Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 25, 1881, Image 8

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    ©llf Cwftf gtwnttat.
Thursday Morning, August 25,1881.
o.i*isre*n*i-t, containing Important ti.wt, solicit
set from siijr part of tho county. No communle sik-n
--inaorleU unions accompanied hy llir real namo of the
Democratic County Committee.
The following persons have been named
as members of tho Democratic County
Committee for 18X1.
Bellefonte, W. ' Nicholas KoUillng.
llellof.mte. V W Charles So howler
Belief,mle. a W R.lwar.l Brown, Jr.
Mlloahurg of- Kreamer.
Mlllhelin f h UtXm.
A. Toner Uathers.
Howard tieorge Wlatar.
rhilipshiirg. A. J.tlraham.
Manner J " r T Hoan.
BoftX* Jaoi A. McCIaIO.
BtiniMdt. 9*** Moll.
College - Jerob Hsiltorf.
>Vrgui>ii, oltL John T -McCormlck.
Vvrxun'ii. B'* Mile* H nlker.
Uregg- •t.uih Kd. Knuurtii*.
Ore**, north Jemee Dock.
llalfoiooii - John Wertl.
llftint* fMomon Kttlinger.
lUrrtt John A. Hupp.
Howard John A. UuukU,
Huston llenry llale.
Liberty W. 11. Oerdner.
Marion.. Perry Condo.
Mile* Batnoel K K*uL.
I'atton John Heed.
IVon t'hrlst Alexander.
Potter, north John Shannon.
Potter, south Jaine* M>Vitutkk.
Kuih . . John !k>nlon.
hnowgho* Alel Campbell.
spring John Noll.
Taylor William i^alderwood.
Union - 8. K. Kmtrick.
Walker - Ambrose M Mullen.
Worth!. Marshall I.ewU
P. till A V MIC EM.
Bellefonte, Pa., Feb, 1. Chairman
Local Department.
"Life throbs with tid* * that ebb and flow ;
With thin** that and thing* that go,
The mists that rise when morn is fair,
Are not mre tranch nt in their tay.
Than are the hour* that speed away;
For often life seema like a dream
quif kly ft ih with clatire and gleam,
A thousand things that c me and go,
And ranee the title to ebb and flow.
A •*! tweet ttrain that's l-rne alone
Ity hreath of wind, a bit of tong,
A few food words when dear friends meet;
The muwlrof a laugh that's
The syni|thy that prompts a sigh ;
A winsome face that |as*es by ;
Brief Joys that stay th-ir little while,
A kindly glance a h>viog smile,
Tbsse r*er tone and ever go.
And. like the tide*, they et>b and flow.
A lovely Isn lsrape, fair and bright.
One moment teen then bat to tight.
The gorge't!t cloinlt at et of sun.
That cr wii the day when it it due,
Tlie fruety picture* n the pane.
That fad* and come and fad* again;
The curling smoke that fl<*ta away •
A n>w wreath on a winter t day.
All these like wave* that ebb and fl.w
With ceaselea* throh. atill com* and go.'*
—Dog days will end August 28.
—Call and examine tho furniture at tho
now store of A. J. Brown A Co., on Bishop
—Neat, substantial suits at marvelously
low price* at the Philadelphia Branch
clothing house.
—As a means of inducing young men
to attend church, it is proposed to intro
duce lady usher*.
—The very best cigars within a radius
of twenty miles are those sold by Harry
Green. Try them.
—Our town is visited by quite a large
number of our country people who are in
attendance at court.
—Ls win, at the Philadelphia Branch
clothing establishment, has suits that will
fit everybody. Call on him.
—The new store of A. J. Brown A Co.,
on Bishop street, is the place to obtain the
cheapest, neatest and most durable furni
—lt is said that a tea made of black
berry leaves is a sure cure for cholera
morbus. As tho remedy is simple it may
be worth a trial.
—Vennor, the famous weather prophet,
has accepted an invitation to attend the t
meeting of the State Grange Association,
to be held in Cumberland county.
—The next annual convention of the
State Sunday School Association will be
held at Johnstown, commencing October
18, and continuing in session three days.
—To many small boys, behind big cigars,
on the streets at night. The parents of
these children will experience the inevita
ble results in after years. They have only
themselves to blame.
