®Jte Centre gmnttat. Thursday Morning, August 18,1881. Coßßßffi'oxi'icNt'i, roiiUlnlnK lni|Krti*nt nnwi, ■olUll ftl from aiiv part of the county. No oommunlrAt feu* liiiom !•>! wiil"* ftrront)Mftttlfy tin- rnl nemo of tU w ritT. Democratic County Committee. Tho following persons have boon named as members of the Democratic County Committee for 1881. IMlefont*, W. W Nicholas Bedilln*. lU'llfl'iit', N. \\ I'lurlw S hwliT. K*•llrfunlo, 8. W KiUnril Hrowo, Jr. O. IV KreMMt'f. Mlllhcint I) I. Zrrle. Vnlotivlllr A. Tuner UafthMß. Howard CiHrK** Wleter. *liili|Mhurg a. J. Graham. iry Koan. J arm* A. McCUin. Biiriiaiiir o* r ,l " ,t . J" ho McCluekey. l\,|| Pk . ( , Jacob Bottorf. Vrauwn,'uVa."..V. ..- ■>""' T. > !f c,,nßlrk - VsiHusoo, new M Iss W alksr. Kriiiiiriio'. (irt'KK, north....* Jain** Duck. Ilalrinoun John W aril. ir*i„..w Holomon Kttllnnfr. Herri. '.'. J"'." A. Rupn Howard Jhn A. Puitklo. Boston HtotyHolo. Liberty W. 11. (lanhiwr. B Alio it Prry Comiu. Mil** Homuel K Katxt. i* 11 ii loho Ind I Von t'hrlit Ahuoder. Potter, north John Bhaiinun. Potter, mmth Jemee Mrt'liallck. Jtuih John Dun ton. Miow Bhor Al'fl t*ntupietl. Hiring John Noll. Teylor W illiNiu I'uhlrrwoiHl. L'lilon .. 8. K. ttuiertck. Ma!kt*r - AmhriMM' M< Mullen. Morth Marshall Lrw la. V UHAV MKKK. |< |l I i. t P, . r b I Chairman Local Department. —Green corn is gelling will up on its car. —lt is now legal to shoot woodcock if you can llnd them. Hats and cups of superior quality at tho Philadelphia Branch. —One of Harry Oreen's cigars will give much satisfaction as two of the ordinary kind. —Our streets present a city-like appear ance on Saturday. —Always obey tho law of the land and buy your clothing at the Philadelphia Branch. —Strangers in town attending court next week can purchase a lino cigar at Harry Green's, for live cents. —A billiard and pool room is one of the recent additions to the Bush House. It seems to be well patronized by persons fond of handling the cue. —Tho office of tho State Agricultujul Society has lieon moved from Harrisburg te Bissel's Block, Seventh avenue, Pittsburg. The exhibition will be open from the oth to the 17th of September next. —An exchange pithily remnrks that there are two things pooplo should never borrow, namely—trouble and tho local newspaper. The former will como soon enough, whilo tho latter costs only three cents a week. —Tho Board of School Directors are ex pending money wisely in making a num ber of needed repairs to the public school building. The paint brushes, manipulated by Doak and Loneberger. have made a marked improvement in its appearance. —On Wednesday evening of last week a music class at Millheim, under the in struction of Prof. Kurzenknabe, favored the good people of that place with a fine concert. The entertainment wa a.*uocr*r in every respect and gave entire satisfac tion to a large audience. —Gordon A Landis, tho enterprising dealers in machinery and agricultural im plements at Bellefonte, have the contract for furnishing tho machinery for Gotlieb llaag's new mill at Pleasant Gap, and also for furnishing a new boiler for the Water Works at this place. —At the store of Sechler A Co. about everything can be bought that people want to eat. Meats fresh and juicy, or dried and carefully preserved ; home and foreign fruits and berries of all descriptions, to gether with everything that can he em braced in. a well kept grocery. —On last Haturday afternoon we had the pleasure of greeting in the sanctum of the DEMOCRAT Col. Sam Young, editor of the ConnrM/uentaJting Valley Set rs, published at Zellenople, Butler county, Pa. He had just returnod from a visit to his daughter, the wife of Mr. Taylor, of Lemont, and was on his way home. Colonel Young is an old and experienced journalist and an intelligent and pleasant gentleman. We were pleased to mako his acquaintance, and hope he will call this way often. —As some persons still