Cht Cfutrc Democrat. BELLEFONTE, PA. The Largest, Cheapest and Beat Paper FUIIMSIIKI) IN I'KNTHK COUNTY. From lb Now York ObtM*nr*r. INTERNATIONAL LESSONS. Third Quarter. IT MV. HEART M. URut'T, D. D. AUGUST I I. Lesson 7. THE RED SEA. Kx. II: IS-27. OoLMn TIXT:— ■" Np**K unto the children of that they go forward."—Kv 11 I•. Central Truth: — To the obedient, God opens a ssfe pathway through sens of difficulty nd dunger. When the last judgment fell upon Egypt, in the death o( all the first-born, Pharaoh hastily called for Moses ami Aaron. But one feeling seemed to pos sess him, und that was terror. Trem bling with a sense of helplessness, he ordered them to take the people and "be gone." The Egyptians were equally terrified and urgent, "for they said, We be all dead men." Before daybreak tin- Israelites were actually on their way. But they did not go out empty-banded and crouching. They a-ent as victors, not as captives. They demanded a por tion of the treasures of which they had been robbed. They did not "borrow," as our version renders the word : they asked of the Egyptians jewels of silver and jewels of gold und raiment, as men that had a right so to do. And the Egyptians were glad to give what they asked. The whole number ol those who went out could not have been less than two or three millions, counting, as we must, six hundred thousand men able to bear arms, together with their families, ami the mixed multitude that 'went with them. As has been often and abun dantly shown, this, by no means, repre sents an incredible increase during their sojourn in Egypt. Many attempts have been made to trace their path, but great differencesot opinion with respect to it still prevail. , The stations named are Succoth, "the tents;" Etham, "the fortress," ami ; Pihahiroth. "the place where the reeds ! grow." But neither of these places can j certainly be identified, nor can any j theory respecting their exact course be ! constructed which shall be tree from ! difficulty. The straight road would ! have taken them through the land of the Philistines: a warlike people, with I whom they were by no means prepared • to cope, God therefore led them l>\ : another and more winding way. But ; while they pursued their journey, I'ha , raoh repented that he had let so valua j hie a portion of his subjects go. and set 1 out in pursuit. Two things are here to he noted. The children of Israel were in groat peril, j and their faith quite forsook them. The Egyptians, with horses and char j iots and horsemen, overtook them at l'ihahiroth, between Migdol nnd the sea. There is a view recently put for- j ward with great confidence and learn- 1 ing which locates this tr to the north,) on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea But the majority of scholars still holt to the older view. It is quite possihl- j that the "Weedy Sea," rendered Be 1 , .Sea in our common version, was a sy tern of lagoons and marshes in tr ' north of Egypt. But the theory is nt i established. There is no sufficient r 4 son tor doubting that Pihaturoth wax near the point where Suez lies. Into ' this place ol peril God had brought his ' people. And from it escape seemed iin j possible. Behind them on the north ; was the Egyptian army. West and south were precipitous dills. Eastward was the sea. Surely they were "entan gled." And their faith forsook them. , They forgot all the wonders God had done in their presence; the merciful deliverances lie had wrought for them, I They were sore afraid. They bitterly complained against Moses. They did a* God's people so often do when brought into straits where no human arm can save. But their fears were groundless as their want of faith was wicked. The key of this whole narrative is in the thirteenth verse of this chapter: " Fear not; stand thou still and see the salvation of the Lord which I will show to you to-day." It was that they might see bis salvation that they had been brought hither. God would prove to them by one final and most glorious act the greatness of his power and bis faithfulness to bis people. By one crowning interposition he would teach them to obey in the face of difficulties, and to trust in times of darkness nnd peril. The pillar of the cloud which went before Israel on their march and came between them and the Egyptians when j they went into the midst of the sea, was the visible sign of find's presence. By means of it God was the leader and ! protector of his people. It was the .Schechioab, which afterwards rested upon the Most Holy I'lace. If we accept the common view with j respect to the place where the waters divider!, its breadth was from three to four miles. Here the water is not deep. The place is used as a