Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 25, 1881, Image 1

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    SHUUKRT k FOBSTER, Editors.
Sht Centre fJrraofrat.
Term* C 1.50 per Annam.ln Advance.
a. T. 4HUQERT snd R. H. FORSTER, Editor*.
Thursday Morning, August 25, 1881.
Democratic County Ticket,
JOHN O. LARIMER, of Spring,
JOHN K. KUNKF.L, o( Pottor.
J. CALVIN HARPER, of BollefonW.
JAMES A. McCLAIN, of Begg*.
FRANK E. BIBLE, of Spring.
DANIEL C. KELLER, of Potter.
A. J. GREIST, of Untonville,
JOHN WOLF, of Mile*.
JOHN S. PROUDFOOT, of Milesburg,
F. I*. MUSSKR, of Millhefm.
* The President.
Pince our last issue, no assuring im
provement has been reported in the
eondition of the President, lie has
been gradually growing weaker, ami
for some days past but little hope of
his recovery has been entertained.
COL. IIOWOATE, late of the Signal
Service Bureau at Washington, has
been arrested for embezzlement of the
Government funds. His depredations
seem to have been <>n a pretty extend
ed scale, and already reach to 8100,-
II is proposed that the Legislature
of Pennsylvania attend the Yorktown
centennial celebration in a body. This
would be a very graceful act for the
Pennsylvania Lsgiiwxture to do as
representing one of the thirteen origi
nal States. But we doubt very much
whether speaker Hewitt can announce
a quorum on that occasion. C'ertninly
not unless the 810 per diem is restored.
THE New York Tribune makes a wry
face at repudiation when it says, "it
is hard enough for the Republicans of
Virginia to have to support Mahone."
No doubt. The organ of the Wall
street brokers could scarcely lie ex
pected to swallow repudiation without
some sign of nausea, hut still it does
it, and the Republican party of, the
North follows it bravely up to' the
work of boosting the Mahone piebalds.
Tbey stoop, that Mahone may conquer.
A SPECIAL to the World intimates
that the Secretary of State is about
to issue in the name of the Presi
dent a call for an extra session of
1 the Senate, in order that by the elec
tion of a presiding officer of that body
due provision may be made for secur
ing a legal succession in the executive
authority should the presidential of
fice devolve upon the Vice President
either through the death or the disa
bility of President Garfield.
IT is said that a conclave of Stal
warts, composed of Grant, Conkling,
Logan, Cameron, Dorsey, Belknap,
Jones, Bliss and others was held at
the residence of the Vice President in
New York, last week, to discuss the
situation iu connection with the disa
bility of the President. The conclu
sion arrived at, it is also said, was,
that if President Garfield survive his
relapse, it was tho duty of the Vice
I President to go to Washington and
declare his purpose of assuming con
trol and exercising the duties of the
Presidential office. At any time last
week such a conclusion from an exclu
sive stalwart conclave; was a grave, if
not an indelicate one. To have posses-
sod their souls in patience a few day*
longer, at least until they were assur
ed that the assassin's bullet had failed
to make the vacancy which provided
for the Vice President without ques
<* tion, could have made little difference.
At any rate, such an arrangement
would have had more the appearance
of propriety if made with the friends
and political family of the stricken
Tho Virginia Issue.
The Northern Kepublican journals,
says that able Democratic paper, the
Lancaster Intelligeneer, which ure urg
ing Republican support in Virginia of
the Mahone ticket have great labor in
making their course consistent with
their profuse declarations of hostility
to debt repudiation. The leading or
guu, the New York Timet, scrambles
over the difficulty by declaring that
as neither party in Virginia proposes
to pay the whole of the State debt, it
feels itself at liberty to give its sym
pathies, independently of that ques
tion, on the principle that it is as
much a sin to steal a pin as a greater
thing; and so the Mahone party,
which proposes to pay a little bit of
the State debt, is no more dishonest
than its opponents, who desire to pay
a bigger bit, but not the whole of it.
