Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 18, 1881, Image 4

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    Slit (Jifljttt glfmflftat.
i ♦ •
Thelaargsst,Cheapest and BsitPsper
(lthml t*vory Thuralay momitiK, at IMlvfontr, (Vutrr
county. P
TERMS—^Cnnh In vlranr* St t*o
If not |uitil in itilfitDci' S OO
A LI VK PAl'Kß—devoted to tho lotereet* of tht
whole people.
Payment* mn<to within throe months will ho con
eitlortnl tu advauc®.
No impor will Ik* discontinued until nrronrngoonre
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Any portion pmcudnir u tenraeh ■ubecrlbere will
! *nt n copy fro of chnrge.
Our ex tenet ▼ circulation make* thle peper an tin
onuallyrUst>land oroßubl* mwllum for iiTertUlnjj
Wo h**, tho motluspli f*cllltl- for JOB WORK
and *r |iri-p.ro<l to print all kind* of Book., Tracts,
Programme*, I'oetere, t'ommerclel printing, Ac., in the
llii.-.t ,tv 1— and t II"- lowwt puwlLl* rto
All dortHoinoiit f'-r • l<-nn than thrw month.
20 cant* nor lino for ttaa Brut throo ino.-rtlono. n-l A
conu * lino for mkli addition*! luaortlou. S|-o< I*l
notice* one-helf more.
Editorial notice* 15 ront. i-r lino
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N ithlng ina rte*l for lea* than st rente.
Hi tiNt** \oTu r*.ii theedltorielcolumns, Ift eents
per line, each maertion.
The Industries of Virginia.
From B rw-1-1 n--l'
RICHMOND. August 9.—Both new and
old manufacturing enterprises in this
State are meeting with unprecedented
prosperity this summer. Among the
many large iron works that have recent
ly been erected, none have been equal
in size and capacity to those now in
course of erection on tbe line of the
Chesapeake and Ohio railway, in Rock
bridge county. The company is com
posed of English capitalists, ami the
amount invested is £500,000. Iwo fur
naces are building, with a capacity ol
100 tons a day each. Rolling mils and
steel mills are also being built, and a
narrow guage railroad to the ore mines,
seven miles distant. The largest fur
nace now in tbe State is located at Eow
Moor, in Allegheny county, which is
working to its lull capacity, 100 tons a
The Richmond and Allegheny syndi
cate has purchased the water power of
tbe city of Manchester, opposite Rich
mond. The price paid was $200,000.
The purchasers intend to develop the
manufacturing resources of the place,
and will begin at once th© erection of
cotton mills and other factories.
The Richmond and Allegheny road
has just been completed from this city
to a point on the Chesapeake and Ohio
road, distant 2IS miles, called Clifton
Forge. The t fhioCentral, running from
Toledo southeast, and the Richmond
and Allegheny having consolidated,
work has been begun covering tbe gap
between the termini. The distance be
tween Charlestown, West Virginia, and
a point on tbe Ohio river opposite I'oin
eroy, Ohio, is seventy tuile*. The dis
tance between Potneroy and Corning,
Ohio, which is the southern terminus of
the Ohio Central, is forty mile*. The
contract for constructing this 110 mile*
has been let, and, as tbe country
through which the line passes is very
level, the work is to !•* done in six
months. Engineers are engaged now
in locating a bridge across the Ohio
river at or near Pomeroy, and, as soon
as they have finished their work, the
bridge will be put under contract. But
the company will still have 190 miles to
build from the Richmond and All©
gheny road to Charleston, West Vir
ginia. Home of the country is very rug
ged. so that it will be about two years
before the entire line can be completed.
The Chesapeake and f hio's Kentucky
road, running between Huntington. W.
Va., and Lexington, Ky., will certainly
be completed by October 1. This gives
the Chesapeake and Ohio railway an ad
vantageous all rail route through the
West and Southwest. Grain elevators
are being built here and at Newport
News by the Chesapeake and Ohio' om-
The New Comet.
The new comet ia looming up hand
somely to the astronomer's eye, and in
deed is viaibie to all but the near sight
ed in the morning hours before the twi
light by the unassisted power of vision.
It is now descernible in the evening
after twilight near to the horizon at a
jxiint somewhat north of northwest.
At present the direction for finding it
in the morning ii to carry a line from
the star Capela through Beta Aurigre,
which is a blight star eight or ten de
grees lower and to the right. By ex
tending this line a further distance,
equal to the apparent distance from
star to star, the position of the comet
ia reached. It Is now rapidly increas
ing in brightness. Its distance from
the earth is shout 97,000,000 miles.
The diameter of the bright part sur
rounding the nucleus is 11,750 miles;
that of the bright coma 140,000 miles;
total diameter of the envelope 200 000
miles ; length of the Uil 3,000,000 miles
or more. The deviations ol the orbit
from the predictions up to August 2,
were three minutes and fiftv-nine sec
onds in right ascension and nineteen
minutes in declination. These results
are satisfactory, considering tbe unfavor
able position or rather direation of the
comet's emotion when the three earli
est observations were taken. That di
rection waa almost towards the earth.
