Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, July 28, 1881, Image 1

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    SHUUEKT fc FOKKTKR, Editors.
VOL. 3.
She Crntrt fjrmnrat.
Term* 81. M) per Annam.in Advance.
8. T. SHUGERT and R. H. FORSTER, Editors.
Thursday Morning, July 28, 1881.
Democratic County Committee Meeting.
A meeting of tho Democratic County
Committee will bo held at the Committee
Rooms, ovor tho W'atcAwian office, Bello
fonte, on
Thursday, July 28, 1881,
at 2 o'clock P. M. Every member of the
Committee is requested to bo present.
P. OR AY, MEEK, Chairman.
11. A. McKEE, 8 -tary.
THE Ohio Pronibitiouists have held
their State Convention, and are now
in.the field with a full State ticket.
GEN. GRANT'S rallying cry "Let us
have j>eace," will have no significance
in the future. He belongs to the de
feated party and will now fight under
the rallying cry of lloscoe Conkliug
"Let us have war" to recover position.
THE half-breeds arc now felicitat
ing themselves that Robertson being
released from duty at Albany will
commence clcauing out the Custom
House in New York. No doubt it
needs it. It is filled with Republicans,
but whether he will purify its atmos
phere by the material he has at hand
is more than doubtful.
PHILADELPHIA, as a matter of
course, is contributing her quota to
the army of Star-route thieves. Those
of her speculating gentry —Thomas
A. McDevitt, 11. Legrand Ensign
and Christian Price—were bound over
the other day to t appear 'before the
Grand Jury to answer for "ways that
are dark" in connection with the Post
office swindles.
General Hartrauft has issued orders
for the encampment of the National
Guard of Pennsylvania as follows:
The first brigade, General Snowden,
Commander, at Pottstown, from July
JO, to August 0; the second brigade,
General Beaver, at Saitsburg, from
August 10, to August 10 ; and the
third brigade, General Sigfried, at
Wilkesharre, from August 23, to Au
gust 29.
THE Commissioner of Pennsylva
% nia to solicit the privilege of removing
the remains of William Penn from
their resting place in England to Phil
adelphia, is indignant. He states in a
letter to the London Times that the
ociety having charge of the burial
place of Penn were guilty of an im
propriety in considering tho subject
nt publishing their refusal to per
mit the removal in advance of his ap
plication as the representative of the
government of Pennsylvania. The
actioa was perhaps somewhat dis
courteous and unnecssarily prompt,
hut the government of Pennsylvania,
beir. 0 familiar with indignities of
greater mportance at home, will sur
vive this little discourtesy from
THF. Albany dead-lock has been
broken at last, and Lapham is the suc
cessor of Roscoe Conkling in the Hen
ate of the United Htates. He is said
to Ire some improvement on tyillor,
the successor to Piatt, inasmuch as he
will aim to represent his State instead
of his own interest, as a monopolist
If New York is satisfied with such
substitutes for Conkling and Piatt,
other States need not grumble. They
are at least, a fair off-set to Pennsylva
nia's representation, which is not only
' weak, hut contemptible in its weak
ness New York and Pennsylvania,
the two leading States of the Union,
*can now only congratulate themselves
that they have been represented by
great minds in the past. There is com-
fort in this at least, and, without in
dulging in sickening comparison, the
people can afford to wait the time
when these great States will recover
their lost prestige. JSymiet do not
live ierev,,. 0
SITTING BULL, the most sanguinary
and tho ablest of ludiun War Chiefs,
who succeeded by a masterly retreat
beforo the United States forces in
reachiug tho wilds of Canada, after
the massacre of Custer and his troops,
has at last surrendered and come in
"to be good." It appears Mr. Bull
and his party having become very
poor in the Queen's domains and in
danger of starvation, coucluded he
could betterhis fortune by surrendering
and placing himself uj>on the feed roll
of some reservation under the benign
care of the Indian Bureau. In a
speech ho says he "never accepted
anything from the United States Gov
ernment, but now I am going to sec
what lam going to get. I want to be
free and go about wherever I please,
and have a waiter." The request is
modest. Sitting Bull ought to have a
waiter and might be supplied from the
numerous applicants for service in the
Indian Department. We would sug
gest to Senator Don and Attorney
General MacVeagh, that this might
satisfy some one of the many needy
friends from Pennsylvania.
