A Dying Woman's Premniiitloii. From the Taunton Oaiu'tte. w The Rev. 1). P. Lindsoy, of New York, writes to a friend in this city the follow ing curious incident which occurred in his house a few weeks since: "Mrs. Lindsley, who died on the I2th inst., had a singular premonition of the at tempted assassination of the President. I was watching by the bedside about three days before this sad occurrence, when she suddenly awakened from an npparent sleep, and exclaimed excited ly,' President Garfield is shot!' 'No,' I * replied, 'I guess you were thinking of President Lincoln.' When her sister r took my place at the bedside she re peated the matter to her with addition al circumstances. .She said she was with the President when he was shot, and said to the ladies who were there, 'lie will die, will he not T' They re plied, 'Oh, no ; he will get well.' When the report of the attempted assassina tion arrived and was told in the sick room she replied, 'I know it three dayß ago,' and repeated her previous state ment. This circumstance can be re lied upon as strictly true, and it gave me considerable hope from the first that our beloved President would sur vive the shock, and be completely re stored to health and soundness. As to the philosophy of the matter I have nothing to say. Ido not see how an occurrence can he seen in a vision be fore it happens ; hut there is abundant evidence that such is sometimes the case, and to deny it is to deny the fun damental principle and ground of all prophecy." The Spoils System and the Republican Purty. Fr an Grand Rapids Democrat, Speaking of the spoils system which has fastened itself upon the adminis tration of the Republican party, it is amusing to witness the etl'irta which are made by that wing of the party, the head and front of which is the Presi dent, to fasten its iniquities upon the wing of the party led by Senator Conk ling. This effort to cast the odium of the practice upon the opposing faction is an open and clear admission that the cohesive power of public plunder has been and is the great motor which has impelled the party on to success. * * * While bad blood was engendered between the Presidential and the Conk ling wings of the* party, no one thought of claiming that there was any issue be tween them touching a reform in the Bpoils system. Upon that point the leaders of both wings of the party were n unit. The administration of the spoils was the bone of contention. The question was who should be the administration. The law of the ques lion was agreed upon, but the men who should execute it formed the hone of contention. The President and bis immediate friends desired to reap the benefits which flowed from the system, while Mr. Conkling desired that his Iriends should be equal participants. NOTICE. —In the matter of the Es* fate of W. W. Beck. Lit# of Marlon township, ilafrMfl, in th* Orphan#' Court of Contra rntiuij Th appraisement to th" wVlow of Mid W W. B"*~k, Isra#"*i. Nancy IWk, rl"rr*ov|, wM- w. for Am now. Juno 'J, !