Had the direction or apparent motion
been, so to speak, athwart the sky,
more accurate predictions would have
been possible. The development of
the tail before perihelion is in this
comet greater than that of the greet
comet of 1858. On lest Thursday night
the comet for the time kept above the
horizon all night, or technically speak
ing, entered the eircle of perpetual ap
The Situation In Virginia.
From die Bsltlmore Amrlco (IH-|>)
The coalitionist* having seceded from
the regular convention, iuhl held a con
vention of their own, will of count©
claim that their indorsement of Mahone
and repudiation, carries with it the in
dorsement ol the Republican party;
the test will come next November. The
Readjust©™ can only win with the aid
of Republican votes ; and if, hh we be
lieve they will, they should meet with
an ignominious defeat, the question as
to whether the Straightouts or the coa
litionists represent the real sentiment
of the Republican party of Virginia,
will be decided onceand for all. Should
the coalition prove successful, on the
contrary, it is idle to deny that the
cause of Republicanism in Virginia
would have received its death blow, and
we should be entertained with the spec
tacle of the Readjuster party making
use of its newly acquired power to
crush out all independent action and
asserting itself as the only real Demo
cratic party in Virginia. They little
know Mahone who imagine that he
will prove a faithful ally to the Rcpub
licuns of the North ; too late it will bo
discovered that it is not the Solid South,
but the Republican party that he lias
broken up. Dearly, in that event, will
the Northern leaders who have coun
seled this alliance, pay for their aband
onment of principle for expediency j
and they will realize what they should
have recognized long ago, that in the
division of the Democratic party of
Virginia, the Republicans had—aud
threw away—their greatest opj>ortuiiily
for success. Rut will Mahone carry the
day T We do not believe it. Hepug.
nant as both tickets and both platform*
are to the Republicans of Virginia, it is
impossible to understand how they can
render tribute to either, and should
they stand aloof the defeat of Cameron
will be a foregone conclusion. The |
election of .John W. Daniel, a Rourbon
of the Bourbons, is not to be desired :
but better Daniel than dishonor- better
the transient triumph of the Democra
cy than the absolute extermination of
Republicanism. Cameron would "carry
Africa into the war;'' see to it that he
does not leave it dead on tin* field !
The Electoral Commission.
Washington. .July 30.—1t is stated :
that .Justice Clifford prepared a com
plete and detailed history of the Elect
oral Commission, of which fie was a
member, and that it would be published
alter bis death, unless his wife, who
was the custodian of the manuscript,
should otherwise decide. Justice fill
ford said its publication would create
a sensation throughout the country.
There were certainly many thing* con
nected with the Electoral Commission
which the public beard little of at the
time—notably among them Senator !
t.'oiikling's action when be bad fa-en
kno\i to favor the rejection of tin- i
vote of D)ui*iana. .Justice Bradley's |
sudden change of views in one night, j
and alo Justice David J>vis' remark- !
aide preference for the.Senate while his i
presence ota the Bench rendered the
Electoral Oommission a jMnocratic |
body. As toNHeuator Conk ling's action j
before the Electoral Commission was j
constituted or (lad been considered at '
all, the late lE*. DeWitt.C. West said j
that the Senator Mwjlfrpiriß| asjieecli
of great power, in which fie would I
Urge the rejection of the Eouisiana voce n
as decided u|>on by the Returning M
Board. When Mr. West made the L
statement he was present in Alhiw,y \o I
attend the meeting of the Klecioral \
College, which Horatio Seymour was j
I'rwklcnt. Mr. Seymour soon after
w*rd confirmed the Statement. At
that time the Telfcttbns between Sey.
mour and Conkling. who are brothers in
law, were very close, and the two fre
quently conferred upon important steps
which either were about to take. Conk
ling never made the speech, but after
wards voted to admit tbe votes of all
the Returning Board States. If these j
things are presented iri tbe true light
which Justice Clifford could have
placed thein in, it is to be earnestly
hoped that Mrs. Clifford will not delay
or deny the publication of his history.
No appeals from any source should
deter her from the evident intention of
the dead jurist to give the country the
benefit of a true history of a remark
able epoch.
The Nnpreme llcnrli iirgnrj,
From Chicago X'tirn*), fUp.
If another Republican isappoinled in
Clifford'* place, we shall then have a
supreme bench <-onip<>.<d of eight Re
publicans and one Democrat, and Jus
lice Field will be tbe sole representative
of that party which is in the ascenden
cy in eighteen States of thirty eight,
and which is strong enough to make it
necessary to classify New York. Con
necticut and Indiana among the doubt
ful .States in every presidential election.
If it ever had been the custom among
former presidents to apportion these
supreme judges among lawyers of a dif
ferent political faith, certainly such a
practice could now be consistent)- urged.
But if tbe supreme court were solidly
Republican, except that its members
are appointed for life, it would be no
more of a violation of the principle ol
popular government than the election
of president is at the present time.
