the
Republican* from the lieginiiing, and on
the other side the leading secessionist*
were estranged from rne from the date
of my message on the It I of In-ceruber,
and soon after, when I returned the ih
-oleiit letter of the "south Carol Ilia (silll
rnistioner* to tliem unanswered, all in
tricoiir-c, political •. r ■ rial, between
them and lilts* If ceased. I was on the
next day, or a day or two after, violent
ly attache I in the Senate by .1 elferson
I'avis and In* followers, and the leiicr
wh'cb I had returned was submitted by
liim to ltd lash and puhltahed in the
(Jbtymim O ' I purmiwd my own
leady course from the beginning "1 he
t'iiarleston authorities were distinctly
notified, over and over again, that il
they attacked Fort Sumter 1 should
consider this attack as the commence
ment of a ci\il w>r I need scarcely
say that I agree With you 111 npfirn ,nj
l/if lirafrmt.'-n < f thu U .IT Ay thi •tortrnnirnL
1 have never held any other language
•lIICS tlie Confederates commenced it
by the attack on Fort.Sumter, ft would
probably have commenced early in
■fanuary had tlie Senate confirmed my
nomination of a collector for the port
cf Chariea'on.
"f remain, very respectfully your
friend, .liar- I'.o lIIVAV."
\ i:\Aoirs I'lroiTiiMiH.
leu lie rtilU4*)|>l.U Tines.
'l'll, ye*; I'm taking things easy
jut now, -aid Henry <. Yennor, the
Canadian weather prophet, to a re
porter of the 77Irs last evening in a
Chestnut street jewelry store. "I'm
working only when the humor seiz.<*
me, and beside* there is so much to
*•• in and alsjut the citv that my
time is almost wholly occupitd with
my wife in vi-iting place* of interest.
I cannot siav any longer than Mon
day, when 1 want to run down to
Washington for a day or two. My
almanac for I**' 2 will then require
some attention and I will close up the
work a* much a* possible before re
turning to Montreal. .1. M. Stoddard
A' Co., of i'hiladelphiit, will publish
it and will have it ready for the pule
lie by the middle of October. It will
contain nothing Imt original matter,
which I am preparing from month to
month as 1 go along. I have the
Canadian part of the almanac al
ready prepared, and 1 nm writing the
American part in this country. lam
holding back the probabilities until
the last moment, notwithstanding Mr.
Stoddart's urgent demand for them.
I am a trifle uncertain about one or
two of the fall month*, and I want as
much time oil them as I can get.
"1 am always misrepresented," lie
continued. "For instance, I make a
forecast of the weather for n certain
month and bring the prediction* down
to quarters —not weeks, mind you—
and accompany them with nbout forty
word* of explanation. Then when
they are published I see that some
one has taken the liberty to insert the
days of the week and exact dates,
with the explanation* in the wrong
place*. I never make predictions so
close as that. 1 must have five days'
time to cover them safely. People
look upon my work a* purely sensa
tional and are always ready to make
adverse criticisms when a miss occurs.
What I would like to see is more peo
ple studying the weather and making
predictions. Anybody can do it hv
patient study and observation. If
they would they could have a chance
to make good 'hits' and to get abuse*!
when predictions failed.
"The American Signal Service is a
good thing and 1 hold it in the high
est esteem. Rut it must always re
main imperfect. You will see by the
report* that a storm is now raging
along the coast of the Southern States
and is traveling east and north. A
day or two ago 1 saw the Signal Ser
vice predictions and I said to Mrs.
Vcnnor: 'That cornea wonderfully
near my figures.' I said that the
storm, with high winds and rain, would
reach this section somewhere about
Sunday, August 28. Now, if the
storm doesn't strike n- tomorrow it
will probably not come at till. The
Hijjnul system iw entirely different from
mine, but J think we will not quarrel
right away. I eti}>jxtec there is room
for improvement on both aide*. 1 nee
Montreal an my storm centre and
make all my ob-ervation* and fore
eat* from that point. Uy comparison
I can tell that when there will be a
certain kind of weather in Montreal
another kind will prevail in the (South
ern Hi ales and <-t ii I other kind* in oth
er sections. I have la-en quoted on
, saying that the basis of my work i* a
| 'comparison of raiiw- with cause, effect
with elli-nt, and season with season,' or
-oiin of that rort. I don't think
anyone hi ard me say that, It I never 0
entertained Mich id' it*."