seem to be igno rant in regard to the timo game may he killed or taken in Pennsylvania, we pub lish a summary of tho game laws, which sportsmen can paste in their hats : Squir rels may he killed from Sept. 1 to Jan. 1 j rabbits from Nov. 1 to Jan. 1 ; partridge from Oct. 15 to Jan. 1; woodcock from July 4 to Jan. 1 ; plover from July 15 to Jan. 1; rail-bird from Sept. 1 to Dee. 1 ; wild turkeys from Oct. 15 to Jan. 1 ; wild fowl from Sept. 1 to May 15; doer from Oct. 1 to Dec. HI. \ —Our Bepiuhllcan friends seem to bo preparing for something of a contest for a portion of the county offices this fall. Si mon M. Spangler, of Miles township; Jno. 1. Hankin, of Bellefonte; Christian of Bonner township ; John S. Holmes, of Marion township and B. W. Shipley, of Unlonvllle are announced in the Hepol,li mn as candidate* for County Commissioner and wo beard that Isaac Jx>*e, of Belle fonte, Austin Brew, of Bellefonte, and Andrew Gregg, of Potter, have been named as candidates for Sheriff*. Better save time and trouble, gentlemen. You can elect one county commissioner, and the harvest will not be any more than that. —Tho city of Willlnnisporl last week lost its oldest iiihl n of iu most ostoomod citizens in tho death of the venerablo 1 un ison Corryoil. 11° was born on the 1-iih of .Juno, 1701, so tlmt when the summons eumo to him ho hud passod his ninetieth year of lifo. His father oamo from Now Jorscy, and llrst settled in Kast Buffalo, then Northumberland, now Union county, in tho year 17'.'3. It is said tho son, Tuni son, in 1802, then a lad, carried the mail on horsobnek for some time between Low iiburg and Bellefonte. II" went to Ly coming county in 1800, and from that time, a period of seventy-two years, was a resident of that county. Inuring all the years of his active lifo ho took an ardent interest in every good work that added to tho growth and prosperity of \\ illiatns port and was always held in high regard by tho citizens of that city. —Tho Hollefonte Fencibles (Co. Is,) were treated to a very pleasant surpriso upon their arrival hero from Camp, Vincent on Tuesday evening. Captain Mullen, al though forced to leave carnp on account of bad health did not forget the boys, and while the men were regretting his absence from thel midst, he was planning a little reception for them. When the train steam ed into tho depot about o'clock, bearing the sunburned veterans of his command, Captain Mullen was on hand and after tho usual greetings, escorted the boy* into tho spacious dining room of the Hush House, where mine host, Mr. Teller had spread a capital lunch. This act of kindness on tho part of Captain Mullen will not soon be forgotten by his hungry men. Com pany It is to bo congratulated on having so kind and capablo a commanding officer as Amos Mullen. —We have received from Messrs. Mc- Sherry A Wolf, who recently visited Cen tre county as the agents of the American Bible Society, a card giving a short state ment of the results of their labor*. They visited 771 families, of which number they found 62 destitute, though most of theso were supplied with the New Testament. They found 62 families without the Bible, and some of theso were supplied bv ab and others by gift. They distributed about 600 books, the contributions receiv ed almost paying for the books given a gifts. We bavo been requested to give this statement to the public and do so with pleasure. Mrs. Sarah Hastings, mother of our townsman, Col. I). H. Hastings, died at tho residence of the family in Salona, on Sunday last. The cau-e of her death was an attack of apoplexy, from which she had suffered for several weeks. She wis a lady who possessed every Christian grace and virtue that adorn female character, and was greatly beloved by her immediate family, her relatives and her friends. To ourJriend, Col. Hastings, we extend our symj\py in this sorrowful aflliction. —WI aro indebted to Mr. I-connrd Rhone, llater of the State tirange, p of 11., for a copy of the circular issued from tho Sectary 's offico of the Domin ion Grange, Canals, inviting attention of farmers to a grand ■■sVurdon to the Indus trial Kxhibition it T-kronto, on Wednes day, September !