Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, September 08, 1881, Image 1

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    SHKIKRT & PORSTER, Editors.
VOL. :t.
Slit (Centre democrat.
Terms Sl.&O por Annum, in Advance.
8. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editor..
Thursday Morning, September 8, 1881.
Democratic County Ticket.
JOHN O. LARIMER, of Spring,
JOHN K. HUNK EI,, of l'otter.
J. CALVIN lIARUKK, of Bellefontc.
THOMAS J. DUN K EL, of Rush.
JAMES A. Mi ('LAIN, of Hoggs.
FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring.
DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. GRF.IST, of Unionvillc,
JOHN WOLF, of Miles.
JOHN S. PROUDFOOT, of Mileiburg,
F. I*. MUSSER, of Millheim.
The President at Long Branch.
It appears to have liecomc painfully
evident to the surgeons attending Pre
sident Garfield that there-was no lon
ger a possible chance for his recovery
at Washington, and late last week
they determined to remove him from
the malarial influences of that re
gion at the first favorable moment.
The locality seemed to be against bim,
and after mature deliberation, in which
all the hazards of a change anil the
fatigue of a railroad journey in bus
feeble condition were considered, it
was decided that the removal could lie
made with a reasonable degree of safe
ty, and that he should be taken to
Long Branch, where it is hoped the
pure breezes of the ocean will give him
nt least au additional chance for life.
Arrangements for the removal were
immediately made, and in all respects
they seem to have been perfect. A
special train was provided and held in
readiness for use at short notice. On
Tuesday morning last the opportune
moment came. At an early hour the
President was carefully taken from
the room in which he had spent so
many painful and trying hours, and
placed in the car prepared for his trans
portation. The train steamed from
the Washington depot, and rapidly
wended its way to the sea side resort.
The early departure of the train from
Washington was quickly telegraphed
over the land, and the prayers of a
Nation went up to Heaven for the
comfort aud safety of the precious life
that it Iwre. It was ari eventful jour
ney that will long be remembered.
There was profound concern every
where; every one was anxious for
news, and the despatches announcing
the progress of the train and its safe
arrival at its destination were eagerly
It was gratifying to learn that the
journey had been made with so little
trouble, and that the suffering Presi
dent bore up under the change so
bravely. It was to lie expected that
his pulse would rise under the excite
ment of the trial which he was to un
dergo, and this was the case, hut yester
day the physicians report that his con
dition is normal and that he has-re
coved from the fatigue of the trip. Of
course, there will be great anxiety for
the next few days, and we can only
hope for the best. The despatches in
another column give full accounts of
the journey and of the President's con
dition up to the time this issue of the
DEMOCRAT goes to press.
THE Republican State Convention
meets at Harrisburg to-day for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
State Treasurer. The content is be
tween Senator Davies, of Bradford
co'unty, and Gen. Bailey, of Fayette
county. The former presumed to play
independent last winter no far as to
support Grow for United States Sena
tor in opposition to the caucus nomi
nee, and thus incurred the enmity of
(lie Cameron machine. The latter is
the machine candidate and will proba
bly succeed in getting the nomination
Republican Consistency.
Kvcr since the close of the late civil
war the leaders of the Republican
party have arrogantly assumed to he
the defenders of the public credit. A
vast debt was incurred in the sup
pression of the rebellion, and from the
day the war closed until the present
time these leaders have harped upon
the sanctity of that indebtedness, and
have never omitted an opportunity to
to show how dangerous it would he to
permit any one hut themselves to
shape the policy of the government
in regard to it. At each recurring
presidential election these self consti
tuted champions of the public credit
have tried to prove to the people that
their opponent* were repudiaton, and
that in the event of Republican de
tent the obligations of the United
States would become worthless, and
public honesty an unknown principle
in the administration of the govern
ment. When the greenback theory
was first suggested in au honest though
perhaps mistaken idea that the bur
dens of the people might to some ex
tent be thereby lightened, it wns re
pudiation in disguise! When it was
proposed to pay the bonds in the same
currency received for them, it was
open and rank repudiation ! And so
on to the end. No proportion calcu
lated in any way to ease the toiling
masses of the stress of taxation under
which they labored was ever offered
that these adroit partisans did not try
to turn to political account, and to the
advancement of their own selfish pur
poses. If there was no process of
logic by which such propositions couid
be made to mean an attack upon the
credit of the nation, the weapons of
misrepresentation and falsehood were
at tbeir command, and they did not
hesitate to use them.
But what a sublime spectacle do
these superfine patriots—these noble
heroes of public honesty —present to
the gaze of an admiring world to-day!