THE reunion of the federal and
confederate veterans at the unveiling
of the monument to the confederate
dead at Caljiepper, Va., on the 21st
inst., it is said was a pleasant and cor
dial greeting, and adds another testi
monial that the fraternal feeding be
tween the North and South is still
gaining strength and sincerity, not
withstanding the persistent efforts of
political knaves to perpetuate a breach.
Such demonstrations as this, where
the men who have participated on
both sides of the "late unpleasant
ness" meet to do honor to the dead
who fell in the contest, whether on
one side or the other, shows the
strength of the Union and the fulfill
ment of the prophesy of President
Lincoln in his inaugural address at
the commencement of the war, when
he said : "The mystic chords of mem
ory, stretching from every battlefield
and patriot grave to every heart and
hearthstone all over this broad land,
will yet swell tho chorus of the Union
wlicu again touched, as surely they
will be, by the better angels of our
MUCH is said every year about ele
vating the Judiciary. The plea is elo
quently presented on all occasions that
care should be taken that none hut
high-toned, honorable, conscientious
men should be selected for Judges. In
furtherance of this general desire, the
Republicans of the Bedford and Som
erset district, have commenced the
elevating process by nominating John
Cessna as their candidate for Judge.
His large experience as a member of
Congress in the Chorpening case, his
general aptness in the tricks of the
politician, and his peculiar tact in pro
curing votes "through the eyes" with
outtaxing the judgment or intelligence
of the voter show a surprising combi
nation of qualities that will not fail,
from a Republican stand point, to
adorn the bench. Add to those quali
ties the principle, which has been Cess
na's guiding star In life, that "the end
justifies the means," and the picture is
DUDLEY, the new commissioner of
Pension, it is said, has instituted a
search in his office with a view to the
removal of any employe who may In
endowed by nature or education with
Democratic proclivities. After twen
ty years of continuous Republican
rule, it is not likely that be will
find many Democrats—certainly not
enough to make room for the hungry
hordo of Republicans now pressing
for the plunder promised in the cam
paign. Dudley is a new man and
must of course show bis zeal for party
in the way that is usual with men
of exceedingly small calibre. After
a few years of service, be- will look
more closely to the efficiency of his
subordinates than to any peculiar
views they may entertain of govern
mental policy.
Tho Truo Anti-MonopoliHts
The question of the growing power
of corporations and monopolies is at
tracting in a greater degree than ever
the attention of the people of the
United States. In the Republican
purty, among the working masses of
the county who make up the majori
ties of that party in almost every lo
cality, there is a growing discontent
with the leadership that binds them
hand and foot to the power of the cor
porate and moneyed monopolies, which
control all legislation and all hrauches
of gover ' ant in their own interests
and ul the Jxpense of the toiling mil
lions of the land. For this condition
of u(fairs, 'ati exchange with great:
force remarks, the Republican party
must he held resjionsible, because all
these arrogant monopolies are the
creatures of Republican legislation.
Year after year, sons of toil have
seen the agents of corporations dictat
ing the legislation of Congress. They
have not failed to note tho alacrity 1
with which every Republican Con- |
gross for twenty years has complied I
with the demands of their great and
growing power.
When the workingmcn have made
complaint they have been answered
with shallow sophistries and put off
with false promises, while the work of;
building up the rich at the c<*-t of the
poor has gone on without intermission.
