©he Crnfte i i • -•♦- ■ — BELIIEPONTE, PA. THELUFNT.CHMPMT and Bant Paper I'l'Hl.llHl Ell IN CENTRE COUNTY. TUB CKNTKE DEMOCRAT ia pub- IUHIHI ptrrj morning, at IM MONTE, (Voir© coaity. PM- ItKMfl—CMh In %• discontinued until arrearage* ara pail t except at option of publlalier* Paper* going out of the county uiuat he paid for in advance. Any pereon prom ring tia tenca*h subscriber* will bt Ml 14 \ > ft • ■ ' • htfgl Our exteQaiv* circulation make* thia paper an un uaually reliable and profitable m- huni for anvertiaing. We have the moat ample facilitlea for JO|t WORK and are prepare! to print all kind* of Hooka, Tract*, Programme*, Poster*. Commercial printing, Ac., in the flnt atyle and at the lowest possible rate* All advertisement* for a leee term than three month* '2O cents per line for the flrwt three insertion*, and 5 cent* a Hue for each additional Insertion, special notice* one-half more. Kditorial notice* 1' cent* per line. A liberal discount la made to persona advertising by the quarter, half year, or year, aa follow* : Wi otj as BPACB occipun. Hi i Oue inch tor 12 lines this type) i|-> t* fl' 2 Two inches. I 7 I'M 15 Thre# inches 10 Ift (Quarter column (or 5 ißOhet) " llalf column (or in inches) 1 - 1 ' -t' j sft One column (or 2n inches) jftftjftft, bar Foreign advertisement* must be paid for before in sertion, except u ysarly contracts, when half-yearly payment* in advance wit I be required. LM'II NOTICE*, in local columns, 10 cents per line. POLITIC* I NOTICES, 15 cents per line each ißarrtion. N othing inserted for leas than ft cent*. Bi'stws** NOTICE*. in the editorial columns, Ift cents per line, each inaertion. VIRGINIA DEMOCRATS. The State Convention at Richmond. ADDRESS OR L'ERM WEST PRESIDENT BOCOCK —HON. JOIIN W. DANIRI. NOMINATED POR OOVERNOR. The (Jonservativo Democratic State Convention, to nominate candidates toi* Governor, Lieutenant Governor and At torney General met in the city of Rich raond on last Thursday, and was called to order by Absalom Kerner, of Augus ta, chairman of the State Central Com mittee After appointing committees the con rention took a recess until three, and then, after electing lion. J. S. Bocock permanent chairman, took another re cess until eight. During the whole day entire good feeling was manifested, and the discussion while at times warm was never personal, and at no time during the session was there those exciting I climaxes which so stirred up the Itead juster Convention, as, for instance, when Mahone advanced from behind ' the speaker's chair and invoked peace. 1 or when, long after midnight, as the ! hostile factions of Massey and Mahone were endeavoring to checkmate each other, the name of Riddleherger was sprung upon the convention. Nor was J that amusement afforded to outsiders j by the presence of the colored delegates j who were in the Readjuster body, whose > efforts at parliamentary tactics always I excite mirth. The recesses were spent j in the old Virginia style, and over ju leps and from (lersping patriots wrapped in linen dusters the models of the dif ferent candidates were warmly dis cussed. The convention reassembled at 8 r. M. when the report of the committee of credentials was submitted and adopted j and the platform was reported ani also adopted. Nominations for candi dates for Governor were then begun and the following three gentlemen were nominated : Hon. John Goode, General Fits Hugh Lee and General James A. Walker (now Lieutenant Govern). A ballot was then taken which re sulted : Goode, 171 ; Lee, 239; Walker, IM4; John W. Daniel, 'JO; P. W. Mc Henry, 12; James Harbour, 7; W. B. Staples, 3 ; scattering, 8. Whole num ber of votes cast, 641 ; necessary to a choice, 321. Hon. J. W. Daniel was next placed in nomination. Calling the roll for the second ballot was then begun, Itelore its conclusion, it being evident that Mr. Daniel would get a majority, the names of