Look to Virginia! Behold their alli
ance with repudiators, and test their
honesty ami their consistency by the
every day facts that are occurring in
the political struggle that '■ now tak
ing place in that State, (ten. Wick
ham, a gentleman of high character,
a Union man before the war, a Re
publican since the war, and by com
mon assent the ablest and moat influ
ential of the white Republicans of the
Suite, because he will not cringe to
Mahone and his motley gang iu sup
port of repudiation, is denounced all
over the North as a traitor to his
payy and as unworthy of confidence.
The power ami patronage of the ad
ministratiotT are thrown into the bal
ance to weigh it down on the side of
repudiation and dishonesty, and Re
publicans everywhere are expected to
support and npplaud the disgraceful
act of those who thus outrage decency
and all respect for the sacred obliga
tions of a tttatc.
Next to repudiation, in the eyes of
these same defenders of honesty, the
greenback heresy was the blackest po
litical crime of the times. But we
have only to look to the State of Mis
sissippi at the present time to ascer
tain how venial even this heresy niay
become when the Republican party
has some political advantage t gain
by an alliance with the followers of
that faith. The same spectacle may
be observed in Mississippi that is seen
in Virginia. The administration uses
its power to compel honest Republi
cans into political fellowship with the
Greenbackers in order to defeat the
Democrats, with a vague hope that
some good may accrue to the party in
the event of success.
It would seem that to these people
principle is nothing, the sacred credit
of a great State is nothing, past pro
fession of fidelity to public honesty
is nothing, consistency is nothing, so
that victory perches upon the ban
ners of their party. Is not this a
faithful picture of the position occu
pied by the leaders of the Repub
lican party to-day? Professing to be
the exclusive advocates of public hon
esty, do they not join hands with re
pudiutora in Virginia? Denouncing
the heresy of green bock is in, do they
not seek an alliance with Greenback
ers in Mississippi? Consistency may
he a jewel, hut it is not to he found in
the present Republican party.
Till-: Republican journals express
great fear that the admission of Miller
and Lnpham, the New York Senators
elect, will be resisted by the Demo
crat* either for irregularity in their
election, or that some complication as
yet undetermined may arrest the con
trolling power of the Vice President.
Their fears in this case seem to lie in
spired from their deserving*, and that
the Democrats might be tempted to
cpst aside all decency and propriety
to follow the precedents so profusely
furnished hv the Republicans. If the
Democrat* were influenced by the -ante
mean spirit which has governed the
opposition, there might be cause of ap
prehension, hut the possession of a few
paltry offices lias not allured them
heretofore, ami it is not likely that
such considerations can induce them
to take up Republican precedent* a* a
rule of action now. The course of the
Democrats, we are glad to believe, has
ever been lawful ntxl honorable, and
the fact that they waited week- at the
extra-session to |erniit the Republi
cans to fill vacancies tx-fore organizing
the Senate, might !><• an assurance that
they could not adopt the dirty tricks
of their opponents to secure mean ad
vantages, even with the numerous Re
publican examples l>eforc them a- a
plea of justification. If it is projier
that Miller and I,apham should IK- ad
mitted, and there is a legal officer to
qualify them for membership, certain
ly no Democrat will object. Rut if it
is necessary to chose a President of the
Senate to qualify them for member
ship, aud the Republicans have not a
sufficient nunil>er of votes to elect this
officer, there is no reason in the world
why Democrat" should ignore their
own party atfiliations to aid them.
Courtesy is very weM when it is recip
rocal, hut when one party repudiates
the sentiment when it suits them to do
so, the other need not be bound by it.
We therefore trust tßat the Democrats
of the Senate will select a distinguished
mcmf>er of their own party for Presi
dent of the Senate and vote for him-
If elected, the country will not lose by
it, ami if not, it will IK- at least notice
to the opposition that courtesy must
not alwnvs lc on one side.
IT seem- a little harsh to say it, but it
is a sell evident truth that nothing ever
swerves tbe Remocratic party from its
purpose to steal every office which ap
pears to be wiihin its reach.— llcl'cfonlf
(Jo Mow, neighbor. There if one of
fice the Democratic party never ftole.
It never ftole the Presidency. The
only party that ever existed in the Ig
nited State* that ran truthfully lie
charged with that enormous crime is
the Republican party. Your memory
is short. You seem to have forgotten
one R. 11. Hayes and the hideous fraud
of 1876.