The position is more ingenious than
ingenuous, since the Timet fails to
give its due weight to the fact that
the Virginia creditors have consented j
to accept on a full acquittance what
the Democratic party proposes to pay, 1
though it is not the full sum of their !
bond. If the creditors do not com
plain probably the Timet need not.
The fact is that the Mahone orators
ami newspapers in Virginia rail at
the bondholders and the Democracy
as in coalition ami the main part of
their capital is the antipathy they
thus seek to excite against their polit
ical opponents as the bondholders' j
friends. Under the circumstances,
which are very familiar to the Timet,
it is of course very insincere and
wholly dishonest in claiming that
there is no difference, but in degree,
in the repudiation designs of the par
ties in Virginia, uud that one is not
more entitled than another to the
sympathy of debt-paying advocates.
The Philadelphia Prett, which has
been blowing hot and cold on the
Mahone alliance for six months pa.t,
being very hot before the administra
tion got cold, ami fast cooling with its
frigidity, was warmed up again under
the seeming political expediencies of
the situation and the encouragement
of the Timet, into vehement advocacy
of the Mahone "Readjustcrsand
reconciles tho debt-paying conscience
to such a repudiation alliance in pret
ty much the style of its cotcmporary,
but with a difference. The l*re*t dis
covers that the Virginia Democrat*,
though promising to pay more of the
debt than the Mahone people, do not
intend performance. While the "Re
adjusteni," who offer very little intend
to pay that little. Thus the /Vrns
satisfies itself, or pretends to, that the
Mahone party is the real debt-paying
party, and as such joyfully embraces
it. It is somewhat singular that the
Virginia bondholders have not made
this notable discovery along with the
Prett. One would think that they
would be for the party that proposed
to pay, and that they would rather
have a little cash than any amount of
promises, and would be alert and quite
as sagacious as the Prett in discerning
the party that gave them the best as
surance of their money. If it be true,
as the J*rett alleges, that it is the Ma
hone people who are the real bond
holder's friends, it is notable that the
Mahone people do not themselves pro
claim it in Virginia, but on the con
trary seek to throw the odium and the
i glory of that connection upon the
I Democrats.
And here a remarkable tiling is to
be observed ; which is the total differ
ence in the ground taken by these Re
publicad coadjutor* of Mahone in the
North and bis partisaus in Virginia.
There tho contest between two parlies
that have made nominations for the
Htate offices is distinctly upon the
question of repudiation, or, as the ad
vocates of that policy style it, "read
justment" of the Htate debt. This is
the issue upon which the contest is
made and the parties are divided. It
was strong enough to cause the disrup
tion of the Republican convention
and the adjournment of the jragmnta
without making nominations. There j
is no Republican State ticket. The
Democratic ticket is headed by Major
Daniel, an uncompromising debt pay
er, and Mahonc'a ticket by Mr. Cam
eron, who claims to be a Democrat
and was until now, and who has no
difference with his obi party, except
upon the question of the payment of
the debt, upon which he makes his
canvass. He dare not make it ns a
Republican, even if he would, nor as
anything but a Democrat, because he
must secure Democratic votes to sue- j
ceed. To gain them he needs to de
dare himself us good a Democrat as
bis opponent.
The light in Virginia, then, is ilis- ;
tinctly waged between Democrats— ;
one who has left the old organization
ami one who stays in it —on the ques
tion of the debt; and the Republican
journals in the North who support the
Democratic readjustcrs, rather than
the Democrat who advocates the j
payment of the debt according to the
agreement made ls-tween the State
and the bondholders, cannot to any
intelligent apprehension twist away
from the fact that they sustain those i
who refuse to keep the plighted faith
of the State to its creditors, and op
pose those who propose to maintain it.
The object of the Republican sup
jsirt of Mulione is very obvious, and i
the journals which seek to cover it up
with the shallow pretext of the Timet
and the Prett must have a very small
opinion of the intelligence of their
readers. The Republican politicians
have come to think that Mahone is a
necessity to them to be purchased nt
any price ; and since the president's
danger, ami the possibility of the Sen- ;
ate president being a very inqsirtant
officer, tbey arc more than ever Nilici
tous to keep hold of the vote that con
trols the choice. Maybe they are do
ing the right thing for their party suc
ce>; and maylsj not. When they
abandon their party in Virginia and
hand over its remains to Mahone tbey
give a bird in the hand lor one in the
bush ; which is rash.