Messrs. Goods and Walker were withdrawn, and Mr. Daniel's nomination was made unanimous. The convention rose to n man, and amid the waving of hats, fans, etc., and a perfect storm of np plause the new candidate was called for and a committee was appointed to in form him of his nomination. Mr. Dan iel soon made his appearance, and amid moat enthusiastic applause and demon strations of delight proceeded to ad dress the convention. The convention adjourned at 12J until Friday at 10 A. M. THE L-LATEORM. General William B. Taliaferro, chair man of the (kvmrnitteo on Platform, submitted the following: The Conservative Democratic party of Virginia, democratic in it* federal relations and conservative in its State policy, assembled in convention, in view of the present condition of the Union and or this Commonwealth, for the clear and distinct assertion of its political principles, doth declare: First. That we adopt the following articles of political faith : First. Kquab ity of rights and exact justice to all men ; special privileges to none; free dom of religion; freedom of the press; freedom of the person, under the pro tection of the habeas corpus, of trial by juries impartially selected, and of a pure, upright and non partisan judici ary ; elections by the people, free from force or fraud by citizens or by the mili tary or civil officers of the Government, and the selection fbr public offices of those who are honest and best fitted to fill them; the support of the Htate Governments in all their rights, as the most competent administrations of our domestic concerns and tbc surest bul warks against anti-republican tenden cies, ana the preservation of the Gen eral Government in its whole constitu tional vigor as the sheet anchor of our peace at home and our safety abroad. Heoond. That the maintenance of the public credit of Virginia is the essen tial means to the promotion of ber prosperity ; that we condemn repudia tion in every shape and form aa a blot upon her honor, a blow at her perma nent welfare and an obstacle to her progress in wealth, influence and pow- er ; that we will make every effort to secure a settlement of tho public debt, with the consent of her creditors, which is consistent with her honor and dic tated by justice mid sound policy ; that it is eminently desirable and proper that the several classes of the debt now existing should lie unified, so that equality, which is equity, may control in the annual payment of tho interest and the ultimate redemption of the principal; that with the view of secur ing such equality we pledge our party to use all lawful authority to secure a settlement of the State debt, so that there shall ho but one class of publio debt; that wo will use all the lawful and constitutional means in our power to secure a settlement upon the basis of a 3 per cent, bond, and tlint the Conservative Democrstic party pledges itsell as part of its policy not to in crease the present rate of taxation. Third. That we will uphold in its full constitutional integrity and efficiency our public school system for the educa tion of both while and colored children, a system inaugurated by the Constitu tion of the State and established by the action of tho Conservative party years before it was required by the Constitu tion, and will take the most effectual means for the faithful execution of the same by applying to its support nil the revenues set apart for thnt object by the Constitution or otherwise. Fourth. Upon this declaration of principles we cordially invite the co operation of all Conservative Demo crats, whatever may have been or now are their views upon the public debt, in the election of the nominees of this convention and in the maintenance of the supremacy of the Dcmocaatic party in this State. Resolved, further, That any intima tion coming from any quarter that tho J Conservative Democratic party of Vir ginia has