*AI. appraiw-mont ronflrm"*! JM4I. and pul'lit ati n MSffdtftg t-. law. anivan, AmotUl# Judg## in Caoir" county, ItavinK isauad thir pr#c#pt, l-arittg dat" l<*th day of JuO", to art# dirwUt), for holdinu a Court of Oy*r and T#nii"r and Gau#raJ Jait Iftlifm and (Quarter 9#a§i<>n of th# Paar# in BalUfonte, fV tb# county of Ontr#. and hi otnmam # on th# Fourth M"uday of An(ut n"Xt,h#inK th" 'M 'lay of Aufu*t. 1-011, and to continu# two w"#kt. NotKa it h"r#hy flTn to th" Forvn#r. Justice# of th# P"#r", Ald*>rrttrn and CoMtoMw of aaid county of C"ntr, that th#y I* th#n and fthcra in tl#ir proper p"rw>n, at 10 o'clock * In th# fonnon of Mid lar. with th"ir r#rrda, ln<|iil tit ion#, "lamlnathrnt, and th"lr own r"m"fnt>ranr#, to do thoa# thing* which to th"lr oilk" appertain* t.■ b# d*U". and th.## who ar# bound In rccognI h pr'-Mvute acalntt th# prif*/n"r that ar# or hall h# in th# jail of Centra county, h" then and th#r# to cnte agalnat th#m a# fhall h# juat. Given under my hand, at Hettefonte, th# 10fb day a4 July. In tb# year of rd Itnl, and th# on# bandrorl and fifth year of tba Independence of tb" rtilted State#. i*-It JOHN *PANGLtR..h"rIff. MOUNTAIN HOUSE, SNOW SHOE, CENTRE CO., PENN A, OFFERS the beet accommodations at r#a*r>nabl# rata# of aay Bnmm#r rntort in th" Rtate. Bard ran b# had at from SAOn to $a mp#r v##k, and tranai"nt at 2!S centa ami cnla for each m#al. aa partl# may d"fir# CUan Ri-m and Hup"fior Table combined. All ar# lovited. Hotel >pp#aite th# Railroad Depot. Only firat < la*" houa# la th# place. J-4w D P. PET ERA, Proprietor. CTO A W RKR- 113 • day at horn# easily made, w 41 ' '-tly Gutfit free. A idr*#a TRL'K A CO.. An |UUIU Main#. tMy The Letttling Dally and Weekly Paper IN THE WEST HRAXCH VALLEY. SUN AND BANNER, PLBLMtILD BY U. T. HALLADEand H. M. WOLF, Jr., Editors and Propriat/-r, WILLIAMSPORT, PA. Han an ahle F.ditorial and Repr-rUtrial Staff? G/nlainn the lettent Telegraphic Sewn! Hon a Reliable Corp* and Girrren/tondenht MS MAI TMI LARGEST CIRCULATION or AMT Msoartrnt us C EXT HAL PENNSYLVANIA. DAILY $6.00. WEEKLY $1.60 PER YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Any parson g- ttln, tip a rial, of fl,a naw yaarly nk arribara tor tba Wimi Sea ass IMaasa, will twalra a oopy for on* yrar rsis. IQBO-1. 18QO-1. The Patriot, Daily & Weekly, For the Ensuing Tear. Tba anbarrlptton prlca of tba WirsLr PatbioV has baan radacad to it.no par copy par ananin. To elnlia of Pirrv and upwards tba Wustr PTlor will b* farnlabad nt th* axtraontinarily cbanp rata of 74 cant* par topy par annum. Tns DAILY PATMOT will ba aant t aay addraaa, daring tba aaaatona of Oingraaa and tba legislator, nt tb* rat* of 40 cants par month. Ondsr tba art of CongrfW* th* pnhllabar prapay* th* poataga and aubacribars ar* ratlsrad from that atiim. Erary anbacripUon mnst ba nceompablad by th* cash. Now la th* Uma'to anbsertb*. Th* approaching aamlons of ijongrm and Iha Lagialntara will b* of mors than ordinary Intsraat and thrir proasadtng* will b* tally report**! for tb* Daily and a eumpist* ■ynopslA *f tbam will b* gtran la tb* Waakty. 4Mr ma PATRIOT pIIBLUHINO 00. T-tf 330 Jfarkat MM*, Uarriaburg. ■ 1 a A. f luikllfi.