Mr*. \ etuior, wife of the "prophet,"
; enjoy* her trip through "the Mate*/'
greatly and i- i nthuriaxtie over Amer
•'•an scenery. <it medium height and
haud-ome figure, with d:uk hair and
eye-, the clear < unndian complexion
and low, Miiooth voice, there i- noth
ing remarkable to point her out a*'
the wife of the "prophet." The most
■ a*ual oh-erver *eeiug the I'rince-*
1/jui* and Mr*. \ ennor togethr r uld
not but notice in them a similarity of
face, form and figure.
I \ K INC. A I,oN'ti Jot KNUY.
' •nt \ J dV, JfilkM) II) 1,1) tMi
I'A X lIAUV Ml -X T l.f.T TIKI II."
i re-m 111- lete.it !• u.<) Ton .nr.
W ben one of th<- trait.* of this city
came in at midnight a few night*
ugo, an old man wa- found sleeping
in one of the seal- ; the conductor
flashed hi- lantern in hi* face; the
hrakemau stirred hi.u up, and one or
two pa—cnger* looked at him ca rede
ly. but no person Merited to belong to
lriin- He wa- neat and clean, liut
thin and wa-ted by old age or priva
tion. All sort- of troubles w< re map
ped out on his ch-an, withered face,
but the main thing just then was to
get him awake and on hi- feet and out
: of the car.
"1 say. old man," yelled the con
ductor m a seven league voice, "get
out of this; do Vou hear? This i
Detroit. If'you\e got any friend*
they'll he looking for you."
He oj tencd hi* eye* mi wide and
sudden that the hrakeman and con
ductor and the curious pa-senger fell
back on each other in a heap, but
only hi* lijis moved ;
"Where"* (iracie?'
"Who?" asked the conductor, re
> ivcring his official voice.
"I.ittlc t iracie—grant!pa *little j* t !
I I brought her with me. Is she there?"
"I guc-x he i* not wide awake yet,"
said the curious passenger. "Huppo-e
you help him to his feet."
Conductor* 3r>- expert in helping
people to their feet, and this ,ne wax
100 exception to the rule. _!!' t— .k
| the old man by the coat collar and
i stood him up, but he sank down
again the t,i xt moment, limp and mo
tionless. .lust tlun a dejnit hand
came in.
"The baggage nia-t< r want* to know
| what you're goin' to do with that mite
of a deal liox over tlcre. lie d< n't -
; want anv of that kind left over, and
there ain't no direction on it but
i '(iracie.'
"That* her!.' said the old man. ami
'h" stood up feebly. "Take me there.
We're going a long, long journey—
(iracie and me : a long, long journey,
but it don't M-cra a* if 1 knew the
j way right clear."
They took him into the depot and
laid him on otic of the bcnche*. and
put hi* old carpet-bag under bis head,
nut be *till fretted for hi* "leetlc
(iracie —hi* pet," and at last thrv
consoler! him by telling him she wa*
resting, was asleep, and must not be
"We've a long journey to go," be
kept saying to himself; "and grand
pa* baby rnusn't get tired. It's a ■*
long way, a long way."
The little "box," with (iracie writ
ten upon it in lead pencil, wa* safe
enough with the other "freight," and
the old man slept peacefully at Inst.
Some kind soul threw n rig over him
near morning and asked him what
train be wa* waiting for; but ail
the answer he made wa* a feeble
"Thank'ee ; call me at sunrise. We're
going a long journey,(iracie and nte."
lie was called at sunrise by a voice
that none may refuse, aud when a
flood of rosy light shone into the
dreary room he wa* up and away
gone on hi* long journey. Only the
worn out body was there, and yester
day it was laid away with "little
(iracie" in the strangers' lot at Mount
Llliott, alnue, unknown, yet possibly
in as "sure hope of a gracious resur
rection" a* if marked by thirty feet of
mouumental clay.
. - - •
A GOOD wife greets her husband at
tbv door with a smile and a kiss —
provided be gets it before midnight,
and hi* breath don't per*pire the
fumes of poor whiskey. But after
that hour the fountain of her friend
ship frecae* up, and she stands on the
top stair* with a broken wash dish iu
one hand and her ma triage certificate
in the other.
"lit what condition was &e pa
triarch Job at the end of his life?"
aked a Sunday-school teacher of a
quiet looking boy at the foot of the x
class. "Ikwd," calmly replied the
boy. J*
Thk meanest woman on record is
the one who boiled codfish in a fire
proof safe to keep her neighbors