—Only the purest materials are used in
the composition of Green's Liver Pills ;
they arc then carefully coated with sugar,
the No. 1 with white and and the No. 2
witt pink. Tbey should be kept in every
—Considerable damage has been done
in the Snow Shoe region by the late forest
fires. The saw mill of George Trullinger
A Co., narrowly escaped destruction and a
number of dwellings in the same neigh
borhood were also in great danger.
Master Willie Doak, aged about ten
years, a son of Kobert Doak, was danger
ously burned about the breast and should
ers on last Sunday, while trying to light a
cigar with a match. The burning match
in some way ignited his sbirt, and before
the Ore was extinguished he received in
juries* which it I* feared may prove fatal.
—There is every reason why thoee gro
cers who are particular to keep clean
store* and a fresh stock of goods should re
ceive the patronage of ail. Tbey spend
their time and money for the beneflt of
the public and the good appearance of the
town. They take pride in keeping a fine
establishment. Of this kind is the grocery
store of Secblef A Co. Thoee who go
there cannot but be satisfied.
—Some one met Dave Wagner on the
street the other day and told him Lucretia
Borgia had been looking for him. This
great histrionic student asked bit inform
ant who she was. "Did she ever live
with meT" he asked. A negative reply
was followed by the question : "Is sh#
white or black?" Thejedge had forgotten
the historic prominence of the blonde
Borgia whom he gased so intently upon on
Monday evening.
'] i M
—Wo loam from our sprightly contem
porary tho Daily Newt, that Mr. John
Wilson, an honest and worthy citizen of
iialfmoon township, was made tho victim
tho other day of an enterprising sharper
who appeared in that secluded neighbor
hood to ply hit avocation, lie wont by
the name of Churchill and llnding in tho
pleasant and healthful residence of Mr.
Wilson as a desirable place to spend the
heated term without drawing upon his own
private exchequer, projiosed to lease a
plot of ground upon Mr. Wilson's farm
on which to erect a creamery, and found
a now industrial enterprise to enliven the
monotony of farm life. Laborer* were
employed to prepare tho sito and orders
given to saw and manufacture tho neces
sary lumber, in proper proportions for tho
building to bo erected. This all being ac
complished satisfactorily, it became neco*.
sary for Mr. Churchill to repair to Tyrone
to obtain tho necessary funds from hi*
banker to moot expenses thus far incurn>d,
and rc-emburse Mr. Wilson for some gen
erous advances. Mr. Churchill* clothes
being somewhat soiled by this time, and
desiring to present a rcspectablo ap|>ear
atico in Tyrone, Mr. Wilson with hi* usual
kindness and courtesy, did not hesitate to
accept a suggestion that his Sunday suit
would lend enchantment to Mr. Churchill's
outer man. This, too, was at his service,
but unfortunately tho disguise became 100
complete—tho bank did not know him—
ho was a stranger to Tyrone. In short,
the enterprising Churchill got lost, and
our excellent friend Wilson among other
things, lost his Sunday suit.
—From the journal of the tenth annual
convention of tho Episcopal diocese of
Pennsylvania, in charge of Bishop Howe,
of Heading, tho following statistics are
taken :
Clergymen, including the bishop, ;•; ;
parishes and missions, 126; ordinations,
6; of which one to the priesthood, candi
date* for holy orders, 3; churches conse
crated, 4 ; lamilies, 5,214 ; church accom
modations, 27,804 ; baptised persons, 12.-
068; baptism", 1.180; of which l'.'T were
adult; confirmed, 015; communicants,
7,(>64 ; marriages, 221 •; burials, 611; Sun
day-school scholars, 10,163 ; Bible Has*
scholars, 084 ; parish school scholars, 185 ;
churches and chapels, 118; rectories. 42;
school houses, 12 ; ccm-teries. 12. Valuo
of church property, sl,l 15 44 ; offerings
—parochial,"sl6B,4os.2B ; diocesan, sl7-
1Q0.69 ; extra diocesan, $9,740.82; total,
$195,252.28. It ought to be noted that in
many of the items of this summary the re
[>ort is only an approximation of the truth,
many parishes having omitted t<> make
any return. Bishoh Howe, in his address,
besides diocesan affairs, discusses tho ac
tion of the general convention ujon vari
ous matters.
—On Monday afternoon of la*t week we
learn from the Millheirn Journal that
a painful accident happened to a ten-year
old daughter of Mr. Henry M. Swart*,
living a short distance from that place.