*'' yew Advertisement*. NOTICE is hereby Riven, that the toco unt uf J. r. KKIVsN YDKR, A*algn<- of Gforg# F#ldl#r, has l#"ii filed It) (he offlce ol' th# PioUroooUry of the Court of Common l'hi In And for the County of Ontrr, ntid Hint ul* I# | J. C IIARI'KK. I'roth j "WOTICE is hereby Riven, that the Account of I). Z. KLINK, rommlttUA of tlio l#reoti nnre#ent selling til* Finally Singer Sewing Machine, DROP LEAP and TWO DRAWERS r..r TWKNTY PIVK DOLLARS) and th* mux- in*, hin*. wltli T*hl, Covfr and oh. Drawer for TWKNTY POLLARA. Tlt* old company la lotting tin. aaui. machine* for flftv dollar, and thirty-lira dollar.. Why not huy from me? My uiarlilam ar* guaran teed fr KIVK YKAIW. I alio baudla ORGANS of Hi. **ry brat make. 1). M. COW HER, Agent, 21.1 m Storm.town, Centra Comity, Pa. * *r>p a .ok In yoor wn town. T*rm* ami otit 2>bb ntfre*. Ad.lr**, H. IIAKI.KTT A CXI., Port land, Main- |My For Sale. VFARM containing Fitty Acres, und having thereon erected a TWO-BTOBY FRAME BUILDING and out building* Titlegood. Inquire of A. J. A T. fC. GRlKfii, vtf Unlonvill".Of UtfU K WANTS VT the Bellefonte Car Works: Four or ne Car Builder* and a f.w mm wlio ran work In tba Erecting Bhop; aerecal p*t-.tit who ran Paint Car.. A (food, wiund, powerful, trartal-l*. will ing-working. <|Ul.t horw. about burtMi hundred gmnd. weight. Apply a. TH. CAR WIIRKS "OROCKERIIOFF HOUSE, 1 J ALLBOHBNY-BT, BKLLEI'ONTE, PA. WILLIAM McKEEVER, Manager. Good Sample Room on Firit Floor, D.U to and from all Train.. Special rat** to wltnr**** and Juror.. 14-lj DUBH HOUSE, I J BP.I.LEPONTR, PA., Femlll"# n VISITS, CARDS ON ENVELOPES, AND ALL KINDS OF BLANKS. StiP*' ( >rdrs by mall will receive prompt attention. tKtr Printing done in the beat ntyle, ou tbort notice and at the lowest rate*. S. i. l*rl< , No I, SOcta.; No. J, HO eta. Manufactured only by F. POTTS GREEN. BKI.LKRoNTK, PA. NEW REVISION AC WANTED. NEW TESTAM ENT. i 8 made by the most eminent schol -1 r ~f KukUihl i„I Am.rlcn Half Ihf Pflfe CorrrpnndlnK Kagll.h Idlllon. U/K. type, linen •nper calendered pm r. elegant Mndliiv A e|iarmta " Cfimprfhfnh r HMor> of ibr Hlblr and It* Traii.uiiuo.,' Including a mil arrouat of Ibr >r* KrtUloa, K'*ru 0 .ul...rtt..r*. Ih-t . ItAflrr fur agiliU .v.r fff.-rrc). Crnil .Uinf for particular* at oarr. THK II Mill RILL PI BLIAHUO CO., Koralrk. fl. I hi.si ii iffi Cur dn. HA UN EBB MANU FACTORY in Garrnan's New block, ULLSVOtVTI, PA i 1 y l? P.BLAIR, I • JEWELER, watcbm. run*, iiwuar, Ac. All work .willy rvrratad. On All.gh.ny tr..t, nnd.r R.*lohnC 11-m... 4 tr DKALBKS IN PURK DRUGS ONLY, a I ZBLLEE A SON, I r l • DRItKJISrA. 2' A'.. A. Rr.'k.rl>..ir B-,w J j. All the MamUrt Patent Mailt inn Pre * erfiptloiit and ftflill) llec-jjrtw accurately p. * prejwred. Trueeet, fL alder llraree, Ac ,Ac ' 5 •Pj 4-tf i I GUIS ROLL, I J PASIIPNAIfI.K IUX.T A PMORMAKKR. Brock.rhufT How, All.,lor tr..l, 1-1; 1i.11.f0n1., r c. Nt M, Pr'f. j r I'awh'r, I7IRST NATIONAL BANK OF I RRLLKPOKTR, Allegheny street, Itellefonfe. Pa. 4-tf ( lENTRB COUNTY BANKING f'OIIPAN V. Receive Wpeiti And Alh'W Interest, iKernuat So tea; fluy and fell (Jo*. Herurltlee, Gold and r>opona ( Jtlli A IlltrKl. President. J. tt fnrewT.Caahler. 