JUDGE I'EABSON, of llarrisburg, I
in his charge to the grand jury the
other day made some timely nnd sig- !
nificant references to their duty in
connection with "speculative life in- J
surancc." He said that agents and
physicins who recommended the issuing
of policies on unsafe subjects arc in
dictable for conspiracy under the com
mon law, and men who take out poli
cies on those in whose lives they have
no insurable interest are also offenders
against the policy of th law, for
which the late act of the legislature
is defective in providing adequate pun
ishment for such gambling operations.
This fraudulent system, which is aptly
denominated "death-bed insurance," i
lias become an insufferable crime, is
now introduced into almost every
neighborhood in the State, nnd no in
firm or decrepid man or woman is safe
from the speculative greed and annoy
nuce of its agents. It is time the
courts and honest public sentiment
would give the subject such attention
as will at least restrain the operation
of these shameless companies within
the bounds of a seeming decent busi
THE Democratic: Committee of Lu
zerne county, with lively recollections
lof the methods of Frank Beamish
and other noted factors in the manip
ulation of the party machinery of
-that county, are preparing to test the
efficiency of the late act of Assembly,
to obtain a fair party representation
at their primary elections. The Com
mittee had a meeting last week at
which they designated the 22d of
September as the lime for the meeting
of the county nominating convention,
and paased the following significant
resolution : " That the chairman in
connection with other members of the
committee be empowered to Employ
the services of two detectives in order
to secure the conviction of all dele
gates and candidates who violate the
act of 1881."
GENERAL JAMEH, of the Post Office
department, seems to be determined '
to get to the bottom of the leaks in 1
his department, great and small. Me '
has issued an order requiring every
Postmaster to see that the postage r
stamps on all matter mailed at Ids J
office are thoroughly cancelled. In
every instance w here this is not done, ! 1
the Postmaster at the office of deliv- | '
cry must carefully cancel the stamp
with the post-mark of his office, ami if |
practicable, obtain the envelope and j
forward it to the department with the j
name of the office at which the matter *
was mailed. The failure to cancel '
stamps is a large drain upon the re
ceipts of the Department and this |
I order is designed effectually to stop
the drain, nnd prevent stamps doing 1
i double duty hereafter. I
THE Democrats of Union county .
met in convention at I/ wi.-hurg on ■
the 2'2d inst., and nominated the fol
lowing ticket: Joseph <'. Bueber, for *
President .lodge, Thomas <'. Barber '
for Associate Judge, U. K. Hans for
Register, John S. Scbroek forTrcns- -
urer and Daniel Striclilcr for Com
missioner. This gives Judge Huc)u r 1
two counties and the district uoinina- '
lion. J. Merrill Linn i the Repub- !
[ lican nominee.
THE Democrat* of I.vcoming coun
ty met at \N iliiamsport, on Tuesday, ,
. and elected the following d< legates to |
the State Convention : Michiu I Wolf,
S. (. Mc.Miillen and R. A. Kinsloe.
The nominations for county officers
were, M. K. Swartz for Treasurer,
Robert Wood for Register and Re
j eorder, K. Tomb ami M. Koup for j
County Co rum is* ion or*.