During the two years in which the
Democratic party had an alleged ma
jority in both branches of Congress,
the Republican minority in the House
fought every measure that was not
pleasing in the sight of its old ma
ters, the monopolists. Tha minority
was well drilled and ably led. It was
generally aide to defeat any hill no*
approved by cor|xiration attorneys.
And if any such measures w a< permit
ted to pa*s both houses of ( ongre-s, !
the monopolists had an ally at the
other end of the Capitol who was will
ing to do their work with a veto.
These are the reasons why discon
tent prevails among the voting masses
of the dominant party, and why the
Anti-Monopoly, Is-ague is enlisting in
its ranks many thousands of thf men
who voted for Garfield and Arthur in
the campaign of 1880. The revolt
was fully ripened off by the action of
the Republican party, through its rep
resentatives in Congress and its nomi
nal leader in the White House, in de
feating the Funding hill la->t winter.
The whole country knew that the na
tional bankers, who endeavored to
produce a panic in the money market,
dictated the defeat of that measure.
And none are so ignorant as not to
know that governments are degraded
from their true purpose and proper
sphere when they become the slaves
of their own progeny.
There is, however, no need of a new
party in order to give the people all
the relief that is required. The Dem
ocratic creed and the history of the
Democratic party are a guarantee
that, under its control, capitnl will
not rob labor. No Democrat pro
poses a destructive war on corpora
tions. They have their rights and
their uses. The good of all classes is
best promoted when the rights of all
are respected and defended. No rea
sonable man wants to see the great
railroads broken down or so crippled
that they eannot pay fair dividends
on their actual cost. But they must
be prevented from ruling the country,
the farmers of the great Northwest
must he released from slavery to rail
road combinations, and the working
millions of the Fast must not lie made
to pay exorbitantly for food in order
to swell the dividends on hundreds of
millions of watered stocks. The hanks,
too, must be taught that they arc nub
ordinate to Congress, and that they
cannot fix the rate of interest on jaili
lie loans by threatening a panic. Tho
attempt of the "stalwarts" to head off
the anti-monopoly movement by put
ting Grant, Cameron Conkling A Co.,
at the head of it is too weak and slial
low a device to excite anything hut
ridicule. The only logical course for
those Republicans who desire a change
is to join the old, reliable, consistent
anti-monopoly party that cast a large
majority of the popular vote in I*7'!,
and, in spite of millions contributed
to its defeat by monopolists, came
within a few thousand votes of elect
ing its candidate in I*Bo.
Tho President.
Since last week's issue of the DEM
OCRAT, at which time President Gar
field seemed to be gradually approach
ing convalescence, he has suffered an
alarming and dungerous relapse. All
the official bulletins from the White
House, up to last Friday, had present
ed his condition in such a favorable
light, that about all fear of a fatal
result had vanished from the public
mind, and every one was looking for
ward with extreme satisfaction to the
hour when he could safely he pro
nounced out of danger. The unfavor
able change occurred on Saturday
morning. He had scv< re chills and
rigor, followed by fever, which caused
great alarm to the attending physi
cians. Hi- pulse, from a normal con
dition, ran up to 130, hut subsided con
siderably later in the day, which again
reviver! hope. Doctor* Agncw and
II"rnilto, the consulting physicians,
were telegraphed for and arrived late
on Saturday night. After an exami
nation of tho patient and a consulta
tion wi.'i the attending phy-icians, the
conclusion was arrived at that the re
lapse wn- caused by the < ation of
the discharge of pus from the wound,
and that a surgical operation would
be ucccs-ary to relieve the patient,
I his operation wa§ successfully per
forms! and the President afterward
r<*ted well and showed some signs of
The latest news from Washington
is again more re-aasuring. The <q>cr
ation performed by Dr. Agnew ha
served the purpose for which it wa
undertaken and the results from it
have been satisfactory. It must still
bo understood, however, that the Pres
ident is far from being out of danger.