The Journal ssys, "Mr. Swart* war en- |
gaged in rolling a log to hi* saw mill, the
little girl assisting. The log had been
rolled a short distance and then left run
ning down a little hill itself. The girl
stood up close to the log, which caught her
dress as it started, and was thrown clear
over on the other side. It seems that then
the end of the log must have struck the
girl'a face bruising and lacerating the one
side of it badly. It is not known yet
whether the eye is injure*!. The wound is I
a severo one though not necessarily dan
—The preparations for the coming print
er's picnic will be on a scale marvellously
grand, saith the Altoona Sun. Port (.'raw- |
ford of the Huntingdon Monitor, ha* al- I
ready purchased a blue muslin coat, and
our own Hupley will have bis blue suit
washed for the occasion, and perhaps have
his plug hat re-laundried. George Akers,
if he attends, will have new buttons put on
hi* shoe*, and the Volktfuthrer folks will
all wear white neckties.
—Here is a new plan for raising fund*
at church sociables : The ladies write their
name and weighton slip* of paper, and the
gentlemen drawing the slips, each taking
the lady whose name he has drawn to sup
per, and paying baii a cent a pound ac
cording to the weight of his partner. If
the ladies should happen to overestimate
their weight, it isn't considered a sin, as it
is for the benefit of the church.
—The eighth annual tri-state picnic of
the Patrons of Husbandry will be held in
Williams' Grove, in Cumberland county,
commencing to-day, and continuing until
the 2d of September. This place has be
come the great annual revolt of farmers in
this and adjoining State*. Last year the
exhibition was attended by 40,000 people.
Excursion tickets are sold over all rail
—The Sunday-schools of Haines town
ship, of all denominations, will hold a
joint picnic near Pine Creek school house,
in that township, on Saturday next.
Should the day prore propitious there
will be a very large attendance, and it
will, no doubt, to use the words of the
published invitation of the committee, "be
a day of joy and gladness."
—•"Fence board advertisements," ob
served an old farmer, "are well enough a*
landscape ornaments, but If you are desir
ous of purchasing an article It is easier
and more convenient to look through the
columns of a newspaper to see who ha* it
for sale than it is to hook up a team and
drive around the country reading fences."
—What is ths Philadelphia Branch ?
It is the place to buy the best gentlemen's
clothing ever brought to Bellefonte.
LKOK.—A few weeks ngo It WHS our pleas
ure to publish the caril of Hon. C. T.
Alexander, the able and excellent Senator
of the thirty-fourth district, asking for ap
plicant* for the free scholarship offered by
tho authorities of the State College to each
Senatorial district of the Slate. Tho com
mittee appointed by Senator Alexander,
consisting of Messrs. Adam Hoy, D. M.
Leib, and J. 11. Wetzel, metal the office
of Alexander A Bower, on Friday last,
found two applicants for examination.
Tho names of these applicant* are W. C.
Both rock, of Hcriner township and A. H.
Lucas, of Howard township. Both appli
cant* passed very creditable examinations,
but thu committee, a* will be seen by their
report, decided in favor of Mr. ltothrock.
They speak in the highest terms of Mr.
Lucas and are only sorry that they did
not have two scholarship* to award. The
following is tho re|>ort of tho Committee :
RKLLKKONTE, PA., Aug. 20, I*Bl.
HON. C. T. ALEXANDER— Dear Sir:—
Agreeably to appointment your committee
to examine applicants for the free scholar
ship in tho Pennsylvania State College
met, Friday, August 111, IHHI, in the office
of Alexander A Bower. Of the two can
didates who presented themselves, the
committee, after u close and careful exam
ination In the requirements for the general
scientific course, do judge Mr. W. C.
Roth rock, of Bellefonte, Pa , to be supe
rior in a knowledge id thu branches. We
regret that the bestowal of two scholar
ship* is not yours, since both competitor*
passed examinations that would creditably
enter them as members of the freshman
class. Respectfully,
Aiuu HOY, I
I>. M Lain, • O-m.
.1 H. WETZEL,)
HOIDUIH' RK-UNION. —The annual re. j
union of ibi> surviving member* <>f ihi> 51*t |
regiment, P. V., will this year be held t j
Lewisburg, Union county, Pa., on Wed- j
natdiy, September It, IRSI, thnt day l'irig
tbe anninrury of the buttle of South
Mountain, one of the engagement* of the
late war in which the regiment bore a ron
spicuous and gallant part. Centre county
furnished one company to the 51st, and a
cordial invitation is extended to the sur
vivora residing in the county to !*• present.