4-tf II K. HOY.M. D.. Ale Lew ill I \ INT It, PA Ppea tal attention goen to Ojerattve finrgery an ! Cbfontr iHeewecw I Vly I \K. JA 8. 11. DOBBINS, M. I)., 1 / PHTRICIAN AKD Rl Rflßf-b. Allegheny l*t., ovt 7-eigler'* tor*, *tf BKLLI rONI V PA I \R. J. W. RHONE, Dentist, can ft / Le fund at hie cflb* and Mihn'e on Neflh atd* of High itrwt three d-m Kaet of Allegheny, Relief.nt*. Pa I' ll SECII I j ICR ,t CO., (} rarer*, Itimh Hints* Much, Beliefnnfe, I'd. " ■S s ' ' . /-y, NEW GOODS —P O R TII K SUMMER TRADE. We have endeavored to {jot the very ln*Ht of every tiling in our line, and now have Home really choice gooda. Fine Cream Cheese, Extra Large French Prunes, Select Oysters, Sweet Potatoes, Large Ripe Cranberries, Prunelles, Imperial Figs, Bright New Lemons, Florida Oranges, Princess Paper-Shell Almonds, Evaporated Dried Peaches, A FULL LINE OF CHOICE CANNED FRUITS. Preserved PEARS, PEACHES, CITRON,PLUMS, PRUNELLES. PLAIN CANDIES. FINE CONFECTIONERY, —AND— •GOODIES of all Sorts and Kinds. 2-v'/ invito tin* people of Centre County to call and iiinpect our NICE GOODS, which eannot fail to please. SECHLEE; & CO. WZAHD'S PATENT NEW 1880 BKRIES Malleable Iron and Wood Beam Chilled PLOWS r. to th Krm'r of th. rnnr.tr-T r tb. f WW. will. manj valu*blr irnj.rot'. • .•. THE WIARD i. TV *ol : .t dur* ble Plow In the mnrkrt THE WIARD i* tl.o h..t forr.;,rr*J rurt*w work. In both x.l *r>.| .tut,lue. * '. n * e THE WIARD h* t' f ■ ir,j.vt *nd mwi. r. t'r.af IJu.to.nt for uing two or thrr- L.ot. THE WIARD • the bM I' m . f • tlay and iiooj ground. THE WIARD r Mil ail other fh: • r e for r -'tn:nc .n if*>+r and idbMtTr #*,;> oM^ft. WIAKD *•*' a tnai. Ih'R PALE BY GORDON A* LAND 18, Engineer* and Machinist*, AMI MCAI.SR* IK A 1.1. KINDS or Agricultural Implements, BPBCUL ATTKSTIO* GIVE* P RINIIU. i-u IJKLLKFONTK. PA I'liiimhl/iliiii Ileum h llnt/mi'i limine, lltlh/miti. I'd. A GREAT VICTORY! TIIE SUCCESS OF TIIE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. TJIE PEOPI,E TIM EM PI IA NT! 3'OLITJCIAN'S KNOCK I XDEIi! THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH On the Side of the People! Wc have the extreme satisfaction of announcing that the Philadelphia Branch is now ready to do BETTER THAN EVER IN CLOTHING, _HOK— MEN, HOYS AND CHILDREN! AND AUK, Aft ALWAYS, MEAD OF ALL OTHERSJfIR GENUINE GOODS. Clothing Manufactured by their Own House and every Article Marked and Warranted. SAMUEL LEW IN, the Manager, Now Defies the World and the Rest of Mankind, IN HIS OWN MAKE OF CLOTHING, The PHILADELPHIA BRANCH never was heal, never will be beat and never can bo beat for the CHEAPEST CLOTHING offered in or outside of Centre county. All that is said here is meant. GO AND SEE, and carry the news to your neighbor, that MONEY CAN POSITIVELY BE SAVED AT THE PHILADELPHIA BRANCH. 