CONKi.iNO has already opened the
•ye* of the half-hreeds of his party to
the fact that he is a lively corpse, and
still capable of bossing affairs. He
has forced the bidding of the State con
vention in the city of New York, in
stead of Albany, as desired by the half
breeds. The test ipiestion came up
last week in the Republican General
Committee, and resulted iu the defeat
of the half-breeds and tho reassertion
of the political power of Roscoe Conk
ling a* the head-centre of the party.
THE Independent Republicans of
Schuylkill county met in convention
on Monday last ami nominated a tick
et. Thcv indicate Charles 8. Wolfe,
of Union, as their choice for Governor.
The stalwarts arc yet to speak, and
will doubtless prefer other men than
those choaen by the opponents of ring
ster government. Charley Wolfo and
such, will not suit the bosses.
A Republican Campuiunor.
The following extract from one of
Guiteau's campaign speeches last year
shows that he told the truth when he
declared that he was "a stalwart of
the stalwarts
"This is the issue—n solid North
against a solid South. Tho North con
quered the South on the field of battle
and now they must do it at the polls in
November, or they may have to fight
another war. Ye men whose sons per
ished in the war, what say ye to the is
sue ; shall wo have another war? Shall
our national treasury be controlled by
ex rebels and their Northern allies, to
the end that millions of dollars of
Southern war claims be liquidated ? II
you want the public bankrupt, with the
prospect of another war, make Han
cock president. If you want prosperity
and peace, make Garfield president,
and the republic will develop till it be
comes the grandest and wealthiest na
tion on the globe."
Such, remarks the I lollidavsLurg
Standard, was the "bloody shirt" pro
claimed from the stump by th- brutal
wretch, in behalf id' the Republican
cause. In giving utterance to such ab
surd stud, Guitcau was simply follow
ing tho example set him by the Repub
lican campaign sjs-ak' r-, and tin Re
publican organs all over the country.
It was the old, old story, and a* he was
a representative Republican, he no
doubt felt that he was proving hi- feal
ty to las party when ,he repeated it
from the stump. If Guitcan had been
a Democrat, the Republican- would
have charged that the Democratic par
ty was rcspon.-ible for hi- diabolical at
tempt to a-sasinate the Republican
president. Of course such a charge
would tiavo !x-on preposterous, but ne
vertheless it would have aroused a
strong prejudice in the minds of many
credulous persons against the Demo
cratic party. Rut no sane jw r- n would
charge that Democrat.- are in any way
responsible for the attempt to take Pre
sident Garfield's life, since the vnga- 1
bond who committed tlx- crime boa-t
-ed thnt he wa~ a "Stalwart," ami that
his object was to unite the Republican
party and to make Arthur Pr -ident.
RooKW Al.Tf.lt, the Democratic can
didate for (iovernor of Ohio, i- an
teu-ivc manufacturer, and giv
ployment to n large number
ers. At the Presidential clo
fall, when labor was coerced and re
quired to vote the Republican ticket
a- a necessity to obtain employment
from the manufacturers, or on threats
of dismi—al, if employed, Mr. Rook
walter addrc-sed his employes thus
"Men, I a-n a Reroocrat. Many of
you are Republicans. I -hall vote for
Hancock. You may vote (or whom
you plea-e. This shop doen't stop
work, no matter who i elected, Han
cock or fiarfield. Work will continue
all the same, and your wages shall not
bo reduced."
I/et any otic, if they can, call to re
membrance similar words addressed
to them by a Republican manufactur
ing employer.
Tm: official bulletin received from
Long Branch, this, Thursday morning,
before the DKMOTKAT went to press,
reads as follows:
IMOW BRANCH, Sept. N, 8:.10 A. m. —The
President was restless ami wakeful up
to midnight, alter which he slept well
until morning. His general condition
appear* mors- encouraging. Pulse 104,
temperature 98, respiration 1!-.
TUB terrible drouth which has pre
vailed during the summer is jrerhaps
the most disastrous that ha- occurred
in this generation at lejist. The corn
crop ami potatoes may 1M- put down as
a general failure, nnd indeed nil crops
generally grown for fall and winter
use, will Ire short, and jrerhaps much
more difficult to obtain, even at high
prices, than usual.
TIIE Cabinet have been discussing
the propriety of calling Vice Presi
dent Arthur to Washington as acting
President during President Garfield#
disability. The impression prevails
that the proposition was not favorably
received, and that Mr. Arthur will not
assume the duties of the Presidential
office, except in the event of the Presi
dent's death.
THE machine isomuiponent in Peon
■ylvania, at least. The nomialinn of the
stalwart candidate for State Treasu
rer, Cicn. Bailey, is assured.
The President nl the Sea Shore.
lit* Bear* the Trip llmclf.