ford. Through it Kobinson was told people waded at low water. Niebuhr crossed it in 17fi2 on a dromedary. Bonaparte crossed at this point on bis way through the des ert. A strong east wind, like that spok en of in the lesson, would drive the waters far hack, leaving a firm and level bed of rocky soil. And if at the bead of the gulf there were any depression in the bed of the sea, the effect would he as if a broad pathway bad been sud denly lifted, leaving water on either side. We are not to tbink of any such marvel as the waters standing in ab rupt or perpendicular walls, nothing like this being at all indicated by the language employer!. As the parting of the sea was caused by the east wind, a sudden change to the opposite quarter would drive the waters rapidly hack. The miraculous element in this grand event was not in any violation of na ture's laws; it was in such a use of them as can be accounted for only upon the supposition of direct supernatural in tervention. The communication of the divine plan to Mores nml tho opening of tho waters and their return at just the right momenU to secure the escape of Israel and the destruction of the Egyptians, were hy natural IIICUIIN, and yet hy tho special and miraculous pow er of Clod. I'RACTtI'AI, SI UUBSTIONN. 1. God sometimes brings his truochil dren into positions of great difficulty and peril, yet no difficulty or peril oan be so great that lie cannot make for us away of escape. 2. When he bids us go forward, it is always safe tooboy ; he will make obed ience possible, und tho end will be blessing. 3. The angel of God, which went be fore tho camp of Israel, is by many sup posed to have been tho Second Person of the Trinity, as he was manifest be fore his incarnation. Jesus is now by his example and teachings and Holy Spirit the guide ol believers. And no day will be so bright that we shall not need him, nor will any night be so daik that he will not shine as our guiding light. 4. The same manifestation of God may be light to his friends and dark ness to his foes, hastening the salvation ol the one and the destruction of the other. 3. Israel's exodus from Egypt allbrds at many points a type of the soul's es cape from a lite of sin. It is a passage from bondage to freedom ; a state where judgments accumulate to one of disci pline culminating in glory ; a going out with doubts and fears, and get with great promises; a flight before enemies lull ol wrath and of great power, and yet with a Helper who is divine. Seas of difficulty and sorrow seem to close up the pathway. Hut no soul ever gave trusting heed to the command, "(Jo forward," who did not witness the part ing of the waters before him. Away appeared where none appeared possi ble. C>. The punishment of the wicked is sure and remediless; the salvation of those who heed and obey the divine voice is glorious ami everlasting, Be yond the sea lies heaven. THE MAM OX THE STEEI'I.E. WHAT A rs MOl's c I.IVARA ssvs or THE rr. HI us or ins in ' From Ih*' Troy Tim- f. The hundreds of people who have watched the <>|K-ration.-> of the man upon the towering steeple of the Third street lsa|>tieiit the greater part of my life up among those rolling clouds. For eighteen years I sailed the sea be- tween the Ko.-1 Indies and China be /'ore the mint, and afterward occupied every station except that of raptain. WlihU I wm "ixteen years of a_"- | 'limlulL a steeple in tilasgow three huQdryj hour. The (..yferaaat it took the noted S< <.t-h - three day- t'> per form mounting fteepli-* f r lie 7*'^^^^. I be 'hi-war' Presbyterian n i three hundred -"feel I took dnWIl the weather vane in the shape of a fish, which weighs three hutidr<*d and twen ty-seven jMiiinds, being of cop|ier and loaded with lead. It was the first time any one had been up the steeple in thirty years. The highest steeple I ever climbed went up three hundred and seventy feet. This was in Ayr shire, Scotland. The general impres sion is that when on a steeple it is easier to look up than down. This is all a mistake. When looking up an almost, irresistible feeling eomes over you to jump from your seat. 1 had ex|erience of this kind while on the steeple of Dr. Darling's church in Albany. I gazed steadily up for a moment into "pace, when, without any feeling of dizziness or anything of ' that sort, I became almost beside my self and a kind of delirium came over me. I had to quite right then and there, for a moment later I would have sprung from my seat. I can look steadilv down ami it does not af fect me. I seldom climb steeples in cold weather. It's too confounded dangerous, the sides Wing icy and slipjiery. I was up on a Hudson steeple last January, and then vowed I'd swear off climbing in winter, as