been, is now, or proposes to t>e opposed to an honest ballot anil a fair count is a calumny ujmn the State of Virginia, as unfounded in fact as it is dishonorable to its authors ; that special efforts he made to foster and en courage the agricultural, mechanical, raining, manufacturing and other in dustrial interests of the State. The reading of the report was fre quently interrupted by applause, and at the conclusion it was unanimously adopted. The following resolution offered by l General Talialerro, was adopted by a unanimous vole, amid an enthusiastic display of feeling : Rftoh'td, by the convention, That, in common with nil good citizens of the | I'nion we reflect with deep abhorrence j upon the crime of the man who aimed I a blow at the life of the emiin-nt citi j zen who wa called by the constitution I al voice of 50.00U.000 people to be the I President of the United Stte, and we I tender to him and to his family the ; sympathy and resjiect of this conven j tion and of those we repesent in his great calamity and our hearty desire I for his complete restoration to health t and return to the discharge of his du i ties for the welfare and honor of our common country. General Patterson Dead. A VETeVaN or Til kEE WANS MIS IN Ills NINETIETH TEAR. General Jnobcrt Patterson died at his residence, jßui**r ot Thirteenth and Locust strF Philadelphia, at so o'clock Sujr ' ' ning, alter an illness of ofrsp >aturday morning. July 30, Wll * 1"* place of street, below Sec orjiL.-kesaWiWsunable to remain there 'long. That evening he was taken vio lently ill, growing rapidly worse on Sunday and Mondav. •n tho latter day his pulse sank to IS, and was scarce- Ily perceptible. No hopes were enter j tained ot his recovery, and indeed hi* physician and family did not think he could live the day through. The Gen eral's iron constitution, which had be fore carried him through severe nttarks of sickneas, now stood him in good neod. Although he was in bis 90th year, there was a noticeable improve ment :n the patient's condition on Tuesday and Wednesday, his pulse ris ing to nearly 10. lin Thursday, how ever, the General was attacked with violent vomiting at intervals of a lew hours, lasting until Saturday. During these paroxysms he was unconscious, and for a few minutes after the pain had subsided no beating of the heart could be perceived, so faint was the ac tion of that organ, while the patient had every ap|>e*rance of death. These attacks greatly weakened him, but the will power of the veteran of three wars could not easily fie conquered. Even Sunday afternoon he sat up in hed and ate food with relish and drank a glass of wine. When Dr. Goodman visited his pa tient Sunday evening at h o'clock he found the General in a comfortable con dition, though he acknowledged to feel ing weaker than in the morning. There were no signs of an immediate dissolu tion. A few minutes after Dr. Good man stepped out of the sick room, and during ins absence General Patterson arose from bed. He was unable to get back again unassisted as he had done before, and when Dr. Goodman return ed at 8.25 o'clock the General was ly ing quietly in bed, his eyes cloaed and breathing softly. On feeling of the pulse there was scarcely a flutter, and in five minutes more it had ceased alto gether, death ensuing as peacefully as sleep. The General's two daughters, Mrs. Snowden and Mrs. Lynde, were at his bedside during his dying moments. His son. General Robert E. Patterson, was at his country residence at Waverley Heights during the day, as there was no signs of immediate death. He was tel egraphed for as soon as the alarming symptoms appeared, but did not reach bia father'a bedside until some hours after death had enaued. The General leaves one other child, William, who re aidea in Tennessee, aeveral grandchil dren and eight greatgrandchildren. His eon. General Francis B. Patterson, and a