A Friendly lilt of Advice. I'RKI'ARINU KOR TIIS RUCTION—SOME VAI.- VAUI.K MINTS. Frm tlio Ollntiin llcmoorat. The annual State election is coming on apace, and as voters are one of the products of this country either on lie coming twenty one years of age, or by naturalization, too much cannot be said to direct rdl in the right and legal channel, litis is neces.ary, that all who are entitled to excrei-e the fran chises nt a tree American cilucti should know how to proceed intelligently ami legally. Persons who want to vote at the November election must he register ed by September ','lh, two months (sixty days) before the day of election, which occurs November Mh, More: As all parties must pay a tax within two years, the I'th dsy of < iclober will be the last ilay to pay a tax. Don't put it off until the 10th! Vut may lose your vote. Those who wish to vote the com ing (all had better examine the list of voters now in the hands of the Assessor (or the one to be found at the election house,) and see if their names are en rolled. If not on the li-t, inform the Assessor of the fact, and he will have to register you. Too many, especially young men, rely upon their right ami privilege of swearing in their vote on election day. This should not be, as it takes too much time away from the Flection Hoard. There is no sense in the county employing a hail dozen men to look alter your rights when you can attend to it yourself so cheaply. Look at the registry list now posted up at your election house, and if your name is not on it, "go for the assessor." and don't bother the Flection Board with that which you should attend to your self. Let us recapitulate. To qualify a man to vote he must possess the follow ing qualifications, to wit: Ist. He must be 21 years of age. 2d. He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. 3d. He shall have resided in the State at least one year. The only exception to this is where a qualified voter leaves the State to reside elsewhere, upon his return he wdl again be entitled to voio after he resides in the State six months. 4th. He must have resided in the district where he offers to vote at least two months (sixty days) immediately preceding the election. slh. If 22 years of age or upwards he must have paid a State or county tax that shall hive been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Courts have repeatedly decided that no difference when the tax was assessed lif even ten or twenty years before) if it was pai.l within two years of the election this payment qualifies the elector to vote; provided it have been assessed at least sixty days before the election, and paid one month before. fith. The Courts also decide that thir ty days are to be counted in all cases as a month that that is the legal sig nification of the term "month." 7th. The voter should be registered at least two months before the elect! >n. This saves all trouble alx>ul the right to vote, except upon challenge when want of a qualification may be shown. But an otherwise qualified voter cannot be debarred from voting because not registered. In ruck c.ie however, he is required to make oath, prove citizen ship, even if well known, by another person as witness, and submit to trouble some details, fttb. The easy and proper way is to pay whatever State or county tax is due and be registered. Then it the voter has resided sixty day* in the district, been a citizen et the United States for one month, of the Stale for one year and is upwards of 21 years of age he oannot be prevented from voting. t*th. A person between 21 and 22 years of age can vote without the pay ment of taxes, but lie must possess all the other qualifications enumerated. I Irglnin. Coca furoey's Pr -grass Ti|e contest for Hovernor of Virginia places the Democratic parly on high ground, and the attempt to consolidate the colored voters on the basis of !'