The programme of ezerciae* for the day
embrace* an add res* of welcome in the
forenoon, at 10 o'clock, by President Hill,
of the Lowtsburg University, and a reply
by ome member of the regiment, a parade
and dinner at 1 o'clock The afternoon
will be devoted to a business meeting, and
in the evening an oration will be delivered
by Maj. A. Wilton Norri* Ample prepa
rations will be made for the entertainment
of all who attend, and we do not doubt
that it will bo a day of great pleasure and
enjoyment to those who are j.resent.
SI-RIVI Mau ITKVI.— L*t Sabbath
we enjoyed a rich treat. He v. Jamei Wil
ton, I'. 1) , held communion service* for I
the Presbyterians of Sj.ring Mills, and a
usual (.reached one of his characteristic
sermons. He was aci-ted by Rev Marr,
the young divine who is sujiplying the
Penn't Valley churches this year.
The wall* of the big hotel and the new
store room are ready for the superstruct
The farmers around here are all very
busy preparing their ground for seeding.
tin the 15th of September the P. of II ,
or Grangers, will picnic on the old ground
on Nittany Mountain. This was decided
upon at the last meeting of the County
(Pomona) Grange at Centre Hall.
Mrs. Kunk received some slight injuries
while out gathering ferns a tew days ago,
but we are glad to report that she is near
ly well again.
FESTIVAL.—We have been requested to
announce that an ice cream festival will
be held in the basement of the Methodist
Church at Pine Grove Mills, on next Sat
urday, August 27, in the afternoon and
evening. A cordial invitation i* extended
to all the people of Pine (trove Mill* and
vicinity to be present.
—Major Frank Huston, a son of the
late Thomas Huston, of Nittany Valley,
i* at present visiting relative* in Nittany
and Penn* Vallies. Major Huston at one
time lived in Bellefonte, and when he ap
(seared upon our street* on last Tuesday,
was warmly greeted by many old friend*
an<i acquaintances. Hi* present residence
is in Missouri
—lt appear* that coal ha* been discov
ered to underlie the street* of our neigh
boring town of Philip*burg. In digging
a water ditch a vein was sturck at the
depth of four feet. If it were a vein of
gold, it could not add greater richness or
Interest to thi* charming mountain retreat,
than is found in the noble and generous
character of it* enterprising people.
—The Kepubhcan County committee of
Centre county met yesterday at the office
of Chairman Rankin and elected Daniel
Rhoads, of Bellefonte and Wiliam J.
Thompson, of Potter township, delegates
lothnHtato convention. Tuesday, the 15th
of September was fixed as the day for the
County convection to meet.
—A. J. Brown A Co. have on hand a
handsome and durable lot of sofas, bed
steads, bureau*, table*, etc., at their new
store on Bishop street, which they will
sell at very reasonable prices. Call and
examine their stock.
—We see that our friend Albert Owen,
of Phlliptburg, who has been mak
ing an extended tour of the great West,
ha* returned to hi* borne.
—There are five Mondays, Tu wdays and
Wednasdays in this month.
Some days ago it was noised about that
liellefoulu was to bo visited by u celebrat
ed theatrical company. Thn most diligent
inquiry failed to trace the report to relia
ble source, although flaming poster* and
exquisitely gotten up cards informed our
people that "The Sterling Comedy Com
pany" would tread tho classic boards of
Reynolds' Opera House, on Monday and
Tuesday evening* of ibis week. Mis*
May Robert* appeared to be tho bright
particular star of this mundane combina
tion. She was remorselessly butchered in
bad wood cuts and colored so as to resem
ble a Knmscatska maiden in full dress.
The fact that a strolling hand of players
were to invado our city was not in itself a
matb r of great importance, neither was it
unusual. Rut tho corning of "Thn Ster
ling Comedy Company" was heralded in a
most mysterious manner. In the first
place Van Pelt disappeared from town and
his whereabout* could not be ascertained'.
Suddenly ho was visible on tho streets,
and the burden of his conversation wo*
the surpassing excellence of "The Sterling
Comedy Company" whose fine acting he
said he had witnessed in Miliheim. Mr.