daughter, Mm. General Aber erombie, died some years since. The General's younger brother, Colonel Jo seph E. Patterson, of Tennessee, arrived in the city a few days since, but wa not with hia brother at the time of his death. Fatty degeneration of the heart coupled with Bright'* disease of the kidney* caused the General'* death. STATE NEWS. liavi'l Johnaon, ol Nt>w Itorlin, nhout 70 year* wax found in tho woodx near iiix home on Friday in un uticou soiouN condition and <1 i*I noon aflor. Holjcrt l'orter, aft*d 46, of .South liar risburft, wan drowned in tii* canal Fri day wiiilo teaching hin aon iiow toawim. lie wu taken with an e{>ile|>LM. lil wiiilo in tho water. Mr*. Whalen, of Millville, ('anihriu county, died auddenly a week ajjo, leav ing two aoriH, one of whom died from grief on Thursday and the other i* pro*- truted and not expected to live. A new oil Held in anticipated in Klk county, where tho oil-bearing rock i* found in uhutidunce. Fifty thou*and acre* have been leaned for oil purpose* ami several well* will be drilled at once. There are thirty two Indian scholar* from theCarlinleTraining School spend ing their vacation on litrtnn in ituck* county. The boy* assist in the farm work and the girls in dairy and domes tic labor. Tho army worm is in llrady township, Clearfield county. They have destroyed the oat* of John l)ultois ami to protect iii* corn lie has dug a trench 1* incite* deep around the field. The worm* have nearly filled it in places. Five hundred driver hoys and slate pickers, employed by tho Susquehanna Coal Company at Nanticoke, are on n strike ami alt their collerie* at that place are idle in consequence. They demand full time and an advancu of 10 per cent. Mr*. Georgiana Kick*ockor, aged 3.1 years, died from tho effect* of the heat at her home at I.itiz, Lancaster county, on last Friday. She hud just finished the family wash when she complained of feeling ill. A physician was sum moned, but the woman was dead in a few minute*. iturglars robber! the house of Charles Kdwurds, Lancaster, on Thursday night, and lie caused the arrest of hi* son. George Kdwards, oti suspicion of being connected with the robbery. Wednes day a complete alibi was proved, and the Lancaster papers comment very severely on the unnatural action of the father. At work on the new court house at Kbensburg is a laborer who daily carries a hod of pressed brick, sixteen in num ber, each brick weighing nearly five pound, up a ladder forty feet high—and repeat* this operation once every ten minutes. If lie don't draw seven dol lars a day ami mileage there must be something wrung. The people on /.inzendorff f I ill, Lu zerne county, were startled on lust Thursday afternoon with tho crushing noise of a cave in which was embraced two block* owned by the Ute John Warren, and which at night wu* rapid ly extending in a northern direction, indicating the de*truction of ail the buildings along the alley. Heckle** re moval of the props in the coal mine underneath caused tho cave. General Grant lia* accepted an invita tion to attend the Aztec Club dinner, which take* place Septeinl>er 14. al the new hotel built by George W. Child* at hi* new town near Wayne Station on the Pennsylvania liailrood. The Club w** founded in the City of Mexico by General Scott, and include* in it* tuem berstnp the leading commander* who fought on both sides in the rebellion. Kight Ilev. lloniface Wimmer. of St. Vincent's Abby, Latrobe, the bead Ab hot of Ifenedictine* rdered of the I'nit ed Slate*, reached the fiftieth anniver sary of hi* consecration to the priest hood on Monu / of last week and the day wa* celebrated with interesting ceremonies. irer forty dignitaries ol the Church were present and the ven erable father received many handsome presents. Mr*. Ann Mcllale, of Pittston. is *u ing the Southern Pennsylvania Mutual Helief Association of Hanover, for two thousand dollars, the