♦ ' jl, the time set f.. r a grand gala df.j "Farmers' Day. Granges, lafmers' clubs, and other organizations, are asked to take immediate step* to get up eicursiori parties. Mr. Abram Ryan, a well known citi zen of Bellefonte, died on Saturday night last after several days of severe suffering from an attack of erysipelas. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon and was largely attended by friend* of the deceased. Mr. Ryan was a moulder by trade, and was at one time in the foundry business in this place. Lately he has been employed at tho car works. He was a bard working, industrious man, and bad many friends who will mi** him. —The Lock Haven Doi hi Journal, of Monday, pays a deserved compliment to Mr. J. C. Harj>or, the popular Democratic nominee for I'rothonotary, in the follow ing words: "Mr. J. C. Harper was re nominated for I'rothonotary of Centre county at the lato Democratic convention. Mr. Harper has proved himself an able officer and his re-nomination is a credit able piece of work." —Among tho citizen* of Centre county who attended the annual meeting of the Alumni Association, of Pennsylvania Col lege at Williamsport last week, we notice tho namea of Adam Hoy, Ksq., of Belle fonte, Rev. J. Alfred Koter, of Pine Grove Mill*, Rev. W. K. Fishrr, and Mr. Witmer Wolf, of Centre Hall. At the meeting of the association next year Rev. Ko*er will be the essayist and an able and interesting production may be expected. —The following is a sure rule for happi ness and health. Keep a clear conscience and a good digestion, To secure the first, "Do unto your neighbor a* you would that ho should do unto you," and for the second take Green'* No. 1 and 2 Liver Pill*. —Jacob Houser, an aged and respected citizen of Renner township, died on last Friday night, and was buried In the ceme tery at Houiervllle on Sunday afternoon. The funeral was largely attended by friends and relatives. Ml** Lizzie Morrl*, one of Bellefonte'* fair young ladle*, I* visiting friend* near Reberiburg. —Everybody thould buy a new *uit, and the Philadelphia Hranch ii the place to procure it. —Cider will be plentiful thi* year, If the youngiter* don't eat up all the green apple*. THE ENCAMPMENT. •nir. ar.coM> IIKIUAUK IN CSUR —TIIR. DOINII* AT CAM I' VINCENT —NOTES AM) IM I NXNTS RITNM THE TENTKII rm.o, H|H lul Correspondence Cut in Urno, att. CAMP VINCENT, August 15, IMHI . After is pleasant und uneventful journey from Bellofonte, we arrived at our destina tion at 3 o'clock on last Wednesday and went immediately to our quarter*. The trip hero was not marked by that air of boisterous hilarity which characterized tho first cneampment of Company H. The boy* felt, rather than know, tin; difference in the circumstance*. Instead of looking upon going into cnmp as a tort of picnic, in which there wa* plenty of fun and no work, they wero impressed by tho convic tion thist they were in iculity soldiers and a* such wero expected to comport them selves in n soldierly manner. Tho ride over tho Allegheny mountains wa* de lightful, and many were tho exclamations of wonder and admiration which burst from the men a* point after point of tho superb scenery which lines thi* portion of tho l'ennsylvunia Kailroad came into view. The fstnotis Horse Shoe Bend came in for a great share of attention, while the im|H>*ing handiwork of nature, as seen in towering mountains and deep impenetra ble valleys, combined with the triumph of human genius which mastered every difficulty and surmounted every obstacle in tho building of this inagnillcient trunk line, imbued oven tho most careless with a feeling of awe. Hut even the grandeur