COURT I'K<S KEDlNG*. —Uuurt oj.ned -
for the August term on M>'f)dy, August ;
j 22, At 2. P. M., hi* !lnor, Judge Orvis,
presiding with Associate Judges Divcn
snd Frsnck on the bench. The clerk of
the court having called over the list of i
grsnd juror*, twenty-three answered to
I their name*, out of tho twenty-four origi
nally summoned to serve. F. I*. Musser,
' Ko| , of Millhritn borough, *i
foreman. Mr. llsrpor, clerk <>u4im
j then administered s separate oath
foreman, which am* oath was taken by
all the other member* of the grand jury, j
I The Court, alter delivering a brief but
| comprehensive charge, the grand jury
sent to the room to pa* upen the bu*ine
| properly before it. Proclamation wa*
then made, for the con*tahle* of the sever
al borough* snd township* to msko their
quarterly return*. The Court then pro
ceeded to di*po* of the following bu*ine*
on the argument list in the common plea*
In the matter of the Overseer* of the
Poor of Walker townhip v*. the Overseer*
of the Poor of Belle fori to borough. Ap- j
peal by Walker towntbip from order of
removal. The appeal di*mi*ed and order |
of removal sustained, which throw* tho
| charge back on Walker township,
j Commonwealth v*. Abraham Lincoln
Miller, Calvin Miller, John Miller and
j Harry Brown. Charged with a*ault and
bittery upon Charles Williams. Cs-e
called ; defendant* plead not guilty. After
' proceeding with the case a short time de
, fondant* changed their pies of not guilty to
I plea of guilty with the exception of John ,
Miller, in who*e case a nolle pmt was en- j
tared. Calvin Miller and Harry Brown
were sentenced pay c<t* of prosecu
tion, fine of five dollar* and three month*
imprisonment In the county jail. Lin
coln Miller sentence *ame, except he got,
five month* in the county jail.
Enua Krtly and wife, for u*e of wife, v*.
Samuel Aley. A p|n a! from justice of the
peace. Verdict for the plaintiff for
Commonwealth v*. S. It. Pringle and
William McAlarney. Charged with cruel
ly to animal*. Defendant* plesd not |
guilty. Verdict not guilty. Win. McAl
arney to pay two third* the cost and prose
cutor, John Beck with, the other third.
Commonwealth v. William H. Leath
er*. Fornication snd bastardy. Defend
ant pleads not gully. After the case had
progressed for some time, the parties, with
the consent of tho Court settled the case
and a noil. prot. wa* entered.
Commonwealth v*. Edgar Clark. As
sault and battery on Isaac David, who wa*
a pupil under him attending public school j
in Liberty township. Defendant pleads i
not guilty. Verdict not guilty. i
The following eases were disposed of by i
the grand jury up to time of going to
Commonwealth vs. John ('. Bechdol.
Charge. Malicious mischief. Bill r<-.
turned Ignoramus by the grand jury and
prosecutor, Jacob A Walker, to pay the
( ornrnonwealth vs. James Hmith. For
nication and l,a,lardy. Prosecutrix, Ha rah
Ann Ilealy.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Fetxer. Ma
licinu* mischief. Prosecutor, Jacob Yar- ,
nell. True bill.
Commonwealth vs. Elmer Foulk. As* j
sault and buttery. Prosecutrix, Elizabeth
Pennington. Bill returned ignoramus arid
prosecutrix to pay the coetc.
Common weal lb vs. llines. Fornication
and bastardy. Prosecutrix, Annie C.
Dora Gill. True bill.
Commonwealth vs. Daniel Grove. Ob
structing public highway. Prosecutor,
D*i id lisrter. True bill.
C> mmonwealth vs. John Whitcman.
porno ati a nr. 1 bastardy. Prosecutrix,
D lia Piter* True bill.
C iiuiionwea'lb vs. John Norman. As.
sault Willi intent to commit rajrfi. Prose,
cutrix, Melvina Fink. True bill.
Commonwealth vs. Jane 1 tooth, lately,
Jane Hidings. Larceny. Prosecutor, Jo*,
biding-. Itlll r*-turrie.l ignoramus.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph Anderson.
Forniralion ami bastardy. Prosecutrix,
Tamison Green. True bill.
Commonwealth vs. Archy Bounds. Vio
lation of the liquor law. Furnishing li
qu r t" men of known inU-uqicrale habits.
True bill.
In the common pi< n* the following case* i
wei e di*[ -i-d of;
J. B Smith vs. Dsniel Durst. Appeal
August 22, lb -1. Plaintiff r.on suited Vn
proclamation being made in open court.
Gangs W. Walks? \- Kits* Boras?,
Ajqeal. Plaintiff mm suited on procla
ma'ion b ing ma le m , j • n court.