Van l'elt is renowned for his strict adher
ence to the truth. He is said to be a pro
found admirer of the memory of Wash
ington and believes in the hatchet and
cherry tree story. Under such circum
stances Mr. Van Pelt's endorsement of
"Tho Sterling Comedy Comedy" went a
great ways. Rut on Monday the truthful
Van Pelt was reinforced by Pierce Muts> r
He likewise took cpe< ial pain* b> inter
view all his friend* and inform them that
"Tho Sterling Comedy Company w*
really one of the most remarkable combi
nations on the road—to bankruptcy. The
generous puffing of then- two gentlemen
resulted in bringing a very fair audience
to the Opera Houn.' on )at Monday arid
Tuesday evenings. The first representa
tion essayed by this grand congregation of
stars from all the great theatres of the
world, was Victor Hugo's "Lucrelia Ihr
gia." Bellefonte was peculiarly fortunate.
It is seldom that an aodieme is treated to
a sight of a blonde I! •rgis, enveloja-d in a
Spanish mantilla. Rut this little idiosyn
crasy would have b<-en readily forgiven
bad it not been for tb legs of Lucre, s
lover. Of course any woman's lover wou'.d
have cut a sorry figure without legs
but Lucrelia is renowned f r In r g..<j
taste in choosing well develo|>cd men
both for immolation and pleasure This
youth, however, was evidently forg.dton
when well filled out ankles were {,*••< <i
around. 1I has a sort of sepuh hral hoh
that was undoubtedly fa'hioried to !• a
walking corpse. All the nni* these {*-. {.!<•
were murdering the English and
causing one to hope that Lucrelia would
poison the entire troupe, Van Pelt and
Peirce Muaser occupied front seats ani
fairly mad* the rafter* shake with their
applause. They were presently reinforced
by the imposing presence of Judge Wag
ner, who aired his capacious white vest and
enormous chest on one of the front seat*
The "Bankers Daughter" was crucified on
Tuesday evening and Van Pelt and Mus
ser are the cause of a good deal of first
class profanity. The pregnant question is,
what was the reaaon of the great interest
of tnese two respectable men in this mod
ern representation of the Venetian Bor
gia? II the original is not belied, she was
a very dangerous person. The great
French novelist and dramatist has neglec
ted to say that she wa* kisses] not only by
the genial suns of her own Italy, but also
by about the entire portion of the male
population of her kingdom. Can it be
{soMible that this interesting fait had any
influence upon the gentlemen above refer
red to ? Did they see in ibis white haired
Borgia any of the trait* of tho historic
murderess ? The question is respectfully
referred to that court from which there is
no appeal. Messrs. Van l'elt and Musser
will have no diffleulty in finding the judge.
It usually stays up at night o that there
shall be no miscarriage of justice.
ecutive Committee of the Centre County
Agriculture! Society met at the office of
8. I). Hay, EMJ . secretary and treasurer,
on Thursday lat, when they et the 4lh,
otb, 6th and 7th of October a* the time for
holding the annual fair. After considera
ble discussion it was decided to adopt the
same premium list as was used last year.
The following superintendents were elected
to serve at the coming exhibition : Theo
dore H. Christ, of College township, super
intendent of Stock Department; I*. It
Waddle, of l'atton township, superintend
ent of tho Agricultural and Horticultural
products; William Shope, of l'otter town
ship, su|>erintendent of Manufactured Ar
ticles, Machines, <fcc. ; Mrs. S. 11. Yocum
and Mrs. C. Dale, Jr., of .Spring town
ship, superintendents of Home Depart
ment ; William J. Thompson, of Potter
township, superintendent of Children's
Department, and Dr. Addleman, of Miles
hurg, William Foster, of Oak Hall, Dr.
J. I). Oeissinger and Amos Mullen, of
Itellefonte, superintendents of the Amuse
ment Department. Special attention will
be given to amusements, and with such gen
tlemen as superintendents of the Amuse
ment Department we may expect some
thing good. Tha race course will he at
once put in good repair, and some fine
trotting is anticipated. The officers think
the fair will be more successful this year
than It has been f-.r several seasons.
—A. J. Brown A Co. have Just opened
a handsome assortment of furniture at
their new store, on Bishop street.
CAMP VINCENT. — Before leaving Carnp
Vlmerit (Jen. James A. Beaver issued the
following order to hi* command ;
CAMP VINCENT, Aug. 16, 1881. )
General Orders, No. 7.