of mountain scenery and engineering skill paled their ineffective light a* we rapidly approached llio banks of the storied Kit kiminita*. Kye* flashed with a new light; expectancy irradiated every countenance ; and why not ' Were we not soon t<> aon we rush pa-t the pleasant village Of >all*burg and in a moment the groaning, creaking train *t ; j •• 1 and it* load of blue coated, whit" gloved freight wa* on tho platform. The regiment a quickly formed and aftr a march of ai- ut three hundred yards up a considerable bill, wo came upon an extensive plateau on which was built a city of pure white. Thi* wa tho camping ground of the sec ond brigade. It was a beautiful sight. The K>th. l ß th, 15th and 14th regiment* were already in camp. General lb-aver greeted u* as we passes) his headquarter* which made us sort of fee) at home. Our tents were all up and ready for occupancy. Tho men im mediately went to work to put their tem porary residence* in order. I/>ads of boards were ordered, floors laid In the tents, and soon a general air of comfort pervaded our company streets. The men in tho other regiments had the front* of their tents shaded by largo trees, cut in the adjoining forest and plant's! so as to afford them artificial protection from the sun. The effect wa* quite striking and of fective. Before wo could follow the ex ample of our comrades, General Ib-aver issued an order saying that thi* is a mili tary ramp, and has it* proper military de. ignation and ta to be conducted upon mili tary principle# and that lurther ornamen tation of company street* is to bo discontin ued. That effectually stopped that branch of business. Our officer# as usual were indefatigable in their endeavors lomako us comfortable. They were here, there and everywhere looking to our want* and see ing that we lacked nothing that would conduce to our comfort. We are all feel ing badly over ('apt. Mullen * continued ill health. He overdid himself for the first couple of days, and to the universal regret of the company, was compelled to return home on Saturday. Captain Mul len has by his kindness to the men and his courteous bearing to them on all occasion* earned and deserve* the good will which every man in the company bear* him. However, he left ut in competent bands. Lieutenants Potter and Hale have done ail that car. bo desired. They are both de servedly popular with the men. Tho work in camp is systematic. There I* no holiday soldiering here. The discip line is rigid, and is enforced with strict impartiality. There I* no centrist between Camp Vincent and Camp Hayes. One wa* the congregation, it is true, of almost tho same material at that which compotm thit camp ; but there wa* lacking among the troops at Camp Hayes that which the French call, lUpril - Indiana he in dignantly repudiated the insinuation ti.at the ugly girls came from Indiana county. He remarked, parenthetically, that they came from Westmoreland, ami the uglj men came from Indiana. He said, in con elusion, that he was the only Democrat from Indiana county on the ground. The otii regiment wa* in-; <•< t-1 by Adjutant General James \V. I.alta and the members of General Heaver ■ staff on lat Friday evening, at •' o'clock, and the inspectF-n was eminently satisfa. lory t • the m-j • t n.g offl. -r- ai d < orr -j ondingly gratify ,t,g to the men. Ily the way, C .mpany H has made great improvement in drill under the (*;). direction of us officers, and on two luc re.mc evenings, at dre.