WASH I xtiTOSf Sept. G.—The president
passed a comfortable night at the ex
ecutive mansion, ami slept much of the
time, but awakened at frequent inter
vals. He spoke of his impending de
parture with mingled anxiety and hope.
In the early hours ol the morning he
took beef tea and eiiemata, and his
pulse varied from 101 to 10*. A large
crowd gathered in front of the mansion
at an early hour, some of the people
having been there all night. The en
tire route to the depot was cleared of
i vehicles by the police. The crowd was
very quiet and orderly, everyone seem
! rd fearful lest some accident should be-
J fail the patient.
At precisely 5.40 the president was
carried from tin- sn-k room to the ex
press wagon hacked up to the steps of
the front | ortico. He was resting 111 a
peaceful position, his right hand laid
tijion his breast and left arm stretched
full length ujton the coverlet. He ap
peared greatly emaciated, but Itia face,
though careworn and tlnn, teouied rial
ural. His high forehead was covered
' by a linen cloth, and his features bore a
| patient and resigned expression. The
horse- were hitched to the wagon, .and
■at 5.50 started, when the president
' feebly. Gut cheerfully, raised mi hand
and waved a farewell to those assem
bled. The horses walked all tli- way to
the de|>oi, with a man at the bridle of
each animal to keep it in control. An
anxious crowd followed silently, gazing
i upon the president, the curtains of the
wagon being rolled up to give hirn air.
7 K ts s rCRKCIi To THE TRAIN.
At the depot there vra a feeling of
relief, it being the general impression
that the wort of the perilous pmrney
1 was over, General Swaim announced
I that the president had not lieen dis
i turbed or disquieted in the least, but,
! on the contrary, seemed to enjoy the
ride. The horses were detached and
the wagon backed up to the oars. The
president was then transfer red, although
there was some difficulty in the delicate
task, owing to the car floor being rather
high. However, it was accomplished
successfully ; when inside the car the
patient was transferrer! from the bed
on which he had been carried to a
spring bed. At G.lid, ntntd deep silence,
tlie train be fran to move. A alight do
! lay, however, occurred, but at G..">o ex
' actiy the train started on its journey.
AI.oX. Till. KOITE.
j Bsniuoar, September A.—The presi
dent has stood the fatigue of travel up
j\ v this hour with remarkable fortitude
L\ V pubo '* even less fr. quent than it
K \ efore leaving Washington. It is
lttV The arrangements are so
*1 lin every detail that the in-
I e to the president is reduced
almost to n minimum. The l>ed upon
which he is nonliving is -o carefully
I adjusted that Wi.' c , jbration i hardly
j noticeable. The train ran from Wash
j ingtoti to Baltimore at an average speed
(of thirty miles per hour. It is found
! that this rate of speed causes less an
| noyance than if it was reduced one-half.
At 7 o'clock the president took three
ounces of beef tea with relish.
Wit MINUTON, Sept. A.—The president
| ial train passed through here at 10.10
j A. a., moving through the city at the
j rate of about ten miles an hour. About
I 1,5000 people assembled at the depot.
It was ropsrted that the president was
in good condition, the only change
since leaving Washington being a slight
acceleration of pulse. Among the mes
sages thrown from the train were the
To Mr*. Kit: a (rar*irl,i, GarrrlltvilUi
Ohio: 8.35 A.M.: All goes well up to
this hour,and the president is standing
the journey splendidly.
(Signed) N. NTANI.ET BROW N.
AT U>K(> nit ASCII.
lAINC BRANCH, Sept. A.—The presiden
tial party arrived here safely at 1.10.
The president ha* borne the journey
well, and is not much fatigued. The
physicians express themselves as highly
gratified at the success of the trip.
The train ran direct to the door of tlie
Krancklyn cottage, which the president
is to occupy. A temporary track con
nection for this purpose was commenc
ed yesterday and finished early this
morning. Attorney General Mac-Veagh
who arrived yesterday, greeted the par
ty and was highly pleased at the assur
ing reports received from the presi
dent's physicians. The attorney gener
al has been busy since his arrival at
tending to all the minor details of the
arrangements for the reception of the
suffering president. He has also found
time to watch with anxious interest the
work of building the branch road.
BONO BRANCH, Sept. 6, 6:30 p. N.—
Since the last bulletin was iaaued the
president has been removed I com
Washington to Branch, lie was
more relies* than usual last night, be
ing evidently somewhat excited by the
anticipations of the journey. Thta
morning at 5:30 o'clock his pulse was
118, teintieralure Vfl.S. respiration 18.
