GENERAL NEWS. The Governor of South Carolina lias offered a reward of S2OO for the arrest o( the murderer of Deputy Intend Rev enue Collector T. L. Bravton. The President's lirst otlieial act since being wounded was to sign some extra dition papers. Thus the international interest in his condition is kept up. The greatest length of the United States from east to west is 2,800 miles; greatest breadth, north and south 1,- Coo miles; average breadth, 1,200 miles. The Brooklyn bridge is rapidly ap proachittg completion. The contractors believe that sometime in October the p promenade across the river will be opened to the public. A large hug, resembling a locust, which fastens to the necks of fowls near Greensburg, has been very destructive of life. Thousands of the huge hugs have been found in one nest. Samuel Miller, at rested near Wil liamsport, last week, on suspicion of having poisoned his father to secure life insurance money, was discharged on Friday, there being no evidence to sub stantiate the charge. The Egyptian government has abol ished slavery within its dominions so far as to forbid any person from being made a slave in the future. As the present slaves die out slavery as an in stitution dies out with them. Judge Advocate General Swain has concluded his review of the proceedings and verdict in the Whittaker case, and his summing up is now ready for the approval or dissent of the President. Until he has acted in the matter its tenor will remain a subject of conjec ture. A disastrous drouth, similar to that of last year, is reported in Northern New Jersey. The market gardeners are said to have lost thousands of dol lars in consequence. Hundreds of wells, cisterns and streams are dry, and in Grange many families are buying water at s'2 per wagon load. The Board of Directors of the Perma nent Exhibition Company at Phtlatlel pltia have notified exhibitors to remove their goods by the first of October. It is said that a movement is on foot look ing to the purchase of the building from its present owners with a view to retaining it in its presect position. At Harvey's Lake, near Wilkeabarre, on last Thursday, Miss Keyenthaler, of Philadelphia, had a narrow escape from drowning while bathing. Her escort, Mr. Williams, was exhausted in his ef forts to save her, but other gentlemen came to his assistance, and the young lady was rescued in an insensible state. She was doing well at last accounts. 0. S. Seymour, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Connecticut for eight years, d-ed at Litchfield, on last Friday, in the 741h year of tiis age. He was a member of the State Legislature in j 1859. He served two terms in Congress, i In 186.1 lie ran an the Democratic ticket for Governor of the State, but was de feated. He was a Commissioner in the matter of the bound iry line between Connecticut and New York. Thursday of last week was the hot test day in fourteen years at Illinois, the thermometer reaching 108 degrees in the shade. At Winnipeg, Manitoba, during the last two weeks, the temperature has ranged from 73 to 91 degrees in the shade—a fact without parallel, so far as known, in the history of that region. Temperatures were re ported on Friday last by the Signal t If fice of 106 in the shade at St. I-oute, 106 at Fort Gibson, 103 at Cairo and Louis ville. 102 at Nashville, 101 at Memphis and Little Hock, and 100 at Indianapo lis. Wicked for Clergymen. Rev. , Washington, I). C., writes; I *'l believe it to be all wrong and even wicked for clerymen or other public men to be led into giving testimonials to quack doctors or vile stuffs called medicines, but when a really merito rious article made of valuable remedies known to all, that all physicians use and trust in daily, we should freely commend it. I therefore cheerfully and heartily commend Hop Bitters for the good they have done me and my friends, firmly believing they have no equal for family use. I will not be without them."