1855-1881. Baugh's Fertilizers have stood Field Teste for 25 Years. BUSHELS. NOT ACRES. CAVE MONKV BV t BATCH'S TWENTY-FIVE DOLLAR PHOSPHATE, Price, 125.00 Per Ton of 2000 Pound.. BATCH'S ECONOMICAL FERTILIZER for POTATOES, Containing 4 la b j-r ret. '•! hul|4t. - t l'..u*h Price. tUO.OO Per Ton of 2000 Pound*. ALL GOODS SOLD ON GUAHANTEED ANALYSIS. Ih script ire (Vreninrn Sent I'rer upon n pplirat ion. BAUGH & SONS. 20 South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. For sale by J. H. LONG, Flcminqton, Pa.. for Clinton and Centre Counties. MILLHKIM HOTEL, MIU.lt KIM CKNTKK fXrCXTY. I'KM VA. w. 8 XUBBKB, Proprietor. Th* wa f M lU# tii l 1 *-at-d In Petin'# VaJl#y, •Iw-fit t rtiil" ft m r4'tirn JM*4ti. n Hi# Lnn burg. *nl*#- fcnd *j.njp* * r#*k iLaiiotad, atth ur nraiidibfit tt.at rubk# tt PLEASANT SUMMER RESORT. O-d trot fUMng In th rkinlti A ca* run* l i tfkii. At Ih* M ilhHm lint*! krrna* m-Utins mil t# fund arid f#rrr* at#- ltT^lj* ( 'KNTKAL HOTEL, V7 (Of'l*it' lit# llallr ikd Malta*,) MILF>W'HO. < ESTR* OOCJITY, I A A. A. KOIILHKCKKK, Proprietor. THROt'llI TRAtKier," nth. And lli li t* an plk Vi |uvk*l k KI I. Tft *I N 0• * , • 4? Logan Cement. r pi!E retail price for !><;.\N r/ Hikmlm a tit I firorrrien. J lARPEIt BROTHERS, CPKOiO FTRFET HKLLEFOSTK. PA, Hare th-ir counter* and (.helve* filled with NEW GOODS, , ( BANKRUPT KATKB Purchased at - HANKRI'IT KATKS ( BANKRUPT KATKS WUlftl TIIEV OFFER AT BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES, BOTTOM PRICES. _ oosmstinq or ' Dry ('>od, Millinery Good*, Clothing, Fancy Good*, Notion*. Ac. BOOTS and SHOES ! BOOTS and SHOES at vorv low r.ricw MOOTS and SHOES HATS and CAPS Latent ityle* of HATS and CAPS II ATS and CAPS Car pot Bag*, Umbrella*, Parmeol*, Ladiw' Clock*, Carpeting, Grocerie*, Vu.4>nware, A<\ OompriatngaTarythlag thai ran t.. found In a Ant (!• ißifr. HARPER BROTHERS, KPRISfi PTREET. . . BKLLEPOXTR, PA. I COOJITRT PROMT! tk*B la n hu,, .1 tha j MpMN BMM | t.i '-If New York Weekly Herald. OWE DOLLAR A YEAR. THE circulation of thin popular a. aaaapapar I. raiNlßally la.Taaalng. It r..f,t*.na *ll tba hading nam. of tha Ilcur lUxcli 1 „ arraagnd in handy drjartjai at* Th FOREIGN NEWS amhraraa apart*) diapat.ba* few *j| gnartor* of tha floha. Vr.darth* low) f *Mwrathe AMERICAN NEWS *'* " T * n •' Tajcfrapbir Dtapab I. ,4 th* aook Orw all ,att* of tba t.nmn. Thahatao alon* makn* THK WEEKLY HERALD th* moat raluahl* .hmnklai* tha a. 4ld aa II it th# rlnaj.aat, Krary >k la glrna a faithful report of POLITICAL NEWS atnlmHng entaplnte and <.n<|...h.n*i.. rtaa)|y la. lad hp at|wrta twfora j >ildit*ti..ti Utlara draw nai Parte and la.od.* onrtaapntadanta on tha car, I*4o*l faah lon*. Tba ll.at Inparlm.nt id tha Hum Ilia* La mill aaca tha hmwawltr mora than ona bnndrad Uaaaa tba prloa of tha papar. Tba miarnata of SKILLED LABOR ara Mud altar, and avarrthtng prtalalu to a* rhaalra and labor aailng la (ntefWUy I ran dad. Thar* la a papa dan del go all tha lataat pbaaaa of tha l-oah naaa markata. t>opa, MarrhaadMa, Ar„ An. A ualna- Ma faatnra la I rand la tha apardaltp nptlat pftcaa and randitloa* of THE PRODUCE MARKET. Rraanpa km at botar and abroad. tngathm with almtmrj Wank. a k*■<• by aataa aninaat dl- Tina, I.TTratar Mrwcat, Da •wane. Poaoaat and At Kwvca. Thara la aa papar I* tha aarld that now. taina an wnah aaw# mattar arary waak aa tha Hn,. it lltaiia, whk* • anal, j.ntaga paid. Car Ona Del. tar Ton <** aekarrth# al aay Daw NDWTODIV la a Wankty Pone, , DOLI.AR HERALD ) ( A TEAR YORK HERALD, M Broadway and Aan SUnat, Kttr Terh,