■P. D. N'ffs ex, i utor* vs. D. K. Get**-
Appesl. S tiled and cost* paid.
1,1 C tni'-y v- II \V. Hoover. Aje
peal. Settled and costs j aid.
Commonwealth v>. Alexander Delige.
Nidation of the liquor law. True bill.
Defendant p>ad* not guilty. Upon appli
cation of defendant to the court for an at
torney. A. O. Fur,t, K-q., was appointed
to conduct tho case for the defendant.
Verdict not rendered at time of going to
T> the II u ■rtible thf Jidyr of the Courts
\of Cr, / r ,'ify Mi* tlrnnd In'jumt re.
rrj- rt> That we have exam-
ic building* of the county
■- - ,fl * cell in the jail need* TO-
is missing in the
wi-e *"(fid the jail and yard in a very
, gid condition. That the water closet* in
the rear of the court bouse should tie kept
in a better condition as the stench arising
therefrom is almost unendurable and we
recommend that *.> me disinfectant should
be used to purifv the same.
P. MUMER, Foreman.
! an acute illness of only a few day* dura
, tion, though he had been in failing health
| for soma months, George 11. Weaver, Esq.,
has gone to try the unseen realities of
another world. Hi* death occurred on
last Thursday afternoon and on Saturday
his earthly remain* wor followed to their
last resting place by a Urge assemblage of
1 hi* old neighbors and friends. George 11.
Weaver was for many year* a prominent
and popular citizen of Bellofonte. Ho
had many warm friend* and wa* alway*
re-|ieci<Nl by every one a* a kind, upright
and just man. He wa* about ixly-evcn
! year* old and came to Bellefonte at an
early age, having boon born and raised
I upon the farm of hi* father in the adjoin
ing township of Spring, We have heard
it raid that at one time he worked at the
trade of biack*fnithing, but soon abandon
ed that occupation to learn the trade of a
miller, working for a few year* in the old
j Thome* mill, at pre*ent owned hy Dr.
Hlo SV CO. In 1865 he wa* elected a jus
tice of tho peace for the borough and
served in that capacity for a period of ten
years—hi* first term Of five yean proving
bun *o well fitted for the position that he
wa* ie-eiected in 1860 for a second term,
by a large majority of the vnten of the
town, lie also during hi* life filled other
important trust* in the affair* of the
town, *u<h a* Chief Burge**, and Ovcr
aeer of tho Poor, and alway* with great
credit to himself. One of the foretmwl
members of the Bellefonte her remark
ed in our hearing, the other day, that
in all hi* experience a* a lawyer he
thought George 11. Weaver wa* on# of
the best justice* of the peaca that Belle
fonte ever had. This U a tribute to hit
worth that we deem proper to give to the
public, lie wa* married when a young
man to Mies Susan K Ingram, a most es
timable lady, who died last Spring. Two
dwugbien, Sarah, wife of Mr. J. Btee), of
West Union, lows, and Ellen, are the
only surviving children of this marriage.
TKKMN: per Annum, in Afivsmee.
General Leslie Coomli* died at, Lex
ington, Ky., on Monday night, in hi*
fcfth year.
The grave of General Brsiddock, n**r
Uniontown, Fayette county, is unmark
ed by a stone.
Edward 1,. Wolf, a well known journ
alist of Srranton, died on Friday. He
was th" last surviving son of ex-Gov
ernor Wolf.
M'ss Annie Moore, a highly-educated
young lady of I'.eaver, who married a
negro two year* ago and removed to
Ohio, returner! to Beaver a few days ago.
Hhe seeks reconciliation with lier pa
Five children of William Lloyd, of
Union township, Union county, were
poisoned by eating apples that had fall
en from the tree, among ptotato vines
that were sprinkled with Pari* green.
Two of the children died.
Private advice, received in Pari* state
that Henry M. Stanley, the explorer, is
lying dangerously ill half way between
Stanley Poo! and the mouth of the
Congo. He has so little faith in his Own
recovery that be has made his will.