— A'. Y. Hap tut Weekly. "YTOTICE.—In the matter of the En- Ut* of W. W. IWk. Iftto of Marlon tawnahip dwiwid, fa lh* Orphan*' Court of < *ntr* count? The a|pr*Uk'ni-Dt p, th* fWo of wit] \*\ W. B**k. decaaand, Mancy Hack. r|#r*eaad, w!4iw, for |3III And WOW, J una l**l, *i(>rM**m*nt con Arena* nun, and pa Mi ration ordered aeenrdllf to law, and DDIMS el caption* are fIH prior to next term of Court will b# confirm**! ait*dntc|y. Br th* Court. NMw WM B in R< HrIKLD. Clt Or. Court. W t m CoaUy out At fran. Addrcm TRIE k CO., An Main*. •' 1 j The Leading Dally and Weekly Paper IN THE WEST BRANCH VALLEY. SUN ANI)*BANNER, rt BLISIIM) BY n. T. BALLADE and H. M WOLF, Jr., Eat tort .n>t Proprietors. W 11.1.1 A MSPORT, PA. fine an able Editorial and Rept.rUndal Stuff! Contain* the Latent Telegraphic. New*! Ha* a Reliable Corp* and (hrre*punden t*l as* Mas TMS LAKG EST CI RCULA TIO N or AT sswartrsa is CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA. DAILY *'. 00. WEEK lA' $1.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Any person g (tins up a rluh of fl.e new yesrly >sh- for the Wsrsar Bits asn Hassan, will reeelre s copy lor one year rata. 18S0-1. * iaeo-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Year. Tke anlwrrlptH.n pries of the Wgraif PATRIOT has been reitnewl to II.OU per ropy per annum. To ilala of PTFTT ami npwania Ui, W ASSLT PATRIOT will bs fsrnlabe-nt. psr month. Under th* net Of Congrem the publisher prepay, tha priagr and snliscribsri are rell.rsd from Uwt expense. Ersry subsrripUoa mam bs aeonmpaaied by lbs oath. Now b the time to aalmcrib*. The approaching samloaa of Congrem and the Lewi.latma will bs of ***** than ordinary Interest and their proceedings srfll bs fally reported tor tha Dally and a complete Spaopria ef then, .||| p. ,|,.n In the Weekly. Address PATRIOT PUBLIRUINO 00., 47-TR St, Market BSNM, H anbbarg. W ' Bkf *' : A New AflvertlaemeHtH. N'OTICE i hereby given, tliut the account of J K RKIVsN YIIKH, Aaalgtim of Ctwirg* Nill*r, lm b**n ftl*l In tlu olWcu #f t!•* I'lOthonoUrjr of tlir Cotiri of Coiiiiuuii IMch* in tool for Hi** Comity of Centre, Mid tlmt aid miotiiil will lie lire*llted for UOttAt UlAlloll At til* III'*! t•Till of lutid outtrt, Iw .1 0 ItARPBH Pin Ui > NOTICE is hereby given, that the account of l>. 1- KI.INK. committee of the person ami estate of II 0. Ilrook.. deceased, li been tiled In tlic office of the I'rothonotary of iho t',inr of Common Plena In .ml for the county of Centre, and ilmt wol account will Iw |oiwuto BKLLKPONTR. PA.. Families and aingl, gentlemen, aa well a, th, gen eral traveling public and dimmer, tal men ar" Invited to Oil, Ptrwt-t law Hotel, wh"f, they will And home comfort, at reasonable rate., l iteral reiluctlon to Jurymen and ■ .there attending Court. * B. TKLI.KR. PI Ift rpHE CENTRE DEMOCRAT BOOK and JOB OFFICE ALLEGHENY STREET, BELLEFONTE, PA., Id NOW OPPKRINO GREAT INI)UCE MEN T 8 TO THOME W IKll ISO PI RUTeCLAKS Plain or Fancy Printing, i Wo hRVo unusual fucilitio, for {Tinting LAW BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, STATEMENTS, CIRCULARS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS, INVITATION CARDS, CAKTES Dl VISITK, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, ANI) ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. by tnall will roceive prompt attention. VaiT Printing done in the host style, on ■bort notice and at the loweat rate*. S. tf A. LOEIt, (irnrra! Merchant*, AUryhmy-St,, HrHrfimtr, l'a. MOTHERS, WE ARE NOW READY FOR YOUR ZBOYS OUR SPRING AND SUMMER, SCHOOL, PLAY, —AND— DRESS SUITS, ARE NOW ALL IN. THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER EXHIBITED. EXTRA PATCHES