amount of a policy of insurance issued in Septem ber, I*o*o. by tbal company on the life of her father, Mr. Peter Cunningham, who died some seven months ago. Mr*. Mclfsln bad paid f-V) in assessments, and the company only sent her |2O, saying that wa* all she was entitled to. The Kaston Arynt says that the old time superstition of "pow wowing," or visiting physicians who prole** to cure by *u|>ernatural mean*, holds largely in that region to this day. tin the first Friday after new moon, it assert*, crowd* of |>eople visit "Pr. J. 11. Wdhelm, at Haubsville, who inherited hi* "practice" from old "Pr." Savior. He has from three bundled to five hundred patients a month, mostly on "moon days." Nine tank*, two agitators and a 200 foot condenser, with 2.l**) barrel* of re fined oils, were destroyed by fire at Freedom on Thursday night. Loss, $20,000 to $21,000. The property lie longed to the Standard hl Company. An explosion in one of the tanks was the cause. No train* could pas* that point for some time on account of the heat. At one time there wss a continu ous string of train* four miles long from Kocheater to Hirmingham. No Good Preaching. No man can do a good job of work, preach a good *ermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient, or write a good article when ho feel* miierahle and dull, with sluggish brain unsteady nerve*, and none ahould make the at tempt in auch a condition when it can he *o easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitter*. Sro other column. —Albany Ttmrt. N OTICE.—In the matter of the Es tate nf Sam m l Ynurirk, I*l* of Walker town •hip. doraaand. In Urn Orphana' Coart of Centre mnnty: Tha appralaamrnt In Ihn l(|<>w n I rai l Ram i Vnwli k. dorwa<-d, Cathartnn Vnwrlrk, widow, tor (9011. And now, April 'A'i. A. t) ISSI. appraise ninnt and morn rad and appmrwl *iai. and puldlmiton nrdnrnd In nr. rordaom with lb* Ail of A win My In •urh nana matin and prorldnd. ami unlaw am fllnd prior lo nn*l tnrm will tw rooAraind almilnlnly Rr tha Court. M M R Ul ili 111 !Ki 11. : *Mw Clnrk Or Court. A UDITOR'B NOTICE. i V In Ihn Orphana' Court of (Vnlra county, ratal# of HRORUK r A CUT. dnraaand: The Auditor appointed by the Court to mnk* distribution nf Ihn lalum In Urn handa of ihn Administrator to and anion* Ihoan totally antlllad Ihnrnlo, will mnni ihn partlna ln Inlnrrst for Ihn pnr> prwnu of hla apprdntmant, TCESDA Y, Ancnat I*, IM|, at I o'rlorh l>. M . nl tbn nftoa of J. I. Dptanalnr, Ra<|., In Rnllafontn, whnn and whnrw all |wrttna In Inlnrrat may alMd If Uwy am pnmnr. )-dw & P. lIKWK.I, Auditor. New Advert i*ementM. SHERIFF S SALES. HV virtue of sundry writs *>f Fieri Fa< I**, levari Facia* a/il VMidltli.nl Kft|"ina, iwillxl out .if til. Oitfim'ill I'ic.m 111 ( Vlitftf rounljf, IML to in- llrc< IM|, titer** Mill I . XJXH*W| *I |.ill.ln MI. Nt tin. Court IIOUMI, In IfHl'P.ut#., on Huturdiiy, August *2O, A D. 1081, nt I NVI.M |{, I* M , tli*. following MB <1 .-nl (if til# IJWFR'llditllU, to WIT No. I. fit It of John IRALN, Jr. *■ lI"LL*R rt al. NO. I:M JMVI'JP T I**l. Dbt, f.1 F 87/.D VNN.L. KI No. TV AUK T . I**L. Fur#!, ALT'* The following DESCRIBED r"*l estate ol (J. Ilult..r, one of lb ilffHcUtiU, tnult All that r*rUUu tr. t or |i|c<< of Iniid In l.iU rty toM.i*lil|>, Clitrn i >uut). I'M , Imtlli.l. l nlnl •!• rl!*Nl, as follow*, to Wit. On th north hy laicl* of Ja