Mr. Garfield is president of the United
.States, and his authority in the South
ern States, where he did not receive a
single electoral vote, is as supreme as it
ia in either of those Stales where he re
ceiver! bia highest majority. The eigh
teen States that voted for General Han
cock have the same interest in the pros
perity of the nation that tbe twenty
Stales have that cast tbe majority of
electoral votes necessary to choose a
Tbe supreme court Is not a political
organisation i it performs no legislative
function, ana should never show a par
tisan leaning. The tenure of the office
is fixed to bold during good behavior on
purpoee that Its occupants shall be
above tbe clamor ad excitement of
popular changes. The essential point
to bo gained in their appointment re
late* principally to ilieir ability, learn
ing in the law, ami in their intogriiy
ami honesty in the discharge ol their
high official duties.
A woman of Lebanon, aged 81 yearn,
ia insured for f154,U0<) on the specula
tive plan.
There were 41 deaths in Heading last
week, 31 more than the previous week
and 28 more than the corresponding
week last year. This large increase is
due to a great mortality among infauts
and small children.
The miners in the ('olket Colliery, at
Fremont, struck a "gas feeder" on Fri
day morning, which ignited from the
open lights causing an explosion. .Jon
athan lteihnoel, William Hrennan, Pe
ter Greater, and George Hove rocker
were badly, but not, it is thought, fatal
ly burned.
The fate which often overtakes oil
towns is forcibly illustrated by the sale
of the site of Petroleum Centre lor
ffi.OtX). It was ono ol the lively tiro
ducts of the oil excitement in the "low
er country," with a population of six
to eight thousand, and fourteen yea is
ago the above price would have been
considered cheap lor a twenty-live foot
business lot.
At Bradford, on Wednesday of last
week, William Boggs, ganger for the
United Lines in Toad Hollow, bad to
visit one of the 30,<100 barsel tanks, and
found in it a man named Andrew Ma
gill, who was hanging on to a pipe uml
supporting bis head above the ocean of
oil. He proved to be out ol bis head,
ami asserted that he bad been put in
there to drown by the Masonic Lodge.
A terrible wind storm, accompanied
by heavy rain, visited <'iiambemburg on
Saturday afternoon. The roof ol the
St. James Methodist Kpiscopal Church
was blown oil' and carried sixty feet
and the gable ends ami ceilings were
crushed in. The church is badly dam
aged. The rool* of public ami private
buildings were blown oil" and one house
was overturned. The sheds of the lair
company were blown down and piled
several feet high on Second street. No
one was hurt.
Philadelphia Markets.
There *• Ai: ther aharp upwr l in
wheat, ami fl nr w *-ry firm
()ur mark#! •• '|HiH irel firm N*l-*
-f including Mint-* i® -ttr** *i f#
* 2b ft rl-r ami a! ft*. *#•• b.r iralght .
tllfS bUOily •' ? T'% • vrtlern ! *' I'
•ml pat-uta at f'. TV,*::.. H)+ 0 <ir !• *t**#ly *t
WlUf-Theft w*a ir. th-r ii|irii r;.oemerit in
rat#- vert $1 Ist l. I e . Atk"! fr V- r-l.
Auguat. fl Mt*£b*4.fl *!{ **k~t for No S red *-p
t-r.if.er. fI -\lid. 91 . *•!-*! 1t N iml.'M.
Ist r . ! ..• I u.b-I*. itinUr * Id at It - a
buthek Ucftwber. at (1 ' '• Luahel* Augat,
at 91 ' /
Knr- vrlla in amvll I H *1 k'y i .
at<4 tin# tlt3 r-maih* • l*at p
Bvllffontv MfirUrta.
lUu.tr* ati. An*o.l I**l
Whltttheit.l'f ! *l.-1 Md fl fx.
11~l *h-t fh# 1
hi e, |w r i.uthtl W
• rn.<*# t
C. rm. abelled ~ 4%
Halt .. 4
flour. r-uii.|-#r barrel .... ft
flour, ih- lrtate b 2b
Provialuit Mnrkot.
Corrected by llir|—r Brother*.
AfflH.4riAi, per pound *
('hertita. 4flr4. ptr pound, •♦♦4*4 lo
ItsMf * I—r |Mn •
fr-h butter per f#und . ... - IS
lltlrktbiprr pound 1
'Vetf per Je**l H"1 - .......
bam* forbaiid Ii
■MII, *ugar <• ured ... 1%
WBd | >+t t t It ........... 1"
l|f* |*fw| I"
|r I nthtl .. Tft
I*l-4 Nat L
Artr Ailvrrtimrinrnt*.
NOTICE. — In the matter of the Es
tale >f fcamw*l Y-art'k. late >4 Wilk* I wn
•hlp. 4*ft4t4, in ih (rrpharv# Court f tVntra nuitf :
Th- *ppml*n>ent !• th- VMM f mM IMI V-wr< k.
OalkirlH Virkk, wVknr, for f'' A4
now. April to, A I |M|. nppraie*m-nt and r-turn
r-nd in I ippr*ed m. in 4 j-oMiatmn ordered In ir
ror4mr wMh tbt Art if Aatenhly m wh 'Ma mailt
in 4 provide J. nod inlen -ic-nti na art DM prior In
nll t*rti arill 4 j* rxtnArrn-l
Bt tl* CoVt. Wil V. IMK'firiKlY).