IN EACH SUIT; SILK HANDKERCHIEFS IN EACH COAT —OF TUE CELEBRATED— STEIN, ADLER A CO.'S MAKE, of Rochester, WHOSE REPUTATION IN THIS LINK STANDS FIRST IN THE UNITED STATES. To be had ONLY at the Popular Establishment —OF— Sir K 1 nril ' ALLEGHENY STREET, ■ob As LlUIiiJ, * BELLErONTE. PA, FINE CLOTHIERS —AJU) — DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. L '■ , • * •, f Mined! a neou*. HI Wilh COSTIVENESB. Sirlc Meadar he DYSPEP SIA, Low Spirits. SLEEPLESS NIGHTS, Lots of Appatlte, Pain in the Side, And all tin* mimeroiia ailment* Ounaw|iirnt Upon a dl ordered atnte of the Mvr, sliro you have * certain remedy within your reach. That remedy I* GREEN'S Liver Pills. The** Tills are of TWO KINDM, and when uaed In CODDwIlon Willi 1-x li other according to dire, tiofia, are IN \ A 111 A HI. V M IVKSHH L They are tigar roatetl, and are hK.NT IIY MAIL on receipt of price. In order to premt roiiiiterfeiting the) ar- put up In ROIMII hogea, With the ■lgnature of Y. IV (JttKKN around ra li Imi. Trice, No I, No.ll.OOrU. ManuCat fund only hf F. POTTS GREEN, IIKLLKFONTK. PA. NEW REVISION A< W ANTED. NEW TESTA M ENT. \S made by the most eminent wliol *r 'f KniiUnil ml Ainf-rlra. Half Ike I'rlre ( orrr.pondlnK KrkIMI Idlilun. t|, llnru M||wf f .li-mll-fr,! |.,| rr. ■■lf'k'allt I'tndllig A " I umprrhrnslte lll|urj or the Rlhle ..l it. lO' lu.liri* a full arrouai of Ike A Itrt Moo, KI" to •■!!.. rlln-m. lu .t . tiatir* f..r "nti it.r i.fT.-r~l. Hml >Uni|' for |rtlruUr. al onte. Til P. IIKMIV RILL PlßllsillWi |ir - kerht fT R,.w £ All the Htatk'Ur! Patent tte.!Ptnea |re - ■r acrtptlons and Tamil? i|*- accurately p, "X prefaced. Truiwa, Hbrnlder Brace*, k< .Ac '2 4 " I I GUIS DOLL, I j rA-Hi<>NAiT * SHOEMAKER, Brwrkerhuff How, A street, ' 1-1 y itltstftfttw, pa c. nriM, Prw't. j r ataxia. t'aah'r. CMKST NATIONAL HANK OF I HILLTfoNTK ; Allegheny Rtreef. Bellefbnte. Pa. 4-tf / lENTEE .*auu* Notwa; Buy and **ll GOT. pwnrltlH, G' Id and Coqp>M, J Jisis A Rtttra, Preel tent. I J. II SMMMVOMMW A-tf II K. HOY. M. IX. lie I * a | U OBN, RKLLKPONTI PA l>l*rtal attentl- n giten to Oj#allfs Surgery and | CVwftk INaMMMa 1 *• ly I \R. JAS. 11. DOBBINS, M. I)., 1 " PHTAirian AND hirudin. OSes Allegheny St.. over Irlilr' I>tug Mora, 4-tf RKLLKroNTR. TA. I \H. J. W. RHONE, Dentist,can I ' le f>ind at his oScs and real dance n Rertk j Side of High Street three U1 of Allegheny, i Bellefonte. Ta KM) SEC 111, Kit • lb* tireranj m. .■ t Ci.ra bl* ] .rrw In liir m.*rk< l, .HE IARD I# lb* t„, i f,.r 2i.*™,' i. n*,** work, tn both .l n tin- • m*;.,i . r>o .i ~.m THE W IARD l lb* !-', I'.rnr extant f< r :.*r,l tl*y and lUmj fTftHibd. THE WIARD r i*U *JJ ni!,.r r („ ]• for riewaing in ,„j on.^fi WIAnDt *"'"" 0 '•" i- ►ttwM Out Malleabl* Iron B*.irr. • t>* r>r r rrr. Wrl MjmUliM InrUi lb *;;, | C u*Til,t, .<| *s n,t It or bn.l. r • ~* rl. ■ , ** lr |T I Of J NrKi: mot/..,**) tn ow. and u-.t on* m * tbouMird f*ooi. Our Joint*™. Wh*wl and Handl** tn m p nublf. Our Mold boards iMel all olh,l uniform.if. Plow/, are warrml to any reanoaabla x- If yon *r roinc In bitf * new I*u,w, be nre ■> ibe W man a tnal. RUN PALE NR GORDON & LAND 18, Engineer* anri Machinist*, A\t> tIIAI.IAA Iff ALL Klfrns or Agricultural Implements, APKCIAL. ATTKSTIOK OIVEft Tfl H El* AIR.*. i—f BBLLIfOXTE. PA I'hUadrlphia ttranrh (lathing lltame, lit Urfnnte, I'a. A GREAT VICTORY! THE SUCCESS OF THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. THE PEOPLE TRIUMPHANT! POLITICIANS KNOCK T'MIDKR! THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! We have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHIN6, FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHILDREN! AND ARE, AS ALWAYS, AHEAD DP ALL OTHERS FOR GENUINE GOODS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEW IN, the Manager, Now Defies the World and the Rest of Mankind. IN HIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never wan bca. never will be beet and never ran be beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outside of Centre county. AH that i said here ia meant. 