    r out* buildings, AUo, nil tlmt cnrtiiin tract or pioce of lend m t tie ft* IN Mikity bmiifthlti, (Vntro county, I'M , liotiiid*.| AND d.'. rilifl <• LULLUWI, t MIL ON ILI north by laid* of ( urtitl A <' , on th ra*T L.y lands of J. I 'isidiiT, on THE aoutli l.y lands of Chrt*t lloh tel. fttld oil THF by Iftfld of ID HI) Tilolli|a"tJ ..outftllillig M O, more or !-•# So building*. AUN. th RONL I'FTTNT" of John I) Girdntr, ANOTHER .f th* .UH'iidftuU, to WIT Ail that certftlii tract or |.L*W ** of land UTTiftt*> In LIBERTY olWN*hij>, (Viilr* county, I'a , IMXIIKLFD on the north by lands of CurIIII A Co., on TBE EAST by lands of TIioUIMS Mullet, on THF' aotitli by lands of Christ llolt*r, and on THE W**st Ly lands of Henry Thotn|flkj|— -containing 4<> • R, more or !•## NO building* And out OF th • LIUN dsa rIM |.I. IHIM :UI at lE# SET apart B. John L tiardlier, the DEFENDANT, niid'r Ills > lailn for LEASING nil that icrtftln lot or piece of ground situate IN Llhrrty tomifthlp, ( . LITRE county, L' . lounded ON the north by lands set *J.*rt TO John I hftrdDrr, on the <-n*t by lalid* "f Th"* llutlcr, on the aoiith hy lands of T hrlst llolter. and on the w-*t hy land of II • i.r t 1 L lilje l, tWlflnlfll 1(1 MfM| MtV -t Ittl N*. hulMJnga. Almi, lhT following DMCNTIFID REAL ENLABI ol HI moil Llnglv, one of the defendants, to wit All that ERTFTLN tra< t or jdece of land situata in township, Ontr* county, I'a , I-under) on the north y lands ■ f Christ Neetlerrale, OFI the east by lands of T. A. Hnyder and John T Clark, on the A..ulh l.y Mad KA*;I creek, and on the west by public Rad and by lands <>f J. K ftuyder an I TI M Iturlew — containing •V. FT, rea, MORE or lews Thereon erected two STORY dwelling houfte, smftll BARN and other outbuilding* AIIMI, nil tlmt OTIHWI irnr t of UNK'AU*D land situate in LlT*rty B.wnsbip. Centre county, I'A, I aurceyed In warrantee NAM* ..f John fotter, b- on I Oil the north by IUI'I KFTGL- ' reek, OIL th. • aL by I*l • of SAMUEL IW-. hdd, OF* the aouth by lands .F J hn Irwin, and on THE West L.y land* ■( J. # bos. and Itr. J. lU** hd'd— -C,NTFTIIIII*K I'U a. RM, MORE or L.-A*. Thereon ERECTED a small frame tenant h - .WE. ALSO, nil Hint ctTlain TRN'T .-F UN-FHTR*RI land situate IN township, Centre oounty I'a surieie) In the WARRANTER name of MIMM Llnjfle, b uni.-l on the north by laii'is --F John MA1 the said btngle IN and to all that c TUIN tra T • 1 UNAEATEVF land situate IN Liberty TOWNSHIP CENTRE Oouoty . pa . .und-L ON the N rth *! y Ur U T f LL *. st heirs and "th*r, oil th> east I I lands f Win I' n the *>IUTN by lands OF MM n L.< *LE—T ntalioi-G | 1 • res, DSOF* "F HAS surteyed In THE W*rrl |.< name OF MIAW and Ling! ,S IN.) r-. • N.ENTS F>- . .-.J, • TAKEN In ET~M,.,RI AN] T he ADD AS tlo pt perty - ! hrlstian llolter, N L OGB AND J J. •.AR LN. R No. Fait ..f (jecrge LL -I* n. UA* of J hn II IWON N It It lindgro. N Jar term. I--1 IW) T. F\4< )• • Vend • N AUGUST term I**l K URSL, Att Y ' All 1 1. tat ooruin ir**-'igjjo, tn.-nt h*.(] ! tra. t f tand aituate IN llarrts t D..J * ntre r.,..r,- ty. Pa .I* UNDE| AN-] d***rii<*d as f T.. ,T |I. WINNIN,; at a PT am! running al -NG land* of .. Fbeneharger, r orth *•! w*t i BE* t a white I "* theme al NG land, of |R A A LLN NR. .h- . MiUth west. p. rrh' • to a St TM , THRO • SI I IFC land* of J. din llawoti, • ith ,T| .*SST -4 LN perrb< T' a white • St. ne then • SOUTH . , east. 1J? |.tdi<* t ' a •B-NE . thrO a) rg lands - F (}<- RGE FHENETWRGER | n.rtb 7.' •. } , F )..* t a *t , * T ... / . mrtl SF| VWHTFTDTMI IM togwblt AK •TN| THENCE N rth ••, . i RHO t *st . th- • al :G I tid of JOSEPH M yef . rlh .' W..t •- p. • ' 'ST a J*t tl.'H" r. rtl.< ...VA_] (apr.ht • I *t , ther. E NORTH i'7 wwt. II P N H*S • A J *T then E aouth I W.*T. K-P . f A FWRILI t. A |*t therne NORTH T* Wwt, L fserchea TO TH* |4sr. - f B I GINNING ONTMN.NG 147 *V r AND 'A - PR, |. I., .g j the wan>* TRAIT ~f land a h>RH ID STORUTI r. I U| N a JUDGRRIET.T IS. JOHN It W and wb.'h was T. NTS .EJ T„ RJ. || •A, N by |U<.! f |I | ! M. aftec, lltgh FHETIFF TC NTK T.r.t*. > * . I*~\ and L aaid TIE RG* || ;ANT AND wife. ■TTFSSO! j 4 H It llrhlgena |,y dated I . . 