3fW4ir Qwji Of <%trl
s 1 In fit- Orphftna' C* nrl of CVntn -tUf*
' 1 UKGKHK fhinr, 4-T-IA-4
The Auditor apfMiinte,) hy the Court to
mik- 4ifrilmtkn f th- Inline- In th- hin4 f fl>-
A'tminlitrfttor |/> in-l imrnii thillltd
th-r-t<. will mtti lh# fnrti-* in lnt-r-i f.*r lb- pan
hi* ippnintin-nt, TI Jtf IAY. AncnM 11. |M|,
•t I oVMrk P M . if fb- *f J I, Hplng)-r. K*j,
in B-11-font-. *hn in 4 mh-r- ill pa Mi-* in lnf-r-tf
may it(-4 if tb-jr • pro|-r
C. P nnrKK, An4itor.
VOTICE. —In the matter of the Ee
tils- i 4 11-nry Mlll-r, lat- of Spring fwnthlp.
In ih- nrphint' (oM of 1 -nlr- oonnly
Th- Mppnia-tD* nl lo fb widow uf mi I 11-nry !kllll-r
|. C-ithirini Mi!|-r. wi-Ww, f.r f-if An 4
iwiw. Jnn- 12, |kf|. ronflrm-4 I HI, ind ptiMirnfbm
ofdofM i-*or4lng In of A-mMy In rath fi
101x1- and provided, ind If n -tr-pih nt ir- hl-d II i
•rd-r-l tint th- nun- I— r*>nflntHi a'^dat-lT
By lh- Court. MM P. IU K< IIIIPI.D.
■kMf c lark Of. Court.
"^OTICE. —In the matter of the Es
■L a lata of John Hmifh. lit- of Hfpi l"wnnhip,
in Ih- flrphina* Cwirl i 4 f'nlra nmnty
Th- ipprit—m-nl lo th- wblow of wald John Mmilh.
dar-naxl. Miry A Smith, widew. bn f. IH And now
Jnn- 21. Ml, rsinflrmod IMI, ind pIMMMI toN
In imirdinrw with lha Art of A mhlt In a web '••-
mid- ind pro*id-l. md wnl-w* -inMloni ir- Alod
prtor b> ii-it t-rn will 1# -oiiflrm-l it*a inl-iy.
IlTlh-Conrt MM K lit R< liriEl.n.
•Mi Clark Or. Oonrt,
WIIKKKAS. Ih. lien Charle. A Mrr. Prl
S.ntnf th.O.>nrt ~f 1 <-fnmnn of ,1,. XMh Jn llrUI
IH.trl<(. ron.i.tln. of th. tsranUn of I'.ntr.. Ointna
•nd (Iwrfl.ld. .re) Ih. Hon. S*mo.| Vratirh and th.
lion John ltl.n. Am- rlt Jiei... in Onu. . ..nntf
hating lanitxl Sh.tr fW.fl, Iwrlng date Hah d*> of
Jnn., I*a|, to m. dlrwted, for holding n Oottrf of
Og.-r and T.rmln.r and Ow.ral Jail Ifell.sr.? and
Swl-,n. of th I'w. In lt.l|.f. nt.. for th.
"oinff of t'anlr*. and to nominate-<• on lh fonrth
Metelaf of AngnM n*l, llng th. IMd da? of Angtwf.
IMI, and ki rontlnu. Im .eh Kotlr* I. h.r.1,?
gla.n o Ih. t'omn.r, Jo.Hr". of th. I'ar, Al l-teei,
and OunMahls. of said wonl? of C,tr. that Ih"? to
than and (h.r* In Ihalr propar (~r.o, .1 10o'cfi. k
In Ih. foranoin of aaid da?, with th.fr onmh, ln<,>ii
rition., .lamlnattou, and lh4r own mnMnl-raaom,
to do llua. thing, whlrh lo thfr <SBn apparfaln. In
b. dona, and ttswa who ar. hound In rmgalmirai to
fe.nrnu against Ih. prlwm.r. thai ar. or .hall h. In
lha fall of t anlr. rnwnt?. h. th.n and th.r. In frn.
not" against tl,m aa shall h* Jnl
<lli ondar to? hand, at IMl.font., th. loth da?
of Jnl?, In th# ?ar of oor Lord laal, and th. on.
hood ml and flfih yimr of tha led"p.twl-or ~f th.
t'nltMl |Ww.
WITHOUT KNIFE, and in mot
* T MM without pais ApplT to
c. w7 r. roam. n.i.t,<>rg.
IMB* Oootr* Const?, Pa.
Ant' A<lverli*em<nlH,
BY virtue of Htuitlry writs of Fieri
Ki'liff, l-'Tirl Km MII I I Yaiidill<ifi| Ev iH'iia
|t*niH i| out of till- Court CufOtll ll PI-MI f#| C. |,|r
routity, and to 111- dlt-t-|. tli-ra aill U . t
pulflir •!-at tliit Cowrt llotfie. in B-il4outa, on
Suturday, Augunt 20, A. D. 1801,
at I o clock, P M , th-fnllowliiK ilf'M rib-fl r*al catata
of tlia dal-ndanta, to wit :
No. 1.
Ball of John Irwin, Jr. % c Holt-ri tal.
No. i;i. J .i, y r. |h-I. tbd*| 9 |d ( 67i.Aa Vand. K*
No. '£* Auk T., |Hm|. Kumt, Att'y.