.e pudiation, and to make the Hepublirtn party responsible for that dogma, is sure to end in disgrace. The Washington City aiagiVtar, an independent paper, says 1 The clianc* are that the straightout*, or a largs proportion of them at least, will support the regular Democratic ticket in order to make the K>-ad|ustrr defeat the more crushing." And the Washington < 'ity ,V<'• aid adds t "This opinion fred t-> ignominious over throw and einnitioii In eurh a competition the people of the North will tskai a deep interest. The resolve of Virginia to pay her honest debt In full unless the whole Bsaes of the Ib-niocratic peri* and will arouse the admiration of all the great interests of the country, without party distinction No iilend of the colored man will fail to eee that the committal of the liberated race to that dangerous heresy will arous* the worst emmosttiee against them, and will undoubtedly sen,.iratn their beat men to separata from a aebeme ao disreputable, if Vir gima by means of the peifonage of to* ( tenet el Ifofesnmeul, can he forced into a position at "nee dishonest and eorrupt there Is no telling ehete the etsmtpie will end, anil tanning at this lime when nasi only money capital hut emigration M preparing to pour into t the **• h, the new esntae# .u \ irgnoa NMset •oth unspeakable nnskis' It Ese the si . a ol deosegogu.s MI and in (amy u| party peiionag* that. hrf a no purp<-ae hut niekisf and Wuse despe rut tun. the Its t-wh.oai, polituuus throw then*selves boldly on tho sole id untw >1 tamed dishonest y * ■tudiusd I* emd m be on the 4uW % (Mm '%• t-ai mmm swmst h ■ "W1 hss sole at a n*hp MM|^ ]Vew AdvertlHrmenta. LOOK HERE! r PIIK un(!on (I would ri'Hpcclfiil -1 fully Inform It In frlriuln throiiKliuut Centre •uni ty Hint In* In nt present nelliiiK the Family Singer Sewing Machine, tIROI' I.KAK Mini TWO MtAWKKH f. r TWKNTY KI\K |N)|,|iAltS; ntnl tin* mine turn hltie, Willi Tulil'*, Co*er mill one hruuer for T\V IINTV POO.A ICS The old roni|uiiiy In Helling the BHiue HUM hi tie* for tlfljr dollar* niid thirty -five dolUift. \vhjr inn lnjy from ia| >!> nut< hine* me giurun tee.l f.ir Kl VI VK \ ICS I alto lininlle iKfi ANS of the very henl make. I). M. COW II Kit, Aeoiit, •J'.3ni 8 tor in* town, Centra County, l*a. j The I.euilliiir Dally ami Weekly Paper IN TilK WKST IIKANI'II VAI.I.KV. THE 8I N AND ISANNKR, PI HI ism. l> BY If. T. BALLADK and 11. M. WOLF, Jr., Ivlitorn mid Proprietor*. WM.I.IAMSIMUIT, PA an able Kditnrial find Reportorial StatC i Contains the l.at'it Telegraphic Sews! Has tt Reliable Corps and C< rresp undentv' I A*D II VII TIIK LAKGKST CI UC I CATION , or a*t Kr.truti pr < F.NTH AI, I'ICNSH YLV A NIA. DAILY s'.oo. WFDFLY $1.50 PF.II YEAR, IN AhVANCK. \ny person fling tip a rluh of five new y rly mih •critter* for tin WIUI t M * \ND IUN.UI. will r* • IYO ! a 'opy for one year r. STATU FAIR AND EXHIBITION 28th Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Ag ricultural Society —A N" l> — Fifth Annual Exposition of the Pittsburgh Ex position Society Combined. Livestock Exhibition September 6th t 17th. li.dtmrial and M<< Dan leal Kxhi kltion, with Trial of Sped, wiili nun i<> until October Bth, Open I lay and Evening. Mll.lOO IN I'IIIvMII'MS. KXCI RSKiN TICKETS AT I.KEATKV UKIH ( Ell KATES. Will bo iwued by all Railroad* centering at l'itt*buri;li. 3H2.T , u.'i<.~jr I3OCII ODLi33D33 3D. n(fl- #rw peon % \ W BBILRR, Rn rdlt tHe y RLBBIDGE McCON K BY, Tes Corrswn'g Sec v I S. if .1, /.O/'.'/l, firnrrnl Wrw hant*, !//< // < /-><,, Itrilr/'nntr, I'n. I IMI O T IK IE R S, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR ZBO^S. OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, A 111: Now am, in. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. KXTKA I'ATCII KH IN KA< || Hl'IT, hii.k iiamki:i:< iiihv in kach coat of TIIK I t IT HHATHD STEIN, ADLER 4 CO. S UAKE, of Rochester, WH<*K RKfOTATION IN THI* I.INK MAM** fIN*T IS TilK IIMITRK ITATRM To be hud ONLY Ml the Popular Emublishmerit -Of.. Sib A I OPR 1 AUZUHKNY kIHKKT. •Ot A. LULU, ) MUMWRTB PA, FINE CLOTH lEHS —*a UJALKKaJK UkMIiMVI. M KMCII AM lllIC. L w A' fu< AdvertfnemetU. 1000-1. ieso-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For tlio Ensuing Year. Tli - ftfit wrlfitlMh prlrnof tl Wkmily Patriot limi lie en r*-liimm| !, l.\-ry ■ullloii must l*i accompanied ly t),<• mall. V*v In lilt' limn tn auhac rTlia nppion/-hing rion of I'ohKifM ami tin* l.'v.ltlalur* will Im of limn* lliiiii ordinary lil i -t ami ilo-lr proceeding* will It- fully r*-|M>rif| f..r fin Daily ami a• in|*l t• •yuo|l i-f ilo'in will If given in Ilia H'wkljf. A•! Ir• m I'\TIII'T I*l' IIl1SI11 Nil CO., 47 tf :i'.D Market llnriiaturi. (£l"70 \W I f.K flj ail-tv at Ii no- ailv made. /aj ' tlv Outfil lr. r A I-!: oTIII K A (U, An guvta, Malm*. 