1-7' . T .RE EF** ted a t w .ST-FJ dwelling H-US* large bank UM J •M other "uthuildings. MIGS-I takeo in *TWNU r, i an I to be ATDD as the pr |rfy of R IT lb 4G. ns No. 3. Fult of A. I Col et U • J If Rankin. Adrn'r f. A Ra MOlav.tofi IFFL ML, |M \ II . N • L AUG IMB Ittl* I M All | All that mum trart of land situate IN FN w MM* t WNSHIP. Centre county. Pa , I* UNDSD and (|srril>E) as f i sis |U ginning at a PET in M. kiein alley, in the P.WN f waroaria. th*n.e M.fth PET* hea t.. a maple t|er/e WRIST AB R.F lands . f M J. T,, fWsh'WD. '• |*R< hea t • a !•#! . THENCE W. -nth L*J |EF H*S !•> a P*<. IK*TSE swat * L*R LIW t the J LA. e f (•eglnning—<• utair.ing #>\ A/RW strir F MESUSNRE <** REJ, taker, in . TOR utt . and t- * id a* th* PR J**rty • f J II RANKIN, A Immistrab r of K*j wnrd I I*. d* *WA*>| N 4. Fuit fT> OS W WAY A Now. use < f rs. U hard W Fit gist. N. Adminislrahw F A No. DLT August term I<7* DEBT, f- T V. R A *i . Att) A Ail th*t cortsin lnt OR <>F GROUND •Hunt, In T.FBR ln>n*BL| .rVnlrr omntr. ("'IND L U>4 RTMRRLLJ*! U (■•II.,•• tin IL.. , ,n *L|.R R.l • n LH T bj th* TTOL L |UG|. |,(a>.k R.*rt. FN nting n >i l plank R <4 To 1M and .HNI Ing L*.K FNL . IH'TNAT ,rn INL a Inn .(of T F.ama IN. lltiig hona* and NLHA* ..nthatMlnga takan in a A nrnti-n and I" a.-ld aa lb, T,RNP*TTP of KI. H - a,.l W. rinlI. n, Adniimairator of R , of C. L. IH- k- A IT!,, D^AAAOL No. ft. H ;LL of Miloal.nr, a. h0.. 1 dialrlrl ra J.iaafdl fhlrk J U . 07 1 T. IM. ia:. [|.|.| | | I T 4 11. AMY'a All that rrrlnin lot or PIO ..F ground situate in the TRF>R> ugh nf Mlleaburg, Centr* wnty. Pa , D'SIGNST' D as M N. *. M the general plan of said l*>r<'Ugh. T*IUND*-.\ land sltintte in th (*>rough of lb lh font. ' ' "i' l ' UUhty, I'a., le.UOded and dew rtbed a* follows ' IWlhuhig at a cs/rtier of brick building, forner of I'm lap am High streets. th.n< hy Dunlap , fr^.t t.H bet to poet, erne, Ihsyard h.t ; them * along Ut>d ( Hnsh fa. tto High street, then, a along High street I7J feet to pla< * <,l liegfuulhg, thereof! eK'ted a large brbk building taken in riecutiob and to IM- OM aa the prom erty of laaa' Haupt No. 7. Ftilt of Mr* M-trln \S hittak.-r s John P Dlikcr. No. |U4 Jan. term Im|, Debt, RI'lM. PI Fa No. • 4aftt t. f !li. I*-J I>al'. Att I All that corUin lot or piaco of lure] nit uate in potter township, Centre county, Pa . le/unde.) at.d 'l*erllisil as I H*• Iteglntilng at a atone; th.-me hy lands of Joaeph f'rotaer'a heira, north West JF ' ll pefrhe* t" ffione . thenre hy Utountuili I "Is, liorth VTi .-wet | 1-10 |WT'h*W b. sb>ne; thenre I y land f John hankey, aouth >'A t 1U 'I 10 per. h*s to stone ; thence by land of name, south f7 west ."*4 I*er> heft til St'ilie , thgfJCW hy same aouth 'i| east 91) jwft hea to *tor , them e aoiitli I 4 'Wet M JfTf he# to sptftie, theft' e wuth wee! IJ p*r. h.w b stona; thence aouth Z'i *ot fel'i p.-r h.-s b# stone; theme by lauds of I, N*-fT, aouth Vi| west 7 pert be# to the pla< e of beginning—.oiltain it>g 107 a/res and 14*. p r ha . thereon eref td-| a two story dwelling house, large batik l*ain and .'tilliuildiiigs. heixod, taken in • fte< utioii and to le aold as liie property of John 11. Ilk to '-r No. . hult of P. If Farmham %s K J ward ftrowti N" /7ft Nov. term, KO. Debt, SIC 4'- V. ad Ki , No. Pi August term, Im|. Iluy, Att'y All th nt certain lot or tract of land Fit uate In FifW Fhoe btwnshlp. Centra rrmnty, Pa, l">umb'd and de* ribed as follow* Inginning at a maid* ■ rner . then* e by iaads raneye.) m warrantee 1., Win. I.ewls aad Francis West north .'F jerrh*is to st.-ne, then" by tta- 1 in w art ah tee names of Jarue# 'iilllland a*t 170 per. hew to sb-ns , thence l.y t/a/1 in warranter* name* of llenry Alar k ai.d Nsmnel Riley, *'Uth ami ff t* lies \.. |rist . them eby trar tin war ran t. • tiauu f John Riley, west 170 |et hew to th* plac# f begiifUlng—•> aeres and I'Jft pmb*i and allowance I* Uo Mine more or lews and being a tiar t of land aurtey**! on a warrant to Jot. Riley tin* *• *t.-i and i. impr -ftemefita Feift**.], tak* nin • *• u tlon and to be auld as the property nf LJwar l Rfown. No. 'J. Fuit f Wm. J. Thompson *s. Andrew II Roust N 171, August term. !Fl. Debt fV£..l.