It is repot ted that a fight has taken
place Ix-tween Lieutenant Schipffer. of
the Fort Bli-s garrison, and Indians
near Valley, H" miles northwest of LI
Pao, Tex., in which Lieutenant Smith,
four soldiers and George Haily, a well
known mining expert, were ki'ied.
Lieutenant ScL f fl<-r was wounded.
A telegram from Linn, Mass.. an
nounce* the arrest, in that city, of
Thomas Marvin, who last month. bv
false repr<-Mntation, letrayed Miss Lu
cie Turpin, a highlv connected young
lady of Richmond,VVa t into marriage,
and then deserted her at Albany : and
who also obtained money from a bank
of Richmond by means of a forged
draft. He is awaiting a requisition
from Virginia.
Heavy rains for some days past in
<lolorado have done much damage, <•
t-ecially to the railroads, which have
suffered from ws-hout'. A terrible
watersj-out, near Canon City, on Satur
'hy, swept r.tf whole sections of rail
way tie* into the Arkansas river, it i*
believed the road to Mirer diff will not
;be open for a week. A paenger train
which left Canon City on Saturday
night is stopped twelve miles from that
place, ' .ittie and hor-es were swept
! iWav by the waterspout.
The I'epartnu-nt of State has receiv
ed from I'r. It. Kill*, an eminent sur
i geon of Lngland, through .1. Itussell
I/a well, our Minister to I/ondrm. a pack
age ot draining tubes and other surgical
instruments, of which be is the inrent
or. which are largely used in the Eng
lish hospitals, and which be re<v>m
' mend* for ue by tho Presidents pbvsi
cians. The piackage has been forwarded
by the State I'opart merit to the surgeon*
having charge of the President'* case.
The instruments are accom|-ani<-l by
full instructions how to u*e them, and
also with a letter of indorsement from
Mr .lame* Paget, one of England's
greatest surgeons.
"wing to the low condition of tho
water in the James river, resulting from
a continued drouth, Richmond. Va., is
now suffering from the worst water fam
j ine it ha* ever known. For several
days past the elevates! portions of the
city have had no water from the usual
source of supply, and now the whole
city is in the same condition, and it is
only at intervals that any water can he
had from the water works. This scarc
ity has caused the suspension of almost
all of the induiri<k which rely on wa
ter piower for purposes.
All the residences are without water
for even necessary purposes, except
such a supply a# can be ha<i from a few
old wells and springs which heretofore
have been considered ylmost unfit for
use, the water from them having been
declared unhealthy time and again.
Fights with the Indian*.
TIIISTV rton.t EL 1.1.ED AND A SrotE Ot
SANTA FE, N. 11., Aug. 30. —"n Thurs
day last Lieut. Taylor had a fight in t JO
San Mateo Mountains, capturing the
camp of the Indians and twenty horses.
The Indians are in several psrtiea and
moving southwest. Every available man
under the command of Gen. Hatch it
either in the field or guarding settle
ment*. The numtier ot troops is too
small, however, and the peopde are
arming for self preservation. A delega
tion of the citixen* of Socorro is now
here ssking the Governor to call out
the militia for the purpoao of protect
ing the settlement and mining e*mp.
Three volunteer companies are arming
at Albuquerque for service should the
Navajoes become restless. So ar the
i trooi a have bad six tight* with the bos
j tiles. I hiring the raid a.une thirty peo
ple have been killed, and the soldiers
have lost about twenty in killed and
Advice* from Cuchel* Negro, under
date of August Ifi. state that the Nava
joes are not on the war path ; that some
Indians and Mexicans bad a row. in
winch two Indian* and one Mexican
were hilled, and that all was apparent
ly quiet on that date.
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. 21.- A special dir
patch to ths /Vm.vr-st from El l'aso,
Texas, sava: - Reliable intelligence haa
t.-en received U day of a fight between
Lieut. Schaeffcr. ot Fort Bliaa garrison
and Indiana, near Vallejo, a ■•*
miles northwest nf E! J>"
Lieut. Smith, tour jgf""
Daly, the A
owner of extensile
were killed. \M
wounded. 1 ■<s
the Indians nil
NO. 31.