I nearly fell. "They tell me this here steeple ; shakes when the wind blows. I)o you know it's all the better for that? It ■ gives the iron roils on the inside play, 1 Ixwk out for these taut and apparent- Ily solid steeples. They go some times with a sudden crash. And, besides, I j enjoy a ride on n swaying steeple. It reminds me of the days when I was at sea. Troy looks immense from the top of that spire. The people appear like mites, while the sky liears the same aspect as from the street. I never remember of having felt dizzy when on a steeple. I feel just as much to home away up there where Dial's handiwork can be vicwi-d in all its beauty as on the ground. I've got to, in fact, for if I didn't you'd never catch mo hundreds of feet from good That arrow on the spire of the church I took down, gilded it and replaced it. It is ten feet in length nnd weighs all of two hundred pounds. When putting it baek I held it in po sition with one hand and tightened the bolt* with the other —no easy task, I tell you. A man at this business can earn from IT to $lO a day. As to the manner in which I ascend that must remain a secret. 1 never allow au outsider to handle r examine my ropes. 1 attend strictly to business when mi high, mid if I saw even my wife on the sidewalk would refuse to recognize her. I just glory in being as high as ever I can get. It's my home up there, and I think if I go below when I die it will tie a terrible piece of laid judgment on somebody's part —probably my own." A NLW KN(JLA.M M'STOM. 'ACTS AUDIT COI.TK.E STL L>KNTS AS WAIT- I: lis — AN INTEKCHTINU If.TTKIt. Tbo Boston Courier has a letter from a "college student" waiter, in which the writer says: Here I am, fairly settled for the season as table waiter in the spacious dining room of the Dash house. It seen is thcr rcgard it as something to In- ridiculed. Among this cla-s is Mi-s K. S, I'liclpi, who touches lightly upon the subject in a chapter of h<-r "Friends," ■-ti cltided in a recent number of the At lantic. A few allow themselves to up p< ar ridiculous. li> r<- i- an iii-tam e: I heard a lady at a table near mine a-k her waiter in a patronizing man ner, "(.'an you read, my girl?" (on siderahlv astonished, the girl nnswi r ed "Yes." She might have answered truthfully that she did not read not only Kuglish, hut al- > I-atin, <>ri k and French. It may lw asked why such a person can l>e induced to conic a a servant in a hotel, where -he cannot hut he obliged to put up with many disagree able thing*. Muny come because they wish to pa-s tlnir vacation awav from the eity, and -till he earning something instead of sp< nding. Some w i-|> to he, for at least a lew weeks, independent of their parents or friends who sup. port them for the remainder of the year. A few come because they ex pert to haven jolly good time with little work. The-e usually go away disappointed. Of this kind were two nice looking girls who recently eauie here from a town in Maine, expecting to do table work. They expected to work only six hours a day, to have a room carpeted mid lighted with gas, and so forth. When told that, among other things, they would be expected to help wash the dining room floors, thev exclaimed, in great surprise: ' "Why, we *w The remarkable sagacity of the weasel was well illustrated the other day by an incident which actually oe | curred in the suburbs of Santa Har ! hara. A gentleman's Imrn was in fested with rats, and he was greatly annoyed hy their depredations. They had been gradually disappearing, how ever, during the pat few weeks. The gentleman finally discovered the cause of their disappearance in a very wide nwake weasel, which was engaged at the time in a vigorous combat with an unusually large sized rat. The latter proved too much for his adversary and finally chased his weaselship out of the ham. A few mornings later the gentleman again found the same ani mals engaged in a similar battle. The weasel at last ran away, as before, and the rat followed in hot pursuit. This time, however, the wcazc) ran through a hole it had burrowed in a pile of hardened compost. The hole was rpiitc large at the entrance, but the outlet was scarcely large enough to admit the passage of the weasel's laxly. The weasel darted into the hole, with the rat at his heels. A moment later the weasel emerged from the other side, ran quickly around the compost pile, and again entered the hole, this time in the enemy's rear. The gentle man, interested in the proceedings, watched the place some time, and found that only the weasel came out. Digging into the compost, he found the rat quite dead and iarfly eaten. The weasel bad arranged bis trap so that the rat could enter, hut becoming closely