There may be dangerous stages to
pass through yet, and under the most
favorable conditions the way to recov
ery will bo long and tedious. The
official bulletin received here yester
day morning read# as follows :
WASHINGTON. I>. C., July 27, 8 A. *.
The President slept well all night.
There ha* Iteen no rigor. He takes
nourishment well and is improving.
He expresses himself as feeling better
and more rested. PuDe. 94; tempera)
ture, 98; respiration, 18.
PI.AIHTED, the Democratic Gover
nor of Maine, the other day gave his
stalwart council a startling specimen
of Democratic metal. That council
is composed entirely of Republicans
and have made it a rule to reject
every np|tointmcnt he made, although
he conceded to them so far n# to name
only Republicans for office. They were
not satisfied. They reached for the
supremo power of the commonwealth
and the degradation of its Executive.
This slate of affairs was at length
brought to an issue, when one of the
council, after denouncing the Gover
nor, prevailed upon his fellow parti
sans to reject his re-nomination of a
Republican officer. At this point the
Governor astonished the factionist* by
deelaring the obstruction body ad
journed sine die. Tliey had over
stepped his endurance, and ho gave
them a rebuff, to be remembered.
Tliey cannot he re-convened, except
by the Governor himself.
of the Dnuphin county court, have fi
led an adverse decision in the manda
mus case to compel the Stale Treasu
rer to pay the members of the legisla
ture ten dollars per diem for the extra
filly days service at the last session.
They decide that the act of the 11th
May, 1874, so far as it provides a per
diem pay for time spent in session over
one hundred days, in addition to the
fixed salary of tI,OGO, is uncoustitu
tional and void, and that it would he j
unlawful for the Treasurer to pay it.
1 he caws will no doubt go to the .Su
preme Court for u final decision.
A lu.OHt'!Tix; office has already
been opened in Washington to enlist
recruits for the Ballot-stutter's Brigade
in I'iiiludelphiu. Tbe exjK;rience of
the Republican ring managers with
the committee of reformer* last fall,
will, no doubt, stimulate activity, and
render these outside stations unusual
ly enterprising this year. Although
an ofl year, the Uiugsters cannot de
lay the struggle for re instatement, and
will make their drafts ujton Washing
ton, Baltimore and New York to add
to the voting population of the Quak
er city. 1 hey are now marching for
names to swell the registry.
Im. New ork Tribune, owned by
lav Could i- credited with the follow
j ing remarkable declaration :
! "I Ins i- the most ferocious and atroc :
ious i pocii in our history. Subsidy and
(icrfi iy go hand in hand. Not only
; me tin- pre-- subsidized, but the
pcuple :i - i liave obviously been bought.''
And who knows it better than Jay
Could'.' lie has been there through
it all from fir-t to last.
Franklin 15. Gowen and wife sailed j
: " the -teanier City of Richmond fur |
l.urope on Saturday last.
1 he official count of the cotton crop i
I of Georgia in show* an ag
gregate of G3,06 f > bales, the acreage i
At >f .rion, Ohio, on last Thursday. !
John 1. .fly ' -mnutled suicide Ivj
; sliootii ' hiinselt at the grave of his
wife, who died .July 1(1.
K* ' nite l Male* Senator Iterels, of j
M: -is-.ppt. ha | .|, presiding j
I alder of tbe Jackaon district t.y the
I white MeiUodis'. inference of that!
/ desperate shooting affray occurred |
at G as, wood I'recinct. ITnatillaooun- j
•v, \t P., between a school teacher !
named Kny.ey and oneSwitier, a store
keeper. Jftiehtter threatened to ho'. -
Kinney a^n 1 <evj, v ,. -hots at him with
:i:. thunder and
rain^' n m
* Wednesday
' The store roorn
of ,fi Hoard Company
was struck tif i ghtning and entirely
destroyed. Loss considerable.