*! Ft Fa, No ; August term, l*sl RAU , Atty a. Ail that c*rtinn lot or fiieco of ground • i'ual. n Potter b.w nshlp. Ctntre ".uuty. Pa., t*mud* e*l and dew rilt I y Mrs Khrabeti, I nil • ' \ I" I .a* !!*! ltd "t. tb sol • * Fnp.. ? .te 1- A L At! John V'Dertm tl. n .• A g J la7 Del !I *' la* Fa. N 44 i term, l- h l. It K rL. Att ys Ail 11* tat certain U'rictncrit arid tract t : t 'gr und s 4 tuat<* in H k ugh of Relief onto, ( entrr t> Pa , I- -am.- t and d'w ISww! as f !k#ws. t wt ".t • ?!,! 11l ah I sir.-.! t,n 14" *et by It f | At %f IRaoc hard the amth I i the %. *', n f Ij'gata st r. t at. I >.f th. W.wt ty lot f ( Kslirw %l ' • "'efty . ffWi.ting . Ill*), p st/swt ' tie I ui,dr d and fifty f. t and ftt'iidiag lark I* • hum r* J fe. t It !• i g th* I t where* n John %f l*ertnoit at prwactd K-sud.w Th r.- ti rerl*d a tw< story abuse •e, st*l>b and tber ritlmJdit.f Mdaed, Uken if. eir t,u and lulsiMa* pr of John M Itfwtt N>> VI : ■!! ' *in II Mlu> ,1 •) , John r.iiMdikin > •• A..tit.la IMI t.li:>> , | . M.i t AH I.,U>. wi Salt,MP, All Hint crrUin l.t <,r trsrt >f Und nt *,*• t Taylor t w nship. C*ttre '• uaty l'i .nrtstwl in pirst an < ' a v arrant grafted t Ml'ha. I M.id * , • V •*' • ■ , , K , • M , *'• rg. Mar ley suM-y nth' fi -th. the ICiijah Mej. t ) tuar r. th a. nil and tb* Jw.pl, Drake on the • wt— r tai: r>g t • hurtdrsxl a- kw and allow an e. *r th rwa*' uts Mf-I tak*n in s|*rQtl"D and U. |,e S'M a* the pf i.f J -Ain <>|*nKaver. Tr.RM* ( ash —No d*f d w ill Im Acknowl edged until the (mKhas. m ney is jhu ! in full. JOHN SPANULKR, Sheriff. Fbenfl s rfft e. R*Hf ntc, Pa.. Aug. 4 lkaL .tw NOTICE. —In the matter of the Ec tate f llenry Miller, late nf Pprtug h wnship. The apprwiset ,f,t to the nl" of aaol IDnry Mi lies, d'- '-aaeJ. Catharine MilDt, wl >w. for 4*s< Aa j i. W.June iksj c ofwmed aiw, and put boatp n r tere-J a/rot ding t A't >4 A*w*mb|y U> S. h a*e rr.a jc and | • itlsd, and If wo stren tr tis are filed it la ordered that the aan." D nfirmd atww.lulely RrthwO urt MM R Rl RCIIFIkLD, 4w Clerk <>r. CVwrt. "VOTICE. —In the matter of the h>- tats of John Fnitb, late r.f fbigga t> wnship, dw*s*.{, in the i*r|,hns' Otwirt *4 Centra uwitt T*re appra-iaeanrnt to the wid- w <4 Mid John Fmith, d- '"**.*< l, Mary A Fmith. widow, for f s#t And now. June tl, 1 Akl, nnnßrtoed ami. and pwi luwtinw ordered In at Ue with the Act of AswtnUy In six b r-nae made and prwelded. at d unlews eftrwptu.na are filed pTKW to Mil term will Iw ..nbrmej aU luun. It tks (hart MM R Rt'Rclf FIRLD, *Ma Clerk Or. Court. CANCER REMOVED, \yiTlK>l*T KNIFE, and in most ▼ r raews without fwain Applr to C. W P. FfHir.R. fVaalalwrg. U-Ju* Centre County, Pa THE (IRK AT BEE HIVE STOE ICS. <• Strictly One Price. GRAND CLEARING SALE —OK ALE — SUMMER GOODS FOR THK NEXT :to DAYS. We are bound to sell the altove goods regardless of price, as me must have the room for Fall (.roods. —————— Special Bargains In J) ress Goods. • Cambric and Lawns. SPECIAL BARGAINS In White Goods. 2able Linens, , and Sapkins. SPECIAL BARGAINS In li'sjts and Shoes, Carpels and Oil Cloths. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Hosiery, Gloves. and I nderwear. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Corsets, Ribbons, and Ties. < SPECIAL BARGAINS In Lores. Lace Ties, and Fans. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Gents' Shirts, Collars and Ties. SPECIAL BARGAINS In Gents' llats. Straw Hats * at a Great Reduction. Leave your measure for a Summer Suit. We will make you one to order, good goods and best make, at such a low price that it will pay you to get one for next Summer. We manufacture the Bee Hive Overall, 4 the bent in market. War ranted not to rip. Call early and secure some of the above bargains for the next thirty days. Yours, respectfully, Bauland & Newman, v Orlfiotton of the One Price Hjrttets, BELLEFONTE, PA. . . . r4 -■. " ' J'M