I. Tho tour of duly at Camp Vincent
on the part of the several organizations
composing the Second Brigade will end
to-morrow, Tuesday, the lfith instant, at
the several time* mentioned in Special Or
ders, No. lb, lor their embarkation re
spectfully. The time for moving the sev
eral commands by rail is Railroad or
Philadelphia time.
11. The Brigade Commander desire* to
express hi* Satisfaction with the general
good order which has prevailed in carnp,
and the soldierly conduct of the great ma
jority of the members of the Guard. He
Is also authorized by the citizen* of Salts
burg to return tbeir thank* for the general
deportment and gentlemanly bearing of
thu troops. The few exception* to this
general commendation make* more em
phatic the praise accorded to those who
liave conducted themselves as soldiers and
as gentlemen.
111. Company Commanders upon their
return to their respective stations will for
ward, as soon as practicable, to these
Headquarters, through the proper military
channel, a list of absentee* from the en
earapmenl, accompanying the same with a
lull, detailed and explicit account of the
cause; or cause* of such absence. They
w ill not accept the mere statement of the
delinquent as to the cause of absence, but
will require the same to be supported by
the best evidence which in the nature of
the case can be adduced, which shall be
attached to and sent up with the report,
and where |K<ssible will personally investi
gate the correctness of the proffered ex
i use. Absentees lailing to present any
excuse will be noted accordingly. The
State has a right to the service of ail mem
bers of tin. Guard for this brief period,
and it is the purpose of those in authority
not to a< < ept any except substantial rea
sofis, for a fai'ure to comply with the or
ders for this tour of duty.
Reorder of Rrig (Jen JAM. A. BEAVER.
I>. S. KKLI.EH, Assistant Adj. Gen.
NEN.—The death of this highly estr-emed
ladv occurred at her residence in this place
al 10 oVIoi k yesterday, August 24. She
has been gradually failing for a few weeks
past without other ailment than is incident
to those of h< r time of life, and having
in pie led her all"tt-d years, she quietly
fell asleep She was a 'laughter of Nathan
Harvey who erected the iron works at
Mi l Hull, Clinton county and wa- 1~-rn
there (L tub-r 20, I*<i2 <1 0 the 2JI of
Is- • ml* r, 18 2-1, stie w* married to J
Malb'ik Rentier, a s..n of G.-n. I'bilif
It tite r, and removed Li Bellefonte, where
j -he has rfidcd ever sirue. Mr. R<iiri< r
. •-I February 24, Df*. in early Rianho I
caving a large family to when- cars and
'lfare the mother devoted h* r life, per
i ruling all a mother 'a duties with cbris.
t an fidelity—meriting and receiving the
cMccm and respect of our wbolq commu
i uity Her kindnes* to her friend* and
i harity t> all, will ever lep her memory
sacred, and although her departure wa*
not unexj-ectcd and will he a bappv
change, the unhidden tear will fail for one
wlinni they loved o much, and in sympa
thy for those to whom her loss is irrepara
■ IETY. —The regular quarterly meeting of
the Centre County Agricultural Society
wa held in the Court House, on Monday
evening. Dr. K. W. Hale, president of the
society, in the chair. After the minutes
were read and approved, various subjects,
which {certain to the welfare of the Kiety
and the success of the coming annual fair,
were then taken up and discussed by Dr
E W. Hale, \Vm. Shortlidge, A A. Dale,
Clement Dale, Selh 11. Yocum, John A.'
Daley, Win. Thompson and other*. The
question of most importance to the society
and the one principally discussed at this
I meeting was how the proceeds of our an
nual fairs can be made to exceed fbe ex
{•onees, and thus enable the officers of the
society to pay all the expenses and prem
iums each year.
The propriety of reducing the amount
of premiums was considered, but it was
finally decided not to materially alter the
premium list from last year. It was sug
gested by different members of the society
that th admission fee l>e raised to fifty
rents for adults, the fee charge*) by nearly
all agricultural societies that are in good
financial standing, but this move, which
was one in the right direction, also failed,
and it was derided to charge the same ad
mission as heretofore. A motion was
made and carried to give no compliment
ary ticket* and to charge an admission fee
to all except those holding life member
ship tickets, and those having immediate
rare of stock. The society then adjourned.