Tint following dmcrib*<i r ul f-taUt of (?.
Il'dlar, on* of Ilia d-ff-ndinta, ti it All Unit . rtm
trait f?r plop of land alluat- in l.iU-tty tou-liip,
CfliitrPd'iiiit). Pa., boUDd I and di- rilatj, as folloma'
t-'wit On ii- norlb by lands of Jneob llolnr MM
11-nry Tliotnpaou, on tli PM( by Uti le of Tli- ioa- Hut*
l-r and Jauioa M on tha aoulh by land* of |jh|
Hulftiljargir and John Tlioni|iaon ronuinitiK I** 4 )
•He*, Mora of l*aa. Tl*r-'ii -ra* t-d a t*t ni-.iy
fiuni" dwelling huuae, large l-ank l.arn and other oul
Alsti, all that certniti irai t r,r |,icr of
land nlaal. In IJlwrt? town.hln. Centra raunt?. Pa ,
I" t|l,, |"<| and 'lreriUl • follow,, to Wll 111, the
north b? land, of Curtln *• t.., ~n the t,? i.„d, j
l J. It Uardner, on tie-e- oth 1,, land, of i hti-t Hol
ler, and on the w..t I,? land of 11-ur? Tie.,
containing Ul a< re., mora or h- No building.
A leu, the n-nl eataleol John l Gardner,
another of ihe defendant., to wll All that certain
lr<t or |,ie< eul I.lei situate In Libert? towii'liln,
(Vntre <-. unt?, I'. , la,nndl on the north h? land, uf
Curtln A Go, on the et I,? lalela ol Thou,.. Duller :
oil the w-uth h? latela of t 1,,t.t Holt. r. and -ntle- 1
.e.l I.? I.tel* of ll'tir? Th- ,i|on —outitainlrig 4-
acres, more or I—. No Imlldlng. And out -I the
a I POT e -lew rlhe-1 |.|rm|e. SI a< Je. at a|rl to John |l
D.rdnrr, the defendant, under Id. claim In I
lea,|ng .11 that ceruin 10l or |.|e< e • I ground alluat. I
In l.ilcert? biwn.blp. Centre count?, P. . 1..01, d-d on
the north b? laiel. .el ,|MC| h> John |I Uardner, on
the east hj land, of Tie-. Duller, on the Wiuth h?
laiela of llnl.t Holler, and or, the ..t h? land of
Iflenr? Thoin| — ,n—containing lo acre., mo,, or |...
No hutldtnga.
Also, the following describftd n-al celato i
ol Sim-.11 I.lngle, one of the def.od.nt., to wit All
that ■ ertaln It.. I or 1 lee „l land .ttu.t. In Lii-rt,
1.-Sluhlp, Centre nount?. I'. . liotinded n the merth I ?
UieU of chri.i taUtfada .n Mm aaai 1? i.I. i. T.
A. Sn?.|er and John *1 Cl.tk, ~11 lb. w.uth L) luld
Kagl- creek, and on Ibe .cl !>? j-ul.le 1 ad and l>?
land, of J. K Sny.Jer and 11 M llurtaw—contacniug
V. acres, mora or l-e. Tberem .I-le.| . t. ■. ator?
daellmg le-uae. an,all I art, and other oulhulldinga
Alao, all thnt certain Irsi t of utieeat'sl
lan l iifuaia In Lil>-rly t> n*t*ip, < • ntr- * tint t, P ,
•un )rsd in arrant*-- nam- t f John I**4 tar. -.n i l
• • il- north by IWM Earl- > r—k. '■li ll.t ' •'! I V , •
of hamu-i II" fid*d. on th- a nth -y Un<U <f J -hn
Iran, and on lha .| by Unda of J. <• ! • •< and to
J. H- h<t'il~f"iiUii,ifig pij or rm, rnor- or
Th-rwn -r" U-\ a *lll-11 frame tenant h -*•••
Alw, all thnt cnruin im t .•! unMMt<i
land •Hunt- in lit*-rty tnvmblp, (>btr f/unt, Pa ,
nrviM LA lbs varnaiM MSH fMM UUG
l- <ittd-*l . n th- north Ly Ur'l* of John M* ?,
tl.v nat Ly lar< I -f Uff-tt hrir* and •11 . • .-r, th
amth ly Un-I >4 J hn Irain, Jr . and n th 1 )
land of f'Urk and l<|A|ipr. ind fdhar*~< nUlntng
' a/ ra. "t V* ini'MTHkPDlt
Aim, in th* riiflit, iitii- kikl inUT*-t of
tl. Mid Ktimdi l.iig,l- in*' t all lb( fiuin tra-1
I lind •il*t- flj leii—My loan*hip. ' ei.tr-
Mitity, I'w i-tundad n tb- n'fth Ly la- n. f l.c,,tt
hair* and >tbh, • n th- Mil tv lai< •• f Mn. | h*.
a tha *>*utn Ly land* uf Mi n Liujri*—" nteiiHi-g
l • ' r. lie r r ur*ryad ir. th- aarta t.e
itma of Mki<* nn*! Idngi-. N'ltn| r *. mmt# Mnl,
tk-n In -i-truii n and t a . s a* tt pf jwfti uf
(liri*tUn Mutter, Mhi n and J l< Uai lnvr
No. 2.