wedged in the nairow portion of the hole, could be uttacked at a disadvantage and eusily killed. ♦ Tin; WKKI'INK WILLOW, 111 Young pMtfil*. You have seen and admired the weeping willow trei ihe Hut is llubij tunica—upon which the captive He* brews hung their harps when they sat down by the river of Babylon, and "wept when they remembered /.ion." it is a native of the garden of Eden, and not of America, and I will tcii you hoiv it immigrated to this coun try : More than one hundred and fifty years ago a merchant lost his fortune. He went to Smyrna, a seaside town of Asia Minor, to recover it. Alexander I'ope, one of the great poets of ling land, was the merchant's warm friend, and sympathized with him in his ini-- fortune. Soon after the merchant arrived in Smyrna he sent to I'ope, its a present, a box of dried figs. At thut time the poet hud built a beautiful villa at Twickenham, on the hank of the Thames, and AMIS adorning it with trees, shrubbery and flowering plants. < hi opening the box of fig-, I'ope discovered in it a small twig of the tree. It was a stranger to him. A it came from the East he planted it in the ground near the river, close by his villa. The spot accidentally chosen for the planting was favorable to its growth, for the TAAIG AA:I front the weeping willow tree jiossibly from the hank of one of "the rivers of Bab vlon" —which flourishes best along the borders of watercourses. This little twig grew vigorously, and in a few years it became a large tree, spreading AA ide its branches and droop ing graceful sprays, and winning the admiration of all the j>et's friends a well as strangers. It Ix-eame the an ee-tor of all the weeping Avillow tr< < - in England. There was a rebellion in the Eng lish-American colonic- in 177Brit i-li troops were -ntto B <-t> -n t<> put down the insurrection, 'i hi ir leaders e\|te< ted it to end 111 a few weeks at'li r their arrival. Some young ulfi<n hi- stall* wn his stepson, John I'urke Cu-ti, vvlio frequently went t<> the British hcad cpiartcrs, under the proteeti n of a flag, with dispatches* lor Gen. Ilowe !!•• Ix-eame n< piaintd willl the oliiei-r who hail the willow twig, and they Ix eame fast friend-. Instead of "crushing the r< hi I ion in six weeks," the Briti-li army at B <— ton, at the end of an imprisonment <>) nine mouths, were glad to fly bv sea for life ami lilicrty to Halifax, l/.ng fjefore that flight the British subal tern, satisfied that he should nevi r have an e-tate in America to adorn, gave his carefully preserved willow twig to young t'ustis, AAIIO planted it at Abingdon, Virginia, where it grew and flourished, HIKI Iweame a parent of all the weeping willows in the I nit oil States. A tINCFNNATI MISKK THE SI'MIKSTIVX lira AND DKATII or A WORsnil'l'Kß or L.01.11, The Cincinnati Enquirer ha-- the fol low ing : A few days ago a small funer al procession might have been seen slow ly approaching the Catholic ceme tery near Warsaw. The coffin was lowered into the grave, ami a few minutes later a yellow mound marked the spot where William S. lay buried. For thirty years this man. with fcAv friends or counsellors, lived alone in poverty and filth nt No. 253 West Sixth street. In his death is re vealed another instance of the horri ble life of a miser. With SI,OOO and over within hi* very hands, and deeds for a couple of houses and lots, Mc (jtiadc continued his self-chosen her mitage. A one story dingy frame, the front of which had been used for a store, a few doors east of Central ave nue, has been closed during the past week. Here it wa* MeQunde lived, and a more miserable habitation could not he imagined. The stench of the place, the foul air, laden with the fumes of moth and decay, still lingers in the reportorial nostrils, in a small ileii —it could hardly lie called a room —perhaps ten by fifteen. Willinm Mo (junde slept. An old fashioned bed. dark with the dirt of ages, covered Avith cobwebs and griniv with soot, stood in one corner. '1 he mattress had long lost semblance of lieiug cov ered with ticking, nnd both blue and Avbite stripes were lost in the black filth which prevailed over all. A hare floor, the Ismrds of which had partly rotted away, a small looking glass several inches square, and a trunk, completed tho outfit of the room to which during hi* life Mc- Quadc forbade entrance to both friend nnd foe. During the terrible hot spell of so recent a date McQuade was stricken down. He was discovered lying insensible amid the pile of filth which served aa the accoutrements of his home. He was taken to the hos-! pital, and after lingering a wick he finally died from tin* effects of the prostration. The night before he died > lie revealed tin- hiding place of a |s