9-1 y Hkockkiiiioff house, ALLKIIIIKNV -r . BKI.I.KVONTR, I* \ WILLIAM M< KKKVF.It, Ml gar (fin*! Sample Rtx>m on t irst Floor. 4#*lW Hu< l > ami fr*in a!l Trains. Hjm' (at rate* to VIiICMMMM Mid jMfors. III* prsii 11< u se, I > iiki.l CHIM ; i'.\. Kainltir* anl • ingle K"itltn* .. ••> w -II • the gem oral Ir.*> lln| tililo* ami r*mttt*fi ml iio-n tmittd !■ till* fir*! < lu* ll -li-l. w li< o- ||o ) will liud lidtii* i timl'Of at nal 1* rate. I'll" ral tedm ti >it tu Juryiifti atl I otl • ra all* ml.tig OMH I. rKLLKK Prop*i off •rs l*tt.viffh E*|- **> iM?.) •I \V I! A K'll KI.OK. I'r id- i I I I" )i'l N< (• r> thing in our line, and now have Home rejilly elioice goods. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS,PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY. —AND— GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. IhHT Wc invito the people of Centre County to rail and inspect our NICE (JOODS, which cannot fall to please. -u SECHLER CO. IlUHitirHH i'artln. HA UN ESS MA N v FACT* >IIV iri Nm |i|f*k. BKILKBO£TK, !'A 1 lj r p. BLAIH, I • JEW El I It. r n. ct/x-n, JIWIL** A<\ All work I> uir l Oil All-,*i rnjr itrfwl, it4*r Broclirkoff UmtM. *. f DKALKItS IN PUKE IMtrus ONLY. ;■ 1 ZKLLKIi k SON, * N '(•'*!. * All ill" CUm ltr ] Pat* i.t M L ' • !*r<- ** i> •rftpUciti* ri>l Fatally II- i\-f - .rt* ) . 5B Tmwi, Mi M'r I'.rvi A< .k> * 1* 441 I : I OUIS DOLL, 1 j runioiH,i moot k iiiokmakw j Bo loi t-fT How. Allpfh't)* >li 'I, 1-lj to. h , t It'lti, Cr** I i t luili.' ttiti'r. 1/lUST NATIONAL BANK OF I MLLKrOXTI AlUfliHi; lUwrl, lUii4rit# Pa. i ff / iKNTKE COI'NTY BAN KINO Yy COMPANY Kw#|o lopmtU At.. PHTMriAN \NI> *1 RfltiOX. • All**. f, 1 St, ' f/ *l |- . -U.T, *-f liKI.I.I.FoSTR PA. nK. J. W. UIIONE, Dcntint, can I— fonnd t M f* * ftrRILL NO, ru PHIKAPM.I'IIIA ItliANl II !Mvr *. | x ,i, u<*r will U h,at il r iu I**) I Um 4 IIKAPMT 4 1. i 111 Ntl , n, rmi in . •atuab wl 4 v*w* ruitttlf. All Uwt m •*.! !•*>• a umm. ♦) AMD sKK, sad mnt ib* *ww la JfMWI tiMgllbuf, 4fe*4 *4il*fcY C AM DuuIfIVKIA HK NAVKD \t trt* PUILADKLPIII \ UitANCll. 1855 1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. PAVE MOSEY ItY triViJ BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Pric*. 125.00 Per Ton of 2000 PonniL. BAUGH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, < - to !t prt of Po!pbi of p t*h. Prict- *30.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound.. ALU GOODS SOLD ON (GUARANTEED ANALYSI3, Ih Hrriplirr Circular* Sent Free tijuni a]>]titration. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue. Philadelphia. Tor bale ly J. 11. LONG, Pa., Atent for Clinton and Centre ConnUea. MILLHKIM HOTEL, Mi!.i.iif.im <■ i NTiii cirvrr i'ksva W. < Ml -SKK, IV-prieU.r. Th" I -ti .f *! :I, ■ , .1 t1 in p. t ri', T *])?, Iw., i..111* fr.-m ( . t titii t.. .-n lh* D wi- i 1 .(.■ < vt.i. h ' . i t.*k I tall. *4, itt, .,. llltf)£* thftt Intltf if ft PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. ■ o i * orir.ili \ ' a! ftl * I M k4l lliitl um • 1 + ' • , • . ■ ! t *tn r < 2 / lENTHAL HOTEL. \ . i Ba • t MII.EM I I Mill i ..JATY, PA A. A. K< 'Il Lit lit KKlt, Proprietor. iTlin.lt . .11 tftATVl.cn* H> ri:r .) will flwl 11.1,11 M ... .„.• tj I. In lull b. at prwcwrw t. 1 ; i ituf< 47 Logan Cement. Till: retail )>ri l r I.OCiAN ("E --: 1 NVVToa ...4 iltn tu Ab M, *IM win Il* !■ 1 11M, UltM ,I.' ■ ' h.T t, ( " 1... I I I . If II K IIICKS Itry fJootln atn! (irorcricn. J J A KI'EK BROTHERS, eraiso PTitr.rr. hellipoittk, pa. Have th<"ir counter* and tbelvea filled with NEW GOODS, ( BANKRCPT RATES Putt hated At - BAN Kill" IT KATES ( BANKKrPT KATES WHTC n TiIKT ofpek at BOTTOM PUK ES. BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. COX MPT ISO or Dry Good*, Millinery (jinx!., Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*. Ac. Iti M TS and SHOES H at very low price*. HOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latol ftyli-# of HATS and CAPS HATS and CAPS ( nrjHt Biri, Umbrella*, I'araeoU, Lad in*' Cloak*, Carji* ting, Uroceriet, Queen* ware, Ac, rpf|i|,,,„rj thin* K..1 l >"TRA I'Rofn p| ukm Id ri biki* it tKt MgLa-at | no 1-lf r PHK CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLKKONTK, PA., IK MOW OPPRMIMa (IREA r INDUCEMENTS TO th