Among the curiosities disposed of at
a sale of unclaimed goods at a United
""tales tsonded warehouse in New York
was a present which had been sent to
General Grant and winch he had de
clined to receive. It was a box of shells
valued at four dollar* and it sold for
twenty-one dollars.
A party of workmen were digging
out an excavation alongside the founda
tion of a tsoiler at the i.ucinda Furnace,
Norrislown, on last Thursday after
noon, when a part of tha foundation
wall ami a large mass of loose earth
fell on Joseph Kohl, burying him com
pletely. His life was saved by the pros
ence of mind of William Jenkins, a
fellow-workman, who, with his hands,
made ah -le through the earth to Kohl's
face, thus affording him air.
Middletown, N. Y., has had a small
sensation created by a circular freely
handed nround the town, which was -
headed. "The Hevil's lUill of Honor, or |
the ltumseller's Petition of Signers of !
Walktll." It gave the names of all ;
those who had signed petitions for li
cense, many being professed temper
ance men and church members. There
IS great indignation among the signers,
particularly at the cutting comments
j which are attached.
Fire broke out early last Friday
morning in the Merchants' Hotel, at
Shenandoah, Suhuylkill county, and as
the hotel was built of wood tbe fire
spread rapidly. The inmates were
aroused by miners returning trom work.
Huring the progress of the fire thieves
carried away many of the valuables of
the proprietor's family and some of the
guests lost all their heggage. The hotel,
which had recently been refurnished at
great expense, and an adjoining duell
ing were completely destroyed. The
loss will reach sfi,ooo. The insurance
is $2,000. It is believed that the fire I
was the work of an incendiary.
1 hiring a thunder storm atTallahaa
see, F!a., one afternoon last week, a vivid
flash ot lightning was seen, which was
followed by a peal of thunder that
shook the city to its foundation. Some
time afterwards it was found to have
struck a huge oak tree in the yard of
Mr. Henry S. Elliott, in the northern i
portion of the city. The fluid in pas* j
ing from the clouds to the earth struck ;
the tree afiout seventy feet from the j
ground, running the entire length ot j
the body to the depth of about four j
inches, throwing the hark and wood in j
every direction from fifty to seyenty I
feet. One piece, about eight feet long
and five inches in diameter, was thrown
upon the top of Mr. Elliott's house,
about sixty feet from the ground. For
tunately no one was injured beyond a
severo fright.
TEK.HN: Jsl -">< |'r Annum, in Arivunw.
—Hurry Green * five cent Florida cigar
is the finest to be found in Bellefonte, and
don't you forget it.
—Mr. John Wian died very uddnly
and unexpectedly at hi* residence, near
the Glass Work*, on last Friday. He had
not been in good health for tome time, but
wan thought by hi* family and friends to
be getting better and in a fair way to re
covery. He was about forty-nine years of
age and leave* a wife and ten children.
—On the 7th inatant, Mr*. Ligget,
mother of John Ligget, of Beech Creek,
celebrated her Hl*t birthday at the resi
dene* of her son. Mr*. Klir.abeth Quig
gle aged *4 years, anl Mr*. Alexander,
mother of Senator Alexander, of Belle
fuiile, aged hi! year*, attended the festivi
ties Thi* i* truly a trio of old ladle*.
—VI ith nncere sorrow we are comp< lied
| this week to announce the death of Red
mund Power*, *o well known to all reii
j dent* of Bellefonte. After a protracted
: and distressing ilines*, the end came to
j him on !at Monday morning. The ds
--j ceased began to break down in health
j more than a year ago, and was the victim
| of a complication of "ills that flesh is heir
j to," which finally terminated in that fell
deitroyer, consumption. He was tb<> son
' of fid ward and Mary Powers, who emi
grated to this country fr< m Ireland about
thirty years ago. They immediately came
j to Bellefonte, which remained their home
|so long a* they lived. They had seven
j children—four sons and three daughters,
j lledmund, the subject of this notice, was
I the third one of the brothers. He was a
j itone mason by trade arid a most excellent
j workman. He was a kind hearted man,
; without an enemy in th<- world, a* except
a* he wa* at lime* an enemy to himself.