BciM >f II pa r. I . f J In, || ta.r, T K
II linden*
N is Jan t nir 1 I. t. 9*.4* 1 • *n.l i 1
N • trim, tut I t. Att'y
All that r'Tinifi fl ' ntuJ
traxt 1 land •itunt- I P* llarri* t • fl <*t tr- n
ty, I'a .I- .n-.c-l . l a* f •• t w i |
h'innlif at a pat * d mttning •> l-
Bbatirfvarg-r, f- rth fc l -'-1 I Ja-t.lm. t M < ;l n
I'M.ff l u Ui,.|. ||i| \ \ H, of a -TI Ii
a..nth :.• awaf pirtlin |o a •! .. j iIMM . tig
UnU'f J lift Mae a -th .'"j e| . §_
t 4 white .4k !. P I (.'li (-at .t.J |xr<hs*
t> •t"t>-, then- nth 2 t l.'T jw-ffht* t
ivWti T/ *• -4 '• i > |af lfa t K atr.f.e
Ir Mb 2~- i •!," W.H, t• a white k ttumi
them* 1,, fth , UfMkt, J . |WST l.e* ,it • r f,. th< l
ah-rK Indof J —ph II y-r. n rth -t '*• j erh
#t M" T r. fth • i —t - I fa I rh 1
* ;-*t . the j rth ?. • t, 14 j uf. t j .t
h *• i mitt k.JO fa |* rh t a }•> ,
th-i.e le fth T. "•! , parrh— t. the j lax. <<f l^.
I ll| Ift MNIMdf 1- •| • 1 i
the *an-trf t 4 Un 1 a huh %**• •- irwl in . ut t,
, - a. • • J l.rt It M M a .
••• !- <1 |c Iff. If" II I* nt y Ihel 1 It |
II gh If.etiff f fVr.tr- < -I.t *. d*t- I N 1 .•>.
I•?'. and I 1 <uud •- *ga 11 -j • n and *ife r r>eyel
t Ii f( liti lgfly d—l <hl'd |kh 1 ■ A lh-t-* n
r—t"l * tw At f* daellmg . .j- large tt.k l-arn
and oth-r uatt-nil Lng* Mi-I Ukn m t%< at*
and t . 1J- mob*, a* th- prxp*riy • 1 H R tWldg- u*
No. 3
B ' 'rl-t't't * taj||}> If. * . ( {
N t-rm, KI Del-t. Vend l.i
ID A' -g tery... IMQL i •? 4". .
AH Ihht crruiti miMuaßi, (soemcnt ind
\t%r% rvf land Mldita in Kn. a I> * t athlp, CVntn
rxinity. Pa. UnindM and d-arrit-wl aa frd ova |L.
ginning at a |*t in Mxs.kan lllay. in Ih- t-n of |
wam*rla ; Ikw* a-rtk brrrkM 1 a map]' th-f - j
aravt i4ori| land* • f M J. < llMf hdxd. '4ymhiU)
J* — f , th—(K— Mltll W.f J-fr h-a . a |-Vt thenre <sal
'4, i-bli-* hi th- plaxa "f tsegintiing —<mntuning
arr—. atfirt tn-aanr* Mlr-d. taken in eivwuti-.ti and
t -id a* tha |<r- 1— ty rfJ II Hankin, Admlnlatrit- r
..f K<lard |-l, 4aa*e<l
No. 4.
Suit of T>* M May A Jv n. nor - f r*. Fli. hard M"
Mingi-t n. AdminutmLff f k*
No. -llv Angut t-rm lt* UM, frrr Ml.
It Am. AMy a.
All thit rrrtiiin Jot or fdw* of Kf<und
•itnata In Tlfh-r la*nahlp.r-ntre o-nntr Pa . hound
ed and d-arfil-*1 1* follarra On th- n- rth Ly in alley
28th Exhibition of the Pennsylvania State Agv
ricultural Society
—AT*I —
Fifth Annual Exposition of the Pittsburgh Ex
position Society Combined.
LioSUK:k Kxhibition September 6th to 17th. InduUrial and Mwhanical Kxhi.
bition, with Trial of Hpwd, will conttnae until October Bth.
Opon Day and Evening.
841,500 IN VItEAtIUMB.
Will b iaaund by all Railroad# wntarlng at Bituburgh.
(OMcwn PMin* luu Asrtmllantl tnrMr.)
D. W. BKILKK. RnwMln* Hmc'j.
Tw* Oorrwp'g Bc'y.
•nd -m th- w*t hy ||„ ||ld Kagl- Vall-y plmk r'Md,
liontiug on -MLI plank toad a Unit 70 faw-t and -itafid
ing i ttk Lt , th'-rou er-f tf.<| tw, story f an*
dm llltiK hfMMa and ot|,e r ontbrilldluga. H-i/ewl, Ukii
11. PIHDI I on and L U• 11 the pro,*-rly <d tthh
ltd M MngL t- 11, Adminißtrutor of i< of C I.
with, tier 4-aaaxL
No. r,
Bull of Mll.-ai.urK arhaol diatrM r.. Jna-ph Bhlrk.