8. D RAY, Srcrrtnry.
—Her. O. W. Fortnry, a brother of our
townsman, 11. F. Forlney, KKJ , met with
N red low in the death of hit little daugh
ter Kenie, which occurred on la-l Sunday
morning from congestion of the brain.
The funeral terrier* look place on Mon
day alternoon al the residence of D. F.
Forlney, and Ihe remain* of the llllle one
were conrcyed to Pine Grove Mill* for
interment. Iter. Fortney and family at
present reside at Chatham village, N. Y.,
and worn on a ritit to relative* In Centra
c iunty. In their torrow and bereavment
they hare the *ympthy of many friend*.
•—The officer* of the Centre County
Agricultural Society hare flted upon the
4th, 6th and Alb day* of October for the
county fair. We trurt it will be atuoceiw.
—The annual re-union and picnio of the
Veteran Club of Centre county will thU
year be held at Spring Mills, on Saturday,
the 10th day of September.
—By reference to our advertising col
umn*, it will bo icon thut Hon. 8. 11.
I'eale, of Lock Haven, and 11. A. M< Kee,
B"| i of Bellefuntn, have entered into
partnership in tin* practice of the law in
Centre county. Mr, I'cale i- art able,
experienced and reliable attorney who ha*
already been concerned in many imforl
■nt casoa In our court*, while Mr MclCee,
though still a young man, ha* made good
progress In hi* profession, and it i har.-
arding little to say that thi* new firm will
be |ei|<ular with our people and receive a
full share of the legal business of the
I'llK following i* the lint of traverse ju.
ror* drawn for neit week of the present
term of court, commencing Monday, Jflith
Ctiriaiu) nl- ftenrjer. 11-erj KmTirk.Oreffg.
Jelill K IVslr, Millh.lfii, Jao.t. II Wile, llle*e,
JII ll'.ll, Mlt'.u *l,l-., Jtr. II Mill Cell, kerf I ** II
Aleiauder "hn.ejr Worth, J .In. Hutb, Mlie*.
I. T M tiesf.ii, lielli f -nti Kii*. /.imttiernma. Ho***,
Hi-,. W |ilio*/ls llanner, Intel loinkle, tlr . Walkei,
One W Wilson, tin lute 11. 1,, Unite* IC'/K*,
<i II B|il*|f*lui)ier. llalB"*, J li. Job.*, Worth.
Ja* I! l-ate- IC llel',r,l, llanl! I I;. *r... Tailor,
Win Brektrilh, Worth, li /. K line, IMMoflte.
lien M I***ll/ Ib-HaloM*. Alfreil J m*, Phlllbafcarg,
li II Parker. Pblllpstnrrtf, W II Wilkinson, Belief*.
Heo. P. Krnertck, llenner, Claria llelt,Snow Wine,
Prank M- rarlatie, Harris, Simeon llallivraf, Boca*.
liatl l K-an. Poller. Haul— Ps kebrntk. Hprtng,
Jarre** ftnml/lebm, Kioli, A I. Shit' ri Ihnner,
0. li. Johnston, llnvard, John l.nlt spr-lDic,
Jalue* If till, Itellelonte, Iranjel A . drove, Orlleg*.
"Progress," North and South.
"Progress" it now in iU third year, and
may, therefore, fioint to it* broad page*
for evidence of it* torn* and doctrine.
\\ ith the nomination of General Han
cock for Presidency, it* editor renewed
In* relation* with tin* Democratic party.
No disappointment with tin* ideas of the
Republican party prompted hi* decision ;
but be saw that the manager* of that party
had made hostility to the South a condi
tion of continued membership, arid that
• ven the illustrious services of General
Hancock to the counjry had made no im
pre*.ion u|ioi> men who, without those ser
vice., would have bad neither country nor
party. Together, with hundreds of Thous
and* of others, the editor of "J'KOOKK** '
ih'-refore t'>k ground for the cause of
peace, patriotism, and reconciliation ; and
every subsequent hour ha* confirmed in
Inm the wisdom of his action.
The closeness of the |wipular vote in
when the Republican* tarried tho
'lay only by panic and tapital, and the
• mall majority in Congress, with hundred*
f thousands of office-holder*, forced to
Vote to keep their places, proved the JeiWi-r
! of the great party founded by Jrffsrson
•ti l Franklin, and immortalir.ed by Jack
•i, Dotiglax, ("a**, Si as Wright, and
| Th' ma* H Reriton . and. since that eler
• n. the > nth ha* exhibited a vitality,
energy, and tr<s|>eritT that increase it*
! value to the I'nion and it* future force in
ill t li sat relate* to national development.