He was aLiut forty six years of age, and
leaves a large family to mourn his early
d'ib. Hi* funeral took place yesterday
forenoon and was largely attended. The
remains were conveyed to the Catholic
church, where appropriate services were
held, an! from thence to the Catholic
cemetery for interment
Thomas J. Petri kin died at his resi
. lence in Johnstown, Pa., on Sunday, the
j l<Hh instant, aged about Wl years. Mr.
■ I'etrikin was a native of Bellefonte, and
the last of five brother*, who in their early
manhood formed an important part of the
social life of the place. They were all
active, leading men, and filled various
jxoition* of honor and trust in the county
and Stat" David, an eminent physician,
settled in Columbia county and represent
ed that district in Congress ; William A.,
a prominent cilir.en of Lycoming couaiy,
and a successful busine** man , Henry; for
many years editor of the Bellefonte Pa! ~> J,
was elected to represent Lycoming, Cnt lro
and Clearfield in the Senate of Pennsylva
nia, and at the close of h term "wax ap
pointed Deputy .Secretary of .he CuoninsQ
wealth by Gov. Shunk ; Jame* M-,* bril
liant attorney, and a man of unwratcW*!
genius, after representing the peoptp'oi
Centre and Clearfield in the Leg .nature
many year*, continued the practice of hie
| profe**ion in this place up to the time of
I hi* death ; John D. engaged in mercantile
pursuits, served as treasurer of this county
j and remained here during hi* fifh. '•
I . .as •* :< rditem
j Fire at Lrx k Haves. — A Ire MVuN '
i red at Lock Haven on last Friday mcrn
j ing, which completely destroyed U ex
tensive and valuable pulp awl papasr mitla
at that place. The mills comprised nine
buildings, covering over an acre of ground
and all were laid in ashes. The loaa la <w
timated at $140,000 with lnerftwrtee ghsmiM
ing to $67,168.61, It ssfca
proprietors, Messrs. AraUwng f A Dixen,
will immediately begta th* crocUm Of"
new building*.
r th cssrwa <*
Fsaouaox Tows-ntr, July it.
Kioto Re Centre you |
will allow u# a small <|ws IA the C.>LT*AN
of your valuable PAPCR w* Wfl I lA th* STF
forth a few facts to sbpw WHY HIE YJEMOE
racy of thi* county DIVWU ST^SOFl.Joseph
Gate*, K*q., for tb* .dlcwef-LTILIIATY <\*(B
--| missioner. He is, MH'L ha* a,
! staunch DEM.N F*4 and IS iuliy AAPABTA.WT
filling the offico. IBS iaw gssud fissaiscu-R, A -
hard working, "4LANIR, AND Will
DO justice to thc'W \B'O bounty. „
Ho is in all RF*P*C* the Knd of a MAN to
elect to the "EE lor WIDE* he HSWERHDLW ■
date, lie descVv* V rt.pp.frt.nf,the J'
ers of Centra aytiuiJi and ."•MR** ?w
ccive it. *J T.IIJ 1. HRlin**rxc> * >
■* * .JT" 1 ;" u id ii>*.>" •
Notice.-tA tlruve Moatui, cotumong- ,
Ing Wednesday aeewiag, Aisgnsa awsb
continuing over th* Allowing Hsbhath., "
on w x,mm- W, 1 :
Alfred MoorenlNjWl. tRo. auirt fr<a u.i
Milesbwfg,... Mer. 1* Man, ( I'nttideMe,':
R. 1., aqd LUW, JACJIMTA and LLMNY- of T
Bnowrihes.w>b •> aduMt UMiaecvswea,.-AH- i
are cordially uivKed TOAREAD.., -
o*O R. pEKXt,
No. :;o.