00 AND SEE, and carry the newa to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. 1855—1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Tests for 25 Years. BUSHELS, NOT ACRES. rave hoset Br canto BAUGH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Prioa. t'd&.OO Par Toa of 2000 Posada. BAUSH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, Containing 4 In & per tL of /ul|4,*l. uf I'c*criptivr Circular* Sent I'rte upon application. BAUGH & SONS, 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. Tor sale by J. H. LONG. Flemington, Pa., Ac*atfor Clinton and Centre Counties. MILLIIKIM IIOTRI., MILI.IIKIM f'KMUK OUCKTT. I'KNS'A W. s MCBBXR, Proprietor. Tl|, t". f V lb. ml* 1 'id tn r*nn - . T*]|*f *• I •• "• fr-ti •• I •aim Ptslo. ti !L I '•* ' ti,* '♦<*♦ s i s,. • r•#k iLsilpfA'!, itb pur- Htsl nikkf it * PLEASANT SUMMER RES^T. Gut<4 tf"il ir tlf r fnctji*t* Tkiriitjf A rmi MM I • wry i At Um Miilh'tm Bow A'fjvm :i *it til Mill f 1314-J f,f#tw 1 %r 111 I t*t4ri th'tAmf. •t" Jim A, nn^ft ( CENTRAL HOTEL, lUsilr>Np! MU.RMII R<. CP-WIRR OOCXTT, PA A. A. KOllLir, A Kit, Proprietor. * *r> TIIROt nil TK \ -tin* retlrwl will fl4 Uti* II •!! sn V IniKh, of (rotor# • BiMi %• Al.l. TKA *Lh mtr.r.t*# 47 Logan uifincnt. R pilE retail price T'ur IA>CiAN CE* 1 MINT on and iftef thii A*f# Mi) '• I41)IU t iL4Un ldirr#l r. 1 o< fhrf# for I sir* r |rr#l iP* if j H. K IIICK*. 7>r/ firtorl* ritul G roccrie*. TTARPER BROTHERS, ITRISO PTUKST. lII.LEFi'NTE. PA., Have thoir counter, and twelve* filled with NEW GOODS, f BANK RI'PT RATES Purchased at J BANKRUPT KATKS ( BANKRUPT KATKS WHICH THKV OFFEK AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICEB. _ COXMSTINO Of Dry Ooodr, Millinery (rood,, Clothing, Fwcy Good*, Notion*. Ac. BOOTS and SHOES ' BOOTS and SHOES at very low price*. BOOTS and SHOES . . , HATS and CAPS Latrat (tylr* of HATS and CA PS HATS and CAPS Carpet Bap, Unnrella*, Paraaol*, Ladiea' Cloak*, Carpeting, Grocerie*, Qboemware, Ac. OompHrta* rj Uln, U..1 cu U Iband la a *ret tlwatan. HARPER BROTHERS, •FMIRO HTRKFT, BELLKPOXTK, FA. . .S???**!. '■OWC® Wm la .xchaa*a at lb. nibmt wikrt |.nt# j.jj New York Weekly Herald. OWE DOLLAR A TEAK. r PHK circulation of Urn popular 'IT"* - "# "jalalaa all lb. Ira-tin, wwi of lb. pu, ..-1 "rH •* bandy dtymrtm.*!* Th. FOREIGN NEWS zsnxzL'ssir —* <-* - ■* AMERICAN NEWS THE WEEKLY HERALD lb. ami T.lnM. rbmafcl. la U>. world. mitt. th. rhoapmi. Et.rt *nk I. (i,M< . faitbrnl report of POLITICAL NEWS uf com r r.b*nT. dttqwlobra Nn roparu of ifc. peWMaaa <* th. qtrnttu,*. of th. THE FARM DEPARTMENT of tho W BSE It HritLfi giYN U Ul'< M #II N Ih* ml mrUnl M*gmtton> .nd dUrwrwhw relation u> lb. dntm of th. bt*n, bint, fro r.triA. P * rt ** t - Oai*a Tan*. Vnniiui. Ac., Ae, wttb (*mtlnafnr kret.inx balMlng* and oi.av.ii. in re palr. Tbiab "tptW. ntM by ■ wu.atlod mt.ot. on lb. rotj I.tret M •o fb lima* of tb. W.Mtr llmuu will n lb. Mar* than mm h.ndred fan lb. yrtra of lb. ya|wr. Tim Int.rem. of SKILLED LABOR nr. looked .0r, and .v.rylbin, yotminia* to Mm rbaato. nd labor •< in, l. rarefatlj 1 >cordon! Tbtr. N . |m*r d.dml ., all tb. W.I |dmm 01 tb* i.-am are. market*. Crop*, N.rrh*adm. Ar.. dr. A raltm- M hian b h*tad In Uw H-~t.llj reported prior* •d condition. of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Raaatnir* Maw* l bmr and abroad, t<*thor wftb * front >f) wrek, a *naaon by .at. eminent dh !•, Ktwit, numnc, ramtn and Nt* Ifuraa TWre mm mm *•> f OKI *s* > In a WoHtly TMRN, J DOI.I.AR Addmm. * **** NEW YORK HERALD, N mwAwa| and Ana ftrret, Maw Terb.