"I'ltntiktss will retairi all it* contribu
tor* that have been writing in it* page*
r the la-t two years, esjreoiallv those who
minister to the taste* ot thoughtful men
and women, and more will be added on
*<<•* topics, political and social. I will lie
1 arte ularly obliged if my old friends,
N r:at. 1 SotlUl, Ka*t aril Wist, will
give tne the benefit of their personal <**•
..jwration in this effort to strengthen a
i journal which is intended to spread tho
iruth in fav. r < f generous Democratic
prim ipl<**. and to foster and cement < m
•adeship letw-en all {tropins and Slate*.
I have no other, a* I c*n have no higher,
i ambition than to succeed in this great <ib
;°ct Independent of all <!!que*and fac
j lion*, voluntarily out of office, and plead
j mg for real relief from sc, tionalotn and
: th" scheme* of Im|srialisl* and Federal
ists, I ask the masse* to give me the en
couragement I have alwav* been ready to
extend to labor, whether of body or brains,
and to cultivated and emulou* men of
every condition and country.
Advertisers will find "Pmroagvi'' in it*
new- field, an attractive and invaluable
medium. I propose to make thi* depart
ment a marked sfmcialty of unique and at
tractive typography.
My scientific, literary, dramatic, and
financial department* will be thorough
and fearless, I hvo reduced the price of
"PBoMWeaa" to $2 ,V> per annum, includ
ing pswUge to all p>art* of the country,
and will be gratified for vour subscrip
Editor arid Proprietor,
"02 Cb*tnut-*t., I'liiLAi'KLrtijA, Pa.
Notitic to Trksi-asskr- —The under
signed give* notice that he will not [icrmit
pcrmn< to hunt and shoot game upon hit
farm in Ferguson township without per
miwion. An* one found upon the prem
ises in disregard of thia notice will be
treated a* a trespasser and prosecuted ac
cordingly. I) W. Millix.
Ferguson twp . August 9, lhßl. St
Cramer DRIRKIXU —"A youngfriend
of mine war cured of an insatiable thirst
for liquor, which bad *o prostrated him
that he was unable to do any business.
He war entirely cured by the use of Hop
Hitter*. It allayed all that burning thirst ;
took away the appetite for liquor; made
hi* nerve* steady, and he ha* remained a
sober and steady man for more than two
year*, and ba* no de*ire to return to hi*
cup* ; 1 know of a number of other* that
have been cured of drinking b* it." From
a leading R. R. Official, Chicago, 111.
PRE** MAKIXO.—Mr*. Fanny Rtrobia
offer* her service* to the ladies* of Belle
fonte. and v.cinity a* a dress maker, and
will endeavor to give satisfaction to those
who mav famr her. Hr residence i* ne*t
door to Mr. Montgomery on Bishop street.
For SaI.R . A good brass, bell-up, ro
tary valve K flat Bass horn, almost new,
perfect in every respect Can be purchas
ed cheap for cash by cwlHng at this office.
—Special inducement* for orders for
Clothing during the Bummer month*.
28-tf MOXTOOMKRT & Co., Tailor*.
Looak CRMEXT.— The retail price for
Looax CEMRXT on and after this data
i May 9, IM1), will be two dollar* per
bairel anß no charge for bags or barrel*.
_ H K Htcga.
McMAtt AX—CTXKIXOHSM -At lbs M.th„w aar
s*s*s. ris- Urn- r M IK I**, a tssgi. lb*
fasts*!, bi R-f H. * Mewteabsll. Mr tR.
V<Mshsn t Miss ss*sh M. OsaalagbaM, loth 4
ll*ttn*4n ("Wlf.hl.
IIMMERMAX —TOtMßg*.—At Uh> h w of iM
brM- ne lb* vso<a of As*wS a, I SSI, s,
W. A. Orsec. Mr W m. M Ummmmmm at fbi Us*.
haiß, siel Miss UM4s J. ToOmts. rf Kuthsns
POXTMIT -Oa SsaAag, An* ZI.IM|.M* eetaafc \
SB. at the isMmm* Mgr. Nnsn. ta.M
I' MIT *"**'* *