-s parade, f e.v 1 quite aii ovation frotn the larg" crowd in attendance. u- b |<-rf<#t order that they w.re loudly applauded, not only by the spectator* but by the re of the other companies. This w repeat ed on lat evening and we feel quite proud. Company B has in it the mat'rial to make an exceedingly good military • rganir-ation i ine of the great difficulties ex; erier. ■ 1 in (.'amp is to ascertain which is the most | imj-ortant individual—a general of divis , '.on or a drum major. It i but just to say that the burden of opinion is U|->n the side of the magnificent individual who wields | the hai ,n. However, this question bids 1 fair to l>e definitely settled by the non roinmiMioncd officers. From present a; • pearani e it will not be long before the -ergeants and corporals vaill put th the j starred general and the gorgeous drum major completely in tho hack ground, tine of tho dangers of the service is the elevation of men to the minor positions who do not know how to fill them. The officers are kind and courteous in almost every case, but complaints come from ail quarters that the understrap|>ers abuse their authority and are disp>os<*.r, S .i-lay evening Col. Gray is an affable gentleman and has a splendid regiment. B. DKATII or AMMOX K Woi.r.—At six o'clock on lat Saturday morning, we are I--, ; y griei-d to announce, Mr. Amnion | h Wolf | u-s.-d t>> thut "undiscovered ounlry, from *h -<• b, ,rn m. traveller re turn- The that insatiate destroyer, consumption, and the inroads of the fell disease u;u,n bis body were more than usually ra; d, violent and relentless, lie Monged to one of the oldest and most respected families of Brush Valley—his grandfather, Anthony Wolf, who died many years ago, having been on* of the earliest o tt'ers in the east end of the val ley. The deceased was born at the old homestead of the family where his father, Henry Wolf, yet resides. During his life, Ammon E. Wolf follow,#] the profession of a tcs< her in the public schools, for which he na well qualified by education and disposition, and in which he was high ly surc-ssful. He wa- ardently devoted to hi> profession and t> always found in the front rank of those who labored for the advancement of the educational interests of the county. La-t year be was appoint ed an Enumerator of the Census for the district of M ile township, and performed the duties of that position with great ac cura, y, thoroughness and acceptability. Mr. Wolf will be greatly mi#cd by the (■eople anv>ng-l whom his short span of life was j assed. He had drawn many friend" around him, who had known him from childhood, and wh > will long cherish his memory. He leaves a sorrow stricken wife and one child to mourn an irrepar able ios, and in their deep grief they will receive the heartfelt sympathy of an en tire community. IVace to hi* ashes! "After life's fitful fever he sleeps well." CKXIHK Cot NTT T EACHXR*' EXAMINA TION*.—The following order of place and time will he observed in the teachers' ex amination* for KWI i M-I< nt r. l IV •##-- Mil'-' n-t. VmoUr. A"C#i-t 2t I r>tor4*7, AuguM M. Phtllfwiwrg m. I Rnb—PliH|s*> urg c **lurU ( ?, Aug 2?. •*n m f*h+ k —*• T#wljr, Ang JO. l.iGsrit I'AgUtl'U. \*'-In August -I H. *r l Htiiw, (hwpt ? Pfiilnft-WtiMK* Mhwl II 'H*. pt'insUT. V|'l A RllfMl "t-rmMotii. lii litj. I fa-lir-gm- -f, rti'.vtf. fc*tar.l*t. f IR-MIW-T 1(1. 4* n*>.ntg. M fwlty, g>y|iili li AllllhHffi And |Vnn- mlwt 13 Mil*-* *• wig, W s-|rA*s|*f, • mt ■ T 14. Orif|M>Niß II*)i, Tban*i*y, RiyNMM IA. 11*11. Kr>*U). I^. 91 wrrf*—'IW*l*lsrg, To*4*i. .M Keren*>n l*re Wroff, W*i| |e|dulfr 21. A special examination will b- held at the .Superintendent's Office, Bellefonte, Fri day, September 80; applicant* must come recommended by at least four directors of the district in which they intend to teach and give a satisfactory reason for non attendance at the public examinations. Examination* begin at 9 o'clock A. M. Applicants are expected to be in time. Some of the directors aleo should be proa ent to make out a list of applicants. D. M Wotr, Co. Bupt. Spring Mills, Fa., Aug. 3, 1881. —Gordon A Lendia have just received a new lot of the celebrated lb-osier Grain Drills, to which they invite the attention of farmers. . . ....it* 5-ssU . A Mr. John P. Harris, serving in tho 1 • apsiity treasurer of this school fund, in doing excel i-nt service fur the borough ! iri relieving it of a part of it* heavy achool | indebtedness. During n j>eriod of two i year* of service r if,-ii*urer, Mr. Herri* bus succeeded if, inn lb.. school debt nlKiiit *3,000, nriil !,*•< refunded $lO,OOO at |• i per .