We left Washington with the president
at 6:30. Owing to the admirable ar
rangements made by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Company, and to the ingeni
% -
TKHMS: #l.'>o jwr A rum hi, in Afhunrc.
ou"ly arranged bed designed by T. X.
Kly the fatigue incident to the trans
portation wan reduced to a minimum,
tifvcrth:l<* a* wan anticipated mn*
sign* of the disturbance produced by
the journey have been exhibited sine*
hi* arrival by a rhe of temperature and
increased frequency of pulse. At pre#-
ent the pulse ;* 121, temperature 101.6,
respiration 18.
LONG I'iKAK' ii, N. J., September o.
Secretary Maine *-nt the following dis
patch to-night to Ministers Morton and
Lowell : The president left Washing
ton at 6:30 this morning and reached
Long Branch at 1:1 ft) r. a. lie seemed
to bear the journey well, though the
heat was very opj res-ive. After hi*
arrival he was for several hours restless.
Me showed si.rns of great fatigue and
: complained that his back had a bruised
, feeling. Mi* pulse rose to 121. and hi*
temperature to 101.6. At this hour,
1 Kb3o, he i* sleeping and his fever i
abating. His surgeons regard his symp
i torn* as the necessary result of the jour
ney. and expect a favorable change in
this air within the next two days. Ill*
fever is, in part, attributed to the ex
citement he felt at the prospect of coin
ing. He earnestly desired to leave the
White Houae and hi* weary eyes wel
come the sight of the M-L. The devel
opoienu of the next sixty hour* are
awaited with solicitude. BLAINE.
IYONG I'.KAV H, X. J., Kept. 7, 0 A. M.—
The president slept quietly the greater
part of the night, awakening to take
nourishment. This morning hi* symp-
I torn* are normal, and he appear* to
| have recovered from the journey. Pulse
i 106, temperature 'J*, respiration 1 4 .
j Secretary Blaine sent the following at
il o'clock on Wednesday night to Low
I ell, minister. London: "The President
I ha* not gained in the lat twenty-four
j hours. Ilis fever increased considerably
i during the afternoon, hi* temperature
< reaching 101. He take* food without
nausea but without apetite, and ha* not
' increased in strength. The day i* said
to be a* hot as wa ever known at Long
j Branch. Cooler weather i* reported
i from the west, and lower temperature.
| Belief to the President i* hoped for to
j morrow.
JOHN SHEIIMAN has been induced to
take the stump in Ohio to save Foster
and the Republican party from impen
ding defeat under the well k <lirected
j Ido WE of liookwalter. the Democratic
candidate for Governor. Sherman has
no love for Foster, whose treachery at
< 'hicago so weakened hi* Presidential
; chances, but his party being seriously
menaced, he hastens to the rescue.
Foster, attempting to ride two horses,
| fell between them, and is being drag
ged and battered at a fearful rate. It
is doubtful whether John with all his
' adroitness and experience will be able
jto release this detected detr igogue
from the peril of his situation. Book-
I waiter holds a steady rein and is ma
king good time in the race.
THE Administration take a hand
for Mahone and repudiation. The fed
eral officers in Yirgiuia who decline
to accept Mahone as a boss or to favor
the transfer of the Republican party to
his piebalds, are boiug removed, and
i their places given to rcpudiators.-
A BILL making the buying and sel
ling of votes a crime, wa defeated by
the Republican members of the Now
Hampshire legislature. Such a law.
of course, could not be acceptable to
Republican legislators. These little
commercial transactions arc the main
reliance for retaining Republican ma
jorities in that State.
The foretffire* in northwestern Penn
sylvania and western New York con
t linue very destructive to timber, the
crops and oil work*. The damage is
estimated as high as $2,500,000, but it
is hoped that this is exaggeration.
Three men have been burned to death
and several other* eeverety injured by
the flame* at different poiai. in the
suffering region. 1 n the (jtlawa Valley,
Canada, about sixty families have been
burned out, and the In** on property is
estimated at $150,000.
Mr. Jefferson Davis arrived at Liver
pool oo Sunday in the steamer Bernard
Hall, from New Orleans. He ia not in i
good health. After a short stay at the "
Adelnhi Hotel he lelt for I-ondon by
the Midland Railway express. lie de- *
Olined to be interviewed.
The oil field* of Wyoming Territory
are aaid to be more productive and ea- '
tier developed than those in Pennsvlva
nia. The president of the Rocky Monn\
tain Oil Company guarantee* that they ">
can produce fifty, thousand barrel* |ier
day when required, and expect at no
distant day to furnish oil for all (he
oouotry west of the Missouri river.
The National Prohibition convention
t* to be held in New York on Oct. ith