No. h, NOT. teirn, IkTU. IhU, in,
... ,| . . , V A 11., Atly'a.
All thnt rprUiri l<t or |tiec of ground
■itaat- in th- krutigh "I Miieahtirg, f>ntr- eounty
I'a d -.gtiaied a* lot N. 1, in tha genwral plan of
•aid l orongli itoiind d and dear rilM-d aa follow* . li
gltinlUK *t a !*••' • tha twit *ida of tha turnpike road
ind rnat . f lot No 7 , tln rn-along a*id lot .'147 feet
to 11 foot all-k , th-rn-along a*id alley ;j7e to a
• outer near tl- turnnlk- and M feet from the corner
of t lark h'tnw; the or* along th- turnpike la.'# feet
L#pU#,.f laagittnlfiK— 'ontainnig | uf an a# re mora
or !••• t li-rnat# -r-# ted a two *t##ry pla*t-r-J huu*-,
l#arn. tanm-ry and other oaU#ulhling B-igewl, taken'
In i- utioii and to l#e a#dd a* tlie property ~f J<?aeph
No. C.
Bnlt "f Iati* Henry %a I-aa# Ilaupt.
No 1441 April term, le7r DeLt, | .V#/.7. Vend.
Ks* , No. :iH Augaat t. rm, lnki. Pott-r, Att'y
Ail tit it ccrtnin tonif/innt
and pl-c- . f land lituata in the borough of U-llefoiit-,
entre f ounty, I'a , Umnd-d and ia a#> follow* .
Heglnolog at a norn-r 01 Lrlck building, oon>r of
Init.lap and High *tr—ta, th-nre hy Dunlap *tre-t
f—t to po*t,arner HM yard lot; them-along land
of t,eorg- A Iktyard 17i f"t to turner of lot L# l>. 0.
Iftiali , theme along It- fD. tj. Hu*h b2f feat t## High
•tr-# t. them - along High *tr—t 17| feet to pl#e of
heyltining , thereon , p-d a large hrtrk hnlldlng.
t/-d taken in elocution and to be w#!d a* the profe
erty of I*aa' ilaupt
No. 7.
hull of Mr* Maria M hitUk-r t* John B. Ihtner
No. |*4 Jau t-rm lft-1. Debt, flay? Ki Ka . No.
■i'* Auguet term, li"l l>aie, Att'y.
All thnt certain lot or piuce of land it
uite in potter townehip. Outre ominty, Pa., bound-d
and a* follow* H-ginmng at a *Lu-;
them e I y Und* of Joa-ph (.'roiger * h-lra, borth
* l-, l 10 4*errhea t *t##ne . th-ft' e |?y DIOUnUUIt
l"t m rth t *-at Hi 110 |er'he* L atone; Ho me
by laiid of J..|n lan key, *##uth >'M c*it lb '4-|<i pereh*w
t- *tue . thence by land of *att#e, w/tjth 67 •*( 64
j.er he* t" *tone , thence Ly aim aouth 2if° -at kit
Ier If* to iton- . llim." aouth i)( 'a*t 12 p—f(h-a to
L'i#*; tb-n<e "Uth D *—t 1| per* he* to *lone ,
thrt**- aouth m-i' -i**t .*# tin perrhea t at#>ne,
tb' re e Ly laridi of I. NHf, aouth 'wl '7 peri h-a
Li Ul* pl* - of Is-gintiitig—<x.ntjni(#g D'7 acre* and
14i per h-a . thereon eracted a tw<? *tory dw-tling
hou<, large Itank larn and outbuilding*. feiM! t
tak-n tr • * utl ou and to be w#ld a* the pro|#erty t.f
John It. Ilitnr
NO. 8.
K ut "f P. II K*rrtib*m •• Kdard Brown
N \ , t-rm. Iv< Debt, fbCI \' id P.t ,
N - Anguvt t-rm, 1— 1. Hoy. Att'y
A I that reflain lot or tract of land i '
ut* .ti ht w kl,e L'wnahip (Vntr# <*unty. Pa,
twundc'i ad d***ril*<d *• f'dkiw* lv-ginning at a
'' *1 *'• < nr tliMi'i- h land* urtey *l m warrantee
t Mi> !,< i* and Iffel * Meet m<tth n |-|r)ti |#i
1 ' t.y tra# t tn warrantee nam** of Jama*
(ill! '. i<Md 17" p t ItM L. t- n • , thence Ly troM m
wm name* of 11-nry k ie k and "Vkn.uej Kil-y,
e.utli flp ; )•< i" ftwt, then'e Ly tract lu warran
l<. 1 f J !., 1t.,, y . weat 170 |- r ii— t' th- plan
■ 1 bffiaaißgs <wtt*lw| •■ f' an) Jjfjj--r*h-a
•.<! all .waif- I* tt.* name n#..r- r I—* and l*etrg *
tit of Un-I • .r*-y-l on a warrant to JL hiLy ur.
1 n . itnpr ftn-ct* t*k*n in 'Hv*
tin and t. t * la* • pfoj-erly of Edward Brown.
No. U.