-■• lit., the'. r>. formerly drawing at I 7 per rent p • r ■■rniiirn. Hi* labor* in thi* direction > • Highly appreciated by our citizen*, arid of which hopo to have more PI *HV fct a future time.— Morning SrwH. \ Thi* i* nil very well ; but a great many ! perron* familiar with the bu*irie*i of the ' Ifellefonto M-liool board during the put ] three year* may be inclined to think it ex ceedingly unju-t to other member* of the hoard, and a!*o to other gentlemen who nerved a* treasurer, of the school fund, No one will disparage the valuable services of I Mr. Harri* since he ha* been u xnemb.*r of the reboot board, or doubt hi* effici ency a* treasurer of the fund : but it n.urt be underlined lliat for ttiree year* previ ( ou* to the flrit of June lait a majority of the board were Democrat*, and that dur ing two year* of that time, in which over s';,<**> of indebudne** wan paid and the intere*t on fcl'MMXi reduced from eight P> five per cent., .Mr. Harri* wai not the trea*urcr. One year Mr. John Hoffer, of i the Soutii Ward, acceptably filled that j*>. ■ ition and lat year it* dutie* were equallv w ll performed by Mr. Jared Harper, of ! the Wet Ward. There can be no doubt that the financial condition of the school fund ha* been greatly improved in the lat throe year*, and the above statement i* made a* a matter ol jutice to Meur*. Hoffer and Harper and the majority that controlled the action of the board through out that ticriod. —The next event of ImjMirUnce in thi* county, will be the fair about the fir*t week of October. For the variou* di*ea*e pi which fe male. are peculiarly '.table there i* no rem * lv *o certain and *afe a* (freer. * Diver Pill*. HUES* MAXIM,.- Mr-. Fanny Ptrtible offer* her MTV ice. p. the ladies* of it, He. fonte, and v-cinity *► a dre.* maker, and j w.o endeavor to give satisfaction to those who may fa-> r her. Hr residence j* next j l"or to .Mr. M< ntgomery ~n Bishop street. _ —Bpacial iadn* HMIII f,r trin fur ' 'hing (1 ;nt g th<* s in.nor month*. Momoomi.hv A CO., Tailor*. D*.av ( KM EXT. The m*ll price for Looxv Cr.Mf.NT or, and after thi. date Miv !1 , will (*• two dollar* j-er barrel and no charge p.- bag* or barrel. H K lit, x*. N'oti, r. 1" Tk -rr.n- —The under* • lifßdl give* BOtlM that k* will not jernut r* ri* p, hunt and sheet game uj.n hi* farm in FargtMoa township without |r ,kW -ti- Any one found upon the prem ►e it, disregard of thi* notice will be treated a a trespasser and prosecuted nr. < rdll gl v D w M tt.t.rn. Ferguson twp August 9, IMU. St MARRIAGES. URnW\-Wl I*E|| t. W. II M V* .Urn** |J || . f.f il! Jwi4 A. ltt<> cf Maii'>n lttvbt4i| l AJ:m the *ex# are educated eg*th. er. Thi* plan, after much and Taried ex perience, we contider the bet for the uc ce*ful training of th" young The Young Ladies' School will re-open on MONDAY, ."KPTKM BKK ft. under the *uperviion of Mi* At>* KRI.LOOO, a graduate of Ml. Holyoke Seminary, In the cla** of IbTO. She ha* had *ucceful experience a* an instructor and di*ciplinarian for five year*, at Say brook, Conn., and n year* in the Nor wich Seminary, in New York. She coma* to u* with the highet te*timooial*, a* a lady of Chri*tian character and culture, and' a teacher skilled and accomplished. SrhtMil for Little Itoys anil Girls. Thr* I'rimirT S hhl uill reopen on MONDAY, skPTKMBKK ft. under the management of Mrs. J. S. llhiuxt*. whoso system, thoroughness and progrese were so manifest in the classes, and so satisfactory, during the past year. School for Young Men anil Hoy* The Male School will re-open op TC HA HA Y, SKPTKM BKK 6. the Principal will take charge of the Mathematical and Businesa departments, ai*p