* t ' Mm. J Tba|#-on •* Andf-w If Koual
v 171. 4tagu-t t11 . I*>l Ihdd 9-tl.l 1 r Fa,
N ... Augurt t-rm I- * I |j AU, Atly'a.
A i tint 1 • ruin i<l cr |•)• •* uf
• • -4t np 't • t -re-., Centre'"unty, l*a., bound
ed .cMiil-i n L I • L wit |i unded ot Ihe
Ml. t y r.s-| \ • t I, th. ? Mr* Khaal^dh
i J th# - -h t |r 1 .*• 11and - n the a—i
t T ftephi • *inl . ntaiTii g *ai acre* *.** r lea*.
fi-1 ni'MhM I.'l r i. It"I.- Id a* th* prop
erty f Andr* * ii i st
No. 10
f it f J ft f Pi-ftev A ( v* Philip n-h-r
N * r . t#rti y IM t. | \-ud K*..
N •. A i >l. Hoy, Att'y
\il (Ji!*t mruifi Jut it pff-c <• of Jind
• tan ft t • \ . i*g f 7. i t. vi kr t w nh p Cen*
tr' f. pa I. . L-d *nld—#n-d mm f<- 1 w* to
*tt • th# #• Ly Ld f J Alter* <#o the w#at Ly
Iat < 1 U*f s !. ti.. w..tti Kt*Ltf.g Creek r<#ad,and
•tt u > - 11# M J wifuhle- < (.taming r#--h*lf a# re
| and ihei -aiti toMii g* N ined taken in in
#ut 1. ai.d lo be *4d a* th- p? jefiy #>f Philip p
r.*L-r M 0.
No. 11.
- lit f |Lllr*..t.te p. A I. A r J hn M Iwrm- tt.
V • Aug T lb?-* l-et t. fl '**. b Ka. No.
44 Aug term. 14*1. It A <J„ Att'y*
AJI thit c<rt*in l^n-mcniand
Ir* t it l"t 'a' 1 < 1 *ituate in Hr ogh of B-li-fonte.
• •tv P* . I ir#d'*#l and dear rtbed 11 follcian,
t W t Ol til* norlb I V I*.1|-.| *trexl cm the ea*t Ly
' t fI. A I M Blir*< hard, -ti th* ••-uth h the eg.
' •** n #-f • g*n atreet. an ! 00 th# we*t ly lot of
h*? • M ' •K'tii (Tinting "ti PiL#f *tr-et me
J united ar flftc ft aid eit-ndlng iw*ck tw.. bar?.
let It I- it-g the ) t whrf.-i, Jolm M<lerTi>"tt
t prevent v—4* TliM- ti emt-d 1 twoac*ry t -ne
I -e. th< . # f,d th-T "tilt Q.Lltt g* w*!.-d Ui'ft
in *i-rqtiua and t tw *44 1* pr#-j#c|iy of Ji*ha Re-
No. 12.
Knit f M'rn II film* et *1 t* John (VitytiligiM
N TT" Aug tern#, I*7l. Debt, |l7"rf> r Fa .Nu ft
An# t-rm, |i*|. Hlair. Att'y.
Ail (hit certain Jot or tract of land a it*
ti*te ir# Tiylc<r tnwn-htp. Centre rownty. Pa . aartcml
in purruance <4 a warrant granted to Mr ha*l MHd
net. odyniaiftf the \\ Coatea nc4 r#n the *%at. the
••- rg- Mar ley *ur*ey .#n the ftcirlb, the Elijah M-r
rtrnin <m th- w-uth. ant the Jiia-ph l*r*k- <m the
w -t—o.f.tadnmg • r#e hundred acre* and alh wam e or
thereal-mla IMred. taken tr# vimutLm and U> be
*44 a* the property <f J dn, < of—t#b*eer.
Tf.RM* CAIII —No <Jwyj will hr arknovJ>
—lged until the I#nrha*- money la paid In full.
Bh-rlff * Ofßce, N-U-fnte, Pm, Aug 2, iwtt. gw
It IV YOUNG, Unrml lon,
JNO. D. lIAILUV Att'l Mtn jtCwehier.
J, Q. I'ATTKi^Uii.tWk^
* i
Strictly One Price.
—OK. A 1.1, —
We are bound to sell (he
above goods regardless of
price, (is ice must have the
room for Fall Goods.
Special Bargains
In Dress Goods,
Cambric and Lawns.
In White (i'fod.t.
Table Linens,
and Napkins.
In Hoots and Shoes,
Carpets and Oil Cloths.
In Hosiery, Gloves,
and I'nderwear.
In Corsets, Jiibbons,
and Ties.
In Laces. I Aire Ties,
and Fans.
In Gents' Shirts,
Collars and Ties.
In Gents' Ilats. Straw Hats
at a Great Heduction.
Leave your measure for a
Summer Suit. IVe will make
you one to order, good goods
and best make, at such a low
price that it will jxiy you to
get one for next Summer.
Wo manufacture the
Dee Hive Overall,
the best In market. War
ranted not to rip.
Call early and secure some
of the above bargains for the
next thirty days. *
Yours, respectfully,
Bauland & Newman, -
Origin* tor* of the On* Price "jrlf.